23/02 BP/AR/NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Tbh.. All they do is also run in a zerg themselves.. And they win easily by abusing culling with veil rushes.. This is the only tactic they use, over and over.. Stack in a tight ball, drop a veil, surprise the zerg from the back with a culling bomb.
I’m not saying it’s not effective.. Because it is, very, it is a great asset to have. I’ve seen them save endless amounts of towers and keeps doing it, which is great.
But to try and claim it takes any sort of skill is indeed laughable. The only skill it requires is being able to put a target on the leader and stay close to him. Once you have that “skill” on lockdown, then all you need is 30 guys and a Mesmer with Veil.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


Really gotta love what these past few weeks have shown about AR…at this point obviously anymore name calling and such doesn’t matter since AR is only hitting us anyway…so basically as some have said go On keep picking on the little guy AR because thats all you’ll ever be good at…for your huge plan for tier 5 first how do you plan on getting past BP who has consistently beaten you, and even if you DR alone would wipe the floor with you along with any others in tier 5

Don’t be mad. If AR wasn’t there to hold your BL for you, it would be BP who’s suddenly picking on the little guy, and WE wouldn’t be winning anymore.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

(edited by Opc.4718)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Really gotta love what these past few weeks have shown about AR…at this point obviously anymore name calling and such doesn’t matter since AR is only hitting us anyway…so basically as some have said go On keep picking on the little guy AR because thats all you’ll ever be good at…for your huge plan for tier 5 first how do you plan on getting past BP who has consistently beaten you, and even if you DR alone would wipe the floor with you along with any others in tier 5

Don’t be mad. If AR wasn’t there to hold your BL for you, it would be BP who’s suddenly picking on the little guy, and WE wouldn’t be winning anymore.

Um… You aren’t winning though…

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Well if AR is In 2nd than that is winning to them don’t you remember that?

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: tehroi.4619


am i missing something, when has Sekz ever done anything other than zerg?

Here are the guilds that do small man pvp or have members that solo roam or have actually accepted/requested 1v1’s from me. Note not 1v1’s to show whos better but 1v1’s to teach and learn stuff and just have fun. People who do the former are usually insecure and loserish. IDK if there are more on the other servers but there could be


Manvil, Moob (meh they are cheesy though), Team Virus, BL

gmct (or something along those lines)

Back to NSP———
Of course there are people a part of the bigger guilds that do roam by themselves so they are included. I’ve seen several people from tM, Loot, Os, TFG, and many people from quebecois guilds as well roaming by themselves or in what I could tell to be groups of <5. So this isn’t directed at them but I don’t think any of them has as much experience as the NSP guilds i listed above.

but only ONCE have i seen anyone from sekz solo roam, and thats because he was following me. I got into an argument with one of them the other day after I called their guild a zerg guild, the guy didn’t even know thieves can steal skills off of different classes and had no idea what magic bullet did. He had no idea how a shatter mesmer sets up his damage and then justified his skill by saying that I would lose a 1v1 with him because he would have friends to help him (?????). I’ve also been told that you lose a 1v1 if your target is able to run away and get to his zerg by this same guild. A guild that has members in it that considers on average a group of 15 to not be a zerg ._. …. all of that started when I told them I trolled evilzara and I got swarmed by some passive aggressive white knight despite others in their guild telling me to troll her / giving me her name to troll her

Now i’m not insulting any of you, and I’m not saying you don’t have people that don’t go out by themselves one or twice every no and then. But as far as I am concerned through my own observation and discussion with people from your guild, you guys have no idea what you’re doing in a small man group because you guys have no knowledge of what to do in a 1v1 situation or any knowledge of other classes. That is not an insult, but to act as if sekz somehow has an insane amount of solo pvp ability when they never solo pvp is ignorant.

If you actually strive to be gr8 solo accomplished pvprs, then go out and roam by yourselves while listening to music. Until then anyone saying sekz is a challenge is laughable, I consider them the ALS of NSP. I’ve seen them fail taking AB over and over again a few weeks ago and then get portal bombed by the other server, then high five each other over /map about how they got some bags and leave the borderlands. This was an hour after I asked for help with no reply to taking garrison (which we would have btw). These guys don’t have the proper attitude to be good pvp’rs, I get embarassed as fek if I lose but then I try to think why I lost and if I can do something better. These guys act as if they never lose. That is the sekz you guys are saying are capable pvprs?

where is cute charr guild on AR list???


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Snakeeeeee.2086


rip nsp, see you next week

80 Asura Elementalist; Akiranyo ~Hai
Lord of da boiz[lotb]
Northern Shiver Peaks

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Can we get a score update please? Haven’t been on but really sounds like they were trying to put is down and out early on

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Shinsetsuu.2849


Score update, hope this is ok


Valiant Morrighan | Meifèng | Frostknight Morgana
Fort Aspenwood

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


To Paxa,

Good Fights tonight was really fun… Cant wait until tomarrow

Evil Doers

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


Really gotta love what these past few weeks have shown about AR…at this point obviously anymore name calling and such doesn’t matter since AR is only hitting us anyway…so basically as some have said go On keep picking on the little guy AR because thats all you’ll ever be good at…for your huge plan for tier 5 first how do you plan on getting past BP who has consistently beaten you, and even if you DR alone would wipe the floor with you along with any others in tier 5

Don’t be mad. If AR wasn’t there to hold your BL for you, it would be BP who’s suddenly picking on the little guy, and WE wouldn’t be winning anymore.

Um… You aren’t winning though…

Hurr durr little details. We WERE winning last time I was on, and it’s the thought behind that counts right?

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145




Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098



Get a new keyboard before u post again? Looks broken.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968



:) A wild alt train has appeared!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


“Take a note from BP this week. They are staying out of our way”.

Not really, just another borlisy strategy, i was inside your valley 1 hour ago btw, couldnt cap it

What the hell was that btw. I mean props for having a humongous Zerg and absolutely destroying everything we had, it was literally a sea of red… (well red and green because almost everyone was Upscaled) but seriously? How did you not cap that… Yeah we got some help but it was nowhere near the numbers you guys had.

I just don’t get where you borlis seem to pull all these numbers from, do you go to lions arch and callout “1g for every person that comes to EB and follows me?” or something? To match you guys we have to pull lots of people of all the other maps, and I still hear “30 BP attacking ARBL bay” down TS. It’s mind boggling!

Haha it depends on the commanders, when one of your good commanders lead you will see people coming to him from LA, we couldnt cap it because it was well sieged, about 7 arrow carts on inner walls, some ballistas here and there, no waypoint for us in SM, and sure twogallnts jumping in with his 40 als zerg from time to time, and the lord hammer power makes it possible to defend 20 vs 50.

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: DeeSystm.1256


Well NS, you’ll have to thank me, I maxed out your Hills wall with these kittenin Golems.(see attch)
Hope both servers liked the golem rushes, I know the guild did.


“I came to play.” me
r4420k+ blazetrain

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


“Take a note from BP this week. They are staying out of our way”.

Not really, just another borlisy strategy, i was inside your valley 1 hour ago btw, couldnt cap it

What the hell was that btw. I mean props for having a humongous Zerg and absolutely destroying everything we had, it was literally a sea of red… (well red and green because almost everyone was Upscaled) but seriously? How did you not cap that… Yeah we got some help but it was nowhere near the numbers you guys had.

I just don’t get where you borlis seem to pull all these numbers from, do you go to lions arch and callout “1g for every person that comes to EB and follows me?” or something? To match you guys we have to pull lots of people of all the other maps, and I still hear “30 BP attacking ARBL bay” down TS. It’s mind boggling!

Haha it depends on the commanders, when one of your good commanders lead you will see people coming to him from LA, we couldnt cap it because it was well sieged, about 7 arrow carts on inner walls, some ballistas here and there, no waypoint for us in SM, and sure twogallnts jumping in with his 40 als zerg from time to time, and the lord hammer power makes it possible to defend 20 vs 50.

This is an sPvP server, we don’t get people from lions arch. They don’t care about wvw. Trust us, we’ve tried.

I don’t pull 40 ALS these days, i get 15-25 maybe.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



I didn’t check the score for a long time, but it seems like NSP is going down a tier at the end of the week.

I’m personaly not happy about it, as I knew I could find roamers in NSP, but really few from BP. Each time we hit a BP player, like a GOAT player, we call this BEE time. Because it’s like hitting a nest of bees, like 10+ more players will come to rez, they are never alone. NEVER ALONE. :P

But back on NSP, I’m gonna miss you guys! Hope you kick some kitten down there and come back with us!

I will miss my weird relation with PAXA. While I tend to respect them, Jscull is so random sometime I wonder if it’s healthy for him to post on this board. By the way I’M still having nightmare about your char mesmer

Those ENVY guys, oh man the hate for me! What’s the deal! There may be 15 NSP guys, and 15 AR guys, but be sure if those 2 ENVY mesmer are there, they will go directly for me behind the line. And they will bring their DOWN friends and wait at me at the spawn. Come on guys, you two mesmer can prolly down me in 1on1, no need for numbers.

P.S : I didn’t see much of those DOWN guys, but I hope to fight them before friday, they seems good!

SPLT, for their gentleman behavior and high end pvp skills. Love to fight you guys!

CORE, prolly the best pvpers I fought, they might be from BP tho? Don’t remember. But you kicked my kitten in duels and did it with class!

I don’t want to fuel Teviospy, but, personnaly, I have yet to find a roamer group of Sekz. Tho I saw group of 12-15 players of them going around. I actually hoped to find them in a smaller group to test them!

By the way Teviospy, I also have yet to see you? Yet with your tanky build, I would remember fighting you. Are you always on EB? I don’t like EB for roaming, too zergy, and there is always a sieging hitting you. Some people seems to stay 24/24 on siege.
Come on NSP or BP borderland, lots of fun there!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Furby.2693


Oh yes! Finaly we will drop from 1 tiers! It’s so boring to eternaly combat AR and BP. New opponents will be good!

Furby, Seigneur of Quebekers Alliance [QKA]
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Furby.2693)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Just a bit man and I like the rivalry with you guys.

Which one are you?

Blacky or blondy?

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


I’m the blond and the azura with gold dreds. I’m pretty sure you’ve met both of my mesmers.

Just be happy your name isn’t Lukain Darkblade. Then you really see us chase him down. I will part a sea of ar/bp zergs just to get a chance to spike his eye.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

Shame that NSP will move down a tier. but thank god we wont have to deal with constant spies (psst the asura thief,we know…) and double teaming. TBH its not really even double teaming. Its BP assaulting and AR scavenging like parasites. I met some really decent BP players. But god AR…come fight me on even numbers, see how much you’ll be dancing then.

If we do move down. BP, good luck!

AR, really…a zerker commander? lawl

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Tbh.. All they do is also run in a zerg themselves.. And they win easily by abusing culling with veil rushes.. This is the only tactic they use, over and over.. Stack in a tight ball, drop a veil, surprise the zerg from the back with a culling bomb.
I’m not saying it’s not effective.. Because it is, very, it is a great asset to have. I’ve seen them save endless amounts of towers and keeps doing it, which is great.
But to try and claim it takes any sort of skill is indeed laughable. The only skill it requires is being able to put a target on the leader and stay close to him. Once you have that “skill” on lockdown, then all you need is 30 guys and a Mesmer with Veil.

This is different from most 5 man tactics?

1 gather together – stealth optional
2 target player
3 Burst player
4 run away – stealth optional
5 wait for cool down
6 repeat

Doing it with 20 players takes a lot more coordination then 5 so they have “skills”. I know there are 5 man that run slightly different I.e. they send out tank bait then hit the squishies with their DPs but it’s really the same tactic. That’s my only real problem with the 5 man groups. A lot of them ignore the logistical problems of running a large group while touting how their maxed geared synergistic builds can kill small groups of randoms or wvw focused builds.

Plus I can’t see why you’d insult guys from your own server.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

(edited by Merkenary.9860)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Tbh.. All they do is also run in a zerg themselves.. And they win easily by abusing culling with veil rushes.. This is the only tactic they use, over and over.. Stack in a tight ball, drop a veil, surprise the zerg from the back with a culling bomb.
I’m not saying it’s not effective.. Because it is, very, it is a great asset to have. I’ve seen them save endless amounts of towers and keeps doing it, which is great.
But to try and claim it takes any sort of skill is indeed laughable. The only skill it requires is being able to put a target on the leader and stay close to him. Once you have that “skill” on lockdown, then all you need is 30 guys and a Mesmer with Veil.

This is different from most 5 man tactics?

1 gather together – stealth optional
2 target player
3 Burst player
4 run away – stealth optional
5 wait for cool down
6 repeat

Doing it with 20 players takes a lot more coordination then 5 so they have “skills”. I know there are 5 man that run slightly different I.e. they send out tank bait then hit the squishies with their DPs but it’s really the same tactic. That’s my only real problem with the 5 man groups. A lot of them ignore the logistical problems of running a large group while touting how their maxed geared synergistic builds can kill small groups of randoms or wvw focused builds.

Plus I can’t see why you’d insult guys from your own server.

I didn’t insult them, I said they were a great asset and their tactic is effective.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: mekkanic.4759


I thought nsp was taking a break. They seem pretty lively here. They put up an excellent fight last week. Our guild sure has fun taking pangloss sp and fending off 20 +nsp with arrowcarts and ballistas for a while before being overran…you guys will be missed if you jump down a tier.

[Agg] ression

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Zuer.2814


I havnt been on at all since Thursday. Any chance of a score update for those of us at work who can’t wait to get home and smash faces?

Also people keep talking about NSP moving down a tier. As I havnt gotten the chance to play I havnt seen scores and what not. But I’ll be sadd if you guys move down. There were some great battles with NSP and I’ll miss that.


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I’m the blond and the azura with gold dreds. I’m pretty sure you’ve met both of my mesmers.

Just be happy your name isn’t Lukain Darkblade. Then you really see us chase him down. I will part a sea of ar/bp zergs just to get a chance to spike his eye.

Well you couldn’t chase me down farther then my spawn point. And I remember your asura, was sure a pain in the bottom.

Why chase Lukain Darkblade? He is a fairly good pvpers, did he do anything?

@Spets the MilkBandit

So AR got no descent player? I would be happy to hunt your zergs. So where are you guys PvDooring? I don’t remember seeing any ZoS around?

I expect you guys to come 1 by 1 to me, since you are asking Anvil Rock to do the same.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Mhmm why do i feel like AR feeding on NSP to catch up with BP score, no offence tho, am i the only one who thinks that ?

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Feeding off a server who is taking a weeks vacation and still can’t come first. Says volumes.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

I’m pretty sure we can all see the difference between a warrior swinging a hammer and stunning, and an ele throwing a gear that bounces and stuns multiple ppl that aren’t right next to each other.

Also, a ‘l2play’ comment coming from ALS, how ironic.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

(edited by dank.3680)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

I don’t see why people knock that strategy, I wouldn’t think it was in some way cheap it just makes sense strategically. When you’re looking to pick up points, why not sponge up the softer targets first? It makes sense to pick up points where you can instead of investing the same time and manpower for less gain. I personally would like to see us doing more to get a foothold in BP territories since taking a camp from BP is a 10 point swing between us and them (their points go down by 5 and ours up by 5) where an NSP camp is a 5 point in our direction.

Now, where I think we go wrong is there isn’t enough emphasis or just flat out not the commitment or willingness to play defense at all times in order to maintain a presence in the BP BL (something you guys do NOT make easy). If you can hold two towers and one or all of the camps in the south of another team’s BL that swings the score 40-70 points your direction vs. that team.

I’m probably wrong though, I’m writing this with hardly sleep the last few days and after doing some large assignments for classes so there’s not much juice left up in the brain box at this point

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



I really don’t care about score, or double team or any of that thing.

But can you guys from NSP posting about the score/double team, can you :





Man, I love a bit of drama from time to time. And I’m sure it’s gettings annoying for NSP to be the smaller server. But really, do you have to whine about everything all the time.

double teaming, hiting the weak, zerging ect. Is there anything you guys didn’t whine about yet?

I feel like a part of the vocal population of NSP on the forum only post to whine about something.

I also whine from time to time, but man next time I will do it, I will remember to not push it so much.

P.S : This message isn’t directed at any non-whinner NSP.

P.S 2 : Whine about whine, yes.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


I don’t see why people knock that strategy, I wouldn’t think it was in some way cheap it just makes sense strategically. When you’re looking to pick up points, why not sponge up the softer targets first? It makes sense to pick up points where you can instead of investing the same time and manpower for less gain. I personally would like to see us doing more to get a foothold in BP territories since taking a camp from BP is a 10 point swing between us and them (their points go down by 5 and ours up by 5) where an NSP camp is a 5 point in our direction.

Now, where I think we go wrong is there isn’t enough emphasis or just flat out not the commitment or willingness to play defense at all times in order to maintain a presence in the BP BL (something you guys do NOT make easy). If you can hold two towers and one or all of the camps in the south of another team’s BL that swings the score 40-70 points your direction vs. that team.

I’m probably wrong though, I’m writing this with hardly sleep the last few days and after doing some large assignments for classes so there’s not much juice left up in the brain box at this point

No you are completely right, I’ve been saying for awhile now if AR wanted to win, they would go attack BP. But as of this week, AR is content on committing the bulk of their forces to pvdooring at NSP BL since we can’t seem to get more then 10-15 ppl in the map a majority of the day this week. Which might help they win, except for the fact that BP is controlling our EBG completely.

AR can’t get enough points just controlling our BL since all BP has to do is grab a couple camps on ours or AR’s to get the advantage plus the fact they hold SM. Also factoring in that NSP will constantly be reflipping at least some camps and a couple towers/garrison on our BL.

All of this is fine with me because I would like to drop tiers and have a fresh matchup to look forward to. It gets old fighting the same servers over and over.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Hmm, too much negativity. Let me positive things up. Gz to AR for perpetually coming 2nd. Don’t forget to pick up BP’s dry cleaning after your celebrations. If you’re nice they will let you sit at the kids table again next week. Then again, DH may be the new sexy in which case you will be left out in the cold reliving all those times you snatched 2nd from the jaws of victory.


Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: HackerTeivospy.2031


I don’t want to fuel Teviospy, but, personnaly, I have yet to find a roamer group of Sekz. Tho I saw group of 12-15 players of them going around. I actually hoped to find them in a smaller group to test them!

By the way Teviospy, I also have yet to see you? Yet with your tanky build, I would remember fighting you. Are you always on EB? I don’t like EB for roaming, too zergy, and there is always a sieging hitting you. Some people seems to stay 24/24 on siege.
Come on NSP or BP borderland, lots of fun there!

I play more than 1 build and a ton of variations of the builds I play, ie 10 30 0 0 30 stomps out DP thieves pretty hard but 10 30 10 0 20 is better for general fighting while 10 30 0 10 20 is best for not being kited while 25 30 0 0 15 is best for damage. I’m going to be trying 10 30 0 5 25 soon enough because I think it would be best for damage and mobility. Add onto that my shortbow condition build, my permastealth condition spam build, a double pistol rofl build I do when i am tired and want to faceroll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gozyr-fUR3c), and some others. I haven’t played dodge build in like a week+ now.

I go to borderlands when im with wafflez, and whereever i want to when i am alone

learn to speak and behave

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


What is great is unless Anet fixes the overly GLARING issues of seeing the 32 mosquitos / river drakes / wolves / and snow flakes while stealthing the 13 red defenders also in the same vicinity; AoE cap of 5; downed state mechanics; map size; and finally personal kills adding to the overall score/ranking ability……All you “powerful” zergs that ask for constant “score updates” will be running your mouths to a forum full of the only remaining zergers in Gw2. Unless this game takes a mighty change by the “March” update, none of you guys will have anyone to fight that isnt behind a keep wall on awesome arrow carts. That is what most of you guys get off on anyways.


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Ummm did I miss an announcement or something? Is Sekz leaving NSP for another server? Hope not. I think they are a good guild when they are all together. They wprk pretty well as a team. Nice to have organized groups on our side. Im not trying to open up the debate that has been raging about Sekz. Just curious as to their plans.

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


It’s not BP’s numbers that is hurting you, it’s BP’s ability with numbers. Simple math shows that unless AR gets the stones to attack BP, BP will win. We are giving you unfettered access to attack BP and you are still content to doggedly keep a come second at all costs strategy. Don’t worry about us dropping, DH will hate AR just as much as everyone else. And I’m sure your superior coattail holding will let you be 2nd next week too.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


It’s not BP’s numbers that is hurting you, it’s BP’s ability with numbers. Simple math shows that unless AR gets the stones to attack BP, BP will win. We are giving you unfettered access to attack BP and you are still content to doggedly keep a come second at all costs strategy. Don’t worry about us dropping, DH will hate AR just as much as everyone else. And I’m sure your superior coattail holding will let you be 2nd next week too.

At the moment, I think AR’s biggest concern is not to win, but to make sure NSP drops a tier.

Here in BP, we could care less who drops a tier, we just don’t want AR to win.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378



So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Okay, I think AR is the greatest server of all time, they definitely don’t zerg and they’re far superior to BP.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


At the moment, I think AR’s biggest concern is not to win, but to make sure NSP drops a tier.

Here in BP, we could care less who drops a tier, we just don’t want AR to win.

Pretty much this.

I encourage NSP to grasp this very simple concept.



23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


We are well aware AR isn’t going to win.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

I’m pretty sure we can all see the difference between a warrior swinging a hammer and stunning, and an ele throwing a gear that bounces and stuns multiple ppl that aren’t right next to each other.

Also, a ‘l2play’ comment coming from ALS, how ironic.

Clearly you can’t tell the difference and i never said L2play but… L2play.


So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Okay, I think AR is the greatest server of all time, they definitely don’t zerg and they’re far superior to BP.

BP doesn’t zerg either!

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Pestilence.3184



So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Well yeah when you have really arrogant guys jumping up and down on dead bodys pointing and laughing at the dead UP lvl’d guys on the floor your gonna get the hate.

For ONCE im agreeing with KALKZ….. as much as it pains me =/

PAXA…… OMG your sooo annoying why are you Ganking guys from other maps and not trying to put the same effort in to get your server some points???? you have some great players that work well together….

@ Imalog

Dude the only time i SEE you is when you got 20+ guys right behind you its the only real time AR seems to fight….. your like there mommy with the apren strings bro…. its time to cut them loose lol BUT your ZERG machine works untill some one either rolls over you with a bigger ZERG or some one like PAXA SEKZ GOAT etc tear your zerg to pieces with less numbers.

and i been on the receiving end of your “Peg leg / Plank” manouvers…. such a shame you guys resorted to that but your not the only ones so i cant blame you.

shame bout the hate between AR and BP ive met a few good guys from AR and NS.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


Itz a game win or lose stop crying lol. go play minecraft

Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammerlol, gear, planks , spiked fruit , peglegs ,kitten it, who cares anymore well find something else to abuse the first chance we can.

honestly, i hope Anet adds moar stuff like the gear to wvw, so me and my zergballs can use something other then autoattack.


NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

I’m pretty sure we can all see the difference between a warrior swinging a hammer and stunning, and an ele throwing a gear that bounces and stuns multiple ppl that aren’t right next to each other.

Also, a ‘l2play’ comment coming from ALS, how ironic.

Clearly you can’t tell the difference and i never said L2play but… L2play.


So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Okay, I think AR is the greatest server of all time, they definitely don’t zerg and they’re far superior to BP.

BP doesn’t zerg either!

Clearly I can see when someone wields an item in their hands and then throws it at me and I get knocked down or stunned.

Clearly you didn’t exactly say ‘l2play’, but clearly your post implied it.

You’re right, I clearly need to learn to play. If you are that glass ALS warrior commander, could you please teach me how to get downed 3 times by a Necro while fighting him 10v1. Clearly that would be a good skill to have to improve my gameplay. I’m not sure how zergs work but I think that gives an exp boost to the revive bots..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Sentry.3691


The NSP QQ continues. Seriously, guys, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server.

NSP is like an annoying younger brother that can never quite compete with his older siblings; instead, he spends all of his energy looking for attention, whining, blaming others for his failures, and making excuses.

I find it rather sad that you guys hate Anvil Rock so much. You list a thousand reasons, but they all seem to boil down to the fact that we take your bl every week. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that it is embarrassing, and I can’t blame you for being humiliated and angry. There is, however, a simple solution: Defend your bl and force us to attack bp.

I’m sure that you will now start complaining that you don’t have the numbers. Well, join the club.

(edited by Sentry.3691)