4.26 EBay/AR/BP

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: WitM.2308


At what point will people realize that when they fail at a task most of the time it’s not because someone cheated, but that they themselves failed.

Sweeping well is difficult and requires a fair amount of dedication. And whether or not you find it fun is beside the point, because I really don’t care whether or not you find it fun, it’s not a relevant criteria for my actions —- I am after all not your free xp/loot/wxp, you need to work for it. Thus you can have your fun doing whatever you like doing, and we’ll have a blast recapping the keep, because, surprise, that’s fun for us.

Also, you might want to consider the amount of work and time that went into working on hiding spots, hiding strategies and hiding tactics. I’ll give BP credit, they figured out how much work went into it, and decided to counter that work with cash incentives and work of their own.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


Sweeping also can require thinking outside of the box. Most of the people running in the Zerg will circle around the same path as everyone else. Probably not even looking for a place to hide just following the Commanders pin.

And if that’s true that’s where the real problem lies.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Sweeping also can require thinking outside of the box. Most of the people running in the Zerg will circle around the same path as everyone else. Probably not even looking for a place to hide just following the Commanders pin.

And if that’s true that’s where the real problem lies.

That’s exactly it. Did the person sweeping look up at the vista (since few people actually look there)? Did they look at those tiny platforms that it looks like only a fool would use?

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


Sweeping also can require thinking outside of the box. Most of the people running in the Zerg will circle around the same path as everyone else. Probably not even looking for a place to hide just following the Commanders pin.

And if that’s true that’s where the real problem lies.

That’s exactly it. Did the person sweeping look up at the vista (since few people actually look there)? Did they look at those tiny platforms that it looks like only a fool would use?

There are some very creative places with ledges that players can hide. I’ve seen a handful of [BURN] people try this on the (InsertColor)Lake Tower in the Borderlands. Trying to hide on the roadside ledge, but that doesn’t work too well since the name panels show through the wall. There are tons of Hiding places all over keeps that you can drop down a half a level and get stuck on a rock sliding out that it off the normal path. Its not hax, or exploiting its just a creative use of the terrain and players not use to looking for it yet.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Redgrass.3067


Got some mileage out of one golem today cleansing our sector in EB. Thanks to ALS havoc squad! To lose Overlook or defend Valley? Kalkz that is the question!

Cmdr. Sinema Kane-80 Necro
Lil Bully-80 Thief

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

And, importantly, did you stand and look for more than 10 seconds? Keep in mind, if you just missed a thief with 15+ points in Shadow Arts using Shadow Refuge, they’ll have ~12 seconds of stealth stacked where there will be no visible or audible indications of their presence (aside from triggering hostile traps, auto-attack animations, possibly pulsing blinds if they have Cloaked in Shadow traited, etc.). If they also have blinding powder, tack another 4 seconds onto that. For their mesmer friend, this will total to about 12 seconds.

This means, at any given time, if you just breeze through an area and spend no more than 5 seconds there, there will be NO way of knowing they are there. Hence, you need to spend 15+ seconds in any given area.

All of that being said, unless you have many thieves working in tandem, there is guaranteed to be some indicator of their presence (both visible and audible) when they must next use a skill to maintain their stealth stacks. Ironically enough, I just made a video yesterday featuring Xeviel [GF] showing a good portion of the most important of these indicators:

I continue to find to this day that thieves, along with their stealth mechanics, remain very poorly understood by the general GW2 populace, which is what often gives the impression that they are so OP and/or exploiting. Counter to this, I’d argue that if you know what to look/listen for (see video, above, for a start) and stay actively aware of your surroundings (constantly scanning and utilizing both sight AND sound), sweeping (and trying to stay hidden) can become a tremendously engaging and fun game of cat and mouse. I know I enjoy it, anyway, and have stolen my fair share of a tower or two in some epic “Cloak and Dagger” affairs.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nickolai.1876


As a recent server hopper, I was playing the night of this mysterious backdoor cap. I whispered a certain individual taking part in the festivities and the first thing i questioned was its legality. I had just switched servers to join group of guys I really enjoy playing with and this was about to come to a halt if i found out they were exploiting. As an ex Anvil Rock WvW’r I can tell you that without a doubt what these gentlemen are doing is legal and crafty. How they came up with the time/strategy to accomplish this, thats the real problem

|GH| Grindhouse Gaming

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


@LAD Infinitum

Slteath might be misunderstood, but it still the worse design of Stealth I played in a MMORPG.

And to say Anet said they didn’t want thief to have perma invis. Yet they gave them the ability to spam it, can’t be seen, and has no counter other then channeling abilities.

And I don’t mean Thief are OP, they aren’t. It’s just a mecanism I really dislike.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

It would be nice to have an ability to reveal stealthed enemies or inflict the revealed debuff, it’s something I’ve wished was in the game since launch. Nothing silly or widespread, like if shadow refuge revealed stealthed enemies or null field ended stealth.

I know how to spot a thief perma stealthing, it just would be nice to have the tools to do something about it before they vanish off into some other part of the keep to start the whole process over again.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

(edited by Tetra Bug.7134)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


Shadow Refuge is easily countered with a Fear. The problem is not everyone knows that or is willing to slot a fear over other utility skills.

I wouldn’t call the stealth the worse designed, the fact its not perma stealth is a step up. I just wish any type of ability short of a heal should break stealth. Can’t you use Short-bow and use Infiltrators Arrow escape while in stealth?

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


If stealth was something akin to a boon it would probably solve a lot of people’s issues with it… having the ability to rip it off with null fields etc. Having said that though, making it a boon along with all of the boon buffing gear and traits would give thieves even more access to stealth time.

I personally have no problem with how long a thief can hide and how many ways they have to hide – especially since culling removal makes them appear in a more timely manner. I just don’t see the sense in making it so that it can’t be stripped off. That’s the part of stealth that I find “OP” for lack of a better term. If I know you are there, doing some damage isn’t enough, I should be able to reveal you I think… But that’s just me.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

Shadow Refuge is easily countered with a Fear. The problem is not everyone knows that or is willing to slot a fear over other utility skills.

I wouldn’t call the stealth the worse designed, the fact its not perma stealth is a step up. I just wish any type of ability short of a heal should break stealth. Can’t you use Short-bow and use Infiltrators Arrow escape while in stealth?

You can, but this is something you probably won’t see used much. Infiltrator’s Arrow costs a whopping 6 initiative (half of an un-traited thief’s initiative pool) for a marginal amount of movement. It is far wiser in just about every situation to conserve that initiative for use on skills that maintain stealth up-time.

That, and IA will cause blind on any foes near the destination, giving away location.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Got some mileage out of one golem today cleansing our sector in EB. Thanks to ALS havoc squad! To lose Overlook or defend Valley? Kalkz that is the question!

I dont understand what do you mean, but if you’re talking about losing valley i went off for 10 mins then i came back to see it blue

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


because I really don’t care whether or not you find it fun, it’s not a relevant criteria for my actions —- I am after all not your free xp/loot/wxp, you need to work for it.

So they need to “work” for xp/loot/wxp, but you don’t. Hiding in a keep and fighting guards after everyone leaves isn’t hard work. Don’t kid yourself.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Shadow Refuge is easily countered with a Fear. The problem is not everyone knows that or is willing to slot a fear over other utility skills.

I wouldn’t call the stealth the worse designed, the fact its not perma stealth is a step up. I just wish any type of ability short of a heal should break stealth. Can’t you use Short-bow and use Infiltrators Arrow escape while in stealth?

You can, but this is something you probably won’t see used much. Infiltrator’s Arrow costs a whopping 6 initiative (half of an un-traited thief’s initiative pool) for a marginal amount of movement. It is far wiser in just about every situation to conserve that initiative for use on skills that maintain stealth up-time.

That, and IA will cause blind on any foes near the destination, giving away location.

Inf arrow removes you from stealth

ShadowStep initial tele removes you from stealth

Setting up returns on your SS’s to use after stealthing is a tactic thieves been using since the game came out.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: WitM.2308


because I really don’t care whether or not you find it fun, it’s not a relevant criteria for my actions —- I am after all not your free xp/loot/wxp, you need to work for it.

So they need to “work” for xp/loot/wxp, but you don’t. Hiding in a keep and fighting guards after everyone leaves isn’t hard work. Don’t kid yourself.

a) You deliberately misunderstand me or simply fail to understand. I’ll generously assume the former. I’m not going to make things easy for you, what you do for me is your business. Which brings me to the obvious: Part of the game is usually making it hard for the other team to acquire xp/loot/wxp/ppt. If you don’t want to play the denial part of the game, that’s fine, but the only thing that happens in that you make it easy for the opposition. It doesn’t have to be.

b) You don’t think hiding is hard, which just means that you haven’t tried hiding against a good active search or spent hours practicing to get good at it. Clearly it’s easy against you, because you aren’t good at playing that part of the game. It would also seem that like so many others you assume that whatever parts of the game you don’t enjoy or find annoying are easy and take no work and skill to achieve. You are of course wrong, a point which BP already has understood and has resulted in them trying to work on this aspect of their game. Just like EB as a server, and guilds on EB have decided to work on aspects of their game that are weak.

To give an example: I occasionally play a thief and mesmer, but I’m bad at hiding, I haven’t spent hours sussing out the best spots and the best movement patterns in the various towers and keeps. I am however above average at siege usage, but I’ve also spent hours practicing siege technique to the point where I can throw down trebs and catas in the correct orientation and often hit my target on the first shot. The only reason I can do that is that I studied under our good siege commanders, watched videos, and have spent hours trebbing and cataing targets. Work. I put in the hours.

The [Hax] team paid their dues, the fact that you missed a spot is because they are good at what they do and that you haven’t put in the work to beat them. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, but then you will have to live with losing things you just captured because you didn’t put in the effort necessary to keep it.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Great job holding Pangloss. After we saw all the AR inside the tunnel, we had no idea what to do. So we sent some folks to go flip the Borderlands again. It looks so nice and not blue now.


(edited by Aeros.2046)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorson.9218


Once Anet fixes the issue of corpses being allowed to stay around (and they’ve already said they’re going to fix this), most of this “back capping” kitten will be history.

Come to us, you foes, and bring your flock.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Once Anet fixes the issue of corpses being allowed to stay around (and they’ve already said they’re going to fix this), all this “back capping” kitten will be history.

Just curious, lets say they implement that. What will your excuse be after your keep is ninjad behind your back again?

D/D, Staff Elementalist

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


hacks, obviously.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

The AR people complaining about leaving a mesmer in a keep need to stop. It’s part of the game, and what you should take away from that experience is we need to do better when we sweep keeps. The accusations of cheating and the talking down about hiding in keeps just reeks of kitten. Get over it and adapt people.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


Why is this this Corpse Spying such a big issue? We’ve seen it happen to us and we throw a few Siege on the corpse and he leaves because it obstructs the view.

You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


3hrs+/- of Occupy Pangloss was glorious but now over


The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

Shadow Refuge is easily countered with a Fear. The problem is not everyone knows that or is willing to slot a fear over other utility skills.

I wouldn’t call the stealth the worse designed, the fact its not perma stealth is a step up. I just wish any type of ability short of a heal should break stealth. Can’t you use Short-bow and use Infiltrators Arrow escape while in stealth?

You can, but this is something you probably won’t see used much. Infiltrator’s Arrow costs a whopping 6 initiative (half of an un-traited thief’s initiative pool) for a marginal amount of movement. It is far wiser in just about every situation to conserve that initiative for use on skills that maintain stealth up-time.

That, and IA will cause blind on any foes near the destination, giving away location.

Inf arrow removes you from stealth

ShadowStep initial tele removes you from stealth

Setting up returns on your SS’s to use after stealthing is a tactic thieves been using since the game came out.

While I am not sure about IA (I don’t use it due to said initiative cost), last I checked the exit from stealth for Shadowstep was only a client side rendering bug. If you watch your boon bar, you’ll still have stealth and enemies won’t be able to see you, even though on your screen you appear de-stealthed. At least that’s how it used to be…

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: testpig.5018


3hrs+/- of Occupy Pangloss was glorious but now over

I hope those 5point ticks were worth the 100 points you lost in your homeland.
nom nom.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorson.9218


You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Scenario: Mesmer dies (sad face), and hangs around inside a keep. A perma-stealth thief does his perma-stealth thing, also inside the keep (which is now in the hands of the other team). Some time later (10 minutes? 20 minutes?) perma-stealth thief rez’s dead mezmer, who then portals a kitten-load of his team inside your keep.

This dynamic happens all too frequently, and as admitted by Anet, is not a dynamic that is “working as intended”. Therefore, they are going to address the corpse issue, hopefully with a very short timer then depop (in WvW…..who knows what, if anything, they’ll do w/ PvE). Problem solved, and no Quagans died in the process. Bonus!

Now, if a team fails to sweep for a sneaky mesmer who has found a legit hidey spot, shame shame on the sweepers. Enjoy (or not) your back cap.

Come to us, you foes, and bring your flock.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!

(edited by Thorson.9218)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


3hrs+/- of Occupy Pangloss was glorious but now over

I hope those 5point ticks were worth the 100 points you lost in your homeland.
nom nom.

Considering all the laughs me and folks got out of it i think so. Let alone all the pugs/randoms in map chat that scream and complain but rarely bother to do anything themselves about it… their tears are so sweet

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Scenario: Mesmer dies (sad face), and hangs around inside a keep. A perma-stealth thief does his perma-stealth thing, also inside the keep (which is now in the hands of the other team). Some time later (10 minutes? 20 minutes?) perma-stealth thief rez’s dead mezmer, who then portals a kitten-load of his team inside your keep. This dynamic happens all-too frequently, and as admitted by Anet, is not a dynamic that is “working as intended”. Therefore, they are going to address the corpse issue, hopefully with a very short timer then depop (in WvW…..who knows what, if anything, they’ll do w/ PvE). Problem solved, and no Quagans died in the process. Bonus!

Now, if a team fails to sweep for a sneaky mesmer who has found a legit hidey spot, shame shame on the sweepers. Enjoy (or not) your back cap.

Solution: Everyone on the Map doesn’t need to be within the same screen as each other. Break up the Zerg have some players scout and play defensively. At that point you have eyes on the Mesmer Corpse, if the player see the thief he yells out.

If you leave kitten undefended you should expect for it to be taken.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorson.9218


You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Scenario: Mesmer dies (sad face), and hangs around inside a keep. A perma-stealth thief does his perma-stealth thing, also inside the keep (which is now in the hands of the other team). Some time later (10 minutes? 20 minutes?) perma-stealth thief rez’s dead mezmer, who then portals a kitten-load of his team inside your keep. This dynamic happens all-too frequently, and as admitted by Anet, is not a dynamic that is “working as intended”. Therefore, they are going to address the corpse issue, hopefully with a very short timer then depop (in WvW…..who knows what, if anything, they’ll do w/ PvE). Problem solved, and no Quagans died in the process. Bonus!

Now, if a team fails to sweep for a sneaky mesmer who has found a legit hidey spot, shame shame on the sweepers. Enjoy (or not) your back cap.

Solution: Everyone on the Map doesn’t need to be within the same screen as each other. Break up the Zerg have some players scout and play defensively. At that point you have eyes on the Mesmer Corpse, if the player see the thief he yells out.

If you leave kitten undefended you should expect for it to be taken.

So, your solution is to force people to baby-sit a dead guy.

I’d rather actually play the game than be forced to watch a non-decaying corpse. Fortunately Anet agrees with that and will be fixing it.

Now go play and have fun. Mind the pointy sticks…..

Come to us, you foes, and bring your flock.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Thorson, there are various ways to fix this. Keep a Necromancer and/or a Ranger who is okay with watching the fallen mesmer on them. Have them throw numerous traps and marks on them. Congratulations, any thief who tries will be killed so hard.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


So if a keep is taken and there is fighting go on inside still and some one goes down, you can’t revive? That sounds broken.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nak.8315


You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Scenario: Mesmer dies (sad face), and hangs around inside a keep. A perma-stealth thief does his perma-stealth thing, also inside the keep (which is now in the hands of the other team). Some time later (10 minutes? 20 minutes?) perma-stealth thief rez’s dead mezmer, who then portals a kitten-load of his team inside your keep. This dynamic happens all-too frequently, and as admitted by Anet, is not a dynamic that is “working as intended”. Therefore, they are going to address the corpse issue, hopefully with a very short timer then depop (in WvW…..who knows what, if anything, they’ll do w/ PvE). Problem solved, and no Quagans died in the process. Bonus!

Now, if a team fails to sweep for a sneaky mesmer who has found a legit hidey spot, shame shame on the sweepers. Enjoy (or not) your back cap.

Solution: Everyone on the Map doesn’t need to be within the same screen as each other. Break up the Zerg have some players scout and play defensively. At that point you have eyes on the Mesmer Corpse, if the player see the thief he yells out.

If you leave kitten undefended you should expect for it to be taken.

So, your solution is to force people to baby-sit a dead guy. I’d rather actually play the game than be forced to watch a non-decaying corpse. Fortunately Anet agrees with that and will be fixing it.

Now go play and have fun. Mind the pointy sticks…..

I wouldn’t consider it baby sitting as much as playing Guard duty, its an aspect of the game that many people don’t embrace. And hopefully AN will do something to make it worthwhile to Guard things.

Don’t tell me what to do.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorson.9218


Thorson, there are various ways to fix this. Keep a Necromancer and/or a Ranger who is okay with watching the fallen mesmer on them. Have them throw numerous traps and marks on them. Congratulations, any thief who tries will be killed so hard.

Completely understand and agree there are ways to deal with this as it is today. Right, wrong, or indifferent, however, it forces someone to baby-sit a dead guy, which isn’t what Anet had in mind for this particular scenario, so they’re addressing it.

Will keeps still get back capped? Heck yeah, and they should be if peeps don’t do their job and sweep for LIVING players. A perma-stealth thief can stay hidden all night long if that’s their thing, ‘cause if there isn’t a LIVING mez around, he’s just wasting HIS playing time, not others.

Come to us, you foes, and bring your flock.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorson.9218


You guys make it sound like its a huge thing that goes on that drastically affects your ability to play. Get over it. Back capping will still exist because there are some players that prefer to play that way, Just like how a lot of you like to Zerg it up, and I like to play in Smaller groups. Deal with it.

Scenario: Mesmer dies (sad face), and hangs around inside a keep. A perma-stealth thief does his perma-stealth thing, also inside the keep (which is now in the hands of the other team). Some time later (10 minutes? 20 minutes?) perma-stealth thief rez’s dead mezmer, who then portals a kitten-load of his team inside your keep. This dynamic happens all-too frequently, and as admitted by Anet, is not a dynamic that is “working as intended”. Therefore, they are going to address the corpse issue, hopefully with a very short timer then depop (in WvW…..who knows what, if anything, they’ll do w/ PvE). Problem solved, and no Quagans died in the process. Bonus!

Now, if a team fails to sweep for a sneaky mesmer who has found a legit hidey spot, shame shame on the sweepers. Enjoy (or not) your back cap.

Solution: Everyone on the Map doesn’t need to be within the same screen as each other. Break up the Zerg have some players scout and play defensively. At that point you have eyes on the Mesmer Corpse, if the player see the thief he yells out.

If you leave kitten undefended you should expect for it to be taken.

So, your solution is to force people to baby-sit a dead guy. I’d rather actually play the game than be forced to watch a non-decaying corpse. Fortunately Anet agrees with that and will be fixing it.

Now go play and have fun. Mind the pointy sticks…..

Don’t tell me what to do.


Come to us, you foes, and bring your flock.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


3hrs+/- of Occupy Pangloss was glorious but now over

I hope those 5point ticks were worth the 100 points you lost in your homeland.
nom nom.

Considering all the laughs me and folks got out of it i think so. Let alone all the pugs/randoms in map chat that scream and complain but rarely bother to do anything themselves about it… their tears are so sweet

Actually, we found it pretty funny too. There were the few folks who did not listen, but we were quite happy to have you guys in there all afternoon. Made the work of destroying your stuff easier. After we realized what strength you had was devoted to holding Pangloss, we told all the pugs to just keep you entertained while we flipped your borderlands.


4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


So people just want to retake their keeps with no repercussions because they want to be lazy. If I know there’s a mesmer/thief in a keep I will stay in there for kittening hours until they are dead. Regardless if you want to say its “waste of time” or “unintended”, work for it or you don’t deserve it. This is aimed at all the QQers in this thread.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



I personally prefer to have fun.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

So people just want to retake their keeps with no repercussions because they want to be lazy. If I know there’s a mesmer/thief in a keep I will stay in there for kittening hours until they are dead. Regardless if you want to say its “waste of time” or “unintended”, work for it or you don’t deserve it. This is aimed at all the QQers in this thread.


Wait a waste of time. Why camp a keep when you can use that time to complain on the forums about why you shouldn’t camp it?

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658



I personally prefer to have fun.

Then don’t complain? If you intend to have fun, then it wouldn’t matter to you. For those that care, then yes they will have to camp and make sure it is secure. For those that want both just want the easy way out. Deal with it.gif

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


This is so funny. I can’t help but laugh at the carebear attitudes here. You guys complain about Kalkz bragging about PvDoor, yet you’re bragging about fighting Guards, while taking the easy road that requires very little fighting.

And to think, you guys always say you want open world fighting, yet you’re pulling stunts like this? hah!!!!!!!!!!

What has the PvP community come to over the years? <sadface>

I so miss the old days of PvP. This new player base is just not the quality of player you would expect after 20 years of PvP history for online gaming. It seems they’re more interested in trolling, which is so 1995.

This has to be the product of World of Warcraft.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

This is so funny. I can’t help but laugh at the carebear attitudes here. You guys complain about Kalkz bragging about PvDoor, yet you’re bragging about fighting Guards, while taking the easy road that requires very little fighting.

And to think, you guys always say you want open world fighting, yet you’re pulling stunts like this? hah!!!!!!!!!!

What has the PvP community come to over the years? <sadface>

I so miss the old days of PvP. This new player base is just not the quality of player you would expect after 20 years of PvP history for online gaming. It seems they’re more interested in trolling, which is so 1995.

This has to be the product of World of Warcraft.

It’s from the same team that originally helped develop WoW (fun fact of the day)

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


This is so funny. I can’t help but laugh at the carebear attitudes here. You guys complain about Kalkz bragging about PvDoor, yet you’re bragging about fighting Guards, while taking the easy road that requires very little fighting.

And to think, you guys always say you want open world fighting, yet you’re pulling stunts like this? hah!!!!!!!!!!

What has the PvP community come to over the years? <sadface>

I so miss the old days of PvP. This new player base is just not the quality of player you would expect after 20 years of PvP history for online gaming. It seems they’re more interested in trolling, which is so 1995.

This has to be the product of World of Warcraft.

Just mad because you cant pvguard like us. I can teach you though, 5g for lessons~

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


You Anvil type are really grabbing at straws aren’t ya. We are bragging at the fact that your 30-40 man zerg failed to spot our hidden memser….4 times. So we were able to take a keep behind that 30-40 mans back…4 times.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: AeriaElara.4297


WvW is hardly PvP.

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


This is so funny. I can’t help but laugh at the carebear attitudes here. You guys complain about Kalkz bragging about PvDoor, yet you’re bragging about fighting Guards, while taking the easy road that requires very little fighting.

And to think, you guys always say you want open world fighting, yet you’re pulling stunts like this? hah!!!!!!!!!!

What has the PvP community come to over the years? <sadface>

I so miss the old days of PvP. This new player base is just not the quality of player you would expect after 20 years of PvP history for online gaming. It seems they’re more interested in trolling, which is so 1995.

This has to be the product of World of Warcraft.

Just mad because you cant pvguard like us. I can teach you though, 5g for lessons~

How many times do I have to sweep you under the rug, before you quit trying to goad me? <smiles>

I’ve been there, done that, it was humorous at best, but not remotely fun. I have never, nor will I ever support, or do anything that does not involve fighting other players. Hell, I PAY my children to harvest for me in most games, or pay for them to craft for me, if I need something like that. If I come up to a keep/tower and there are no defenders, I leave looking for fights.

If the carebear route is more to your liking, that is YOUR business. But like I tell my children; “If you do not like the attention you get from the actions you take, do not do it”. It’s really simple.

I love how you use the old; “umad” response, when you have nothing to contribute to your argument. I expect such a silly response from a grade schooler, who hasn’t had the opportunity to learn yet, and utilize a better structure of arguments. <winks>

I love insults as much as the next guy, but at least put some effort into it, so it is fun, rather than boring.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


WvW is hardly PvP.

How do you figure? Open world, and realm vs realm was around long before the carebear that is structured PvP, that has to be nerfed down to a state that the majority of the populace can compete.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


This is so funny. I can’t help but laugh at the carebear attitudes here. You guys complain about Kalkz bragging about PvDoor, yet you’re bragging about fighting Guards, while taking the easy road that requires very little fighting.

And to think, you guys always say you want open world fighting, yet you’re pulling stunts like this? hah!!!!!!!!!!

What has the PvP community come to over the years? <sadface>

I so miss the old days of PvP. This new player base is just not the quality of player you would expect after 20 years of PvP history for online gaming. It seems they’re more interested in trolling, which is so 1995.

This has to be the product of World of Warcraft.

Just mad because you cant pvguard like us. I can teach you though, 5g for lessons~

No one can match my Pvdoor skills. 20g for lessons

p.s whats going on AR ???

Ebay focused you for ONE DAY, and this happens ?

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


3hrs+/- of Occupy Pangloss was glorious but now over

I hope those 5point ticks were worth the 100 points you lost in your homeland.
nom nom.

Considering all the laughs me and folks got out of it i think so. Let alone all the pugs/randoms in map chat that scream and complain but rarely bother to do anything themselves about it… their tears are so sweet

Actually, we found it pretty funny too. There were the few folks who did not listen, but we were quite happy to have you guys in there all afternoon. Made the work of destroying your stuff easier. After we realized what strength you had was devoted to holding Pangloss, we told all the pugs to just keep you entertained while we flipped your borderlands.

Heh was wondering why it died down there, thought it was because of the counter by Ebay on SM.

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


I was in on a few of them keep flips.

Problem is that when ebay does this its while yall have zergs on. BP caps when no one is on.

Either way I could care less cept the 300 wxp is pretty nice

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pestilence.3184


Got some mileage out of one golem today cleansing our sector in EB. Thanks to ALS havoc squad! To lose Overlook or defend Valley? Kalkz that is the question!

o.O wasnt sure i was reading this right….. ARE you ACTUALLY BLAMING a guild on your own server for loosing stuff??? i mean ALS is 1 of your biggest and most prodominent WVW guilds….. with some very good players….. i mean look where 2G has got you guys too…. that guy was everywhere attacking, defending from 1 map to the next rallying pugs on the way…. He was always a thorn in my side at times in Tier6 when i would attack AR…..