11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


Heh the caltrops trick is a nasty killing machine from our condition thieves. I’m usually solo or in a duo (S/D + D/D burst combo is disgustingly strong!) running around capping supplies/yaks/NPC camps, which has led to some spectacular small scale skirmishes. I somewhat wish we would move back to Mag since I didn’t really want to leave in the first place (voting happened at some point?) but no matter what fun fighting out there!

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


quote madness

If you really think player spec and skill levels are the same thing you are wwwwaaaayyyyy off and are not familiar with Mass PVP at all.

I’ll toss you a hint though. Alot of people running 1v1 specs in WvW at level 80 are the lowest denomination of player. Because for every person who is actually good at that there are 5 that just want easy kills and are pretty terrible as a player. It’s these kind of people that flock to thieves currently so they can abuse the CND>>>Mug>>>etc opener followed by stealth/culling.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


You know, there are some specs that are good at 1v1 AND group play :/

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: fadswaffer.5140


So… How about a score update? Please

Necromancer | Warrior

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Score update:

Maguuma – 259,227
Ehmry Bay – 133, 573
Eredon Terrace – 45,516


Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: RanchDressin.8210


Map and score update:



11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Sunoda.2579


Ebay thief here. Read a few of the posts. I don’t know what nightcapping is, however I do know what happens in wvw. To sum up MAG vs EB, it’s tacticians vs warriors. The tacticians win with their ambushes. Out of respect for their tactics, I won’t say what they do but I will say something I saw in match. That moment when one Mag Treb took out 5 EB Trebs was awesome. Also, the defense vs our offensive is well played.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


Who is the charr hammer warrior/guardian Mag commander wearing a CoF helm?

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


Hammer Greatsword? Probably me I roll with a COF helm usually.

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


Saw last part where you stated commander. It was definitely me why?

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


That was you, probably don’t remember but when you were attacking ET, I was the Norn greatsword war trying to get in your face. Was a fun battle.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


In the ogre camp?

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


Yeah, you downed me, but I went into vengance

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Golem.7845


O_o how are people identifying commanders on other servers?

various mythrils [AKS] Maguuma
and it paints

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


Some of the most fun I’ve had yet is getting into hopelessly outnumber fights 1vX, and seeing how many I can down or even stomp before going down myself. Few times I’ve gotten quite a few of you, sometimes I go down immediately – just a fun way of playing with the outmanned buff!

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


O_o how are people identifying commanders on other servers?

You can see “commander buff” under their names.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Golem.7845


O_o how are people identifying commanders on other servers?

You can see “commander buff” under their names.

cheers, I’ll keep an eye out for it next time

various mythrils [AKS] Maguuma
and it paints

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Nah, SM and CoS have been class. Credit where its due.

Have to agree there. Haven’t had much trouble with those thieves, but there’s a few other tags I’ve seen the last few nights who have timed their false retreats+flanks perfectly and gobbled up whole squads. I think group per group that’s probably the biggest threat I’m seeing currently, they simply have good terrain negotiation. Though, I’ve been seeing some crazy stuff from our smaller squads recently full of random regulars and I’m excited to see our plan on the fly rhythm get more solid.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


I tried to congratulate a Mag mesmer for playing well and killing me in a 1 v2 I had versus him an a thief, but all he did was respond about how I sucked and thieves are all pussies.

I am now disillusioned with the GW2 community, I thought we were better than this.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I tried to congratulate a Mag mesmer for playing well and killing me in a 1 v2 I had versus him an a thief, but all he did was respond about how I sucked and thieves are all pussies.

I am now disillusioned with the GW2 community, I thought we were better than this.

Yeah I hear you man. I hate it when 1 single person portrays an entire community, it’s so unfortunate.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


1.) I’d expect anyone to accept a heartfelt complement, regardless of which “class” it came from. Hell, if it came from such an “OP class” wouldn’t that mean more?

2.) I’m playing as a high toughness S/D thief, which is completely different than the oft hated FOTM dagger thieves.

3.) Why the hell should I be hated on because I picked a class style I liked weeks before anyone had any idea of the meta-game?

4.) Why the hell should any of this matter when it comes to being decent humans to one another?

I swear, every game is the same these days….

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Mud-slinging, in my PvP ?!??!?

I make sure to /laugh at everyone I can. The more mad you are the better it is for me !

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Miu Xie.5872

Miu Xie.5872

I probably shouldn’t look at my map while running, otherwise this happens:

There are some scary players out there.

Sanae Kurita, Mag

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


These hackers are pissing me off… Just tonight I saw 3, possibly 4 of them (only got 1 clearly on fraps due to late recording). It’s all the tele-move hacks that bots were using before too. 1 of them, maybe 2 (2nd was inconclusive) even did it while downed.

Not even sure what to report them for, I choose botting… I’m also not sure if it’s acceptable by forum rules to post a link to my video which does show 2 account names (from the report interface).

Not generalizing to the rest of the server but those 3 or 4 were EBay. If you guys see any from Maguuma hacking do us all a favor and report those ……….s as well.

Edit: based on what I read, pretty sure it is against the rules to post it here.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

(edited by Zephyrus.9680)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


These hackers are pissing me off… Just tonight I saw 3, possibly 4 of them (only got 1 clearly on fraps due to late recording). It’s all the tele-move hacks that bots were using before too. 1 of them, maybe 2 (2nd was inconclusive) even did it while downed.

Not even sure what to report them for, I choose botting… I’m also not sure if it’s acceptable by forum rules to post a link to my video which does show 2 account names (from the report interface).

Not generalizing to the rest of the server but those 3 or 4 were EBay. If you guys see any from Maguuma hacking do us all a favor and report those ……….s as well.

Edit: based on what I read, pretty sure it is against the rules to post it here.

can you send me a forum pm with the link? i’ve never seen one of these hackers, i want to know what it looks like so i know what to look out for.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


I probably shouldn’t look at my map while running, otherwise this happens:

There are some scary players out there.

Ah yes, there are two SET players out there that I see regularly (both asura, one male one female) which have incredible burst damage. Full glass cannons. Been trying to go for 1v1 with them but most of the time something happens to ruin the opportunity. I know I’ve done the dance with those two most nights of this week.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

Nah, SM and CoS have been class. Credit where its due.

Have to agree there. Haven’t had much trouble with those thieves, but there’s a few other tags I’ve seen the last few nights who have timed their false retreats+flanks perfectly and gobbled up whole squads. I think group per group that’s probably the biggest threat I’m seeing currently, they simply have good terrain negotiation. Though, I’ve been seeing some crazy stuff from our smaller squads recently full of random regulars and I’m excited to see our plan on the fly rhythm get more solid.

Honestly can say I dont see those tags much really, at least not doing serious contribution to their war effort. Most i see are TAC and FTF

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


1.) I’d expect anyone to accept a heartfelt complement, regardless of which “class” it came from. Hell, if it came from such an “OP class” wouldn’t that mean more?

2.) I’m playing as a high toughness S/D thief, which is completely different than the oft hated FOTM dagger thieves.

3.) Why the hell should I be hated on because I picked a class style I liked weeks before anyone had any idea of the meta-game?

4.) Why the hell should any of this matter when it comes to being decent humans to one another?

I swear, every game is the same these days….

  1. Try to play other classes and not to hate thieves during the process. For a person who was killed by your kind more than any other combined, your compliment might sounds like mocking.
  2. Even more reason to hate you – reasonable defense and still crazy damage.
  3. Why should anyone who were killed 100 times by thieves in unfair fights to consider your feelings?
  4. Why people hate cheaters, gold sellers, hackers, trolls etc-etc? After all, they’re humans too, sure they have a reason…

Try to understand others before judge them, or don’t judge them.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


To be fair, all the good thieves on EBay made me adapt my mesmer build. I used to roll a berserker GS + sword/pistol build, but I kept getting ganked before I could create a gap. I switched to a carrion Staff + sword/pistol confusion bomber build, and I loooooooooooove watching all these glass cannon thieves try to catch me as I keep popping around them, adding more illusions, and dropping those confusion stacks on them.

Dropping two thieves at once with confusion shatter + mindwrack and then /laughing at them in Eternal made my week

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Nah, SM and CoS have been class. Credit where its due.

Have to agree there. Haven’t had much trouble with those thieves, but there’s a few other tags I’ve seen the last few nights who have timed their false retreats+flanks perfectly and gobbled up whole squads. I think group per group that’s probably the biggest threat I’m seeing currently, they simply have good terrain negotiation. Though, I’ve been seeing some crazy stuff from our smaller squads recently full of random regulars and I’m excited to see our plan on the fly rhythm get more solid.

Honestly can say I dont see those tags much really, at least not doing serious contribution to their war effort. Most i see are TAC and FTF

SM and CoS tend to stick to the borderlands more, so if you primarily play in Eternals you probably won’t catch us.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

1.) I’d expect anyone to accept a heartfelt complement, regardless of which “class” it came from. Hell, if it came from such an “OP class” wouldn’t that mean more?

2.) I’m playing as a high toughness S/D thief, which is completely different than the oft hated FOTM dagger thieves.

3.) Why the hell should I be hated on because I picked a class style I liked weeks before anyone had any idea of the meta-game?

4.) Why the hell should any of this matter when it comes to being decent humans to one another?

I swear, every game is the same these days….

  1. Try to play other classes and not to hate thieves during the process. For a person who was killed by your kind more than any other combined, your compliment might sounds like mocking.
  2. Even more reason to hate you – reasonable defense and still crazy damage.
  3. Why should anyone who were killed 100 times by thieves in unfair fights to consider your feelings?
  4. Why people hate cheaters, gold sellers, hackers, trolls etc-etc? After all, they’re humans too, sure they have a reason…

Try to understand others before judge them, or don’t judge them.

Please excuse this person above from our server, they are being childish.
Good fights, all around.

can you give me your guild leaders name? I love battlefield observation and I just want to ask him something that could just be a coincidence

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


To the 3 {kiss} guild members hanging out near the jumping puzzle…thanks for going 1v1 fight club style. Sorry to take down all of you, but, you know Warriors are OP.

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Maguuma is always looking for new faces.

This match was cake, not because we out-manned anyone, we most certainly did not. We don’t need to be in some massive guild that jumps from server to server looking for wins. We stick with each other, get to know each other, and give it our all.



Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Maguuma is always looking for new faces.

This match was cake, not because we out-manned anyone, we most certainly did not. We don’t need to be in some massive guild that jumps from server to server looking for wins. We stick with each other, get to know each other, and give it our all.

Love the ninja style, but zerging part is kinda untrue at the moment.
We most certainly started to zerg after Monday-Tuesday – victory was decided, thus more PvE people showed up. Though, judging by this night-morning we became kinda lazy – we lost blue east keep at least twice, and almost whole our borderlands were blue this morning.

Maguuma has most epic and interesting fights when we’re losing and outmanned, so we forced to use superior tactic over superior numbers.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Honestly i prefer when we are outmatched a bit. Makes it more rewarding to pull off the crazy tactical kitten we do.

Weeks like this where we just run away with the score end up a bit boring. The good side of it is that we can rely on the fair weather WvW crowd to hold the lead if we decide to take it easy the rest of the week when we are ahead.

Its like a break to make sure real life stuff is taken care of.

Really looking forward to tomorrow evening and the darkhaven/TC matchup. Should be challenging.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

It’s because I’m perfectly fine with other servers zerging us =)


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

It’s because I’m perfectly fine with other servers zerging us =)

Well in that pic, the numbers were pretty equal actually, looking at the minimap, the majority of us is behind you out of the pic.
Equal numbers + siege+ only way to get in are choke points = extreme advantage for defenders.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

It’s because I’m perfectly fine with other servers zerging us =)

Well in that pic, the numbers were pretty equal actually, looking at the minimap, the majority of us is behind you out of the pic.
Equal numbers + siege+ only way to get in are choke points = extreme advantage for defenders.

No way Lucier, standing in a hall with siege and aoe is mad skills, only Maguuna could pull something like that off since the whole server sings kumbayah and gets along perfectly while listening to 100s of whiny teens in group mumble. You know nothing Lucier, nothing.

You sir, are the first person to make me laugh on this thread.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

It’s because I’m perfectly fine with other servers zerging us =)

There were equal numbers on both sides but you guys had 4 arrow carts and 2 ballista. You could have held that point against an army 4x your size.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Well in that pic, the numbers were pretty equal actually, looking at the minimap, the majority of us is behind you out of the pic.
Equal numbers + siege+ only way to get in are choke points = extreme advantage for defenders.

If the numbers were equal we didn’t have to make a last stand in the lord’s room in the first place.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Well in that pic, the numbers were pretty equal actually, looking at the minimap, the majority of us is behind you out of the pic.
Equal numbers + siege+ only way to get in are choke points = extreme advantage for defenders.

If the numbers were equal we didn’t have to make a last stand in the lord’s room in the first place.

The reason you made that last stand was because we rushed Hills with golems. The last stand in the lords room was all you had time for.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


The reason you made that last stand was because we rushed Hills with golems. The last stand in the lords room was all you had time for.

Eh, I took the screenshot on Friday (about fifth hour of the match), I might be wrong but there weren’t any golems this time.

(edited by Halo.8976)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


On the topic of [FINE] Im glad to see you all come over and have already had a few fun moments commanding alongside you Samusen. Also to EB the actual fights I have had with your main forces have always been fun and enjoyable. Keep it up! And for the record I only /laugh at thieves who try to stealth kill me and fail other than that if you put up a good fight I’ll salute you or even whisper you it your really good.

Haha, yeah we’ve been having a lot of fun haven’t we.

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


The reason you made that last stand was because we rushed Hills with golems. The last stand in the lords room was all you had time for.

Eh, I took the screenshot on Friday (about fifth hour of the match), I might be wrong but there weren’t any golems this time.

So we are talking about two different attempts. I was talking about last night. A few hours into the match is one of the few times where Ebay outnumbered Maguuma. Even so, I do not see any more Ebay members in your screencap than what you had defending.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I have a feeling WvW is going to lose alot of PvE folks next matchup. The event patch looks pretty interesting and fun.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Just an fyi, if you’re getting murdered through one SM lord room entrance, you could always attempt the other entrance. Or attack through both simultaneously. Or slowly portal forward over and over.

Always look at the loss as an opportunity to improve, otherwise you’re never going to improve. There’s always a tactic that can work for any given situation, you just need to execute it.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Just an fyi, if you’re getting murdered through one SM lord room entrance, you could always attempt the other entrance. Or attack through both simultaneously. Or slowly portal forward over and over.

Always look at the loss as an opportunity to improve, otherwise you’re never going to improve. There’s always a tactic that can work for any given situation, you just need to execute it.

But that is not SM, that is Hills?

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Oh, well then forgot half of that. Can still portal in though.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


There was zerging on both sides since saturday, you are only making yourself look bad

It’s because I’m perfectly fine with other servers zerging us =)

Well in that pic, the numbers were pretty equal actually, looking at the minimap, the majority of us is behind you out of the pic.
Equal numbers + siege+ only way to get in are choke points = extreme advantage for defenders.

There is really no way to tell how many Ebay attackers are in that pic due to culling.(minimap dots can be used to see how many Mag people were there)