4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: yawg.4172


one big sigh over this whole thread, thanks for reminding me why I don’t visit the official forums…

To HoD: Your borderlands is fun, [RAWK] had a blast last night.

To both NSP/HoD/ANet: Thank you! I’m having so much fun again, there’s a genuine challenge in our fights. We’ve been so used to never losing Stonemist, only fighting paper doors and walls, not really worrying about enemy siege and so on… This is GREAT. I’ve honestly not really known what I’ve been missing until now…

To SF: We gotta wake up and get some more tricks if we wanna ride this pony outta T7 :P

Ready and Willing Knights [RAWK] Leader – Founding Member (10 Years of GW!)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Elochai.1280


I missed out on most of the night tonight unfortunately. I had other things to deal with. I have yet to be impressed by SF. Haven’t run into any very good players. Though SF does seem to have the bodies to put out there. However, I think this weekends population is artificially high. There’s probably tons of people coming out of the woodwork on SF, FC, and ET. It may go on for the remainder of the week. I would like to see how things turn out during the week and a week or two down the road. Oh, can we have GoM back now? SF seems to be just as bad as NSP on the forums. Not all your players act that way, but you’ve certainly got plenty of bad apples. Hope to fight you some more tomorrow SF.

Golly gee we sure will work harder to impress you all….I mean we could do something like exterminate you from EB altogether…oh wait…maybe we will get bored and bring 40 golems to your BL tonight and see what you got in your fridges….

“I have yet to be impressed by SF. Haven’t run into any very good players. "
You do realize that comes off as an insult, like if I were to say, I haven’t ran into any HoD that could pop a pimple on ET/FCs rear-end much less ours….yet you question in the same line of text our forum etiquette?

We are more than happy to be the “bad guys”, just don’t be so hypocritical….

I’m sorry you some how feel insulted. I’m not impressed by large numbers of golems or players. No one has stood out that I have run into as a very good player. That’s been my experience. You’ve got this idea that I’m insulting your server. There’s a difference between being insulting and stating ones observations and experience. You chose to perceive it as an insult, which it is not. Thus, your point of calling me hypocritical is not valid. You are implying a tone which does not exist in that text, because tone can’t exist in text. I prefer to tell the opposing server my actual experiences and observations. I see average competent players all the time and some that are a little better. Has anyone impressed me? No they have not. That doesn’t mean your server is inadequate. If someone wants to point me in the direction of good fights or point out which guilds or players are fun to face off against I’m more than happy to look into it.

I hope to keep looking for some good fights and run into more SF to fight.

And sorry my fridge is pretty empty right now. You wouldn’t find much in there.

Elochai Rendar 80 Warrior/Anskar Rendar 80 Necromancer/Rylea Rendar 80 Thief/Kento Rendar 80 Ranger

(edited by Elochai.1280)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

I missed out on most of the night tonight unfortunately. I had other things to deal with. I have yet to be impressed by SF. Haven’t run into any very good players. Though SF does seem to have the bodies to put out there. However, I think this weekends population is artificially high. There’s probably tons of people coming out of the woodwork on SF, FC, and ET. It may go on for the remainder of the week. I would like to see how things turn out during the week and a week or two down the road. Oh, can we have GoM back now? SF seems to be just as bad as NSP on the forums. Not all your players act that way, but you’ve certainly got plenty of bad apples. Hope to fight you some more tomorrow SF.

Golly gee we sure will work harder to impress you all….I mean we could do something like exterminate you from EB altogether…oh wait…maybe we will get bored and bring 40 golems to your BL tonight and see what you got in your fridges….

“I have yet to be impressed by SF. Haven’t run into any very good players. "
You do realize that comes off as an insult, like if I were to say, I haven’t ran into any HoD that could pop a pimple on ET/FCs rear-end much less ours….yet you question in the same line of text our forum etiquette?

We are more than happy to be the “bad guys”, just don’t be so hypocritical….

I’m sorry you some how feel insulted. I’m not impressed by large numbers of golems or players. No one has stood out that I have run into as a very good player. That’s been my experience. You’ve got this idea that I’m insulting your server. There’s a difference between being insulting and stating ones observations and experience. You chose to perceive it as an insult, which it is not. Thus, your point of calling me hypocritical is not valid. You are implying a tone which does not exist in that text, because tone can’t exist in text. I prefer to tell the opposing server my actual experiences and observations. I see average competent players all the time and some that are a little better. Has anyone impressed me? No they have not. That doesn’t mean your server is inadequate. If someone wants to point me in the direction of good fights or point out which guilds or players are fun to face off against I’m more than happy to look into it.

I hope to keep looking for some good fights and run into more SF to fight.

And sorry my fridge is pretty empty right now. You wouldn’t find much in there.

Yeah i kinda feel the same way about you guys, i’ve even had fun roflstomping your necro guildy and the rest of your server at your spawn in EB with half numbers :/

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: LordKael.7260


As far as “no skill” goes… we held off a 30+man HoD zerg in EB from taking back their keep a few hours ago or so and pushed them back to their spawn with only 5-10 people. We do have skilled players, but of course it’s hard to tell when we seem to just zerg everything. I mean really, if 3-5 of us facecheck like 15-20 of your guys outside of your own spawn, we shouldn’t be pushing you back, let alone get away with almost no casualties. Although I’m sure there must’ve been some kind of culling still in effect so we were actually like 50 people… lol. That being said, kudos to our guys who were there for that fight, it was pretty kitten fun. I was a tad nervous when the gates were taken down, not gonna lie :P

We also didn’t get any major new guilds (if any guilds at all) from the free transfer period, its been the same guys in WvW this whole time. Only difference is that the people that were bored of T8 are showing up now.

Also, mad respect to the HoD that took the time to somehow pick out who I was and partied me just to give compliments and best wishes. Never seen or heard of anyone bothering to do that before, but that’s some awesome sportsmanship and I really appreciate it. Wasn’t able to pm back thanks because my party chat got wiped somehow when you dropped group, so I guess I’ll have to say it here and hope you see it. Good luck and maybe I’ll run into you again somewhere on the field :P

Lord Kael – Guardian
Seventh Legion [VII]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Some of these Sorrows Furnace guys in this thread are mildly strange.

Not saying that we all are totally normal.
But really.

Just give me some time to finish all my work and we’ll see what’ll occur.
I think you’ll enjoy some of my tactics.

They are of good taste and quality.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


I find all this trash talking and gloating about PvD rather pathetic.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SyntheticIrony.1823


All this complaining about numbers isn’t anything we aren’t used to. Let me assure you, we’ve had no transfers in or out of our server in a very long time. ET and FC had many transfers including large guilds such as AGG and VK (whom I understand have left) but SF has had none.

You can complain all you like about our “tactics” or “lack there of” however in the end, whether it’s tactics or sheer numbers we are beating you guys. It’s already been said but on opening night; when you were winning you were all in here saying “good fights” but once the tables turn all that you want to do is cry your crocodile tears. Listen I get enough of those from my teenager at home; I don’t play a game to hear them there as well.

Complain all you’d like about our “Golem Rush” but really in the end EVERYONE has the ability to utilize these tools that we are using. We aren’t like pulling some blue prints out of our butts that you don’t have the ability to obtain. We are using the TOOLS given to us by ANET. So really if you have an issue with the Siege available in this game maybe you should start complaining to Anet not us.

In the end whether we stay in T7 or move up in the next week or two, we definitely did not belong in T8. (I mean winning each week by 200+k shows that) We are here and we are staying as long as it takes us to move up to the next tier.

So you have two choices; you can sit back and you can let us walk all over you to get us out of your tier; maybe take up some fractals or some temple runs while you wait for this to happen OR you can fight us. You can make us WORK for our move to the next tier but really, no matter how you look at it there are NO OTHER OPTIONS.

Aurena Navarian- StaR
Sorrows Furnace

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Unfortunately a number of my posts were removed because they referred to/quoted deleted posts.

I just want to say that I and the vast majority of SF (god knows we/all servers have our fair share of trolls/disrespectful vocal minorities) are incredibly happy to be in T7 and respect and appreciate our opponents. So many absolutely epic battles. Many on the edge of your seat moments.

Who knows how long this match up will continue. We have numbers, we have zergs, etc, etc, etc, but it’s hardly anything (given what takes place in say T1) to really dedicate a server match up thread to kittening about. Hopefully we can avoid all the unnecessary kitten talking, deleted posts, and (god forbid) infractions.

See you on the field.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


PVP guild on SF, your organized zerg has my deepest respect.

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SuperMario.7920


I would just like to point out something to HoD and NSP. Our numbers have been like this for months, this is nothing new. Painting map green and spawn camping FC/ET into obliteration (until just recently, thank you AGG and FoE) was the absolute norm. If you think us leaving and ET and/or FC coming up is going to be any better matchup for you, I apologize but you are SORELY mistaken. AGG guild by themselves will run through your servers like a hot knife through butter, and honestly, unless you can outnumber them like SF does, you will only get things when they allow it.

Now about the numbers, you all have dealt with us for a weekend, ET/FC did it for months, so you really shouldn’t complain about this just yet (unless you really want to). I, like everyone else, gets tired of the tactics talk. This game isn’t based around making sure your server gets a billion fair fights. I go to defend a contested camp with 2-3 other people, run into a HoD zerg (yall love speld). So that means from now on, HoD can only roam in 2-3 man groups, you can’t ever go in a zerg, or a group bigger than 2-3, because this one time, at the supply camp, I ran into a zerg.

All in all, I love this tier. Yall can bring the fight, you have good numbers, but the tactics I keep hearing about I have yet to see. Keep up the good fight, if need be, tell your PvE to come out to WvW so we can have even more fun. First time in months that SF has actually had to earn some map.

Panzar Unit – 80 Flamethrower Engineer of FEED

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Verras.5013


Thanks Ping, we’ve had many fun battles in T7 and it always makes us happy to hear good things about us. I hope the good fights keep on coming it’s been a blast!

King Verras ~ SF ~ Necromancer ~ [eXo] Guild
eXo taking credit for things we did not achieve.
eXo dying in outnumbered fights since May 2013.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Attack Robot.2619

Attack Robot.2619

Look at dem shiniez….
Good fight in SM last night


Commanders Ararius(guardian) & Attack Robot (ele) [CoSA] SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: TallDan.6350


I’m from ET and I can tell you SF have had massive numbers for a long time. I never complained about it, I just did my best to defend when they were there and cap when they left. The problem was with the ratings system holding them down and the Dev’s have admitted that there is a problem. Stop being mad at SF for having more players the dev’s have said they are looking into a fix for the system, that will allow servers to move up more easily when they are winning.

And insulting their skill level is stupid yes they have a lot of bad players who just follow the zerg but they also have a lot of good players who know how to fight.

A tactic we used to great effect against their numbers, which often allowed us a win against greater numbers in our BL, was to put a lot of siege at the keep SE of the spawn. It’s easy to get back to if you die, then hold out getting kills and making their job very hard until they start to get bored or give up and move on, then you push them back to their Bl and re-cap.

Driving a large force back and getting minor victories, can be great fun when outnumbered. You may not win the war but you can still enjoy the battles.

Fighting SF has made ET and FC tough, we have had to learn to play outnumbered for a long time and even before the transfers helped us out, After our casuals all abandoned ship the loyalists who stayed to fight, never gave up and always fought to the last man. I hope you can learn from the war with SF as we did, rather than getting mad and blaming SF for having a lot of players.

You will notice that SF have a lot of respect for the other T8 servers even though they outscored us massively every week. This is because we tried hard, fought hard and never surrendered. Don’t complain about what is out of your control adapt and have fun, this is a game after all.

Lady suzi ~ Human Guardian {} Gizmo Gregory ~ Asura Engineer
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

It was fun having a WP in our old EB keep. Thanks for allowing us to build one even if it was short lived. Jerks >.>

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


I really hope, by reading some of these posts, that most of the people talking smack are 15 or under in age. Otherwise it’d be embarrassing to imagine grown men and women with responsibilities, possibly kids even, not able to afford even a sliver of respect to each other.

Is it that hard for everyone to play nice and be respectful? Whenever people post screencaps on here and I can see the WvWvW map chat…. it’s so civil, sometimes jokes are being passed back and forth… you’re having fun, we’re having fun, let’s have some fun. But no, it has to be another egofest.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

(edited by Nicolatte.5360)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


God I miss GoM. Here’s to hoping SF gets bumped up to T6 and we can get back to playing some balanced WvW with more fairly matched fights and less forum posturing.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I can openly say that unfortunately, the fun will not last past the weekend.

The numbers and ability to coordinate on SF is far too superior for NSP pugs to continue playing and the major guilds can together at most field one map.

Oc and I aren’t personally here this week, but I got to see a little bit of SF action. It is fun to try and fight the numbers, but given the fair-weatherness of our pugs and the PVE mentality on our server, not much can be done during this week to give HoD and SF more to fight against.

Note, Os guild will not be giving up, but we do have some drills we are running this week and our guild challenge will be completed within the week, so we are working on preparing for that.

given that, I’m sure AS and ZoS will give you some punches during the week and Rob will always be here to take SM in the morning or something like that.

Over-all, not out of spite, but out of care for proper fights, I hope SF is manually moved up again very soon before all of our points are leeched away so not only they, but we can get back to a much more balanced fight between GOM and HOD and SF can find it’s match in the higher more populated tiers.


~I Am Harmless


Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Omens.5768

Dark Omens.5768

All this complaining about numbers isn’t anything we aren’t used to. Let me assure you, we’ve had no transfers in or out of our server in a very long time. ET and FC had many transfers including large guilds such as AGG and VK (whom I understand have left) but SF has had none.

You can complain all you like about our “tactics” or “lack there of” however in the end, whether it’s tactics or sheer numbers we are beating you guys. It’s already been said but on opening night; when you were winning you were all in here saying “good fights” but once the tables turn all that you want to do is cry your crocodile tears. Listen I get enough of those from my teenager at home; I don’t play a game to hear them there as well.

Complain all you’d like about our “Golem Rush” but really in the end EVERYONE has the ability to utilize these tools that we are using. We aren’t like pulling some blue prints out of our butts that you don’t have the ability to obtain. We are using the TOOLS given to us by ANET. So really if you have an issue with the Siege available in this game maybe you should start complaining to Anet not us.

In the end whether we stay in T7 or move up in the next week or two, we definitely did not belong in T8. (I mean winning each week by 200+k shows that) We are here and we are staying as long as it takes us to move up to the next tier.

So you have two choices; you can sit back and you can let us walk all over you to get us out of your tier; maybe take up some fractals or some temple runs while you wait for this to happen OR you can fight us. You can make us WORK for our move to the next tier but really, no matter how you look at it there are NO OTHER OPTIONS.

lol r u mad friend?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I’m from ET and I can tell you SF have had massive numbers for a long time. I never complained about it, I just did my best to defend when they were there and cap when they left. The problem was with the ratings system holding them down and the Dev’s have admitted that there is a problem. Stop being mad at SF for having more players the dev’s have said they are looking into a fix for the system, that will allow servers to move up more easily when they are winning.

And insulting their skill level is stupid yes they have a lot of bad players who just follow the zerg but they also have a lot of good players who know how to fight.

A tactic we used to great effect against their numbers, which often allowed us a win against greater numbers in our BL, was to put a lot of siege at the keep SE of the spawn. It’s easy to get back to if you die, then hold out getting kills and making their job very hard until they start to get bored or give up and move on, then you push them back to their Bl and re-cap.

Driving a large force back and getting minor victories, can be great fun when outnumbered. You may not win the war but you can still enjoy the battles.

Fighting SF has made ET and FC tough, we have had to learn to play outnumbered for a long time and even before the transfers helped us out, After our casuals all abandoned ship the loyalists who stayed to fight, never gave up and always fought to the last man. I hope you can learn from the war with SF as we did, rather than getting mad and blaming SF for having a lot of players.

You will notice that SF have a lot of respect for the other T8 servers even though they outscored us massively every week. This is because we tried hard, fought hard and never surrendered. Don’t complain about what is out of your control adapt and have fun, this is a game after all.

+1, respect

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Pentose.3479


SF’s zerg is so big they get inside our tower before the door is even down


Wuverlay – a helper overlay for WvW – http://wuv.pento.se

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: K U R O I T S U K I.4980

K U R O I T S U K I.4980

I’m from ET and I can tell you SF have had massive numbers for a long time. I never complained about it, I just did my best to defend when they were there and cap when they left. The problem was with the ratings system holding them down and the Dev’s have admitted that there is a problem. Stop being mad at SF for having more players the dev’s have said they are looking into a fix for the system, that will allow servers to move up more easily when they are winning.

And insulting their skill level is stupid yes they have a lot of bad players who just follow the zerg but they also have a lot of good players who know how to fight.

A tactic we used to great effect against their numbers, which often allowed us a win against greater numbers in our BL, was to put a lot of siege at the keep SE of the spawn. It’s easy to get back to if you die, then hold out getting kills and making their job very hard until they start to get bored or give up and move on, then you push them back to their Bl and re-cap.

Driving a large force back and getting minor victories, can be great fun when outnumbered. You may not win the war but you can still enjoy the battles.

Fighting SF has made ET and FC tough, we have had to learn to play outnumbered for a long time and even before the transfers helped us out, After our casuals all abandoned ship the loyalists who stayed to fight, never gave up and always fought to the last man. I hope you can learn from the war with SF as we did, rather than getting mad and blaming SF for having a lot of players.

You will notice that SF have a lot of respect for the other T8 servers even though they outscored us massively every week. This is because we tried hard, fought hard and never surrendered. Don’t complain about what is out of your control adapt and have fun, this is a game after all.

^This, we have a lot of respect for Eredon and Ferguson, they had the skill even when outnumbered (some of them, not all…)and, after they had some transfers to help, they got a lot better, but now I can see you saying that we are numbers while you are all skill, trust me, if we and eredon move up, one of you is going down to make room for Ferguson, if we are talking about skills, they are way better, Im really glad that T8 doesnt mean noskill, rather bad math and low wvw population. Eredon/Ferguson, best of luck guys.
About the all zerg no strategy, we really never had the need to that, unfortunately, we used to wipe them, hold the keeps and run some fractals cause we knew they would get bored with wvw and left, we know the feeling of having one supply only and all our spawnpoints filled with ballista and a a welcome party. Now, we are evenly matched, we can talk strategy, thanks HoD and NSP and give us your best so we can start learning all that stuff that Ferguson was doing so good.
TL;DR We will show you skill, be patient.

[LH]La Hermandad-Guild Leader
Kuroitsuki Lvl.80 Mesmer/La Biribiri Lvl.80 Elementalist
Sorrows Furnace SF (since Aug-25-12)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Devon.9061


…… We do realize this is a video game right…. Like you aren’t carrying a sword in real life swinging it at people… Or you might what ever floats your boat. Either way stop ranting seriously.. Have fun, post about fights, talk, make friends. Yes SF has a lot of people. Get over it. Stop bragging on the forums and talking smack over a video game that we all payed the low price of $60 for. Ill be that dumb thief just bum rushing zergs by myself generally to see how long I live. COME AT ME BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Oh yeah I haven’t saw the proof yet, but if ANET wants to jump in the game they should at least not be invulnerable…Supposedly there are screens of ANET peoples in invulnerable golems or something.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


SS of A-net employee who was in the “invulnerable” golem, there was 2 of them i’m trying to get more Screens


[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

(edited by Sadistis.4257)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

Went right over your head I see. Hey the door is that way > Watch out I heard they hit back at times.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

Went right over your head I see. Hey the door is that way > Watch out I heard they hit back at times.

Yes to the extent that I could care less, I get the jest, blah blah WvW is pointless no reward, leading zergs is bad mmmkay…still dont care, gonna cap something on your BL now with 50 people….WE ARE THE MZ!

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


SS of A-net employee who was in the “invulnerable” golem, there was 2 of them i’m trying to get more Screens

Also i’m not advocating a positiveness of any foul play on A-net’s part. People were saying they were invulnerable and they were asking for asking people to take screens of them being there, I saw 2 or 3 a-nets total i know 2 were in golems that were at full health and left in keep despite us pouring AoE but there could be many explanations for that.

I’m simply documenting their presence

[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

>Who is Skarloc
>Furious little sausage fingers

I got nothing man. How’s the glue?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: badnews.9384


Thanks for the video! Nice seeing us through the enemy point of view. Hope to see you on the battlefield soon

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

It’s okay, guise.

I may not know the feeling, but I can empathize when you go 2v1 on SF yet are still losing. It’s okay. My tush would be all kinds of sore in your place.

So please, let it all out. Let us embrace your sorrow and burn it as fuel for our zerg. :VVVVVVV)

Disciple of Quag

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

>Who is Skarloc
>Furious little sausage fingers

I got nothing man. How’s the glue?

Much like the scoreboard: pleasing.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

Went right over your head I see. Hey the door is that way > Watch out I heard they hit back at times.

Yes to the extent that I could care less, I get the jest, blah blah WvW is pointless no reward, leading zergs is bad mmmkay…still dont care, gonna cap something on your BL now with 50 people….WE ARE THE MZ!

Youre the same guy that brags about what you accomplish (which taking towers and keeps with 40 people determines nothing as far as outcome for your server, other than continually competing for a pointless scoreboard and wasting all their time).

As proven via your responses to what Sars and subcrazy wrote you are also the guy that when running with 10 or less gets SMOKED by our guild. I dont need to “brag” for our guild because we prove it every night. You sir on the other hand prove that you are among those as Skarloc said that “enjoys the complexity of zerging like a coloring book and announces his arrival like general patton”. At least we have our expectations In the right places.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

SF’s zerg is so big they get inside our tower before the door is even down

So SF’s numbers are so big they can literally run into doors to get in? Apparently the math worked against them for so long they got a buff?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

In honor of this thread, I’m going to quote an epic Q&A given by Skarloc a few months ago.

Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.

Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.

Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.

Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.

Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.

Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.

Score update please?

Two questions:

Who in the blue hell is a skarloc?

Why would we care that he/she thinks that he/she is qualified to give commentary on anything other than the snacks he/she consumed while pounding away he/she’s furious little sausage fingers on their keyboard whilst writing said Q/A?

Went right over your head I see. Hey the door is that way > Watch out I heard they hit back at times.

Yes to the extent that I could care less, I get the jest, blah blah WvW is pointless no reward, leading zergs is bad mmmkay…still dont care, gonna cap something on your BL now with 50 people….WE ARE THE MZ!

Youre the same guy that brags about what you accomplish (which taking towers and keeps with 40 people determines nothing as far as outcome for your server, other than continually competing for a pointless scoreboard and wasting all their time).

As proven via your responses to what Sars and subcrazy wrote you are also the guy that when running with 10 or less gets SMOKED by our guild. I dont need to “brag” for our guild because we prove it every night. You sir on the other hand prove that you are among those as Skarloc said that “enjoys the complexity of zerging like a coloring book and announces his arrival like general patton”. At least we have our expectations In the right places.

If its all so pointless why are your panties so bunched and why are you raging in a forum??? Why not go run fractals? Why are you so upset? Do you need some cream to rub on that kitten?

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

…… We do realize this is a video game right…. Like you aren’t carrying a sword in real life swinging it at people… Or you might what ever floats your boat. Either way stop ranting seriously.. Have fun, post about fights, talk, make friends. Yes SF has a lot of people. Get over it. Stop bragging on the forums and talking smack over a video game that we all payed the low price of $60 for. Ill be that dumb thief just bum rushing zergs by myself generally to see how long I live. COME AT ME BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

+1 Glad you’re having fun, that’s what it’s all about. The fights have been a blast.
Keep it up,
Snarfica [PvP]


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


I bet SF has confused green towers/keeps as their own tonight, lol. Been green for over 9000 years.

Believe me… it took us quite some time to adjust lol.. everyone’s reaction was “oh wait.. we’re red? wait… those AREN’T our towers and keeps?”

Though I have to admit, there are some intense battles keeping us on our toes even at 2am, but I cant help but wonder why NSP and HoD haven’t touched each other’s BLs? Everytime I check to see who’s capped what SF is the only one invading everyone else lol. It’s extremely rare to see the other two cap each other’s keeps and towers… with the exception of SM of course.

But regardless… we’ve held out well I think and as of the stats right now http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA we’re doing pretty well considering the warm welcome you guys have given us. All those screens of us at +165 etc lol… we were just getting warmed up :P

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


If its all so pointless why are your panties so bunched and why are you raging in a forum??? Why not go run fractals? Why are you so upset? Do you need some cream to rub on that kitten?

Lady its ur panties that are bunched, you went off on the skarloc post. So its pointless that you even being pointless which makes you pointless, on how pointless the forum post are on being pointless, which comes back to you as being pointless.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

(edited by subcrazy.1098)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

If its all so pointless why are your panties so bunched and why are you raging in a forum??? Why not go run fractals? Why are you so upset? Do you need some cream to rub on that kitten?

Lady its ur panties that are bunched, you went off on the skarloc post. So its pointless that you even being pointless which makes you pointless, on how pointless the forum post are on being pointless, which comes back to you as being pointless.

1. I am a dude
2. If you think that I “went off” on that post: luls…My point in response to the post was that: what was teh point of the post you pasted in, and why should anyone care what skar whatever said/thought?

Overall: again, if WvW is so pointless why would said person take the time to write a mini-thesis on the subject? Why would you claim to follow said-person’s teaching and then rage when said logic is poked fun at? Are you a zealot? Are you gonna start the church of “Anti-zerg, small roaming group, WvW is pointless but I play a lot, and all praise the manifesto of skarlog” church?

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


SF’s zerg is so big they get inside our tower before the door is even down

The first screenshot is definetly a mesmer clone. Not sure if screenshots were posted sarcasticaly.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


If its all so pointless why are your panties so bunched and why are you raging in a forum??? Why not go run fractals? Why are you so upset? Do you need some cream to rub on that kitten?

Lady its ur panties that are bunched, you went off on the skarloc post. So its pointless that you even being pointless which makes you pointless, on how pointless the forum post are on being pointless, which comes back to you as being pointless.

1. I am a dude
2. If you think that I “went off” on that post: luls…My point in response to the post was that: what was teh point of the post you pasted in, and why should anyone care what skar whatever said/thought?

Overall: again, if WvW is so pointless why would said person take the time to write a mini-thesis on the subject? Why would you claim to follow said-person’s teaching and then rage when said logic is poked fun at? Are you a zealot? Are you gonna start the church of “Anti-zerg, small roaming group, WvW is pointless but I play a lot, and all praise the manifesto of skarlog” church?

But everything you just said is still pointless.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


If its all so pointless why are your panties so bunched and why are you raging in a forum??? Why not go run fractals? Why are you so upset? Do you need some cream to rub on that kitten?

Lady its ur panties that are bunched, you went off on the skarloc post. So its pointless that you even being pointless which makes you pointless, on how pointless the forum post are on being pointless, which comes back to you as being pointless.

1. I am a dude
2. If you think that I “went off” on that post: luls…My point in response to the post was that: what was teh point of the post you pasted in, and why should anyone care what skar whatever said/thought?

Overall: again, if WvW is so pointless why would said person take the time to write a mini-thesis on the subject? Why would you claim to follow said-person’s teaching and then rage when said logic is poked fun at? Are you a zealot? Are you gonna start the church of “Anti-zerg, small roaming group, WvW is pointless but I play a lot, and all praise the manifesto of skarlog” church?

WvW isn’t pointless. Zerging around in 40 to take a tower that 10 or less people could take is pointless. Sars has pointed this out before…..there is a 5 person AoE cap, 5 people to build most siege, 5 person boon and condition removal limit…..What is pointless is that you run with the amount you do, brag, and at the end of the day won’t even come close to winning a real Player Vs. Player fight because you’re the guy that fights by the tower door so when his health gets low….can stay up by RUNNING away.

Every tier has teddy bears like you, all the same. I believe Skarloc said that too….“dime a dozen”. Perhaps you can be the “Star” in our next video.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way. You can find a reminder on these rules here.