2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


To the DR sylvari thief with [btsy] (I think? Baltimore something) guild tag, you are a trixy plant.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Good fun this morning and over the weekend. It amused me on Saturday night when IoJ kept trying to take WC from us by building catapults in Dredge that we’d destroy before they were even finished. (Your zerg was in there for half an hour as a mere eight people defended it!) DR put up ferocious fights holding their keep and towers, and it was great sieging alongside [Kiwi] to take Langor and Valley thereafter.

On the flip side, I want to thank a lot of our players for doing the less glorious jobs of defending Dolyaks when we need supply and skirmishing against the other servers to keep our lands safe and green. Your efforts are not lost on us, keep it up!

Looking forward to more over the course of the week. Good show, everyone!

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

To the DR sylvari thief with [btsy] (I think? Baltimore something) guild tag, you are a trixy plant.

It seems you met M Black lol.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


To the DR sylvari thief with [btsy] (I think? Baltimore something) guild tag, you are a trixy plant.

It seems you met M Black lol.

Maybe so heh. He is very good. Can’t take out my ranger…yet, but I saw him everywhere this weekend trolling people with his cloak and dagger.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


I miss YB/CD. Much less whining about numbers and coverage with them. Just some good fights and general respect for one another. Lets not follow that pathetic route that the tier 1 thread has derailed in to.

There is no reason at all to complain about spawn camping as there are multiple exits at each spawn area for all three servers. If you continue to run into 20+ sitting at one of your exit points then you may want to rethink your strats, lol. If someone if spawn camping you, send out the breakout event or use a different exit. But please don’t get your kitten all riled up over a game.

We have all had our victory’s at towers/keeps and in open battlefield. We have all been wiped. Have been in 5-10 man parties for SBI where we have rolled much bigger DR parties and have been rolled by DR parties. Last night in EB was running with some Kiwi thieves. Was bout 5-8 of us running havoc all over the eastern side of EB.
Have not really seen much of IOJ until this week and they can hold their own and have done a much better job of holding their keep in EB then the previous week.

We on SBI always have small havoc/scout groups running in EB and on other maps. Contrary to popular belief we don’t have a huge lead in numbers over DR during NA prime time. It is generally equal and DR is able to field 20+ zergs on several maps and they do push us here and there in EB. During the week, we are hit and miss on numbers. Many times we have to leave EB entirely to deal with defending SBI BL from DR zergs cause we don’t have the coverage to deal with both. There are also times when we have can have 20+ on three different maps. Honeslty, I think most of us on SBI wish DR and IOJ would push us more. The push last Thursday was great as both IOJ and DR hit us hard at the same time during a two hour period. 2v1 happens and its totally fine. We freaked a bit and then started to push back. I would say we were outnumbered in our own BL for a good bit.

I think we might need a sprinkle of TC in this thread to lighten it up a bit. Miss you all on TC.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Aiyumu.3542


Haha I remember seeing the [WM] tag with Warr Machine spelling. I pointed, laughed, and proceeded to roll them over with my allies.

It’s rare to see SBI wvw thread full of 90% whining. Probably cause we we’re usually the one being slaughtered until now. I think they have bigger zerg and coverage of keyboard warriors

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Haha I remember seeing the [WM] tag with Warr Machine spelling. I pointed, laughed, and proceeded to roll them over with my allies.

It’s rare to see SBI wvw thread full of 90% whining. Probably cause we we’re usually the one being slaughtered until now. I think they have bigger zerg and coverage of keyboard warriors

Pics or it didn’t happen.

Just throwing it out there that there’s been a lot of good fights in IoJ’s south bl, been definitely having a lot of fun there. Oh and it seems someone met m black? I definitely wouldn’t want to fight him, hes one scary dude

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Haha I remember seeing the [WM] tag with Warr Machine spelling. I pointed, laughed, and proceeded to roll them over with my allies.

It’s rare to see SBI wvw thread full of 90% whining. Probably cause we we’re usually the one being slaughtered until now. I think they have bigger zerg and coverage of keyboard warriors

That’s funny, because all posts from DR seem to actually contain some content, and they aren’t outright hostile either. I wish I could say the same for the people on SBI’s side, but that’s simply not possible with incoherent rambling like yours.

And don’t worry, everything with WM was recorded. Unless you consider a 10v5 versus warriors who do nothing but run in a clump and spam auto attack “rolling”, you won’t be able to provide a lot of proof to back your words up.

Honeslty, I think most of us on SBI wish DR and IOJ would push us more. The push last Thursday was great as both IOJ and DR hit us hard at the same time during a two hour period. 2v1 happens and its totally fine. We freaked a bit and then started to push back. I would say we were outnumbered in our own BL for a good bit.

Pushing is very problematic when we have paper everything after the SBI night capping, whereas everything in your BL is fully upgraded and sieged up. This is obviously not your fault. I mean, who wouldn’t upgrade their stuff? But you still have to understand that it is extremely hard to accomplish anything in your BL, except on reset night (where DR has held 2 keeps both times).

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: RiceRepublic.9271


Hey SBI players! You probably know me. Im commander Rice. Im just gonna say… do we really have to respond to these people talking about us? I mean they were in low tier for a long time and don’t even know how to fight/put up sieges well. IOJ has been in tier 1 once so I think they fight faily well. But I don’t really mind DR talking bad about us ..why? cuz they just sound cute to me.. it’s like babies whining. "oh they have a zerg.. Oh!! we just beat 30+ zerg with 15 !! " Seems like Oozo has posted a video “stomping SBI zerg” Well.. great job. Congrats on your work. Probably happens 1/10 times. Even if it happens 10/10.. So what? We are winning You can call us anything… Zerg server, noobs, etc. I really don’t care. The end result is.. we are winning.

I have seen a DR video saying “stomping SBI zerg” and then specifically say [Kiwi]. I was watching the video, thinking “dam did we lose this bad.. we need to learn how to fight better then.” and then figured something wrong.. “wait.. i only see one fight with many Kiwi people… and most of the scenes of the video has 3?4? Kiwi tags..” So I was wondering why did this person specifically said [Kiwi].. and figured “oh he probably got beaten by us Kiwi like 10 times.. So he wanted be proud of wiping SBI zerg with about 3,4 Kiwi members..” LOL. So I am guessing.. that video is actually a compliment for us because you really wanna kill Kiwi that badly.. (meaning we are that great!) Thank you!

People will probably attack my post since it’s a bit offensive. Well.. I am not trying to offend everybody~ Just these forum warriors out here who whines too much. I took the posts by DR players really offensive. So.. I am gonna focus on you guys this week. So better watch out. IOJ, Kiwi won’t hit you most of the time (unless you get aggressive on us!"

Hey SBI.. as I said.. let’s stop worrying about these people. We are winning anyway..

(edited by RiceRepublic.9271)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

All we need in this thread is Bunzy and it will be set.

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


What happened to the friendly thread I enjoyed reading the past couple weeks?

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

A server dropped down from T4, started winning, people got mad, and now after a bunch of offensive posts, SBI players are standing up for themselves and firing back. I don’t particularly enjoy these threads being like this, so I’ve tried to ignore the bad stuff and post good times only. I recommend everyone else do the same and try to stay positive.

The only thing I can suggest is to keep your chin-up and swords ready as all three servers continue to clash. I know I speak for myself and my guild and my friends when I say that this match-up has been very enjoyable. It’s been a long time since I’ve successfully sieged a 40+ player defended, massive defensively sieged, and fully upgraded Langor from Dane with multiple trebs, and boy did it feel good. I’m always looking forward to more.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: lim.3687


Hey SBI players! You probably know me. Im commander Rice. Im just gonna say… do we really have to respond to these people talking about us? I mean they were in low tier for a long time and don’t even know how to fight/put up sieges well. IOJ has been in tier 1 once so I think they fight faily well. But I don’t really mind DR talking bad about us ..why? cuz they just sound cute to me.. it’s like babies whining. "oh they have a zerg.. Oh!! we just beat 30+ zerg with 15 !! " Seems like Oozo has posted a video “stomping SBI zerg” Well.. great job. Congrats on your work. Probably happens 1/10 times. Even if it happens 10/10.. So what? We are winning You can call us anything… Zerg server, noobs, etc. I really don’t care. The end result is.. we are winning.

I have seen a DR video saying “stomping SBI zerg” and then specifically say [Kiwi]. I was watching the video, thinking “dam did we lose this bad.. we need to learn how to fight better then.” and then figured something wrong.. “wait.. i only see one fight with many Kiwi people… and most of the scenes of the video has 3?4? Kiwi tags..” So I was wondering why did this person specifically said [Kiwi].. and figured “oh he probably got beaten by us Kiwi like 10 times.. So he wanted be proud of wiping SBI zerg with about 3,4 Kiwi members..” LOL. So I am guessing.. that video is actually a compliment for us because you really wanna kill Kiwi that badly.. (meaning we are that great!) Thank you!

People will probably attack my post since it’s a bit offensive. Well.. I am not trying to offend everybody~ Just these forum warriors out here who whines too much. I took the posts by DR players really offensive. So.. I am gonna focus on you guys this week. So better watch out. IOJ, Kiwi won’t hit you most of the time (unless you get aggressive on us!"

Hey SBI.. as I said.. let’s stop worrying about these people. We are winning anyway..

Yay!!!! I don’t want Victory.. Just fun; it’s enough..

Sojoojan series (E, G, M, W)
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.

(edited by lim.3687)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: namkaeng.8452


[Kiwi]sojoojana – SBI, commander

Hello sojoojana Nim.
I’m Helltimore in [ BSty ].
I just check ur post in WM website.
yeah, actually i wasn’t there, so i didn’t know exactly what’s happend.
But, now everyone know that’s trolling. DON’T BE SERIOUS.

I like to say something simply.

population rate : DR >SBI >IOJ
skill : IOJ = SB > DR
sometimes ppl had to wait que, cuz DR has a lot of ppl.

what..!? THIS IS NOT FACT. yes sir, it’s just ur opinion.

In my opinion,
population rate = DR < IOJ < SB or IOJ = SB
skill = DR > IOJ = SB
SB and IOJ just has a lot of ppl than DR, that’s it.

Paradise is where I am. – Voltaire

[ B Sty ] WvW – vs All Roaming – Videos

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


[Kiwi]sojoojana – SBI, commander

Hello sojoojana Nim.
I’m Helltimore in [ BSty ].
I just check ur post in WM website.
yeah, actually i wasn’t there, so i didn’t know exactly what’s happend.
But, now everyone know that’s trolling. DON’T BE SERIOUS.

I like to say something simply.

population rate : DR >SBI >IOJ
skill : IOJ = SB > DR
sometimes ppl had to wait que, cuz DR has a lot of ppl.

what..!? THIS IS NOT FACT. yes sir, it’s just ur opinion.

In my opinion,
population rate = DR < IOJ < SB or IOJ = SB
skill = DR > IOJ = SB
SB and IOJ just has a lot of ppl than DR, that’s it.

Hey! You are the guild I was talking about in an earlier post. You have a good thief in your guild

An IoJ thief and one of yours went head to head for literally 15 minutes in a draw. I am generally in small skirmishes when I WvW. So far DR has put up the hardest fights for ME.

I think all three servers have groups of really skilled players though.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I acknowledge SBI has more worldwide coverage. Most of the map will be Green after NA overnight. We will beat you in points. Yet we continue to lose rating points so we three will be together for a long time.

So do something about it. I know you cannot stop the “overnight” capping. But you can control how you each fight when you are on.

You need to gang up on us. 2v1 us. Make it a two front war for us and a one front for you. Like a previous poster said, it seemed this happened last week and it was a glorious battle.

Over the weekend I was very disappointed. Every time I logged on, the world was mostly Green. I would just sigh. At one point I actually started gathering, lol.

This weekend, even though we were destroying you, you would keep attacking each other. You know what happens when you do that? We steamroll into your weak area because you are occupied with each other.

(If my post seems harsh, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to get people to gang up on the dominant server for awhile and for some reason people don’t want to do it. It is not dishonest, underhanded or bad. It is good. It would be a positive for the game. It is the way Anet intended WvWvW to be. Comeon put the third W back in WvW.)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: lim.3687


[Kiwi]sojoojana – SBI, commander

Hello sojoojana Nim.
I’m Helltimore in [ BSty ].
I just check ur post in WM website.
yeah, actually i wasn’t there, so i didn’t know exactly what’s happend.
But, now everyone know that’s trolling. DON’T BE SERIOUS.

I like to say something simply.

population rate : DR >SBI >IOJ
skill : IOJ = SB > DR
sometimes ppl had to wait que, cuz DR has a lot of ppl.

what..!? THIS IS NOT FACT. yes sir, it’s just ur opinion.

In my opinion,
population rate = DR < IOJ < SB or IOJ = SB
skill = DR > IOJ = SB
SB and IOJ just has a lot of ppl than DR, that’s it.

Wow!!! Thanks for your post. Are u Korean? How did you read it? lol Anyway, if you felt bad, I apologize. Yeah, it’s just my opinion. But you shoud consider coverage time. Generally, SBI cannot cover two BLs at the same time because not enough numbers. I saw 40-50 ppl of DR at SBI BL and EB on last Wednesday. I have never seen around 100 SBIers in WvW after WvW expert guilds left from SBI. (Actually, way point is too in our keep on all BLs.. lol)

Anyway, I hope to enjoy WvW together for this week.
I will try to push you with a lot of numbers.. !!!!! lol (I am not sure I can see SBI zerg)

p.s. I said skill : IOJ> = SB > DR not *skill : IOJ = SB > DR
In my experience, IoJ may be better than SBI; and I think some expert players are in IoJ. I woud like to respect them. Actually, I never expected a field tactic at tier 5, not tier 1 and 2. It was really nice at IoJ BL on one day of last week. For reference, I am playing WvW from begining of GW2 to now almost everyday. I may be troll comander now but I have a lot of experience as PUG and commander; when WvW expert guilds have left SBI. So, I remember characteristics of many servers with old SBI WvW guilds’ play and spent a lot of time for analyzing SBI’s problem for WvW. Anyway, we are not old SBI. We are new SBI in WvW. Our WvW guilds and user are not expert but we really want to find more fun.

Anyway.. Have a good WvW.. !!!! I am not serious. lol..

Sojoojan series (E, G, M, W)
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.

(edited by lim.3687)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


Actually, both me and many others have stated that we are not losing because of numbers, but because of coverage. Therefore I think your post is very unjustified.
When you see me complaining about SBI only running around in their <large number of players>, it is not because we are losing due to it. On the contrary, it’s a major reason why we do so well in prime time.

Firstly, I want to say that if you hear any pointed individual attack towards you in this post here, I apologize as you struck a nerve of areas that I’ve disagreed with in many other GW2 posts so when I respond to that it’s my general annoyance nothing specific to you.

Which is really what my post was, wasn’t it? Nothing specific to you. A comment on the general tenor of this thread not some so-called cleverly sophisticated and reasoned exegesis on the evils of SBI that you performed in some previous post. No one’s a unique snowflake and I don’t even bother to read the tags or decide who says what. I have a hard enough time keeping up with who my own guildies are. However, even this “that’s not what I was saying mine is more clever” response when pointed out how common all these arguments are (which is a very typical retort in this situation) reminds me of the Architect scene in the Matrix “this will be the sixth time [. . .] and we have become exceedingly efficient at it”.

Which gets to the thing that really rustles my jimmies… this whole problem of the people upset because they are “roamers” and they feel that WVW should cater to their individual style of play and the fact that if wvw doesn’t then it requires constant attempts to 1960s style manipulate the majority through overwhelming public demonstration and complaint.

Look we get it, us Americans like our individuality. So much so that we have developed a sociological group pathological aversion to the uncomfortable fact that we are not so unique. God help us the day that the military is actually designed to cater to people’s special little individuality. Perhaps, (and I know this sounds harsh… and probably shouldn’t be said) these people are driven to these complaints because of feelings of inferiority and when they have some individually successful one-v-one match they are psychologically and emotionally fulfilled in some way by doing this. God knows.

The bottom line is that SBI does not owe enemies anything. They don’t need to play a certain way so that little one-v-one “look at me I’m special” players have their fun. Their only functioning goal is to play so that they win and win by the biggest margins they can. To that end, they somewhat organically develop the most ideal strategies that tend to work and these strategies get refined over time. As it is, and quite OBVIOUSLY, it turns out that in large scale military style combat working together in large groups is an efficient and powerful tactic (GASP.. we just reinvented the wheel). I believe that individual skill and technique is very sophisticated in zerg style play and should not be dismissed so readily by the “roamers” that just can’t seem to master it or don’t prefer it.

I actually have done all styles in WVW depending on what the commander on the map needs from me and when. I’ve done solo. I’ve done small man. I’ve done zerg. In each case there’s a separate skill set that is required to be effective and valuable. In all cases I have noticed NO difference fighting EBay versus SBI, except that EBay did appear, as I think you indicated, the stronger opponent. (Hence why they are now ahead in the rankings… gasp…)

If you don’t prefer zerg, I suggest playing a different style pvp. If you believe you are a special unique snowflake and want everyone to acknowledge that, unfortunately no one knows or cares. I can’t even at this moment remember what your tag was. We’re all just the same decaying organic matter as everyone else. Enjoy reality.

Sorry for the long post… not really worth reading now that I think about it as I just ramble in it. LOL.

Anyways no hard feelings to you for real man, just play the game and have fun. I’m borderline insane, so don’t get too hot under the collar and take this with a grain of salt.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

This weekend, even though we were destroying you, you would keep attacking each other. You know what happens when you do that? We steamroll into your weak area because you are occupied with each other.

Thank you for a constructive post. I will let it exemplify some of the things I have said in this thread.

As I have said before (and obviously I cannot speak for all of DR) I and many of my friends have come to terms with the fact that we are a T5 server. This means we want good fighting, not for the scoreboard to show numbers in our favor. After losing for 2 months straight, anyone who wanted that is gone by now. Obviously owning nothing isn’t fun at all, but after having secured “our” parts of the map, at least I don’t care much for if we are going to IoJ or SBI areas.

Therefore, when good fighting can be found with IoJ and not with SBI, it is only natural that we should go to them, not gang up on SBI. Remember too, that fighting IoJ is often a lot more back-and-forth (which means more fun to me) because they, like DR, usually don’t have fully sieged up / upgraded keeps and towers, allowing for stuff to change hands quickly. This change makes the battlefield much more dynamic which in turn makes it a lot more fun.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Who did you refer to when you said the “trolls” then? I understand that you want to distance yourself from me, but I find it strange since you in the same post say you have no clue who I am.

As a matter of fact, I, like you, enjoy every part of WvW. I’m not from the US, even though you seem to believe so(?), which does give me sort of a unique position on DR, being pretty much the only EU commander we have. On reset night, when there is plenty of people around, I will usually run with the small roaming guilds we have. During EU morning time, I will typically run solo, being pretty much the only player online from DR during those times, and during EU afternoon and night you will typically find me commanding (the zerg!!!) until our more prevalent commanders come online.

I also find it funny that you say we want Arena Net to cater to roaming squads? I see it quite differently. Why should Arena Net punish us because of how we want to play? Isn’t that exactly what you do not want? After the culling update, culling affects small groups much harsher than large groups (we have 10-15 “slots” reserved for people who don’t exist), and the AoE cap also severely hobbles our ability to compete with larger groups.

Finding strength in numbers is always going to be a part of the game. Crippling people who don’t choose this style of playing more than what is already achieved through superior numbers is really quite unfair.

You always appeared reasonable when I met you in WvW, and honestly this talk of no one caring etc rings quite poorly with me. After all, we are all here to discuss the match up aren’t we? If I perceive the match up in a different way than you, then it is my right to voice that perception.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: JohnnyZero.5619


Female human thief from [HARD] wearing tier three cultural – doubt you’ll read this, but…

Nice (often interrupted) exchanges last night – props! What made you single me out initially?! :p

Hey there, I think you’re talkin about me. I honestly don’t remember if I hit you first or you hit me, but I initially was trying reduce your group numbers. I noticed at first you put up a good fight, and then you downed me a couple times. After that, I really wanted to single you out for a fight.

I liked how we both separated from the groups for a 1v1, after a stare down of course. Good times. Unfortunately my allies showed up and ruined our fun. I kinda wish ANET would implement a dueling system. Hard to get 1v1’s out there in WvW, and I feel like I could use the practice.

You’re really good, and you convinced me to start using Basilisk Venom. I figure I’ll use it for small group skirmishes and Dagger Storm for large group battles. I hope to see you more, I never shy from a challenge.

I Lynna I – Thief / Clownshooz – Engineer
Turbo Seksophonic – Ele / Guitar Wolfe – Mesmer
Isle of Janthir

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Hey SBI players! You probably know me. Im commander Rice. Im just gonna say… do we really have to respond to these people talking about us? I mean they were in low tier for a long time and don’t even know how to fight/put up sieges well. IOJ has been in tier 1 once so I think they fight faily well. But I don’t really mind DR talking bad about us ..why? cuz they just sound cute to me.. it’s like babies whining. "oh they have a zerg.. Oh!! we just beat 30+ zerg with 15 !! " Seems like Oozo has posted a video “stomping SBI zerg” Well.. great job. Congrats on your work. Probably happens 1/10 times. Even if it happens 10/10.. So what? We are winning You can call us anything… Zerg server, noobs, etc. I really don’t care. The end result is.. we are winning.

I have seen a DR video saying “stomping SBI zerg” and then specifically say [Kiwi]. I was watching the video, thinking “dam did we lose this bad.. we need to learn how to fight better then.” and then figured something wrong.. “wait.. i only see one fight with many Kiwi people… and most of the scenes of the video has 3?4? Kiwi tags..” So I was wondering why did this person specifically said [Kiwi].. and figured “oh he probably got beaten by us Kiwi like 10 times.. So he wanted be proud of wiping SBI zerg with about 3,4 Kiwi members..” LOL. So I am guessing.. that video is actually a compliment for us because you really wanna kill Kiwi that badly.. (meaning we are that great!) Thank you!

People will probably attack my post since it’s a bit offensive. Well.. I am not trying to offend everybody~ Just these forum warriors out here who whines too much. I took the posts by DR players really offensive. So.. I am gonna focus on you guys this week. So better watch out. IOJ, Kiwi won’t hit you most of the time (unless you get aggressive on us!"

Hey SBI.. as I said.. let’s stop worrying about these people. We are winning anyway..

I have great respect for SBI in general … they fight hard and they mostly use sound tactics involving more than one group on the map. They typically (not always) have numbers on us at certain times of the day but that’s the breaks of the game and I’d have no problem going up against SBI on a regular basis. You, however, as an individual sound as childish as you accuse all of DR of being.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

2v1? Naw, I love IoJ too much stop fighting them
Way too many good fights in their borderland, I can’t remember all the guild names but one that stuck out was [Sc] from SBI. Props to you guys, probably the best roamers I’ve seen from your server. Can’t remember any of the tags from IoJ sadly

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


To the DR sylvari thief with [btsy] (I think? Baltimore something) guild tag, you are a trixy plant.

M Black is a sweetheart ninja salad.

. . .

He still scares my ears off, though.

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Over the weekend I was very disappointed. Every time I logged on, the world was mostly Green. I would just sigh. At one point I actually started gathering, lol.

This weekend, even though we were destroying you, you would keep attacking each other. You know what happens when you do that? We steamroll into your weak area because you are occupied with each other.

We fight IOJ because we enjoy fighting against similar numbers… every time we start hitting green, we get “steamrolled” by the SBI zerg. If you roamed in groups of 10-20, instead of 20-30, you’re more likely to be engaged by those of us running in groups of 10-15.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


Female human thief from [HARD] wearing tier three cultural – doubt you’ll read this, but…

Nice (often interrupted) exchanges last night – props! What made you single me out initially?! :p

Hey there, I think you’re talkin about me. I honestly don’t remember if I hit you first or you hit me, but I initially was trying reduce your group numbers. I noticed at first you put up a good fight, and then you downed me a couple times. After that, I really wanted to single you out for a fight.

I liked how we both separated from the groups for a 1v1, after a stare down of course. Good times. Unfortunately my allies showed up and ruined our fun. I kinda wish ANET would implement a dueling system. Hard to get 1v1’s out there in WvW, and I feel like I could use the practice.

You’re really good, and you convinced me to start using Basilisk Venom. I figure I’ll use it for small group skirmishes and Dagger Storm for large group battles. I hope to see you more, I never shy from a challenge.

Female sylvari thief w/dragon armor and incinerator.

Haha yeah some good fights. It was pretty funny/epic because of the huge fighting around us, yet we still kept going at it.

I run dagger storm 9 times outta 10 especially when we’re grouped like that. I switched to basilisks just for you after our initial encounter. I figured we would see each other again… and BS venom can turn tides in a thief 1v1.

Good fights, look forward to it again.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I give up then. I may as well go do some PvE…

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

I give up then. I may as well go do some PvE…

PvE? Whats that?

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


I give up then. I may as well go do some PvE…

PvE? Whats that?

The part of the game that makes even sPvP look fun.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Nice try…. I would give it a 3 out of 10. Maybe a 4 or 5 even to highlight the effort.

You should try harder, I know you can do better. You did it before, your posts prove it.

Forum Battling 101 – When you lose an argument, claim that your opponent is trolling. That will win you some points!

In all serious though, everybody who is whining about forum posts is extremely biased and should definitely check over their facts before spitting nonsense. Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

And please, nobody call me a troll. Forming a sensible argument and contributing to the discussion is not trolling FYI.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Trexim.5283


Just have to steal this from the tier 3 (NA) thread. I find it’s funny but I am easily amused.

I think people’s definition of what a “zerg” is changes from post to post and conversation to conversation. From what I understand of what a “zerg” is:

1. Any group of players that has more people than you.
2. Any group of players that has more numbers and kills you.
3. A large amount of players.
4. A large amount of players moving around together.
5. A large amount of players that has more people than you and moving together.
6. An unorganized group of a large amount of players that has more players than you.
7. A title to indicate a save-face term that helps you feel better when you die to a large number of players that outnumber you and have more people than you that move around in either a coordinated or uncoordinated fashion which always implies your death was to a bunch of zerging unskilled people.
8. A bunch of people on your screen because you can’t count.

Basically, that is what a zerg is, from what I have read over the years of gaming. It always changes from person to person.

A zerg can zerg a zerg and move better than another zerg while being zerged by a zerg and defeat a zerg in a coordinated better zerg. And if you get zerged its because a zerg is bad and you are better because a zerg is always bad but because you die its not your faults its because of a zerg.

So you can feel better dying to zergs because you are better because you are not in a zerg when you get zerged. Unless it is a coordinated zerg that meant to zerg.

Make sense?

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


Who did you refer to when you said the “trolls” then? I understand that you want to distance yourself from me, but I find it strange since you in the same post say you have no clue who I am.

Really? OK, I literally got onto the forum and started reading in backwards order and saw some SBI posts upset about DR “whining”. So I skimmed and skipped them and kept going back up seeing the same back and forth thread going and going and going and skipping them fairly quickly. Then I thought omg same stuff again… I’ll make my own ranting post! That’s it. I wasn’t calling you out… sorry if it seemed that way.

Again the previous post had no reference to where you live, but was making a generalized point about the soloing attitudes and roughly tying it to our American or Western culture of individualism.

I did not make any statement about Arena Net catering or not to roaming squads. ? Maybe you read a different post?

I don’t believe they cripple people who don’t want to run in groups. I feel that if people don’t want to play the style of PVP that WvW is designed for, then they should try SPvP and if they find that not fun then IDK what to say at that point. Certainly they shouldn’t demand that people should play differently. That’s not going to happen. All we can do to influence the enemies behavior by being upset about “zerging” and making accusations against other servers is to kitten them off and cause them to hit even harder and stronger than before. That’s it. No one’s going to be like “oh they’re right let’s stop zerging”. lol

I’m not discouraging you to voice your opinion, merely voicing a much rarer opinion on the forums which is a complete disagreement with all this anti-zerging discussion. It seems like from the very beginning there was this almost defacto attitude of superiority among the anti-zergers which is baffling to me. Most solo players from my perspective have just looked for kills and aren’t integrated into a team following a commander’s lead to accomplish individualized objectives in support of a zerg. They just run around, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of wvw… so in general I have a fundamental opposition to that kind of mentality. That’s not to say that we don’t have AWESOME soloers or small man groups that are integrated into team based strategies. So I’m not calling anyone else out here. No need for DR hate mail.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Awlbiste.1803


I’m not discouraging you to voice your opinion, merely voicing a much rarer opinion on the forums which is a complete disagreement with all this anti-zerging discussion. It seems like from the very beginning there was this almost defacto attitude of superiority among the anti-zergers which is baffling to me.

I like you, let’s be friends.

Awlbie – All Out Assault [AoA] Division Second – Stormbluff Isle

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


There is so much anger in this thread while there is so much fun on the WvW fields, in all sides.

I’ve finally managed to do the EB JP completely – there were people from DR and IoJ there and there were no fights. When we were in T1-3 they would have balistas and trebs there to welcome you. If doing the JP is fun for you – go ahead. So what if you will get siege prints, maybe it will bring more people from your server on the battle field – fun for everyone.

To my fellow SBIers, especially Rice and the Kiwis – don’t judge DR based on the few forum warriors that keep baiting opponents week after week. Most of DR are reasonable people, like us, that enjoy fights and respect their opponents. See this Alcuin guy right here.

So – if you want to focus on DR this week – do it for the right reasons. Do it because the beer is better and the ladies prettier in their keeps Don’t do it because of a few underbridge dwellers. We surely have people like them on our own server and we would not like to pay for them.

If you get angry at DR because of a few forum warriors from that server – then they won. Don’t give them that victory.

That does not mean you should not focus on keeping DR BL green if you feel like it…just do it for the right reasons, for the fun.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


[blah blah blah]

I believe you’re reading things that are not being said.

I cannot see the following things you claim are being said:

  1. Demand that anyone change their tactics. The best fit is Oozo commenting that he personally would prefer it if SBI did; because as it stands fighting them is boring.
  2. Any claims of being better players than anyone based solely on numbers. I can’t even begin to fathom where this came from.

Though admittedly I haven’t read every post here. I tend to skip the ones that contain incomprehensible grammar.

One last thing though.

Most solo players from my perspective have just looked for kills and aren’t integrated into a team following a commander’s lead to accomplish individualized objectives in support of a zerg. They just run around, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of wvw… so in general I have a fundamental opposition to that kind of mentality. That’s not to say that we don’t have AWESOME soloers or small man groups that are integrated into team based strategies. So I’m not calling anyone else out here.

Not calling anyone out, but certainly kittening with faint praise.
Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps there is no one single overriding purpose to WvW?

Personally, I think the realm can go stuff itself. Especially since that realm is DR. The only reason I log into the game is to kill people in fun and interesting ways.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


There is so much anger in this thread while there is so much fun on the WvW fields, in all sides.

I’ve finally managed to do the EB JP completely – there were people from DR and IoJ there and there were no fights. When we were in T1-3 they would have balistas and trebs there to welcome you. If doing the JP is fun for you – go ahead. So what if you will get siege prints, maybe it will bring more people from your server on the battle field – fun for everyone.

To my fellow SBIers, especially Rice and the Kiwis – don’t judge DR based on the few forum warriors that keep baiting opponents week after week. Most of DR are reasonable people, like us, that enjoy fights and respect their opponents. See this Alcuin guy right here.

So – if you want to focus on DR this week – do it for the right reasons. Do it because the beer is better and the ladies prettier in their keeps Don’t do it because of a few underbridge dwellers. We surely have people like them on our own server and we would not like to pay for them.

If you get angry at DR because of a few forum warriors from that server – then they won. Don’t give them that victory.

That does not mean you should not focus on keeping DR BL green if you feel like it…just do it for the right reasons, for the fun.

As I’ve asked other people before: are you always this mental or are you making a special effort?

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: RiceRepublic.9271


There is so much anger in this thread while there is so much fun on the WvW fields, in all sides.

I’ve finally managed to do the EB JP completely – there were people from DR and IoJ there and there were no fights. When we were in T1-3 they would have balistas and trebs there to welcome you. If doing the JP is fun for you – go ahead. So what if you will get siege prints, maybe it will bring more people from your server on the battle field – fun for everyone.

To my fellow SBIers, especially Rice and the Kiwis – don’t judge DR based on the few forum warriors that keep baiting opponents week after week. Most of DR are reasonable people, like us, that enjoy fights and respect their opponents. See this Alcuin guy right here.

So – if you want to focus on DR this week – do it for the right reasons. Do it because the beer is better and the ladies prettier in their keeps Don’t do it because of a few underbridge dwellers. We surely have people like them on our own server and we would not like to pay for them.

If you get angry at DR because of a few forum warriors from that server – then they won. Don’t give them that victory.

That does not mean you should not focus on keeping DR BL green if you feel like it…just do it for the right reasons, for the fun.

My fault. Was taking this too seriously. I was writing in the morning, right after I woke up. So I wasn’t really thinking about it. You can call me whatever. But Kiwi has nothing to do with this post.

And to Oozo. I am not denying the fact that my guild has lost in a fight.. It’s just a game. I wouldn’t lie about it. I was just upset after you mentioning Kiwi tag specifically when you beat us only once in the video (as if you were taunting us). But you should remember that you don’t specifically call out an individual or guild.

I hope to end all hatred to specific individual/guild. I probably baited more anger. (of course those forum warriors will keep talking, but I will not anger in this forum because of forum warriors.) Sorry~

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


Just have to steal this from the tier 3 (NA) thread. I find it’s funny but I am easily amused.

I think people’s definition of what a “zerg” is changes from post to post and conversation to conversation. From what I understand of what a “zerg” is:

1. Any group of players that has more people than you.
2. Any group of players that has more numbers and kills you.
3. A large amount of players.
4. A large amount of players moving around together.
5. A large amount of players that has more people than you and moving together.
6. An unorganized group of a large amount of players that has more players than you.
7. A title to indicate a save-face term that helps you feel better when you die to a large number of players that outnumber you and have more people than you that move around in either a coordinated or uncoordinated fashion which always implies your death was to a bunch of zerging unskilled people.
8. A bunch of people on your screen because you can’t count.

Basically, that is what a zerg is, from what I have read over the years of gaming. It always changes from person to person.

A zerg can zerg a zerg and move better than another zerg while being zerged by a zerg and defeat a zerg in a coordinated better zerg. And if you get zerged its because a zerg is bad and you are better because a zerg is always bad but because you die its not your faults its because of a zerg.

So you can feel better dying to zergs because you are better because you are not in a zerg when you get zerged. Unless it is a coordinated zerg that meant to zerg.

Make sense?

zomg, so this. I think that this means I too am easily amused.

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


And to Oozo. I am not denying the fact that my guild has lost in a fight.. It’s just a game. I wouldn’t lie about it. I was just upset after you mentioning Kiwi tag specifically when you beat us only once in the video (as if you were taunting us). But you should remember that you don’t specifically call out an individual or guild.

The intent was not to embarrass or taunt. The intent was to indicate that there was a significant guild vs. guild component to the fight to let the viewer know it wasn’t a typical fight against a mixed PUG. The rest of the movie is a montage that had nothing to do with [Kiwi]. The note was there for the first fight only.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590


In all serious though, everybody who is whining about forum posts is extremely biased and should definitely check over their facts before spitting nonsense. Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

Try reading the entire thread before replying. From the first page:

SBI is a zerg-mentality server.

And, yes – compared to other servers I’ve fought SBI is a zerg server.


In all serious though, everybody who is whining about forum posts is extremely biased and should definitely check over their facts before spitting nonsense.

Oh, the irony <3

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Krash.9486


Just wanted to say thanks to DR and IoJ for all the good fights and good fun again.
Score means nothing in this set up due to uneven coverages. SBI has been at the bottom of the score board for many weeks until this match up and we still had fun, we still had victories, we still had tons of pride in the skill and strategy of our players and commanders even in a “points” losing cause. And so should DR and IoJ!!

In our last match up Yak’s Bend and Crystal Desert showed us nothing but respect and goodwill on the forums as have 99% of DR and IoJ. The two exceptions have shown themselves to be irrelevant have made ridiculous accusations (SBI spawn camping a side exit of citadel for one…LMAO!!) which lost them all credibility and exposed them for the trolls they are. I won’t mention names because they know who they are and I won’t acknowledge them or their posts here again.

Lets just have some fun in the BLs! I mean that is what games are for…right!!

[SBI] Champions of Stormbluff Isle

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: shanmugong.6750


It’s Raining KöMÉ
The next installment in the Booty Babes video from [KöMÉ]. This sums up some of our guild activities for the month of Feb 2013, including the V Day special, and also pays tribute to our WvW opponents. Featuring, Asha Angelika, Estaily, Miaw Miaw, Sonja Rhain & Sassy Na Na. Guest appearance by Teknight.

Shanmugong Asuran Engineer.
Crystal Desert. [KoME]
Once an Engineer, Always an Engineer

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


VERY impressive play from SBI in EB tonight. I was literally in awe since I had never seen that kind of play from them before. Good work all around to you guys. Is there a new commander? Trying new tactics? Got some transfers? Brilliant maneuvers and hats off.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Hope you enjoyed your time in EB tonight DR XD. No new commanders or tranfers. The QQing just kitten us off a bit. Blame your forum warriors for lighting a fire under our bottoms.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Hope you enjoyed your time in EB tonight DR XD. No new commanders or tranfers. The QQing just kitten us off a bit. Blame your forum warriors for lighting a fire under our bottoms.

If it got you to come out from behind your walls and off your siege emplacements to actually fight I’d say it was a positive outcome.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Hope you enjoyed your time in EB tonight DR XD. No new commanders or tranfers. The QQing just kitten us off a bit. Blame your forum warriors for lighting a fire under our bottoms.

Strong work bringing your massive numbers against uncoordinated defense. No seriously, no sarcasm at all, for reals…

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


Score update at 12:15am eastern for anyone interested:


Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Some DR that post such as Alcuin at least show a bit of class and aren’t full of excuses. I honestly believe others would complain to no end. Meh again enjoy and that EB map is so pretty. Good Job SBI. Also, IOJ has been coming out in more numbers. I like it. Good showings on their part.

Remember we lost nearly all of our hardened experienced commanders/guilds in wvw. Many are fairly new but tonight was a nice improvement across the board. Lastly, DR is putting up a good defense in their BL keep. Some nice battles. Fun fun night.

(edited by Gravy.7589)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Some DR that post such as Alcuin at least show a bit of class and aren’t full of excuses. I honestly believe others would complain to no end. Meh again enjoy and that EB map is so pretty. Good Job SBI.

Also, IOJ has been coming out in more numbers. I like it. Good showings on their part.

I bet a REAL T1 server would have twice as many points as we do right now!

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


Yeah IoJ came to fight tonight, good times

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)