3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


The graphs show the servers are equal in numbers.

JQ is just better.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


The graphs show the servers are equal in numbers.

JQ is just better.

Care to show us these graphs?

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


The graphs show the servers are equal in numbers.

JQ is just better.

The most simplistic way to interpret data.

Hopefully you are not an economist.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

Because BG is fighting for 1st place, not 2nd. SOR is also fighting for 1st place.

Incidentally, JQ NA primetime has softer targets in general than SOR. If JQ had harder targets, BG would naturally tend to attack SOR.

This is not the case.


If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: WoDan.4079


It was a short run back for those 70 or so bags I got from AGG and the 200 from other SOR/SOB people.

GvG farming! If you’re gonna grief it may as well be for a profit!

Dread Rogue / Native Blackgate’ian

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sphere.2076


Speaking of server population. I have noticed when I log into Blackgate I dont end up in overflow many times like I used to as of late. Could be some have moved on or decided to take a break as our numbers do look thin this week in WvWvW. I still enjoy a good fight. See you on the battle field.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Hopefully not. Maybe they actually recoded a few things from the ground up to actually make it efficient. Wishful thinking …I know.

I’m expecting very little from this patch so I’m not disappointed.
I’m betting they did two things. 1 made it so everyone appears, aka removed culling. They’ve specifically said this is how they are fixing it so I believe it. The second thing they likely did was make it so textures and view distance can be scaled down a lot now.

You won’t be able to scale distance unless you want to have enemy players see you before you see them. So, the only thing you will be able to tone down is textures.

Computers that currently get frame lag(stutter) in big battles will likely lag worse because you computer is having to do even more. Computers that don’t lag now but aren’t expensive gaming rigs will hopefully be able to experience minimal fps lag by lowering textures some or a lot. Expensive newer gaming rigs will probably be fine.

Skill lag will continue to be there because it’s server side and even though they are taking a little load off the server, not having to decide who to show anymore it won’t be enough in big battles.

So ultimately the only thing that will change in massive battles is people will be able to better estimate enemy numbers. It will still be a mass of people spamming #1 since no other skills will work.

Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

This creates an endless cycle of gaining and losing points from green. You do not have the numbers to beat green atm so why not focus on keeping the second place instead and capture points from red?

I don t get it…honestly I don t

Sidenote: Also to all servers/commanders, please cool down on the 70+ people zergs. It requires no skills and is just not sportsman like.

theres nothing wrong with playing for first.

right now this is the closest the matchup has been in a long time and when BG/SOR just start focusing on each other and playing for second all that is going to happen is JQ is going to pull that much further ahead.

right now JQ is 20k ahead. 20k is a gap that can be closed. (not claiming it will)

not to mention many people on BG still feel like they are fighting for JQs spot, not SORs. very few people expect SOR to maintain their lead. if they are correct then hitting JQ is a fine way to play.

-Desirz Matheon

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


“A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.”

Warner and Raiter 2005 primary wikipedia

Emphasis on unintended is mine.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


This should be good, I can’t wait to see them explain the “intent” of W3 and how it relates to dueling or 1v1.

Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


From Anet’s behavior, their “intent” for WvW is to be PvE, so I wouldn’t hold any significant expectations.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


moral lesson of the thread. Do not pay guilds to transfer. Money makes the world go round, but the faster they get there, the sooner they leave.

And for the nth time. GvGs are good and awesome, but please if people start whining because someone disrupts their so-called event, please do consider there is no such game-mode available for you as of now. Thank you.

Strange you should say that.

I remember being on Yak’s Bend the last time SoR was in that lower tier and seeing a massive influx of transfers to their server ingame whilst on the forums they pretty much denied / downplayed it.

Yet here they are in tier 1.

Apparently since guilds only transfer if they get paid, how much have SoR had to shell out for their current numbers of guilds, or JQ for that matter?

Seriously, give the whole “server x paid for their transfers” thing a rest.

What shell out? No one got paid to transfer here, they transferred because they love the community we have. Hence we don’t even have guilds transferred on us yet except for few dedicated people who wants to join our community.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Miiaah.5416


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

This creates an endless cycle of gaining and losing points from green. You do not have the numbers to beat green atm so why not focus on keeping the second place instead and capture points from red?

I don t get it…honestly I don t

Sidenote: Also to all servers/commanders, please cool down on the 70+ people zergs. It requires no skills and is just not sportsman like.

I’m not even sure BG is here this week. I logged in on Sunday morning looking for a little fighting to find 2 BLs completely empty of commanders and maybe 4-5 BG running around. I have logged several more times to find the same thing except during NA prime which I have been too busy during this time all week.

The first pic is one of the largest group I could find today and it was in ebg, notice all the guilds represented, the other pic is from yesterday or the day before and there was 2 of us taking camps together until…….well………the pic should explain. It was like this on 2 different BLs.

I will say that 4 – 5 of us took a tower slightly later and it was recapped without any walls or doors hit because I had left, emptied bags and ran back to find like 6 enemies fighting the Lord without wall or door damage by the time I returned less than a minute later. Would have been hard to screen cap since I was trying to run up to defend and they had capped it by the time I made it half way up the stairs.

Maybe Spring break, tired of lagged out zerg fights, or just burned out on the game. Maybe they are waiting until Wed to see if they can mount a comeback who knows



3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

This creates an endless cycle of gaining and losing points from green. You do not have the numbers to beat green atm so why not focus on keeping the second place instead and capture points from red?

I don t get it…honestly I don t

Sidenote: Also to all servers/commanders, please cool down on the 70+ people zergs. It requires no skills and is just not sportsman like.

Maybe because rank isn’t really important.

And yeah… totally saying that because we are always 3rd. Cereally.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Nuffmeister.4379


I am responding to you a little out of context given you were responding to someone else. Anyways….

I transferred over when SoR was 17th from JQ which was #1 or #2 at the time. I wanted both a challenge and the ability to play with my guild mates instead of sitting in 3 hour queues every night. The biggest influx to SoR from other sources came around that time as well. Myself and others didn’t choose SoR because it was pwning face (it wasn’t then), we chose SoR because of the story behind the server and its extremely loyal community.

It is only natural for people to have a bad taste in their mouth when guilds bandwagon from losing servers to winning servers. Even more true when it happens within tier as has been known to occur once in a while. I think this is an understandable and natural reaction.

Ideally, it would be nice if we all could have equal coverage at all times of the day to ensure competitiveness. Unfortunately, this just isn’t reality with the way this game is setup. Personally though, I wouldn’t be one to bandwagon to a winning server, I would be the person transferring to the underdog. More action and more people to kill when you are always fighting uphill.

I’ve transferred twice now.

Once to try to find a healthy population in my timeslot (Oceanic) where it wasn’t just me and 1-2 others defending towers against 30 man zergs night after night, and the second time because my current guild decided to transfer and I felt i’d found a home with them.

I don’t have any real bitterness for transfers, mainly because this a game people play for fun. If your not having fun then trying another server is as good as a holiday, and might reinvigorate your zest for wvw. Yes it does suck in the middle of a match up, but there’s nothing you can really do about it.

I was just quoting the SoR transfers back then as I am sick of hearing this bs “x server bribed x amount of guilds” crap thrown about here. You gave good reasons for moving, and I certainly didn’t come to BG because my guild was “bought out”.

For those that transfer to the top server for the sole reason to farm because of superior numbers, I don’t agree with it, but if that is how they have fun then so be it.

24 / 7 equal coverage would be great, but as you say, it is not a reality.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892



So much more GG, much less QQ

Why can’t we be as good natured as our euro friends?

I never see them QQing about 40+ zergs

And they get long queues on their maps!

[VoTF] www.votf.net

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: urek mazino.4026

urek mazino.4026


And you found the way to do not take it…. just lmao.

Try to merge 3 servers next time.


now look at that haha, go on have a laugh
i’m sure they’re just having fun

Lo Po – Ranger – Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

This is why JQ and SBI stayed in 2nd and 3rd for so long against SoS. They didn’t actually play for first. Either server could have done better if they had focused and played for first. Instead, many times when SoS was hitting a server, JQ or SBI would also hit them, not really bothering with SoS very often. If BG did what you suggest, we wouldn’t be any better than JQ or the former SBI

We are better than them. We just need to work out a few things. BG has potential.

I think more people are probably just taking it a bit easy on W3 anticipating the new patch. I think when the patch hits, things will get a bit crazy.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey everyone, here is a link to the action last night (3/18/13) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPie64qmS10&feature=youtu.be

Was a blast, thanks for the great fights Agg, SoR, thanks for the surprise

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

Because BG is fighting for 1st place, not 2nd. SOR is also fighting for 1st place.

Incidentally, JQ NA primetime has softer targets in general than SOR. If JQ had harder targets, BG would naturally tend to attack SOR.

This is not the case.


I do not think BG is fighting for 1st place at least that is not what I hear on vent/ts and what I read in chat. BG can NOT get to second place fighting two servers at the same time so saying it wants 1st place is incorrect imo.

My interpretation, as someone who mostly wvw alone/small groups, is that red woke up this week worried that they would be pushed back to tier 2 and blue is having to fight both green and red at the same time like this weekend where in EB you had the whole green server on one side of the keep and the whole red server on the other side with both NOT capturing the BG Keep and green waiting for red to make a move.

In my honest opinion I think Green is not purposefully aiding red but they are also working to make sure Blue does not get second place as I feel they may be worried that blue may become a serious contender.

I saw one server using a 70 man zerg last night. I do not think you organize that unless you are worried about your opponent. Now this is just me personally commenting on what I observe. I do not have any involvement with server politics/guilds and my guild only has one member…me, (I am done with hardcore raiding/guilds after wow)

One day I would love to see Jade, BG and Kaineng on the same map

It would have to be a foursome, TC needs to be added to that list.

And I agree BG should be targeting SoR. We do not have the numbers to take JQ unless many many players pull 10-12 hour sessions like they did the first two weeks.

All the talk about transfers was just that talk. BG didn’t get no mad influx of players like SoR said, because if they did then a few guilds taking time off wouldn’t have BG in third.

T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

(edited by KeeZee.7312)

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: The heretic.1052

The heretic.1052

Open question to BlackGate Commanders,

If you really want to get back to the second spot you have to focus on taking red objectives not greens. For the last two days on several maps I have witnessed many commanders going for green targets which does not affect the amount of points red gets.

Because BG is fighting for 1st place, not 2nd. SOR is also fighting for 1st place.

Incidentally, JQ NA primetime has softer targets in general than SOR. If JQ had harder targets, BG would naturally tend to attack SOR.

This is not the case.


I do not think BG is fighting for 1st place at least that is not what I hear on vent/ts and what I read in chat. BG can NOT get to second place fighting two servers at the same time so saying it wants 1st place is incorrect imo.

My interpretation, as someone who mostly wvw alone/small groups, is that red woke up this week worried that they would be pushed back to tier 2 and blue is having to fight both green and red at the same time like this weekend where in EB you had the whole green server on one side of the keep and the whole red server on the other side with both NOT capturing the BG Keep and green waiting for red to make a move.

In my honest opinion I think Green is not purposefully aiding red but they are also working to make sure Blue does not get second place as I feel they may be worried that blue may become a serious contender.

I saw one server using a 70 man zerg last night. I do not think you organize that unless you are worried about your opponent. Now this is just me personally commenting on what I observe. I do not have any involvement with server politics/guilds and my guild only has one member…me, (I am done with hardcore raiding/guilds after wow)

One day I would love to see Jade, BG and Kaineng on the same map

no disrespect to Kaineng, but they are barely winning T2, don’t see how that would be fun for anyone.

Sanctum of Rall
Don’t feed the trolls

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


One day I would love to see Jade, BG and Kaineng on the same map

SoR would have to go to sleep for a few weeks and Kaineng would need to step up more, so that’s an unlikely thing. What’s up with the logic I keep seeing used though?

If SoR doesn’t play the PPT game? We’re all noobs and “don’t deserve to be T1”

If we play the PPT game? We’re unsportsman like and we’re to blame for BG’s performance issues either due to zerging, 2v1ing, or anything else.


Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Masamoon.3864


T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

Sanghae, legends can be true.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I do not think BG is fighting for 1st place at least that is not what I hear on vent/ts and what I read in chat. BG can NOT get to second place fighting two servers at the same time so saying it wants 1st place is incorrect imo.

My interpretation, as someone who mostly wvw alone/small groups, is that red woke up this week worried that they would be pushed back to tier 2…

I stopped reading there. If you had half an idea of what was actually going on you would know that it is almost impossible for SoR to get pushed out of T1 anytime soon.
Even last week with our NA basically not taking anything and just looking for open field fights we still only lost 13 ELO and KN only gained 11. That left KN still 93 points behind and the closer they get to our score the harder they have to work to get out of T2.

Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

I’m bored at work, I can remove the signature if it makes you feel better.

That said, could you try answering the question posed instead of misdirecting? I think it could be a good start if we could get everyone on even ground when it comes to understanding what’s going on in the environment around us.

To restate it for you: What’s up with the logic I keep seeing used though?


Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


The problem is, earned or unearned, theres a level of mistrust going around towards SoR tags when it comes to this kind of thing. It doesn’t help that shortly after this, FEAR showed up again and again to try and ruin peoples fun.

Jed, the sad truth is that you are claiming to mistrust an entire server based on the actions of one guild you disagree with. At the same time, you are throwing support behind a guild that has actually earned mistrust by breaking commitments repeatedly. If find this shortsighted, unfair, and hypocritical.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: urek mazino.4026

urek mazino.4026

All the talk about transfers was just that talk. BG didn’t get no mad influx of players like SoR said, because if they did then a few guilds taking time off wouldn’t have BG in third.

T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.


Lo Po – Ranger – Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


I showed up to watch the Agg/EMP GvG yesterday, before the crashing of said GvG. I was killed by both BG and JQ, it was a coordinated 2v1 by BG and JQ against me. I just knew they were all on some top secret TS3 together, never have I seen such blatant 2v1. BlackQuarryGate I’ve found your secret, I will be spamming it in every related and unrelated thread on every forum.

Get use to it.

Oh no, whatever will I do. It was a sarcastic post. Get over yourselves.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

WHAT?!?! Who mentioned T1 without SoR?!?!?


Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.

Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I do not think BG is fighting for 1st place at least that is not what I hear on vent/ts and what I read in chat. BG can NOT get to second place fighting two servers at the same time so saying it wants 1st place is incorrect imo.

My interpretation, as someone who mostly wvw alone/small groups, is that red woke up this week worried that they would be pushed back to tier 2…

I stopped reading there. If you had half an idea of what was actually going on you would know that it is almost impossible for SoR to get pushed out of T1 anytime soon.
Even last week with our NA basically not taking anything and just looking for open field fights we still only lost 13 ELO and KN only gained 11. That left KN still 93 points behind and the closer they get to our score the harder they have to work to get out of T2.

Essentially Kaineng has to win by about 200k and SoR has to lose by 200k. Not going to happen.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: The heretic.1052

The heretic.1052

Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

sorry i thought this was public forum.

2 man zerg FTW!

Sanctum of Rall
Don’t feed the trolls

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


WHAT?!?! Who mentioned T1 without SoR?!?!?


You forgot “kekekekekekeke”. Jeez!

Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

WHAT?!?! Who mentioned T1 without SoR?!?!?


For the Swarm!

Need more Overlords

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Masamoon.3864


T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.

Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.

Sure, not like a lot of major SoS guilds didn’t move to BG or anything. Right.

Sanghae, legends can be true.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: urek mazino.4026

urek mazino.4026

T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.

Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.

Sure, not like a lot of major SoS guilds didn’t move to BG or anything. Right.

Why is SoS in T3? Really strange

Lo Po – Ranger – Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Post on the forums,
And be swarmed by Choo.

66 more Choo to go………….

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


Someone mentions T1 without SoR and Choo zergs the forums.

WHAT?!?! Who mentioned T1 without SoR?!?!?


For the Swarm!

Need more Overlords

We’ve already hit the 200/200 cap! So many Choo zerging the forums!!!

Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.

Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.

Sure, not like a lot of major SoS guilds didn’t move to BG or anything. Right.

Why is SoS in T3? Really strange

Because they wanted to take a time out and have some fun in T3 and meet up with old friends.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Post on the forums,
And be swarmed by Choo.

66 more Choo to go………….

Thank you, I appreciate that you’ve been so willing to offer this explanation and show that you do not have the capability to explain the logic/ideas previously expressed.

Knowing this, it is now very easy to simply roll my eyes and continue on with he knowledge that you’re a rather unskilled troll.


Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: The heretic.1052

The heretic.1052

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Post on the forums,
And be swarmed by Choo.

66 more Choo to go………….

stack on Sanghae!

Sanctum of Rall
Don’t feed the trolls

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: urek mazino.4026

urek mazino.4026

T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.

? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l

The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.

Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.

Sure, not like a lot of major SoS guilds didn’t move to BG or anything. Right.

Why is SoS in T3? Really strange

Because they wanted to take a time out and have some fun in T3 and meet up with old friends.

Right. You keep believing that

Lo Po – Ranger – Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Post on the forums,
And be swarmed by Choo.

66 more Choo to go………….

Thank you, I appreciate that you’ve been so willing to offer this explanation and show that you do not have the capability to explain the logic/ideas previously expressed.

Knowing this, it is now very easy to simply roll my eyes and continue on with he knowledge that you’re a rather unskilled troll.


Let me put the Choo tinfoil hat on.

Blackgate paid SoS to break apart and transfer over to them so Blackgate could take second for 2 weeks and then do nothing the third week.

Ya, Choo’s reasoning makes so much more sense…../rollseyes

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sticks.9374


I only mentioned I would like to see Kaineng again because I had fun fighting them just like TC was fun fighting versus having to face a group made of 70 people..I never saw that until BG got to Tier 1. And by fun I mean being able to fight back instead of being roflstompedfacemelted with zero option to fight back.

Hopefully once the culling is removed we will deal with new game mechanics and it should hopefully improve how fights are done. I hope the year of the giant single zerg is going to be replaced with the year of the strats

i got some SS last night of ahem a certain other server ahem and getting roflstompedfacemelted without the chance to fight back so stop acting all sweet and innocent mr Blackguardian!!! Zergs happen, people die, moving on…….

Mallet the Mad
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Avenge.1478


> BG Complains of 2v1
> Commanding on EB last night
> JQ with 8 golems at our keep (double gate)
> BG at our watergate

Happens to everybody, not just you BG :’)

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: urek mazino.4026

urek mazino.4026

> BG Complains of 2v1
> Commanding on EB last night
> JQ with 8 golems at our keep (double gate)
> BG at our watergate

Happens to everybody, not just you BG :’)

we know that feel too :’)

Lo Po – Ranger – Sanctum of Rall

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


Let me put the Choo tinfoil hat on.

Hey now! Who said you can have one of our tinfoil hats? Those things are for members only as they are very hard to construct to work properly.

I bet you got your hands on one of those knock-off brands…

Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: NightTrace.6073


Let me put the Choo tinfoil hat on.

Blackgate paid SoS to break apart and transfer over to them so Blackgate could take second for 2 weeks and then do nothing the third week.

Ya, Choo’s reasoning makes so much more sense…../rollseyes

So, I didn’t say any of that, and I’m asking you a simple question. So far you have done a great job of attempted misdirection yet you’ve very obviously avoided trying to answer it.

I appreciate that maybe you’re just venting onto a public forum, but if you do have genuine interest in continuing forward with any type of meaningful conversation I would be glad to do so.

Here is what I have experienced so far:
If SoR doesn’t play PPT we’re “doing it wrong” and “don’t deserve to be in T1”.

If SoR plays the PPT game we’re “unsportsman like” and “to blame” for BGs lackluster performance this week.

If Choo is in the game? We’re jerks/etc/etc, and forum posts get made.

If Choo responds on the forums? We’re jerks/etc/etc and more posts get made.

To me, this kind of “have it both ways” approach is obviously unrealistic and I suppose I could chalk it up to a fail troll failing, but here’s me trying again to move past the silly.

In your thought what is the ideal situation for the current T1 Servers (IE: no Kaineng should be T1 QQ)?

What do you think the problem is without resorting to straw man arguments, novice level trolling, or other sillyness?


Pain Train Choo [Choo]
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Let me put the Choo tinfoil hat on.

Blackgate paid SoS to break apart and transfer over to them so Blackgate could take second for 2 weeks and then do nothing the third week.

Ya, Choo’s reasoning makes so much more sense…../rollseyes

So, I didn’t say any of that, and I’m asking you a simple question. So far you have done a great job of attempted misdirection yet you’ve very obviously avoided trying to answer it.

I appreciate that maybe you’re just venting onto a public forum, but if you do have genuine interest in continuing forward with any type of meaningful conversation I would be glad to do so.

Here is what I have experienced so far:
If SoR doesn’t play PPT we’re “doing it wrong” and “don’t deserve to be in T1”.

If SoR plays the PPT game we’re “unsportsman like” and “to blame” for BGs lackluster performance this week.

If Choo is in the game? We’re jerks/etc/etc, and forum posts get made.

If Choo responds on the forums? We’re jerks/etc/etc and more posts get made.

To me, this kind of “have it both ways” approach is obviously unrealistic and I suppose I could chalk it up to a fail troll failing, but here’s me trying again to move past the silly.

In your thought what is the ideal situation for the current T1 Servers (IE: no Kaineng should be T1 QQ)?

What do you think the problem is without resorting to straw man arguments, novice level trolling, or other sillyness?


Wall of text crits you for 10,000 damage and puts a dent in the tinfoil hat.