23/02 BP/AR/NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Score in the lower tiers are reflected on the numbers each server can produce, nothing more. NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town. Move along.

Edit: All of this whole server trash talking, “phases,” and plans for winning in score are silly. It’s like saying 20 midgets can whoop Brock Lesner in a fight. They surely can as they outnumber him 20 to 1, but they wouldn’t think they are strong as individuals for it.

Huh, I’m not used to this kind of post from you.

So you are saying, with even number, NSP would dominate Anvil Rock and BP?

That’s just speculation Miller, every server that is outnumbered in a match up say that. Anvil Rock used to say it when fighting NSP early on after the release.

I’m pretty sure if NSP and AR and BP would be equal population, it would be a pretty close match up.

Yeah NSP are good on week end, but who said it’s not because you outnumber us? Why when we win during the week, it’s because we have the number. But when you win during week end, it’s because you have the skills?

Elaborate please, is it that NSP got better individual player then both BP and AR?

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


So you are saying, with even number, NSP would dominate Anvil Rock and BP?

No, I’m saying that not one of these servers would dominate the whole match with even numbers. I’m saying that all of the people, like Imalog with his superior skills and Kodiak with his “phases,” gloating about sending NSP down a tier aren’t as hot as they think they are. I find it funny that people insist on keeping a conversation going about which server is better score wise when each server has proven when they put out the numbers that they can take the lead. The ones that think they are the better players for it are frankly idiots.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Every server feels they have the superior players and the higher level of skill. That’s just human nature. I don’t come on to a forum to expound on how great I am after I win a fight, nor do I cry numbers when I lose. Some players feel they need to do that to make themselves feel better. That’s not how you improve as a player, a group, or a guild though. When I fight other players I try to learn from it, win or lose, to see how I can improve on what I did. Different people do things differently though.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Mhmm Dear AR
3 Omegas. Around 5 Alphas ?, 7 Trebs at DG. 4 Trebs at Valley tower, 50 Anvils, you missed one thing, When you touch my SM next time make sure i’m offline

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


For an example of what Dovgan is talking about, check the post of Kalkz right before me!


Oh sorry I misunderstood what you meant!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Everyone in our guild has years of player vs player experience. We use our classes… Not items to win fights. Anyone can write anything. Put a screenshot of what you’re accusing us on the forums. Otherwise your absplutely blowing smoke. None of us are that cheap.

So your explanation to the other 10+ people you were running with last night for getting smoked was an excuse. By Gw2 standards you’re right on the money for being a “leader”.


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


For an example of what Dovgan is talking about, check the post of Kalkz right before me!


Oh sorry I misunderstood what you meant!

I wasn’t being like Ha. im/we’re so Great!, i just failed at inner Valley, i was just saying, i still enjoy fighting twogallnts zergs

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


Score in the lower tiers are reflected on the numbers each server can produce, nothing more. NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town. Move along……..

BP used to do the same, in fact the reset night rush was something we became know for. Eventually we realized that it is a marathon not a sprint. Blowing your wad in the first 48 hours is not a solid long term strategy.

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: anthsss.1564


Hey AR how come you are falling so soon? You weren’t even in 1st for longer than like 12 hours, and it’s only Tuesday and you are already losing your grip. Even NSP carries you guys


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Your post shows that you are full of it. You would really have respect for a guild that uses gears and it took that guild’s forum posts for you to lose that respect for them? You wouldn’t have respect for a guild using gears in the first place. Making lame excuses and accusations for losing to a lesser manned group is pathetic. L2P.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Mhmm Dear AR
3 Omegas. Around 5 Alphas ?, 7 Trebs at DG. 4 Trebs at Valley tower, 50 Anvils, you missed one thing, When you touch my SM next time make sure i’m offline

and when you touch my valley, make sure im offline.

we had like less than 20 people for a bit there when you hit us at DG both times from behind. I wanted to know if you were 40+ or 60+ people.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: HackerTeivospy.2031


Shadow Shot: This ability now allows the player to move while executing dagger strike portion of the ability.

Withdraw: This ability now scales 20% better with healing power. Base healing per level has increased by 10%.

Updated the Superior Rune of the Pack’s third bonus to correctly give 50 power.

i lold

learn to speak and behave

(edited by HackerTeivospy.2031)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town.

NSP ‘dominates’ on reset nights because everything is paper. Once fortifications start getting upgraded NSP starts disappearing.


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: SirV.7245


Every server feels they have the superior players and the higher level of skill. That’s just human nature. I don’t come on to a forum to expound on how great I am after I win a fight, nor do I cry numbers when I lose. Some players feel they need to do that to make themselves feel better. That’s not how you improve as a player, a group, or a guild though. When I fight other players I try to learn from it, win or lose, to see how I can improve on what I did. Different people do things differently though.

So how do you improve with 5 players defending tower/keep against a 25+ zerg? Even if we down a few with sieges and aoe the zerg well just res them anyways. Theres no winning such a battle.

But to be honest, I do think I’m one of those superior player on NSP, the only problem is I can’t tell if you guys have any when you just overrun us with your zergs. Not complaining though I love fighting zergs with a 3 man crew, which taught me to be a better player.

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Naffy.1493


So I just discovered WvW a couple days ago and was very impressed. Now I find that there is a dedicated kitten talking thread for our rivalry? This is pretty rad. So AR and BP, watch out for the Sylvari trying to shove a boat anchor up your kitten (not sure how sensitve ANet is about language on here….).

*Edit: Lulz, so I guess thats how they handle colorful language.

Tree Dink – Sylvari Guardian
Os of NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Your post shows that you are full of it. You would really have respect for a guild that uses gears and it took that guild’s forum posts for you to lose that respect for them? You wouldn’t have respect for a guild using gears in the first place. Making lame excuses and accusations for losing to a lesser manned group is pathetic. L2P.

@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Does anyone from any of the three servers in this matchup remember when video games used to be fun?

I have fun every day i log into the game.

And this forum, it’s as good as the movie TED at times

:) people be actin like they aint even watchin muh vids on page 3.

It’s pretty clear that Os guild Has fun win or lose. We wouldn’t still be on NSP if we didn’t.

People keep leaving for greener pastures, but we have a hoot in our own flowering garden of magical siege killing.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


So I just discovered WvW a couple days ago and was very impressed. Now I find that there is a dedicated kitten talking thread for our rivalry? This is pretty rad. So AR and BP, watch out for the Sylvari trying to shove a boat anchor up your kitten (not sure how sensitve ANet is about language on here….).

*Edit: Lulz, so I guess thats how they handle colorful language.

I actually had a dude I was recruiting to guild get freaked out because he thought I was obsessed with cats. He’s like “dude, I don’t think this guild is for me, I really don’t like cats” and I was like… What?

In aion it was Nyerk, a phrase Shugo (The otter kittenes who controlled the trading post) used to say.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town.

NSP ‘dominates’ on reset nights because everything is paper. Once fortifications start getting upgraded NSP starts disappearing.

We actually had a week with top points until Monday.

Our population drops drastically during the week.

That’s just how it goes.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Your post shows that you are full of it. You would really have respect for a guild that uses gears and it took that guild’s forum posts for you to lose that respect for them? You wouldn’t have respect for a guild using gears in the first place. Making lame excuses and accusations for losing to a lesser manned group is pathetic. L2P.

@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

Screenshot please. Point of saying we have played many games is just to solidify why we wouldn’t use what you said we used. Would LOVE to see your combat log.

And arrogance above tolerance? What are you going to do about it “Kitten”? You clearly don’t win in game so….you better just /ignore while you still can.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Your post shows that you are full of it. You would really have respect for a guild that uses gears and it took that guild’s forum posts for you to lose that respect for them? You wouldn’t have respect for a guild using gears in the first place. Making lame excuses and accusations for losing to a lesser manned group is pathetic. L2P.

@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

If you think PAXA lacks skill you are either angry for being rolled and embarrassed, or have never seen them fight. Love them or hate them it doesn’t really matter everyone knows they are skilled.

This is the problem today if you are better than other people you should shut up and compliment them and encourage them, eff that, knowing you are better than someone else feels good no matter what that skill is. People will always be jealous even when its over something as unimportant as a video game. If you can not handle being reminded you are not as good as someone else you may want to start learning to deal with it. If you don’t have the mental capacity to figure out a game as simple as this,you will most likely always be a loser, learning to deal with that now might improve your quality of life.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Oremus.4678


Does anyone from any of the three servers in this matchup remember when video games used to be fun?

I have fun every day i log into the game.

And this forum, it’s as good as the movie TED at times

I’m sure most people here do, the point was that after 5 pages of this tripe you’d never know it.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aoreias.6384


Wow… ’grats AR, that must have been the luckiest reset ever =\

Commander Acraina – 80 Elementalist
Borlis Savers [BS]
For the Pass!

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Mhmm Dear AR
3 Omegas. Around 5 Alphas ?, 7 Trebs at DG. 4 Trebs at Valley tower, 50 Anvils, you missed one thing, When you touch my SM next time make sure i’m offline

and when you touch my valley, make sure im offline.

we had like less than 20 people for a bit there when you hit us at DG both times from behind. I wanted to know if you were 40+ or 60+ people.

You…stay away from my SM unless u want me to stay awake 24/7 until i take valley, also ANET LOVES YOU AND YOU KNOW WHY. IM RAGING

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town.

NSP ‘dominates’ on reset nights because everything is paper. Once fortifications start getting upgraded NSP starts disappearing.

We actually had a week with top points until Monday.

Our population drops drastically during the week.

That’s just how it goes.

And a lot of us were cheering you guys on. Again, it is a marathon not a sprint. All bs aside there are a lot of NSP guilds/folks who will be missed next week.

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Does anyone from any of the three servers in this matchup remember when video games used to be fun?

I have fun every day i log into the game.

And this forum, it’s as good as the movie TED at times

:) people be actin like they aint even watchin muh vids on page 3.

It’s pretty clear that Os guild Has fun win or lose. We wouldn’t still be on NSP if we didn’t.

People keep leaving for greener pastures, but we have a hoot in our own flowering garden of magical siege killing.

I didn’t even notice you posted videos! That sneak ballista was really great. I agree with your statement about most of Os will still be in WvW this week dropping a tier or not.

Heiann – NSP

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


patch day.. lousy WvW for the rest of the week.



23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


@ paxa

really fella’s, I used to think highly of you all, now after reading your kitten posts, it just dropped your credibility and your skills. All I asked was that you stop using “gears”. It clearly shows it in the combat logs, the dmg and what is used. I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t common, so someone in your little parties is using it. so instead of sitting here insulting me, why don’t you guys learn how to play, instead of relying on forum builds, and actually fight those who can fight back. I guess pvp means fighting things on the ground, easy mode wins, gg.

Your post shows that you are full of it. You would really have respect for a guild that uses gears and it took that guild’s forum posts for you to lose that respect for them? You wouldn’t have respect for a guild using gears in the first place. Making lame excuses and accusations for losing to a lesser manned group is pathetic. L2P.

@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

Years of experience in this case means being exactly where you are right now, getting rolled, not knowing why or how. There’s another side to this game, friend. It’s one where whats on your action bar matters, and traits can make or break a fight. You should join us.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Since we are moving down a tier , i would like to dedicate a song to all of the small NSP roamer guilds out there. I salute you all. Enjoy!


NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Culetto.4386


Zerg this, zerg that, double team this, double team that.

You really want to win?

Have more fun than they are!

You dont like zergs. Then dont zerg.

You dont like fighting zergs with your smallman? Best to avoid them, huh?

You dont like solo/smallman play? Run with a zerg.

You dont want someone to take your [tower, camp, loots, kittens]? Better make sure you get some people there to defend it.

People are going to play how they want to play, you cant change this with all the e-thuggery and smack talking in the world. You either play and have fun or dont play, pretty simple. Sorry for ranting, i guess i just miss all the ‘good fight we had at xx’ posts but i guess this is bound to happen when we play the same people over and over. Rage on, you leetsauce gamer you. We will keep laughing in TS.

[ALS] Muerta Bueno

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Does anyone from any of the three servers in this matchup remember when video games used to be fun?

I have fun every day i log into the game.

And this forum, it’s as good as the movie TED at times

:) people be actin like they aint even watchin muh vids on page 3.

It’s pretty clear that Os guild Has fun win or lose. We wouldn’t still be on NSP if we didn’t.

People keep leaving for greener pastures, but we have a hoot in our own flowering garden of magical siege killing.

I didn’t even notice you posted videos! That sneak ballista was really great. I agree with your statement about most of Os will still be in WvW this week dropping a tier or not.


Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Just checked in real quick…AR why u only have 2 keeps? :p

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

Do you happen to know what CC stands for?


23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

I talked it over with the guys and we agree. After looking at the style of play we’ve faced over these weeks, we’ve decided to stop using any abilities after 1.

You won’t have to worry about having to learn counters (its stability and aegis, freebee for you).

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Ah crap they removed karma bought items from wvw . Now everyone will just have to go back to complaining about culling, double teaming, zergs and small mans….. BORING :P

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Npac.3476


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

I honestly spent quite a while trying to think of a way to respond to this post but I’m pretty sure it’s just about perfect. I mean really…the name calling, the blinding rage, as well as hillarious statements have honestly made my night. Well done sir well done!

PS. Jscull and I honestly pulled PAXA out of thin air when we made the guild but I love your acronym…really sums us up!

Zelrin- 80 Thief
Founder of PAXA

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Well, although it wasn’t you Rob, there were a few calling out AR for the last weeks match. I’m sure they managed to kitten off quite a few people on AR which in turn means some individuals who may have taken the insults to heart will do whatever they can to crush NSP because of the ignorance of a few.

I’m just assuming this is the case, I can’t actually confirm it, but in the future maybe those that were spouting crap should try and refrain or accept what happens next.

Again this is not directed at you Rob and I’m only guessing this is now whats happening. Its unfortunate that it seems BP is also hitting NSP.

I have a screenshot from a prominent AR commander stating that I was the sole reason why BP and AR were working together this week to attack NSP. Sadly, people don’t want the truth to come out, and It will get reported immediately as character assassination/personal attack if I were to post it again.

I think you are really looking past the point though. I really hate to be humble or modest or whatever you want to call it, but do you honestly think that I have the ability to irritate so many people, or is this a matter of what is wrong with the many people that got so upset over what I said?

In reality, this is a game, and for me to get the reaction that I did from stating facts, is quite absurd. If any of the people that got upset are classified as leaders, they should be embarrassed by their representation of that server. Personally, if I were on a server and there were leaders were to give that big of a reaction, I would most likely leave entirely out of embarrassment of having them represent in such a way on the official forums.

The only thing that so far has been proven this week is that everything I had said last week was completely true.

Sole reason? no.

We have are reasons for doing what we’re doing

Phase one was last week, rest our troops make them hungry for WvW.

You spent a week running your mouth, which only made Phase 2 easier.

Phase 2, concentrate on attacking one opponent.

Now, there were lots of us who really wanted to do this to BP instead of NSP. But for the past 4 weeks, every single time we take the fight to BP 2 things happen.

-NSP’ roaming guilds, PAXA , ENVY, SEKS , show up and start poking our flanks which made us have to fight on two fronts and cut our operations short.

-NSPs WvW guilds would show up and start hitting us on another map, making us have to decide between attacking BP or defending our are….two fronts and cut our operations short.

Take a note from BP this week. They are staying out of our way.

In short. before last week, nobody ever heard of you. After this week (NSP should be dropped to T7) nobody will care about you. AR focusing on NSP is much bigger than one person. We may use your forum antics as a means of motivating some folks, but the majority of us are playing for bigger stakes than putting some forum troll in his place.



I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Mhmm why do i feel like AR feeding on NSP to catch up with BP score, no offence tho, am i the only one who thinks that ?

Does anyone not feel that way(Legitimate question)?

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Mhmm why do i feel like AR feeding on NSP to catch up with BP score, no offence tho, am i the only one who thinks that ?

Does anyone not feel that way(Legitimate question)?

Shhh!! The plans and phases are in place! Plans and phases plans and phases plans and phases….

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: BornToOwn.8139


Ya, BP has been #1 at the start 90% of the times, but then we started focusing more on sustain power.

Rytlock Thackeray (Guardian) – Z-cool-look’n-charr
Guild: Drop Otter [dO]
Server: Borlis Pass

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


So is that it? What happened to AR?


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: HackerTeivospy.2031


@ paxa

I lost respect for a guild because of your idiotic comments, your guilds arrogance is above tolerance. “years of experience” lol, what a joke. For one i wasn’t on the game at all yesterday, so please Jtard, how was I in that 10 man group running around. Next time I’ll screen shot my combat log, and post it, I don’t even post much, and when I did you guys troll.

Keep being your cheezy selves, and your cheap playstyles, “years of experience” lol you guys make me laugh.

I think you have it a little backwards – you’re the one trolling us saying that we use gears. But on the off chance that you actually do believe what you are saying; please do post screenshots of us gearing people. I’d love to see it. Once you understand how much CC a group with hammer warriors/guardians and D/D eles can put out maybe you’ll get better at this game. Making excuses and accusations won’t make you better at a game. Learning the mechanics will. I have a feeling that you are just trolling though. So I’ll say this to you, ol’ chap – nou L2P roflolcopterbad.

@ paxa and your fan boys

I didn’t bother saving the combat log last time, that was my mistake, but i will next time, so i can shut up your entire elitest guild. I didn’t know skills meant knocking people down, stunning them to the point they can’t fight back and killing them on the ground meant you guys had skills.

Maybe I’m looking at pvp differently, but I require no skills that prevents my enemy from using their abilities to fight me, and I still win.

You guys are a joke, probably the biggest joke on your server. I do understand that Paxa must stand for Pathetic players And Xtreme kitten

Hey everyone let’s go copy forum builds and be just as good as Paxa players because of all their years of experience sure pays off against players on the ground that can’t even get up to fight back. WOOT! omg i’m sooo cool, i killed someone that couldn’t even fight me..,

Stay Cheezy PAXA!

take a stun break and learn to speak and behave

learn to speak and behave

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


eh vs AR idk x amount of us checking the new pve stuff — figuring out where all the bounties are -.-" let alone other pve maddness for once — idr last time i killed some of the meta event bosses till today.

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


The funny thing is AR is arrogant enough to believe they control this match and what happens to NSP. When the reality is, that it is actually BP who does. BP focusing efforts on AR today shows that in spades. Hard to pvdoor NSP’s map when BP stops focusing on our EBG and pressures AR’s BL.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


NSP has shown that it can dominate on multiple reset nights when the numbers come into town.

NSP ‘dominates’ on reset nights because everything is paper. Once fortifications start getting upgraded NSP starts disappearing.

We actually had a week with top points until Monday.

Our population drops drastically during the week.

That’s just how it goes.

And a lot of us were cheering you guys on. Again, it is a marathon not a sprint. All bs aside there are a lot of NSP guilds/folks who will be missed next week.

:) Like me? Will you miss me killing all those trebs?!

You will miss me. ;P

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: HackerTeivospy.2031


if you watch closely you can see GOAT focusing the unfinished ram instead of the treb

learn to speak and behave