4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Think we can beat Maguuma in threads closed?

CHALLONGE- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDkuucSWVWw

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Boraa.6295


Think we can beat Maguuma in threads closed?

CHALLONGE- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDkuucSWVWw

May as well go for Gold.

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kiliaan.1934


It doesn’t even seem like the threads have been extra offensive this week, just mods have been more grumpy than usual. Would a mod care to comment as to why threads are being closed left and right?

I would sincerely like to ask the question if you feel deleting posts closing threads and suspending accounts on the forums is the best solution. Seems to me that people will always continue to kitten talk. Just feels like a loosing battle… First post of this thread is challenge to have it closed, doesn’t seem like this is the result you are looking for.

Xeviel [GF] – Ehmry Bay

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Well, for one, “zerg” was in the title of the last thread when [CHAR] changed the title. The Mods notably already dislike the z-word to begin with. So that was likely not a plus for starters.

Things I’ve noticed that will usually get a thread in the WvW forum closed quickly:
1: Excessive jimmie rustle-age.
2: Thoroughly rustled rants about above mentioned jimmie rustle-age.
3: Zergs, zerg based discussion or accusations.
4: Anything about nerfing thieves.
5: Anything about un-nerfing rangers.
6: General expressed mal-content with players, the scoring system, etc.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kiliaan.1934


Well, for one, “zerg” was in the title of the last thread when [CHAR] changed the title. The Mods notably already dislike the z-word to begin with. So that was likely not a plus for starters.

Yeah, that was kinda funny though, but that is one out of 4 or we at 5 this week so far, I check the forums several times a day and can’t keep up.

Xeviel [GF] – Ehmry Bay

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Well, for one, “zerg” was in the title of the last thread when [CHAR] changed the title. The Mods notably already dislike the z-word to begin with. So that was likely not a plus for starters.

Yeah, that was kinda funny though, but that is one out of 4 or we at 5 this week so far, I check the forums several times a day and can’t keep up.

Track record thus far this match-up, this be thread #5. Lol!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


It wasn’t cause we were talking about the scoring system, right? That was a really interesting conversation for me – I learned a bunch!

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Just wanted to post some pics from last night. Props to Anvil Rockers and Commander Forty Oz again. They made sure it was a fun night. The first pic is when Ebay was trying to take Stonemist from BP who just took it from us. So we decided to pop some popcorn and watch for ahwhile. After awhile we attacked Ebay messing up their offensive.

The second pic was AR dropping catapults on the rock hill just east of Durios gulch and pushing back three waves of BP before they finally destroyed the catapaults. So we just went to umberglade woods, built a treb and sieged them from there.

Fun night!


Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Agriope.4523


Coolest thing I’d ever encountered in WvW happened last night. I was solo-taking South camp and the timer was juuuust about up and a small horde from eBay showed up. Instead of mowing me down with auto-attack, they all stood there and one person came out to fight me. When I beat him, they let me run off unaccosted. It was so surreal, I was like “did that really just happen? I wish I’d fraps’d it!”

Thanks, that was amazing, made me truly glad that I just transferred here.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Lol… the last thread didn’t even get locked. It was flat out deleted.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

It was moved to the forum “Trashcan”

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Good times in ebbl last night. Need to setup a AR CHAR vs BP EDGE dance off ! You guys from CHAR were fun to fight and later for dancing except for that short bald char his dance moves were all off.

Shout out to the EBay ele from GH you finally got the trebs. I apologize for not mentioning the thief who was also extremely persistent never got your guild tag – blame stealth

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


CHAR are teh best

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Bigmadness.8697


hello guys i am back what happen to other thread ?

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Bigmadness.8697


i think it’s time for a story of prestige and grandeur, with the derision and deprecation of a certain commander that CHAR has encountered. it was a long weary night for our CHAR heroines (we r all girls IRL do not try 2 hit on us now silly boys). our CHAR heroes stumbled upon the north most camp of a certain bay’s borderlands, knowing full well wat lies ahead (bee-nest XD!) our heroes traverse the snowy fields of a zerg ridden battlefield. a pit stop in this great campaign as warriors of the great ARCTURUS MENGSK was in a certain hill, there we have fought warriors of the “IMMORTAL ASSESSINS” our heroes fought long n hard, being outnumbered by 2-3 more INDIVIDUALS our CHAR heroes fought bravely until unfortunately speed was finally researched and a certain mesmer not kno how to portal his fellow WARBAND, much BM was taken place after the death of CHAR to CHEESE strat, much siege was put down on the bodies but they do not crucify like we do (do u even bm ?) (we never bm we r nice ppl..) the few stragglers of this great battle headed north to await for their WARBAND, their we c the same LINGS from earlier but with fewer numbers, instead of fighting CHAR in glorious combat they treb us from safe spot in their camp ?? CHAR is taken aback by wat is happening ? how is LINGS using siege tank wen they r not fighting the righteous ARCTURUS MENGSK crusade? CHAR continue 2 dance in spoils of war until………………………….

A SWARM QUEEN SHOWS UP, she makes threat 2 ARCTURUS MENGSK glorious platoon of m/m/m and challenges CHAR 2 glorious 1v1 combat needless 2 say the heros r always the winners in every righteous story, the swarm queen departs after barbarously saying 2 “suck on deez nuts” and proceeds 2 rage quit 4 the entirety of the night.

(all fiction or is it ??)

listen 2 this song while reading pls

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Brando.1374


Coolest thing I’d ever encountered in WvW happened last night. I was solo-taking South camp and the timer was juuuust about up and a small horde from eBay showed up. Instead of mowing me down with auto-attack, they all stood there and one person came out to fight me. When I beat him, they let me run off unaccosted. It was so surreal, I was like “did that really just happen? I wish I’d fraps’d it!”

Thanks, that was amazing, made me truly glad that I just transferred here.

that Might have been [GF] we running around looking for other groups to fight.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

(edited by Brando.1374)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Great balanced fighting in NA prime last night. SM flipped several times by all sides, plenty of skirmish fighting and not a lot of skill lag issues overall. Didn’t seem like any side was a push over either as most showed up and put up a skilled effort.

Highlight of my night was a lone EBay player charging into Spiritholme with a half dozen of us there just after we took the camp. We all stood around wondering what he was thinking. After talking with him he just wanted the POI and did a heck of a job getting it with all of us attacking him.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kronos Zek.9715

Kronos Zek.9715

i was there glorious night when CHAR fite for mengsk against ling swarm. it was glorious nite ended by final climactic fite where a hero from CHAR fite evil kerrigan and send her 2 bed after intense 1v1(intense is CHAR way of saying easy). CHAR ended day with another glorious victory in our long list of winning because we never lose. maybe someday ebay learn 2 love CHAR like our friend BP has? look at picture and plz learn from them as BP is ur betters ebay.


THE CHARR, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND Dinklemas Littlelog 80 mesmer AR

(edited by Kronos Zek.9715)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Bigmadness.8697


i was there glorious night when CHAR fite for mengsk against ling swarm. it was glorious nite ended by final climactic fite where a hero from CHAR fite evil kerrigan and send her 2 bed after intense 1v1(intense is CHAR way of saying easy). CHAR ended day with another glorious victory in our long list of winning because we never lose. maybe someday ebay learn 2 love CHAR like our friend BP has? look at picture and plz learn from them as BP is ur betters ebay.



4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


To all the Anvil and Borlis that participated in that epic 3 way battle outside of NE Bay in AR BL, that was just as a fun as the battles you’d see on a reset. Thanks to both groups for sticking around just to duke it out. My guild had their fair share of wipes / stomps. If every night had battles like that, tier 5 really wouldn’t be so bad.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kronos Zek.9715

Kronos Zek.9715

I got an infraction point from that last thread versus just getting an infraction warning. Too long enough but, Finally! My first infraction point! Yus! It took about ten warnings to get there and a bunch of insults involving down syndrome.

Though it’s very nice to see that our new thread isn’t controlled by a half crazed Hugo Chavez wannabe who can barely speak English and constantly likes to change the name of the thread because he/she/it was buttfrustrated with eBay. Was kind of annoying and the only reason I was attempting to get the thread(s) locked in the first place.

Could someone post a score update for me? I’m not really able to get on for a bit because of a loaded week and upcoming exams.

wow can u not be so insulting 2 people who go out of their way 2 create threads? ur very rude and i would appreciate it if u would not insult ppl with downs as my brother has it and i take it very personal. tyvm

As soon as you stop thinking you’re good at trolling. Maybe.

am not troll? CHAR take their image on forum very serious and we do not allow ppl to smudge upon our HONOR with trolling. maybe u should stop being so hostile on forum?

THE CHARR, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND Dinklemas Littlelog 80 mesmer AR

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: QuartzMoped.2370


To the people who run away from 1v1 fights and then immediately double back when they see their buddies have come to help: You are precious. Please never change.

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.



4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

(edited by Syktek.7912)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


SF will be in T5 before DR.



4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


SF will be in T5 before DR.


That will be interesting.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

That’s about as likely as Ebay going to T4 :-P
(DR is losing in T6 also, btw)

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

That’s about as likely as Ebay going to T4 :-P
(DR is losing in T6 also, btw)

Yeah, I haven’t been paying attention to rankings much. My bad <3

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


shrugs yep were not moving up again unless without new bodies to cover a time gap in coverage…
Which sucks.. because right now everybody seems to hide in a keep or tower till they have a 2or3 to 1 numbers advantage so no good fights…
I miss Ebay… brutal losses by points but lots of good fights.
Ive stood outside a DH held keep solo ranger in explorer gear even and they wouldnt come out to fight… its sad…

Ive got thieves from the “elite” guilds were facing that run away from a solo ranger…

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

i was there glorious night when CHAR fite for mengsk against ling swarm. it was glorious nite ended by final climactic fite where a hero from CHAR fite evil kerrigan and send her 2 bed after intense 1v1(intense is CHAR way of saying easy). CHAR ended day with another glorious victory in our long list of winning because we never lose. maybe someday ebay learn 2 love CHAR like our friend BP has? look at picture and plz learn from them as BP is ur betters ebay.


Many thanks to CHAR for being so sporting, we had a great time with you guys too

It was quite the epic dance-off, what with EBay providing some absolutely epic lighting and pyrotechnics with their mortars!


4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: tas.6310


LAD will resolve this issue. I’m impressed that there have been this few of reports over the last few matches. EDGE is a great group… sounds like they recently recruited a few individuals that may not be the best.

Guild Master of Waiting for Death [WFD]
Deltona/Varlen – Commander for Borlis Pass

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Sanctus.3725


Allow me to clear up the misunderstanding here,

As the leader and founder of EDGE, our guild does not condone cheating, I have investigated the incident and have sourced why this incident has occurred.

A few of our members has discovered a glitch where any profession, can glitch into a tower and keep through usage of a skill. This is not limited to the Mesmer glitch where it was thought to have been patched. Upon this discovery, several members tried the glitch themselves and found this glitch to be authentic to certain towers and keeps, the glitch has been reported to Anet and hopefully it has been patched.

Badbane himself is a captain in our guild, and we do apologise if he rub anybody the wrong way when he was asked for an explanation for it, I am sure he gave an explanation however if his attitude offended anybody especially you Drezdan. however due to the competitive nature of Borlis and also some of our members, do understand that being contacted by an enemy on the field does not encourage diplomacy.

To my limited understanding, if a glitch exist inside WvW and players find it, it is the responsibility of Anet to patch it and stop glitches and not the responsibility of players to not use it. However it is the responsibility of morally inclined players to report such errors, and EDGE gives its assurance that we have done so.

We of EDGE are having a great time fighting both EB and AR, and we wish all the best to anyone stepping onto the field, May the best server win!

Marshall & Founder of [EDGE]
Borlis Pass

EDGE – Marshall / Founder / Strategist
Level 80 – Guardian / Engineer / Elementalist

(edited by Sanctus.3725)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

BP gets pushed down a tier ? did you get hit by a bus or something ?

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


To my limited understanding, if a glitch exist inside WvW and players find it, it is the responsibility of Anet to patch it and stop glitches and not the responsibility of players to not use it.

That part you are wrong on, any intentional misuse of ‘glitches’ or ‘bugs’ is grounds for account termination/bans.

Rules of Conduct:

Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination of your Guild Wars 2 game account according to the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement.

17. You will not exploit any bug in Guild Wars 2 and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits) either directly or through public posting, to any other user of Guild Wars 2.


4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Sanctus.3725


Ah I see, Thank you for expanding my understanding of the rules of conduct.

Rest assured that our guild has banned any future experimentation or testing of this glitch and have reported the issue.

EDGE – Marshall / Founder / Strategist
Level 80 – Guardian / Engineer / Elementalist

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Just ran a small group (4-7) with the good dudes from [Evil] in EB BL. Good times.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

Who did what in the last thread? I miss all the fun…

Also? Not casting blame, or calling anyone out, but it’s obvious there’s something goofy with the walls and word is spreading quickly. I have seen an EBay charr thief sploit into the SW tower three times in a row before getting bored and going away. No idea how he did it, but he popped back in twice after being caught that first time in the lords room trying to solo the claimer. There was no point to it. He wasn’t strong enough to solo the tower, couldn’t help a teammate get in, and EBay came and snagged that tower later through legit methods anyway.

The last thing this matchup needs is widespread suspicion of cheating. All we can do is commit to NOT using this glitch, report it to ANet, and cooperate with other servers when they catch our folks doing it. I’d rather a clean loss than a dirty win any day.


4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

BP gets pushed down a tier ? did you get hit by a bus or something ?

I’ve been in car wrecks, a bus wreck, I’ve been hit by cars, etc. etc. But no. Not a bus.

Also, I was dropped on my face as a child. All I wanted for christmas after that was my two front teeth back.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

(edited by Syktek.7912)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Well done AR, Well done, You have finally got what you have been playing for, the 2nd place

It’s not Friday yet. A) we still expect the famous Thursday night rush. b) AR being in second has more to do with Ebay sitting on BP for 4 days than it does with AR being uber sexy.


It’s a conspiracy. :o

Honestly, no harm meant, I hope BP gets pushed down a tier for a bit and DR comes back up. Would give us all a slightly fresh mixup. I don’t think eBay is going anywhere anytime soon either, so we’re stuck here.

BP gets pushed down a tier ? did you get hit by a bus or something ?

I’ve been in car wrecks, a bus wreck, I’ve been hit by cars, etc. etc. But no. Not a bus.

Also, I was dropped on my face as a child. All I wanted for christmas after that was my two front teeth back.

That’s unfortunate and yet I still laughed. I’m a bad person.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


eBay great job of holding SM in the meat grinder lord room with BP AND AR pushing in at the same time from opposite sides! North and south they pushed and north and south we smashed lol. Good times a ton of fun and loot.

Ty for the good fights tonight AR and BP

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


Good Fights tonight at BP borderlands . Thank you [GH] and [pK] for working with [FTF] tonight.


Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

Apparently Sekz didn’t enjoy me dancing as they took Ar lake camp


Jade Quarry- Fang

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


You weren’t sexy enough for Sekz…though they probably did have a few laughs before deciding to kill you.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

You weren’t sexy enough for Sekz…though they probably did have a few laughs before deciding to kill you.

Well I was hoping they were all going to see it instead of just one of them and then they would have clapped and did a bow for my marvelous performance before pounding me back into the Ice Age. One can dream though

Jade Quarry- Fang

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: InfamousBrad.5879


To my limited understanding, if a glitch exist inside WvW and players find it, it is the responsibility of Anet to patch it and stop glitches and not the responsibility of players to not use it.

You would be wrong about that:

You will not exploit any bug in Guild Wars 2 and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits) either directly or through public posting, to any other user of Guild Wars 2.

- Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


So yeah, I spent my morning doing story missions and… something called P-V-E… -Scratches head- … I think it’s an acronym for everything is paper.

No really, that was the entire joke…

-Goes to sit in the corner of shame and think about what she has done- T.T

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Score update?

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


Sekz!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!

Let us know if we can do anything.

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


Apparently Sekz didn’t enjoy me dancing as they took Ar lake camp

Look at that squire in that blob… what a nerd!

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”