4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF
You know what I loved the most about the fight at SM last night? The four DC’s. Just kidding.
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Ain’t nobody got time for yo trollin’
Here is a score update for those that can’t play right now.
It’s been fun SF but I thought it was time to give IOJ some love.
I hope you guys are enjoying the matchup as much as me and my guild [PD] is!!
WAH WAH SF was hitting us in EB and DH hitting us in our BL oh my god they were ganging up on us kitten PvDoorers and night cappers.
I’m sure us at IoJ have been missing your love DH, we’re getting mighty jealous of this sorrows furnace thing, she totally has fake kitten
Wow we’re only 17k behind you SF! Didnt know we’d keep up this well, great job IoJ. Cant wait for the next reset, im sure itll be much different now that we know the servers!
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.
Scared? I’m sorry what exactly makes you think that. I don’t care enough to make a signature on here. Still haven’t proven me wrong though.
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.
Scared? I’m sorry what exactly makes you think that. I don’t care enough to make a signature on here. Still haven’t proven me wrong though.
I’m also not in Gore but you wouldn’t know that seeing as you are obviously an illiterate troll.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Lol idk what you are laughing at DH considering you got downed in this fight that was 6v20 something. Anyways was a fun fight thanks for the DH that didn’t need to spam laugh emotes even though it kinda made me happy knowing we made him mad
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Lol idk what you are laughing at DH considering you got downed in this fight that was 6v20 something. Anyways was a fun fight thanks for the DH that didn’t need to spam laugh emotes even though it kinda made me happy knowing we made him mad
I saw much of the same when we were severely outmanned at Bravost tonight. :shrug: Whatevs. It’s a challenge I’m still having fun.
Henge of Denravi
Lol idk what you are laughing at DH considering you got downed in this fight that was 6v20 something. Anyways was a fun fight thanks for the DH that didn’t need to spam laugh emotes even though it kinda made me happy knowing we made him mad
I believe one person on DH is responsible for 90% of the laughing emotes.
But what can you do….
It was one person Bleach, I saw it a couple times. >.<
Lol oh my kitten. I read page 4 and was like “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Glad to see a return to civility xD
Not only am I happy with the state of WvW as far as match up, this sort of match up thread is incredibly refreshing. Massive amounts of respect to both DH and IoJ, you guys are top tier opponents as far as I’m concerned, respectful, respectable, courteous, polite, skilled, etc, etc. I’m so glad that we’ve landed in a tier with people like you.
With that said… We’ve landed. Night time coverage (to be specific 1AM to 2AM – 9AM to 10AM server time [that’s PST for those not in the know]) has been our time of near crippling vulnerability since T8. We don’t have a wide diversity of timezones on this server, this has been known for a long time and was also the foremost concern we had with raising through the tiers. We knew that, in the end, coverage would be what caused our climb to stall. T6 provided that in spades.
That’s not to take anything from DH & IoJ. Even in prime time hours lately the numbers haven’t been ridiculously skewed one way or another. If I were to say anything to it it’d be: school, fairweathers jumping ship, casuals feeling too much pressure, and hardcore WvWer’s feeling burnt out from our tooth and nail climb from T8. Ignoring all this, we can post some intimidating as kitten numbers during prime time. That coverage gap though…. Not much we can do about it.
In that sense SF is forced to maximize it’s gains when the numbers can support it via working the tick, etc. What do I think of that? About kittening time. I’m glad we’ve FINALLY gotten our wake up call. No more fairweather, no more 24/7 mesmer on JP, no more carebear kitten. We have to organize.
Does it suck logging in after work and seeing the score? kitten yes. Has it been a while since that happened? kitten yes. Been a while, if ever, since I’ve said green looks disgusting on our BL. Does it make me angry? A little bit But in the end it makes me happy. This has to force our server as a whole to grow, otherwise why the kitten do we commit so much of our lives to this?
I’m happy to be in a tier with such respectable competition. I look forward to ALL of our mutuals growths, I hope that SF has for both DH and IoJ at least changed perspective on the WvW match-up. For us (SF), WvW has been very stale. If any of you can relate to that, then I’m glad we found our place here.
I look forward to many good fights in the future, and I hope we can continue to respect the challenge and pressure we apply on each other. Mad respect DH & IoJ. This has absolutely been one of my best WvW experiences. I hope we (SF) as a server have provided you the same enjoyment.
Much <3 and astonishment to such a respectful match up thread. Plz keep it this way.
Frosura master race
(edited by Zen.1965)
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.
Scared? I’m sorry what exactly makes you think that. I don’t care enough to make a signature on here. Still haven’t proven me wrong though.
I’m also not in Gore but you wouldn’t know that seeing as you are obviously an illiterate troll.
Implying you have to be in Gore to have the ability to prove a statement i made wrong.
Lol idk what you are laughing at DH considering you got downed in this fight that was 6v20 something. Anyways was a fun fight thanks for the DH that didn’t need to spam laugh emotes even though it kinda made me happy knowing we made him mad
I believe one person on DH is responsible for 90% of the laughing emotes.
But what can you do….
All day
There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”… For one, I think that kind of defeatist talking needs to stop. And 2, BOO HOO! We stomped kids in T8 for like 4 months straight, we rolled through T7 with 3 straight wins, and now we’re actually not rolling over ppl effortlessly and our ppl start to whine? It’s WEEK ONE of this matchup… calm down! We’re not used to a challenge so we need to adapt.
Personally, this has been one of the most fun weeks of WvW that I’ve played in a while, simply because of the challenge. I don’t get too involved with the politics of our server’s big guilds, but as I understand it some of those big guilds had some sort of disagreement or something, resulting in one of our best guilds effectively “sitting out” this week. I’m not sure whether or not that has anything do with our losing this week, but regardless I think our server needs to get past all the whining and drama and get back to being the focused, united team that we were the last few months in our rise from the depths of mediocrity.
Whatever the outcome is this week, I’m glad we’re in this tier now and I think we’ve found a good challenge. Whether or not we can rise to that challenge lies with us as a united server, so we’ll see what happens in the days and weeks to come…
Good luck to the other 2 servers, and long live Sorrow’s Furnace!
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI
(edited by PhaNTaSiZe.4215)
The famous oceanic IoJ zerg doing what they do best, PvDooring empty keeps. Anywayssss good fights tonight IoJ and DH, i appreciated all of em
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”… For one, I think that kind of defeatist talking needs to stop. And 2, BOO HOO! We stomped kids in T8 for like 4 months straight, we rolled through T7 with 3 straight wins, and now we’re actually not rolling over ppl effortlessly and our ppl start to whine? It’s WEEK ONE of this matchup… calm down! We’re not used to a challenge so we need to adapt.
Personally, this has been one of the most fun weeks of WvW that I’ve played in a while, simply because of the challenge. I don’t get too involved with the politics of our server’s big guilds, but as I understand it some of those big guilds had some sort of disagreement or something, resulting in one of our best guilds effectively “sitting out” this week. I’m not sure whether or not that has anything do with our losing this week, but regardless I think our server needs to get past all the whining and drama and get back to being the focused, united team that we were the last few months in our rise from the depths of mediocrity.
Whatever the outcome is this week, I’m glad we’re in this tier now and I think we’ve found a good challenge. Whether or not we can rise to that challenge lies with us as a united server, so we’ll see what happens in the days and weeks to come…
Good luck to the other 2 servers, and long live Sorrow’s Furnace!
The score would indicate that we are not up for the challenge, but this doesn’t mean that it is the end of the world. Nor is it defeatist talk to recognize we have an uphill battle. Not directing anything at you personally, just stating that people need to realize that several of us have been screaming for 2+ months that this day would come. It is now painfully obvious that some people must have thought we were T1 or bust, when in reality most of us knew that we would settle at a mid-level tier. Which is great! Because then we would have a close match, just like we got now for all intents and purposes.
But you are right, we need to stop worrying about whose feelings got hurt and why, stop worrying about “why” (finals, new content, protesting, etc) we aren’t winning, stop blaming each other, and get back to the old SF attitude.
To the people that are taking time off:
Hopefully everything is fine and you are just dealing with RL issues (school/work/family/etc), but if you feel you have been wronged or if you are just mad at a group of people, do not let that hurt the server. We are (whether you all like it or not) a tight-nit family. I know it is not fun to feel like you are being stabbed in the back (trust me our own people got me an unwarranted “free name change” last night), but those are really just the minority, the majority of us are there every day right along side each other trying.
While I do not think our struggles are tied to one set/guild of people taking some time off, I do think that things like this tend to create a domino effect. That coupled with new content, school finals, losing whatever bandwagon folks we had while leading every week; those things do add up and take their toll.
Sword is right though, it is time to put all the petty stuff aside, and work together. Stop the raging in Map Chat when things are not going our way, stop trolling each other, stop the blame game, listen to the people that are moving in the right direction, and most of all do not get discouraged….I promise you, we will not lose anything by not winning this week, or any other week. You get nothing for winning, and you lose nothing for losing, but we can get better and that is what we should be working towards.
Also, like Sword said, this week has been a blast. I am having a lot of fun, sure it is frustrating at times because we feel outnumbered, but we never let that bother us when we outnumbered others. This is a great matchup for us, and appears to be for the other two servers, we should enjoy this while it lasts, and work as hard as we can to improve as a group.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
Apparently I’m Gabe from DR HAI GUYS
The plot sickens.
DH 141k, -29
IOJ 109k, -3
SF 127k, +31
Apparently I’m Gabe from DR HAI GUYS
The plot sickens.
DH 141k, -29
IOJ 109k, -3
SF 127k, +31
Sarcasm, we’re gonna win. SF tears are so delicious
The famous oceanic IoJ zerg doing what they do best, PvDooring empty keeps
. Anywayssss good fights tonight IoJ and DH, i appreciated all of em
Oh my thats quite a zerg we have there, is that even 10 people? Zergs pop orange swords on the map bub, thats barely a large group.
It is what the oceanic crew do best as its the ONLY thing the oceanic crew can do at the moment, its not our fault your servers lack coverage in our stronger times…
The more your server brings up PvDooring, the harder we’ll hit <3
The famous oceanic IoJ zerg doing what they do best, PvDooring empty keeps
. Anywayssss good fights tonight IoJ and DH, i appreciated all of em
Oh my thats quite a zerg we have there, is that even 10 people? Zergs pop orange swords on the map bub, thats barely a large group.
It is what the oceanic crew do best as its the ONLY thing the oceanic crew can do at the moment, its not our fault your servers lack coverage in our stronger times…
The more your server brings up PvDooring, the harder we’ll hit
Before you get too offended I feel as though it should be pointed out that he was surely being ironic….
There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”… For one, I think that kind of defeatist talking needs to stop. And 2, BOO HOO! We stomped kids in T8 for like 4 months straight, we rolled through T7 with 3 straight wins, and now we’re actually not rolling over ppl effortlessly and our ppl start to whine? It’s WEEK ONE of this matchup… calm down! We’re not used to a challenge so we need to adapt.
Personally, this has been one of the most fun weeks of WvW that I’ve played in a while, simply because of the challenge. I don’t get too involved with the politics of our server’s big guilds, but as I understand it some of those big guilds had some sort of disagreement or something, resulting in one of our best guilds effectively “sitting out” this week. I’m not sure whether or not that has anything do with our losing this week, but regardless I think our server needs to get past all the whining and drama and get back to being the focused, united team that we were the last few months in our rise from the depths of mediocrity.
Whatever the outcome is this week, I’m glad we’re in this tier now and I think we’ve found a good challenge. Whether or not we can rise to that challenge lies with us as a united server, so we’ll see what happens in the days and weeks to come…
Good luck to the other 2 servers, and long live Sorrow’s Furnace!
Dark Haven can feel you there. We have had some silly crap in the past and the reverberations can still be felt …Ahem…..RESET anyone… But this battle has really kicked the hornets nest for our server…7 min CoF..whats that? Jumping Puzzles…Nah!
I think this is has been eye opening rally call for everyone on DH. Ive seen large groups using fields and finishers, pugs working well with commanders..In short the Dub V Dub Moons have aligned!
ive still seen alot of [king] in the BL’s im interested to see what happens when they are officially “in the fight”
Anywho! Let the Battle Rage..
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Sorry DH, i know our keep is big and shiny, but we cant just give it to you! You have to work for this beb
Was sour that someone started the mortars upgrade and drained the keep of supply, if they hadnt have done that, would have been twice as easy to defend!
By the way score update, 13k behind you SF <3
GREAT week guys, Although i havent been able to play as much as id like, ive had great fun both flipping entire borderlands and holding on to our last piece of the map, I think i’ve found my favourite match up, thankyou SF and DH <3
I have to agree with ya kinky. this match has been a Hoot! Isle just needs to pick up some coverage gaps. and coordinate a little better and i think we would have a perfect match.
now the three of us just have to make sure no one comes in and pee’s in our cheerios…lol
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”…
Pish, I think we’ve been holding up quite well all things considered.
I guess it begs the question what folks feel is “the challenge.” If it’s to keep rising up the ranks all the way up to T1, then yeah, we’re not up for the challenge. But that’s an unrealistic expectation to always win and always be on the rise. And anyone who had this expectation was just setting themselves up for disappointment.
If “the challenge” is to find a tier where the match is competitive and we can learn and grow, then I think we’re totally up for the challenge. And there may be a good change that we finally found that tier.
Henge of Denravi
I have really liked playing against DH and IoJ. You are really great sports.
To the conversation about SF whiners. I agree with the idea that people need to suck it up. People may have forgotten why we fell to T8 in the beginning, but the way I remember it is that it started with the type of behavior that is beginning now. People throwing in the towel because we didn’t have this or that. People being mad at other guilds and not playing. We as a server have worked hard to move up. Don’t let a challenge make you stop playing.
Man thats stupid got kicked from EB for no reason and that allowed the SF scrubs to get their keep back.
What’s up, SF? Only such a small lead?
It is a pretty tight match really, and we do not have any nighttime folks, well we do just not in the numbers that we are reportedly going up against at night.
Hang in there guys and keep grinding, we will get it sorted.
What? We have a bunch of nighttime people, that’s usually when we shine.
I would point you to the thread created to recruit oceanic timezone players, as this has been a known coverage gap for SF for a very long time. “Nighttime” was perhaps a poor choice of words: basically we have poor coverage during the NA Midnight-ish to 6AM, and then most of the work/school day as we have found out.
While this might not seem like a “gap” up til this point, DH and IoJ focus has proven it to be an issue. Also if you are still wondering if this is indeed true, I would point you back to our T8 days and the infamous “kangaroo cappers” from ET that enjoyed the run of the joint during these same “oceanic hours”.
Oh, then I agree with you completely. We’ve been hurting in early morning. The other servers in tiers 7 and 8 didn’t have many early morning players either, so our weakness wasn’t really exposed until now.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Happy to fight against you guys of DH and Ioj. I think we will need to improve more, so be prepared!
Apparently I’m Gabe from DR HAI GUYS
No one’s crying Gabe. The fights are good and SF still looks like it’s moving up. The forums are refreshing to read and it looks like these 3 servers will be going at it for a bit which seems to be good for everyone.
No lie, this tier is a lot of fun. But some people have too much fun and some people are getting burned out. Me included lol. Its nice to be 2nd place or 3rd place, im setting in cruise control mode while we get more of our PvErs to join WvW.
No lie, this tier is a lot of fun. But some people have too much fun and some people are getting burned out. Me included lol. Its nice to be 2nd place or 3rd place, im setting in cruise control mode while we get more of our PvErs to join WvW.
I just thought you ran out of Dolyak tonics.
Lol, I’m doing the same as far as commanding goes. I haven’t been on much as Vox, much less using the icon. Using this time to take some guildies through WvW training, getting tactics down, and enjoying playing my alts.
(jk, truth is some pro SF players called me a newbie in map chat and I emoquit, amiryte Savannah?)
I like this tier. It’s giving us a lot of opportunity to improve, I think it’s possible we could re-amass and pass up DH, but I have really been enjoying the fights and the attitude of our competition.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
I got to play Saturday and Sunday before I left town, and I am super not-psyched to be sidelined for a week with all this going on. It looks like a whole lot of fun. (and no more kitten from certain sour DR apples!) On the bright side, it looks like we’ll get to keep this matchup for a while so I won’t miss the whole thing. SF’s rise to t6 means we won’t be hitting t5 soon, but that’s not necessarily such a bad thing.
Anyway, from the two nights I got to play, I had a few thoughts. First, it’s been a while since I’ve really felt pressured like that, and I like it. Over the weekend, we got pushed pretty hard and a number of people learned that “form the blob and run tower to tower” doesn’t solve every problem. Actually working with others and scrambling to stay ahead of the pressure is a great change of pace.
Second, there’s a female ele cmdr from SF out there sporting a mohawk. I don’t remember your guild tag, girl, but I liked your guts! I definitely hope to see you on the field again.
Third … Sunday night, I was there when SF was in our borderlands AND crushing us on EB. When you guys were building houses in our corner and blowing up our siege in our last two towers preparing to hit our keep, our cmdr was paying people to switch to their mesmer and port him in the jumping puzzle. How awesome is that?
Yeah, on second thought, maybe this vacation is good for me.
Golemhaven [Van] – mesmer | guardian
Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong
Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.
Scared? I’m sorry what exactly makes you think that. I don’t care enough to make a signature on here. Still haven’t proven me wrong though.
I’m also not in Gore but you wouldn’t know that seeing as you are obviously an illiterate troll.
Implying you have to be in Gore to have the ability to prove a statement i made wrong.
I have no idea what you have against Gore…..I’m one of the main commanders from Gore and we have been inactive most of this week. The times that we were on though I think I have noticed 3-1 odds against us and we were still winning……Had some trouble taking back Rogues a couple times? lol
Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF)
Sorrow’s Furnace
Lol oh my kitten. I read page 4 and was like “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Glad to see a return to civility xD
Not only am I happy with the state of WvW as far as match up, this sort of match up thread is incredibly refreshing. Massive amounts of respect to both DH and IoJ, you guys are top tier opponents as far as I’m concerned, respectful, respectable, courteous, polite, skilled, etc, etc. I’m so glad that we’ve landed in a tier with people like you.
With that said… We’ve landed. Night time coverage (to be specific 1AM to 2AM – 9AM to 10AM server time [that’s PST for those not in the know]) has been our time of near crippling vulnerability since T8. We don’t have a wide diversity of timezones on this server, this has been known for a long time and was also the foremost concern we had with raising through the tiers. We knew that, in the end, coverage would be what caused our climb to stall. T6 provided that in spades.
That’s not to take anything from DH & IoJ. Even in prime time hours lately the numbers haven’t been ridiculously skewed one way or another. If I were to say anything to it it’d be: school, fairweathers jumping ship, casuals feeling too much pressure, and hardcore WvWer’s feeling burnt out from our tooth and nail climb from T8. Ignoring all this, we can post some intimidating as kitten numbers during prime time. That coverage gap though…. Not much we can do about it.
In that sense SF is forced to maximize it’s gains when the numbers can support it via working the tick, etc. What do I think of that? About kittening time. I’m glad we’ve FINALLY gotten our wake up call. No more fairweather, no more 24/7 mesmer on JP, no more carebear kitten. We have to organize.
Does it suck logging in after work and seeing the score? kitten yes. Has it been a while since that happened? kitten yes. Been a while, if ever, since I’ve said green looks disgusting on our BL. Does it make me angry? A little bit But in the end it makes me happy. This has to force our server as a whole to grow, otherwise why the kitten do we commit so much of our lives to this?
I’m happy to be in a tier with such respectable competition. I look forward to ALL of our mutuals growths, I hope that SF has for both DH and IoJ at least changed perspective on the WvW match-up. For us (SF), WvW has been very stale. If any of you can relate to that, then I’m glad we found our place here.
I look forward to many good fights in the future, and I hope we can continue to respect the challenge and pressure we apply on each other. Mad respect DH & IoJ. This has absolutely been one of my best WvW experiences. I hope we (SF) as a server have provided you the same enjoyment.
Much <3 and astonishment to such a respectful match up thread. Plz keep it this way.
I found myself nodding my head throughout your post. DH experienced something very similar when we last moved tiers. We went from steamrolling the competition for weeks and weeks on end to fighting tooth and nail to keep our own stuff. The result of that being that we learned from our mistakes, worked harder, and got better. We still have a lot to learn though.
We still have some crutches we depend on to get us through and we’re quickly learning those will not sustain us in the long run. Having SF join the mix is again causing us to stretch in order to adapt and I think it’s going to be beneficial to both of our servers in the long run.
The amount of respect in this thread from all sides is very, very welcome after dealing with the competitors in our last thread. Hope to see you in battle.
(edited by cyranstar.3425)
Good tier is good.
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
I feel the same as Cyran!
It is really great that we are finally facing an opponent that forces us to re-evaluate our play without facerolling us in every encounter. I have no doubt all servers in this tier will be learning a lot. I mean.. look at IoJ! They have turned into a real force to be reckoned with, with less numbers than either SF or DH (though, its not like they only have 5 people on, lol).
On another note, what the heck happened to warriors? They, along with ACs, just seem to melt faces now. Maybe its time to finally level the hammer warrior I enjoy so much. It would be my seventh 80 though :\ The prospect isnt too appealing at this point.
Oh, then I agree with you completely. We’ve been hurting in early morning. The other servers in tiers 7 and 8 didn’t have many early morning players either, so our weakness wasn’t really exposed until now.
Actually some of our West coast insomniacs have known for months :P
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
Good tier is good.
Totally, this!
Loving this match-up. We spent WAY too long the other day, not taking SM LOL.
I think that we are going to lose our fair-weather and learn alot in this tier.
There’s been a fair amount of whining in our (SF’s) map chats about how we’re losing and we’re “not up to the challenge”… For one, I think that kind of defeatist talking needs to stop. And 2, BOO HOO! We stomped kids in T8 for like 4 months straight, we rolled through T7 with 3 straight wins, and now we’re actually not rolling over ppl effortlessly and our ppl start to whine? It’s WEEK ONE of this matchup… calm down! We’re not used to a challenge so we need to adapt.
Personally, this has been one of the most fun weeks of WvW that I’ve played in a while, simply because of the challenge. I don’t get too involved with the politics of our server’s big guilds, but as I understand it some of those big guilds had some sort of disagreement or something, resulting in one of our best guilds effectively “sitting out” this week. I’m not sure whether or not that has anything do with our losing this week, but regardless I think our server needs to get past all the whining and drama and get back to being the focused, united team that we were the last few months in our rise from the depths of mediocrity.
Whatever the outcome is this week, I’m glad we’re in this tier now and I think we’ve found a good challenge. Whether or not we can rise to that challenge lies with us as a united server, so we’ll see what happens in the days and weeks to come…
Good luck to the other 2 servers, and long live Sorrow’s Furnace!
Dark Haven can feel you there. We have had some silly crap in the past and the reverberations can still be felt …Ahem…..RESET anyone… But this battle has really kicked the hornets nest for our server…7 min CoF..whats that? Jumping Puzzles…Nah!
I think this is has been eye opening rally call for everyone on DH. Ive seen large groups using fields and finishers, pugs working well with commanders..In short the Dub V Dub Moons have aligned!ive still seen alot of [king] in the BL’s im interested to see what happens when they are officially “in the fight”
Anywho! Let the Battle Rage..
I would think KING will do like they did at reset .
Have a few 10 man parties running around the map farming your zergs 3 times their group size.
Oh, then I agree with you completely. We’ve been hurting in early morning. The other servers in tiers 7 and 8 didn’t have many early morning players either, so our weakness wasn’t really exposed until now.
Actually some of our West coast insomniacs have known for months :P
^^ 100% truth. And we’ve known for many months. Like a half-year+ of months.
Henge of Denravi
The famous oceanic IoJ zerg doing what they do best, PvDooring empty keeps
. Anywayssss good fights tonight IoJ and DH, i appreciated all of em
Oh my thats quite a zerg we have there, is that even 10 people? Zergs pop orange swords on the map bub, thats barely a large group.
It is what the oceanic crew do best as its the ONLY thing the oceanic crew can do at the moment, its not our fault your servers lack coverage in our stronger times…
The more your server brings up PvDooring, the harder we’ll hit
Lol jesus that post was just meant to be funny and you went all kitten mode. But since you like orange swords so much i attached another screenshot of that zerg. Pay close attention to the map.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
DHs tower ninja at her finest. As soon as IOJ broke through she hid while we all suicided into them. ^.^ capped it in less then 6mins.. (buff)
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
DHs tower ninja at her finest. As soon as IOJ broke through she hid while we all suicided into them. ^.^ capped it in less then 6mins.. (buff)
Haha thats pretty good, nice cap :P
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Aww, SF.. You didnt seem too happy we upgraded SW tower in your BL
Just know that all those ACs and upgrades were done by a couple people, namely me. So, the effort put in to take it back was awesome!
DH and IoJ gave us a show last night.
Yeah that was quite a 3-way. But eventually we capped Wildcreek and then DH came in huge force we have to bail. LOL!
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger