3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Haziq.3907


I read Agg and FoE xferred out of BG. Any other guilds who did the same thing ? Guess it was coming after all.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Just FoE andAgg.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: wish.3102


Map Update 7pm EDT
BG +385
SoR +165
JQ +145

So much blue, I guess we know which server didn’t have stuff to do for Easter… lol

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Score update for those away celebrating the holiday.


Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Had to get my waypoint back on hills, apparently it was stolededed today!!!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Had to get my waypoint back on hills, apparently it was stolededed today!!!

We borrowed it silly.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Vodka.3958


I was going to put that down but I really didn’t want to give him any recognition, but oh well everyone probably already knew that lol

Commander [ICoa] Hollywood Fiend
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Nakoor.1980


I would think that BG would understand that golems have feelings too, but 10+ golems later I guess not. Good fights in SoR BL.

I was the dual legendary commander you guys kept trying to focus down.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


I would think that BG would understand that golems have feelings too, but 10+ golems later I guess not. Good fights in SoR BL.

I was the dual legendary commander you guys kept trying to focus down.

We give our golems names and intricate back stories. They are happy to be dismantled for the cause.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


Alpha Golems are so yesterday

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Alpha Golems are so yesterday

Ferdinand, Dizzy-X21C, and Señor Smashbot were so yesterday =(

R.I.P. March 31, 2013-March 31, 2013

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

Beast mode

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Have a score update!

Enjoy everyone!


The LOVE asura <3

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Talentless.5708


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

Im sorry, who is BG?

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

More like SoR is imploding and BG hurting them.


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Asian timezone update brought to u by the mini monkey


Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Aurust.8961


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

More like SoR is imploding and BG hurting them.

You should see outside the super fun box…..

And i dont blame them…tried it today for the first time for like 15 min and it was a very nice change of pace.

wvw for me personally is unplayable because of the skill lag.

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Never forget TW keep!


#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


I guess this weekend shows that Blackgate is the atheist server of T1?

(edited by Jahn.7019)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

This is the 5th time BG has played possum and the 5th time some idiots fell for it.

With Easter and SAB, it’s the perfect time to push. I warned everyone but they didn’t listen. I’m hoping everyone gets bored with MarioKart before this gets way out of hand. BG must have some very very committed players, and disciplined too.

I’m going to stick my neck out here and predict a BG win. My gut tells me that with the interest in the ‘WvW Update’ waning, our numbers are going to drop this week. Doesn’t say much for the WvW update when 1990 can come in and be more interesting than a whole new WvW rank system.

That being said, I did have a lot of fun yesterday (Easter) fighting for my life against BG. I finally got a drop higher than yellow. Nothing special, but better than 6 months of nothing but junk!

Calm Little Buddy

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: renmei.3102


Super adventure box > wvw right now

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


If only devs spent half their time for WvW that they spent on SAB.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Synyster.5894


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

No guild in Blackgate is doing 24hour shifts get off your little cry horse

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Score Update brought to you by the LOVE asuras and my lovely JQ friend!



The LOVE asura <3

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

Im sorry, who is BG?

Can’t you tell by the way I walk?

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

No guild in Blackgate is doing 24hour shifts get off your little cry horse

Technically I have been commanding/assisting SoR Hills defense for 30 hours now.

I am a guild!

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kurthos.2354


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

No guild in Blackgate is doing 24hour shifts get off your little cry horse

Actually, we’re putting in the same 6/12/18+ hour shifts we did back on SoS… since Dragonbrand….. Since Beta.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


Score Update brought to you by the LOVE asuras and my lovely JQ friend!


A shining example that cross servers dont have to hate each other XD….thanks for update.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

No guild in Blackgate is doing 24hour shifts get off your little cry horse

Actually, we’re putting in the same 6/12/18+ hour shifts we did back on SoS… since Dragonbrand….. Since Beta.

Lies!! We all know you are pulling all nighters and shunning your family and commitments.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Combining the holidays and the diminished game play with the fact that some BG guilds played 24 hours shifts, you guys put forth quite a display this weekend. But can you sustain it is the question.

Impressive if you can, silly to go that hard if you can’t.

No guild in Blackgate is doing 24hour shifts get off your little cry horse

Technically I have been commanding/assisting SoR Hills defense for 30 hours now.

I am a guild!

You’re not alone on BG don’t worry. I think it’s nice rl allows you guys to play for that long. A luxury that most don’t have.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


I get to be a late-20s college student, I only had to spend the rest of those 20s overseas.
Isn’t life grand?

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

Im sorry, who is BG?

Betty Grable. Look at dat a55!


Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Papaj.9035


Actually, we’re putting in the same 6/12/18+ hour shifts we did back on SoS… since Dragonbrand….. Since Beta.

I remember those days…they weren’t exactly fun to day after day, week after week just to make sure the server was in good shape. I myself have been assisting in the SoR BL hills defense for 20 hours now. Haven’t had more than 20 guys on that map in total except once in the past 6 hours. Unfortunately job interviews suck and I must take leave.

80 Norn Elementalist
Violent Impact [VI] Guild Master (Blackgate)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: WRod.3856


Score Update brought to you by the LOVE asuras and my lovely JQ friend!


That guardian on the last picture. He’s OP.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: urzen.7096


I don’t know about yall, but this is getting kind of boring.

Sanctum of Rall

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I don’t know about yall, but this is getting kind of boring.

I almost prefer culling to what we have now. At least with culling the opposing server couldn’t hightail it the first chance they saw someone. I’m so tired of looking at the backsides of the JQ and BG players.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


I don’t know about yall, but this is getting kind of boring.

I almost prefer culling to what we have now. At least with culling the opposing server couldn’t hightail it the first chance they saw someone. I’m so tired of looking at the backsides of the JQ and BG players.

Or the front sides, from the safety of a keep!

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I don’t know about yall, but this is getting kind of boring.

I almost prefer culling to what we have now. At least with culling the opposing server couldn’t hightail it the first chance they saw someone. I’m so tired of looking at the backsides of the JQ and BG players.

Or the front sides, from the safety of a keep!

Ok…I’ll give ya that one.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


Interesting paradox that SoR is growing stronger not yet showing and BG quite the opposite…

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Interesting paradox that SoR is growing stronger not yet showing and BG quite the opposite…

Yes…let’s draw conclusions from a holiday weekend and paint them as fact.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Tarkus.4109


A quick score update; good fights tonight with FoO – nice work AoI and KnT for securing our wp’s


Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

(edited by Tarkus.4109)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


I almost prefer culling to what we have now. At least with culling the opposing server couldn’t hightail it the first chance they saw someone. I’m so tired of looking at the backsides of the JQ and BG players.

Well I like not getting zerged out of nowhere now.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


Interesting paradox that SoR is growing stronger not yet showing and BG quite the opposite…

Yes…let’s draw conclusions from a holiday weekend and paint them as fact.

There was a holiday weekend on all servers… but only 2 celebrated.
My thoughts are that BG is trying to prove they are still going strong and nothing happened.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Interesting paradox that SoR is growing stronger not yet showing and BG quite the opposite…

Yes…let’s draw conclusions from a holiday weekend and paint them as fact.

There was a holiday weekend on all servers… but only 2 celebrated.
My thoughts are that BG is trying to prove they are still going strong and nothing happened.

When a server has to put in “extra hours” to prove something, that isn’t a good sign. That leads to very up and down weeks and tends to frustrate players more than motivate.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: fragnstein.3486


I don’t know about yall, but this is getting kind of boring.

I almost prefer culling to what we have now. At least with culling the opposing server couldn’t hightail it the first chance they saw someone. I’m so tired of looking at the backsides of the JQ and BG players.

You got to know when to hold`em, know when to fold`em. Know when to walk away, know when to run

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Made another WvW friend today. Took a pic, dueled some and had fun.


Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Avenge.1478


Made another WvW friend today. Took a pic, dueled some and had fun.

Quick, hide that picture before BG thinks were allies!

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Made another WvW friend today. Took a pic, dueled some and had fun.

Where’s FEAR???

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Dear Blackgate.

I sincerely apologize for my notable absence from WvW this past day or so. You see, I had just finished tidying up my lab in Rata Sum, stepped outside and there was this box…
