Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
Lets Make it happen this week AR… our scores were to close to not just keep the fight on Ebay!
That’s cute. Maybe BP borderland should be the only target we have next week. Our only goal could be waiting for the QQs about being double teamed because AR is smart enough to grab easy PPT when they are to be had.
Come on, WAR. You can do better than that. I see you guys as one of the better on your server. It’s kind of disappointing to see those petty pleas for assistance.
assistance? enjoyment of keeping all your keeps and towers, on constant reflip mode.. yes
my small 15 man guild can’t do it alone.
It’s 40 people, and then 15 after we stomp you so hard people begin to leave. Don’t forget the minor details.
Watcha expect? All the Errrbay trolls have been put in their place. BP has told their trolls (“more pew pew, less Q Q”) that they can’t post until they get in 2nd place.
Put in our place? We’ve spent only slightly more than half a day (cumulative) with the lowest PPT this matchup out of almost 5 days total so far – ten hours of which have been within the last day. Our lead has steadily increased by 5-10k every day. Check the stats yourself.
Our lead is increasing. That’s the opposite of being put in our place. Sure, the last 10 hours haven’t been as kind to us as the rest of the week, but it hasn’t been some crazy breakout period with PPTs of 600+ for AR and BP either.
Also, on a side note, it’s kind of funny to see that for all the talk Kalkz gives of his super PvDoor skills, BP has spent each and every night on the bottom of the tally charts.
Two points:
- I was calling out Errbay trolls. see: reading comprehension
-You said something about ppt and numbers. Yet Errbay (the server) is losing Glicko Rating points. You see, you were expected to do better than a 30k lead ( on Thursday) against two T6 servers.
Week 1, you lost by 40k.
Week 2, you win by close to 100k
Wee 3, you are looking at a 40-50k win.
I suggest you refrain about patting your self on the back for having a 30k lead on two servers who have never been past their current ranking.
You Errbay ( the server, not the trolls) have been in T4. You are expected to win, in fact you are expected to win by a lot more than 30k.
Lets Make it happen this week AR… our scores were to close to not just keep the fight on Ebay!
That’s cute. Maybe BP borderland should be the only target we have next week. Our only goal could be waiting for the QQs about being double teamed because AR is smart enough to grab easy PPT when they are to be had.
Come on, WAR. You can do better than that. I see you guys as one of the better on your server. It’s kind of disappointing to see those petty pleas for assistance.
Plus I have faith AR is smart enough to realize that, if this past week is any indication of where an alliance like this would go, BP would only recognize a truce as long as it benefits them. Anything like this would fall apart the moment they decide undefended red towers look appetizing for the free PPT that they are like they have several times throughout this past matchup.
Anvil Rock is smart enough to know that Errbay has a 3 hour window where they can press both AR and BP. If you solely focus on BP we’ll reap in the points and continue to drag down your glicko rating and keep you in T5 another week. Oh and Maguuma, Yaks and DB are that way —→(points to T3).
Anvil Rock is smart enough to know that Errbay has a 3 hour window where they can press both AR and BP. If you solely focus on BP we’ll reap in the points and continue to drag down your glicko rating and keep you in T5 another week. Oh and Maguuma, Yaks and DB are that way —->(points to T3).
All these tears are glorious. Moar give me MOAR!
Watcha expect? All the Errrbay trolls have been put in their place. BP has told their trolls (“more pew pew, less Q Q”) that they can’t post until they get in 2nd place.
Put in our place? We’ve spent only slightly more than half a day (cumulative) with the lowest PPT this matchup out of almost 5 days total so far – ten hours of which have been within the last day. Our lead has steadily increased by 5-10k every day. Check the stats yourself.
Our lead is increasing. That’s the opposite of being put in our place. Sure, the last 10 hours haven’t been as kind to us as the rest of the week, but it hasn’t been some crazy breakout period with PPTs of 600+ for AR and BP either.
Also, on a side note, it’s kind of funny to see that for all the talk Kalkz gives of his super PvDoor skills, BP has spent each and every night on the bottom of the tally charts.
Two points:
- I was calling out Errbay trolls. see: reading comprehension
-You said something about ppt and numbers. Yet Errbay (the server) is losing Glicko Rating points. You see, you were expected to do better than a 30k lead ( on Thursday) against two T6 servers.
Week 1, you lost by 40k.
Week 2, you win by close to 100k
Wee 3, you are looking at a 40-50k win.I suggest you refrain about patting your self on the back for having a 30k lead on two servers who have never been past their current ranking.
You Errbay ( the server, not the trolls) have been in T4. You are expected to win, in fact you are expected to win by a lot more than 30k.
Excuses, you are in t5 now so you are t5 servers. We may have been in t4 but we were not a competitive match as every week we were red. In addition, we’ve accepted we cannot maintain t4 and will continually be fluctuating between t4 and t5. I’m sorry we gave your second place lead to BP, I know your sad about not coming in second as you usually do, but that’s how it is.
Faux Sheaux.6179: "Errrbay guud! RAWR!
Gorefiend.9675 " Chest thump, QQ moar, RAWR!
Archer.1658 " yea me too… RAWR!"
Kodiack.2783: “Errrbay make me angry, me must smash Errrbay on forums! RAWR! -K”
Faux Sheaux.6179: "Errrbay guud! RAWR!
Gorefiend.9675 " Chest thump, QQ moar, RAWR!
Archer.1658 " yea me too… RAWR!"
Kodiack.2783 “CRY CRY CRY”
You forgot one…
Kodiack.2783: “Errrbay make me angry, me must smash Errrbay on forums! RAWR! -K”
you have to say it in your best ‘hulk smash ’voice or it doesn’t count.
Kodiack.2783: “I get out planned in game so I rage on the forums” non hulk voice, but instead a little girl voice to compensate for QQ.
Lets Make it happen this week AR… our scores were to close to not just keep the fight on Ebay!
That’s cute. Maybe BP borderland should be the only target we have next week. Our only goal could be waiting for the QQs about being double teamed because AR is smart enough to grab easy PPT when they are to be had.
Come on, WAR. You can do better than that. I see you guys as one of the better on your server. It’s kind of disappointing to see those petty pleas for assistance.
Plus I have faith AR is smart enough to realize that, if this past week is any indication of where an alliance like this would go, BP would only recognize a truce as long as it benefits them. Anything like this would fall apart the moment they decide undefended red towers look appetizing for the free PPT that they are like they have several times throughout this past matchup.
Anvil Rock is smart enough to know that Errbay has a 3 hour window where they can press both AR and BP. If you solely focus on BP we’ll reap in the points and continue to drag down your glicko rating and keep you in T5 another week. Oh and Maguuma, Yaks and DB are that way —->(points to T3).
So do you love us or hate us? All your posts are either “you’re bad and you should feel bad Errrbay” or “please stay with us forever and ever and ever. PLEASE.”
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
I hope Ebay beat/play AR for the next couple weeks. I love feasting on the tears of Kodiack.2783…
Kodiack.2783: I will troll you trollie trooligans with a mock post.
Faux Sheaux.6179 I will copy your mocky post style with a mocky posty post of my own.
llkoolaid.8204 I wasn’t mocked /sadface
Archer.1658 I will copy the mocky copy post and make a copy mocky posty post
Faux Sheaux.6179 Confused look: can I haz hug?
oooo wait! BP is in second.. must go to BP lands and hunt down Plokkity ploks , Warpiggies , Aidgets and short squiisheee eleee’s.
I hope Ebay beat/play AR for the next couple weeks. I love feasting on the tears of Kodiack.2783…
0 calorie tears to boot!
Funny story about this: what originally started as a troll from our commanders to use golems to take supply camps, turned into us walking to and capping Danelon, then Quentin, and then Valley. We just took Langor and are in the process of taking Bravost
In the few hours before this, we even wanted BP and AR to cap SM while we were off running around Overlook. But that didn’t happen, so we got bored.
edit: we just took Bravost and the golems are now at Umberglade.
Fun times @ BP Bay. If you want a receipt for all those bags , send me a PM.
and you all say BP zergs??? I have never seen a BP zerg this size….EVER….
and another…..
i’m thinking, “thank you AR for the bags, loot and badges. all of us that defended and pushed you out appreciate it”
Also, on a side note, it’s kind of funny to see that for all the talk Kalkz gives of his super PvDoor skills, BP has spent each and every night on the bottom of the tally charts.
This may be the first time anybody has ever bragged about their superior PvDoor skills.
I was just pointing out something that seemed kind of funny after his repeated posts on this thread threatening golem rushes that would have the ground shaking and the weak of heart running for the hills. As someone who likes to sleep at night rather than spend it bashing pixel gates down, it’s tough to brag about something I’m not part of.
Don’t worry though, you shouldn’t have too look to far to see someone bragging about superior PvDoor skills. I mean, you have the loudest of them all on your own server.
We do love our Kalkz, who does much to bolster the morale @BP. Kalkz operates with a unique mix of ADD and yes, loudness, which comes across to me as a cheerful sort of bravado. He really is fun to run with.
It is my hope that though it is hard (if not impossible) to detect. there is some humor mixed in with all of the barbs tossed his way.
I do love our Kalkz too c:
Kalkz has been out of wvw for 3 days ever since the update, he has been suffering unplayable lag, it reached a point where i was flying in the air above Ebay SM, i wish i screenshotted it :[
but dont worry Ebay, the next week Kalkz shall make you suffer
(pic below explains how im lagging)
(edited by Kalkz.5297)
Once I finish my psych degree ill give you guys free sessions to deal with your tragic losses.
Ebay folks are so nice, had a nice nap @ top of EB JP with them. http://i.imgur.com/3Mx8PIu.jpg
I hope Ebay beat/play AR for the next couple weeks. I love feasting on the tears of Kodiack.2783…
0 calorie tears to boot!
lol nice
Crushed your Fight Club cause I can.
Was kinda easy too, for a fight club you didn’t put up much fight, we had a pretty significantly smaller group.
BP? were our bags full of badges that awful taht you had to return them?
BP? were our bags full of badges that awful taht you had to return them?
We share the same thoughts
BP? were our bags full of badges that awful taht you had to return them?
We share the same thoughts
If we both shared the same thoughts… the internet would implode.
Ebay folks are so nice, had a nice nap @ top of EB JP with them. http://i.imgur.com/3Mx8PIu.jpg
We typically do try to keep it civil inside the JP’s from what I’ve seen. Our non-agression pact in the JP with CD lasted weeks. It’s only when some trigger happy dolyak herder comes in and ruins it that fur flies.
and you all say BP zergs??? I have never seen a BP zerg this size….EVER….
That’s what it looks like when you have a borderland queued and your server is all in one place. BP gets that red flood just like the rest of us ;(
Looks like keeping the 2nd and 3rd place teams close in score artificially keeps em coming out all week, definitely have to keep doing that.
Looks like keeping the 2nd and 3rd place teams close in score artificially keeps em coming out all week, definitely have to keep doing that.
Four weeks from now you’ll be, " kitten these dudes….why won’t they go away".
Funny story about this: what originally started as a troll from our commanders to use golems to take supply camps, turned into us walking to and capping Danelon, then Quentin, and then Valley. We just took Langor and are in the process of taking Bravost
In the few hours before this, we even wanted BP and AR to cap SM while we were off running around Overlook. But that didn’t happen, so we got bored.
edit: we just took Bravost and the golems are now at Umberglade.
Well we so many people/commander, you could prolly just auto walk afk and take our whole BL.
Man roaming in this tier this week is nearly impossible. So many freaking people everywhere.
Come on, WAR. You can do better than that. I see you guys as one of the better on your server. It’s kind of disappointing to see those petty pleas for assistance.
I’m surprised you wouldn’t welcome actual competition in your own borderlands. I spend about 85% of my time there always trying to put a dent in your upgraded objectives, I mean somebody’s gotta do it right? Your homelands are nearly solid green almost all day long, and you know we show up to try and change that, but never have enough to leave a lasting bruise. We’re lucky if AR shows up in the zone and try not to provoke them but it happens, but even so it makes the zone a lot more fun at least for us! I figure it would give you guys something more fun and meaningful to do than leave one person in each objective to call us out and then show up and push us off or stomp our faces in the ground.
What’s the worst that could happen, you actually have real competition in your homelands? :P
-You said something about ppt and numbers. Yet Errbay (the server) is losing Glicko Rating points. You see, you were expected to do better than a 30k lead ( on Thursday) against two T6 servers.
I suggest you refrain about patting your self on the back for having a 30k lead on two servers who have never been past their current ranking.
You Errbay ( the server, not the trolls) have been in T4. You are expected to win, in fact you are expected to win by a lot more than 30k.
You sound like an angry [edit] person, just looking for excuses.
First, you’re in T5. You are not a T6 Server. Stop trying to bolster your argument by saying you’re a T6 Server.
….. You’re in T5 and have been for 3 weeks….
Drop the crutches, they’re just an excuse.
Yes, we came from T4, but we’ve lost people too, which is why we’re in T5.
We are a T5 -> T4 server. Thta’s our area. Win some, loose some. We’re still T4 / T5.
Yes, I know this logic is going to escape you, but it still needed to be said.
30k is still 30k that ~you~ don’t have. =] Keep up the trolling, at least you’re gaining points somewhere.
Watcha expect? All the Errrbay trolls have been put in their place. BP has told their trolls (“more pew pew, less Q Q”) that they can’t post until they get in 2nd place.
Put in our place? We’ve spent only slightly more than half a day (cumulative) with the lowest PPT this matchup out of almost 5 days total so far – ten hours of which have been within the last day. Our lead has steadily increased by 5-10k every day. Check the stats yourself.
Our lead is increasing. That’s the opposite of being put in our place. Sure, the last 10 hours haven’t been as kind to us as the rest of the week, but it hasn’t been some crazy breakout period with PPTs of 600+ for AR and BP either.
Also, on a side note, it’s kind of funny to see that for all the talk Kalkz gives of his super PvDoor skills, BP has spent each and every night on the bottom of the tally charts.
Two points:
- I was calling out Errbay trolls. see: reading comprehension
-You said something about ppt and numbers. Yet Errbay (the server) is losing Glicko Rating points. You see, you were expected to do better than a 30k lead ( on Thursday) against two T6 servers.
Week 1, you lost by 40k.
Week 2, you win by close to 100k
Wee 3, you are looking at a 40-50k win.I suggest you refrain about patting your self on the back for having a 30k lead on two servers who have never been past their current ranking.
You Errbay ( the server, not the trolls) have been in T4. You are expected to win, in fact you are expected to win by a lot more than 30k.
So basically your argument is that we didn’t beat the point spread. Big deal.
so my current problem is where to send my guild for reset >.> Already went to BP bl 2 Fridays ago and we went to AR bl last Friday..home defense isn’t really our thing,that’s gh’s forte Eternal bg is just a battle for stonemist…hmmmm
(edited by Noice.8730)
-You said something about ppt and numbers. Yet Errbay (the server) is losing Glicko Rating points. You see, you were expected to do better than a 30k lead ( on Thursday) against two T6 servers.
I suggest you refrain about patting your self on the back for having a 30k lead on two servers who have never been past their current ranking.
You Errbay ( the server, not the trolls) have been in T4. You are expected to win, in fact you are expected to win by a lot more than 30k.
….. You’re in T5 and have been for 3 weeks….
Drop the crutches, they’re just an excuse.
Kodiack, I thoroughly enjoy your forum genius. At this point, you have people playing jokes on themselves … completely next level. Keep it coming, this sort of thing makes the downtime in lab a thing to look forward to
Your homelands are nearly solid green almost all day long, and you know we show up to try and change that, but never have enough to leave a lasting bruise.
Give yourself more credit. BP definitely gets enough players in there. I’ve got footage of 50+ of you guys in bay while AR has the same number at hills. You guys just prefer smashing your faces against the gates instead of just setting up trebs/catapults/defensive siege and taking slightly more time to get in for a fraction of the losses. BP has enough people, you guys just try to rush things to the point that it seems like you have some important appointment in 20 minutes that you can’t miss. Outlast us in a siege, and you will get the keep. I haven’t seen you guys once set up countersiege to knock down our meat-grinder in the lord’s room.
You have the numbers when you need them. Saying otherwise is just an excuse for lack of coordination. If we’re stuck with you guys for a while, might as well give some friendly observations from the 3rd party so we actually have to worry about BP getting in.
What’s the worst that could happen, you actually have real competition in your homelands? :P
Eh whatever floats your boat. With the way this Glicko system is working its magic, we’ve got no choice but to settle in T5 for a while. Just don’t go around complaining about double teaming like you guys were all week.
Seeya at reset.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
Your homelands are nearly solid green almost all day long, and you know we show up to try and change that, but never have enough to leave a lasting bruise.
Give yourself more credit. BP definitely gets enough players in there. I’ve got footage of 50+ of you guys in bay while AR has the same number at hills. You guys just prefer smashing your faces against the gates instead of just setting up trebs/catapults/defensive siege and taking slightly more time to get in for a fraction of the losses. BP has enough people, you guys just try to rush things to the point that it seems like you have some important appointment in 20 minutes that you can’t miss. Outlast us in a siege, and you will get the keep. I haven’t seen you guys once set up countersiege to knock down our meat-grinder in the lord’s room.
You have the numbers when you need them. Saying otherwise is just an excuse for lack of coordination. If we’re stuck with you guys for a while, might as well give some friendly observations from the 3rd party so we actually have to worry about BP getting in.
What’s the worst that could happen, you actually have real competition in your homelands? :P
Eh whatever floats your boat. With the way this Glicko system is working its magic, we’ve got no choice but to settle in T5 for a while. Just don’t go around complaining about double teaming like you guys were all week.
Seeya at reset.
I will try to be unbiaised about it. I’m a roamer so I don’t really mind score and all those thing.
But to say BP and Ebay have the same numbers, see to be pretty much wrong from what I saw.
Since culling got removed, we can finally see real numbers. And the number that Ebay can put is incredible.
I mostly roam in BP and EB BL, and the difference between the number of players between the two is large enought to make a difference.
I don’t think that’s the whole reason why you can dominate when you are on your peak time. I think your zerg are fairly more organized then BP zerg.
One of the reason being that you seems to have large amount of same-guild zerg. Your zergs are a lot more structured, and you can run multiple zerg in the same map, attacking different objectif. BP don’t have the guilds to do that.
It’s actually pretty hard to make your guys overextend, while BP usually chase us and find themselve in trouble once we turn back because the zerg didn’t follow and they went too far.
Not saying Ebay have better player then BP. But I think you have more “Organised guild” then them.
I can’t talk about zerg on my server, because I void them like the plague.
But to say BP and Ebay have the same numbers, see to be pretty much wrong from what I saw.
Since culling got removed, we can finally see real numbers. And the number that Ebay can put is incredible.
Not the same numbers, no. I won’t delude myself and say it’s a fair fight in the numbers game. But these borderlands get queued and when we have hit queue, we are all on equal footing. This has happened several times this week, and that’s what I’m trying to get at really.
To you five-six BP guys that took Briar from our BL just a bit ago. I was the lone thief that tried to defend it. Was actually I think the only one on our BL at the time, period… Took you guys a bit to kill a single lvl 35, thief or not. XD
ooooo (claps hands repeatedly) LOGIC… my favorite subject!
My replies in bold
First, you’re in T5. You are not a T6 Server. Stop trying to bolster your argument by saying you’re a T6 Server.
second, you are a T5 server not a T4 server. Stop trying to bolser your argument by saying your a T4/T5 server….. You’re in T5 and have been for 3 weeks….
….. So have you…Drop the crutches, they’re just an excuse.
Yes, we came from T4, but we’ve lost people too, which is why we’re in T5.
The above statement sounds like an excuseWe are a T5 / T4 server. …… We’re still T4 / T5.
You haven’t been T4 for 3 weeks going on 4. If you are going to make a statement that we should accept that we are T5 and not T6, shouldn’t you do the same?Yes, I know this logic is going to escape you, but it still needed to be said.
Please re-read your post followed by my comments, I’m pretty sure the readers can determine that logic is surely escaping one of us.
If anyone else wishes to be trolled.. line starts behind Amins.
But to say BP and Ebay have the same numbers, see to be pretty much wrong from what I saw.
Since culling got removed, we can finally see real numbers. And the number that Ebay can put is incredible.
Not the same numbers, no. I won’t delude myself and say it’s a fair fight in the numbers game. But these borderlands get queued and when we have hit queue, we are all on equal footing. This has happened several times this week, and that’s what I’m trying to get at really.
Yeah Ehmry’s overall coverage is at least more stable/better.
Could have been tag clutter, but I’m pretty sure BP had at least a 70+ man zerg running around last night in their BL,. AR must have been about 50+, hard to tell though when their all stacked hiding in their breakout tower. We had a hard time deciding who to attack when AR/BP were both poking each other… We were scared to throw 15-17 people into that ball.
But these borderlands get queued and when we have hit queue, we are all on equal footing.
Normally, I would agree, but has anyone else experienced popping out of a queue and having the outmanned buff? It has happened to me twice this week and I find it most perplexing.
However, I will say that there have been times when we were queued and still couldn’t do anything. This strongly hints that BP’s problems have more to do with coordination and cooperation than population. Hard to find unity when each and every guild is out to prove they are the real rock stars of the server.
I wish ANet would give us a running population count on the map. That would finally dispel these constant arguments over who has more. Perhaps it would even convince the would-be rock stars that an orchestra might be the better bet.
Funniest moment of my WvW career happened last night. We are roaming with about two full groups. Our scout tells us that BP is coming directly at us and there’s probably 20-25 of them. Our Commander says, no worries, we got this. About three seconds later, our Scout is yelling that the BP guys are running from the EBay zerg that is HUGE. Now, we didn’t see all of the EBay zerg but we could see the BP and the front lines of EBay and what we saw coming directly at us looked like a Tsunami. Immediately everyone is yelling “Port, Port, Port!!!”. That was the most players I’ve seen in one spot.
But these borderlands get queued and when we have hit queue, we are all on equal footing.
Normally, I would agree, but has anyone else experienced popping out of a queue and having the outmanned buff? It has happened to me twice this week and I find it most perplexing.
However, I will say that there have been times when we were queued and still couldn’t do anything. This strongly hints that BP’s problems have more to do with coordination and cooperation than population. Hard to find unity when each and every guild is out to prove they are the real rock stars of the server.
I wish ANet would give us a running population count on the map. That would finally dispel these constant arguments over who has more. Perhaps it would even convince the would-be rock stars that an orchestra might be the better bet.
I don’t even bother playing that population game anymore. It’s all speculation and you can only get so far that way. Nah, stick to queues and take what you can from those matchups. Queues are final, and the results of those fights are what will tell you how one server stands compared to another.
Funniest moment of my WvW career happened last night. We are roaming with about two full groups. Our scout tells us that BP is coming directly at us and there’s probably 20-25 of them. Our Commander says, no worries, we got this. About three seconds later, our Scout is yelling that the BP guys are running from the EBay zerg that is HUGE. Now, we didn’t see all of the EBay zerg but we could see the BP and the front lines of EBay and what we saw coming directly at us looked like a Tsunami. Immediately everyone is yelling “Port, Port, Port!!!”. That was the most players I’ve seen in one spot.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
But these borderlands get queued and when we have hit queue, we are all on equal footing.
Normally, I would agree, but has anyone else experienced popping out of a queue and having the outmanned buff? It has happened to me twice this week and I find it most perplexing.
We had that problem figuring it out back when I was in Crystal Desert, until somebody pointed out what we felt may be the real reason…it counts the total number of ALL of a server’s players in WvW, regardless of which map they’re on. Meaning if you’ve got a full queue on Eternal Battlegrounds but you come in to see the outmanned buff, then you’re being outnumbered on the other maps.
Funniest moment of my WvW career happened last night. We are roaming with about two full groups. Our scout tells us that BP is coming directly at us and there’s probably 20-25 of them. Our Commander says, no worries, we got this. About three seconds later, our Scout is yelling that the BP guys are running from the EBay zerg that is HUGE. Now, we didn’t see all of the EBay zerg but we could see the BP and the front lines of EBay and what we saw coming directly at us looked like a Tsunami. Immediately everyone is yelling “Port, Port, Port!!!”. That was the most players I’ve seen in one spot.
I have definitely had some moments this week when I am running for my life and take a look to my right/left and see AR folk running right with me trying to avoid the Oy Vey Zerg.
The real fighting is in EB jumping puzzle.
Anyone else feel like this tier is really competitive until Ebay Sekz guild shows up? Without them, hard for me to imagine Ebay staying green or moving up.
Sekz gives a lot of badges, and they’re not any stronger than Ebays other two large guilds. The larger guilds are a bit more productive though, since they’re always flipping our keeps.
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