3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


And honestly, my experience in WvW leads me to believe that something like 75% of the people there are really terrible at PvP.

WHy would I have respect for what a 10 year old could do?
That is because we are not playing PvP.

WvW is not as hardcore as PvP. You don’t need leet skills to be helpful and useful to your server. Naturally, PAXA is an elite team. Usually, they are fighting casuals who have no interest in team deathmatch.

That said, PAXA has been great training for us on GoM. People have learned the importance of rezing downed players quickly, and spiking quickly. Overall, GoM is stronger due to our encounters with PAXA, just like GoM is stronger from all our outnumbered battles against DH.

PvP did not originate from warfront time/point/kill limit scenarios. So telling me that WvW is not PvP, you are wrong. 3 factions to kill…It may not be officially called by the Anet team “player vs player world” but it is open world pvp. The only difference between whatever open world pvp game you have played is that the majority of pve is not done in this zone. Just because pve isnt done in this zone doesn’t make it NOT open world pvp…..That being said, it is an open no time limit, no kill limit, no cap limit zone for killing and capturing of “your super tough objectives”….regardless, the fact that you wrote what you wrote just means you’ll never have our perspective of what real player vs player is like. All you will know and continue to know is this :

1. Gather supply
2. Put down blueprints
3. spam build with supply
4. put down more blueprints
5. run for more supply
6. /Map chat “If you are not on my blue dorito, GET HERE NOW!”
7. spam build next siege with supply
8. /Map chat “Guys door is going down in 10 seconds, GET HERE NOW!”
9. Spam 1 and 2 on keep lord
10. /map chat “We should thank commander blue dorito for all this valiant leadership”
11. Gather all 25 of yourselves and run to the next objective on the map
12. Continue this nightly, weekly, monthly, and onto your next MMO as THE way to pvp in open zones

What a joke

Clearly you have no respect for WvW.

That fine, you’re entitled to your opinion. Just don’t expect anyone here to respect you for it, because most of us are here for WvW.

Edit: You mentioned “good wvw players” that aren’t necessarily good pvpers…..do you realize how easy it is to be a “good wvw player”…….10 year olds could pick this game up….and 2 hours after downloading it be “running supply, scouting, seiging, and banging on keep wood”. Using that example, pretty much points out that “good wvw players” arent good players at all, let alone at player vs player. You do consistently what a 10 year old could do.

Why would I have any video game respect for you when a 10 year old could do the same thing?


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


I agree wholeheartedly with titanlectro. If you want your “real open world PvP”, go back to World of Warcraft where there is no siege/towers/keeps/points and you can run around looking for fights to your hearts content. We’re playing the game that Arena net designed. Not the game that PAXA designed.

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015



You are playing a different game than we are. Your goal is kills. Our goal is points. It is as simple as that.

It’s not even just that since they have equal scorn for players who try to duel, players who set-up battles, fight clubs, etc..

all styles of play that are kill focused but that still don’t meet their requirements for being “valid” game play.

Case in point: one of the first nights they transferred off NSP to HoD, we gathered a group to fight them. We found each other in the south and proceeded to butt heads over and over, whenever one of us would lose we’d regroup, go collect stacks off mobs and meet in roughly the same place again. Multiple times we would hold off attacking if the other was building stacks, and even disengaged to kill a GoM group that interfered, then regrouped and attacked each other again. This was great fun but it sounds pretty respectful and set-up to me.
Not to mention the time when tM was fighting them 3v3 over and over and most people who came across them watched or just walked away. Clearly none of us involved had a problem respecting an even battle, so why do some people act like it’s below them? We still tend to leave PAXA alone if we come across them and they’re already engaged in a fight, and I’m pretty sure they do the same. We only recently started screwing with them and participating in taking them down with uneven numbers on occasion because sometimes we get bored and they’ve run over our guys 5v1 a few times, it’s nothing personal but there’s payback to be had!

I’m sure saying this makes you feel good, but from having run with the PAXA folks for an evening a few days back, my experience was that it went more like this:
1. PAXA 5 man takes a camp
2. 20 invaders from NSP or GoM show up to take camp back, and PAXA 5 man kills all of them.
3. Move on to a different camp

We do this as well.
Usually we have 3 or 4 people in WvW a night so we do what we’re capable of: taking camps. There is little incentive to fight other players in this game mode, and I understand that, so we take the objectives we can and hope for a fun fight to come our way, heck sometimes we attack towers and keeps just to draw enemies out to fight.
My only real annoyance is that there’s no reason to send smaller groups to the smaller objectives like camps, it’s more efficient to just zerg it on your way to something bigger and come back after 5 min, this makes it hard for our smaller group to do what I thought we were supposed to do, which is take the smaller objectives while the large groups take the keeps. Such is the nature of the game though, and when the numbers get too big for our group we try to grab some friends and increase our numbers to 6-10 to zerg bust, if that’s not possible we just run around attacking stuff to screw with them or log-out due to boredom.

As another poster put it quite well, I’m definitely playing a different game, because as far as I’m concerned it’s up to you to create your own fun and zerging isn’t very fun to me. I’m not about to tell other people they should change their perspective of fun to suit mine though, but hey maybe that’s other people’s version of fun!

With all that said are the Carebears recruiting? I think I’m becoming one.


Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


I think a good wvw’er is someone who does everything in wvw.

-Carrying supplies
-Escort Dolyaks
-Build siege
-Attack and defend objectives.



Yes. This is also a part of wvw.

I don’t understand why we should separate siege players and pvpers. We are all a part of wvw. We are all wvw’ers.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


We’re not disagreeing with you Nausicca. Every PAXA post thus far has been condemning players that follow commanders and take objectives though. They seem to be of the opinion that servers do not have scores and that the only objective in WvW is killing players.

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: pita spoon.5708

pita spoon.5708

although i disagree with what you say.. i will defend to the death your right to say it.

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Let’s ask tootsie.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


With all that said are the Carebears recruiting? I think I’m becoming one.


We are not really recruiting because we’re not a very serious guild. But if you don’t mind playing with only 2-3 people after 8-9 pm, feel free to send me a message in game. We’re pvping only, and helping our server when GoM or HoD zergs are pushing too far in our territory.
Thank you for your interest ^^


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Such a little piece of bait. So many fish bite. Its just too funny.

Which reminds me. When I was 10 my dad said " son , there’s only 2 things in the world that smell like fish , and one of them is fish". About 3 years went by and I final realized what he meant.

Have a magical day

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


We’re not disagreeing with you Nausicca. Every PAXA post thus far has been condemning players that follow commanders and take objectives though. They seem to be of the opinion that servers do not have scores and that the only objective in WvW is killing players.

Because people get (Im going to spell it wrong on purpose so you see the word choice im using) buttzzzzhurtzzzz in this game when I speak for “PAXA” I will make sure I use the word I instead of we….I have these opinions because the server score means jack kitten. You win, you move up to the bottom of another meaningless tier’s score. Maybe more people? Maybe a couple better fights? Not really. You stay in months and months with same tier? Score means physically nothing. You’re fighting for meaningless points that hold ZERO merit. Top tier bragging rights? WRONG, top tiers have 80+ man zergs……how does that make them a better, tougher tier? It doesnt, just more people. PERIOD. Hate to break this fun fact to you Mr. ULT, most of the blue doritos out there are terribad players, with no experience of gaming…….but they know how to /map chat “guys my dorito is up, follow me to this wooden door” and people go. If they succeed in taking the tower, their a hero, if they loose, failure. Point is anyone could save up 100 gold (and “anyone” has) and gather 25 people to run around mindlessly taking wooden doors down. Not anyone can win even just a fair fights….


(edited by Jscull.2514)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


We’re not disagreeing with you Nausicca. Every PAXA post thus far has been condemning players that follow commanders and take objectives though. They seem to be of the opinion that servers do not have scores and that the only objective in WvW is killing players.

Because people get (Im going to spell it wrong on purpose so you see the word choice im using) buttzzzzhurtzzzz in this game when I speak for “PAXA” I will make sure I use the word I instead of we….I have these opinions because the server score means jack kitten. You win, you move up to the bottom of another meaningless tier’s score. Maybe more people? Maybe a couple better fights? Not really. You stay in months and months with same tier? Score means physically nothing. You’re fighting for meaningless points that hold ZERO merit. Top tier bragging rights? WRONG, top tiers have 80+ man zergs……how does that make them a better, tougher tier? It doesnt, just more people. PERIOD. Hate to break this fun fact to you Mr. ULT, most of the blue doritos out there are terribad players, with no experience of gaming…….but they know how to /map chat “guys my dorito is up, follow me to this wooden door” and people go. If they succeed in taking the tower, their a hero, if they loose, failure. Point is anyone could save up 100 gold (and “anyone” has) and gather 25 people to run around mindlessly taking wooden doors down. Not anyone can win even fair fights….

Alright then, like titanlectro said, we have completely different outakes on the type of game we are playing. Continue doing what you do and I’ll continue to do what I do. Just stop criticizing everyone else for not playing Jscull’s version of WvW.

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


We’re not disagreeing with you Nausicca. Every PAXA post thus far has been condemning players that follow commanders and take objectives though. They seem to be of the opinion that servers do not have scores and that the only objective in WvW is killing players.

Well, I don’t care about points as well to be honest. But I understand points are a great incentive for a majority of players, and I respect that. If points = incentive = more players in wvw = more pvp for [CUTE], it’s all good for us


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


We’re not disagreeing with you Nausicca. Every PAXA post thus far has been condemning players that follow commanders and take objectives though. They seem to be of the opinion that servers do not have scores and that the only objective in WvW is killing players.

Because people get (Im going to spell it wrong on purpose so you see the word choice im using) buttzzzzhurtzzzz in this game when I speak for “PAXA” I will make sure I use the word I instead of we….I have these opinions because the server score means jack kitten. You win, you move up to the bottom of another meaningless tier’s score. Maybe more people? Maybe a couple better fights? Not really. You stay in months and months with same tier? Score means physically nothing. You’re fighting for meaningless points that hold ZERO merit. Top tier bragging rights? WRONG, top tiers have 80+ man zergs……how does that make them a better, tougher tier? It doesnt, just more people. PERIOD. Hate to break this fun fact to you Mr. ULT, most of the blue doritos out there are terribad players, with no experience of gaming…….but they know how to /map chat “guys my dorito is up, follow me to this wooden door” and people go. If they succeed in taking the tower, their a hero, if they loose, failure. Point is anyone could save up 100 gold (and “anyone” has) and gather 25 people to run around mindlessly taking wooden doors down. Not anyone can win even fair fights….

Alright then, like titanlectro said, we have completely different outakes on the type of game we are playing. Continue doing what you do and I’ll continue to do what I do. Just stop criticizing everyone else for not playing Jscull’s version of WvW.

Dude play as you want. All I’m saying and was originally is that it’s mind boggling that there’s no other people that want to compete on our level other than the few groups we know. Few being like 3…


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


That started as a 2v2 on north part of the island with some [Os] commander (which we knew there wasn’t a snowballs chance in hell it would stay that way). Then the waterfall began. 2 more [Os] champions showed up making it a 2v4. We still were fine. Got a stomp on one. Then 1 more added. Still pretty solid on our end. Finally the flood gates broke and what started as a 2v2 which was a decent fight but a victory for us, became a 2v4 tougher fight but still got a stomp off and would have won, then became a 2v [Os] commander Dorito and family. Wouldn’t expect anything different.

Yeh man, I know the feeling.
I was having this 1vs1 with a PAXA member.
It was a pretty even fight, since I’m pure tank and he was just DPS stealth. So he kept kiting, I kept healing. You know, a good fair fight.
And then all of a sudden 5 more PAXA perma stealth thieves just drop ontop of me. They just start tearing into me and completely ignore the nice 1vs1 I was having.

But thats cool, you know, my builds designed to fight zergs so. I took on 5 of them, and then about 30seconds later, 5 more PAXA arrived with a various assortment of different builds,
They were really bad though, they kept doing the /laugh emotes and such instead of fighting, I think they were confused in how the game works, but I dunno.
So I’m just standing there, in my bubble thinking, I’m so glad PAXA like to solo roam. They’re so good.

When all of a sudden 50,000 more PAXA just appeared. And you know, because I really good, I just solo’d them all. Like Jscull I think you were one of them. I dunno, ugly human ranger with peasant armour? Yeh. Must have been you.

So after I killed everyone, because as I stated previously, I’m awesome, I flicked on my commander tag and took the entire of WvW.
Sorry did no one notice?

I’d have evidence, but unfortunately arenanet don’t like 3rd party programs. So er. I could only take this screenshot of me fighting all the people.

All those times when PAXA have accused me of zerging is actually just been me, kicking down tower doors while holding back hordes upon hordes of enemies.

Myself, real life account


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Heiann – NSP

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


That started as a 2v2 on north part of the island with some [Os] commander (which we knew there wasn’t a snowballs chance in hell it would stay that way). Then the waterfall began. 2 more [Os] champions showed up making it a 2v4. We still were fine. Got a stomp on one. Then 1 more added. Still pretty solid on our end. Finally the flood gates broke and what started as a 2v2 which was a decent fight but a victory for us, became a 2v4 tougher fight but still got a stomp off and would have won, then became a 2v [Os] commander Dorito and family. Wouldn’t expect anything different.

Yeh man, I know the feeling.
I was having this 1vs1 with a PAXA member.
It was a pretty even fight, since I’m pure tank and he was just DPS stealth. So he kept kiting, I kept healing. You know, a good fair fight.
And then all of a sudden 5 more PAXA perma stealth thieves just drop ontop of me. They just start tearing into me and completely ignore the nice 1vs1 I was having.

But thats cool, you know, my builds designed to fight zergs so. I took on 5 of them, and then about 30seconds later, 5 more PAXA arrived with a various assortment of different builds,
They were really bad though, they kept doing the /laugh emotes and such instead of fighting, I think they were confused in how the game works, but I dunno.
So I’m just standing there, in my bubble thinking, I’m so glad PAXA like to solo roam. They’re so good.

When all of a sudden 50,000 more PAXA just appeared. And you know, because I really good, I just solo’d them all. Like Jscull I think you were one of them. I dunno, ugly human ranger with peasant armour? Yeh. Must have been you.

So after I killed everyone, because as I stated previously, I’m awesome, I flicked on my commander tag and took the entire of WvW.
Sorry did no one notice?

I’d have evidence, but unfortunately arenanet don’t like 3rd party programs. So er. I could only take this screenshot of me fighting all the people.

All those times when PAXA have accused me of zerging is actually just been me, kicking down tower doors while holding back hordes upon hordes of enemies.

Myself, real life account

How does rob not stand for Robert lol?


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


How does rob not stand for Robert lol?

Think upon yourself.
What is my native language.

And secondly.
Even in english. Rob is nickname for quite a few other names.

Potatoes nowadays.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Colt.9051



I’ve been debating about posting this, but I think it is time.

You are playing a different game than we are. Your goal is kills. Our goal is points. It is as simple as that. We generally call people who play for points, WvW players. We generally call people who play for kills, PvP players.

In WvW, everything is about resource efficiency and time management. A good WvW player intentionally avoids fights, if they are a time-suck away from something more important. A good WvW player spends a lot of time not fighting and instead scouting, building siege, repairing, and coordinating. A good WvW player will even build his character differently, so as to be useful to the big picture, which might mean sacrificing killing power for swiftness or escape abilities.

When WvW players encounter PvP players, they see them as a roadblock, just like walls on a castle or defensive siege. A good WvW player will find the most time and resource efficient way around that roadblock. In this case, overwhelm the PvP players with numbers. It only take a minute or two to do, and the road block is cleared without tying up a lot of resourses or making people run back from spawn from losing to a “fair fight.”

The truth of it is, we don’t care how good you are at killing people. We care about points, and you are no threat there. You are an inconvenience, which is easily countered with superior numbers or running away.

If we WvW players looked at you PvP players and said “We are better than you because we contribute to the server point total,” we would be wrong. You are not playing the same game as us, and that is comparing apples to oranges. You are good at what you intend to do, it is just not the same goal that we have.

Likewise, the opposite is also true. PvP players should not say to WvW players “We are better than you because we win even fights.” That is missing the point. WvW players are not trying to be the best at player killing, we have a different goal. It is entirely possible to be a GREAT WvW player, and lose every 1v1 battle you face. Because WvW is not team deathmatch. Sometimes the best WvW tactic is to intentionally die over and over again just to keep the enemy busy. (In fact, we have done that to you before, sent one or two “sacrifices” to draw you away while we do our work.)

So PAXA, keep that in mind. You do not earn bragging rights when you kill a group of WvW players. We do not earn bragging rights when we steamroll you with numbers. The only way to earn bragging rights is to play the same game, which we are not.

This x9000+!

Daeaera ~ Leader of Grape Justice! [FGJ]

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Tootsie.5217


Look, it’s been swell, but the swelling’s gone down. HOD, the beast has awoken!

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


With all that said are the Carebears recruiting? I think I’m becoming one.


We are not really recruiting because we’re not a very serious guild. But if you don’t mind playing with only 2-3 people after 8-9 pm, feel free to send me a message in game. We’re pvping only, and helping our server when GoM or HoD zergs are pushing too far in our territory.
Thank you for your interest ^^

Thank you for the offer, I was making a bad joke though.

The guild I’m in runs pretty small groups usually as well, and are just out looking for fun fights. If you need some help zerg busting give me a holler in-game and we’ll see if we can’t join up.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


How does rob not stand for Robert lol?

Think upon yourself.
What is my native language.

And secondly.
Even in english. Rob is nickname for quite a few other names.

Potatoes nowadays.

Sorry in Chicago all 7 million of us seem to have the understanding Rob stands for Robert lol…. Sometimes robin. What else does it stand for in Ireland?


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


There’s value in both styles of game play…why are we all arguing about this?

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


There’s value in both styles of game play…why are we all arguing about this?

I agree. My only complaint is that both do not happen. Only mindless “this what wvw means” happens. It’s just dumbfounding how we can’t come across out of hundreds Even thousands of players anyone else on a daily basis that want the challenge of a solid small man team…


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Do you guys also go to gay bars and try to pick up straight chicks for the challenge and find it inconceivable that you were unsuccessful too?

Haha, that’s pretty funny.

You play for the small moments when you and your groups do beat other larger groups and your kittens grows enormously.

Oh, the things people presume.

Well might be right, but we’ll never know, you never accept fair setup fights and when we run around with 10+ we gasp this might come as a shock to you, but we weren’t out looking for you, we were you know doing WvW.

You don’t seem to mind chasing the length of the map though!

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


First off I said it’s a casual game, not a casual PvP game. The game has multiple aspect to it WvW being one of them. WvW is not even open world PvP, nothing even close. Just a large battle ground with larger player limits and a much longer timer.

You and very few others try to play it your way, by making a gank squad. And by all means its great for you, and occasionally I also “roam” but that isn’t the play style that wins the battle. You specialize in small group tactics and bash on large group play and even solo play. You can try and say you do it for the challenge if you want, but at the end of the day you still prey on unexpecting groups for the win pushing no limit to your character. Beating out others who’s mindset is to get to a objective to support the vast majority while yours is to hunt and kill doesn’t make you skillful just as a build for solo play beating out a build for Zerg play.

Beef between Os and PAXA? I don’t really care to each his own as paid said. Just like you don’t like our members complaining about you guys ruining our fight club, the vast majority of the players don’t really want to hear about you kittening abot their Zerg fights.

Sorry not many people enjoy your idea of what skillful play is. But try and wrap your mind around this, most people join medium to large WvW guild to WvW in medium to large sizes. People who join over guilds do it so they can pve. And guess what kind of guilds people who wants to spvp join?

This is how GW2 is, sorry it took you months to figure it out, let me know when you guys find that perfect game for your style, but this one is definitely not it.

We go after the groups of 10+ A because there is no one else to fight, and B because the fact that 98% of the people’s mindsets today in pvp mmo’s is to capture an impossibly easy keep door and tower mobs. We go after them because it couldn’t be more backwards from what PVP means. Don’t call it World vs World, call it capture points R us. The fact that it is satisfying to you guys just makes us want to smoke you even more. Enjoy your keep wood.

What you go up against when you have smaller numbers is your deal, not anyone else’s fault. You put yourself in that position. It’s not in just “today’s” MMO that take and hold, siege has taken priority, I don’t know which MMOs you have played but before points were capturable guilds in PvP games have “claim” areas as their own and went around to protect/PK, raids were self set up to attack people.

What WvW has provided is the same, enemy players take and hold keeps and defend it, certain server those guilds take and claim their tower. You can o the same, you guys chose to roam. In fact the only ones who PvE in WvW to just PvE are you guys who take camps and smaller objectives to provoke an attack, but in the end you guys just leave it before anyone can respond. If we get to a tower we need to take and no one is there, what else are we going to do? move on and until we find one that is defended? do you guys leave camps when you show up with no defenders? I didn’t think so.

“The fact that it is satisfying to you guys just makes us want to smoke you even more. Enjoy your keep wood.”

You can want all you want, but here’s the fact, 98% of the time you run into larger numbers and you get smashed, shine your little collection of win trophy for your surprise attacks when the zerg has its back to you when sieging. But most of the time we just roll you guys and you just end up back at spawn or the safety of another pve keep. You aren’t trying to show skillful play, you just like to gank. As for comment of 10 year olds can do any of this, well you are right, most of the time its the kids who has the most time to play and practice. You know with no work or responsibilities its pretty easy to get together with your 4 friends and gank noobs all day.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673



I’ve been debating about posting this, but I think it is time.

You are playing a different game than we are. Your goal is kills. Our goal is points. It is as simple as that. We generally call people who play for points, WvW players. We generally call people who play for kills, PvP players.

In WvW, everything is about resource efficiency and time management. A good WvW player intentionally avoids fights, if they are a time-suck away from something more important. A good WvW player spends a lot of time not fighting and instead scouting, building siege, repairing, and coordinating. A good WvW player will even build his character differently, so as to be useful to the big picture, which might mean sacrificing killing power for swiftness or escape abilities.

When WvW players encounter PvP players, they see them as a roadblock, just like walls on a castle or defensive siege. A good WvW player will find the most time and resource efficient way around that roadblock. In this case, overwhelm the PvP players with numbers. It only take a minute or two to do, and the road block is cleared without tying up a lot of resourses or making people run back from spawn from losing to a “fair fight.”

The truth of it is, we don’t care how good you are at killing people. We care about points, and you are no threat there. You are an inconvenience, which is easily countered with superior numbers or running away.

If we WvW players looked at you PvP players and said “We are better than you because we contribute to the server point total,” we would be wrong. You are not playing the same game as us, and that is comparing apples to oranges. You are good at what you intend to do, it is just not the same goal that we have.

Likewise, the opposite is also true. PvP players should not say to WvW players “We are better than you because we win even fights.” That is missing the point. WvW players are not trying to be the best at player killing, we have a different goal. It is entirely possible to be a GREAT WvW player, and lose every 1v1 battle you face. Because WvW is not team deathmatch. Sometimes the best WvW tactic is to intentionally die over and over again just to keep the enemy busy. (In fact, we have done that to you before, sent one or two “sacrifices” to draw you away while we do our work.)

So PAXA, keep that in mind. You do not earn bragging rights when you kill a group of WvW players. We do not earn bragging rights when we steamroll you with numbers. The only way to earn bragging rights is to play the same game, which we are not.

You do realize that WvW needs both your “WvWers” as you explained and the PvPers to be successful, right? Otherwise all 3 servers would be unable to attack one another and it would just be taking objective points. Now that wouldn’t be very fun, now would it?

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Oh, the things people presume.

I do, but only since it seems to be ok for Jscull to do so.

You don’t seem to mind chasing the length of the map though!

I don’t and never will. I enjoy the multi-aspect of the WvW and GW2 in general. I don’t need to bash other people’s style of play to do it though. What I have gather from Paxa’s leadrs point of view so far is that the only fun way and non-noob way to play GW2 is to run small man teams and fight only other small man teams randomly. Any other way is noob and can be done easily by a child.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Have you ever heard of hiding? Last night we took our Garrison back from GoM I think it was because one sneaky mesmer commander hid inside the walls until about a dozen of us came up outside and he jumped out and used a portal to sneak us in.
No hacks, no cheats, just heads up play when the garrison was being taken.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


First off I said it’s a casual game, not a casual PvP game. The game has multiple aspect to it WvW being one of them. WvW is not even open world PvP, nothing even close. Just a large battle ground with larger player limits and a much longer timer.

You and very few others try to play it your way, by making a gank squad. And by all means its great for you, and occasionally I also “roam” but that isn’t the play style that wins the battle. You specialize in small group tactics and bash on large group play and even solo play. You can try and say you do it for the challenge if you want, but at the end of the day you still prey on unexpecting groups for the win pushing no limit to your character. Beating out others who’s mindset is to get to a objective to support the vast majority while yours is to hunt and kill doesn’t make you skillful just as a build for solo play beating out a build for Zerg play.

Beef between Os and PAXA? I don’t really care to each his own as paid said. Just like you don’t like our members complaining about you guys ruining our fight club, the vast majority of the players don’t really want to hear about you kittening abot their Zerg fights.

Sorry not many people enjoy your idea of what skillful play is. But try and wrap your mind around this, most people join medium to large WvW guild to WvW in medium to large sizes. People who join over guilds do it so they can pve. And guess what kind of guilds people who wants to spvp join?

This is how GW2 is, sorry it took you months to figure it out, let me know when you guys find that perfect game for your style, but this one is definitely not it.

We go after the groups of 10+ A because there is no one else to fight, and B because the fact that 98% of the people’s mindsets today in pvp mmo’s is to capture an impossibly easy keep door and tower mobs. We go after them because it couldn’t be more backwards from what PVP means. Don’t call it World vs World, call it capture points R us. The fact that it is satisfying to you guys just makes us want to smoke you even more. Enjoy your keep wood.

What you go up against when you have smaller numbers is your deal, not anyone else’s fault. You put yourself in that position. It’s not in just “today’s” MMO that take and hold, siege has taken priority, I don’t know which MMOs you have played but before points were capturable guilds in PvP games have “claim” areas as their own and went around to protect/PK, raids were self set up to attack people.

What WvW has provided is the same, enemy players take and hold keeps and defend it, certain server those guilds take and claim their tower. You can o the same, you guys chose to roam. In fact the only ones who PvE in WvW to just PvE are you guys who take camps and smaller objectives to provoke an attack, but in the end you guys just leave it before anyone can respond. If we get to a tower we need to take and no one is there, what else are we going to do? move on and until we find one that is defended? do you guys leave camps when you show up with no defenders? I didn’t think so.

“The fact that it is satisfying to you guys just makes us want to smoke you even more. Enjoy your keep wood.”

You can want all you want, but here’s the fact, 98% of the time you run into larger numbers and you get smashed, shine your little collection of win trophy for your surprise attacks when the zerg has its back to you when sieging. But most of the time we just roll you guys and you just end up back at spawn or the safety of another pve keep. You aren’t trying to show skillful play, you just like to gank. As for comment of 10 year olds can do any of this, well you are right, most of the time its the kids who has the most time to play and practice. You know with no work or responsibilities its pretty easy to get together with your 4 friends and gank noobs all day.

This is why me and the other (non osif) members laugh at [Os]…. Uneducated responses. Player vs player started as hardcore modes and because most people didn’t take the time to get better at it and WoW allowed for complaining to change the game to easy mode we are left with “run around and take wooden doors down”. We take camps for two reasons… To build stacks, and to hopefully show some small man on the map the area we are roaming to search for a fight. Sorry dude fighting keep guards and pushing a button to build up a treb or ram doesn’t make me feel accomplished.
Sorry but your argument for why taking keep doors down flipping objectives is more challenging than fighting human response times and skill is just silly. Again “enjoy your keep wood”

Try not to tell me about my life’s responsibilities as you have no idea.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029



I’ve been debating about posting this, but I think it is time.

You are playing a different game than we are. Your goal is kills. Our goal is points. It is as simple as that. We generally call people who play for points, WvW players. We generally call people who play for kills, PvP players.

In WvW, everything is about resource efficiency and time management. A good WvW player intentionally avoids fights, if they are a time-suck away from something more important. A good WvW player spends a lot of time not fighting and instead scouting, building siege, repairing, and coordinating. A good WvW player will even build his character differently, so as to be useful to the big picture, which might mean sacrificing killing power for swiftness or escape abilities.

When WvW players encounter PvP players, they see them as a roadblock, just like walls on a castle or defensive siege. A good WvW player will find the most time and resource efficient way around that roadblock. In this case, overwhelm the PvP players with numbers. It only take a minute or two to do, and the road block is cleared without tying up a lot of resourses or making people run back from spawn from losing to a “fair fight.”

The truth of it is, we don’t care how good you are at killing people. We care about points, and you are no threat there. You are an inconvenience, which is easily countered with superior numbers or running away.

If we WvW players looked at you PvP players and said “We are better than you because we contribute to the server point total,” we would be wrong. You are not playing the same game as us, and that is comparing apples to oranges. You are good at what you intend to do, it is just not the same goal that we have.

Likewise, the opposite is also true. PvP players should not say to WvW players “We are better than you because we win even fights.” That is missing the point. WvW players are not trying to be the best at player killing, we have a different goal. It is entirely possible to be a GREAT WvW player, and lose every 1v1 battle you face. Because WvW is not team deathmatch. Sometimes the best WvW tactic is to intentionally die over and over again just to keep the enemy busy. (In fact, we have done that to you before, sent one or two “sacrifices” to draw you away while we do our work.)

So PAXA, keep that in mind. You do not earn bragging rights when you kill a group of WvW players. We do not earn bragging rights when we steamroll you with numbers. The only way to earn bragging rights is to play the same game, which we are not.

You do realize that WvW needs both your “WvWers” as you explained and the PvPers to be successful, right? Otherwise all 3 servers would be unable to attack one another and it would just be taking objective points. Now that wouldn’t be very fun, now would it?

I carefully defined what I meant by WvW player and PvP player (You can see it above). Playing for points or playing for kills. You can still specialize in player killing and play for points. The difference is in the goal.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489



You should take your own advice, I don’t compare pvp games to wow or any of their spawns. When I did play WoW I played mainly for PvE content not because I loved thier PvP system.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


You can want all you want, but here’s the fact, 98% of the time you run into larger numbers and you get smashed, shine your little collection of win trophy for your surprise attacks when the zerg has its back to you when sieging. But most of the time we just roll you guys and you just end up back at spawn or the safety of another pve keep. You aren’t trying to show skillful play, you just like to gank. As for comment of 10 year olds can do any of this, well you are right, most of the time its the kids who has the most time to play and practice. You know with no work or responsibilities its pretty easy to get together with your 4 friends and gank noobs all day.

Jscull sure does have your panties in a bunch, doesn’t he?

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Shiver.5903


There’s value in both styles of game play…why are we all arguing about this?

I agree. My only complaint is that both do not happen. Only mindless “this what wvw means” happens. It’s just dumbfounding how we can’t come across out of hundreds Even thousands of players anyone else on a daily basis that want the challenge of a solid small man team…

That Fair Fight
I do like good even fights and enjoy them whenever we get them. But you seldom get that “epic” 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 with a great opposing team. It is the very nature of WvW. It was not intended for fair fights.

Doesn’t mean I don’t have a blast playing it every night. It’s more like 1v3, then 4v2, then 8v13, then 35v45, and it’s just kitten fine. You play around objectives with timing and coordination to get the better out of those fights.

Now I was under the impression that Fightclub was ‘bs for Carebears" in your book. But it is exactly that : fair 1v1, 2v2, etc… planned in a good atmosphere with the 3 servers. So I don’t understand why you can’t enjoy it. I know I do love a good Fightclub, just to do a little social with the other servers, get to see some good fights, and learn a few tricks.

You WvW players are baddies, it’s so simple my dead cat could play your char
Coordinating with ~30 people on Voicechat, answering lots of whispers, coordinating with all the people on /map/team/say chat at the same time, making sure everyone is on the same page, making diversions, plan timed attacks on multiple objectives, scouting, relaying information on the spot, adjust to enemy movement-attacks, taking split second (yet smart and good) decisions with the available info, all the while playing your character in battle…

—> right m8, right. That is sooooo simple.

Actually what you despise is what makes this game fun for so many players.

And it can be quite challenging. I would go as far as to say it is FAR more complex to play WvW as I described it above then to play with the exact same premade of 5 to only PvP every night and forget about all the WvW part. The two can be enjoyable.

The World, as you know it by now, is about PAXA
You’re good at PvP, PAXA, and I do enjoy all my encounters with you guys, always a challenge.
But some of your members are even better at trolling a forum then at playing the game. I mean this thread is yet again about PAXA, you guys are such attention-wh…s I just can’t believe it ;-)

I will admit I respect HoD’s GT even more than PAXA as opponents, they also are always a challenge, but these guys can behave, real gents, no bragging, and they simply deliver, and help their team a lot. They also don’t call other people names for playing WvW as it was designed, which is… quite normal after all.

Carebears in disguise?
BTW last time I fought you PAXA (true story), you ran back inside Stargrove to get help from the NPCs, and we were not lots compared to you. Made us smile.
“Come on, teaming up with NPCs? Man up, can’t think of anything more carebear.” I still like you anyways.

(Just had to feed them, poor things, they looked hungry after my long post.)

Yours truly,

- Shiver

(edited by Shiver.5903)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Seriously, besides about 4 people, I think the rest of the user base could care less about the Paxa vs insert name here posts. I want to hear more about back packs. I’m enjoying the fights with HoD and GoM and the improved forum banter.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ARM.3912


This thread was so much better when it was just about ARM.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Attention wh…s
Yeah, all of you are responding with pages to one person makes the guild attention wh…s. Haha, right.

Bragging… right again.
All of us just brag so much in every post we make!

We don’t help our team, we’re irrelevant.
Silly me, I forgot that camps and towers don’t give points. Oh wait, they do? kitten coulda fooled me with how useless everyone says we are! So what if our motives for taking objectives isn’t for points, it still happens.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Have you ever heard of hiding? Last night we took our Garrison back from GoM I think it was because one sneaky mesmer commander hid inside the walls until about a dozen of us came up outside and he jumped out and used a portal to sneak us in.
No hacks, no cheats, just heads up play when the garrison was being taken.

Hiding .. HIDING ?!?!.. that was some long game of Marco polo for him to stay hidden long enough for the tower to be fully upgraded and untouched before the fight.

Translation : He flew up on the wall. Like gasp superman…

Lol @ paxa drama. Haha I wish I had the time to trollol all you suc kers this hard. Its probably the funniest kitten I’ve ever read.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


This thread was so much better when it was just about ARM.

Please, don’t ever leave GoM.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Have you ever heard of hiding? Last night we took our Garrison back from GoM I think it was because one sneaky mesmer commander hid inside the walls until about a dozen of us came up outside and he jumped out and used a portal to sneak us in.
No hacks, no cheats, just heads up play when the garrison was being taken.

First of all it was a t3 tower, there is no way he was hiding in it that long. Secondly I had just attacked the same thief down on the ground outside the tower not 1 minute before that.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469



Yours truly,

- Shiver

Here is my personal problem with fight clubs: Why don’t you guys just play that way?

That is what I advocate for. All 3 sides throw 30 man groups at objectives that don’t need it.

The developers put 13 objectives on each BL map, not including sentries, and there’s usually a fight at 2? 3? Boons limited to 5 players, AoE limited to 5 players, party/group size limited to 5 players, majority of siege can be built by 5 or less players, majority of actual players run in groups of 20+.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Interesting argument Sars, I like it.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


This thread was so much better when it was just about ARM.


I once saw ARM blow up the death star and save the galaxy, all before having to journey to the center of the earth to restart the core.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


score update ( not the forum score, the actual one)


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Have you ever heard of hiding? Last night we took our Garrison back from GoM I think it was because one sneaky mesmer commander hid inside the walls until about a dozen of us came up outside and he jumped out and used a portal to sneak us in.
No hacks, no cheats, just heads up play when the garrison was being taken.

First of all it was a t3 tower, there is no way he was hiding in it that long. Secondly I had just attacked the same thief down on the ground outside the tower not 1 minute before that.

What it a mesmer or a thief? I personally have seen mesmer clones appear right in front of me on tower walls and the first time it happened I thought the real player had somehow jumped up, but when I killed it I realized it was a clone.

Don’t thieves also get a form of clone? I think they do and if so, I find it easy to imagine that they are bugged in the same way and can hop up on the tower. Did you kill him? Was there a corpse on the wall? If so, THEN you have evidence, otherwise it’s just an NPC glitch we are talking about.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Valar Morghulis.7049

Valar Morghulis.7049

sPv kitten v5 right? It’s got tournaments and everything with no interruptions. I believe it even pools from all servers instead of just fighting people from two servers? I haven’t done a lot of sPvP outside of testing in BWEs so maybe I’m wrong? Isn’t this what [PAX] wants?

I’m confused on what this argument is about probably…

I do know that I run around in WvW solo a lot and rarely get 1v1s. I have died to groups of [PAX] at SCs many times and was never offered a 1v1

Not complaining, I love running around solo and dieing doesn’t phase me at all. Really no penalty to it other than a port to WP and a few copper (gold being stupid easy to make).

I would probably still die, don’t be a scared… I’m one of those non-leet WvW’ers you will find with supply on them, soloing hylek or suiciding in to kill that dolyak before dieing but.. eh.. I’m having a blast (engi pun!) in GW2 WvW playing “my way”.

Fiddler of Malazan [BR] – Engineer {NSP}

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Valar do you play by the highlander rules too?


Was fighting at Klovan last night and i saw about 7 different NSP engineers, i had my hand full of holy work that night. I figure if i can beat others of my own class i should be getting better…..thieves and mesmers im still working on lol.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

This thread was so much better when it was just about ARM.

Didn’t see the death star incident, but I do remember you getting me a rally when I was down. Always appreciated. ARM works in mysterious ways.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

(edited by Debois Guilbert.6413)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


What you guys don’t get (I’m speaking Chinese to most of you obviously) is that before the new pvp “call of duty” style of die respawn die respawn die respawn, there were massive consequences for deaths. If you haven’t noticed we don’t like dying. You laugh cuz we run to more advantageous fighting ground and end up usually getting 5-10 kills of people that mindlessly chase us. Keep in mind the reason we originally fell back was like SARS said, you guys run in 20 to take one objective at a time.

Most of you can’t even comprehend the things I write about because you don’t have the experience to know what I’m talking about even looks like. I won’t fault you for lack of experience, but trying to tell me that pvdoor and taking objectives with 20+ people is hard is absolutely ludicrous. It’s not hard at all. Organizing people can be challenging, I get that, but it’s not hard to do. It just simply isn’t hard to do that’s why I said a 10 year old could do it…. Because they literally can.


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Oh dear HoD at NSP Hills right now… Nice fights so far. I don’t remember the last time I could kill so many people while being alone. You finaly got me, but it was fun… and a little embarassing for you


3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Dear HoD commander,

Whatcha doing on that wall ?

Gate closed , walls up. U got fly skillz ?

I have the same screenshot but I didn’t really notice he was one of their commander. I have reported him and I can post more screenshot if needed. I was impressed by HoD morning push lately but it lost lots of credibility with this commander Hacker.

On a more positive note this is a great screenshot of my adorable back pack!

Have you ever heard of hiding? Last night we took our Garrison back from GoM I think it was because one sneaky mesmer commander hid inside the walls until about a dozen of us came up outside and he jumped out and used a portal to sneak us in.
No hacks, no cheats, just heads up play when the garrison was being taken.

First of all it was a t3 tower, there is no way he was hiding in it that long. Secondly I had just attacked the same thief down on the ground outside the tower not 1 minute before that.

What it a mesmer or a thief? I personally have seen mesmer clones appear right in front of me on tower walls and the first time it happened I thought the real player had somehow jumped up, but when I killed it I realized it was a clone.

Don’t thieves also get a form of clone? I think they do and if so, I find it easy to imagine that they are bugged in the same way and can hop up on the tower. Did you kill him? Was there a corpse on the wall? If so, THEN you have evidence, otherwise it’s just an NPC glitch we are talking about.

Yes it was a thief, I know who the player is I see him all the time. I had just attacked the very same guy down on the ground moments before, then I ran into the tower up on the wall. Then I was getting daggerstormed while up on the wall which I thought was quite weird until I seen the thief. We then downed him and spiked him.

No thieves don’t get ‘clones’ they get thieves guild, and the thieves from it don’t look anything like the player. No thieves guild cannot appear on walls. The picture Moutz posted is of a DOWNED PLAYER WITH A COMMANDER ICON, that is plenty of “evidence”.

I get that you are probably knew to the game, but you should just keep your mouth shut if you don’t know what the heck you are talking about.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Valar Morghulis.7049

Valar Morghulis.7049

Valar do you play by the highlander rules too?


Was fighting at Klovan last night and i saw about 7 different NSP engineers, i had my hand full of holy work that night. I figure if i can beat others of my own class i should be getting better…..thieves and mesmers im still working on lol.

I DO! Not sure why, but I love fighting other Engies and Thieves not mesmers (I won’t even pronoun them…)!

I also love irony… stealthing away from a Thief… throwing up a reflecting wall on a scepter Guardian… following a ranger in hawk form… prybar to warrior face…magneting necros after they spirit walk…etc etc

It’s the little things…

Fiddler of Malazan [BR] – Engineer {NSP}