4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7
I have to say…there have been days that some of us in WvW in TC have pulled 18 hour days in order to catch up, myself included, and I can say…when pple say coverage is all that crap. I have friends that i talk to from both KN and FA and my friends from both servers say about the same things as we do in TC about queues at the certain time. Perhaps its not that one server has better coverage than another (in that there is more people in raw numbers than another server) but how a server uses those people. There have been times in TC, espec in EB, where there’s a queue, and you can’t find anyone, and its cause people are off doing their own things completely oblivious to the fact there’s a commander. Those kinds of things make it seem like no one is around. Maybe all server should cut the excuses, play the game, if you/your guild/your server think that having the best score isn’t what defines winning a match, think that, let people who think the best score is what defines a match have the best score. Its a game…let’s all just have fun…its disgusting how sad these forum’s have gotten, despite constant reminders by moderators to keep things about the match within a day the SAME people turn it into the same QQ fest as the past weeks.
You guys are probably counting their clones too lulz
(edited by Alilinke.7690)
AVTR is by far the commanding influence during this timeslot. Their meta-game is smart, they can maximize ppt by splitting up and hitting multiple objectives, they have one major zergball running on one map and a decent zerg running in another. They also hop maps to reinforce each other really well.
Though I love the shoutout, AVTR has been and is a 50man guild. With at most in our prime days with 20 online at most.
20 people doesn’t equal a zerg ball + decent zerg on another…
AVTR is by far the commanding influence during this timeslot. Their meta-game is smart, they can maximize ppt by splitting up and hitting multiple objectives, they have one major zergball running on one map and a decent zerg running in another. They also hop maps to reinforce each other really well.
Though I love the shoutout, AVTR has been and is a 50man guild. With at most in our prime days with 20 online at most.
20 people doesn’t equal a zerg ball + decent zerg on another…
Numbers are always subjective and hard to confirm, and I think this was mostly written during the “Culling Era” where it was even harder.
If you regularly run with 2 Commanders on multiple maps leading mixed forces it would still apply
AVTR is by far the commanding influence during this timeslot. Their meta-game is smart, they can maximize ppt by splitting up and hitting multiple objectives, they have one major zergball running on one map and a decent zerg running in another. They also hop maps to reinforce each other really well.
Though I love the shoutout, AVTR has been and is a 50man guild. With at most in our prime days with 20 online at most.
20 people doesn’t equal a zerg ball + decent zerg on another…Numbers are always subjective and hard to confirm, and I think this was mostly written during the “Culling Era” where it was even harder.
If you regularly run with 2 Commanders on multiple maps leading mixed forces it would still apply
It would be true if we did run two commanders.
It would be true if we did run two commanders.
Then I guess just take it as a compliment that TC sees you even when you aren’t there!!!
we @ TC definitly got more from our awesome militia.
and we thank for some few people contributing to bootcamp our pve side.
owh nooo. now i m leaking secrets too
well its true TC was top 3 server with full server before Anet open the server cap,
but now every1 is very high. just believe in that.
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast
Tensions so high…everyone say it with me now…ooosaaaa, ooossaaa
AVTR is by far the commanding influence during this timeslot. Their meta-game is smart, they can maximize ppt by splitting up and hitting multiple objectives, they have one major zergball running on one map and a decent zerg running in another. They also hop maps to reinforce each other really well.
Though I love the shoutout, AVTR has been and is a 50man guild. With at most in our prime days with 20 online at most.
20 people doesn’t equal a zerg ball + decent zerg on another…
Yeah I always have respected you guys as the one guild on FA who truly understands meta and PPT. I think this just shows that you guys were that much better at hopping maps and defending FABL and attacking TCBL during your timezone that made it look like two groups. Also whenever we see an FA group during oceanic consisting of multiple tags and if there are like 4-5 AVTR in that group we become paranoid, trying to scout out golems in the water etc.
So could I say that you guys have on 20ish man on one borderland and you send 4-5 mesmers to assist other oceanic guilds do golem rushing? Is that a more accurate assessment? Because to us it feels like AVTR is golem rushing two maps.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Food for thought about timezone overlap?
Exactly. Our NA-Pacific would purposely play longer shifts on certain days (Tuesdays) to overlap into your oceanic not allowing you guys to setup as efficiently to deal with WM. Similarly, you guys could have done more to redirect WM to TCBL during Oceanic and keep them there. Which means for 8 hours we are suffering PPT wise allowing FA to build a gap over us and leaving our European timeslot with a lot of ground to make up which we are unable to without at least some way-pointed keeps.
The fact that there is such a large gap between TC’s two dominant timezones (NA Pacific and European) meant that for if FA played a smart meta back then we would have no chance in hell to come anything other than third during those weeks.
I have to say…there have been days that some of us in WvW in TC have pulled 18 hour days in order to catch up, myself included, and I can say…when pple say coverage is all that crap.
I’m starting to see a pattern here.. I think the confusion is occurring when we get to the definition of coverage. Artificially or not, coverage is coverage. More boots on the field in your weak times. Whether they are players living in that timezone or people playing.. frankly unhealthy hours to fill the ranks artificially – it still creates coverage.
That’s why ultimately, I have to disagree to statements regarding FA’s “superior coverage” prior to the recent CD transfers. It’s simply incorrect and I think the problem lies with TC thinking it’s a bad “tactical” decision that FA doesn’t play an incredible amount of hours, skipping work/studying and sacrificing a ridiculous amount of time to fill coverage gaps.
I think its amazing you took a very partial quote of what I said..which is amazing…my point of all of that was that there is likely the same amount of people in all the bl’s for all server’s, or very close, and you may just not be seeing them. The other day I was in FABL trying to finish my map completion, and ran by the jumping puzzle and say 15 FA just chilling in there in tonic form…that gives you guys the same coverage, but not the same amount of people actually doing anything. We have the same stuff happen in TC and im sure KN has the same stuff with them. In the future, if you’re gonna quote someone, quote the whole thing, or not at all, not just the like 20 words that best suit you. The 18 hour + thing was my way of saying I’ve played during all time zones, so have others here, and we can see the coverage of all those time zones and see when people are outmanned or not.
Yeah I always have respected you guys as the one guild on FA who truly understands meta and PPT.
That’s because they learnt the meta on IoJ.
I’m starting to see a pattern here.. I think the confusion is occurring when we get to the definition of coverage. Artificially or not, coverage is coverage. More boots on the field in your weak times. Whether they are players living in that timezone or people playing.. frankly unhealthy hours to fill the ranks artificially – it still creates coverage.
That’s why ultimately, I have to disagree to statements regarding FA’s “superior coverage” prior to the recent CD transfers. It’s simply incorrect and I think the problem lies with TC thinking it’s a bad “tactical” decision that FA doesn’t play an incredible amount of hours, skipping work/studying and sacrificing a ridiculous amount of time to fill coverage gaps.
People putting in extra hours for the server is their own prerogative doesn’t automatically mean that they harming their RL to do it. This is another jumping to conclusion/judging aspect that I find annoying about FA. People in TC just feel like being more dedicated to the server on certain days and when they take a break other people step in and play ‘unhealthy’ hours to keep the train rolling.
I agree with you on the fact that there is a difference between actual coverage and artificial coverage my argument was always based on actual coverage. FA has competent oceanic guilds post IoJ merger whereas TC lacked in both Oceanic and SEA department compared to both FA and Kaineng. Our European timezone also didn’t have guild presence (outside of EB) so we requested some of our commanders to change up and try to command during European to make the most out of that timezone (if our SEA has been successful in forcing a 2v1 onto FA earlier) which they did.
To compete with FA and KA we had to play longer shifts and create artificial coverage which could in the long run have led to burnout, luckily thanks to AWE/ESF/NAGA and Estaily we don’t have to worry about that anymore.
Also you need to understand that you don’t need entire guilds playing unhealthy hours to play a smart overall meta you need a skeleton crew of smart individuals who are willing to do the boring tasks like sentrying/defense but also be very adept at reading enemy movements and communicating across the four maps. These individuals then transfer over these skill-sets to other willing TC-ers and then we create an army of experienced, smart meta players who understand four map macro, meta, ppt and achieving more with less.
The result of that was two weeks ago.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
yay.. T3 next week… i just hope that we have people to play against during SEA/Oceanic… our NA crew will get their fair play ground at last….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
yay.. T3 next week… i just hope that we have people to play against during SEA/Oceanic… our NA crew will get their fair play ground at last….
Yaks might have some…
I don’t remember Mags having any SEA/Oceanic to speak of but it’s not my normal timezone so could be wrong /shrug
yay.. T3 next week… i just hope that we have people to play against during SEA/Oceanic… our NA crew will get their fair play ground at last….
Yaks might have some…
I don’t remember Mags having any SEA/Oceanic to speak of but it’s not my normal timezone so could be wrong /shrug
If we make it to tier 3 you will have some good Oceanic competition with us =)
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
It’s comments like that that just add fuel to the fire…no single server or party is more guilty than the other in all the QQing and flaming the last few weeks, all are to blame.
Just because FA is not posting walls of text of strategy does not mean that we have none.
Fair enough.
Bad strategy counts as well.
Just because FA is not posting walls of text of strategy does not mean that we have none.
Fair enough.
Bad strategy counts as well.
According to your earlier post you seemed to support stopping these kinds of comments which only encouraged people to retaliate with more mean remarks. Ok.
(edited by Andy.9137)
I think the idea was that we are accused of pvdoor due to better coverage but in any case good work taking our stuff! Shows we still need some work
This is why us veterans of FA harbor so little respect for this incarnation of TC- you’re a server that used to have an admirable outlook- the ever humble TC militias! No large mega guilds fielding mega zergs just regular players banding together to get it done! Now you’ve become this over gorged self gratifying monstrosity. You don’t have anything figured out that FA or Kaineng (or any server above Tier 4) doesn’t know. You’re not out there crushing everything FA or Kaineng attempts due to some grand strategy. You have better coverage- that is not due to a lack of competence on FA or Kaineng’s part. Yet you’re here gloating as if you could provide tutelage to our WvW communities?
Sometime between this past December and now, TC sold it’s soul. Maybe Arena Net made them do it; but it’s done.
Yeah our superior coverage allowed us to repeatedly stay ahead of FA and even win T2 one week. It was clearly not our meta-strategy and ability to force 2v1 onto FA during our SEA timezone with vastly inferior numbers. Of course it wasn’t that.
. Its not that we had a better grasp of the mentality of guilds on Kaineng and BG because we have been facing them for that much longer therefore having more experience dealing with them. Of course it cant be that
The fact of the matter is that with the anomaly of one week FA has come behind TC even post its merger with IoJ guilds. You know when a competitive team/player fights against another competitive team/player in an e-sport and can’t seem to beat him/them. They go back to the drawing board and analyze their mistakes, where they are going wrong instead of just throwing their hands up in the air and saying ’bah its excuse X (coverage ) or excuse Y (serverzergballs)".
Really sit down and think about why you were unable to beat us even with a superior oceanic coverage and obviously superior skill (lawl). Think about how the five timezones work together, analyze the three servers their strengths, their weaknesses, their guild tendencies in their stronger timezone (WM was the most influential guild before TC got its transfers). Understand how you can make opposing servers play to your tunes through smart meta manipulation.
- “We should defend our garrison with our hearts out while sitting at 100PPT after we have lost all of our southern map to WM!!!” 5 Hours later – “Great defense guys we managed to save our way-pointed garrison through SEA timezone” : Result: Behind in points by 5-6k because of sitting in 100 PPT. Don’t worry we used to make the same mistake as well but we adapted. I am obviously not going to tell you how we adapted to WM’s stubbornness but we did; the only clue I am going to give you guys is that it required making extremely calculative decisions on sacrificing key objectives by watching the four map macro strategy (treating WvWvW as one giant map and not four individual ones).
Enough already. Just give it a rest.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
You shouldn’t have respect for servers, just players.
Every server has people whom your personal senses will direct you to dislike.
I have respect for some TC guilds, less for others, and the vast majority I’m indifferent to because I have no idea who they are. I have respect for most FA guilds, less for others, and some I’m indifferent to.
As far as TC goes I probably have the most respect for iNF because I do think PVE takes skill and pretty much everyone I know who made it to FOTM 80 before the redonkulus nerf is in iNF. I guest tc frequently for PVE because there are people in orr on your server, even though I find myself saying “FDAJKLASFJKLASD BLAST THE WATER FIELD DON’T COVER IT UP FSDALKJFSDAJLFSDJLKFSD” when we’re fighting Grenth.
Our improved defense you may have noticed is helped in large part by a recent transfer, Archer of Fatalis, whose placement of arrow carts and selfless donations single handedly keep us at +30-50 ppt higher than we otherwise would be.
I think we have been getting some transfers lately, but mostly individual players rather than guilds whole cloth. That makes our current challenge getting these players on the same page, since many of them have never actively participated in the metagame or been part of an organized field composition.
As a result, I currently have essentially zero concern for the necessity of crafting a counter strategy to TC. To reiterate, that is merely because improvement of cohesion will help more in the long run than attempting to craft some grand plan.
Look mother… FA learned to PvDoor.
Awwww… sooo cute. Our baby is all gownzup.
Hey MrSilver, your posts are becoming an endlessly negative chain. Go through your posting history and reread it.
Can you try to post things for the rest of the week that aren’t sarcastic or inflammatory?
Honest request man. Ill do the same, but we all need to cut this kind of stuff.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
So. Many. QQ posts. After taking about a month where I did nothing but the dailies for laurels and almost exclusively stayed out of the forums, I decided to actually start reading our matchup thread again.
I was originally Kaineng T8 in the dark days, rode the crazy ride to T2, and got a bit burnt out (hence the break). That ride to T2 showed me how crazy ugly the forums can get when everyone is mad at everyone. This matchup thread seems to have devolved into that.
FA – I heard the rumors when you guys came to T2, no respect, all trolls, blah blah blah. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that wasn’t the case at all. You guys were good on the battlefield, and the forum conversations, barring a few snarky comments from the type of folks that all servers have, were very worthwhile. I’m impressed with you guys – up until lately, anyway. It appears a bunch of you have stepped it up a notch with your comments on the thread.
TC – you know I love you guys. Even before I moved over to your server from KN, I gave you tribute in my sig. Now that I’m on your server and fighting alongside you, I’m honored to be here and part of how you do things. I chose to join your server because of the amazing community you have – and I don’t regret my choice to move at all. But man oh man, I’m disappointed with a bunch of you on the forums lately. Please take a minute or two and actually read your posts before you submit them. TC has a really good reputation. No need to spoil it over a poisonous matchup thread.
ON TOPIC – I’ll say it again. FA BL was awesome last night. FA brought the heat and flipped stuff left and right, spent the whole night running between points to reflip ’em. Woo!
Tarnished Coast
How does one grow a furious beard anyway? I’ve always wanted to know
I wish folks would just accept the fact that servers can have different cultures and thus different views and priorities and different views of success and winning.
Because of a largely opposing views of the game, it is entirely possible for both FA and TC to feel like they are winning at the same time and this thread is the fallout from them trying to prove their winning is more meaningful then the others and gain validation of their version of victory.
The only thing that actually matters to either side is, do you have fun playing the game the way you do? If so, who cares that someone else’s view of success is different then your own?
Furious, Mr.Silver has a special kind of hate for FA.
I’m not sure what this hatred is based on or why it exists. I started to approach him on the subject bit frankly he scares the hell out of me.
Regardless, there was many awesome fights last night all over FABL. Hills stood for the second day in a row, weathered a couple of massive attacks.
Bay did what Bay does.It flips and flops like a fish out of water, fun place to visit but nobody ever lives there.
Dawns tower was the site of some fantastic battles with the exception of the one damper in you FA guys using the treb in the invulnerable area.It was pretty cheesy and showed desperation but being the treb could be taken out, no harm done.
The FA garrison, to your credit was locked up tight with siege, we didn’t seem to want to take our time to destroy the siege before storming the garrison that resulted in many untimely deaths.
Many of us in TC will be kind of sad to see FA drop to T3, unfortunately even though some FA wishes to fight DB I’m thinking it will be like two ships passing in the night as you trade spots.
I hear that DB has really come on strong, can’t wait to face them.T2 may find a new equilibrium with TC/KN/DB when the time comes, we shall see.
Good luck everyone, see you on the field.
EDIT: After looking at the scores it appears things have changed.FA may hold on and KN may slide.One thing for sure, DB is going to rise, who wants it more, we shall see.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Whitebeard.5172)
Not too sure why people think FA will drop, it’s almost certain to be KN at this point. In fact, it’s already KN by almost 20 rating points, and with all this news about KN breaking up…I guess WM was the glue that held everything together, after all. Wonder where the remaining guilds will hop to.
Obviously Whitebeard wasn’t around for FA taking most of TC and KN borderlands this morning. Gained a good 5K lead over KN and set back both server’s upgraded keeps. Love us or hate us FA is here to stay.
How does one grow a furious beard anyway? I’ve always wanted to know
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
All I can say is God help us all.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
FA has been consistently judged by its forum warriors, a fact that I have often resented because I assumed a label (for being on FA) even though I so rarely agree with our trolls. Now TC has seen a marked increase in their own warriors, so are we to judge their server in a similar fashion?
I for one will not do so. And all I ask is that TC returns the favor. There is sooo much hate for FA because of the viewpoints of our narrow-minded folks that decide to post here, so maybe now TC can understand what it feels like and cut out the hatred and spite. I can guarantee the FA trolls won’t stop, that horse has been beaten enough (trust me i’ve tried). But that doesn’t mean that fire should be fought with fire, burning the thread in the process.
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)
(edited by nibbles.2408)
Numbers are always subjective and hard to confirm...
Best Captain Jack Sparrow impersonation - "Thief."
And that’s why I’m in a guild of me! Way subjective and way objective but the numbers in my case is a confirmed one. And I was easy. To confirm. Mostly thief.
I will say that TC’s WvW map chat seems very sparse and focused. I only saw one negative comment in 2 hours and only those involved knew what the context of that was. Even the furry guild recruitment thing seemed to get glossed over quickly.
Mostly it was use max info, min typing. Gods know I need lessons with that. And learning the names. Green lakey campy thing.
PS Empty out your guild bank if you’re a guild of one before you transfer. Many rares died for this information. Not that they weren’t going to die in the Mystic Forge eventually, but still...
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Well. FA put 6k on Kn over night.
I sure did enjoy making my home in TCBL garrison all night. Better get working on those upgrades to your BL. Every things paper.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Obviously Whitebeard wasn’t around for FA taking most of TC and KN borderlands this morning. Gained a good 5K lead over KN and set back both server’s upgraded keeps. Love us or hate us FA is here to stay.
This is true, I didn’t notice it but I did correct myself via an edit when I saw the current state of affairs.
As I said, FA or KN. Who wants it the most is the one who gets it. Good luck to both of you.
Tarnished Coast
Numbers are always subjective and hard to confirm…
Best Captain Jack Sparrow impersonation – “Thief.”
And that’s why I’m in a guild of me! Way subjective and way objective but the numbers in my case is a confirmed one. And I was easy. To confirm. Mostly thief.
I will say that TC’s WvW map chat seems very sparse and focused. I only saw one negative comment in 2 hours and only those involved knew what the context of that was. Even the furry guild recruitment thing seemed to get glossed over quickly.
Mostly it was use max info, min typing. Gods know I need lessons with that. And learning the names. Green lakey campy thing.
PS Empty out your guild bank if you’re a guild of one before you transfer. Many rares died for this information. Not that they weren’t going to die in the Mystic Forge eventually, but still…
Welcome to TC Wyld. Hopefully other than the rares going bye bye your enjoying a different atmosphere. Not to say one is better or worse than the other, just different.
Also, it was my honor to be there when you had your 1st kill as a TC.
Tarnished Coast
Many of us in TC will be kind of sad to see FA drop to T3
I’ll be REALLY sad if they go.
Kinda like in the 1st grade when my best friend who just couldn’t keep up with the rest of the class was held back a year. The worst thing about him being in a different class was that we could no longer play dodge ball together at recess. Yeah the games were a bit lopsided, and I regret breaking his glasses when I hit him in the face that one time, but we always had a BLAST. At least I did.
And Furious…
My answer is no.
@Dhampyr. Welcome back buddy! Good to see you again, even if you are TC now A lot of us still here on KN are not playing all that much these days. I think KN is looking forward to moving down for a bit actually. Unfortunately it looks like we may be flipping back and forth though. Perhaps if SoS move up, T3 will be fun. I liked those guys.
Regarding WM, I hear word there is more going on with them than is being said, WM however have not communicated any information formally and neither has KN. Perhaps it’s time those who know what’s really going on with WM step up and say something!
(edited by ghtchill.7613)
How does one grow a furious beard anyway? I’ve always wanted to know
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
All I can say is God help us all.
lol I heard it was a ritual revolving around loot bags? If so then I’m out of luck /sadface
FA has been consistently judged by its forum warriors...I can guarantee the FA trolls won’t stop...
Enough of it left an icky taste with me and combined with some pleasant interaction with some TC forum people and a lack of actual attachments to FA and I bounced over to see what things were like.
2 hours is a hilarious small sample size, but it was pleasant. Less salty, angsty, spazzy. All I saw in chat was numbers and movements and all clears. I saw people responding to the info. I saw people hanging out manning siege no where near the action.
I saw an odd guild recruitment message. I’m assuming it’s a guild for charr, what with the fur and all.
I joined FA because a few people I knew, 3 steps removed from the people I knew from WoW, said they played on it. And they then said they never really play once I started playing. My time with FA and two of the guilds there has convinced me that I should just do my thing alone for now.
The thing that made me finally move, after all my "just play" talk was the fact that a 30 man zerg can just roll up your home Borderland all the way to Spiritholme and NO ONE called it out. Maybe it was said in voice coms, maybe, but still no one was there.
I was hot, after upgrading the camp, since I’m cheap and all. I remember FA as being more functional a month ago.
I’m in that self justification mode now, but the grass seems greener on TC through my rose colored glasses that cost $20 in gems. Maybe WvW and people’s bandwagoning is how ANet knew they’d make bank instead of monthly subscriptions.
How does one grow a furious beard anyway?
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
I misread that minus a very important letter L the first time through... Gods help me.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Still a lot of time remaining. Its much too early to tell who will drop down a tier, so until Friday, have fun everybody. Please keep this thread open and troll free.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
FA has been consistently judged by its forum warriors…I can guarantee the FA trolls won’t stop…
Enough of it left an icky taste with me and combined with some pleasant interaction with some TC forum people and a lack of actual attachments to FA and I bounced over to see what things were like.
2 hours is a hilarious small sample size, but it was pleasant. Less salty, angsty, spazzy. All I saw in chat was numbers and movements and all clears. I saw people responding to the info. I saw people hanging out manning siege no where near the action.
I saw an odd guild recruitment message. I’m assuming it’s a guild for charr, what with the fur and all.
I joined FA because a few people I knew, 3 steps removed from the people I knew from WoW, said they played on it. And they then said they never really play once I started playing. My time with FA and two of the guilds there has convinced me that I should just do my thing alone for now.
The thing that made me finally move, after all my “just play” talk was the fact that a 30 man zerg can just roll up your home Borderland all the way to Spiritholme and NO ONE called it out. Maybe it was said in voice coms, maybe, but still no one was there.
I was hot, after upgrading the camp, since I’m cheap and all. I remember FA as being more functional a month ago.
I’m in that self justification mode now, but the grass seems greener on TC through my rose colored glasses that cost $20 in gems. Maybe WvW and people’s bandwagoning is how ANet knew they’d make bank instead of monthly subscriptions.
How does one grow a furious beard anyway?
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
I misread that minus a very important letter L the first time through… Gods help me.
I knew you were a roleplayer at heart. All the best Wyld
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
FA has been consistently judged by its forum warriors…I can guarantee the FA trolls won’t stop…
Enough of it left an icky taste with me and combined with some pleasant interaction with some TC forum people and a lack of actual attachments to FA and I bounced over to see what things were like.
2 hours is a hilarious small sample size, but it was pleasant. Less salty, angsty, spazzy. All I saw in chat was numbers and movements and all clears. I saw people responding to the info. I saw people hanging out manning siege no where near the action.
I saw an odd guild recruitment message. I’m assuming it’s a guild for charr, what with the fur and all.
I joined FA because a few people I knew, 3 steps removed from the people I knew from WoW, said they played on it. And they then said they never really play once I started playing. My time with FA and two of the guilds there has convinced me that I should just do my thing alone for now.
The thing that made me finally move, after all my “just play” talk was the fact that a 30 man zerg can just roll up your home Borderland all the way to Spiritholme and NO ONE called it out. Maybe it was said in voice coms, maybe, but still no one was there.
I was hot, after upgrading the camp, since I’m cheap and all. I remember FA as being more functional a month ago.
I’m in that self justification mode now, but the grass seems greener on TC through my rose colored glasses that cost $20 in gems. Maybe WvW and people’s bandwagoning is how ANet knew they’d make bank instead of monthly subscriptions.
How does one grow a furious beard anyway?
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
I misread that minus a very important letter L the first time through… Gods help me.
I knew you were a roleplayer at heart. All the best Wyld
Furious, Wyldkat seem’s to have stood out with some. I was running with him last night and a Diss commander noticed his guild tag and knew exactly who he was, welcomed him and such.
Pretty outstanding for a guild of one.
Tarnished Coast
Many of us in TC will be kind of sad to see FA drop to T3
I’ll be REALLY sad if they go.
Kinda like in the 1st grade when my best friend who just couldn’t keep up with the rest of the class was held back a year. The worst thing about him being in a different class was that we could no longer play dodge ball together at recess. Yeah the games were a bit lopsided, and I regret breaking his glasses when I hit him in the face that one time, but we always had a BLAST. At least I did.
And Furious…
My answer is no.
Well that’s too bad. Hopefully you can get the help you need.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Well that’s too bad. Hopefully you can get the help you need.
We already got the help that we need for our overnight coverage.
We’re all good.
2 hours is a hilarious small sample size, but it was pleasant. Less salty, angsty, spazzy. All I saw in chat was numbers and movements and all clears. I saw people responding to the info. I saw people hanging out manning siege no where near the action.
The thing that made me finally move, after all my “just play” talk was the fact that a 30 man zerg can just roll up your home Borderland all the way to Spiritholme and NO ONE called it out. Maybe it was said in voice coms, maybe, but still no one was there.
I was hot, after upgrading the camp, since I’m cheap and all. I remember FA as being more functional a month ago.
Gotta say, I’ve been on FA from the start and all I’ve seen is improvement. There has never been a point where I think “Gee, we were more efficient/functional/effective as a server 4/6/8 weeks ago”.
Also, I’m biased but I feel like it would be a struggle to grasp any sense of the FA community when you isolate yourself to your own guild, you don’t actively seek to create a havoc/roaming team etc – don’t really understand how something can be knocked until you actively involve yourself in it (being active on the FA forums, shoutbox, comms and scouting/liasing and cross map communicating with in-game team chat and whisper).
At least Shira and Mif did get themselves involved with the community to some degree, they just completely clashed with everyone else and everyone is entitled to their opinions in that regard. With that said, enjoy yourself on TC and farewell!
Time to head off to sleep for me. GL HF all
(edited by Maniac.5163)
…And Furious, just so you know.
I role-play a wise apple.
Case you were curious. (See what I did there?)
I was running with him last night and a Diss commander noticed his guild tag and knew exactly who he was, welcomed him and such.
Pretty outstanding for a guild of one.
"Aren’t you FA?"
I was surprised too. I must have been doing a good job with harassing the dolyaks. In the militarily approved of fashion.
Also, I’m biased but I feel like it would be a struggle to grasp any sense of the FA community when you isolate yourself to your own guild...
I did get involved with a WvW guild for several weeks. It was an interesting experience, never dull for sure.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
…And Furious, just so you know.
I role-play a wise apple.
Case you were curious. (See what I did there?)
I fear you may have become too good at it. Being a wise “apple” that is.
But i guess if you’re going to create a persona, this is a good forum (pardon the irony) for it.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB