28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


here is my vid for the past few days in WvW, unfortunately I did miss a lot of great fights and try my best to catch them all. GJ to AR + NSP so far this week, it’s been rough.

I do indeed recognise you.
Keep up the good fighting

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


here is my vid for the past few days in WvW, unfortunately I did miss a lot of great fights and try my best to catch them all. GJ to AR + NSP so far this week, it’s been rough.

One of the best players of Devona and somebody I can always trust. Thanks for everything Ms Firefly.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


AR sent NSP to Tier 7. I think NSP should consider their strategy.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


I just wish AR could get slightly better overall coverage. Great guilds and great players on this server, just not quite enough Wv3 population.
I like the little bit of chest thumping that goes on in these threads because it’s healthy for competition, but beating a group of PuGs with premade or guild groups isn’t all that difficult to do. When I two man camp runs, the enemy die a lot more than we do, but it’s purely because the players working together know each others play style, and the communication is on a much higher level. Do we eventually get rolled by much higher numbers, yeah of course, but then again sometimes I just get bored and NEED to rush a zerg.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: NotOneToRidicule.2340


Match up for next week..

Tier 5
DragonBrand or Maguuma
Devonas rest

Tier 6
Gates of Madness

Tier 7
Northern Shiverpeaks
? Mystery ? (Could be Henge or Sorrows its close)

Match up notes:
Borlis pass no longer has a good enough presence in my eyes and will be easily crushed against Maguuma leaving easy points for Mags night crew which will make DR easily outmanned. DR will face a true test next week. Which will most likely in a couple of weeks break apart all the new server transfer guilds into nothing. (Evidence is Borlis pass)

Anvil Rock will put up a good fight against Darkhavens dying server, they will lose though. Gates won’t pose much of a threat.

NSP and Kain will fight head to head with little bother from Henge. Kain will start off strong but will lose to NSP’s weekday night crew and strong Primetime presence.

I just realized after reading your post that more commentary like this would be a good thing for each matchup. I’d like to see someone (prob from Arenanet) do a synopsis like this for each matchup and include things each server does that is good and bad. Including things like strategies and tactics that work well (or don’t), server strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles. You know, something akin to the NFL pre-game shows on Sunday mornings in the U.S. This would be good for the progression of WvW.

What does everyone else think?

Avatar Deathbringer ~ Karolina Klum
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Match up for next week..

Tier 5
DragonBrand or Maguuma
Devonas rest

Tier 6
Gates of Madness

Tier 7
Northern Shiverpeaks
? Mystery ? (Could be Henge or Sorrows its close)

Match up notes:
Borlis pass no longer has a good enough presence in my eyes and will be easily crushed against Maguuma leaving easy points for Mags night crew which will make DR easily outmanned. DR will face a true test next week. Which will most likely in a couple of weeks break apart all the new server transfer guilds into nothing. (Evidence is Borlis pass)

Anvil Rock will put up a good fight against Darkhavens dying server, they will lose though. Gates won’t pose much of a threat.

NSP and Kain will fight head to head with little bother from Henge. Kain will start off strong but will lose to NSP’s weekday night crew and strong Primetime presence.

I just realized after reading your post that more commentary like this would be a good thing for each matchup. I’d like to see someone (prob from Arenanet) do a synopsis like this for each matchup and include things each server does that is good and bad. Including things like strategies and tactics that work well (or don’t), server strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles. You know, something akin to the NFL pre-game shows on Sunday mornings in the U.S. This would be good for the progression of WvW.

What does everyone else think?

I wrote that drunk at 4am so er.. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m not sure how tactically correct it is, it looks sort of like truth but there are a few more finer points that could turn each fight around that I didn’t even mention. We’ll all find out soon enough.

It would depend though honestly on who wrote it, I’m pretty informed with the internal and external affairs of my own and different servers which means I have a little insight. But it would take an unbias WvW regular on each server to pool guild growth, movements and player influx to give an accurate reading of a match-up.
And giving out such information could be hazardous in the wrong hands. Because like American football its all about plays, once those plays are known they can be easily countered.

All Commanders worth their salt do this and will recognise when different Commanders enter the map. For instance, and this is only an example. I have noticed that Anvil Rock is a server that will use siege exploits in their spawn to gain an advantage. Whether thats a catapult used to take Langors when they are Blue or a treb to retake their keep when they are red (or even in some cases going under the map in a borderland). I’m sure others among the server community have noticed this and can confirm my observation.

Another observation will be that DR will not attack the AR bl. As long as AR do not attack anything that is DR. Now thats merely tactics you say, in its milder form. But not in the extreme sense, that it almost looks like the AR zerg is allergic to DR.

If there is some form of agreement of alliance between the leading WvW Guild Commanders I’m not aware. But in my opinion, when a server starts spawn camping you it generates a little bit of contempt against the aggressive server.
Which will lead to a build up which eventually overflows and stomps the aggressor, like pressure inside a can of Coke once shaken. And this can only be averted by a Commanding figure pushing attention elsewhere (towards NSP). Too much of a coincidence that it hasn’t occurred several nights in a row.

And if that is indeed happening, AR players will notice it as their Commander drags them all the way across the map to attack NSP .

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


@ Dovgan. That would require that A-net pay someone to pay attention. Which clearly they aren’t.

As for Robs notes.

Tier 5.

BP lost a huge guild in KREW and will likely lose more before weeks end. They really only posed a threat in T5 when they had the first weeks momentum. Now that reality has settled in they are posing little threat to who ever drops from T4.

DR will discover that their advantage in the lower tiers , wv3 pop., will not help them in T5.


Its really hard to gauge Dark Haven. They lost more guilds to DB, 3 weeks ago they would have put up a good fight as did NSP. Right now its a guessing game, as we don’t know how many more will leave before weeks end.

AR and GoM should put up a good fight as they are equally matched @ prime time.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


quick question to NSP

Why waste so many people defending Durios, rally those people to your own border and it wouldnt be so green..

Happy new year everyone!

It was pretty much all of our force we had for Wv3 during the night. We were hoping not to spend half a day winning our keep back. It was fun though.

Heiann – NSP

(edited by yanoch.7051)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217



What the hell are u guys doing, lol.

DR has owned your borderlands several times, and instead of getting payback, you guys rush into AR. I know your playing for points, but have some common sense. At this point, points don’t matter. I haven’t lead a strike on NSP since DR has arrived because I know who the real threat is, AR has been protecting their own lands. If you guys seriously have the force to do something, do it, but think about it. Instead of AR hitting DR right now as i speak, we have to sit here and defend against NSP. You guys don’t even own everything on your map right now. Why don’t you guys focus on that? Are u guys afraid of DR? Because it’s starting to seem like it.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


Match up for next week..

Tier 5
DragonBrand or Maguuma
Devonas rest

Tier 6
Gates of Madness

Tier 7
Northern Shiverpeaks
? Mystery ? (Could be Henge or Sorrows its close)

Match up notes:
Borlis pass no longer has a good enough presence in my eyes and will be easily crushed against Maguuma leaving easy points for Mags night crew which will make DR easily outmanned. DR will face a true test next week. Which will most likely in a couple of weeks break apart all the new server transfer guilds into nothing. (Evidence is Borlis pass)

Anvil Rock will put up a good fight against Darkhavens dying server, they will lose though. Gates won’t pose much of a threat.

NSP and Kain will fight head to head with little bother from Henge. Kain will start off strong but will lose to NSP’s weekday night crew and strong Primetime presence.

Kain has a huge Asian base especially since [WM] transfered in full. if [SOS] and [WM] come out to play NSP is looking at a kain night/day crew as big as DRs prime time.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Valenna Tiefling.5806

Valenna Tiefling.5806

NSP and Kain will fight head to head with little bother from Henge. Kain will start off strong but will lose to NSP’s weekday night crew and strong Primetime presence.

And that makes my week easy. I’m literally leading every single charge I can against NSP all week next week. You’re welcome Kaineng.

Commander Valenna, Genesis Theory [GT]
“Neither the sudden shock of battle, nor the long-drawn trials of
vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


I still love how every server DR has gone against has always had people saying the same false things.

DR is a zerg server… Every server has zergs, and those can be used very effectively as a distraction while you take key points.

90% of what I have seen from AR and NSP is zerging glass cannons, and those glass cannons get wiped out over and over. So please stop with the zerg comments when that’s pretty much all AR and NSP has thrown at DR. Both AR and NSP do have some really good WvW players, and you can tell when you fight them. They are organized, skilled and use tactics, but they are the exception not the rule.

DR has a huge population. I cannot count the times in our current match-up where DR has faced much larger numbers and won. AR fields huge zergs at all hours when compared to what DR fields. Its not that we have OMGZergPoWa its simply that we are better than you. Take hills last night… I SOLOED an 18+ man zerg trying to ninja hills with 1 cannon…. Really? 1 cannon took out almost the entire zerg and all 4 of your cats. I was alone in hills for a good 20 min before backup arrived in the form of 1 commander (James Games) 3 members of [GASM] a [Pro] or two and 3 randoms.

Every server we have fought has used the same excuses as to why they lose against us. only 2 of those servers can honestly say they could not field the numbers to fight us, but those few were better than all but a small handful of NSP and AR players.

Its not going to stop after we leave either. Kain is moving up and I hate to say it AR and NSP, but they are going to ROFLStomp you guys as well. They have a huge night crew, and unlike most of the servers DR has fought in WvW they don’t just roll over in their shell and give up content to battle it out for second place.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Oh look, the rare “we are better than you” post. You almost never see that coming. Oh some of the population of DR are so cute.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


Oh look, the rare “we are better than you” post. You almost never see that coming. Oh some of the population of DR are so cute.

HEY!!!! He Mr. kitten to you. He once moved a mountain by looking at it.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I still love how every server DR has gone against has always had people saying the same false things.

DR is a zerg server… Every server has zergs, and those can be used very effectively as a distraction while you take key points.

90% of what I have seen from AR and NSP is zerging glass cannons, and those glass cannons get wiped out over and over. So please stop with the zerg comments when that’s pretty much all AR and NSP has thrown at DR. Both AR and NSP do have some really good WvW players, and you can tell when you fight them. They are organized, skilled and use tactics, but they are the exception not the rule.

DR has a huge population. I cannot count the times in our current match-up where DR has faced much larger numbers and won. AR fields huge zergs at all hours when compared to what DR fields. Its not that we have OMGZergPoWa its simply that we are better than you. Take hills last night… I SOLOED an 18+ man zerg trying to ninja hills with 1 cannon…. Really? 1 cannon took out almost the entire zerg and all 4 of your cats. I was alone in hills for a good 20 min before backup arrived in the form of 1 commander (James Games) 3 members of [GASM] a [Pro] or two and 3 randoms.

Every server we have fought has used the same excuses as to why they lose against us. only 2 of those servers can honestly say they could not field the numbers to fight us, but those few were better than all but a small handful of NSP and AR players.

Its not going to stop after we leave either. Kain is moving up and I hate to say it AR and NSP, but they are going to ROFLStomp you guys as well. They have a huge night crew, and unlike most of the servers DR has fought in WvW they don’t just roll over in their shell and give up content to battle it out for second place.

I’m not sure I’d be that confrontational about it, because I’ve come up against some really competent players from both AR and NSP that quickly wiped my kitten There are some really good small teams from both servers there.

However, I do have to question at times what kind of tactics are being used here. A couple of days ago my son and I teamed up to attack various camps and yaks in AR BL. Nobody else from DR was there (they were mostly busy in EB) so we ran around for about 90 minutes attacking unattended objectives (including scouts since my son was still leveling his character). AR had a large zerg of 25 to 30 players who would run around recapping what we had taken, but at any point in time we probably held at least two camps. The thing is, if AR had split their zerg into two or three smaller groups they could have stopped us cold and controlled everything … but they didn’t, even though they had the players in the map to do it.

There was a similar situation in EB last night while DR and AR were battling for towers in the north and east. A small team from NSP could have kept Golanta in flux and prevented my son and I from fully upgrading Klovan like we did … but they didn’t, even though they had the players in the map to do it.

Why neither AR nor NSP don’t take more advantage of situations where DR is preoccupied with the other server is beyond me. There’s more to this game than simply complaining about population imbalances.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


I still love how every server DR has gone against has always had people saying the same false things.

DR is a zerg server… Every server has zergs, and those can be used very effectively as a distraction while you take key points.

90% of what I have seen from AR and NSP is zerging glass cannons, and those glass cannons get wiped out over and over. So please stop with the zerg comments when that’s pretty much all AR and NSP has thrown at DR. Both AR and NSP do have some really good WvW players, and you can tell when you fight them. They are organized, skilled and use tactics, but they are the exception not the rule.

DR has a huge population. I cannot count the times in our current match-up where DR has faced much larger numbers and won. AR fields huge zergs at all hours when compared to what DR fields. Its not that we have OMGZergPoWa its simply that we are better than you. Take hills last night… I SOLOED an 18+ man zerg trying to ninja hills with 1 cannon…. Really? 1 cannon took out almost the entire zerg and all 4 of your cats. I was alone in hills for a good 20 min before backup arrived in the form of 1 commander (James Games) 3 members of [GASM] a [Pro] or two and 3 randoms.

Every server we have fought has used the same excuses as to why they lose against us. only 2 of those servers can honestly say they could not field the numbers to fight us, but those few were better than all but a small handful of NSP and AR players.

Its not going to stop after we leave either. Kain is moving up and I hate to say it AR and NSP, but they are going to ROFLStomp you guys as well. They have a huge night crew, and unlike most of the servers DR has fought in WvW they don’t just roll over in their shell and give up content to battle it out for second place.

I’m not sure I’d be that confrontational about it, because I’ve come up against some really competent players from both AR and NSP that quickly wiped my kitten There are some really good small teams from both servers there.

However, I do have to question at times what kind of tactics are being used here. A couple of days ago my son and I teamed up to attack various camps and yaks in AR BL. Nobody else from DR was there (they were mostly busy in EB) so we ran around for about 90 minutes attacking unattended objectives (including scouts since my son was still leveling his character). AR had a large zerg of 25 to 30 players who would run around recapping what we had taken, but at any point in time we probably held at least two camps. The thing is, if AR had split their zerg into two or three smaller groups they could have stopped us cold and controlled everything … but they didn’t, even though they had the players in the map to do it.

There was a similar situation in EB last night while DR and AR were battling for towers in the north and east. A small team from NSP could have kept Golanta in flux and prevented my son and I from fully upgrading Klovan like we did … but they didn’t, even though they had the players in the map to do it.

Why neither AR nor NSP don’t take more advantage of situations where DR is preoccupied with the other server is beyond me. There’s more to this game than simply complaining about population imbalances.

The problem with us is we don’t have many organize WvW guild anymore and the ones we do are medium size. We have way too many new pugs in WvW. I mean we really have to spam stuff in chat for the new pugs to understand lol.

P.S I have to say you been the most respectful DR yet that helps the other server instead of talking crap.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I still love how every server DR has gone against has always had people saying the same false things.

DR is a zerg server…

DR has a huge population.

Um what?

You complain that we complain and then backup that we are correct in that you have a huge pop.

You are winning because you can field more than we can over the course of a 24 hour day. Plain and simple. Skill doesn’t come into play until you reach tier 4.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Why neither AR nor NSP don’t take more advantage of situations where DR is preoccupied with the other server is beyond me. There’s more to this game than simply complaining about population imbalances.

Have you seen the score?

Tactics and smart play go out the window when your behind by as much as we are.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


I still love how every server DR has gone against has always had people saying the same false things.

DR is a zerg server… Every server has zergs, and those can be used very effectively as a distraction while you take key points.

90% of what I have seen from AR and NSP is zerging glass cannons, and those glass cannons get wiped out over and over. So please stop with the zerg comments when that’s pretty much all AR and NSP has thrown at DR. Both AR and NSP do have some really good WvW players, and you can tell when you fight them. They are organized, skilled and use tactics, but they are the exception not the rule.

DR has a huge population. I cannot count the times in our current match-up where DR has faced much larger numbers and won. AR fields huge zergs at all hours when compared to what DR fields. Its not that we have OMGZergPoWa its simply that we are better than you. Take hills last night… I SOLOED an 18+ man zerg trying to ninja hills with 1 cannon…. Really? 1 cannon took out almost the entire zerg and all 4 of your cats. I was alone in hills for a good 20 min before backup arrived in the form of 1 commander (James Games) 3 members of [GASM] a [Pro] or two and 3 randoms.

Every server we have fought has used the same excuses as to why they lose against us. only 2 of those servers can honestly say they could not field the numbers to fight us, but those few were better than all but a small handful of NSP and AR players.

Its not going to stop after we leave either. Kain is moving up and I hate to say it AR and NSP, but they are going to ROFLStomp you guys as well. They have a huge night crew, and unlike most of the servers DR has fought in WvW they don’t just roll over in their shell and give up content to battle it out for second place.

that’s funny,

I still love the way servers from the bottom who benefited from transfers then fight underpopulated servers and dominate think they are “great” in wvw. That they show “tactics” Your tag “Nigh Crew” saids it all, the fact you mention Kain has a big night crew saids it all. Sorry to say bud, but just because you fight servers that has no or little numbers during your PvD times, doesn’t make you awesome players. Your kitten if you think your good, and your going to get crushed in the upper tiers when you get there. The fact you can walts in with your Zerg, yes i said it because that is what you do and if you don’t think you do your a lost cause that stares at yourself in the mirror thinking your some super model. You can take things over, sit there and upgrade with little to no resistance so when the prime times come around it’s an uphill battle for either server to retake, by the time we log off, your pvd team comes around, and since we don’t have much defenders why bother upgrading as it will be lost easily. NSP feels it, AR feels it.., why do you think EB is rather abandoned by AR. And just like every other benefited server from the bottom coming up ranks in the lower tiers, your just like the typical big head that likes to brag.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


The problem with us is we don’t have many organize WvW guild anymore and the ones we do are medium size. We have way too many new pugs in WvW. I mean we really have to spam stuff in chat for the new pugs to understand lol.

P.S I have to say you been the most respectful DR yet that helps the other server instead of talking crap.

Saying that another realm is winning only because they have more population is also talking crap. That is implying that you would be winning if you had even numbers.
However, evidence from the field suggests otherwise.

And, for the person saying you don’t see “skill” until teir 4… heh. These contests are won by has the best 24/7 coverage regardless of teir. And, yes DR will hit a ceiling when they hit the servers that have better 24/7 coverage.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


The problem with us is we don’t have many organize WvW guild anymore and the ones we do are medium size. We have way too many new pugs in WvW. I mean we really have to spam stuff in chat for the new pugs to understand lol.

P.S I have to say you been the most respectful DR yet that helps the other server instead of talking crap.

Saying that another realm is winning only because they have more population is also talking crap. That is implying that you would be winning if you had even numbers.
However, evidence from the field suggests otherwise.

Your absolutly correct,

DR would get destroyed.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


The problem with us is we don’t have many organize WvW guild anymore and the ones we do are medium size. We have way too many new pugs in WvW. I mean we really have to spam stuff in chat for the new pugs to understand lol.

P.S I have to say you been the most respectful DR yet that helps the other server instead of talking crap.

Saying that another realm is winning only because they have more population is also talking crap. That is implying that you would be winning if you had even numbers.
However, evidence from the field suggests otherwise.

Your absolutly correct,

DR would get destroyed.

And, your server would be annihilated?

I don’t understand why people get so upset about losing these server matchups. How your server is doing does not reflect on how good you or your guild is.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Well, lets see, when the numbers are nearly equal what do we have … A nearly even match- up. Yes, you are right, DR is way WAY better, like a whole supply camp better.


Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


The problem with us is we don’t have many organize WvW guild anymore and the ones we do are medium size. We have way too many new pugs in WvW. I mean we really have to spam stuff in chat for the new pugs to understand lol.

P.S I have to say you been the most respectful DR yet that helps the other server instead of talking crap.

Saying that another realm is winning only because they have more population is also talking crap. That is implying that you would be winning if you had even numbers.
However, evidence from the field suggests otherwise.

Your absolutly correct,

DR would get destroyed.

And, your server would be annihilated?

I don’t understand why people get so upset about losing these server matchups. How your server is doing does not reflect on how good you or your guild is.

I’m not upset for losing these matchups lol i don’t play for position or points, i play to have fun. What ignites these threads is when the dominating team, which in the lower tiers is the one with the most population on the map, comes in these threads bragging how great they are, and posting screen shots of domination, or posting videos how they wiped groups with their premade of every forum built class.

My guild is here to have fun, infact my guys have called you all out, where are u.., where are those small teams running around as DR keeps insisting that’s what you do. Since we encountered your premade ele’s and thieves, with that 1 or two mesmers.., SOS has formed our own team.., and since then we’ve destroyed your small teams, but ya know what, we didn’t post any videos, we didn’t brag, because there’s no need for it. We want to fight you, and that’s why we are always in DR. So far DR has not impressed me, some of your smaller squad based guild groups have, but overall the server is quite obnoxious, and has less tactical strategy than a dolyak trying to reach it’s destination without dying.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


No wait a sec, now DR is way way worse. Man this is confusing.


Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Sigh…DR bashing yet again. DR’s been hearing it since waaaaay back when PRO first moved to DR and DR started its winning streak that’s lasted until now. Here’s a bit of history.

DR was literally last place and pretty much got owned any/everywhere they went. Moozilla (RED)/Gasmic (GASM) and a few other leading Wv3 guilds banded together, came up with a plan to try to turn things around. PRO was looking for better competition so we moved all the way down, not up, and hit DR right as Moo/Gasmic implemented the plan. Perfect timing, they had the plan and a tentative Wv3 population, PRO had the commanders and a core Wv3 pop that could get stuff done. That combined turned into a win for DR, it was an awesome TEAM effort to get us where we are. Now Kain/Ferg hark in the forums about “population” blah blah…it wasnt population back then, that didnt happen until around week 4-5 of the fighting. Until then it was pure teamwork/coordination and strats.

Now DR is here and AR/NSP fielding the same tired old “excuses”. Now I’m basing my opinion on what I’m seeing mind you. In EB..yea there’s a lot of DR, but I’ve also seen some 30+ zerg numbers from both servers. Your borderlands is whats killing you. Every day I go into one there’s an easy 3-4:1 odds against us DR. Last night is prime example, 3am there’s a 30 man team in AR BL fighting about 8-10 of us tops. And we continuously pushed you back to either the Bay or the tower. Happens in NSP the same way too.

I dont think there’s a “huge” population problem as during the first week pretty much even numbers on any map you went to. You guys lost and i think your fair weather fighters bounced on you. (nothing to do with DR) Your problem is very simple i think. You both have some GREAT gamers who are tuff and put up some awesome fights. But when 1 ele can fly into a group of you and drop 1 round of AoE and leave 4-5 of you in downed state….THAT’S YOUR ISSUE! Both servers are going into Wv3 in PvE spec/gear. If you’re melee, you should be in pwr/tough/vit gear, not pwr/prec/crit. Ranged should be in a mix of survivability balanced with dmg. It’s great hitting 25k on a one shot to someone, but if you die in one hit you do nothing for your team.

AR/NSP you both have population so dont try to say you dont, they were there on week 1. They havent transfered, they’re just not in Wv3, not our fault. Get them motivated! DR weak spot is late night, where ive seen 30+ man zergs from both of you on regular basis. But your zergs wont do anything but zerg/die in most cases. Or wait and spawn the NPC event so the 30 man zerg can hide behind it to take a tower. (lame btw especially when theres like 4-5 defenders at the tower)

Will DR get an eye opener in T5…well yes we will. We have a lot of players who are on the “we’re winning” band wagon who I believe will drop back into PvE in T5. DR has some really good commanders and some awesome players who realize teamwork > zerging. But I do believe T5 will give us our first real taste of Wv3 strat fighting. DR still likes to hit all the maps even when DR is getting taken. It should be interesting and fun.

Well, thats my piece. AR/NSP you got good players and players that know winning strats (with or without the icon). Listen to em, gear for Wv3 and not PvE, and get coordinated and you’ll be a force to be wreckoned with. Because if you dont get into a Wv3 mindset, Kaineng is going to mop the floor with both of you. We fought them for a long time and all the “weeds” were pulled out of that server. You have a very nasty group of fighters coming your way who are skilled at sieging strat as well as small tac team fighting. Numbers will be about even so unless you change something else, you’re heading toward T7.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


You won’t typically find small groups in their own borderlands. That’s a good place for larger guilds because you really need numbers like that to hold garrison from a two directional push.

From a small group viewpoint, both EB and the home borderland tend to be a bit too zergy. That’s why I have not even been in the DR borderland in weeks. I probably don’t even remember what the map looks like. No, wait…

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


My guild is here to have fun, infact my guys have called you all out, where are u.., where are those small teams running around as DR keeps insisting that’s what you do. Since we encountered your premade ele’s and thieves, with that 1 or two mesmers.., SOS has formed our own team.., and since then we’ve destroyed your small teams, but ya know what, we didn’t post any videos, we didn’t brag, because there’s no need for it. We want to fight you, and that’s why we are always in DR. So far DR has not impressed me, some of your smaller squad based guild groups have, but overall the server is quite obnoxious, and has less tactical strategy than a dolyak trying to reach it’s destination without dying.

Running around in small teams doing nothing but open field fighting does what exactly for your server in regards to progression? Dont get me wrong, small teams are a must for Wv3, but they must have an objective in the field, not just “lets go find someone to fight.”

All the talk of “where are you”, “we’re not impressed”, blah blah. You want to impress, win the week, progress as a server. What you’re doing is typical for servers who start losing, give up on strat and fall back to small group fighting. Yea its fun, but 90% of your fights are vs other groups of mostly randoms/pugs and not structured groups. So no real challenge there in those fights. There’s a place for small group fighting, its called tPvP not Wv3. Nothing wrong with what your doing, its where you’re choosing to do it that isnt helping your server. If you’re looking for small group fighting go tPvP vs other players looking for it. Unless thats not what your looking for. You’re actually looking for groups not coordinated but just together for an easy wipe so you can chest thump. Its ok I guess, but again….does nothing for your server. DR is focused on progression, you want to meet us on that field of battle bring it. But if you just want to cry out from the shadows for field fighting…feel free to do it, just dont expect much in return. Its not cowardice as you’re probably going to call it. We at DR just know there’s nothing in it for the server, we dont need to chest thump, we’re moving up on reset, and you?

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Did everyone wait until the New Year to muddy up the thread? It was a good thread, or so I though, until a DR player came in, and wrote a book on how AR, and NSP sucks, and doesn’t use tactics, even though many of us overlooked the videos from smaller groups trying to show the exact same thing.

Drednyte, no one bashed DR until that post talking major trash against us. You guys started with the small group nonsense, with youtube videos, so SoS decided to put together a solid group to end the videos. You guys were fine running small groups, and making the other two servers look like trash, until we decided to beat you at your own game. After we make our small group, you guys decide small groups are not worth it all of a sudden.

This is also a population game, and I started out on Henge of Denravi at pre-release when no server in the game could match us, during a time we had a SEVEN HOUR three way fight in Garrison, that Henge of Denravi won.

Since then I’ve seen transfers destroy two tier 1 servers, who’re now in the lowest tiers, and seen multiple low tier servers climb the ladders because of transfers, and eventually fall apart, and begin the downward spiral again.

Grats to your win, but don’t let it cloud your judgement. Now can we bring the thread around, and make it a decent thread again?

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Not bashing mate. But the population issue that keeps cropping up is a joke. Pretty even Wv3 pops when we first got here. If AR and NSP can field 30+ man zergs 24/7 to defend homeland..they can push outwards too. The glass cannon builds both of you have are hurting your pushes in a major way. That’s not bashing, thats statements of fact. The small group fighting, that ALWAYS crop up when servers start losing. My comment on them were simply they do nothing for server progression when they’re out there with only a “fight” as an objective.

It’s just old and anoying reading threads from servers not winning just bashing and making excuses. You both are high population servers that can/have fielded some very large numbers in Wv3. The fact that your server population in Wv3 has dwindled isnt DR’s fault.

I’ve fought pretty hard against both servers and from my perspective either of you are capable of winning the week. But its tiring to see all the blame and excuses that get posted. It’s not DR’s fault some of your better commanders in AR rage quit from Wv3 this week. It’s not DR’s fault some of NSP’s Wv3 guilds are doing PvE events this week because they’re tired of losing in Wv3. The “population” gap that folks keep harking about isnt due to DR getting an increase in population as we’ve had none.

Ive said it before and I’ll continue to say it: AR/NSP props to your Wv3 crews. They are awesome fighters and can always expect a good fight anytime I run into them.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Why neither AR nor NSP don’t take more advantage of situations where DR is preoccupied with the other server is beyond me. There’s more to this game than simply complaining about population imbalances.

Have you seen the score?

Tactics and smart play go out the window when your behind by as much as we are.


I suppose that’s true, and I’m sure lots of players get discouraged when they see the score without even porting in to any of the WvW maps. Many of the ones that do join probably do so just to some skirmish fun more than anything else. I will say, though, that AR has been doing a pretty good job keeping us at least somewhat off balance in EB … at least in the evenings the last couple of times I’ve been there. There must be a decent core there somewhere.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


What I, and I daresay others in Kaineng want to know, is what is fighting NSP like? They can’t be DR could they? Does their strategy involve things like putting lots of AC and cat coverage on the bridge in the BL eastern keep like ET did? It slowed down our assault considerably, as this eng can attest. Or will we roll over NSP like we have FC and ET in T8? Guess we will find out very soon.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Calos.1350


I been with DR from the begining, I always give props to other servers. AR, NSP, this has been the best competition we have had against DR since we climbed out of the hole in tier 8. But what dred and others are saying is that everytime DR starts winning we hear the same kitten. First its DR has no tactics, its only population. Then its night capping. Then and it happened here, its “you will get destroyed in the higher tiers.” Heard that about tier 7, then about tier 6. Now I hear it about tier 5, and even 4.

Like I said, this was some of the most fun I have had in a matchup. Atleast some of yall have us props for our tactics to where kain and ferg would never, only use the population excuse. We started at the bottom, maybe that is why some members feel so strongly, and a few of us stuck with it week in and week out to forge our movement upwards in the ranks. I just think DR members who have been here a longtime are sick of hearing the same thing everytime DR pulls ahead for a second week in any given tier.

Happy New Year, great job AR and NSP, has been a blast.

Brunn Gasm Devona’s Rest a.k.a The White Kitty

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


You guys started with the small group nonsense, with youtube videos, so SoS decided to put together a solid group to end the videos. You guys were fine running small groups, and making the other two servers look like trash, until we decided to beat you at your own game. After we make our small group, you guys decide small groups are not worth it all of a sudden.

What? :P

Sorry, [AD] has not run across your A-team yet (at least not with me there). We are NEVER in the DR borderlands, BTW. We are almost always in either NSP or AR BL. We haven’t stopped running small groups and I haven’t stopped frapsing. Some of your guild were in the middle of a 30 man zerg of AR we were trying to fight just last night in the AR BL.

I don’t make movies to humiliate people. I make them to entertain and/or educate. One of you should load fraps and record what you are doing. I love both making and watching movies.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Not meaning to resurrect a beaten horse, but…


Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Devona doesn’t have more players we just have less fair weather players that leaves WvW when they lose. That I wouldn’t tell why because that’s what makes us special. Loyalty is the word here most of our players grew with Devona they didn’t transfer. Server hoppers won’t get you anywhere you need loyal people in your servers. No offense to PRO because they transfered to last server with a goal and I trust their loyalty %100. So what I would suggest to other server is to encourage loyalty to your servers. How you do it is up to you I will not explain how we do it.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: WrathOfGod.4695


No wait a sec, now DR is way way worse. Man this is confusing.

You must be from AR or NSP. Try defending EB from a 30+ NSP zerg hitting rogues + WC with 5 catas, and defend NSP from the SE SM while they have 3 catas on the wall with about 20+ with them. Now at this point DR only had about 15 people in EB. I know because I was there. We managed to defend WC against that assault for 5min until help came, and push away the SM attack by using well placed trebs and mortars. Then they hit WC again with 20+ because people left.

Want another example? Good.

Try defend watergate at LL keep against 20+ and defend north SM and the supply camps with less than 20 people. We only get help if someone runs around the other BL’s and calls it. You guys even had our watergate down because we were so outmanned. And if morningstar hadn’t placed 6 arrow carts we would have been in a whole lot more trouble.

Want to know how we get ahead? Our commanders co-ordinate every move, we are consistent with everything we do, our players actually want to come to WvW. I was trebbing for more than 5 hours last night and im in full exotic lvl 80 ele with commander tag. Even ask morningstar, he was there the whole time. I even made a time lapse vid of me hitting OL for 1h. We are always hitting durios, ql and anz with trebs almost the instance they are taken, because we know as a server once they go down, you guys can siege SM.

Morale is a big factor in WvW, get crushed a couple times, morale goes down.. The vid I posted earlier, that last fight, after we wiped you guys we hit Ogres and there was close to none defending. We hit OL next and there was about 3-4 defenders, as oppose to your 30+ man zerg 15min earlier.

You guys have the numbers, how you use them is what counts.

I don’t like to start drama/trouble, I am just showing the facts from DR’s side of the map. Watch my vid and see how we play almost 24/7.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624



What the hell are u guys doing, lol.

DR has owned your borderlands several times, and instead of getting payback, you guys rush into AR. I know your playing for points, but have some common sense. At this point, points don’t matter. I haven’t lead a strike on NSP since DR has arrived because I know who the real threat is, AR has been protecting their own lands. If you guys seriously have the force to do something, do it, but think about it. Instead of AR hitting DR right now as i speak, we have to sit here and defend against NSP. You guys don’t even own everything on your map right now. Why don’t you guys focus on that? Are u guys afraid of DR? Because it’s starting to seem like it.

Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)
I mean, your borderlands are just sitting there and you are shocked that someone has the audacity to attack? Maybe even surprised?

So to answer your question. What we are exactly doing is playing WvWvW. Where we actually attack both servers instead of just one.

This message has been brought to you by five pints of Guinness. With love. Arthur Guinness.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Wow, there’s a lot of fiction roleplay going on in this thread.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)

Do you have any idea how many DR Siegerazers we kill a day? They attack us, they just rarely beat out our border patrols.

Also look a few posts up for a screenshot, yes, our borderlands is untouched indeed.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)

Do you have any idea how many DR Siegerazers we kill a day? They attack us, they just rarely beat out our border patrols.

Also look a few posts up for a screenshot, yes, our borderlands is untouched indeed.

Are you referring to this?

Oh dear, a single siegerazer with no DR insight.
Please, tell me how you’re having it so rough.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


But what dred and others are saying is that everytime DR starts winning we hear the same kitten

At some point when enough people tell you the same thing, it should start ringing true.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217



What the hell are u guys doing, lol.

DR has owned your borderlands several times, and instead of getting payback, you guys rush into AR. I know your playing for points, but have some common sense. At this point, points don’t matter. I haven’t lead a strike on NSP since DR has arrived because I know who the real threat is, AR has been protecting their own lands. If you guys seriously have the force to do something, do it, but think about it. Instead of AR hitting DR right now as i speak, we have to sit here and defend against NSP. You guys don’t even own everything on your map right now. Why don’t you guys focus on that? Are u guys afraid of DR? Because it’s starting to seem like it.

Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)
I mean, your borderlands are just sitting there and you are shocked that someone has the audacity to attack? Maybe even surprised?

So to answer your question. What we are exactly doing is playing WvWvW. Where we actually attack both servers instead of just one.

This message has been brought to you by five pints of Guinness. With love. Arthur Guinness.

Even richer coming from you Rob,

Maybe it’s only when i log on, but I always seem to see your area green.., maybe now and then, a supply camp red, probably camp raiding…, DR hits us all the time, they’ve tried their hardest to take bay from us on multiple occasions, and this morning, I wanted to hit DR, but guess what we ended up doing instead, defending against NSP who didn’t even own their own borderlands for godsake. Just admit to it Rob NSP is scared of DR, actually never mind, you don’t need to say it, your actions already has.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Devona doesn’t have more players we just have less fair weather players that leaves WvW when they lose. That I wouldn’t tell why because that’s what makes us special.

I’ll save this quote for later.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624



What the hell are u guys doing, lol.

DR has owned your borderlands several times, and instead of getting payback, you guys rush into AR. I know your playing for points, but have some common sense. At this point, points don’t matter. I haven’t lead a strike on NSP since DR has arrived because I know who the real threat is, AR has been protecting their own lands. If you guys seriously have the force to do something, do it, but think about it. Instead of AR hitting DR right now as i speak, we have to sit here and defend against NSP. You guys don’t even own everything on your map right now. Why don’t you guys focus on that? Are u guys afraid of DR? Because it’s starting to seem like it.

Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)
I mean, your borderlands are just sitting there and you are shocked that someone has the audacity to attack? Maybe even surprised?

So to answer your question. What we are exactly doing is playing WvWvW. Where we actually attack both servers instead of just one.

This message has been brought to you by five pints of Guinness. With love. Arthur Guinness.

Even richer coming from you Rob,

Maybe it’s only when i log on, but I always seem to see your area green.., maybe now and then, a supply camp red, probably camp raiding…, DR hits us all the time, they’ve tried their hardest to take bay from us on multiple occasions, and this morning, I wanted to hit DR, but guess what we ended up doing instead, defending against NSP who didn’t even own their own borderlands for godsake. Just admit to it Rob NSP is scared of DR, actually never mind, you don’t need to say it, your actions already has.

I enjoy this.
So you are saying. The entire few thousand people of the NSP server is ‘afraid’ of another server. Which is completely dominating us and nearly stomping us around the clock and has been for the past two weeks.
But you know my fine fellow. I would agree with you, if you hadn’t made a slight trolling mistake.
One does not simply.. ..Be afraid of a game

When another player jumps out of stealth and triple hits me for 15k. I don’t jump out of my chair and cower in fear at his shock and awe.
I literally make this face :| and respawn.

Here are some pictures I would like to you view.

This thread is being derailed in a sense and both parties are both to blame.
But your choice of words are bad and you should feel bad.

Don’t know how it is richer coming from me. Are you saying that DR has hit you harder than it has hit NSP? Are you saying that when it was GoM vs AR vs NSP that we didn’t win? Are you saying that AR is now far superior than NSP and that we never had a chance anyway?
Think upon this.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Ok, this thread is done. Too bad, we had something good going, but people are people.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Devona doesn’t have more players we just have less fair weather players that leaves WvW when they lose. That I wouldn’t tell why because that’s what makes us special.

I’ll save this quote for later.


Well, this I agree with. Every server has fairweather players. It’s easy for a server who is on a winning streak to say that they don’t. :P

We’ll see how strong DR is when they first face adversity and demoralization. It will happen.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Ok, this thread is done. Too bad, we had something good going, but people are people.

yes they are.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


What I, and I daresay others in Kaineng want to know, is what is fighting NSP like? They can’t be DR could they? Does their strategy involve things like putting lots of AC and cat coverage on the bridge in the BL eastern keep like ET did? It slowed down our assault considerably, as this eng can attest. Or will we roll over NSP like we have FC and ET in T8? Guess we will find out very soon.


NSP isn’t the same server we faced 2 weeks ago, but folks forget that holidays hits others servers harder than others.

No way to know which NSP server will show up next week.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


What I, and I daresay others in Kaineng want to know, is what is fighting NSP like? They can’t be DR could they? Does their strategy involve things like putting lots of AC and cat coverage on the bridge in the BL eastern keep like ET did? It slowed down our assault considerably, as this eng can attest. Or will we roll over NSP like we have FC and ET in T8? Guess we will find out very soon.

NSP is generally spread between the NA and EU timezones. The general strat kaineng should use is to push forward in the NA then minimize loss in the EU until your asian pop gets in(if you motivate chaster you’ll face roll em). NSP also likes to pressure EB more then the BLs(sometimes to a fault, so you can take advantage of that). Guilds you have to watch out for are [Os] and [Meow] in the objective based department. NSP also has a number of guilds similar to noqq/envy/larp on ferg with the main difference being that the NSP small team gameplay is totally toxic because they wont bother taking anything bigger then a supply camp…and can generally be ignored.

As a server NSP does generally play fair and the randoms are about on par with what you’ve seen so far.

As far as HoD goes, they generally have a very small wvw population that is fairly easy to discourage. Its probably going to be mostly Kain vs NSP next week.
wish y’all look kaineg, luck forward to fighting you again in higher tiers.

(edited by Psychatog.8246)