4/19 DB/MAG/YB

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Did someone say wiping YB pug zerg?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


Did someone say wiping YB pug zerg?

Wow…you guys really do have the same style as us. It’s a little creepifying… I know what guild I’ll end up joining if [TG] ever breaks up or moves on beyond GW2 to a game I don’t like. ;-)

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

You are right tonight we had a HUGE numbers advantage on you, its nice to know you think our 15-20 man guild raid gives the illusion of being a 40+ zerg, After all the kitten talking you refused a GvG because “the BL is more important” i guess you needed your 50man zerg to shut down every 10 man group on your BL that was flipping camps.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

You are right tonight we had a HUGE numbers advantage on you, its nice to know you think our 15-20 man guild raid gives the illusion of being a 40+ zerg, After all the kitten talking you refused a GvG because “the BL is more important” i guess you needed your 50man zerg to shut down every 10 man group on your BL that was flipping camps.

You were down to 15-20 by the time we kicked you out, but you had far more than that originally. You had numbers advantage plenty of times on reset night and just kept running.

Anyways, glad to know that your guild “raid” will camp in the tower as long as you know we’re around even when we leave just a few pugs in our camp while the rest of us go play with the mags in hills.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Beyondthelol.9504


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Aramir Hellforge
Terror [TG]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Final update score from me tonight!

P.S. I may seem like a homer, but if you call someone out please name the right guild. It’s [TG] not [TE]. (No I’m not in [TG] either).


Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You’ve had plenty of opportunities to initiate on us with numbers advantage this week and have taken advantage of just one, that being the time you strutted into NE camp 30 mins after reset and got humbled, bad. So yes, I say you are scared. If you disagree fight us in the field next time. We quite rarely have so many pugs tagging along.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

(edited by Facet.5914)

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

If you think you had 8 and we had 30, you also need to “learn to count.” In any case, I would focus on working up the courage to charge us when you have greater numbers before you worry about equal numbers.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

If you think you had 8 and we had 30, you also need to “learn to count.” In any case, I would focus on working up the courage to charge us when you have greater numbers before you worry about equal numbers.

If you guys didn’t run in zergs twice as large as ours we wouldn’t have to worry about positioning

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

If you think you had 8 and we had 30, you also need to “learn to count.” In any case, I would focus on working up the courage to charge us when you have greater numbers before you worry about equal numbers.

If you guys didn’t run in zergs twice as large as ours we wouldn’t have to worry about positioning

I thought we agreed to work on our counting? There have been at least 20+ times since this Friday when your group was bigger then ours, we steeled ourselves to fight anyways, and then you ran away.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: wolf.1895


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

If you think you had 8 and we had 30, you also need to “learn to count.” In any case, I would focus on working up the courage to charge us when you have greater numbers before you worry about equal numbers.

If you guys didn’t run in zergs twice as large as ours we wouldn’t have to worry about positioning

I thought we agreed to work on our counting? There have been at least 20+ times since this Friday when your group was bigger then ours, we steeled ourselves to fight anyways, and then you ran away.

Why don’t we all just agree that you had +6,004 people in your zerg, and we only had 20ish

I graduated math

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

Chris asked ventrilo if they wanted to, everyone groaned about what a waste of time it would be since we’ve already defeated you guys so many times. Then we actually found you out in the open without our pug tag-alongs and wiped you anyways. Imagine that.

You guys really need to learn to count. Wiping 8 people with 30+ DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL, I will never understand the fascination with numbers or people not willing to get into an even fight…

If you think you had 8 and we had 30, you also need to “learn to count.” In any case, I would focus on working up the courage to charge us when you have greater numbers before you worry about equal numbers.

If you guys didn’t run in zergs twice as large as ours we wouldn’t have to worry about positioning

I thought we agreed to work on our counting? There have been at least 20+ times since this Friday when your group was bigger then ours, we steeled ourselves to fight anyways, and then you ran away.

Why don’t we all just agree that you had +6,004 people in your zerg, and we only had 20ish

I graduated math

well said

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Let’s just agree that a Guild vs. Guild would settle this dispute. Once and for all!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Or record some entertaining videos

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Here’s some older raid footage from kitten vs YB. This is a stream by kitten member he’s got a nice overlay.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: rice.5376


Here’s some older raid footage from kitten vs YB. This is a stream by kitten member he’s got a nice overlay.

Best overlay EVER!

Bacon, Bacon, BACON!
Bubônix: Engy
Server: Maguuma Guild: [PYRO]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


I am very saddened by the lack of effort shown by Magumma today/tonight. I really hope that tonight was a fluke and that things will get back to “normal” tomorrow.

Our BL was queued all night(NA prime time) and it was painted green.. But of course.. it was DB SEA right?

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


ME from YB you guys need to nut up or stop talking kitten stacking numbers does not equal skill or is a “genius” tactic we dont MOVE in fights because its running, its called positioning and we need REALLY GOOD positioning if we are to fight your 50+ guild/pug zerg. i have respect for most guilds in this tier but these guys are just bullkitten

Our theory is that after we stomped you at NE camp about 30 mins after reset under circumstances that were 100% in your favor, you’re scared. Really scared. Since then, you basically never attack us, even when you have the numbers advantage (which is actually quite frequently tbh). “Stomped” might be too kind a word I guess, it was such an embarrassing wipe that I was sort of surprised you guys didn’t rage-log out of disgust.

[TE] should try to stop hallucinating “50+” zergs to rationalize the reason they never win, otherwise you’ll never improve. Though at this point this is now a trend amongst DB guilds. We got under [BP]’s skin the same way.

TG is scared? I was there in vent when someone PM’d your leader, asking for a GvG right there and then, only to have the pathetic response of ‘we would like to but we have to deal with stuff in our bl’ when the entire yaks bl was owned by yaks (except greenbrair which we were holding out in – funny that), so dont go posting that bs.

The last time [BP] asked for a GvG with them, we faced similar problems. They never turn up and make excuses afterwards. Last week, we waited for them at the location, and they tried to steal hills in the meanwhile.

You can read their other excuses here:


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Here’s some older raid footage from kitten vs YB. This is a stream by kitten member he’s got a nice overlay.

Best overlay EVER!

Agree, awesome layout!


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: IBountyHunterI.4601


Lol, I don’t think that huge mix of Me and YB Pug’s seem to remember right after the camp in the tower where we wiped them with even numbers on reset.

Bottom line so far any engagement we have had with them their nameplates have blocked out the sun, and my frames instantly nosedive. As our 20 or so people try our hardest to fend off 50+ people only to be engulfed by the sea of red. It literally reminds me of when the army of the undead in the LOTR swarms the orc army and engulfs them.


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Beyondthelol.9504


Here’s some older raid footage from kitten vs YB. This is a stream by kitten member he’s got a nice overlay.

nice fighting!

Aramir Hellforge
Terror [TG]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Red Guard wishes they were this good.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Wittle.5473


Starting a fight club on YB borderlands near the windmill. Lets have some fun.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Score update! My engineer is on fire


Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Sericenthe.5310


TG is afraid of our Zerg? We’re too big when we’re outnumbered apparently.

I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard as I did last night watching them repeatedly run away from fights where they clearly outnumbered us.

We got so bored with you running away we all /sleep at the towers after you leave.

Seri Kali [Me] – 80 Necromancer

Seri Kali [Me] – 80 Necromancer -Yak’s Bend

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Solo, I walked my necro up on 3 [Me] in YB BL with just my minion army in tow. At a distance they saw me, they hopped up and down, then as soon as I started running toward them, they ran toward the nearest friendly camp so they could have some NPC backup. /disagree.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Solo, I walked my necro up on 3 [Me] in YB BL with just my minion army in tow. At a distance they saw me, they hopped up and down, then as soon as I started running toward them, they ran toward the nearest friendly camp so they could have some NPC backup. /disagree.

I once saw a mesmer out and about, and decided to attack him, guess i shouldve seen that a single lone person would have a zerg running shortly behind him.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: H A S H i E.7615

H A S H i E.7615

Solo, I walked my necro up on 3 [Me] in YB BL with just my minion army in tow. At a distance they saw me, they hopped up and down, then as soon as I started running toward them, they ran toward the nearest friendly camp so they could have some NPC backup. /disagree.

solo, i walked up to a necro and ran when i saw minions because they are op

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


By taking a look at the score i just wanted to say, i don’t want to play against DB … You guys are so scary

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: povV.5681


How do Maguumans build a treb in the safe zone, right outside of the spawn in Mag BL?

we got the idea from db doing it last week

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


How do Maguumans build a treb in the safe zone, right outside of the spawn in Mag BL?

we got the idea from db doing it last week

But you taught us how to do it over a month ago


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Gellor.6497


I know how do it to hit Sunny, but not crag

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


How do Maguumans build a treb in the safe zone, right outside of the spawn in Mag BL?

we got the idea from db doing it last week

But you taught us how to do it over a month ago

Please don’t. We don’t need the “you started it” wars again.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


How do Maguumans build a treb in the safe zone, right outside of the spawn in Mag BL?

we got the idea from db doing it last week

But you taught us how to do it over a month ago

Please don’t. We don’t need the “you started it” wars again.

I was joking :P
Servers have been placing siege in the safe zones since launch,
I don’t think it’s new to any server in this tier


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Sweets.8975


score update on 4-21-2013 4:00 pm est


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


I wanna return to maguuma, but it seems like always … and wait, U R NOT LOSIN THE TIER … holy kitten glicko D:

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I wanna return to maguuma, but it seems like always … and wait, U R NOT LOSIN THE TIER … holy kitten glicko

By all prospects we will be t3 til the end of time. That’s a good thing – when we were in t4 it was very boring. We’re just too big for that tier anymore.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: povV.5681


i didn’t mean to be like, " you started it first " i was just being sarcastic. but yah…everyone does that from time to time. coulda been anybody. no biggie. it happens

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: povV.5681


I wanna return to maguuma, but it seems like always … and wait, U R NOT LOSIN THE TIER … holy kitten glicko

By all prospects we will be t3 til the end of time. That’s a good thing – when we were in t4 it was very boring. We’re just too big for that tier anymore.

i just wish they would cycle the 3 server matchup’s randomly each week. but not facing 1 server more than once before you face everybody. there would be good weeks, bad weeks, but ultimately the same “rank” for each server. same teams get boring. ill be glad to see dragonbrand go if they do. if for no other reason, just to see a different name plate. idk

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Vash.9183


Has anyone noticed that Dragonbrand’s glicko rating has rised so much this week that if they keep up the exact pace they have now… they’ll be 2nd place of tier 2 next match-up. Fort Aspenwood will be joining you guys here in tier 3.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Has anyone noticed that Dragonbrand’s glicko rating has rised so much this week that if they keep up the exact pace they have now… they’ll be 2nd place of tier 2 next match-up. Fort Aspenwood will be joining you guys here in tier 3.

Or Kaineng, its too close to call atm.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Vash.9183


Has anyone noticed that Dragonbrand’s glicko rating has rised so much this week that if they keep up the exact pace they have now… they’ll be 2nd place of tier 2 next match-up. Fort Aspenwood will be joining you guys here in tier 3.

Or Kaineng, its too close to call atm.

Oh I didn’t notice how close Kaineng and Fort Aspenwood were. But yeah, one is definitely dropping here next match-up.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


We’ll get Kaineng most likely.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Gellor.6497


Score update! I’m tired so last one for me tonight


Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Vi Au.8341

Vi Au.8341

now db do you really want to go up a tier knowing that FA and KN both kick both our kitten and that they are now getting destroyed by TC in T2?

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Gellor.6497


I don’t think we have much of a choice

Bodacious Gellor/Adela Grace/Cherry Poptartz [rB]
DB since Headstart

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

now db do you really want to go up a tier knowing that FA and KN both kick both our kitten and that they are now getting destroyed by TC in T2?


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: povV.5681


flipped db garrison tonight. felt good. although…by now…im sure everything is green. : (

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


Grats on flipping on a Monday afternoon. ^^

Score update:

DB: 120,041 +550
YB: 53,607 +110
Mag: 50,082 + 35