3/15 SF/ET/FC Version 12.0
Dear SF Asura from the KING team that we just killed in the Dreaming Bay waters, thank you for (no, really) the surprise. I really really wish I could /bow underwater, I was that impressed by your sneaky, sneaky strategy. Well played! Finding you took a lot of effort!
No photos tonight, but I was just part of that night crew trying our dangedest to hold Hero’s for a while. I think we ticked off an ICE commander because we got zerged under ten minutes later trying to hold an itty bitty supply camp.
I don’t know whether to mock him or cry for how they brought down the lawnmower.
Sabrina Norofski – Mesmer – Ferguson’s Crossing
Representing Elsendor Militia (who?)
All I see in those photos is 3 under leveled players and a lvl 80 probably in all masterwork which should be no problem for any mesmer or thief with full exotics too handle. Plus you’re standing very close to your tower so you had the safety of the NPC gaurds and just run into the tower for safety. I’m not really seeing any point.
Well I just destroyed 5 ET then a person that had to invite themselves to party to try to make a point. Well I cant wait until next server comes down to fight in T8. Pretty sure just will be more of the same…..if you guys need 25 people to take something just make sure they are all there before they try to take tower, because I guess the 6 wasn’t enough.
(edited by TheRatofFilth.3528)
Also must show single screenshot from EB… Unexpected dance party. : D
I’m the little asuran in the corner Was having some fun on my new thief. I thank all of ET and FC for the fun they gave it the past two nights
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Although i still got overrun in 2 attempts of take our stuff back, things seens to be slow lately on ET… I wonder where everyone went…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Also must show single screenshot from EB… Unexpected dance party. : D
I’m the little asuran in the corner
Was having some fun on my new thief. I thank all of ET and FC for the fun they gave it the past two nights
i think you were the guy i got to follow me in et bl
i was gonna treb bay wall down for you guys but you had to get in faster and then take my tower
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
+200ppt woot? How long it will last?!
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
+200ppt woot? How long it will last?!
Haha, yea thanks in some small way to the awesome defending FC was doing at Bay and Hills. Two 25+ SF zergs hitting both.
Was good fun.
because HoD (or whatever server is the next one in the line) will be fated to never leave…
This is not actually true. If HoD comes down and gives a good fight, IE: loses some, wins others, they will add good number of points to the T8 tier, which will bring all the Servers up in numbers. Thus if our fights are balanced, we all stand to gain ratings and HoD could potentially pull out faster by lifting the numbers of FC ans ET.
They however might really mesh well in T8, anyway, and we all get what we want, which is fun, balanced matches. If we get that, and we have fun against each other, who cares what Tier we are on.
The problem with T8 right now is how lop sided the match up is. If SF had not gotten a jump in numbers and remained at the force level they had when they arrived, then we might all be having fun at this point as opposed to dealing with the odd man out.
Can’t change that now. But HoD has been a 3rd place Server on T7 for longer then FC or ET have been 3rd place servers on T8, and the only reason they have not dropped to T7 a long time ago, is the due to the messed up numbers in T8 right now. So their is a good chance they will fit in well with us as opposed to spending the rest of their existence as last place in T7.
Servers don’t create rating out of nowhere. If a server gain rating, other is losing…
In the first matchup, if HoD drop with 900 rating points, it will be more likely that they will lose 200 right away unless they roflstomp T8. That will put all 3 servers on T8 at 700 rating, which is 300 behind the last one in T7 (that will be SF). There is a canyon (created by the past blowouts) between T7 and T8 and that’s why it’s so hard to get away.
You are correct. There is a good chance that when HoD comes down, they will drop around 200 points no matter what, but at the same time ET and FC will gain around 100 to 150 point each, which put all the worlds around the 700 to 800 mark.
Because points can be gained and lost, so one world losing 100 points does not equal another gaining 100 points, equally so, one world gaining 20 points does not require another world to lose 20 points, what would most likely happen is we would hit around 800 point worlds within two or three weeks, and then slowly start to build up. That is assuming there aren’t any massive jumps in players on any server.
That is also assuming that ET and FC are in fact really 900+ point worlds, and not 600 point worlds. If Et and Fc are 600 point worlds, then SF will potentially crash back down unprepared for T7 and HoD will destroy us and pull out of T8 within the week.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
i know we just had an update 2 hours ago... but i wanted to try my hand at a Jeknar-style update. had to show off my new look.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Because points can be gained and lost, so one world losing 100 points does not equal another gaining 100 points, equally so, one world gaining 20 points does not require another world to lose 20 points, what would most likely happen is we would hit around 800 point worlds within two or three weeks, and then slowly start to build up. That is assuming there aren’t any massive jumps in players on any server.
glicko is very close to zero sum and flip flops between small inflations and deflations
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I have lost any respect for the SF guild POPO you like to kill a single person going up to the windmill to see about a duel (which is a known duel spot). If I am up at windmill dueling and I see any POPO guild tag you are KOS to me now you are warned.
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
To the people that were just part of the 4 KWBH v 8-15 SF at Titanpaw Crossroads i find it pretty funny how we wiped you guys for an hour or so then after you finally out man us enough to down us you laugh on our bodies . Congratz XD
Following drunk commanders due St. Patrick? I’ll pass that… It’s 5am here already.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Also must show single screenshot from EB… Unexpected dance party. : D
I’m the little asuran in the corner
Was having some fun on my new thief. I thank all of ET and FC for the fun they gave it the past two nights
i think you were the guy i got to follow me in et bl
i was gonna treb bay wall down for you guys but you had to get in faster and then take my tower
Yep that was me, It was all fun in games until the zerg made me run, at that point we had ours show up :P
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Great battles during the weekend guys, keep it up. =)
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli
I have lost any respect for the SF guild POPO you like to kill a single person going up to the windmill to see about a duel (which is a known duel spot). If I am up at windmill dueling and I see any POPO guild tag you are KOS to me now you are warned.
I have lost any respect for anyone who likes to kill a single person who is only trying to catch up with their commander! O…M…G…the nerve.
I have lost any respect for anyone who likes to kill a single person who is only trying to cap south supply camp all by their lonesome! O…M…G…the nerve.
I have lost any respect for anyone who likes to kill a single person who is only trying to get supply from south supply camp all by themselves. O…M…G…the nerve.
Seriously though, ‘tis the nature of WvW. There’s a ton of reasons why someone could be roaming solo. And most of those reasons aren’t innocuous. The risk of death at the hands of one or many is the risk one takes when they are roaming solo (whatever the reason).
That said, it would be really nice for ArenaNet to implement some sort of dueling functionality to the sPvP system so folks who enjoy dueling don’t have to rely on WvW to get their duel fix.
P.S. The windmill is a dueling spot? Good to know.
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Manoa.5897)
This morning, SF players attempted to take advantage of the game mechanics related to siege weaponry cap and build a line of rams nose to end from the gate of Redbriar Tower across the bridges to the gate of Greenlake Tower in Eeredon Terrace’s borderland in order to prevent a small group of players they outnumbered from building siege to defend with. I lost count of the actual number of rams that entailed. Game mechanics are what they are but I am not sure this is what Anet wants for WVW and I am sure that its not what makes for good fights and fun to be had all around.
In truth, we didn’t have anywhere near enough siege to be bothered by it this time but they did make the attempt…
wow what a waste of resource. but hey... all hail the mighty flame ram, amirite? XD
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
wow what a waste of resource. but hey… all hail the mighty flame ram, amirite? XD
If nothing else, I am absolutely sure that at least one person got their daily done… O.o
wow what a waste of resource. but hey… all hail the mighty flame ram, amirite? XD
All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
P.S. The windmill is a dueling spot? Good to know.
I had no idea either.
Is that any windmill on any borderland?
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
P.S. The windmill is a dueling spot? Good to know.
I had no idea either.
Is that any windmill on any borderland?
I think it’s the windmill near Hero’s/Chapion’s/Victor’s Supply Camp. So there is one in each borderland.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
P.S. The windmill is a dueling spot? Good to know.
I had no idea either.
Is that any windmill on any borderland?
I think it’s the windmill near Hero’s/Chapion’s/Victor’s Supply Camp. So there is one in each borderland.
Cool, good to know. Thank you
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
15 characters for the score update (yeah i’m not inspired)
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
15 characters for the score update (yeah i’m not inspired)
OMG, stop posting and kill The Claw!!
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
no it’s cool. he can keep posting glamour shots of me and him. gotta look good while killing a dragon, ya know...
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
wow what a waste of resource. but hey… all hail the mighty flame ram, amirite? XD
All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Look its the Great Wall of Sorrow XD muahahaha
It’s turned into an absolute “crack-pipe” scheme by SF this week to take ET down. Surely they realize by now that they can’t keep the land long enough for this to work as they are unable to refresh the siege to prevent despawns but here they come like worker ants on and on with the great ram wall of sorrow… OMG its hilarious. IDK which commander over there came up with this “brilliant” and crazy idea but thank you. I so hope the T7 people you want to play with see this.
Follow.. Follow. Follow the Flaming Ram Road!
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Hi guys!
That was me and Keyan Slayer and a few guildies putting up flame rams everywhere early this morning, I was doing some recording while we were at it…
To all those that are saying we are resorting to some kind of game exploit siege cap tactic, or all this other nonsense going into what we are resorting to, to hault ET’s small man groups overtaking yadda yadda…. blah blah…
stop it.
just stop it.
There are two reasons why it was done. #1 We were bored. #2 It made us laugh.
7mirror vids/builds
This morning, SF players attempted to take advantage of the game mechanics related to siege weaponry cap and build a line of rams nose to end from the gate of Redbriar Tower across the bridges to the gate of Greenlake Tower in Eeredon Terrace’s borderland in order to prevent a small group of players they outnumbered from building siege to defend with. I lost count of the actual number of rams that entailed. Game mechanics are what they are but I am not sure this is what Anet wants for WVW and I am sure that its not what makes for good fights and fun to be had all around.
In truth, we didn’t have anywhere near enough siege to be bothered by it this time but they did make the attempt…
When I was on ET a few of the guys would throw flame ram prints on every corpse they downed certain times I was on running with them.
Lol how long did it take you guys to do this? I find it quite amusing.
Hi guys!
That was me and Keyan Slayer and a few guildies putting up flame rams everywhere early this morning, I was doing some recording while we were at it…
To all those that are saying we are resorting to some kind of game exploit siege cap tactic, or all this other nonsense going into what we are resorting to, to hault ET’s small man groups overtaking yadda yadda…. blah blah…
stop it.
just stop it.
There are two reasons why it was done. #1 We were bored. #2 It made us laugh.
After a bit of reading the limits work like this:
There are two basic hard limits to siege placement.
There is a limit to how many siege weapons can be placed within a certain radius of each other. 5 weapons (sites or completed weapons) can be set within any 1000 unit radius. If players try to place a new site somewhere within a radius that already has hit its limit, the placement will fail but the player will retain the weapon bundle in their hands.
There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is explained by Mike Ferguson of ArenaNet as “basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.”4
So you weren’t at risk of busting the cap for us. My bad, blame a guildie. However, you were limiting the deployment of siege in areas and busting the ram cap for your own team which explains what happened later, lol. TY man.
Hi guys!
That was me and Keyan Slayer and a few guildies putting up flame rams everywhere early this morning, I was doing some recording while we were at it…
To all those that are saying we are resorting to some kind of game exploit siege cap tactic, or all this other nonsense going into what we are resorting to, to hault ET’s small man groups overtaking yadda yadda…. blah blah…
stop it.
just stop it.
There are two reasons why it was done. #1 We were bored. #2 It made us laugh.
After a bit of reading the limits work like this:
There are two basic hard limits to siege placement.
There is a limit to how many siege weapons can be placed within a certain radius of each other. 5 weapons (sites or completed weapons) can be set within any 1000 unit radius. If players try to place a new site somewhere within a radius that already has hit its limit, the placement will fail but the player will retain the weapon bundle in their hands.
There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is explained by Mike Ferguson of ArenaNet as “basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.”4
*So you weren’t at risk of busting the cap for us. My bad, blame a guildie. However, you were limiting the deployment of siege in areas and busting the ram cap for your own team which explains what happened later, lol. TY man.
LOL, all I hear in this is “Whine, SF put up a bunch of flame rams, whine.” Really, what is the problem here?
Sure some people think it is stupid. I for one think it was a huge waste of time and resources (but very, very funny!!), but if people want to do it, what is the problem?
And before you go blaming your guildie, you posted the stuff, not your guildie.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
LOL, all I hear in this is “Whine, SF put up a bunch of flame rams, whine.” Really, what is the problem here?
I have no idea, I laughed my kitten off looking at that row of rams.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Hi guys!
That was me and Keyan Slayer and a few guildies putting up flame rams everywhere early this morning, I was doing some recording while we were at it…
To all those that are saying we are resorting to some kind of game exploit siege cap tactic, or all this other nonsense going into what we are resorting to, to hault ET’s small man groups overtaking yadda yadda…. blah blah…
stop it.
just stop it.
There are two reasons why it was done. #1 We were bored. #2 It made us laugh.
After a bit of reading the limits work like this:
There are two basic hard limits to siege placement.
There is a limit to how many siege weapons can be placed within a certain radius of each other. 5 weapons (sites or completed weapons) can be set within any 1000 unit radius. If players try to place a new site somewhere within a radius that already has hit its limit, the placement will fail but the player will retain the weapon bundle in their hands.
There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is explained by Mike Ferguson of ArenaNet as “basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.”4
*So you weren’t at risk of busting the cap for us. My bad, blame a guildie. However, you were limiting the deployment of siege in areas and busting the ram cap for your own team which explains what happened later, lol. TY man.
LOL, all I hear in this is “Whine, SF put up a bunch of flame rams, whine.” Really, what is the problem here?
Sure some people think it is stupid. I for one think it was a huge waste of time and resources (but very, very funny!!), but if people want to do it, what is the problem?
And before you go blaming your guildie, you posted the stuff, not your guildie.
Dude? I am sorry. I was mislead and got it wrong. in my initial thoughts on what was happening I can’t be any more straight forward than that… If that’s not good enough for you. Fine, kitten you.
I have no idea, I laughed my kitten off looking at that row of rams.
Me too! Just imagine placing people to hit attack 2 so that fire erupts in a long procession down the entire line line! Classic.
However, you were limiting the deployment of siege in areas and busting the ram cap for your own team which explains what happened later, lol. TY man.
Dude? I am sorry. I was mislead and got it wrong. in my initial thoughts on what was happening I can’t be any more straight forward than that… If that’s not good enough for you. Fine, kitten you.
Oh, I understand. The whine part wasnt directed only at you, my fault for not explaining that.
However, you did not say sorry in the first but instead tried to play it off as they were hurting their team (see bold above) That is what I was trying to point out. And no matter how much you know someone or not, always (ALWAYS) do your research before trying to out someone’s actions as an exploit or abuse of the rules. Which is what you did causing how many others to start on the exploit hammering?
Sorry you were offended but try to think of the folks you called exploiters and how that probably offended (and wrongly accused) them too.
Have a great afternoon (for me). Hopefully we can meet in the battlefield someday.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)
Man…. what got up ET’s nite pants last nite. its getting harder and harder to be command the nite crew with ET fielding 40+.
GJ ET for the strong showing. Thought we crushed your fighting spirit when we wiped you guys twice. but like a bad cold you came back again and again.
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.
Me too! Just imagine placing people to hit attack 2 so that fire erupts in a long procession down the entire line line! Classic.
That would truly be vid worthy!
But, since they were your rams, all they did was making target the dolyaks very difficult LOL.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Me too! Just imagine placing people to hit attack 2 so that fire erupts in a long procession down the entire line line! Classic.
That would truly be vid worthy!
But, since they were your rams, all they did was making target the dolyaks very difficult LOL.
LOL, mmmmm, roasted Dolyak anyone?? Oh, and do you get XP for destroying siege? Cause thems alot of XP in that line of rams…
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
Oh, and do you get XP for destroying siege? Cause thems alot of XP in that line of rams…
I don’t think so. But not sure
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Figured I’d give a Score Update. I’ll leave the art screen shots to the master and just give a bland update with numbers and commentary.
I will say, SF has picked up their game something fierce, did school let out or something? Because according to someone on SF you guys are pulling a Queue tonight and, wow, the numbers you are pouring into our BL is insane, I mean we kill you without end and you just are swarming the whole place.
anyway.. score.. and going to bed.
anyway.. score.. and going to bed.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
thanks for the good hard fights, SF guys. good practice for me! and lots of loot tonight! <3 someone even gave me some rare boots. woooooo.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
dat pie chart
I just see a plank there… I rather my view: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/55298/gw202.jpg
OMG, stop posting and kill The Claw!!
If you check around BG threads you’ll see a have quite a few scores posted during Claw of Jormag fight… It’s so long and boring that i get a lot of time to waste… Here is an example: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/43030/gw156.jpg
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
I think we need a Update on scores eh?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Hi guys, I’m new to the WvW forums… and WvW in general. I just kinda have to say that I thought the reset was going to help me a bit with my world completion (working on a legendary), but it’s quickly become an entirely green map, which means I’m kind of stuck because the FC zergs don’t often leave FC. Is there any way we could work out some way for people who are working on world completion to go and get the points of interest/vistas and then let the server they were running through take their stuff back with little to no resistance? It probably wouldn’t change the score much…
(P.S. World vs World is seriously fun… I wasn’t expecting it to be, but it is.)
(P.P.S. I’ve been killed in the jumping puzzle a few times, once in the middle of the bow animation. That isn’t cool. Please don’t camp the puzzles for kills.)