Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
Good luck to all servers. May the God of wars empower you with might.
This again? Come on HoD lets pool our 15 on average and do some work.
WAR ! let the fighting begin, for the, what feels like, 100th time in a row.
This is getting SO BORING fighting the same people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and you get the point, right?
you forgot one “and over”… just saying. lets not talk about WvW much in this thread.
So, i’m def not going to add more chapters in my story just cause our war is still going…
hey DH. stop glitching your commander in!
OH, so that’s where he went! I knew you guys couldn’t have torn him down outside. I got a decent amount of badges with the ballista I was on before we decided to go take HoD’s Keep instead.
major slug-fest right now, if it keeps up like this then it’ll be anyone’s game.
It was time to pay you a visit DH. You always come see us at home, so we took on us to come see you this time, I hope you appreciate it.
@HoD: Glad to see you kicking and well again. You showed tonight that you can indeed compete for 1st place!
@DH: Now that was a proper swarm you had at reset, o.m.g. Good fights all night, see you around
I just want to say (and i never really get on these forums i just always have my buddies check them for me) that! there is this ASH Commander (with the Halloween shield) who is always! in our borderlands (DarkHaven). I’ve enjoied our back and forths and ASH has been doing a really good job ^^. And for anyone who was in BlueBriar Last night GO SOTD!
Just wondering, inside Stone Mist on the most north supply thing there’s this Trebuchet. Since it’s constantly firing, even when walls are down at anz; Anyone able to confirm if there’s someone using a bot/autokeyer to keep this thing firing 24/7? Just wanted to know that.
I can not imagine that you’d keep firing at something that’s not there and have fun doing so.
This is SUCH a great pairing, because DH totally has a similar population to HOD and GOM. /sarcasm off.
Some pretty epic battles so far this weekend, so much fun! Seems like Hills (+ SE supply camp) is where the party is at.
This is SUCH a great pairing, because DH totally has a similar population to HOD and GOM. /sarcasm off.
Ya, I agree. the weekends are usually a fantastic matchup of HoD and GoM. It’s the weekdays when DH usually starts taking off with it.
This is SUCH a great pairing, because DH totally has a similar population to HOD and GOM. /sarcasm off.
When 20 players with 2 golems cant take hills from 4 player defending is because of why? Thats what us DH had in hills this morning before we starting to treb redlake when you guys busted in. in total, 8 total stop your zerg with the 2 golems in the lord room.
We dont always have the numbers like you claim but we have the will to play better and use hit and run tactics against larger numbers. GoM and HoD great fights this morning
This is SUCH a great pairing, because DH totally has a similar population to HOD and GOM. /sarcasm off.
When 20 players with 2 golems cant take hills from 4 player defending is because of why? Thats what us DH had in hills this morning before we starting to treb redlake when you guys busted in. in total, 8 total stop your zerg with the 2 golems in the lord room.
We dont always have the numbers like you claim but we have the will to play better and use hit and run tactics against larger numbers. GoM and HoD great fights this morning
You do always have the numbers, any claim otherwise is clearly trolling. And I can own most of your server 1v3, every single one of you 1v1.
This is a shout out to Dr. Hopp from PD. I will gun for you every time, little Asuran =P
(edited by JKFlipFlop.7123)
This is a shout out to Dr. Hopp from PD. I will gun for you every time, little Asuran =P
Challenge Accepted! I look forward to seeing you on the field!
BTW, helluva good show in GoM bl at Greenbriar tower just now, great fight to all involved!
Some pretty epic battles so far this weekend, so much fun! Seems like Hills (+ SE supply camp) is where the party is at.
Last week the party was at Bay. (Blue side, GoM was blue)
This week its Hills. (Red side, GoM is red)
Conclusion? GoM likes to throw a good party.
Can’t say the same for HoD can we? Did DH-Bay flipped even once since Friday? Weeks go by, same story it seems. They will let DH fly away with the lead.
Come on HoD, on Friday night you showed us all what you can do. Please prove me wrong HoD and pressure the server with the lead! At N-A Primetime you don’t seem to even bother doing your Breakout-Event for Briar on DH Borderlands, let alone trying to hold it afterwards.
@DH: Great fights, again MoRt, SE and Abys you guys seem to be everywhere. Good coordination. Pretty epic fights indeed, nice pics melodey.4652
@HoD: GT guild with Tetra D/D Ele : You guys are good and know your stuff.
as always my spam of screen shots.
1.WvW map opening night.
2. 4 man, 2 golem trying to take DH bay, took inner to 85% before DH started arriving, saved the golems =D ( only lost 10k hp)
3. 3 man defense of DH Hills, actually succeeded.
4. After running back to help wipe what Paragues couldn’t, his limit is 10 apparently.
5. DH camping our spawn, not complaining at all, just a picture.
6. Fight outside greenbriar in GoM BL.
p.s. why dont i ever get mentioned! im a condition engy! i should be marveled at! Im like a 7 foot tall snowflake that jumped the grand canyon in a winnebago…
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Here in GoM, we’ll trade you a fully upgraded Ogrewatch so we can continue to bash our way in to Anz cuz defense iz for kitten nubz.
For our opponents a helpful hint: when we wipe your zerg outside our gates, check back in 15 minutes… odds are you can pick back up exactly where you left off – repairz R 4 nubz 2.
Here’s the keys. Help yourselves to the beer in the fridge. I’d get it, but I’m busy looking for 1000 gems.
You do always have the numbers, any claim otherwise is clearly trolling. And I can own most of your server 1v3, every single one of you 1v1.
Look out DH we got a bad kitten over here. I am willing to bet he gets stomped in every 1v1 he is in… maybe even 3 v 1 when he has 2 people helping him ;D
This is SUCH a great pairing, because DH totally has a similar population to HOD and GOM. /sarcasm off.
When 20 players with 2 golems cant take hills from 4 player defending is because of why? Thats what us DH had in hills this morning before we starting to treb redlake when you guys busted in. in total, 8 total stop your zerg with the 2 golems in the lord room.
We dont always have the numbers like you claim but we have the will to play better and use hit and run tactics against larger numbers. GoM and HoD great fights this morning
“play better” eh?
I find that hard to believe when I see a dozen DH walk into insta-death with another dozen right behind them. Numbers are the only winning factor for your side.
oh goody another D/D ele that thinks there gods greatest gift. look out guys, he can stack boons like no other. Also I was there for that. We decided to bum rush the spawn and then went to GoM BL.
Also, good for you being able to take down 3 people.
numbers are a winning factor for ALL sides. Not just ours. Also! we have a lot of good players. since we have more people you just don’t see them often.
I’ll end this by saying you need to take a break and stop getting so mad… When I start getting mad I just step away from the game and watch some comedy movies or something. helps me. maybe you should try it.
oh goody another D/D ele that thinks there gods greatest gift. look out guys, he can stack boons like no other. Also I was there for that. We decided to bum rush the spawn and then went to GoM BL.
Also, good for you being able to take down 3 people.
numbers are a winning factor for ALL sides. Not just ours. Also! we have a lot of good players. since we have more people you just don’t see them often.
I’ll end this by saying you need to take a break and stop getting so mad… When I start getting mad I just step away from the game and watch some comedy movies or something. helps me.
maybe you should try it.
Grats on dying? That sounds like an amazing skillful strategy you DH’ers have going over there. And yes, it is good for me being able to take out 3 DH easily. It totally counters your argument that numbers are the winning factor for all sides. Don’t worry though little buddy, one day your server is going to be properly matched and you can learn how to play without 10x your enemy’s numbers then.
Picture says a thousand words.
I am super sad my fantastically worded offer of alliance to Henge of Denravi in the last thread did not take hold. Friday was totally different with Henge of Denravi leading and then Gates of Madness was leading and then suddenly Henge of Denravi attacked our Hills!
Darkhaven leadin again, which is less novel.
I don’t actually care who is better at 1v1.
Had a blast in our BL tonight. GoM, you guys are persistent as all get out, glad we could prevent you from holding our east keep for too long this time around!!
GoM, please keep your animals in line in the JP, we’ve been ambushed 3 times trying to complete it. Guilds are The Dungeon Crawlers [TDC] and [Fame], and to restate, they attacked us first, without being provoked. Thank you.
(edited by ToSatellite.8295)
Well now, I was at the JP in our BL on Sunday when I came across two dead HoD with a DH Asuran ele standing over their bodies. I did not attack but went to rez my countrymen when the ele attacked me. Sadly I had to kill him and the next DH I see in our JP I attack on site.
Oh, well i’m HoD, so no worries about that, had a DH thief troll us, but “Fear Me!” fixes that problem. What we need is an armistice inside EB JP XD
Had a blast in our BL tonight. GoM, you guys are persistent as all get out, glad we could prevent you from holding our east keep for too long this time around!!
Always fun fights against PD and MoRt. It’s such a pity that you guys play on the wrong server.
GoM, please keep your animals in line in the JP, we’ve been ambushed 3 times trying to complete it. Guilds are The Dungeon Crawlers [TDC] and [Fame], and to restate, they attacked us first, without being provoked. Thank you.
I’d love to do that, but as you know we have no more control over their actions than you do.
Speaking of no control over others’ actions, ARM has the dubious honor on GoM of being the most ignored person on the server (He is also the reason I learned how the ignore function works). He’s probably sad he cannot troll as many people in chat anymore and trolling here. You should all do what 90% of GoM already does, ignore him. CERTAINLY don’t let him spark a fight here, that is exactly what he wants.
Oh ARM, you need a box of fun to play with, it will loosen your elitist attitude right up. If that fails, may I suggest cloning yourself then yous can take over the world because two of you…..be still my beating heart. *shiver
On non-troll topics, GoM and HoD, Friday night was just a blast even though I’m now missing patches of hair.
Is ARM a female human ele from a guild with kitten tag? I recall seeing a rather glassy ele from that guild who always seems to have two buffs. I also remember quite a bit of standing near invulnerable zones while spamming laugh and dance to goad people into attacking. The picture ARM posted reminds me of that ele. If ARM is this person, I can see why people ignore him.
Edit: Really, Anet? Durp (replace “u” with “e”) gets censored?
(edited by Tei.1704)
Is ARM a female human ele from a guild with kitten tag? I recall seeing a rather glassy ele from that guild who always seems to have two buffs. I also remember quite a bit of standing near invulnerable zones while spamming laugh and dance to goad people into attacking. The picture ARM posted reminds me of that ele. If ARM is this person, I can see why people ignore him.
Edit: Really, Anet? Durp (replace “u” with “e”) gets censored?
I’m pretty sure that is ARM, female D/D ele from DURP with an E.
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
LOL, I was wondering how Kittens fit as a guild tag.
LOL, I was wondering how Kittens fit as a guild tag.
It’s censored. Smart one.
Also to the HH guild from GoM.. Nice job trying to camp EB JP. That is why there is now a instant kill on any GoM in EB JP from Darkhaven.
LOL, I was wondering how Kittens fit as a guild tag.
It’s censored. Smart one.
Also to the HH guild from GoM.. Nice job trying to camp EB JP. That is why there is now a instant kill on any GoM in EB JP from Darkhaven.
Because before you were handing them flowers and dancing?
ps: thank you to [SE] guild for all the badges. I’ve got hundreds of pieces of siege because of your guild alone!
(edited by ARM.3912)
HH it took 5 of you and lag to take me, yet I dropped your thief to down status in 2 seconds after he scorpion wired me. Then you ran through the portal with your tale between your legs…
btw, to the thief, how can you let a ranger do that to you???? LOLS
LOL, I was wondering how Kittens fit as a guild tag.
It’s censored. Smart one.
Also to the HH guild from GoM.. Nice job trying to camp EB JP. That is why there is now a instant kill on any GoM in EB JP from Darkhaven.
Because before you were handing them flowers and dancing?
ps: thank you to [SE] guild for all the badges. I’ve got hundreds of pieces of siege because of your guild alone!
No rebuttal in the first statement. Now trying to act like you’re good or something. SMH, learn your place. That is why you are the only person in your server trying to argue in this thread.
I’m done talking to trash.
Was away this weekend. Can anyone be so kind as to provide a score update?
DH 95189 +380
GoM 74520 +115
HoD 72716 +200
DH 95189 +380
GoM 74520 +115
HoD 72716 +200
Thank you very much. Come on GoM, let’s do this!
Good job DH, again. :-/
Last night was fun in the jp. Lest fight like that more often. No zergs to back you up in there usually.
I don’t really know what to say. We sweep the entire inner and lord room after we killed the group that were in there, despite not knowing how they got in the first place since all walls and gates are still 100% intact. At least we know now. Thanks Rose for keeping an eye out.
DH, you guys need to grow up and play the game the right way.
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Putting aside that holding all of DH accountable for the actions of a few, killing people in a PvP zone is hardly bad form. And it’s hardly worth starting a pointless internet argument over.
From what I have seen all parties have been mostly very courteous over this ridiculously long matchup. The people being discourteous are definately in the minority. So… Kudos to everyone?
Killing in a PvP zone is not the issue. The issue is using a known exploit in order to take a keep that you could not take honestly. If members on your server particpated/know who capped the keep or have any knowledge of it whatsoever and you fail to report them then you are complicit.
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Putting aside that holding all of DH accountable for the actions of a few, killing people in a PvP zone is hardly bad form. And it’s hardly worth starting a pointless internet argument over.
From what I have seen all parties have been mostly very courteous over this ridiculously long matchup. The people being discourteous are definately in the minority. So… Kudos to everyone?
Killing in a PvP zone is not the issue. The issue is using a known exploit in order to take a keep that you could not take honestly. If members on your server particpated/know who capped the keep or have any knowledge of it whatsoever and you fail to report them then you are complicit.
Sorry, I thought you were referring to killing in the JP, not the other thing. I wasn’t online at the time and can’t comment.
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Putting aside that holding all of DH accountable for the actions of a few, killing people in a PvP zone is hardly bad form. And it’s hardly worth starting a pointless internet argument over.
From what I have seen all parties have been mostly very courteous over this ridiculously long matchup. The people being discourteous are definately in the minority. So… Kudos to everyone?
Killing in a PvP zone is not the issue. The issue is using a known exploit in order to take a keep that you could not take honestly. If members on your server particpated/know who capped the keep or have any knowledge of it whatsoever and you fail to report them then you are complicit.
Have to agree with Theftwind here. We had a mystery keep loss in our BL today. One minute it was red then without warning green. Had thought it might be something we overlooked, but the silence on the matter in the forums is… curious.
Reputation does matter when one hears complaints on the forums. For example, things like
make me less sympathetic regarding jumping puzzle issues.
Deleted post – definately don’t want to step into this hornets nest.
Posts about exploiting get deleted by ANet so no point discussing it here. Matters are being handled internally.
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