Guild: Helioz
12/21 - CD | FA | IoJ
Guild: Helioz
I see people keep mentioning our experience from BG and SoR, but you really didn’t met the most frightening server out there and it was SoS. We did learn a lot from them, they really destroyed us week after week including SoR.
Fort Aspenwood
Spies report that SoS does the best things we do but with more players that already know how to do them. Probably a more dedicated player base but mainly we just need to spread those tactics more, and possibly get more commanders working on the complex things.
Seen people tonight I though were gone forever! Speaking for myself I have been in love with Defending keeps towers and camps. Seems to be my thing. Nothing like defending 3 Vs 30 for 10 mins. then calling in other commanders and crush the enemy.
Glad to see all my old friends
Black Talons
In regards to FA losing golems:
I don’t think we take them seriously anyways.
GODS did 5 independent golem rushes on EB sunday morning to flip towers.
There were 6-7 golems per rush.
When they ran out, they appealed to the pugs to throw down golems.I’m pretty sure they emptied out half our server’s inventory that morning :P
Eh don’y sweat it. We buy and use siege in metric tons.
You guys ever run out, let me know and I’ll run with you guys for a night lol.
Full credit goes to IoJ for a well executed golem rush on FA BL tonight. You sure did strike at a good time, we had barely any organised manpower in WvW at all. I should have known when Outmanned flickered on for a little bit, unfortunately our scouting was below average at the time and we didn’t prepare for it. Once you came and I realised how outnumbered we were it was pretty overwhelming. You may have taught us a lesson and taken our shiny upgraded keeps but you’re not going to get rid of us that easily!
EDIT: I’ll throw in a score update while I’m at it. If anyone is curious, FA hit +50 PPT for a while there with CD and IoJ wiping us out.
(edited by Maniac.5163)
Grats guys, Seems GODS is chasing us from BL to BL haha. Good Fight in Greenbriar. How many did it take?
We were actually going to move to EB, but there was a queue. I logged out shortly after my last post. What happened at Greenbriar?
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Can we get an updated score/map to put up please?
Server – Fort Aspenwood
Grats guys, Seems GODS is chasing us from BL to BL haha. Good Fight in Greenbriar. How many did it take?
We were actually going to move to EB, but there was a queue. I logged out shortly after my last post. What happened at Greenbriar?
I shall tell you my story. We started off in IOJ BL, cleared all the attackers out to their respective spawns and moved into EB to push FA, since they were making a huge push to overtake CD in points. Tried to feint a push at mendons by using pugs to take out the door, while we(Helioz) tried to ninja Overlook watergate. Got caught while in the middle of resupplying so approx 10-15 defenders defeated 4 of our valiant gate smashers([Gods] and [PRO], as usual ). Tried for a full on assault with catas on mendons, but FA wasn’t having any of that and pushed us out. Decided to do some trebbing, again you guys wouldn’t have any of that either. Numbers were in your favor but was some good fighting overall.
A cursory glance at the world map showed you guys pushing both CD and IOJ BL’s respectively. We decided since EB was in majority control we should put pressure on FA BL to get you guys to pull forces back home. At First, we entered into FA BL with little resistance and quickly took Greenvale, Greenbriar, and Victor’s. We began upgrading the tower with siege, fortifications and trebs to begin our assault. Soon FA showed up enmasse and quickly retook Greenvale and pushed our invaders back to Greenbriar. I can only assume FA decided to build an Omega golem in greenvale and quickly began the siege upon the paper gate at Briar. We only had approx 15-17 Helioz with a handful of Pugs to hold off quite a bit of FA defenders (mostly [Gods] with some smattering of other guilds). We decided to make our stand at the top of the first ramp with Biglady (our guardian, of whom I’m sure you guys are quite aware of. The only person I’ve ever seen able to stand in a sea of red for long periods of time and not perish)as our spearhead. FA was able to shatter the soft wood of our gate and rush towards the ramp where we were able to dismiss 10 of your defenders within the first 15seconds, but yet more came!!! I got pushed off the wall and had to run around through the gate, meanwhile we began to lose members of our team one by one. As I ran through the gate I swept aside defenders with my greatsword and made my way up the ramp towards the lords room where yet another wave of FA had pushed through. We Helioz, do not go down without a fight. And fight we did, for 3 more wave of defenders we stood. kitten that Omega golem, shooting flaming rockets into our backsides until we finally fell to the last man!
Guild: Helioz
IoJ – 151,741 / 305
FA – 140,482 / 205
CD – 140,200 / 185
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Would anyone have a score update for a poor soul at work?
I don’t post here much, but just wanted to take a second to say that I have really enjoyed this week’s match-ups. The number of participants have all been pretty even, the energy and effort has been inspiring and as everyone can see the score spread is actually pretty narrow, as one would expect from a balanced game.
It’s nice to see this tier finally has a good population spread across the board. I’m looking forward to the coming week’s games; as I’m sure that if the participants remain the same we’ll all be in for some competitive days ahead.
Finally, as a FA player, I’d like to also say thanks to all the FA players that have came out of their holes to fight again now that the teams are more balanced in terms of population.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
To Talisa Yumei and Ninja Fast from [BL]. If you were from CD we would’ve kicked everyone kitten Good play and good show of sportsmanship in EB jumping quest.
Maestro of Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA].
hi guys. this match up is so much fun!
Score update 1am CST
IoJ – 166,142 / 305
FA – 150,753 / 260
CD – 150,026 / 120
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
By the way, which sad server do the guild “Death and Taxes” belong to? Trolling SM and all our keeps by burning down supply using useless siege is so sad. Pity its not helping whichever server you come from in winning the game losers.
I made this video for RET recruitment, but I thought i’d post it here as well as it was footage gathered since IoJ joined the tier so there’s some relevance there.
(Obviously one-sided as a recruitment video, but the fights are amazing to watch all the same.).
Character name: Azilyi
(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)
I’m awake for 24 hours now doing my best in filling up the empty spots. Tonight. I was able to gather all the pugs, and manage to throw cd out of EB. Thank you so much for all the people who tried their best in helping me turn eb green.
I made this video for RET recruitment, but I thought i’d post it here as well as it was footage gathered since IoJ joined the tier so there’s some relevance there.
(Obviously one-sided as a recruitment video, but the fights are amazing to watch all the same.).
This should even it out
Armored FIST working off of 50GB of raw footage, get ready for insano vids. Avatar Dynasty and RET, great vids, would like to see more from this past week if anyone else has any. Nice to see people out there proving that WvW is not always a numbers game, and that teamwork and group comp is out there in WvW.
( now that I know FIST has an evil FA twin known as RET, we will have to seek you guys out in WvW : D……. sounds like a good chance for some even better videos and some great fights)
Blrrgh! I’ve been afgw2 for like almost a week, but T3 looks good so far, in pictures.
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood
First, the WvW Holiday Music Video
The othervideo: Unlimited’s Weekly Recap Video. I personally think it is pretty bawls.
Nice Quenta, the vids came out great. We are so nasty!
Also, can we get a map/score update to bump to the Q/A?
Server – Fort Aspenwood
Finally this thread has some substance! Awesome videos. all around.
I’ve seen AVTR on the field a couple of times, so it’s nice to finally put a face to a name We’ll look out for you. RET usually hangs out on EB between 5-9PM PST if any of you are looking for a fight, you’ll likely find us there.
I absolutely loved the Fort Aspenwood christmas song Was that written or did you just record some drunk fool on voice comms? :P
(Speaking of which, that was some pretty mean FA presence on Christmas… silly CD and their silly family obligations. Should have been playing more GW2!)
Character name: Azilyi
Nice Quenta, the vids came out great. We are so nasty!
Also, can we get a map/score update to bump to the Q/A?
I’m not sure why people keep asking for the score…
Here’s a website!
Character name: Azilyi
Nice Quenta, the vids came out great. We are so nasty!
Also, can we get a map/score update to bump to the Q/A?
I’m not sure why people keep asking for the score…
Here’s a website!
That website only shows updates every 3-6 hrs. We ask because the topic and point of these threads on the Forum we make and post on every week is to keep an up-to-date score and allow for discussion. kthx.
Now, map and score demons!
Server – Fort Aspenwood
Grrrr…my fellow CDs!! Where is our kewl videos??!!
Finally this thread has some substance! Awesome videos. all around.
I’ve seen AVTR on the field a couple of times, so it’s nice to finally put a face to a name
We’ll look out for you. RET usually hangs out on EB between 5-9PM PST if any of you are looking for a fight, you’ll likely find us there.
I absolutely loved the Fort Aspenwood christmas song
Was that written or did you just record some drunk fool on voice comms? :P
(Speaking of which, that was some pretty mean FA presence on Christmas… silly CD and their silly family obligations. Should have been playing more GW2!)
That is me singing.
Grrrr…my fellow CDs!! Where is our kewl videos??!!
We aren’t kewl :’(
Grrrr…my fellow CDs!! Where is our kewl videos??!!
We aren’t kewl :’(
Aww, you’re cool bro. <3
Character name: Azilyi
Finally this thread has some substance! Awesome videos. all around.
I’ve seen AVTR on the field a couple of times, so it’s nice to finally put a face to a name
We’ll look out for you. RET usually hangs out on EB between 5-9PM PST if any of you are looking for a fight, you’ll likely find us there.
I absolutely loved the Fort Aspenwood christmas song
Was that written or did you just record some drunk fool on voice comms? :P
(Speaking of which, that was some pretty mean FA presence on Christmas… silly CD and their silly family obligations. Should have been playing more GW2!)
Aye, so much better when your able to talk to an enemy over drinks later on about an epic fight, (win or loss)
AVTR roams in the Oceanic timeslot, so keep an eye out for us there, We have had some amazing encounters (wins and losses) with PRO, GODS and PRX from FA (CD we will come visit you more next week
I liked AVTR’s video best because it was one continuous stream with little very little editting. Gives you a better picture of how they run as a whole! All videos were excellent!
Guild: Helioz
ret FA. just stop. seriously.
This is the one I like best
Black Talons
I don’t know how to record videos
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!
A million times this, I haven’t been able to play as much as I like over “the holidays” but a simple look at the map tells anyone that FA is no longer interested in IoJ but more interested in gaining 2nd from CD.
Last thread I had said FA and CD should focus on IoJ… let them know how T3 rolls, apparently not so much…
/my bad.
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!
Hehe, I have a video of us coming in over the top of CD to hit Bay FA, then pulling out andwatching CD go back in (while we resupply) only to come back in and then take it from both CD and FA.
(Might make an edit video for youtube, the fight itself is 30mins, so will look at fast forward editing for certain parts
Alliance?? as if! so much more fun with three way battles
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!Hehe, I have a video of us coming in over the top of CD to hit Bay FA, then pulling out andwatching CD go back in (while we resupply) only to come back in and then take it from both CD and FA.
(Might make an edit video for youtube, the fight itself is 30mins, so will look at fast forward editing for certain partsAlliance?? as if! so much more fun with three way battles
cannot see your argument here. I just said there is no alliance?
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!Hehe, I have a video of us coming in over the top of CD to hit Bay FA, then pulling out andwatching CD go back in (while we resupply) only to come back in and then take it from both CD and FA.
(Might make an edit video for youtube, the fight itself is 30mins, so will look at fast forward editing for certain partsAlliance?? as if! so much more fun with three way battles
cannot see your argument here. I just said there is no alliance?
Just reinforcing your point
I can’t understand why some CD players still assume there is some alliance with FA and ask us to avoid FA.
Obviously, FA is hitting us everytime we hit IOJ. Also there are some spies in CD you can see some guild in both FA and CD and the spies enjoy watching their own server mate die. WAKE UP CD! THERE IS NO ALLIANCE WITH FA!A million times this, I haven’t been able to play as much as I like over “the holidays” but a simple look at the map tells anyone that FA is no longer interested in IoJ but more interested in gaining 2nd from CD.
Last thread I had said FA and CD should focus on IoJ… let them know how T3 rolls, apparently not so much…
/my bad.
If you check the map, it shows that CD hasn’t taken Bay (fully upgraded) in IoJ BL for a long while. We took their Garrison a day ago and we take Bay from them several times a day. FA is just looking to maintain maximum rating. CD has been pushing us all week, we respond in kind.
BTW, you need to get the gate hopping ranger out of your guild.
1:13 am ioj bl: IOJ takes hills somehow with both gate up. Don’t know how they got in.. we held it and had a mes sweep. really weird…
I will just leave it to the GMs to find foul play. No point in us pointing fingers and what not. After all I cant prove anything.
Also thanks CD for a great fight in CD BL.
Your mesmer sweep probably didn’t catch the mesmer.
Picking on the weakest team Is the norm. For a commander, their players will only follow them so long as they are winning. If one side routinely kills your players, your commander will have to give up on that side, or face wreckless abandonment after a series of defeats There’s nobody to be admonished here. It’s just the way it’s always been for three sided games. As far back as DAoC (poor Hibernians)
The counter is quite simple. When you’re attacked by a team who has already given up fighting the other opponent, make sure you give them no ground. After that, abandonment of their commander is certain.
It may seem like common sense to most people just to pick on the winner, but you can’t play this game like its starcraft… There are other factors at play.
Character name: Azilyi
(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)
Picking on the weakest team Is the norm. For a commander, their players will only follow them so long as they are winning. If one side routinely kills your players, your commander will have to give up on that side, or face wreckless abandonment after a series of defeats There’s nobody to be admonished here. It’s just the way it’s always been for three sided games. As far back as DAoC (poor Hibernians)
The counter is quite simple. When you’re attacked by a team who has already given up fighting the other opponent, make sure you give them no ground. After that, abandonment of their commander is certain.
It may seem like common sense to most people just to pick on the winner, but you can’t play this game like its starcraft… There are other factors at play.
Also another standard is in a three way matchup 1 the 2nd place server cn become the primary target to the thinking – . 1st place trying to keep Second from getting first, and Third attacking the weaker of the two opponents to get from third to second.
and of course 1st can be hte main target if 2nd and 3rd want to take down the tall poppy
really depends on ppls thinking.
Broken game is broken.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
I’m really proud of FA this week. We were struggling in third for a while and managed to rally over Christmas to pull into second. Nice job guys. Great fighting this week.