Please undo the 25 fightmarker

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


It will take more work to hold onto a keep/tower. You can’t just blob and win. Small group of 20 people are now a force to be reckoned with.

It’s all relative though. In the lower tiers and off hours its now even easier to blob up and win.

Say you have 25 people per side, the defending side is not going to have enough men to cover their map in scouting and still hold off that attacking zerg. The attackers send a few thieves to contest 2 fake points, hit their real target with 20 people, its almost a sure ninja.

Eventually you probably get a 50/50 map. And maybe this is a way from Anet to purposely give disadvantage to the winning teams, to make defending harder (as if it isn’t thankless enough already), but seems like a lazy way out, excuse way of balancing.

In most tiers this is going to lead to less actual player vs player fighting, less ‘WvW’ and more PvDoor, more musical keep trading.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


It will take more work to hold onto a keep/tower. You can’t just blob and win. Small group of 20 people are now a force to be reckoned with.

It’s all relative though. In the lower tiers and off hours its now even easier to blob up and win.

Say you have 25 people per side, the defending side is not going to have enough men to cover their map in scouting and still hold off that attacking zerg. The attackers send a few thieves to contest 2 fake points, hit their real target with 20 people, its almost a sure ninja.

Eventually you probably get a 50/50 map. And maybe this is a way from Anet to purposely give disadvantage to the winning teams, to make defending harder (as if it isn’t thankless enough already), but seems like a lazy way out, excuse way of balancing.

In most tiers this is going to lead to less actual player vs player fighting, less ‘WvW’ and more PvDoor, more musical keep trading.

I think it will have the reverse affect. Now 25people can accomplish something. Before with 25people against a blob, you might as well pack it. If you’re remotely successful against the blob, they just treb you to death with swirling wind protection. Now 25people can make some dent in the map and encourage other people to come out and fight.


Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


T7 checking in. Absolutely loving the new change. It’s fun making a larger server waste time playing whack-a-mole while we take things.

Le sigh.
is the one doing the scouting
misses out on all fights

tbh all I could think about was how happy this patch would make GoM.

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


I think it will have the reverse affect. Now 25people can accomplish something. Before with 25people against a blob, you might as well pack it. If you’re remotely successful against the blob, they just treb you to death with swirling wind protection. Now 25people can make some dent in the map and encourage other people to come out and fight.

It will have the reverse affect when the blob is 50 people – yes.

But on smaller maps, 25 people are the blob, and now smaller populations have no idea where that blob is at. That 25 man blob which is the preeminent zerg on many maps at many times, especially off hours, just got way harder to defend. And its these tiers and time periods where it is that much harder to scout, because one, you don’t have enough people for it, and two, its even more boring and thankless because literal hours can go buy with nothing happening due to the lower populations.

I’m getting the idea that this system is not inherently good or bad but all depends on it accurately depicting the size of forces on a map. Perhaps Anet can come up with a way to adjust the orange swords to kick off only when a certain percentage of the enemies force is at a location. Then for what one server is a small group, and another is a ‘blob’ can be balanced to always mean the same thing relative to forces fighting on a map at the time.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


This is not a one sided affair. You have the option to do the same. This change just made it so that a blob doesn’t have a full monopoly on the map. Towers/keeps will change hand more often. People will probably be only able to hold stuff that is close to their spawn point.


Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


It’ll give good reason for there to be more commanders. (all commanders should be given a chat channel for better communications for those following or attempting to follow that commander)

Like squad chat?

No, because that would require people to know about and acutally use the “join squad” function and it doesn’t allow for two-way communications.

I want another chat tab that allows for the commander to openly communicate with only those that are interested in communicating with them. Sort of a “Team Nnekk” channel, if you will.

Unless it changed, I’ve definitely seen squad chat used for two-way communication.

And any other chat tab you want would require some sort of opt-in button, just like “Join Squad”.

Your suggestion is already in the game


Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


It’s just one of those “lack of foresight” things.

Players demanded to be able to do more things with, say, 20 people, without having the enemy zerg show up every time to crush them. I’m sure the thinking was that it would be fun to do things with your guild without 80 enemies showing up.

Lack of foresight. The problem this creates is increased karma-farming as it’s even easier to ninja towers and keep without the opposition having warning. The incredibly boring job of “scout” is even more necessary OR, more likely, your team will just be karma-farming right behind the enemy karma-farm.

People will play defense when they know where to go find a fight.

They aren’t going to sit at their computer, sign into a game and then sit around twiddling their thumbs because the game no longer gives hints on where to go find a good defense to join.

It’s lame and caters to people who wanted to avoid “massively multiplayer” RvR.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Need two accounts. Leave other char sit in tower and use other char real playing (killing stuff).

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


It should be 9 instead of 25.

Explanation: 9 is 1 higher than 8, necessary for 2 flame rams.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


T7 checking in. Absolutely loving the new change. It’s fun making a larger server waste time playing whack-a-mole while we take things.

Le sigh.
is the one doing the scouting
misses out on all fights

tbh all I could think about was how happy this patch would make GoM.

On the bright side, you guys are moving up and will be a little more prepared for this new meta than other servers after having fought against us for so long. Mobility and misdirection are two of GoM’s strongest qualities, and we’ve definitely noticed that DH’s response times have really improved week after week of facing us.

Kick some kitten for us in T6!

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Brando.1374


I love the change.
Now we have to roam around instead of just siting in one place looking for swords to pop up.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


I am not yet sure how it will play out, but I think that the change will negatively affect the “fun” in WvW. I don’t know how others define fun in WvW, but for me it’s about fighting groups of other players. Rushing through doors/walls without resistance (aka karma train) is not really fun.
Yet this change will improve “karma training” vastly. At least on mid-low tiers the map zergs usually are ~30 people. To get something ninja’d before needed a bit of restraint, which many public zergs weren’t able to muster. Now you almost must want to create orange swords; Never again will they pop up accidentially.

I can also understand those that want a more realistic war-simulation were you have to put scouts everywhere. But I can assure you that only the most dedicated WvWers will be willing to do such tedious things like running around a keep to look for intruders. That’s just a silly thing to spend your leisure time with.

For me WvW is about getting in a group/zerg and finding the enemy group/zerg to crush it beneath our heels. But now it will be difficult to find said enemies. It will definitely make the game more difficult and less casual friendly.

I would have loved if they had made structures easier defensible, by making the walls/doors tougher and more endurable so that the defenders can arrive in time more easily and all could have a nice time actually fighting over something. The way they chose will probably achieve the direct opposite of it. More PVDoor and even less PVP.

Also, the change of rules affects servers with different populations differently. It would be advisible to apply rulesets according to server’s, or rather tier’s population. e.g. on T1-3 25 people make orange swords, t4-6 10 men suffice and t7-8 5 men.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

(edited by Turkman.1089)

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Kyuzo.4675


Pretty sure it is “… if more than 25 people are in combat in the area”. So that means 25 total from both sides (probably including NPCs) if it is two servers fighting but I admit that it is unlikely that the door counts as a combatant in a PVD situation.

[AD] Devona’s Rest

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Furienify.5738


With all due respect, this is a horrible change.

Spotting/sentrying/scouting has no reward. You get nothing from doing these activities beyond the goodwill of your teammates, yet you’re elbowing people to do them even more. Same goes for dolyak escorting, or playing support specs in group fights or blocking treb shots. At the end of the day, goodwill doesn’t pay the bills as you’re falling thousands, if not tens of thousands, of kills behind your friends that started WvWing at the same time you did.

All this does is make the roles of those that actually support more difficult because … well, why? I don’t know. It’s a disincentive against other people pitching in, on top of the drawbacks that already exist, thus promoting selfish play in what is fundamentally a team-based format.

Please consider tweaking this change or doing something to help support players out.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I like the idea, but I do see room for improvements. Now you need to people like Thieves/Rangers to scout the map and others to keep watch on keeps/towers, the issue is … the land scouts will probably find fights along the way, the keeps/towers sit around with no incentive. They need to make it worth while to guard Keeps/Towers even with no enemies in the area, now how they would do that so people don’t just AFK and collect whatever the incentive may be is beyond me.

I also believe that 25 might be to much, 15 would be a better number.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


It’s all about incentive.

Organized militaries have people watching ammo dumps in the middle of the desert, doing nothing but watching dust and the sun/moon slowly move. This sucks, and is about as rewarding as watching a tower/keep in wvw. The incentive? The honor, the pay, the glory of having done something to help your country, blah blah. Even Mother Teresa got “feel good” points that made it worth doing it for her.

EVERYTHING is about incentive. “what is this worth to me and my guild and server?” This patch is going to devolve into zerg capture mania with no defense on almost every server within a week or two. Add in the latest event which makes mid/low tier population even WORSE…and bam. You can “l2p” and “suck it up” all you want, but this is a freakin’ game, and we do it for entertainment. Right now the ONLY incentive/entertainment for scouting white swords is the thanks of your peers. Even that’s fleeting sometimes.

Reward scouting, reward inactive defense (somehow, figure it out!) reward support, or the zerg trains WILL continue.

Someone on these forums said it best. We’ll cry our hearts out and probably keep playing anyway as much as we like/don’t like the current state of wvw, and the only ones that will really be affected are the fair-weather pvp’ers which will make the maps seem just that much more lonely, until we quit altogether too.

edit somewhere between 5-15 woulda been a great #, but yeah only t1 servers would benefit from a 25+

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Neural.1824


Anet knew that lower tiers servers can only field small size zerg, this change is intended to annoy the rest of you so you all transfers to higher tiers/high population servers—> buy gems
This way when nobody playing on lower tiers anymore Anet can just shut down or merge the rest of lower tiers servers —> less maintenance cost

Ok, im willing to accept my infractions now for telling the truth dear Anet

I’m going with this one. It’s in the same thread as the guild missions they just added.

Sounds like Anet is losing money and is moving to consolidate servers.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Ahri.8204


This patch is basically a nerf to Elona Reach. We spent so many times explaining stuff to casuals, and they listen. Last few months we were able to ninja keeps despite having 40+ random people from different guilds grouped together. Everyone would just wait for 4 people to clear the guards, build some rams and chill together. Gonna miss this exciting feeling to see everyone is pulling themselves together for the team :-(

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: yriafelc.6124


Spotting/sentrying/scouting has no reward. You get nothing from doing these activities beyond the goodwill of your teammates, yet you’re elbowing people to do them even more.

And with the new loot bag change, there’s even less incentive to do them.


Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I think they should remove swords altogether. I don’t think WvW needs training wheels anymore.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Swords change is awesome. Tis all.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Good change, now we have to scout and that not mean babysitting keeps or towers, good scouts roam around and when find enemy follow them and update position.

Use brain, check map where sentry guards gone, where supply camp flip that might help predict enemy movements. Don’t blob in 1 big zerg make commanders to cover parts of map instead ruining all over map and you will see wvw become more fun.

Also smaller groups can try get something done by using cunning attacks on different positions to lure enemy there when main attack is somewhere else.

Make zerg sweat running between towers and keeps

Also using WP when is contested for 2 sec when timer go down should be removed.

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Professor Sensei.2941

Professor Sensei.2941

They should revert this change asap. Even at t2 entire zergs can go unnoticed. Personally I think there should be different colors of swords.

EX: Blue for 5-9, Yellow 10-14, Orange for 15-19, Red for 20-25+


Professor Sensei – Thief
Everything Purple

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

*Shrugs.. Every time we ask for a change. The meta game take two steps back so…

TC Thief

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Dyroth.5063


May be a bit high right now and they should check in if the number is getting done what they want done. Ideally they wanted to give an edge to those not running with the full zerg (30+ I count as a zerg) but I think some of the game populations need to be factored in. A slight reduction to 15-20 people to trigger swords might be nice.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: novi.6421


It’s supposed to make you investigate what is causing it, npcs or foe. 25+ is a little much, 10 or more in my opinion seems more reasonable. It keeps members on there toes and coordination to stop an opposing force from taking your tower. So scouting is essential in this new patch.

Also random pugs can’t just see the map and run to a battle. They now need to follow commander tags or read intel to find where they are needed. Not to mention you don’t have to worry about 5 man skirmishes showing up on map which is a plus.

(edited by novi.6421)

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


Imo they should entirely remove the ornage swords. The removal force servers to scout and improve the teamplay.
“You don’t want to scout for your server? Then we will lose the tower/keep.”
Of course it is easy for an entire zerg to roam unnoticed. But it is much easier to scout for like 30 minutes.

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

There are pro’s and cons.

Pro: You now know to avoid orange swords if you’re solo or a small group.

Con: If scouting is the solution, you’ve just blown 30 minutes of your time if suprNovae’s timeframe is anything to go by.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Remove orange swords altogether.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


Good change, now we have to scout and that not mean babysitting keeps or towers, good scouts roam around and when find enemy follow them and update position.

Use brain, check map where sentry guards gone, where supply camp flip that might help predict enemy movements. Don’t blob in 1 big zerg make commanders to cover parts of map instead ruining all over map and you will see wvw become more fun.

Also smaller groups can try get something done by using cunning attacks on different positions to lure enemy there when main attack is somewhere else.

Make zerg sweat running between towers and keeps

Also using WP when is contested for 2 sec when timer go down should be removed.

I would like to be able to think like this. What it will really lead to, though, is probably people not upgrading things anymore, as the risk of losing the structure and therefore the investment just got a lot higher and just running in circles recapping even more than before. People will allways choose the way of the least resistance in such games. And if it’s very easy to cap something it’s also very easy to recap.
Of course this is just an assumption, but a very likely one, I think.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

But it’s definitely harder now to keep track of the zergs. Because now even a zerg (on our server 25 man is pretty much a zerg; we have bigger ones, but normally only when there’s some special event from a guild/commander) doesn’t trigger the orange swords so easily. And a zerg can get things done way quicker of course. It could be done before too, but you needed to restrain your people to not hit/get hit by random mobs on the way. Now you don’t need to look left or right and can just carve through the map and attack whatever you want and the enemy will have a hard time keeping track of your movements.
Of course, you needed to check white swords before that too, but you had more time to do so.

WvW just got a lot more difficult to coordinate and thus also less casual friendly, and I mean that neutrally. We’ll see how it will play out in the end, but I’m really hesitant to call this a change for the better.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

But it’s definitely harder now to keep track of the zergs. Because now even a zerg (on our server 25 man is pretty much a zerg; we have bigger ones, but normally only when there’s some special event from a guild/commander) doesn’t trigger the orange swords so easily. And a zerg can get things done way quicker of course. It could be done before too, but you needed to restrain your people to not hit/get hit by random mobs on the way. Now you don’t need to look left or right and can just carve through the map and attack whatever you want and the enemy will have a hard time keeping track of your movements.
Of course, you needed to check white swords before that too, but you had more time to do so.

WvW just got a lot more difficult to coordinate and thus also less casual friendly, and I mean that neutrally. We’ll see how it will play out in the end, but I’m really hesitant to call this a change for the better.

All you need is a couple of decent players on a server and you pretty much know where the enemy zerg is the whole time. Players like myself pretty much attach themselves to the enemy zerg and follow them around to com for commanders intel.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

But it’s definitely harder now to keep track of the zergs. Because now even a zerg (on our server 25 man is pretty much a zerg; we have bigger ones, but normally only when there’s some special event from a guild/commander) doesn’t trigger the orange swords so easily. And a zerg can get things done way quicker of course. It could be done before too, but you needed to restrain your people to not hit/get hit by random mobs on the way. Now you don’t need to look left or right and can just carve through the map and attack whatever you want and the enemy will have a hard time keeping track of your movements.
Of course, you needed to check white swords before that too, but you had more time to do so.

WvW just got a lot more difficult to coordinate and thus also less casual friendly, and I mean that neutrally. We’ll see how it will play out in the end, but I’m really hesitant to call this a change for the better.

All you need is a couple of decent players on a server and you pretty much know where the enemy zerg is the whole time. Players like myself pretty much attach themselves to the enemy zerg and follow them around to com for commanders intel.

But you’re playing on the current top NA server, if you’re signature is accurate. You have a lot of dedicated WvW players. After all, that’s why you’re up there and others aren’t. I bet you have less randoms in WvW and more people doing what the commander wants, running supply chains or whatever. Servers in lower brackets with 20 people on their community TS will have it significantly harder.

Therefore it might be a tactical improvement on larger servers where massive zerging seems to be a problem (On our server 50 man zergs is the utmost maximum I’ve seen, more common is 20-30 people during prime time). But on lower tier servers it will probably lead to a lot of stuff getting ninja’d and people just resorting to circle capping because it is easier to recap than to cover the whole map with scouts.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

But it’s definitely harder now to keep track of the zergs. Because now even a zerg (on our server 25 man is pretty much a zerg; we have bigger ones, but normally only when there’s some special event from a guild/commander) doesn’t trigger the orange swords so easily. And a zerg can get things done way quicker of course. It could be done before too, but you needed to restrain your people to not hit/get hit by random mobs on the way. Now you don’t need to look left or right and can just carve through the map and attack whatever you want and the enemy will have a hard time keeping track of your movements.
Of course, you needed to check white swords before that too, but you had more time to do so.

WvW just got a lot more difficult to coordinate and thus also less casual friendly, and I mean that neutrally. We’ll see how it will play out in the end, but I’m really hesitant to call this a change for the better.

I thought about this before you posted it and still think it is a positive change.
The less amount of 3rd server coming in behind you to cap after your hard work negated this a little.

Also I was on a server that was a high level of organized chaos and it could of been a worse change had I not moved to my awesome current server that constantly pushes itself to improve organization and the general population want to do good for the server.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


All this has achieved is encouraging you to have groups of 25 or less.
It’s changed nothing Other than the above. White swords have always needed to be scouted. 2 rams and a small group that is not stupid have always ninajed without swords.

But it’s definitely harder now to keep track of the zergs. Because now even a zerg (on our server 25 man is pretty much a zerg; we have bigger ones, but normally only when there’s some special event from a guild/commander) doesn’t trigger the orange swords so easily. And a zerg can get things done way quicker of course. It could be done before too, but you needed to restrain your people to not hit/get hit by random mobs on the way. Now you don’t need to look left or right and can just carve through the map and attack whatever you want and the enemy will have a hard time keeping track of your movements.
Of course, you needed to check white swords before that too, but you had more time to do so.

WvW just got a lot more difficult to coordinate and thus also less casual friendly, and I mean that neutrally. We’ll see how it will play out in the end, but I’m really hesitant to call this a change for the better.

All you need is a couple of decent players on a server and you pretty much know where the enemy zerg is the whole time. Players like myself pretty much attach themselves to the enemy zerg and follow them around to com for commanders intel.

But you’re playing on the current top NA server, if you’re signature is accurate. You have a lot of dedicated WvW players. After all, that’s why you’re up there and others aren’t. I bet you have less randoms in WvW and more people doing what the commander wants, running supply chains or whatever. Servers in lower brackets with 20 people on their community TS will have it significantly harder.

Therefore it might be a tactical improvement on larger servers where massive zerging seems to be a problem (On our server 50 man zergs is the utmost maximum I’ve seen, more common is 20-30 people during prime time). But on lower tier servers it will probably lead to a lot of stuff getting ninja’d and people just resorting to circle capping because it is easier to recap than to cover the whole map with scouts.

Perhaps. We don’t get 50 man zergs very often though. Lately we haven’t been getting a queue at all.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


While I think 25 is a bit high, I think its a step in the right direction. People actually have to scout … kittening games have gone to kitten in the last few years, it seems the new generation gamers can’t do kitten without training wheels.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: akamon.2769


someone mentioend in another thread that 15 might be good “compromise” or “middlegorund”. that’s 3 full parties. you can do quite a lot with some coordiation. but not to the point where it’s just you and two others if you wanted to go under the radar.

with scouting, i agree it’s important but who’s going to do the job? if you have dedicated WvW guilds and enough people, sure you could maybe do shifts. though for anyone else, i assume most will ask for volunteers. and no one’s gonna want to do it. and you can’t blame the individuals or PUGs for losing a tower or map because they didn’t want to scout.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Well in a way, its what people have been asking for. It does cut down the zerg sizes if you don’t want to be noticed, and for the smaller servers its actually better for you. If you can’t field 25+ then you have nothing to worry about.

I will agree 15 would be a better number but really, this is nothing but good for the smaller populations.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Good change, now we have to scout and that not mean babysitting keeps or towers, good scouts roam around and when find enemy follow them and update position.

Use brain, check map where sentry guards gone, where supply camp flip that might help predict enemy movements. Don’t blob in 1 big zerg make commanders to cover parts of map instead ruining all over map and you will see wvw become more fun.

Also smaller groups can try get something done by using cunning attacks on different positions to lure enemy there when main attack is somewhere else.

Make zerg sweat running between towers and keeps

Also using WP when is contested for 2 sec when timer go down should be removed.

I would like to be able to think like this. What it will really lead to, though, is probably people not upgrading things anymore, as the risk of losing the structure and therefore the investment just got a lot higher and just running in circles recapping even more than before. People will allways choose the way of the least resistance in such games. And if it’s very easy to cap something it’s also very easy to recap.
Of course this is just an assumption, but a very likely one, I think.

No having 4 20-30 people groups all with a commander, each owning a corner of a zone will be mroe effective..
3 or 4 different groups taking stuff is faster then 1 zerg taking stuff..
Especialy since supply camps only give supply to a few people.
This didnt worked before patch because the small groups usualy were butchered by the large zerge because of the crossed swords.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


This would be a good idea if they threw in rewards for defense. Except staying at a keep for free experience encourages AFKers.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


the problem is that people can just tag a gate real quick and now the entire zerg will run there while the real enemy lets say 24 zerg is attacking a keep.25 is too much i think 10 15 would be better.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


Hmm, looks like I’m in the minority. I like the change. And I would go further even and remove contestation swords of any type.

Feints, misdirection, having to actually think about where to go. All the stuff people are complaining about makes WvW harder, more complex, and better. You actually have to talk to the people on the map with you. And the side that communicates and coordinates better will have a distinct advantage.

As it should be.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Hmm, looks like I’m in the minority. I like the change. And I would go further even and remove contestation swords of any type.

Feints, misdirection, having to actually think about where to go. All the stuff people are complaining about makes WvW harder, more complex, and better. You actually have to talk to the people on the map with you. And the side that communicates and coordinates better will have a distinct advantage.

As it should be.

And who will compensate scouts money, loot, exp, karma and fun, forcing them doing NPC job? Anet? You? Someone else? Oh, and i sure what all people who voted for this, will spend all the time on watcher and scout duties, because this is such great and useful job.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Realy people should stop QQing

Stop with the big zerg, thats the reason of the change.
Yes if you would keep zerging up like crazy you will loose towers/keeps by ninja groups.
If you have 4-5 groups running around all over the zone, instead of a big zerg you wont.
You dont even need to have scouts if you organise with groups in what part of the border the stay, because they can check a keep and 1 /2 towers while moving around… and even get supplies and build defence while doing.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


the problem is that people can just tag a gate real quick and now the entire zerg will run there while the real enemy lets say 24 zerg is attacking a keep.25 is too much i think 10 15 would be better.

Stop zerging!!
Problem solved!

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


I like the changes a lot. Currently T1 towers may flip faster, but camps flip less.
Still, first steps to eliminate those silly Karma-PvE-Trains.

You can have actual fights around towers and camps WITHOUT haveing to fear getting “stomped” by the major zergs.
Scouting and Patroling gets easier and I saw WAY MORE small groups doing exactly this WHILE getting WAY MORE engaged in small skirmishes with enemy maurauders…
there where massive zergs around as usual…BUT you wouldnt meet them that often anymore.

Btw. DEFENDING hasnt to be boring…
You DONT need to idle in a tower all the time as scout/guard!

You still can patrol the area for fights/checking white swords or recap nearby camps ( well as doing a lot of pve stuff).

You roam only a smaller area compared to “making-a-karma-train-round” to be able to react to any attacks in your “zone”. (How small depends on your speed and HP of walls/doors)

….but it can get boring, if your server dominates the map, have to admit that
At least for pvper like me.
Might be an idea to “reward” map domination with pve rewards?
i.e. like current WvW pve-boni, but only effecting a single map. While pvp/WvW related boni scale down the more stuff is capped.

Let them pver do the scouting/guarding on totally dominated (boring…) maps. ;P
This way pvper could focus more on fighting, while the more Pve oriented would cryout loud if enemy zergs start tearing at objectives and thus reducing their “valued pve boni” or makeing JP,map completion impossible.

Btw. Red/Orange swords may sound nice, BUT would result in Zergs focussing on the orange swords first…and then maybe(!) going for the red ones…

(edited by Edragor.9164)

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Some people get too lazy and for them best option will be message on middle screen which tower is under attack, what numbers, sieges and other stuff going on with door % bar in corner of screen and instant teleport under F13 button.

Don’t forget is WvW game, competitive strategy and tactics have to be involved to get thinks done if You cant handle it GW2 have lot pve stuff which can suit your preferences better.

This change breaking zergs and that is great, we have to spread around, watch map and react fast, be more careful and predict enemy movements better.

Like was said good setup of commanders at map will prevent most ninia attempt which happen any way as most guilds when try ninia keep do it right without bringing swords even with old limit to less as 5.

Will be more 10vs10, 15vs15, 20vs20 actions not just one big blob flooding side to side on map. If you have mentality of swarm wake up and try different and you will see is much better and you can do much more like be just another piece in zerg.

Cant see problem for lower tiers as they facing opponent with same coverage so easier to track them as they running 1-2 groups as you do to defend. Also map isn’t so huge so you cant get on place fast enough, of course if you stop upgrade keeps and towers same time you rising level of ifficulty as door will get down faster as you can react.

On borderlands if you defending make sure garrison is yours as that is best shortcut to get in to both keeps and north towers, don’t focus on south towers keeping forced there and farming spawn because you can get ninia N towers or keep and they are difficult to keep up as enemy WP is close and breaking events happen. Simple hold as much you can cover if is not enough of you focus on places you can really defend

Scouting isn’t boring you can have lots 1v1 actions or run with group of few friends for good skirmish, get camps back and sentry points or do distraction by flagging enemy keep to disorientate enemy.

Just don’t forget there is team and map chat so if you roaming around solo or as party and you see group of enemy say it on chat give direction where they heading and best follow them to see what they plan to do.

Ideal for thief’s which any way roam solo hunting other players or other ones who prefer ganking from mindless zerging

Sadly for many people this game should reward every action by loot experience or karma other way is pointless, but good actions, fights, fun that is reason to play not farms and loot.

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Remove swords, add a system that alerts a guild when there keep/tower is under attack.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: neverborne.4736


I think this change offers an opportunity to make rangers actually useful in WvW. Replace one of our borked skills (pick any, we have tons) with “Send a Scout Hawk”. Scout hawk “reveals” one area of the map for 10 seconds (i.e shows red dots of enemy players on the overworld map ala clairvoyance in League of Legends). Ranger can then report in chat and actually act as a scout.

Or, to be more realistic since they’ll never make rangers useful, add “scout tower” siege equipment. Costs 40 to build. Sends up warning pings on the map whenever 5 or more enemies pass within its line of site, or if it’s attacked.

Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate

(edited by neverborne.4736)