12/14 RoF/FS/UW
We need more havoc and chaos!!
Sieging Bay on UW map last night was hilarious. Since they were only like 5 people and could only take out so many trebs at a time we put them in different positons.
Those pesky, but lovely, guardian team (with at least a elementalist as well) kept pestering us tho. In all fun and games manners I relogged my necro instead of getting xp on alt!
Best counter to guardian <3
Last night / this morning as well we ended up inviting the guardian to our party as we were done killing them inside of bay (they kept fighting rly hard!). While he was on the floor, we killed the lord, and I greeted him.
Kidding aside, they put up a great fight for quite a while, and we had a lot of fun together. Ended up dueling each other on Paradise island!
Guardian – Mesmer: Guardian won. Long slow fight.
Guardian – Necro: Necro won quick and deadly fight!
I’ve never complained about any of our matchups, but this matchup really brought back the fun into WvW for me! !
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Yay, outnumbered again… Seriously, RoF needs alot more players.
The only good thing about being outnumbered is that we can lose with a happy smile. FS and UW only rely on numbers (like FS in overlook just a few mins ago), they dont seem to use any tactics at all most of the time while RoF uses the “Run-around-and-annoy-everyone-despite-of-being-outnumbered” tactic greatly
Oh, not to mention FS and UW dont seem to try to touch each other… yea, fighting an outmanned enemy is way easier.
(edited by smiley.1438)
Yay, outnumbered again… Seriously, RoF needs alot more players.
The only good thing about being outnumbered is that we can lose with a happy smile. FS and UW only rely on numbers (like FS in overlook just a few mins ago), they dont seem to use any tactics at all most of the time while RoF uses the “Run-around-and-annoy-everyone-despite-of-being-outnumbered” tactic greatly
Oh, not to mention FS and UW dont seem to try to touch each other… yea, fighting an outmanned enemy is way easier.
I disagree – each of the 3 sides in this matchup have their moments of dominance (if you want to call it that since the scores tend to be very tight). I played quite alot yesterday. When I logged in at about 9.30am ROF controlled about 80% of FS border and we were ticking at about 70 points. For most of the day after that there was no more than a 30/40 point spread between all 3 sides.
I played in EB most of the evening and I can speak for FS when I say we tried numerous tactics against UW to either take SM or take some of their upgraded towers and they did the same with us. On each occasion the defending team won so despite towers/keeps not really changing hands I can say there were some brutal battles involved between UW and FS on EB.
Towards the end of the night I went to ROF border with a few guild mates and we used a break out event to capture 2 towers and some supply camps in response to ROF doing the same on our border. During that time we controlled a couple of towers/supply and a keep on UW border. So no we do not ignore UW and vice versa.
In my opinion UW seem to place a greater emphasis on capturing/holding SM and therfore don’t seem to commit many players to other borders. They are very good at defending what they have. I think the ROF guys are a little more aggressive. But I havent seen anything from ROF or UW in terms of tactics that we haven’t tried ourselves. As for numbers, depending on when you play, either of the sides could hold a small advantage.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Yay, outnumbered again… Seriously, RoF needs alot more players.
The only good thing about being outnumbered is that we can lose with a happy smile. FS and UW only rely on numbers (like FS in overlook just a few mins ago), they dont seem to use any tactics at all most of the time while RoF uses the “Run-around-and-annoy-everyone-despite-of-being-outnumbered” tactic greatly
Oh, not to mention FS and UW dont seem to try to touch each other… yea, fighting an outmanned enemy is way easier.
I will remember this cheap comment later this week when I decide where we attack.
Honestly guys don’t be petty enough to insult the other teams, we are all having fun lets not start cheap bias attacks on each other.
I will remember this cheap comment later this week when I decide where we attack.
Honestly guys don’t be petty enough to insult the other teams, we are all having fun lets not start cheap bias attacks on each other.
I dont insult anyone, it’s just what we see. Having outmanned buff on 3/4 maps even at primetime is just… outmanned.
Hello everyone,
Due to a lot of infractions against our Code of Conduct, we had to moderate this thread heavily.
Please remember the following part of this Code of Conduct:
Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. In-game violations should be reported directly to our Support Team.
Therefore, any further infraction may lead to the thread being locked. Please remember that the main purpose of this sub-forum is to discuss the current match-up in a polite and constructive way.
Thank you.
(edited by Moderator.6837)
FS and UW only rely on numbers they dont seem to use any tactics at all
That’s an insult, we have over 100 players combined in voice coms when we have events, We have quantity and quality so naturally comments like that can only be taken as an insult.
The moderator seems to have targeted anyone mentioning the word cheating, so keep reports out of this thread. I got infracted for quoting a comment that said UW had cheaters so be careful.
(edited by Phoenix.3416)
Oh dear no wonder FS were running rampage today ,they had quite a few glitchers! caught this dude appear from nowhere several times in our home BL hills keep (UW).
Tut tut…. he wasn’t the only one there were a few
This guy just wont give up. Why hack and cheat? It spoils it for everyone else. Cheating should be severely punished, like removal of access to game.
(edited by Angorm.6179)
ye i saw the battle marker there, and i knew instantly what was wrong.
i’ve been reporting this exploit a few weeks ago ago allready but nothing was done to it.
here’s the thing that he’s doing:
he goes up the hill behind the borderland waypoint which is only doable on the right spawn of the map.
you do some doublejumps and hop ur on the mountain where you can walk alllll the way to AH, and you can even get below the lordroom and attack the npc’s inside.
i have only done this once to see how far this exploit could be, well… exploited and never killed lord or anything, just for the sake or reporting the exploit.
i took the liberty to look who it was exploiting so i could report him as he was doing the act.
screen from the time i found the exploit
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
There are abusers and exploiters on every side.
So no server has the right to have a holier than thou attitude.
While you may be outraged and wish to blame the whole server for the misbehavings of a few people, i think you know very well that these are not actions that are supported by the other players on the server, so pls do report them if its clear the exploit, we want them gone just as much as you.
Now pls get back to the match so mods don’t lock this thread.
That would totally ruin the mood and do more harm that good.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
(edited by Ironvos.9014)
Some serious fun on EB today after we took SM. I think we capped the RoF keep 4 times and UW keep twice even killed your grub for you. ^^
/me lifts hat for the very nice zerg on zerg fights that we’re really about killing each other and not just BOOM-what-just-hit-me-I’m-dead
- Mango, FS
Far Shiverpeaks
Hi all,
at that time you guys of FS had a much larger numbers and RoF took the oppurtunity to strike us too, Bravost then Trebbing our Keep, took one of the Trebs down but they had another up in no time.
Weve been bleeded dry bs FS on Supplies, taken out ther Zerg at Danelon including 3 Trebs and a few Balistas.
So 2 fronts going hard on us, we countered by Raiding and taking down FS BL we did loose all in EB at that time but the counter still had 220.
Once FS went back home, we retook our stuff, and fortified our foothold once more.
One incident i would like to adress, and i insult no server of doing so, its always cheap Individuals that resort to cheap tactics.
A guy named Solarianson took all the Supplys out of Langor while we where raided and built Flame Rams right outside of Danelon.
Should you happen to know this person and he is on your server again please report him.
We got him reported alot already.
Today Fs had far superior Numbers.
Been a fun day, and curse you for taking away grubby!
NP are in UW bl and are calling out both UW and FS come and fight us we are at FS spwan
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Yay, outnumbered again… Seriously, RoF needs alot more players.
The only good thing about being outnumbered is that we can lose with a happy smile. FS and UW only rely on numbers (like FS in overlook just a few mins ago), they dont seem to use any tactics at all most of the time while RoF uses the “Run-around-and-annoy-everyone-despite-of-being-outnumbered” tactic greatly
Oh, not to mention FS and UW dont seem to try to touch each other… yea, fighting an outmanned enemy is way easier.
I feel I need to reply to this:
None of us really have a lot of numbers which is why we’re all in this tier to begin with.
That is why FS dropped from T1 to T7 because we’ve been loosing numbers.
Also You might want to check the score evolution for this weekend. Where RoF were ahead in points the first 48hrs. You have great weekend presence and I was during the weekend getting exhausted by the fact that you were everywhere:
http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/19 <- See?
The rest of the week has been very even and nice.
I am really enjoying this matchup and it will be fun playing against you all again over christmas and new years (I do not think we’ll be going anywhere anytime soon).
Please, let’s not derail this thread to be about whining and kittening. We are not t1, we do not need to be as childish and rude as they are.
The glitch into hills: I did that once or twice a few weeks ago, because it was fun to try out. I also insisted on attacking something when inside, because I wanted to have some fun. It would never have been my intent to capture anything, just causing some havoc
UW you need to work on your ram placement, see attached picture.
RAMs can NOT hurt WALLS!
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
FS and UW only rely on numbers they dont seem to use any tactics at all
That’s an insult, we have over 100 players combined in voice coms when we have events, We have quantity and quality so naturally comments like that can only be taken as an insult.
The moderator seems to have targeted anyone mentioning the word cheating, so keep reports out of this thread. I got infracted for quoting a comment that said UW had cheaters so be careful.
This i not a insult to you guys, but NP has 35 members and everytime we show up to fight when win 95% of them and normale out maned 2:1, and i no a few guilds both in Fs and Uw that cant fight us but they are always good fights
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Especially on the tactics thing: UW attempted to take Overlook yesterday night. They came up with some golems – you guys know what portals are and how to use them? We killed most of then before they reached the gate. And no, that was not just a mini group of uncoordinated people, they were like 3 times of us (we had exactly 8 ppl defending Overlook in that moment) and had a commander and we pushed you after a while. Another thing was where we wiped the FS zerg who nearly took Anzalias – we were right in time and killed an omega golem and another normal one – you guys know that you can (and should) WP golems if the gates are down? Next thing was in RoF Hills where 5 unmanned UW golems waited to be killed – gj UW, you just wasted 5 gold there… If we use golems for a serious attack, you won’t even notice – we’re able to take fully upgraded SM in like 3 mins.
Its good smiley you talk about your victories and congratulate you on it. Im not much on EB, but the score reveals you guys had some losses aswell.
Im having much fun in this match up much winning or losing…just looking for great fights.
And sure RoF is awesome…you guys win everytime :P
GuM Commander
we lack a night team what sucks :/ NP have found a new way of playing and we all love it, like to day at about 12am gmt Fs and Uw where fighting at greenlake tunnle about 30 from each then 20NP come in and BAM everyone is dead <3
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Theres a small learning curve in WvW and one the things to learn is dont ram the wall. I think I did think about ramming a wall down in sometime when I was starting to play and I think its very valid way to think, because if you think about it they did use rams to take out walls waaaaay back in time. Anyhow, the description does tell you that it can’t hurt walls, but in combat you dont have time to read nice lil descriptions, you try to think solutions
And lets take this talking back to the the point where we complimented each other and so on. Not mocking each others, or bragging about ourselves (you can brag, but try to give a compliment to the other team too, so it doesn’t sound so self-centered)
Now that the whining has been whined from my part. This matchup has been FABULOUS! Seriously, what a great matchup. I haven’t had this much fun since… ever (except that one time when I get laid, but I ain’t gonna get laid anytime soon so…).
Lets keep the good fights rolling and lets dance on each other dead bodies to honor the enemy. For Middle Earth!
err… for Underworld, I ment to say…
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Hi all,
it’s true shocking news, we actually have new people burning with passion wanting to try out everything there is in WvW, so they build a Golem and wander around aimlessly.
Edit: they still knocked down Orgewatch and Veloka, so while not perfect they did ther part.
UW is primary a PvE server.
OchrisO you have accursed us twice of cheating and it blew up in a swall of hot air.
(mostly when your loosing)
Might want to think before you post.
There is no need to act high and mighty, deceide it on the Battlefield ill make sure to be around to.
The strongest here is FS, they have given us a hard time all day long yesterday, RoF not so much.
(edited by Atlanis.1473)
FS and UW only rely on numbers they dont seem to use any tactics at all
That’s an insult, we have over 100 players combined in voice coms when we have events, We have quantity and quality so naturally comments like that can only be taken as an insult.
The moderator seems to have targeted anyone mentioning the word cheating, so keep reports out of this thread. I got infracted for quoting a comment that said UW had cheaters so be careful.
This i not a insult to you guys, but NP has 35 members and everytime we show up to fight when win 95% of them and normale out maned 2:1, and i no a few guilds both in Fs and Uw that cant fight us but they are always good fights
Of course its an insult, you don’t see me boasting about how when I get my group on we took over your entire border easily outnumbered do you?
You haven’t mastered the concept of good sportsmanship yet I see.
Honestly guys you don’t seem to understand maths :/ If a server has thousands of players and you see one small group doing something stupid then it doesn’t mean everyone else falls into the same category… it just means there’s 5 players doing something stupid.
Come on guys… common sense.
I just want to say one thing to you FS guys…. Stop gaining more points! The 16k lead you have in enough. We don’t want to fight Drakkar next week. They play 24/7 :P
But good fights guys. Was fun up until now ^^
Sword of Underworld [SWD]
Piken Square
Around 2200 hours GMT+1 we (FS) were clearing our BL and attacked the western keep (north entrance).
When that door finally broke down, you guys (UW) were on top of your game.
Attacking us from the walls and rooftops, slaughtering the first wave of inc. FS players.
After that rushing the healing group and trying to cause chaos..
We countered that by getting on higher ground (walls) and hitting you back, hard.
Finally we pushed through to the lord and capped the keep.
Must say, awesome fight!
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
you do no out of us 3 servers rof has the lowest population in WvW? we have one main Wvw and about 4 WvW/PvE guild i fs has AoA and Blos that are easy 400+ members, also UW have AA. i am manliy saying that just becasue you have 100 people on a ts dose not make you good becsaue i have see both AA AoA and Blos get wiped lots of time by a guild thats less than half the numbers
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
you do no out of us 3 servers rof has the lowest population in WvW? we have one main Wvw and about 4 WvW/PvE guild i fs has AoA and Blos that are easy 400+ members, also UW have AA. i am manliy saying that just becasue you have 100 people on a ts dose not make you good becsaue i have see both AA AoA and Blos get wiped lots of time by a guild thats less than half the numbers
Correct me if i’m wrong, but I heard AoA left FS?
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
AoA left Rof about 2months ago, don’t no if they left Fs…..
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
AoA did leave FS last week and we have nowhere close as a guild with 400+ members that actually do WvW.
i think the biggest guilds would be blos and DW and i only see them with groups up to 15 or so.
basically what im saying is FS has become just as much a pugserver as any other.
hell i think AA is the biggest wvw-guild in all of these 3 servers.
and dont blame other servers for your own lack of people.
i did that with FS aswell in the biginnning but its no use, sooner or later you will end up in the tier u belong.
FS had to drop 7 tiers for that to happen.
we have been outmanned on every single map for the last 2 months, and now we finally have an sort of even match. (mostly with UW, RoF is indeed lacking ppl)
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
After having had a WvW discussion meeting on FS last Friday I can gie you a bit more info:
AoA might have been a 400 member guild, but they did not pull that many people into WvW. Most of their members were PvE. They moved to Seafarer’s Rest on Monday.
BloS is about 250 member strong, and have a good WvW presence as well.
DW are at about 200 members now, and have increased their activity in WvW greatly the past 2 weeks. Mainly because of heavy recruiting. We have however not pulled together a “Guild only” event yet to test our strength.
FS going ahead in points right now is not a worry, we will not go up a tier, and Drakkar will not drop a tier. We will stay with the same matchup for next week! (The rating says so, and something drastically needs to change for that to happen, but I doubt it will)
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
it’s true shocking news, we actually have new people burning with passion wanting to try out everything there is in WvW, so they build a Golem and wander around aimlessly.
Don’t worry about it!
But rams on a wall is still Funny! ! And if I’m not allowed to laugh about things in a matchup, then…. Wait I am!
I am not saying that UW are stupid or moronic. I was just giggling a little cus it was very cute.
I like seeing Fresh blood in WvW .
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Hi all,
my post wasn’t really aimed at you maloki, it was aimed at some ppl that think theyre so much better then the rest.
Im all for challenges and good hard fights, i just hate ppl who think theyre the best and hide behind were fewer or what not remarks, in the same breath tho talk down on the rest when theyre winning.
And yea i laughed over some badly placed ram myself a few times.
Guess what we where outmanned for hours today in EB we stood our ground.
Does that make us Gods’’? certainly not it just shows dedication.
Im done getting upset about some ppls manners.
Seen UW run around with a pretty solid 5man i think, Psy was their tag iirc, hard to get a stomp off vs you guys ^^
I dont want to get into the who has more numbers and better skills war here.
I just want to say thx to all 3 servers for the best Match up in months.
And eventhough FS and UW are ahead on points it’s RoF that is the only server with + in evolution atm due to the fact we did so bad last week ;o)
In the end it seems we all 3 do great this week, seeing so far noone move up or down atm.
Keep it up and we’ll all fight each other again during next week =)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Even though you may want to, you cant blame anyone for outnumbering the other, otherwise the scores would be very different.
Our server had a brief succes in tier4 where we won 5 weeks ago, but after that it was really a freefall and wvw guilds left everywhere.
Back then we could still muster a 40ppl zerg in the middle of the night.
Now we can be happy if we get 5 ppl together to raid camps or take a wooden tower somewhere, on an very good night we may have 10ppl on and go for something larger.
With the way things go atm i think us getting ahead is mainly due to morale being better, people want to log into wvw again cause now they wont get slaughtered if they step out of the spawn for 100 metres.
People log on more, and they are willing to stay in wvw longer aswell cause they are having fun.
Thats whats going on on fsp atm, no fancy big wvw guilds anywhere atm :p
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Thanks for FS and RoF for a good fight in FS Border Bay.
Our Bay assault pretty much started because Confunda said “Lets treb bay, because we can” and so we did. Took the inner wall down with a treb and catas for water wall. Not a bad siege for around 8 – 10 guys.
And the defending, oh that was fun too. Thanks for all the participant on all the three sides.
Pink warrior, out!
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Just the end of hours of long defending Askalion Bastion from UW, was alot of fun and have seen attacks from all different sides today, but in the end you won with a attack from both sides at the same time, also a massive number of people. Had alot of fun fighting against you guys today
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
We need more havoc and chaos!!
Sieging Bay on UW map last night was hilarious. Since they were only like 5 people and could only take out so many trebs at a time we put them in different positons.
Those pesky, but lovely, guardian team (with at least a elementalist as well) kept pestering us tho. In all fun and games manners I relogged my necro instead of getting xp on alt!
Best counter to guardian <3
I was the elementalist, and I got most of the DPS to take siege down fast enough, but do need someone to back me up. Wasn’t exactly a fair fight though, given you outnumbered us with more than 10 extra than us. I had enough with inner bay siege, after one necro on your team decided to glitch underneath the terrain and attack me from below, killed him with aoe through terrain as payback.
We need more havoc and chaos!!
Sieging Bay on UW map last night was hilarious. Since they were only like 5 people and could only take out so many trebs at a time we put them in different positons.
Those pesky, but lovely, guardian team (with at least a elementalist as well) kept pestering us tho. In all fun and games manners I relogged my necro instead of getting xp on alt!
Best counter to guardian <3I was the elementalist, and I got most of the DPS to take siege down fast enough, but do need someone to back me up. Wasn’t exactly a fair fight though, given you outnumbered us with more than 10 extra than us. I had enough with inner bay siege, after one necro on your team decided to glitch underneath the terrain and attack me from below, killed him with aoe through terrain as payback.
I really hope you know that no glitches are intentional :P
We were laughing at the fact ourselves.
Also: We switched map in hte middle of the siege to push away some RoF on EB: :>
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I dont want to get into the who has more numbers and better skills war here.
I just want to say thx to all 3 servers for the best Match up in months.
And eventhough FS and UW are ahead on points it’s RoF that is the only server with + in evolution atm due to the fact we did so bad last week ;o)
In the end it seems we all 3 do great this week, seeing so far noone move up or down atm.Keep it up and we’ll all fight each other again during next week =)
Seriously great matchup.. one of the best i have played.. and yea.. lets play a bit more next week too
AoA did leave FS last week and we have nowhere close as a guild with 400+ members that actually do WvW.
i think the biggest guilds would be blos and DW and i only see them with groups up to 15 or so.
basically what im saying is FS has become just as much a pugserver as any other.
hell i think AA is the biggest wvw-guild in all of these 3 servers.
and dont blame other servers for your own lack of people.
i did that with FS aswell in the biginnning but its no use, sooner or later you will end up in the tier u belong.
FS had to drop 7 tiers for that to happen.
we have been outmanned on every single map for the last 2 months, and now we finally have an sort of even match. (mostly with UW, RoF is indeed lacking ppl)
Don’t forget that GoT is getting stronger by the day. While the most players of GoT don’t alway’s play WvWvW we have a couple of days a week when we have around 30 in WvWvW.
well done FS ( I know its not all of you)
Even though you state it’s not everyone and I appreciate that, it’s still funny that you still call out a server and not a player.
More funny because the first time I ever spotted cheaters in wvw since the first BWE was last night a group of 5-6 UW players at keeplord of bay with both all outer and all inner walls intact (we were scouting the outside because it had the crossed swords on the map for some time so I checked every side before heading in), I was the Asura you killed, the only defender showing up inside.
(edited by holska.4127)
Well we at last we managed to get our Askalion Hill back in our own borderlands, (UW) after FS defended it stoutly with only about a dozen peeps, ALL DAY. Well held. Good fights. But I was in kinks at our own ineptitude as we couldn’t break in even with superior numbers.
It was hilarious when we were told to attack the same bit of wall we had already been repelled from earlier only to attack a new portion of the exact same wall. (was doubled up laughing at one point).
The defenders done a great job and proves that you don’t really need big numbers to defend. Just some well placed arrow carts and a mortar or two.
Have to say though, will people please read the chat and use their heads and stop putting down siege stuff, when they can be one shotted, such a waste of time and supplies.
Oh and what is it with all these new commanders who just run about as if their hair is on fire, they don’t even listen to their zerg mates, maybe they should be made to prove they have what it takes. Please listen and think, and it won’t take a whole day to take one castle.
Have to say though was funny ( and frustrating ) yesterday, great fights, keep it up people.
well done FS ( I know its not all of you)
Even though you state it’s not everyone and I appreciate that, it’s still funny that you still call out a server and not a player.
More funny because the first time I ever spotted cheaters in wvw since the first BWE was last night a group of 5-6 UW players at keeplord of bay with both all outer and all inner walls intact (we were scouting the outside because it had the crossed swords on the map for some time so I checked every side before heading in), I was the Asura you killed, the only defender showing up inside.
Then you didn’t check well enough. I already explained couple post upwards how we did it, but here goes tl;dr edition for you.
1. Treb in Vale Refugee shooting Inner wall
2. Catas to take down the water wall
3. Men inside and stay low till inner wall is down also
4. Rush Lord
Water walls are so easily forgotten as they are not used often. We also had ballistas and carts in Vale refugee, wich should have indicated that we are planning something in there. Treb shots, I don’t know how you missed them as they fly high on the sky.
Next time you start accusing us for cheating, check water wall, ok?
Peace out, there has been some glitching and stuff already happen in this match up. I suppose that is one of the reasons why we tend to accuse each others so easily, but I can swear that this was not one of those cases where anyone cheated.
PS. You called out server as much as Frussy did. You both stated the same, “a group from <insert server> cheated”. Also, its hard to call out any players as you can’t see their names. And calling out guilds is even worse as large guilds tend to have bad apples amongst them.
PSS. Let’s try to keep this on the subject. That is complementing each others and sharing good moments. Not shouting out “Cheater there and cheater here!”. We all know they exist and they annoy us ALL equally.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
What Paavotar said.
And a small screenshot of our 2 undiscovered Catapults shooting the watergate, well taken after we capped it because while we did that siege, we were to amazed about ourselfs and how less effort the people on FS took to avoid losing it (not a single supply was given that night).
However about the accusations, I dont mean to brag or something, but some of your guys did glitch into UWB Hills a couple of times
anyways enjoying the matchup! and looking forward to repeat it next week
lets treb bay, just because we can
I did check the watergate and it was fully intact as I entered there and it’s not easily forgotten by me, it’s usually one of the first I checked.
Inner was fully intact when I entered thered and there was nobody else of our server around that could’ve repaired it. Yet sitll it could be a timing issue or something so you get the benefit of the doubt.
Has this thread really turned into who exploited and who didn’t? Come on guys this match up has been the most fun I’ve had in ages based on everyone being fairly even in skill. I myself had a fight for 30 mins with two amazing FS Eles that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon and so many other great moments. How about we bring this back to the match and not exploiters?
Leader of the fearless Butterfly Squad.
(edited by Venzetti.3901)
Yesterday I had a blast with my guildies @ SM [East Entrance].
Got out in the open and fought long and a hard battle.
Then started defending SM outside before UW could setup cata’s etc.
Don’ know why, but only 1 or 2 warriors could (almost) kill me. I stayed up like 99%.
Untill 10 or 15 guys targetted me.. I think.
Cause arrows were raining down on me (no, not the AoE from the ranger) and 3-4 warriors charging me.. only on little own me.
I couldn’ run, couldn’ shield .. only laughed my brains out, FANTASTIC!I think I stood on someone’s toe a bit to many times.
Thnkx for the fight guys!
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.