3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]
Anyone else enjoy the big battle over Valley keep around 9:30PM EST? I was that eng who ducked out the back door, got found by FA, tried to get away, thought I was rescued by TC, and got staked by TC. Also noticeable skill lag around that time. I guess we are pushing the game limits now with our zergfests.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Anytime all 3 sides are involved, expect lag. Its part of the reason SM is such a beating.
I shouldn’t say lag as such though there was some of that. It was skills not firing at all due to multiple simultaneous skill firings in the same vicinity. I suppose it’s a game engine/server issue.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Yeah, thats what i meant too :P Skill lag. We all get it in those situations, and like I said, all 3 sides its almost a guarantee.
I’m not going to be able to keep my eyes open long enough for this to finish uploading, but here will be video from that fight. - should be available for viewing about 30 minutes after the time of this post. My PoV is a bit limited given what I was trying to do, but it gives you an idea of the epic nature of this fight…it lasted for about 15 minutes, perhaps more.
FA and TC just had a battle worthy of a keep fight @ Redvale on FABL. Epic fight, well fought FA!
sPvP Build – WvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube
FA and TC just had a battle worthy of a keep fight @ Redvale on FABL. Epic fight, well fought FA!
That was easily the most epic camp fight I’ve ever been in for WvW hands down – both sides (FA & TC) really brought the fight and it was an intense battle. Very fun action!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
FA and TC just had a battle worthy of a keep fight @ Redvale on FABL. Epic fight, well fought FA!
That was easily the most epic camp fight I’ve ever been in for WvW hands down – both sides (FA & TC) really brought the fight and it was an intense battle. Very fun action!
That fight was awesome. It lasted forever and I’ve never seen so many people in one supply camp. Just one unreal battle.
To the PRO guardian outside FA BL Bay who fought the thief and engineer from PiNK- excellent fight- i tip my hat to you.
-The Thief
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Here’s a score update shortly before my last death of the night. ;o
Wonderful fights especially at Greenvale if my repair costs had anything to say about it. =D Good night folks.
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian
Good fights at SE tower in TCBL tonight. I think we wiped every single major FA guild there over the course of 1 hour. Not to mention TC bring their entire borderlands into the fray. Over all a good night, yall FA really wanted to kil RISE-KO
“Better find the thief before he rezzes me =)”
I edited these while I was sleeping next to you! ^^
This is the part where we get excited for doing well and everyone calls us sore winners :P
We’re allowed to gloat just a little bit, right? I mean, it’s not like this is an easy fight for any of us. Epic battles all night. And we’ll continue to fight for Kaineng hills. Thanks for all the bags. ^ ^
This is the part where we get excited for doing well and everyone calls us sore winners :P
Lol. You guys are putting in the hard work, so I’ll give you props for that. Blows my mind that you have so many people that, during off-hours I’m going from 1 BL to the next and still finding 40-50 man TC zergs =/ Meanwhile half of FA seemingly disappeared, making it hard for the guys still trying to fight it out.
My question is, what’s KN doing? Like…I KNOW that there’s no KN/TC alliance or anything of the sort, but TC’s creeping up on them in points and FA’s still getting hammered really hard by KN. Whenever I’m in EB/BL it feels like we’re madly dashing from defending against KN and TC one after another, several times even them hitting Durios and Bravost simultaneously….Our kitten is paper, so I understand it’s easier to take, but kitten Meanwhile, Anz, arguably the most vulnerable tower in EB, has been fully upgraded all day. Is KN just that confident in their SEA guilds to pull away in the mornings?
Oh, one last bit. TC, must you really bring so much siege to every kitten fight? >.<
I’m looking at you, PiNK. It’s getting to be overkill when you’re flash building AC’s for a 50 TC v 20 FA fight. It’s effective, yes, but jeez. Just takes all the fun out of group engagements. /glare
[VL] & [RET] of FA
Squibbles, we could always bring an Omega to the fight like we did a few days ago against BT.
Deyja and Kaeleth like using them as mobile artillery platforms.
I think people need to take off their tin-foil hats. 50-man fights are not a common occurrence and are an exaggeration.
(edited by Usagi.4835)
I think people need to take off their tin-foil hats. 50-man fights are not a common occurrence and are an exaggeration.
Blame your clones for that.
Tee See
I think people need to take off their tin-foil hats. 50-man fights are not a common occurrence and are an exaggeration.
Well, PiNK, just like RET, tends to attract a lot of pugs because we’re both very large guilds who are constantly in WvW, so our commanders are well known. Not everytime I see PiNK are there 50 guys with em, but it has happened and they’ve been ridiculously hard to fight, as to be expected.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot who it was. But someone brought 4 omegas to FA keep in EB at some point. It was ridiculous. I think it was KN. Obviously, they took it.
EDIT #2 (sorry, been drinking): And I know RET hit the 50 man squad limit earlier last week at some point. Surprisingly, it was mostly RET and not pugs. It just goes to show that it does happen.
[VL] & [RET] of FA
(edited by Squibbles.8724)
Well, PiNK, just like RET, tends to attract a lot of pugs because we’re both very large guilds who are constantly in WvW, so our commanders are well known. Not everytime I see PiNK are there 50 guys with em, but it has happened and they’ve been ridiculously hard to fight, as to be expected.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot who it was. But someone brought 4 omegas to FA keep in EB at some point. It was ridiculous. I think it was KN. Obviously, they took it.
Yeah, having PiNK on the map tends to cause a zergball. We’ll often have to tell the militia to go support another commander, because otherwise they’ll have like 10 people on a map with 40 man enemy zergs. If you watch a lot of our videos taken outside of reset, the group comp is often about 50% PiNK, 25% other WvW guilds and 25% militia.
As for the golems, probably was KN, they’ve been Omega rushing us lately with 7+ of them. Spose, it is a quick way to flip everything green.
Yeah, having PiNK on the map tends to cause a zergball. We’ll often have to tell the militia to go support another commander, because otherwise they’ll have like 10 people on a map with 40 man enemy zergs. If you watch a lot of our videos taken outside of reset, the group comp is often about 50% PiNK, 25% other WvW guilds and 25% militia.
We’re trying the same, mostly because having everyone in a single big zergball isn’t efficient when you’re getting pressed on all sides. Plus, getting more of the other commanders more experience in leading can’t hurt. But zerg balls just happen and you deal with it as best you can.
Btw, I’m having a blast with all this. The fights have been fun; it just gets a little stressful for the guys unable to catch a breather.
[VL] & [RET] of FA
I think people need to take off their tin-foil hats. 50-man fights are not a common occurrence and are an exaggeration.
Well, PiNK, just like RET, tends to attract a lot of pugs because we’re both very large guilds who are constantly in WvW, so our commanders are well known. Not everytime I see PiNK are there 50 guys with em, but it has happened and they’ve been ridiculously hard to fight, as to be expected.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot who it was. But someone brought 4 omegas to FA keep in EB at some point. It was ridiculous. I think it was KN. Obviously, they took it.
EDIT #2 (sorry, been drinking): And I know RET hit the 50 man squad limit earlier last week at some point. Surprisingly, it was mostly RET and not pugs. It just goes to show that it does happen.
Okay, 50-man fights do happen where it’s all sides combined in one fight. But I think we know that most of our guilds, be they from KN, FA or TC, rarely run with 50 people… Rarely, heh…
NERF had a great time fighting TC in TC BL tonight.
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
I think the highest PiNK has ever zergballed up to was 62, between us, another guild group (CERN I think) and the militia.
I have gone up against FA that had 70 people in their garrison lords room. 40 BT + 15 FIST + 15 of another guild I can’t remember, plus whatever pugs they had all crammed into that 1 space with 50 TC and 50 KN.
It’s more common to have 30 – 40 v 30 – 40 fights though.
Discussion seems cordial this week, thankfully. However, I can’t help but feel that FA has been underperforming as of late. Sunday was particularly disappointing.
Also noticing a lot of three-way battles as of late, born from what looks like a ruthlessly opportunistic streak (Sunday’s assault on FA’s garrison, and yesterday’s battle for FA’s Keep in EB come to mind). Although, it seems to usually backfire the moment two sides start competing over the capture of the lord’s room.
(edited by nomdeplums.5780)
Discussion seems cordial this week, thankfully. However, I can’t help but feel that FA has been underperforming as of late. Sunday was particularly disappointing.
I think “Underperforming” is a bit too strong a term. All Servers still have a chance to win it this week, and after the awesome push FA made last week I wouldn’t be surprised if they are “recharging their batteries” so far this week, but those that have come out have fought with all the determination FA consistently brings.
This happens to all Servers, TC was a bit worn out last week, and KN had some off-weeks when fighting BG. I’m just thankful to be part of a matchup featuring 3 relatively evenly-matched Servers with so many fun and awesome fights.
As someone from TC, I have full confidence that FA is here to stay and will continue to fight hard day in and day out.
Pretty kitten terrible week for FA since sunday. I have no idea where our wvw population has disappeared to but I hope they start showing up again when the danger of being bumped down to tier 3 becomes apparent. If we continue the way we have been the last few days that might be before the week is over.
I hope they start showing up again when the danger of being bumped down to tier 3 becomes apparent. If we continue the way we have been the last few days that might be before the week is over.
Hopefully it doesn’t come to that… I’d be happy with throwing the match and having a week off to let FA gain some rating… Any of our 3 servers going back down to tier 3 would be pretty boring, and none of us belong in tier 3 anymore.
I don’t know about the other guilds, but PiNK seemed to spend more time in PvE then in WvW that week in T3. It’s not normal for us to take Grenth with 30 PiNK and the PvEr’s.
(edited by Zynthetic.2954)
It’s not normal for us to take Grenth with 30 PiNK and the PvEr’s.
Does that event still suck as much? I haven’t done one successful Grenth event after the last buff. Bah.
But yeah I agree with the rest of what you said. Usually the first matchup thread begins all cordial and friendly and eventually ends up in a kittenpool. I’m glad that we went the opposite ways and now are all appreciating the fights despite whatever the score is, while also accepting our strengths and weaknesses. I can’t see any other tier being so closely matched and I would hate to see it change anytime sooner.
Let’s face it – FA never beat TC before in T3 and they proved everyone including TC wrong last week, which TC as well accepted, appreciated and still does. Now we’re past that “hey I’m better than you” or “you guys zerg so you win” or any “grudge-counter grudge” stuff and it’s all about nail-biting competition and intense fights than anything else. What more could you ask for? We’re at a point where it’s more of “who does better today” rather than “who’s gonna come on top this week”. A little more SEA coverage for both TC & FA would just make this the perfect tier anyone would wish to be part of.
Tee See
Pretty kitten terrible week for FA since sunday. I have no idea where our wvw population has disappeared to but I hope they start showing up again when the danger of being bumped down to tier 3 becomes apparent. If we continue the way we have been the last few days that might be before the week is over.
Spring Break???
Eh…I think FA is taking some time off. Sadly its been sparse in WvW.
The more interesting story this week is whether TC can jump into first place this week.
This week has been a lot of fun so far. I hope today’s patch is early enough that we get to play without culling tonight…will be interesting to see just how many people have been in some of these battles.
Te Nosce [TC]
Been having a blast this week with intense fights on every map, and the rivalry between the servers makes it! If today truly brings the end of culling, I’m glad I’ll be having my first culling-free WvW battle with Kaineng and Fort Aspenwood.
Zantt Illuma – Mesmer
-Tarnished Coast- [TCFM]
This is one of those rare non-self plugs here.
If you want to have a good laugh, watch that video. BT & friends lead by Quenta clearly having a ridiculously great time.
HAHAHA! Had an absolute blast that night!
Yes spring break has certainly had an impact and also needing to recharge batteries. All 3 servers have been going hard at each other for 3+ weeks.
For me personally I needed to get some new weapon skins so I had to dip in to some pve (it wasn’t that bad). I’ll be back now that the patch is coming and I can get skins through wvw
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Wow guys.. I have just come back to GW2 after leaving 2 weeks into the game on account of lame WvW action… Now that it’s been several months and transfers are more or less locked in.. Wow, WvW is amazing again!
Great fights all! Awesome matchup! Good luck to all, and can’t wait to get some great fights going tonight!
Axanas Kamai- 80 Warrior//
[HB], Blackgate!
My question is, what’s KN doing? Like…I KNOW that there’s no KN/TC alliance or anything of the sort, but TC’s creeping up on them in points and FA’s still getting hammered really hard by KN. Whenever I’m in EB/BL it feels like we’re madly dashing from defending against KN and TC one after another, several times even them hitting Durios and Bravost simultaneously….Our kitten is paper, so I understand it’s easier to take, but kitten Meanwhile, Anz, arguably the most vulnerable tower in EB, has been fully upgraded all day. Is KN just that confident in their SEA guilds to pull away in the mornings?
KN auxiliary commander here, I think I can sort of answer this. I was commanding yesterday and took Durios on a whim even though my main intention was to cave in TC’s skull. I can’t speak for every time this happens, but in my case I was doing it to keep the zerg active and interested in what was going on. Flipping supply camps and NPCs gets boring after a while, and TC had scouts everywhere—their whole zerg (which was much larger than ours or yours) was on me within 60 seconds of attacking any tower on the map. There were a lot of occasions during daytime and early evening NA yesterday where we simply did not have the numbers to face TC, but we could still take points from you guys. With TC creeping up on our score, we need points wherever we can get them.
Another thing (and I’m just speaking for myself here) is simple spite. FA gave me all kinds of hell in the third floor of SMC inner, so when I was more than happy to pay them back in similar coin when we had the numbers to get something rolling. Deep down I knew we should probably be hitting TC instead, but I’m generally a reluctant commander and FA made me keep my tag up for like 90 minutes lol
ZN doing some work this weekend. Enjoy
The 3 hours of open field fighting in TCBL made RISE very happy yesterday. I think most of the major FA guilds in that time slot took at least one shot at us along with TC. I believe we have the friday keep fight and now this for future videos coming up.
Yeah, I really think FA just tired themselves out last week with all their hard work.
Meanwhile, TC came back refreshed this week, and is doing very well.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the TC people burn themselves out this week. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what next week looks like!
Yeah FA is tired up this week and not everyone is showing up….., but im not gonna give up Fa garrison not while im playing anyway, Im happy for as long as we keep our diamond in fa bl blue hehe. Thanks for the loot bags Pink,KH,CO,Meow,WM, and everyone that attempted to take our things up north
It was a fun night last night with Gornok Ashburn leading TSL on the FABL. Kudos to all TC involved.We had some very intense battles and took a chunk of FA for awhile. Kudos for BT and their followers on coming back time and time again and retaking the Bay.
May we meet again tonight.Raises glass
Tarnished Coast
I’m all in for keeping KN in T2 longer. :P Keep going, TC! Someone report in how amazing life is without culling once it goes live, for I am stuck at a desk and a GW-less computer running XP and IE7.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
My question is, what’s KN doing? Like…I KNOW that there’s no KN/TC alliance or anything of the sort, but TC’s creeping up on them in points and FA’s still getting hammered really hard by KN. Whenever I’m in EB/BL it feels like we’re madly dashing from defending against KN and TC one after another, several times even them hitting Durios and Bravost simultaneously….Our kitten is paper, so I understand it’s easier to take, but kitten Meanwhile, Anz, arguably the most vulnerable tower in EB, has been fully upgraded all day. Is KN just that confident in their SEA guilds to pull away in the mornings?
We tried ANZ about 3 times, testing it, and pulling down the cannon/oil. But decided many times to skip over to mendon’s (it was paper)…
eventually we got ANZ, but it was srs business. I mean it was like the chalice of a target, which if we took, we knew we could push the rest of the map, but it was not easy, and definitely not vulnerable. Ask TC, they usually raced in and holed up about 10-15 folks on siege. It wasn’t an easy take, and we tried it about half dozen times across the night.
We did however take mendons a few times during that span, which resulted in WC being flipped, tried OW a few times, but it wasn’t happening last I logged off (2pm pst).
In any event it was a lot of fun, and thank you for the battles, and ty to the kain commanders … you guys were great.
I think the most memorable time imho of last night, would have to be the Durios guild room ninja when FA did all the work. The timing was just impressive. The battles in QL and WC were also lots of fun.
Many thanks, and enjoy the fight. I finally got to poke around with my ele alt last night.
~X [RE], Kaineng
The real culprit is the FA website is down. Our will to fight is sapped without the spirited encouragement from our servermates. Or something like that… haha.
But seriously, someone fix it please!
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)
My question is, what’s KN doing? Like…I KNOW that there’s no KN/TC alliance or anything of the sort, but TC’s creeping up on them in points and FA’s still getting hammered really hard by KN. Whenever I’m in EB/BL it feels like we’re madly dashing from defending against KN and TC one after another, several times even them hitting Durios and Bravost simultaneously….Our kitten is paper, so I understand it’s easier to take, but kitten Meanwhile, Anz, arguably the most vulnerable tower in EB, has been fully upgraded all day. Is KN just that confident in their SEA guilds to pull away in the mornings?
We tried ANZ about 3 times, testing it, and pulling down the cannon/oil. But decided many times to skip over to mendon’s (it was paper)…
eventually we got ANZ, but it was srs business. I mean it was like the chalice of a target, which if we took, we knew we could push the rest of the map, but it was not easy, and definitely not vulnerable. Ask TC, they usually raced in and holed up about 10-15 folks on siege. It wasn’t an easy take, and we tried it about half dozen times across the night.
We did however take mendons a few times during that span, which resulted in WC being flipped, tried OW a few times, but it wasn’t happening last I logged off (2pm pst).
In any event it was a lot of fun, and thank you for the battles, and ty to the kain commanders … you guys were great.
I think the most memorable time imho of last night, would have to be the Durios guild room ninja when FA did all the work. The timing was just impressive. The battles in QL and WC were also lots of fun.
Many thanks, and enjoy the fight. I finally got to poke around with my ele alt last night.
~X [RE], Kaineng
Anz is insanely hard to defend and easy to attack. Nyari says it’s the most vulnerable tower in EB, and I’m inclined to believe her.
I really enjoy keeping it safe. It’s a real challenge, and a mini game of chess with the enemy. There’s something really rewarding about a successful defense of Anz.
I think it’s a pride thing (speaking for myself). As I said before, I rarely play the game anymore nor did I play it last week. But seeing how hard FA pushed last week, it has made WvW interesting for me again so I decided to jump back in and have been playing since reset.
Darn good job last night defending KN Hills toasties! I had a blast. When I logged off 6am est, we still had it. I must be mad to sign up for that “Supply Runner” job. The keep lord paid me in peas. Frozen peas! But I eventually had to sleep, being up for 22hrs.
Tarnished Coast
Damn you for trying to look like me!!!
Personally I see next week being really good for TC, why because its the most populated server of the three, no not wvw population just over all. With all the new stuff coming I can see a lot of pve players coming out of the wood work to try wvw. Though time will only tell.
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
It was a fun night last night with Gornok Ashburn leading TSL on the FABL. Kudos to all TC involved.We had some very intense battles and took a chunk of FA for awhile. Kudos for BT and their followers on coming back time and time again and retaking the Bay.
May we meet again tonight.Raises glass
I swear wherever we went to your group kept appearing out of nowhere. Had some great fights at Bay and in Vale. Looking forward to continuing the physically abusive, and fun, relationship for the remainder of the week. Keep up the great fights.
The real culprit is the FA website is down. Our will to fight is sapped without the spirited encouragement from our servermates. Or something like that… haha.
But seriously, someone fix it please!
Yea, the FA forum has been dead since around 3 am PDT :\
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry