4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Yay another thread closure! :V

Third time’s the charm?

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


So much anger, so much rage.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Yay another thread closure! :V

Third time’s the charm?

Guess not, probably going on the same way… :|

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: ionix.9054


Yay another thread closure! :V

Third time’s the charm?

Guess not, probably going on the same way… :|

Yes it will probably go the same way.. two servers are QQing that a tier 8 server moved up and dominated in within a day. Hopefully SF can get moved up again to get real competition

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Mercer.8126


Well I hope this time work, stop the hating ppl we are just trying to have fun =)
And talking about it, I had so much fun tonight in NSP <3

Thank u very much to everyone who helped tonight <3 you guys are the best!! is nice to see all this guilds cooperating with each other, I hope we can count on you the next time too

Btw, None sweetie wanna see those moose/dolyaks screenshot again never get tired of how cute they are
~Peace, Night Night~


Commander Laylä ~ La Hermandad [LH] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace~

(edited by Mercer.8126)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Score update please unable to play this week

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


well it’s in the early hours of SF’s massive coverage gap, so naturally they’re losing everything in sight.

but don’t worry, they’re facerolling t7.


Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

(edited by obastable.5231)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Grats to SF. You guys in T7 are learning what we in T8 have been saying about them for months.

And you guys can keep SF! We don’t want them back!

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Who is the HoD Responsible for taking my bay and garrison while i was busy with SF?

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Had some pretty good fun last night defending against the NSP peoples at Durios…We were even able to initiate a couple of pug portal bombs on their siege, good times once the wall was breached as well.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Devon.9061


Now taking bets!!! Will we reach 5 threads before Friday??

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Now taking bets!!! Will we reach 5 threads before Friday??

If you go on like this, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy :P

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Devon.9061


Well that’s the goal I mean I personally have 2 more days for two threads. PAXA XOXO PvP get to work!!!!

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Who is the HoD Responsible for taking my bay and garrison while i was busy with SF?

Cant go there, im at work and just finished lunch!

Ç_Ç <- my face at work.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Protip* after you get rolled repeatedly DO NOT bother with “OmFg OnE v OnE mE BraH 1!1!11!!”. It won’t happen.

If you send me a /w, and aren’t trolling or being a DB, 99% of the time I would be happy to.

I like duels and that sort of stuff, I also have nothing to prove to myself or the 10 people a day that go +@%?#! DEUL M3 NoWz !%&"!

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Another morning of being very impressed with KING.. and suffering horribly at their hands

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Another morning of being very impressed with KING.. and suffering horribly at their hands

See what gentleman we are at NSP? The above poster confirms our noble, productive attitude.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


GUYS first off, congratulations on another thread closed! Second, why don’t you take this time to go take a look at the wonderful tier 8 thread which is 95% COMPLIMENTS.

Please, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it #cornysayings

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Thus is life the majority are judged by the minority what few do is placed on the heafs of the mass they are associated with

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: NoctisLC.4571


GUYS first off, congratulations on another thread closed! Second, why don’t you take this time to go take a look at the wonderful tier 8 thread which is 95% COMPLIMENTS.

Please, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it #cornysayings

Agree with that

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Devon.9061


Nah forget you jelly!!!!! 1v1 me!!!!!!! <3

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Who is the HoD Responsible for taking my bay and garrison while i was busy with SF?

My finger slipped and dropped a golem….

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

So much anger, so much rage.

Unleash the beast, unlock it’s cage!

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Nah forget you jelly!!!!! 1v1 me!!!!!!! <3


Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Had some pretty good fun last night defending against the NSP peoples at Durios…We were even able to initiate a couple of pug portal bombs on their siege, good times once the wall was breached as well.

Haha thanks! We had a blast too… never quite seen a tower be held so long with 2 walls down. Our 15 did really well considering the 40+ you brought, and STILL had a good 5 minute fight in the tower lord’s room.

My guild actually does this quite often, taking towers and building siege, late at night we find it much more fun than trying to fight zergs that are 5 times our number… we’ll likely do it again tonight, look for us?

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Archon.7516


Second post to get my sig up to date so you can find me :P

Vexzen Archonis – Lost [BP] 80 D/D Theif

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

If there’s anything I have to give major props to SF for, it’s providing the zergball to at least try to hold at bay, combined with my standard WvW playlist of mostly Amon Amarth feeling incredibly epic

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

So, even with all the trolling, etc. I am having some fun in WvW!! Props to our new T7 buddies for the fights.

Edit: Can someone throw up a score update please? For all of us at work!

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Had some pretty good fun last night defending against the NSP peoples at Durios…We were even able to initiate a couple of pug portal bombs on their siege, good times once the wall was breached as well.

Haha thanks! We had a blast too… never quite seen a tower be held so long with 2 walls down. Our 15 did really well considering the 40+ you brought, and STILL had a good 5 minute fight in the tower lord’s room.

My guild actually does this quite often, taking towers and building siege, late at night we find it much more fun than trying to fight zergs that are 5 times our number… we’ll likely do it again tonight, look for us?

Will do!

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

I guess whatever helps you sleep at night right>?

P.S Didn’t claim SF was bad —- dang really?

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

I guess whatever helps you sleep at night right>?

P.S Didn’t claim SF was bad —- dang really?

And you wonder why you get trolled and are disliked. My post had nothing negative, no QQ, no “excuses”.. Nothing like that, yet you can’t reply with anything resembling a real conversation.

-ninja edited:

Nope, I didn’t claim SF was bad. I claimed certain PvP members who posted videos were bad and the “tactic” PvP claims to be so superior to be well boring. Please quote me saying all of SF is bad.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

I guess whatever helps you sleep at night right>?

P.S Didn’t claim SF was bad —- dang really?

And you wonder why you get trolled and are disliked. My post had nothing negative, no QQ, no “excuses”.. Nothing like that, yet you can’t reply with anything resembling a real conversation.

when you present your self as an almighty super elite prick thats what happens, should I really pull quotes from the other threads?? are you that delusional thatyou do not remember what you typed out yesterday or even 2 days ago?????

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

(edited by Silk.8302)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: breh.5987


NSP borderlands was fun last night. First time I bothered to try longbow on my warrior, so many easy badges.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


Ill be your huckleberry Sammy.

Sf is bad and should feel bad.

There you have your quote. Happy now ?

I’m just saying why not a third one right? 2 have gone already

work sometimes needs enjoyment.

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

I guess whatever helps you sleep at night right>?

P.S Didn’t claim SF was bad —- dang really?

And you wonder why you get trolled and are disliked. My post had nothing negative, no QQ, no “excuses”.. Nothing like that, yet you can’t reply with anything resembling a real conversation.

when you present your self as an almighty super elite prick thats what happens, should I really pull quotes from the other threads?? are you that delusional thatyou do not remember what you typed out yesterday or even 2 days ago?????

Let me explain in a language you might understand:

Hurrrrrr durrrrr sshsdkfdssd blarggghhhshskd

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Hi Silk ~
You missed Dank and I in your LA last evening.

We met really nice people, and pretty asuras. I’m glad to see you have a bilingual /m like ours. I like diversity. I’ll probably come to visit you again tonight.
Have a nice day !


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: breh.5987


He deleted his post about being noble, smart move since its blatantly clear they were the ones that antagonized SF in the first place. Glad someone quoted that nugget of humor.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Thread 3. Nice job guys. Making all the other threads look tame.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


Not sure if a record was broken here? 2 thread with the last one having 16 pages, both shut down. Gj guys ! :-P

Naw we’ve gotten 3 closed before, one to go for the tie.

For the record since I was sleeping and didn’t get to respond to some posts-

I never claimed all of SF was bad.
I never claimed I was great. I win some I lose some, but I do claim to be skilled at the game and capable of more then running with a zerg.

My big post about balancing tier8 to immediately move into a fun match instead of spending 5 months in boring matches was not a troll and was a genuine thought. Frankly the “server loyalty” doesn’t mean much to me, I more of a “tier loyalty” guy. It’s quite common for me to have many players from both opposing servers on my friend list (hod/gom for example). Our guild actually has several members that joined us by moving from one of the servers we had been facing as they liked our style and wanted to run with us.

For me it doesn’t matter who’s on what server or which server is winning as long as people are having fun.. If facerolling with superior numbers and winning without a challenge is fun for SF like many have implied then w/e floats your boat just understand it’s not quite so fun for the other servers.

Shout out to the Gore(SF) members I’ve made friends with, some very cool guys in that guild.

I guess whatever helps you sleep at night right>?

P.S Didn’t claim SF was bad —- dang really?

And you wonder why you get trolled and are disliked. My post had nothing negative, no QQ, no “excuses”.. Nothing like that, yet you can’t reply with anything resembling a real conversation.

when you present your self as an almighty super elite prick thats what happens, should I really pull quotes from the other threads?? are you that delusional thatyou do not remember what you typed out yesterday or even 2 days ago?????

Let me explain in a language you might understand:

Hurrrrrr durrrrr sshsdkfdssd blarggghhhshskd

Totally get this right huuuurrrrrrrr.

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: pita spoon.5708

pita spoon.5708

wow..lol.. thread #3.. well now ill root for the trolls to close another one.
TMNT.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Trolls. Go Troll Power.

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Let’s ask tootsie.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Khursun.2354


Sigh, that last 8 pages of thread 2 made me think I had best have a bottle of wine and some tissue for the kitten slinging that is our servers thread.S.

Having come from Darkhaven almost 2 weeks ago, I know what SF will be heading into, I also know the highs and lows of winning and also seeing server morale tank when you go against unknown opponents who destroy you. We got rocked by Borlis and Anvil due both sheer number and tactics we had to adapt to and then absorbed into our repertoire. However, DH recovered as BP/AR moved up and out and the same will happen for all of us at some point.

I’m happy for SF moving up as I’m sure it was hell to be stuck in tier 8 for so long. I’m sure NSP wasn’t happy about going down a tier, but they have what it takes to fight their way up again. As for HoD, you’ve all come far since DH fought you, and if the server can pull together as a whole minus some stuff I’ve witnessed, I think it’s quite possible to move up.

However, I find the taunting/trolling/chest thumping tiresome because it’s the internet and suddenly everyone can be Captain Awesome and most don’t have proof. Some of you are letting your completely useless internet ego get in the way of good sportsmanship and frankly it makes you look like a donkey (insert other word for a donkey there). We need a donkey tonic that can be mailed as a gentle reminder to chill out, it’s just a game.

Now someone please tell me how to turn into a moose kitten it.

Raijin Hammerstorm/Lightstorm/Shrimpstorm

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


Great Fights SPCA in victors south camp in SFBL that was 5 my guild [Gore] and 2 randoms vs your party 1 XOXO and 1 HoD engineer who kept trying to gank our guys in the back lol, was a fun brawl and i hope you come back for another

[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Great fights SPCA in Victors ^.^ lot of fun for my small guild group and a random or two who were attracted to the brawl

Gore hold it down for us while we are stuck at work!

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


Great fights SPCA in Victors ^.^ lot of fun for my small guild group and a random or two who were attracted to the brawl

Gore hold it down for us while we are stuck at work!

i shall untill i have to go to work this afternoon

[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Great Fights SPCA in victors south camp in SFBL that was 5 my guild [Gore] and 2 randoms vs your party 1 XOXO and 1 HoD engineer who kept trying to gank our guys in the back lol, was a fun brawl and i hope you come back for another

lol yeah fun stuff.. It might have started as 5 of you but more kept rolling in At the end you guys ended up with a lot there lol… Those hammer warriors are annoying btw

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Our guild is PAXA (ex-daoc 8manners). We run a 5 man almost every night focused primarily on killing players. We are looking for someone to fill our 5th spot as a full support/heal guardian (basically using staff and hammer). We have our full group established already; this is purely to fill a void in the group. This is also more of a hardcore focused group than what GW2 often presents. Currently PAXA sits in Henge of Denravi. We understand Xfering isn’t super easy at the drop of a hat and are willing to help someone vested in the opportunity.
There will be a trial program at first running with our group to see if there is chemistry with our team. Please send me a PM or respond to this post if you are interested in a killing focused group. We run NA week nights from 7 cst to about 11 or 12 cst. Weekends we usually have a few on to muster a team but isn’t focused as much as the weeknights.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


Great Fights SPCA in victors south camp in SFBL that was 5 my guild [Gore] and 2 randoms vs your party 1 XOXO and 1 HoD engineer who kept trying to gank our guys in the back lol, was a fun brawl and i hope you come back for another

lol yeah fun stuff.. It might have started as 5 of you but more kept rolling in At the end you guys ended up with a lot there lol… Those hammer warriors are annoying btw

hammer warrior was me lol yeah i think some people twards the end untill then very even and drawn out fight was a fun brawl

[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF (3rd try)

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Edit: Can someone throw up a score update please? For all of us at work!

Here you go Cantur!


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi