12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)
Geez FA and CD, I swear you guys are like a zombie horde XD. I cant believe the numbers you guys come up with!
The irony…
e: Was in the north camp while it flipped. If we actually exploited it, sorry.
We know for sure it wasn’t you guys [KH], but when we were over there and they had no siege on it, there were never any cross-hairs on it either. We went and checked the outside of that tower within a minute of the flip, unless there was a very large zerg that damaged the gate down then someone exploited in there. This same exploit happened earlier today too. It was probably a group of pugs or a very very small guild that did it.
Repping Vincere Est Totum [VeT]
All I can say is that Mesmer in fa bl hills was in there since there first attack on hills. I was defending bay and on map chat he keeped saying he was still there, I woul put that down to bad mess sweep sorry guys
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
Hey Ohoni, you needed FABL bay right? Go get it. You’re welcome.
Also FA Overlook on EB: 12:50 server time.
Longview FABL: 1:43 server time.
(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)
I guess it’s not news to anyone that [Drgn] plays dirty, but they just tried to glitch into hills in FA land, only to get stomped by some passerby defenders. Really guys. Learn to play.
since when did a mesmers portal become a glitch? and it only took you took your whole zerg to “stomp” us. you had a commander there and we got spotted by about 5-6guys before we event portaled and we had less then 10 guys. and OH! btw not sure if you noticed but we took briar back while we were distracting you.
Did you miss the part of your guild and then some getting face stomped by a dozen PTX at Redlake? How many pushes was that? 3? After that debacle I’d just uninstall.
no seriously, uninstall..
Lol a dozen you say? Well I wasn’t on when these attacks happened but if it was a dozen then they were already out manned. I also love it when people get all excited “we stomped you” when your at a tower right next to your spawn and probably had siege. But by that logic next time CD decides to attack a tower and gets “stomped” (which happened a couple times while we were fighting FA in bay) you guys should /uninstall I mean if you don’t manage to take something your first few trys you should just give up
And also to folk, just so you know the drgn you faced were random guild members who just stayed in w3 after we called it a night (which we ended about 2hrs ago)
Honest question for US-based FA members: Why are you always camping the eb jp?
Like I get why you do it, all servers do it at some points to get the easy badges and blueprints, but ever since we dropped every time I check the eb jp there is always a significant group of people from FA camping it. Like tonight for example there were 10 right at the entrance and then, from what I could see, 10 more spamming the top of the well; and an unknown amount further on (I assume at least a few on top of arena w/ mesmer portal).
It just kinda baffles me that so early in the wvw week that you would waste so much of your resources (in other words: people) for such a significant amount of time in there. What makes it more baffling is that you’re incredibly organized when you camp! Now let me say I’m not kitten about it or anything; I can buy blueprints and get badges the regular way like everybody else. But why not transfer those resources and that organization and move into the real fight in eb, creating more competition and more enjoyable fights for all servers!
And even more important, boost your server’s points up and we can have an even closer 3-way fight!
-From IoJ wvwer
In my experience over the course of the week, for my play times, I would say CD and IoJ camp the puzzle far more than FA does and often if you see a pile up at the bottom, it is because a different server is camping the top and they are killing everyone of that server at the start in retaliation.
Either way good times.
(edited by Niim.9260)
I guess it’s not news to anyone that [Drgn] plays dirty, but they just tried to glitch into hills in FA land, only to get stomped by some passerby defenders. Really guys. Learn to play.
since when did a mesmers portal become a glitch? and it only took you took your whole zerg to “stomp” us. you had a commander there and we got spotted by about 5-6guys before we event portaled and we had less then 10 guys. and OH! btw not sure if you noticed but we took briar back while we were distracting you.
Did you miss the part of your guild and then some getting face stomped by a dozen PTX at Redlake? How many pushes was that? 3? After that debacle I’d just uninstall.
no seriously, uninstall..
Oh grats, so you managed to hold the Breakout event tower you had with plenty of arrow carts, and the forces were even, but you guys failed to take Hills, from multiple attempts :P
Hey Ohoni, you needed FABL bay right? Go get it. You’re welcome.
Ooh, I should get in there, thanks!
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
So this person was bugging bottling or something its not like they won them the keep but still its something worth pointing out. We still lost the keep just the same but if this is used for real i think it may be something that would be out right game braking.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
So this person was bugging bottling or something its not like they won them the keep but still its something worth pointing out. We still lost the keep just the same but if this is used for real i think it may be something that would be out right game braking.
Only been on CD for a few weeks, but over the time I’ve been in the forums the guild redt has been known to hack there way into anything. They are no way associated with the community of CD. It’s just there is a small guild of them that this is what they like to do. Report them as much as possible, but until arena net actually does something about, there is nothing anyone can really do.
Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir
So this person was bugging bottling or something its not like they won them the keep but still its something worth pointing out. We still lost the keep just the same but if this is used for real i think it may be something that would be out right game braking.
Only been on CD for a few weeks, but over the time I’ve been in the forums the guild redt has been known to hack there way into anything. They are no way associated with the community of CD. It’s just there is a small guild of them that this is what they like to do. Report them as much as possible, but until arena net actually does something about, there is nothing anyone can really do.
O nothing on CD at all just this one person doing something that they should never do you guys got that keep fair just is bothersome to see some one doing this and that they can do this.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
So this person was bugging bottling or something its not like they won them the keep but still its something worth pointing out. We still lost the keep just the same but if this is used for real i think it may be something that would be out right game braking.
Only been on CD for a few weeks, but over the time I’ve been in the forums the guild redt has been known to hack there way into anything. They are no way associated with the community of CD. It’s just there is a small guild of them that this is what they like to do. Report them as much as possible, but until arena net actually does something about, there is nothing anyone can really do.
Then DO something about it Arena Net.
Oh grats, so you managed to hold the Breakout event tower you had with plenty of arrow carts, and the forces were even, but you guys failed to take Hills, from multiple attempts :P
Folk’s from trashcan guilds shouldn’t talk smack, specially when they lack the capacity to count. You had more people until the end when we got reinforcements. It was for the most part three arrow carts, everything else would get destroyed by the trebs, so if they were up it was not for long.
Lol I love all the hate Drgn gets for recruiting on other servers.
4) as I said it other threads don’t get mad at people recruiting from your server, get mad at the people abandoning your server. Instead of complaining, why don’t you try and get ppl from IoJ? I personally would be happy to lose the fair weather players that are willing to server hop.
(I’m also posting this on my new tablet so sorry for any typos Im still getting used to it
. Happy holidays)
Does anyone else see how hypocritical this statement is. You would be happy to lose the fair weather players. But thats what you recruit. Kind of strange dont you think. In that logic you will be happy when your whole guild leaves you stranded alone on IoJ
As a member of Drgn, I can say we attract people of the highest calibre.
Might want to run some in guild lessons on the downed system, because I just 1v4’d some of your high calibre guildies.
I said people. Not all of our 400+ members are excellent killers, yet. There is rarely a night in which we don’t have a complete WvW virgin on.
Someone pointed out that we recruit virtually anyone but don’t like people leaving our server. Yes. Our hope and practice is that we will convert them to being focused on the competition and the fun of WvW rather than winning or losing.
This way, they are more likely to WIN as well as not jump ship when times are hard. IOJ had 2 months of straight losses, and Janthirians stayed and had fun. People have a lot to learn from us.
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood
Happy New Year from Random Janthir player;
Score as of post;
IoJ: 89,415
CD: 81,076
AW: 67,898
Heres to a good year of killing, maiming and random pillaging!~
Kaithlynia – Mesmer
Fort Aspenwood
i invited the [drgn] recruiter to my bank guild the week he started spamming us and he said it was pretty sad that i wasn’t even representing my own guild when i said i wasn’t interested in transferring anywhere. so hurtful ):
judging by my experience fighting them they are just an extremely “welcoming” guild full of lowbies. i for one would have been hugely disappointed if i had transferred for them. every server has equally welcoming guilds, but most don’t bother to cross server recruit… and definitely not in the wvw maps… and especially not while the guild you are recruiting for is also in the wvw map but on the opposite faction… go away
(edited by Expunge.4926)
Happy new year guys!
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.
To the Warrior and Thief in IoJ BL this morning… Ouch. You hurt. Lots. Care to share your specs/gear choices? That was crazy, hope you enjoyed the badges. lol
Lol I love all the hate Drgn gets for recruiting on other servers.
4) as I said it other threads don’t get mad at people recruiting from your server, get mad at the people abandoning your server. Instead of complaining, why don’t you try and get ppl from IoJ? I personally would be happy to lose the fair weather players that are willing to server hop.
(I’m also posting this on my new tablet so sorry for any typos Im still getting used to it
. Happy holidays)
Does anyone else see how hypocritical this statement is. You would be happy to lose the fair weather players. But thats what you recruit. Kind of strange dont you think. In that logic you will be happy when your whole guild leaves you stranded alone on IoJ
Lol I understood how this statement would sound when I said it but you have a couple of things wrong.
1) Drgn and its 400+members is not made up of people from other servers, must are from IoJ with maybe 20 or so members from other servers.
2) We do have fair weather people that leave, but for the most part people are happy with Drgn because we go out and have fun, we help teach, and we just make it a friendly environment. We try and foster guild loyalty before server (and Drgn as a guild is dedicated to IoJ).
3) Our players enjoy or organization for WvW, a lot of people are calling our guild “trash” but I doubt those players have faced us when were in full swing, and the players have some one leading them (not just people left over form the nightly raid that wanna have fun as in the red lake incident)
Oh grats, so you managed to hold the Breakout event tower you had with plenty of arrow carts, and the forces were even, but you guys failed to take Hills, from multiple attempts :P
Folk’s from trashcan guilds shouldn’t talk smack, specially when they lack the capacity to count. You had more people until the end when we got reinforcements. It was for the most part three arrow carts, everything else would get destroyed by the trebs, so if they were up it was not for long.
so im confused, red lake (which is on IoJ bl so it wasnt our break out event as pending said) but what treb, was it a treb from hills? or did they manage to build one right in front of your spawn? either way if it was on hills, then that goes to prove that they didnt really know what they were doing attacking when the wall wasnt down. if they built one in front of your spawn then they didnt get stomped as the OP said they did…which you also prove by saying you needed reinforcements. Now if they were smart enough to wait for the hills treb to take out your wall and they got killed going in, well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
so im confused, red lake (which is on IoJ bl so it wasnt our break out event as pending said) but what treb, was it a treb from hills? or did they manage to build one right in front of your spawn? either way if it was on hills, then that goes to prove that they didnt really know what they were doing attacking when the wall wasnt down. if they built one in front of your spawn then they didnt get stomped as the OP said they did…which you also prove by saying you needed reinforcements. Now if they were smart enough to wait for the hills treb to take out your wall and they got killed going in, well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
I would love to respond to this post, but I have no idea what you are talking about, and I am assuming you are pretty much just another great result of ‘open recruitment’.
In my experience over the course of the week, for my play times, I would say CD and IoJ camp the puzzle far more than FA does and often if you see a pile up at the bottom, it is because a different server is camping the top and they are killing everyone of that server at the start in retaliation.
Either way good times.
Ah really? Good to know; maybe I should wake up early one day and do the jp then! xD
And for sure, good times from all ends!
so im confused, red lake (which is on IoJ bl so it wasnt our break out event as pending said) but what treb, was it a treb from hills? or did they manage to build one right in front of your spawn? either way if it was on hills, then that goes to prove that they didnt really know what they were doing attacking when the wall wasnt down. if they built one in front of your spawn then they didnt get stomped as the OP said they did…which you also prove by saying you needed reinforcements. Now if they were smart enough to wait for the hills treb to take out your wall and they got killed going in, well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
I would love to respond to this post, but I have no idea what you are talking about, and I am assuming you are pretty much just another great result of ‘open recruitment’.
haha thats cute, but ill say it in a more simple fashion so you can follow.
you said a treb killed your seige, I was asking where was this treb because I was not on when all of this happened.
IF the treb was at hills and the group tried hitting the gate or wall before the treb took down your wall, it shows that the group was not organized.
IF they managed to build a treb in front of the tower, then drgn did not get stomped as the person who originally made the post that we have all been quoting said. (you also proved that drgn did not get stomped because you said that you needed reinforcements to kill them).
I logged on and talk to the guild about these attacks on red lake…you had 3-4 arrow carts in the lords room (which the treb could not hit) so even if drgn out numbered you in the tower by 10, those arrow carts would make quick work of them with all the choke points
T3 server.
watch and have fun!
so im confused, red lake (which is on IoJ bl so it wasnt our break out event as pending said) but what treb, was it a treb from hills? or did they manage to build one right in front of your spawn? either way if it was on hills, then that goes to prove that they didnt really know what they were doing attacking when the wall wasnt down. if they built one in front of your spawn then they didnt get stomped as the OP said they did…which you also prove by saying you needed reinforcements. Now if they were smart enough to wait for the hills treb to take out your wall and they got killed going in, well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
I would love to respond to this post, but I have no idea what you are talking about, and I am assuming you are pretty much just another great result of ‘open recruitment’.
The breakout-event towers are all choke points, small enclosed areas, leading a long way up to the claimer, very easy to spam arrow carts and keep enemies from moving forward. Pretty easy to beat groups double your size, at the very least, without even taking player skill into account. The breakout event towers have one of the best choke points on the map I have seen, like the hallway leading into it. Other choke point examples include the archway in Vale supply camp, hallway to claimer at hills, bridges at ruins leading to both lake and briar and south supply camp, to name a few.
Blah, blah, blah.
If you were actually there you would know what went on and have an opinion worth listening too, not to mention your comments would make a lot more sense.
If you could go ahead and take your argument to private messages/whispers, that would be excellent. We would like to keep this thread unlocked.
If you don’t think the argument would be worth having if it isn’t in public to put on a show for others, well then it probably isn’t worth having to begin with, is it?
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
The breakout-event towers are all choke points, small enclosed areas, leading a long way up to the claimer, very easy to spam arrow carts and keep enemies from moving forward. Pretty easy to beat groups double your size, at the very least, without even taking player skill into account. The breakout event towers have one of the best choke points on the map I have seen, like the hallway leading into it. Other choke point examples include the archway in Vale supply camp, hallway to claimer at hills, bridges at ruins leading to both lake and briar and south supply camp, to name a few.
Thank you Captain Obvious. Is there anything else you wish to share with us, like for example why you were spamming looking for a guild invite to small/medium sized guilds as part of your recruitment drive?
(edited by Niim.9260)
Blah, blah, blah.
If you were actually there you would know what went on and have an opinion worth listening too, not to mention your comments would make a lot more sense.
Hey! RET was in that BL with DRGN yesterday
We fought you guys in an open field… I have a video, but I haven’t converted it yet. I can do that tonight if it’s a really hot item.
We were walking to Foghaven when, due to culling, I think both sides just walked into each other on accident. We turned and hammered the first group pretty hard, but it drove a knife right down the middle of a train of players coming in from Garrison. We downed/killed 7-8 on the initial hit and started the push back to garrison, but another group came down from Hills and started picking up the dead where we left them.
30 seconds later, we were surrounded on both sides, culling all around. I should have pulled us out, if I was watching my minimap I’d have known we were fighting two fronts. Alas…
We tried to get them to fight a second time by setting up trebs at Foghaven to hit the keep. It was a reinforced wall, so we figured we’d just hit it until they came out to kill us.
Not so. They built counter treb after counter treb until we gave up -_-
But all-in-all a good fight. I look forward to Fighting DRGN again… but hopefully not on the BL where your spawn points are literally -everywhere- :P
After we decided no one was coming to kill us at Foghaven, we started raiding camps and got this fight:
(The title says “DRGN Defence” to key my own memory. But I’ve since changed the naming scheme to just have the dates. No titles)
Character name: Azilyi
That was some impressive synchronization on the moves Krazy. Now that I think about it, I thought I recognized your name. I think you were there last week when I was killed on the hill just because I was launching Barrage at you guys by myself. XD
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Let it go, you can’t stop them, it’s not against the rules and if you can’t beat them join them.
Please this thread has been great until this point. , If you want to publically stousch over this make another thread as you got your QQ,s in my pvp thread.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Blah, blah, blah.
If you were actually there you would know what went on and have an opinion worth listening too, not to mention your comments would make a lot more sense.
Hey! RET was in that BL with DRGN yesterday
We fought you guys in an open field… I have a video, but I haven’t converted it yet. I can do that tonight if it’s a really hot item.
We were walking to Foghaven when, due to culling, I think both sides just walked into each other on accident. We turned and hammered the first group pretty hard, but it drove a knife right down the middle of a train of players coming in from Garrison. We downed/killed 7-8 on the initial hit and started the push back to garrison, but another group came down from Hills and started picking up the dead where we left them.
30 seconds later, we were surrounded on both sides, culling all around. I should have pulled us out, if I was watching my minimap I’d have known we were fighting two fronts. Alas…
We tried to get them to fight a second time by setting up trebs at Foghaven to hit the keep. It was a reinforced wall, so we figured we’d just hit it until they came out to kill us.
Not so. They built counter treb after counter treb until we gave up -_-
But all-in-all a good fight. I look forward to Fighting DRGN again… but hopefully not on the BL where your spawn points are literally -everywhere- :P
After we decided no one was coming to kill us at Foghaven, we started raiding camps and got this fight:
(The title says “DRGN Defence” to key my own memory. But I’ve since changed the naming scheme to just have the dates. No titles)
Great video, got some good organization.what’s the full name of your guild? Ill be looking for you guys
T3 server.
watch and have fun!
Nice videos
I was reluctant to post mine when I saw the second video here.
That was some impressive synchronization on the moves Krazy. Now that I think about it, I thought I recognized your name. I think you were there last week when I was killed on the hill just because I was launching Barrage at you guys by myself. XD
Thanks for the praise! I really don’t do anything. I just spout nonsense and the guild takes over with their awesomeness :P I don’t even mention the mesmers on ventrilo anymore because they know exactly what to do when we do it.
Great video, got some good organization.what’s the full name of your guild? Ill be looking for you guys
Our guild is called “Reticle” [RET] short. We hang out mostly on EB (Big open fields, lots of hills and bottlenecks to fight in, etc). Our prime-time is usually between 5-9PM PST.
Here’s another video taken after we gave up on IoJ BL and switched to EB. (Sorry for the video spam. Obviously you can just disregard them if you choose. But if you’re like me, and just sitting at work, you might be bored enough to watch :P)
Working on new years eve! Yay!
Character name: Azilyi
(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)
You guys kick bottom!! Nice vids.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Last night was the best fun I’ve had in a while. We didn’t have enough people to really take back anything in CDBL so a few of us went to IOJ BL. There we went around hitting supply camps to get supply and built up about 5 golems. We then snuck it to IOJ garrison watergate and took it over with about 10 people. That caused the IOJ zerg to move back from our BL to theirs and we took back our garrison. As a plus I got the two vistas and the poi in IOJ garrison that I needed.
We noticed that CD took IOJ’s garrison lol, that made us laugh. Good fights last night, I was proud that FA had night groups, in the past it seems like all of our stuff is completely gone at night.
Yeah, FA was a crazed horde last night. IoJ almost completely abandoned FABL until very late in the night, and I think we were doing a good job of taking and more importantly holding terrain for a while there, but any time we moved onto the central plateau a massive swarm of FAs would appear out of nowhere and push us back. Grumble grumble.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
@Krazy: that was an amazing video, keep up the good work guys!
Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood
3) Our players enjoy or organization for WvW, a lot of people are calling our guild “trash” but I doubt those players have faced us when were in full swing, and the players have some one leading them (not just people left over form the nightly raid that wanna have fun as in the red lake incident)
I wanted to avoid saying this right on the heels of people calling you trash but when I’ve seen large groups of players all with your tag you die on the field before we’ve even had the reason to use fancy maneuvers. If I saw you trying to take bay from IoJ you were also fairly ineffective there, but my memory of that isn’t sharp enough to be sure that was your guild.
well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
Speaking of, holy hell that was a lot of loot bags in the longview tower last night. I went in with my bags cleared out (as much as usual anyway,) but by the end I probably had a small arsenal laying on the ground while I just kept picking up stackable items.
I hope the debacle in CDBL last night serves as a wake-up call for our server (CD), it was a bit like watching a train-wreck… IOJ had out-manned up at one point, yet still held us off our three keeps!
Yes, they swept the map with indomitable numbers to start – but that doesn’t excuse the horror-show that followed, all too often an assault failed, I’d check my map and see commander icons all over the show – we own virtually nothing and there they are, capping undefended supply down south while IOJ laughed and built a WP at Hills. A waypoint, on our friggin BL.
Finally, the few that remained showed some fortitude and made an Alamo at Dawn, ran the yaks etc, and the worm turned – in other words, played ‘right’. Much respect to the guys that were there and fought on through the disappointment and beatings – you are all stars.
On the other hand, I’m quite impressed by IOJ’s play – they were extremely efficient and well organized – they’d smash our paper gates (yeah… CD, we need to talk about the guys who claim keeps/towers and run off to PvDoor without bothering to upgrade/fortify) at the garrison in under 30 seconds flat, and five minutes later have a truckload of siege set up ready to repel the counter-attack. Assessing our performances side-by-side is like night-and-day.
Need to pick up your game CD, there ain’t any excuses for how badly that went all-round.
I hope the debacle in CDBL last night serves as a wake-up call for our server (CD), it was a bit like watching a train-wreck… IOJ had out-manned up at one point, yet still held us off our three keeps!
Yes, they swept the map with indomitable numbers to start – but that doesn’t excuse the horror-show that followed, all too often an assault failed, I’d check my map and see commander icons all over the show – we own virtually nothing and there they are, capping undefended supply down south while IOJ laughed and built a WP at Hills. A waypoint, on our friggin BL.
Finally, the few that remained showed some fortitude and made an Alamo at Dawn, ran the yaks etc, and the worm turned – in other words, played ‘right’. Much respect to the guys that were there and fought on through the disappointment and beatings – you are all stars.
On the other hand, I’m quite impressed by IOJ’s play – they were extremely efficient and well organized – they’d smash our paper gates (yeah… CD, we need to talk about the guys who claim keeps/towers and run off to PvDoor without bothering to upgrade/fortify) at the garrison in under 30 seconds flat, and five minutes later have a truckload of siege set up ready to repel the counter-attack. Assessing our performances side-by-side is like night-and-day.
Need to pick up your game CD, there ain’t any excuses for how badly that went all-round.
Yah, I saw that this morning when I was in EB, CD had taken their Castle at EB. I noticed how we were really behind in numbers and saw that our whole entire Borderlands was taken. I shouted “Guys, screw this castle. LOOK at our Borderlands..”
We pretty much abandoned it to take our BL back, I left mid way after taking the top two Towers and Garrison,[I had things to do]. It’s unfortunate that CD didn’t have many players that day, or the last couple of days when I have been on. I always see myself outnumbered :[
You guys kick bottom!! Nice vids.
@Krazy: that was an amazing video, keep up the good work guys!
Thanks guys
I’m hoping to get a few more. Preferably ones of us fighting other guilds.
So if you see us on the field in a group (we usually run in groups of 10-15 these days), get a group together and come fight us!
If I’m there, and my fraps is rolling, I’ll post it up here in good spirit.
Character name: Azilyi
3) Our players enjoy or organization for WvW, a lot of people are calling our guild “trash” but I doubt those players have faced us when were in full swing, and the players have some one leading them (not just people left over form the nightly raid that wanna have fun as in the red lake incident)
I wanted to avoid saying this right on the heels of people calling you trash but when I’ve seen large groups of players all with your tag you die on the field before we’ve even had the reason to use fancy maneuvers. If I saw you trying to take bay from IoJ you were also fairly ineffective there, but my memory of that isn’t sharp enough to be sure that was your guild.
well larger forces have been destroyed using the choke points in a tower
Speaking of, holy hell that was a lot of loot bags in the longview tower last night. I went in with my bags cleared out (as much as usual anyway,) but by the end I probably had a small arsenal laying on the ground while I just kept picking up stackable items.
well we are an IoJ guild so im not sure what you mean about taking bay from ioj? but also there is more then one guild on IoJ with the Drgn or DRGN tag (not exactly sure what one it is).
also I hope your not stuck at work on new years but here is a score updated
Keep the video’s coming I say! love watching them. Kick kitten video RET I love the Hold the line calls =0
Garbar The Weak
Dear members of [CHAT] and [redt]
Please stop exploiting into our fully upgraded towers.
A very confused commander
[VK][RET] – Fort Aspenwood