3/8 NSP GoM HoD
Trolling isn’t my goal, making you and robert eat kitten for the crap and slander of other nsp’ers you throw on here daily little girl… Is.
Paxa would greatly benefit from applying some discipline to its members’ postings, some of them make you all look quite bad… and have been for months.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
WoW, GoM. If that was one person funding all the golems i applaud you for your dedication to your server.
I was with a team of 10-15 in GoM BL when i got a call that there are 15+ golems in SM
By the time we got there you were in lord room. i basically exploded after a few AC hits on the golems.
Shame We killed them all then they left sm (well not all but the vast majority, i think maybe a few omegas escaped)
I counted 3 Omegas and 15ish alphas? but id love to hear the real number!
Thank you for the fun morning GoM (no sarcasm),
Haha, yeah. We had a good laugh out of that.
Just wanna say that I’m really enjoying this bracket. The fights have been wild fun and it feels like an even match up in terms of numbers and tactics. Looking forward to another great week. Let’s keep the forum posts clean guys. No bragging, taunting, or ranting. Godspeed.
Nice vid! Your golem coordination is terrible though :/
Fair kittens for doing this though! You can see me in the video (asura on the ac in lord room)
22 golems and a zerg vs 15 defenders that only arrived in the lord room :P we stood no chance :P
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.Yours truly,
I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.
Seriously? Bring equal numbers and we stomp you 7/10 times. Just look at the score ticks when we actually have people on to fight. Get over yourself.
HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.Yours truly,
I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.
Seriously? Bring equal numbers and we stomp you 7/10 times. Just look at the score ticks when we actually have people on to fight. Get over yourself.
This conversation is a little pointless guys. Just have fun playing against each other and knock this stuff off. In the end who really cares?
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.Yours truly,
I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.
Seriously? Bring equal numbers and we stomp you 7/10 times. Just look at the score ticks when we actually have people on to fight. Get over yourself.
90% of the time if you provide a statistic, people will tend to believe your statement.
Anyways, you seem to get me wrong, I never said HoD don’t fight well, I respect many of your guilds, same goes for NSP.
What HoD did yesterday asked for retribution, simple as that. Don’t tell me you didn’t expect it.
We play for 1st, we pressure the strongest server all the time, but if you go all out on us ignoring NSP all the while, we sometimes will go all out on you as payback.
If the two bottom servers always fight over scraps, the 1st strong server gets easy wins. Why hand them the victory on a silver platter? Make them work for it. That was my point, and still is.
For the matchup to be challenging for everyone, all three servers should push for 1st place. And that stands for pretty much any game you play, when someone fly away with the lead, you don’t help him usually.
That’s my opinion, I respect yours.
HoD is clearly not playing for second, or at least it sure doesn’t look that way. It appears that HoD’s massive assault has resulted in an even bigger point gap between HoD and GoM, solidifying HoD’s position in third place. This is probably due to GoM focusing HoD, which we usually try not to do.
HoD pulled off a REALLY impressive assault. We repeatedly destroyed all their siege, but that didn’t even slow them down as they just melting down REENFORCED gates with auto attacks in minutes. However, in the long run, it does not appear that this has benefited HoD at all.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
HoD is clearly not playing for second, or at least it sure doesn’t look that way. It appears that HoD’s massive assault has resulted in an even bigger point gap between HoD and GoM, solidifying HoD’s position in third place. This is probably due to GoM focusing HoD, which we usually try not to do.
HoD pulled off a REALLY impressive assault. We repeatedly destroyed all their siege, but that didn’t even slow them down as they just melting down REENFORCED gates with auto attacks in minutes. However, in the long run, it does not appear that this has benefited HoD at all.
This exactly. Truth is that right now we just can’t sustain the numbers for all that long. We can take large portions of maps, but defending them for long just isn’t possible most days. Here is a screen of 2 hours after reset, looks like we are really playing for second doesn’t it?
I… probably shouldn’t even bother, but inc another drama post!
I don’t know why you two (Osif, Jscull) are so hung up on this anti-zerg thing.
You still haven’t realized this is a Casual, Mass Scale, PvP environment? The goal is objectives requiring large forces to take, just because we prefer smaller fights and flipping camps doesn’t mean everyone does, in fact lots of people probably came to this game specifically for the large battles. It would be like playing Planetside 2 and complaining about everyone sitting in tank columns and zerging Tech Labs instead of fighting 5v5v5 inside an empty facility because you want k/d.
Despite your best efforts I don’t think this game is going to be DAoC 2.0…
Also it looks to me that Toble and others have invited you to have some organized 5v5s, yet you’d rather their guild give up on their overall objective and run around in small groups all night just to please you… come on, how selfish is that?
This stuff is seriously getting childish, everyone just play the stupid game the way they prefer or yell at each other in tells if that’s too complicated.
On that note time to stop feeding the trolls.
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut
(edited by Glaeser.8015)
Smart things
Yea, what he said.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
I think HoD’s rampage across our borderland was meant to be a rallying call for their server. They had an amazing turnout and it sounds like they all had a blast, so cheers to them for that. High morale can easily snowball into something spectacular (GoM’s comeback victory last week, for example). But choosing to provoke a 1v2 against yourself from 3rd place with SF nearing striking distance… well, let’s just say that the road to T8 is a very slippery slope.
So, is GoM saying they need our help to win? You want the 3rd place server to engage the big, bad 1st place server so that you can take advantage of the situation? WvWvW is 2v1 ALL THE TIME, for everyone. And last I looked GoM was on track to lose rating too. Not a lot, but you guys clearly are not playing for first. ( I jest, but seriously its not like you guys are headed out of T7 anytime soon so I’m not sure what you have to gloat about)
I… probably shouldn’t even bother, but inc another drama post!
I don’t know why you two (Osif, Jscull) are so hung up on this anti-zerg thing.
You still haven’t realized this is a Casual, Mass Scale, PvP environment? The goal is objectives requiring large forces to take, just because we prefer smaller fights and flipping camps doesn’t mean everyone does, in fact lots of people probably came to this game specifically for the large battles. It would be like playing Planetside 2 and complaining about everyone sitting in tank columns and zerging Tech Labs instead of fighting 5v5v5 inside an empty facility because you want k/d.
Despite your best efforts I don’t think this game is going to be DAoC 2.0…Also it looks to me that Toble and others have invited you to have some organized 5v5s, yet you’d rather their guild give up on their overall objective and run around in small groups all night just to please you… come on, how selfish is that?
This stuff is seriously getting childish, everyone just play the stupid game the way they prefer or yell at each other in tells if that’s too complicated.
On that note time to stop feeding the trolls.
Glaez, you’re a cool dude. But if you’re going to include someone in a post, you should probably actually read their posts rather than taking the word of someone that pretty obviously doesn’t like us (in this case me specifically). I have never once complained about zergs. I just respond to the individuals like Plok from BP that gloat about beating us 15v5. I’m completely fine with losing those fights, but I don’t think that it’s anything to gloat about… just as we don’t gloat about beating those solo roamers or smaller groups. Here, I’ll just leave you with a quote of mine from the previous page:
I’ve always said “to each their own” when it comes to what they find fun.
In short, don’t respond with names unless you’ve read their posts.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
So, is GoM saying they need our help to win? You want the 3rd place server to engage the big, bad 1st place server so that you can take advantage of the situation? WvWvW is 2v1 ALL THE TIME, for everyone. And last I looked GoM was on track to lose rating too. Not a lot, but you guys clearly are not playing for first.
( I jest, but seriously its not like you guys are headed out of T7 anytime soon so I’m not sure what you have to gloat about)
Nope, no gloating or any of that crap. I’m just saying that HoD can control their own fate in this tier and I think yesterday’s tactic was very near-sighted.
Yeah, I can’t say I always agree with our strategy. As field commanders, I think most of our leadership is pretty sound tactically, but we’re far from unified strategically. Part of the problem lies in the fact that even if we fully upgrade our most defensible towers and keeps we just can’t seem to get enough people on to hold them overnight. This, I think, leads to commanders gobbling up as many points as possible to keep up morale and gain points when we can.
HoD pulled off a REALLY impressive assault. We repeatedly destroyed all their siege, but that didn’t even slow them down as they just melting down REENFORCED gates with auto attacks in minutes. However, in the long run, it does not appear that this has benefited HoD at all.
Actually, it did benefit us in the long run. Don’t know if you noticed, but stuff like this improves our general morale and more people are showing up in WvW. Currently, improving player morale and getting more people to try out and like WvW is the most important thing for our server (HoD). Sometimes we have these events in EB. Sometimes we have them in NSP borderlands and sometimes in GoM. Sometimes we call people to come just to get map completion. Since people want legendaries, they’ll come and try out WvW for a while. I’d say it has been working quite well.
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
Btw, just some general questions for you guys. Mainly for people from NSP.
I usually see PAXA here in the forums with NSP signatures. Yesterday (or might have been the day before) I saw a PAXA group in HoD. What is your situation exactly? Did you guys all transfer? Is it permanent or temporary?
Also for NSP in general. I’ve heard some good things about the battles you’re having on this tier. How would you compare them to battles in T6?
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
I… probably shouldn’t even bother, but inc another drama post!
I don’t know why you two (Osif, Jscull) are so hung up on this anti-zerg thing.
You still haven’t realized this is a Casual, Mass Scale, PvP environment? The goal is objectives requiring large forces to take, just because we prefer smaller fights and flipping camps doesn’t mean everyone does, in fact lots of people probably came to this game specifically for the large battles. It would be like playing Planetside 2 and complaining about everyone sitting in tank columns and zerging Tech Labs instead of fighting 5v5v5 inside an empty facility because you want k/d.
Despite your best efforts I don’t think this game is going to be DAoC 2.0…Also it looks to me that Toble and others have invited you to have some organized 5v5s, yet you’d rather their guild give up on their overall objective and run around in small groups all night just to please you… come on, how selfish is that?
This stuff is seriously getting childish, everyone just play the stupid game the way they prefer or yell at each other in tells if that’s too complicated.
On that note time to stop feeding the trolls.
Glaez, you’re a cool dude. But if you’re going to include someone in a post, you should probably actually read their posts rather than taking the word of someone that pretty obviously doesn’t like us (in this case me specifically). I have never once complained about zergs. I just respond to the individuals like Plok from BP that gloat about beating us 15v5. I’m completely fine with losing those fights, but I don’t think that it’s anything to gloat about… just as we don’t gloat about beating those solo roamers or smaller groups. Here, I’ll just leave you with a quote of mine from the previous page:
I’ve always said “to each their own” when it comes to what they find fun.
In short, don’t respond with names unless you’ve read their posts.
Fair enough, there’s a lot of immature squabbling in these threads and my memory skips some lines here and there. My apologies.
Regardless, both sides make fine points and seem to not listen to one another but such is the nature of forums I guess, I’m no different.
I just don’t understand why people make it a personal crusade to tell everyone else how their way of playing is better than someone else’s, the reason I’m playing devil’s advocate for zergs and kind of harping on PAXA, though I guess it’s more Jscull, is primarily because lately it seems like people are spewing junk for no reason other than to cause hate, and all sides should take a step back if someone else’s play makes you that upset.
I admit I only started reading the drama a few weeks ago so I’m likely not all caught up, but if it’s been spanning that long I think it’s time to suck it up and agree to disagree.
If people like Plok, for example, feel the need to run me over 15+v5 and gloat on the forums, that just means I got under their skin in a video game and I have a little chuckle.
At this point I’m forcing my ideals onto people in a video game forum… Good Lord, I’m not cut out for this! I’ll see myself out.
Stay Beautiful,
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut
(edited by Glaeser.8015)
Btw, just some general questions for you guys. Mainly for people from NSP.
I usually see PAXA here in the forums with NSP signatures. Yesterday (or might have been the day before) I saw a PAXA group in HoD. What is your situation exactly? Did you guys all transfer? Is it permanent or temporary?
Also for NSP in general. I’ve heard some good things about the battles you’re having on this tier. How would you compare them to battles in T6?
Temporary I believe, they should be back Friday. Personally I think this matchup is better suited for us, battles have been fun. Only downside is it can be hard to find fights after primetime, for that I miss ALS.
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut
From my point of view in HoD, which is right in there with the GT guys, we don’t play for points. We simply decide “hey, let’s take so and so’s stuff today” and we make a massive push for it. Once the attack scales down there’s a lot of undefended stuff that whoever is fastest can grab. To us it’s not about who has the highest number of points at the end of the week, but how many epic battles we managed to pull off.
HoD is having fun. I’m not speaking for the server, obviously, but our group is not playing for second, if anything, we’re playing for third (easy target to hit, too!).
As a token of our friendship GoM, we flipped the entirety of NSP BL (outside of Sunny Hill, somehow golems at their gate would ‘miss’ it) dropping them to ~100 ppt while you guys snagged camps and towers behind us. Rolling into prime time, here’s your chance – its all paper everywhere right now.
We run that large because you need that many to take objectives and fight larger zergs.
Yet again, if you want a fight club to prove yourselves, go for it. Other than that, we will continue playing WvW the way it’s meant to be played. We are not going to go out of our way, break up our groups to go 5v5 camp flipping when we have towers to take. You guys really are just trying to distract us from our major objectives.
You play your way, we will play ours. The 1v1’s and 5v5s are open to you if you want, all you have to do it ask.
Other than that, wait for custom arenas, then if you are still in WvW and crying about people actually playing WvW, then you really just like crying on forums about people playing the game as intended.
And yes, we are good at WvW. We take objectives, command every day and try to keep the server involved as best we can. I would say that along with a few other guilds on this server, we play very well in WvW and you guys seem to be the only ones not liking it.
Also, Anet didn’t make this game for you. People made this game with the challenge of 30+ people working together at once since there are dozens of games with 5-10 man pvp situations. Anet isn’t going to tailor something already found in another section of the game as well as in other games. They made something new that we are playing correctly and doing well at playing correctly.
As you said about the numbers thing, if the situation was reversed, you would to. Not to mention, you do.
There are plenty of nights you kill solo or duo roamers with groups of 5, so please, leave the numbers game out of this, you play it too. Don’t make me link the video again.
It takes 1 person to flip a camp, but its best to bring 2 in case its upgraded or there are quags.
It takes 4 people to take a tower (1 ram) but its best to bring 8 (2 rams) or 10 (2 catapults).
Keeps take 8-15 for rams/catas, plus 1 resupply to get inner gate.
Sekz ran around showing that 10-20 people could wipe 30+ guys no problem.
People run around in a blob of 30 so that they can burn down a gate so fast there is no risk of defenders. People run in a blob of 30 to avoid pvping as much as possible.
Special shout to the small mans we saw last night, great fun vs tM (we want your engi).
We play for 1st, we pressure the strongest server all the time, but if you go all out on us ignoring NSP all the while, we sometimes will go all out on you as payback.
If the two bottom servers always fight over scraps, the 1st strong server gets easy wins. Why hand them the victory on a silver platter? Make them work for it. That was my point, and still is.
For the matchup to be challenging for everyone, all three servers should push for 1st place. And that stands for pretty much any game you play, when someone fly away with the lead, you don’t help him usually.
That’s my opinion, I respect yours.
Who exactly is this “we” you speak for? I see GoM attacking us while we’re fighting NSP all the time. We were fighting over wildcreek earlier, and GoM came to fight us instead of attacking klovan or something. Some Gom also made a rather pathetic attempt at AP and orgewatch. I was with the group that just took most of nsp borderlands, and some gom (no idea how many) were just around taking hod’s camps camps instead of going for nsp’s suff. This “we” you speak of isn’t your server as a whole. Some of you people make it sound like gom would never attack any of hod’s structures if we never attacked gom.
Also, I’m pretty sure that “playing for first” is mathematically impossible for hod at this point in the week. Hod is coming in third this week. I’m sorry that we aren’t particularly picky about which of the other two servers come in first. Frankly, I consider it a bigger victory when Hod’s actions cause complaining on the forums. If gom really valued winning the week above all, they wouldn’t be attacking hod just because we attack you. Attacking nsp would almost always be better because every structure taken would deprive the leader points, and hod would be more likely to gang up on nsp with you. Gom has a legit chance to win, but you all need to deprive nsp of points. Gom is playing for second every single time they get kitten over an hod attack or see hod as an easy target.
Edit: These censors are ridiculous. The combination of “butt” & “hurt” is apparently too much for impressionable minds.
(edited by Tei.1704)
Btw, just some general questions for you guys. Mainly for people from NSP.
I usually see PAXA here in the forums with NSP signatures. Yesterday (or might have been the day before) I saw a PAXA group in HoD. What is your situation exactly? Did you guys all transfer? Is it permanent or temporary?
Also for NSP in general. I’ve heard some good things about the battles you’re having on this tier. How would you compare them to battles in T6?
Don’t understand how its important to anyone else where we went. But to answer your question, pvpin on NSP is extremely boring. So our 5 man didn’t quit the game completely, we xfered to HoD to fight a server (NSP) that has generally more than just 30 manning on their minds.
I’m tired of talkin about what Henge of Denravi is playin for. Everyone’s free to attack each other and I’m not gonna blame anyone for takin a shot.
I could come up with a dozen reasons why they should have moved to wipe our borderlands just like I can think of a dozen reasons why they shouldn’t have. It’s not black and white (just like Henge of Denravi isn’t one entity makin these decisions) and we need to stop passively aggressively talkin past each other as if it is.
Btw, just some general questions for you guys. Mainly for people from NSP.
I usually see PAXA here in the forums with NSP signatures. Yesterday (or might have been the day before) I saw a PAXA group in HoD. What is your situation exactly? Did you guys all transfer? Is it permanent or temporary?
Also for NSP in general. I’ve heard some good things about the battles you’re having on this tier. How would you compare them to battles in T6?
Don’t understand how its important to anyone else where we went. But to answer your question, pvpin on NSP is extremely boring. So our 5 man didn’t quit the game completely, we xfered to HoD to fight a server (NSP) that has generally more than just 30 manning on their minds.
Your names are mentioned a lot and I’m a curious person. :P
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
We play for 1st, we pressure the strongest server all the time, but if you go all out on us ignoring NSP all the while, we sometimes will go all out on you as payback.
If the two bottom servers always fight over scraps, the 1st strong server gets easy wins. Why hand them the victory on a silver platter? Make them work for it. That was my point, and still is.
For the matchup to be challenging for everyone, all three servers should push for 1st place. And that stands for pretty much any game you play, when someone fly away with the lead, you don’t help him usually.
That’s my opinion, I respect yours.
Who exactly is this “we” you speak for? I see GoM attacking us while we’re fighting NSP all the time. We were fighting over wildcreek earlier, and GoM came to fight us instead of attacking klovan or something. Some Gom also made a rather pathetic attempt at AP and orgewatch. I was with the group that just took most of nsp borderlands, and some gom (no idea how many) were just around taking hod’s camps camps instead of going for nsp’s suff. This “we” you speak of isn’t your server as a whole. Some of you people make it sound like gom would never attack any of hod’s structures if we never attacked gom.
Also, I’m pretty sure that “playing for first” is mathematically impossible for hod at this point in the week. Hod is coming in third this week. I’m sorry that we aren’t particularly picky about which of the other two servers come in first. Frankly, I consider it a bigger victory when Hod’s actions cause complaining on the forums. If gom really valued winning the week above all, they wouldn’t be attacking hod just because we attack you. Attacking nsp would almost always be better because every structure taken would deprive the leader points, and hod would be more likely to gang up on nsp with you. Gom has a legit chance to win, but you all need to deprive nsp of points. Gom is playing for second every single time they get kitten over an hod attack or see hod as an easy target.
Edit: These censors are ridiculous. The combination of “butt” & “hurt” is apparently too much for impressionable minds.
“We” is a group of dedicated WvW guilds playing at N-A PrimeTime, and usually planning their actions together. The people I play with every night, for months. I don’t speak for them, and they don’t speak for me, but we do have a general agreement. And our agreement is playing for 1st, simple as that.
Can we reach 1st? Usually not. Can we try? We sure give everything we have every week in that attempt.
Have fun out there.
To all of GoM.
When HoD is taking NSP’s EB keep, please stay away. You come in and attack us, nobody gets to take the keep.
I assure you, we’re just passing through, and you can attack a paper Keep afterwards.
To all of GoM.
When HoD is taking NSP’s EB keep, please stay away. You come in and attack us, nobody gets to take the keep.
I assure you, we’re just passing through, and you can attack a paper Keep afterwards.
Oh, please don’t blame GOM for HOD’s fail. That fight was lost in the lord room in the first place, long before GOM came to visit.
For those who weren’t there. This is when HOD showed up to our keep with 30-50 people and 10ish golems.. Hard to know accurate numbers because of the massive culling, but was enough people to cause us all skill lag (while we were running outmanned buff on our side).
To all of GoM.
When HoD is taking NSP’s EB keep, please stay away. You come in and attack us, nobody gets to take the keep.
I assure you, we’re just passing through, and you can attack a paper Keep afterwards.
Oh, please don’t blame GOM for HOD’s fail. That fight was lost in the lord room in the first place, long before GOM came to visit.
For those who weren’t there. This is when HOD showed up to our keep with 30-50 people and 10ish golems.. Hard to know accurate numbers because of the massive culling, but was enough people to cause us all skill lag (while we were running outmanned buff on our side).
I’m sorry, I can’t see past all the Gate of Madness Invaders in those screenshots to see your point.
GoM was attacking us from behind with 30+ before the inner gate was at half.
You probably couldn’t see them because of the “massive culling” but they were there from the moment we opened your keep to attempt to leech off of our efforts.
To all of GoM.
When HoD is taking NSP’s EB keep, please stay away. You come in and attack us, nobody gets to take the keep.
I assure you, we’re just passing through, and you can attack a paper Keep afterwards.
Oh, please don’t blame GOM for HOD’s fail. That fight was lost in the lord room in the first place, long before GOM came to visit.
For those who weren’t there. This is when HOD showed up to our keep with 30-50 people and 10ish golems.. Hard to know accurate numbers because of the massive culling, but was enough people to cause us all skill lag (while we were running outmanned buff on our side).
I’m sorry, I can’t see past all the Gate of Madness Invaders in those screenshots to see your point.
GoM was attacking us from behind with 30+ before the inner gate was at half.
You probably couldn’t see them because of the “massive culling” but they were there from the moment we opened your keep to attempt to leech off of our efforts.
Oh my mistake. Well don’t feel bad, they came back shortly after with a horde of golems and didn’t even make it from the outer to inner gate.
And tbh, I didn’t even notice the GOM tags in my own SS’s lol, oh well been a long day of wvw.. All I can see is red names that need to die.
We play for 1st, we pressure the strongest server all the time, but if you go all out on us ignoring NSP all the while, we sometimes will go all out on you as payback.
If the two bottom servers always fight over scraps, the 1st strong server gets easy wins. Why hand them the victory on a silver platter? Make them work for it. That was my point, and still is.
For the matchup to be challenging for everyone, all three servers should push for 1st place. And that stands for pretty much any game you play, when someone fly away with the lead, you don’t help him usually.
That’s my opinion, I respect yours.
Who exactly is this “we” you speak for? I see GoM attacking us while we’re fighting NSP all the time. We were fighting over wildcreek earlier, and GoM came to fight us instead of attacking klovan or something. Some Gom also made a rather pathetic attempt at AP and orgewatch. I was with the group that just took most of nsp borderlands, and some gom (no idea how many) were just around taking hod’s camps camps instead of going for nsp’s suff. This “we” you speak of isn’t your server as a whole. Some of you people make it sound like gom would never attack any of hod’s structures if we never attacked gom.
Also, I’m pretty sure that “playing for first” is mathematically impossible for hod at this point in the week. Hod is coming in third this week. I’m sorry that we aren’t particularly picky about which of the other two servers come in first. Frankly, I consider it a bigger victory when Hod’s actions cause complaining on the forums. If gom really valued winning the week above all, they wouldn’t be attacking hod just because we attack you. Attacking nsp would almost always be better because every structure taken would deprive the leader points, and hod would be more likely to gang up on nsp with you. Gom has a legit chance to win, but you all need to deprive nsp of points. Gom is playing for second every single time they get kitten over an hod attack or see hod as an easy target.
Edit: These censors are ridiculous. The combination of “butt” & “hurt” is apparently too much for impressionable minds.
“We” is a group of dedicated WvW guilds playing at N-A PrimeTime, and usually planning their actions together. The people I play with every night, for months. I don’t speak for them, and they don’t speak for me, but we do have a general agreement. And our agreement is playing for 1st, simple as that.
Can we reach 1st? Usually not. Can we try? We sure give everything we have every week in that attempt.
Have fun out there.
Ohh please. GoM usually goes for NSP instead of HoD? Sure m8.
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
Okay, NSP! Last big push! Let’s win this thing. As of 4:40am GoM is pulling a last ditch hail mary effort to catch up and beat our lovely server by logging on late, late, late night and flipping a bunch of stuff. BL is almost all blue, Eb next. They are up +375 right now. Course we ARE 16,000 ahead but they are gaining every hour so if you’re an early riser log on and beat them back, you magnificent NSP kittens…
Inet broken all yesterday qq =( can I get a scores .update please
Os guild
NSP : 208609 +250
GoM : 194455 +250
HoD : 160866 +185
Mannnn had a rough night at GoM borderlands staying there pretty much for 12ish hours straight, but it was both fun and annoying defending mostly from NSP and a little from HoD, but it was mostly fun More good battles to come I hope!
Tobs, I don’t like that you come on the forums beating your own drum about how your 30 help the server with keep doors…. And yet you don’t even HAVE a drum to beat about other players… Because you don’t fight them unless youre on siege or have a keep door to run into. What you do takes numbers only and less everything else- skill, focus, organization. It’s incredible, in a real pvp environment your 200 person guild minus the few good players we have come across who we have mentioned would be laughed right off the server. Trolling isn’t my goal, making you and robert eat kitten for the crap and slander of other nsp’ers you throw on here daily little girl… Is.
Hey guys. I have been trolled into silence. Os guild doesn’t help this server Win at WvW at all. None of our guilds help.
Also, PAXA has yet to accept my offer for a fight club.
Also, it takes a lot more organization and time and effort to run a 200 man guild and get everyone organized enough to successfully siege than it is to run around and PVP in a group of 5.
Everyone knows this.
No offense, but we could take a 5-man out and do what you do.
You can’t take a 5-man out and do what we do.
Do you even lift?
(edited by Toble.2968)
I’m sorry, server. I really should stop, but it is so fun while I am at work to get him to say really stupid stuff.
Toble: quit throwing gas on the fire
Northern Shiverpeaks
I… probably shouldn’t even bother, but inc another drama post!
I don’t know why you two (Osif, Jscull) are so hung up on this anti-zerg thing.
You still haven’t realized this is a Casual, Mass Scale, PvP environment? The goal is objectives requiring large forces to take, just because we prefer smaller fights and flipping camps doesn’t mean everyone does, in fact lots of people probably came to this game specifically for the large battles. It would be like playing Planetside 2 and complaining about everyone sitting in tank columns and zerging Tech Labs instead of fighting 5v5v5 inside an empty facility because you want k/d.
Despite your best efforts I don’t think this game is going to be DAoC 2.0…Also it looks to me that Toble and others have invited you to have some organized 5v5s, yet you’d rather their guild give up on their overall objective and run around in small groups all night just to please you… come on, how selfish is that?
This stuff is seriously getting childish, everyone just play the stupid game the way they prefer or yell at each other in tells if that’s too complicated.
On that note time to stop feeding the trolls.
Glaez, you’re a cool dude. But if you’re going to include someone in a post, you should probably actually read their posts rather than taking the word of someone that pretty obviously doesn’t like us (in this case me specifically). I have never once complained about zergs. I just respond to the individuals like Plok from BP that gloat about beating us 15v5. I’m completely fine with losing those fights, but I don’t think that it’s anything to gloat about… just as we don’t gloat about beating those solo roamers or smaller groups. Here, I’ll just leave you with a quote of mine from the previous page:
I’ve always said “to each their own” when it comes to what they find fun.
In short, don’t respond with names unless you’ve read their posts.
I like you. Os likes you. We like the fun battles and the trolling we can do. Somehow things such as this are fabricated. So far the things that have been fabricated are pretty lulzy, but you have to understand that a lot of this is the active player imagination here. (Commander tryouts? What is that even? LoL)
I think you guys are absolutely silly and hilarious to do forum battle with, but to get to the “Not like” Level of my book it takes a lot.
Also, what he means is he is reading Jscull’s posts and he is representing you and all of PAXA.
I’m glad you mentioned that you are not a part of that and am glad to know you do not agree with everything Jscull says to try and lure us from our WvW duties, but maybe Jscull doesn’t know he shouldn’t be speaking for you and the rest of paxa?
He kinda makes you guys look silly. :o
(edited by Toble.2968)
Toble: quit throwing gas on the fire
D: But I’m at work and can’t play….
I like to see threads burn.
Toble, I think it is pretty funny how you keep mentioning 1v1s since none of us care about them and are built for group situations. Yes, they are fun but you act like we ask everyone for 1v1s and don’t think you’re good unless you 1v1 haha. 5v5s on the other hand, since it looks like you’re offering we would love to see you out there with one of those!
Time and place!
Today would be best since some of us might have vacation starting tomorrow (Me)
(Fight clubs are always so fun)
You think we can get a 20v20 going as well since thats what we practice on a daily basis, or…?
Just wanted to give props to the thief who smoked me last night in GoM borderland. Not so much because she did kick my butt…but more because she waited nearby until one of my fellow GoM peeps came by to rez me and then accepted my congratulations (bow) on a good fight. After the mutual respect, we went off in our separate directions to engage other enemies.
This was good sportsmanship and was really cool to be part of. Thanks!
Had a lot of fun in the bl’s this week. Good stuff.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Was a good week lots of great fights.. hope next week is as good
Os guild
I like you. Os likes you. We like the fun battles and the trolling we can do. Somehow things such as this are fabricated. So far the things that have been fabricated are pretty lulzy, but you have to understand that a lot of this is the active player imagination here. (Commander tryouts? What is that even? LoL)
I think you guys are absolutely silly and hilarious to do forum battle with, but to get to the “Not like” Level of my book it takes a lot.
Also, what he means is he is reading Jscull’s posts and he is representing you and all of PAXA.
I’m glad you mentioned that you are not a part of that and am glad to know you do not agree with everything Jscull says to try and lure us from our WvW duties, but maybe Jscull doesn’t know he shouldn’t be speaking for you and the rest of paxa?
He kinda makes you guys look silly. :o
You slander people you like? It’s like grade school flirting, gross! Fabrications like how we spend a good portion of our time killing under leveled and under geared players in 5v1s? lawlz. No, I don’t believe Glaezer read it as Jscull representing every individual in PAXA. He just took your word that I complain about zergs left and right. You like to make things up like that.
As far as Jscull representing PAXA, most of us agree with his ideas. We like running smaller groups more than larger ones, we enjoy fighting against smaller groups rather than zergs, (which I think are still fun to hit) we respect you when you show solid play, we enjoy the PvP aspect of WvW more than the point aspect of it. Jscull just has a brash way of stating these things, and seems to get on people’s nerves for it (which I find hilarious the types of responses that he gets… the made up things about PAXA are great).
Also, I don’t think he’s trying to lure you away from anything contrary to your WvW play. When he (or someone else, I forget) called Os out for being a zerging guild, I believe it was Rob who stated that you guys run around in 5 man camp flipping groups as much as you zerg. And for how much you think we tell you how to play, that’s pretty funny to me as well. Seeing as you were the one who originally called us irrelevant and useless to the server and Rob implored us to play the game differently, it seems like you guys tried to change the way we play the game. So not cool, Toble!
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Time and place!
Today would be best since some of us might have vacation starting tomorrow (Me)
(Fight clubs are always so fun)
You think we can get a 20v20 going as well since thats what we practice on a daily basis, or…?
We probably won’t have 5 on this weekend.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
We are playing (not playing) for 3rd!
……..some of us need Map Completion in the green areas haha.
I know that a lot of folks from [TOT] Traveler’s of Tyria – HOD, have taken a break from WvW to focus on some PvE content for a bit. Kruppe (our commander almost has his legendary finished so we should have our small 15-20 man contribution back on the HOD front a couple nights a week soon.
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi