in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Why hasn’t kaineng taken DB bl yet?
What is the kitten holdup?

1) Because they lack the talent to do so. The thing about a PvDoor Server that has escalated the ranks rapidly by playing in dead matchups, is they dont know what to do when there are players actually defending an objective.
2) It is very satisfying for all DB players that have fought at Kaineng’s Hills to know that they have blown almost 100g worth of golems there and havent even got close to taking it. They have even busted down outer and inner and couldnt get in the Lord’s room and they had twice our numbers at the time.
3) It is the only keep on the entire WvW map that has not flipped since reset. We have owned it the whole time. I’m thinking of starting a journal of all the great battles we have fought there.
4) So what is the plan kaineng? The golem rush with 6 omegas that got squashed wasnt enough, need some new tactics!

See you on the battlefield.

First off, you guys are doing awesome in Kain’s Hills. Keep it up!

That being said, holding a single point on a map, nothing else, and sieging it up to where it’s very difficult to take is straight up T8, last place, moral victory “I can’t do anything else” tactics. Believe me, I know – that’s exactly what we used to do back in T8 when we couldn’t do anything else. We lost everything else on the map, couldn’t hold it, but by golly, we weren’t going to lose everything! Just like you right now.

Welcome to T8.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


Really funny reading a T_T post by maguuma about zergs. I’ve seen them rolling around in 50 man zergs through out the day for the last few days.

If i remember earlier in this forum post Maguuma was touting about being a server as a whole and being one united bunch.

(edited by dagne.8542)


in WvW

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I still don’t think WM are botters but their guild leader is mentally unstable. He went into full nerd rage mode when I posted a movie with some small group fights against his guild.

War Machine is a valuable ally to us in Team Legacy and their guild leader knows what he’s doing from what I’ve seen in WvW. We’ll talk to him about the constant complaints from people saying they don’t split up but to be honest, I’ve never met another commander who uses Mesmer portals as profusely, and has so much control over their guild.

On that note I’d like everyone to stop judging our server’s tactical abilities solely on War Machine in EB. It discredits a lot of guilds who are extremely tight and coordinated working elsewhere.


in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


But DB still had most of their BL, so I don’t understand your complaint. If it’s a T8 strategy then you should have no problem beating it, right?

Sorry, not a complaint at all. An observation. And as for beating it – it’s very effective small-scale. We used to give Devona’s Rest fits at single points on the map. Thing is, we still lost overall, because we didn’t/couldn’t do enough anywhere else. Kinda like what’s going on here.

Edit: We used to even make the same excuses… No talent zergs, only numbers, we win when it’s equal… We still lost tho. I learned early on in my WvW career that excuses don’t win.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)


in WvW

Posted by: Farout.8207


You guys all realize this is just a game, right? Why so serious?

~ Cleetus


in WvW

Posted by: George Steel.1804

George Steel.1804

I’m always down for some duels.. I’m usually roaming near stonemist hunting down stragglers. If you find a Norn Guardian in arah gear just /wave/beckon and we’ll get it on

(or send me a pm if you want to set something up)

Platinum – Guardian
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46


in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Mag! only 12 pages in this thread and not even a mod warning?? This is very unlike you <3 Where’s the fury? Where’s the drama?? I kinda like the new you

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

I was going to say I’d enjoy a nice 3v3 but then I heard something about 20v20…


Duels should never be bigger than 5v5 (most are 1v1). If anyone wants to fight on a scale bigger than 5v5, isn’t that what the rest of WvW is for? Duels are intended to be small scale to avoid the general zerging of WvW, and to avoid the massive flaws in sPvP. But more so to work on your own individual skills.

If you insist on having “duels” bigger than 5v5, just take your group around WvW and practice against other big groups you come across. For example, WäR had a lot of fun fighting the larger [WM] guild in Eternal Battleground on reset day. Sure conditions weren’t always perfect for either side, but I’d go out on a limb and say both guilds are totally fine with that.

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass


in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


They keep infracting me and deleting my awesome, totally not baiting, posts!

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos


in WvW

Posted by: sinfulape.6301


You guys all realize this is just a game, right? Why so serious?

Yeah, lol. But still, some people just have fun brawling in the forums. Anyway, just keep it clean, you know where the limits are.
Still, I think there is some misinformation going on. My theory is that probably people who have never trained and such get frustrated after they get wiped a few times, then head straight to the forums with the sole purpose of discrediting the other guy, who cares about the truth. Anyway, in-game it seems to me everyone’s pushing really hard this weekend, you take a tower, someone else takes it soon after. Great fights and gg all three servers. Keep it up guys.


in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ok, lets set up some fights, 1v1 all the way to 5v5 if we have it. Kaineng South camp by windmill 1230cst some WäR will be waiting around to fight. Hope to see some people show up.

(edited by Tricare.2946)


in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


I was going to say I’d enjoy a nice 3v3 but then I heard something about 20v20…


Duels should never be bigger than 5v5 (most are 1v1). If anyone wants to fight on a scale bigger than 5v5, isn’t that what the rest of WvW is for? Duels are intended to be small scale to avoid the general zerging of WvW, and to avoid the massive flaws in sPvP. But more so to work on your own individual skills.

If you insist on having “duels” bigger than 5v5, just take your group around WvW and practice against other big groups you come across. For example, WäR had a lot of fun fighting the larger [WM] guild in Eternal Battleground on reset day. Sure conditions weren’t always perfect for either side, but I’d go out on a limb and say both guilds are totally fine with that.

No that’s what I’m saying. I can’t believe anyone would even bring it up

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos


in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


Mag! only 12 pages in this thread and not even a mod warning?? This is very unlike you <3 Where’s the fury? Where’s the drama?? I kinda like the new you

What do you mean? You mean there holding back all this time. My god.

Ive sit through all the trolling and flames from tier 8 to tier 3. Maguuma beats everything ive seen. They make all the other trolls from all those servers look like nice people.

How much more worse can it get? Im curious!


in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Yeah, was just adding to your comment is all

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


I still don’t think WM are botters but their guild leader is mentally unstable. He went into full nerd rage mode when I posted a movie with some small group fights against his guild.

War Machine is a valuable ally to us in Team Legacy and their guild leader knows what he’s doing from what I’ve seen in WvW. We’ll talk to him about the constant complaints from people saying they don’t split up but to be honest, I’ve never met another commander who uses Mesmer portals as profusely, and has so much control over their guild.

On that note I’d like everyone to stop judging our server’s tactical abilities solely on War Machine in EB. It discredits a lot of guilds who are extremely tight and coordinated working elsewhere.

I’ve seen videos of WM’s 10man gameplay fighting 30-40 man unorganized zergs. It’s really quite good. The discipline and coordination is really impressive. However, he has some issues. I understand to run a group and a guild the way WM is run takes a really intense personality but this guy makes Bunzy look like a schoolgirl. Examples:

“I am WM leader.

You declined a? fair fight with the same number of people when i respectfully proposed. And now cut out dozens of defeats and posted only your few favorable scenes.

I am very dissappointed to you. I’ll tell you one thing. We never complain disadvantageous battle even if it’s 10 vs 40. Just like today, ten of us beat your 40 down over and over(we have video of this for 4 hours). And all of the ten got banned. You cannot beat WM no matter how many of us. Shame on you.”

There never was a dozen defeats. We won every single engagement against WM when we had equal numbers (while I was present). AD doesn’t run with 40 people. Killing DR PuGs is not the same thing as killing us.

“I saw u dead by my sword many many times.

I know u have shield like lion(?).

Though u can? win sometime, u never can win to us when i am leading. We will upload 10wm vs 40devona, today story.

We will not say “too many zerg, too many enemy, can’t win” like AD in forum. And You already made AD look bad in forum and video. We decide conclusion that AD is not that we want to find worthy team.

I don’t need to talk with u anymore. It is worthless."

I never died many many times to his sword. I can only recall being downed once by his main group and I was revived. We did get wiped by a 50+ zerg of WM, RE, and Kaineng PuGs once while I was there but I have no clue if he is the one who personally stomped me.

“We decide conclusion that AD is not that we want to find worthy team.”

He tried to recruit us to come to Kaineng. We declined.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

So.. were they from Tarnished Coast? Just the RP and all.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]


in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Look Kaineng’s best showed up to duel!



in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480



What do you mean? You mean there holding back all this time. My god.

Ive sit through all the trolling and flames from tier 8 to tier 3. Maguuma beats everything ive seen. They make all the other trolls from all those servers look like nice people.

How much more worse can it get? Im curious!

The new and improved Mag is more civil than usual, no flamy Bunzy posts (wonder if he has been banned from the forums again, lol), and I’ve actually seen ::gasp:: compliments! I got ganked by several folks from Kain, I was downed… and someone from Mag’s OG guild proceeded to take them out, ran over to my corpse, bowed and went on their merry way! =)

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


The new and improved Mag is more civil than usual, no flamy Bunzy posts (wonder if he has been banned from the forums again, lol), and I’ve actually seen ::gasp:: compliments! I got ganked by several folks from Kain, I was downed… and someone from Mag’s OG guild proceeded to take them out, ran over to my corpse, bowed and went on their merry way! =)

I think Evalana is falling for the enemy Stockholm Syndrome style.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand


in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480



I think Evalana is falling for the enemy Stockholm Syndrome style.

LMAO don’t get me wrong, I love it here on Dragonbrand, and would never leave it for another. (especially not for 1800 gems!) I just am commenting on how nice it is to have a matchup that is relatively civil.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


They keep infracting me and deleting my awesome, totally not baiting, posts!

Wah same, I’m loving all dese infractions for nuthing.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals


in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


PLUS, Abbish – I’m complimenting mag… who we are currently spanking. Technically, WE are the captors… Stockholm Syndrome does not apply in this case

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

What goes around comes around. The spanking will at some point in the future be on you, Dragonbrand. Just not sure when.

Also, to be very clear on something. Clutching to a little victory like holding just Garrison on your map isn’t a bad mentality at all. Especially one that’s fully upgraded. The second you start getting negative, it becomes a lingering doubt in everyone. If you keep saying “We got this guys, we can hold this”. It’s good for the health of your community. You want to keep people pumped, find the positive in the sea of negative. Nobody likes a negative nancy.

At least we had Garrison, and we held it.
(until we went to bed.)


Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

(edited by John Widdin.9618)


in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

I’ve been reading all the talk on here about people blow smoke up WM’s kitten so it brings me great joy to send you this picture of a portal bomb into our spawn by those almightly players. LOL


- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12


in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523



What do you mean? You mean there holding back all this time. My god.

Ive sit through all the trolling and flames from tier 8 to tier 3. Maguuma beats everything ive seen. They make all the other trolls from all those servers look like nice people.

How much more worse can it get? Im curious!

The new and improved Mag is more civil than usual, no flamy Bunzy posts (wonder if he has been banned from the forums again, lol), and I’ve actually seen ::gasp:: compliments! I got ganked by several folks from Kain, I was downed… and someone from Mag’s OG guild proceeded to take them out, ran over to my corpse, bowed and went on their merry way! =)

You know, that might’ve been Bunzy who saved you. He’s gotten really civil lately.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2


in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


The new and improved Mag is more civil than usual, no flamy Bunzy posts (wonder if he has been banned from the forums again, lol), and I’ve actually seen ::gasp:: compliments! I got ganked by several folks from Kain, I was downed… and someone from Mag’s OG guild proceeded to take them out, ran over to my corpse, bowed and went on their merry way! =)

This post is terrible and the poster should feel bad.


in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


you know, i have to agree with the AD guy, those zerg balls are super easy to bring down. im sure they are nice and all for setting up siege and kitten, but they are essentially free badges for the other team in open field.


in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Personally, I think WM is doing what they should be doing. And if Jang gets intense, well, that’s called Asian concentration. On a related note on intensity, I saw some EA and LA on the KBL today, just watching for scouts like me. That is either dedication or being very pugnacious. I’m not very good against lvl 80s decked out in exotics, but, one LA warrior took me down in like 2 sec near Hills. Guess the lesson here is, poke your nose out and get it chopped off….

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)


in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


I’ve decided I like Dragonbrand. Sorry your oceanics disappeared.

They didn’t disappear there just not as big as Kains. They’ll fight hard and push during the week like they normally do.

I also think our DB night crew just haven’t needed to worry about any formal tactic’s so far. This week will be really good for them. toughen them up in the long run.

i was much happier to see us up in the points after the night this morning.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!


in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Too much talk about being nice. But I’ve got some good news. I’m going to be doing wvw more, which means posting more. I’ll see if I can’t get this thread back into shape for the pride of Maguuma.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele


in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Last thing we need is more OG posts.


in WvW

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I still don’t think WM are botters but their guild leader is mentally unstable. He went into full nerd rage mode when I posted a movie with some small group fights against his guild.

War Machine is a valuable ally to us in Team Legacy and their guild leader knows what he’s doing from what I’ve seen in WvW. We’ll talk to him about the constant complaints from people saying they don’t split up but to be honest, I’ve never met another commander who uses Mesmer portals as profusely, and has so much control over their guild.

On that note I’d like everyone to stop judging our server’s tactical abilities solely on War Machine in EB. It discredits a lot of guilds who are extremely tight and coordinated working elsewhere.

I’ve seen videos of WM’s 10man gameplay fighting 30-40 man unorganized zergs. It’s really quite good. The discipline and coordination is really impressive. However, he has some issues. I understand to run a group and a guild the way WM is run takes a really intense personality but this guy makes Bunzy look like a schoolgirl. Examples:

“I am WM leader.

You declined a? fair fight with the same number of people when i respectfully proposed. And now cut out dozens of defeats and posted only your few favorable scenes.

I am very dissappointed to you. I’ll tell you one thing. We never complain disadvantageous battle even if it’s 10 vs 40. Just like today, ten of us beat your 40 down over and over(we have video of this for 4 hours). And all of the ten got banned. You cannot beat WM no matter how many of us. Shame on you.”

There never was a dozen defeats. We won every single engagement against WM when we had equal numbers (while I was present). AD doesn’t run with 40 people. Killing DR PuGs is not the same thing as killing us.

“I saw u dead by my sword many many times.

I know u have shield like lion(?).

Though u can? win sometime, u never can win to us when i am leading. We will upload 10wm vs 40devona, today story.

We will not say “too many zerg, too many enemy, can’t win” like AD in forum. And You already made AD look bad in forum and video. We decide conclusion that AD is not that we want to find worthy team.

I don’t need to talk with u anymore. It is worthless."

I never died many many times to his sword. I can only recall being downed once by his main group and I was revived. We did get wiped by a 50+ zerg of WM, RE, and Kaineng PuGs once while I was there but I have no clue if he is the one who personally stomped me.

“We decide conclusion that AD is not that we want to find worthy team.”

He tried to recruit us to come to Kaineng. We declined.

Lol. That sounds exactly like this commander back on Gate of Madness who, I swear to God, was roleplaying that he was a commander. He “lived for the kill” and so on. People like that make for great followers and listen to those superior to them quite well, though. As for his Grammar, all is lost in the world.

PS. Drunk Maguuma borderlands were great last night. Had a blast. Get your exotic underwater gear so I can stop owning entire zergs of you guys underwater :P ….drunk for that matter. /shame


in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480



This post is terrible and the poster should feel bad.

This is exactly the response I was looking/hoping for! =D

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Too much talk about being nice. But I’ve got some good news. I’m going to be doing wvw more, which means posting more. I’ll see if I can’t get this thread back into shape for the pride of Maguuma.

Maguuma pride = insulting everybody and talking trash?


in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Too much talk about being nice. But I’ve got some good news. I’m going to be doing wvw more, which means posting more. I’ll see if I can’t get this thread back into shape for the pride of Maguuma.

Maguuma pride = insulting everybody and talking trash?

Wouldn’t be a maguuma thread without a lock or two.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele


in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Too much talk about being nice. But I’ve got some good news. I’m going to be doing wvw more, which means posting more. I’ll see if I can’t get this thread back into shape for the pride of Maguuma.

Maguuma pride = insulting everybody and talking trash?

P much

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos


in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


First off, you guys are doing awesome in Kain’s Hills. Keep it up!

That being said, holding a single point on a map, nothing else, and sieging it up to where it’s very difficult to take is straight up T8, last place, moral victory “I can’t do anything else” tactics. Believe me, I know – that’s exactly what we used to do back in T8 when we couldn’t do anything else. We lost everything else on the map, couldn’t hold it, but by golly, we weren’t going to lose everything! Just like you right now.

Welcome to T8.

Except we didn’t just hold on our east Keep in your BL. We flipped your garrison twice that night and your northeast tower twice. So I don’t get this mentality that it’s all we held. There was a reason why you had a wooden garrison most of the night.



in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071



I think Evalana is falling for the enemy Stockholm Syndrome style.

LMAO don’t get me wrong, I love it here on Dragonbrand, and would never leave it for another. (especially not for 1800 gems!) I just am commenting on how nice it is to have a matchup that is relatively civil.

I’ll buy you a transfer if you promise to post score updates every day.

And be really mean to the other teams.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy


in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480



I’ll buy you a transfer if you promise to post score updates every day.

And be really mean to the other teams.

Get me an invite to Hahaha [LMAO] and I’ll think about it.

I literally died laughing last night and had to waypoint back to Citadel when I saw their name…

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad


in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I gotta hand it to Kaineng players though. They are really exceptional at avoiding even numbered fights.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele


in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Have you noticed how they pour out of the most mundane, out of the way keeps when you get near one?

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos


in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

DB is opening a golem salvage yard at Kaineng Hills, some more Omegas just took a dirt nap. We have discounts on all replacement parts, call us for your cheap repairs today

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12


in WvW

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


Look Kaineng’s best showed up to duel!

probably the bandwagoners who joined kaineng. They dont look too tough. Kill them!


in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071



I’ll buy you a transfer if you promise to post score updates every day.

And be really mean to the other teams.

Get me an invite to Hahaha [LMAO] and I’ll think about it.

I literally died laughing last night and had to waypoint back to Citadel when I saw their name…

I don’t even know who that is I can get you an invite to Maguuma’s most prestigious guild, though. Bore Machine [BM]. Win hard erryday.

DB is opening a golem salvage yard at Kaineng Hills, some more Omegas just took a dirt nap. We have discounts on all replacement parts, call us for your cheap repairs today

Hope you keep that keep all week Reminds me of how Maguuma used to do the Alamo way back when.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy


in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


D/D elementalist in [RISE] who runs the Blessings, pm me…

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest


in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Have you noticed how they pour out of the most mundane, out of the way keeps when you get near one?

That’s something that has always amazed me. How much of a sheep do you have to be that the satisfaction you gain from “being part of something” is so great that you can actually enjoy sitting in an uncontested keep for hours on end watching for inc. Just blows my mind.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele


in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


All right, some people showed up for fights at south supply camp by windmill, we’re still here and would like some more people to show up! Come on War Machine bring your zerg killing 10-man.


in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


HAHAHA as I was posting my the one above this, Kaineng decided to show up with a zerg. Not sure you guys know how this works.


in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

HAHAHA as I was posting my the one above this, Kaineng decided to show up with a zerg. Not sure you guys know how this works.

Keep in mind this is also a server that thinks it takes 40 players to take a camp. I do like to thank them for not defending a single camp in this match though.

You take 40 to cap, I do it solo 5min later.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12


in WvW

Posted by: kiravon.8197


Thanks, Kaineng zerg. You just had to show up and destroy the good duels that were going on >:O
