

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

139,775 + 200
133,553 + 240
144,240 + 255

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Thanks now to catch my plane

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild


in WvW

Posted by: gladiator.5367


GoM has something that irritates the crap out of many NPS guilds. Its call TCMM. We resent they way they treated our server just before they left. Many will actively try to hunt them down. And most of the organized guilds consider them KOS.

Just the rambling thoughts of a Mad Char who drinks to much beer. Not an official statement from NSP or Anyone else.

This is about as official as you can get without being offical. We were in DR’s BL either last night or the night before (memory is foggy), outmanned, and just working on both DR and GoM. Then we saw TCMM in passing, Golem rushing (no surprise). Call went out in passing in map chat about the comedy of the situation and everyone stopped what they were doing and went to wipe them. It wasn’t because it was strategically sound, but it was just because it was TCMM. The comment was made that logic goes out the window when we see them.

Score update for those who like them:
GoM: 144,263, +245
DR: 139,796, +245
NSP: 133,587, +205


in WvW

Posted by: RiverRat.1045


GoM has something that irritates the crap out of many NPS guilds. Its call TCMM. We resent they way they treated our server just before they left. Many will actively try to hunt them down. And most of the organized guilds consider them KOS.

Just the rambling thoughts of a Mad Char who drinks to much beer. Not an official statement from NSP or Anyone else.

This is about as official as you can get without being offical. We were in DR’s BL either last night or the night before (memory is foggy), outmanned, and just working on both DR and GoM. Then we saw TCMM in passing, Golem rushing (no surprise). Call went out in passing in map chat about the comedy of the situation and everyone stopped what they were doing and went to wipe them. It wasn’t because it was strategically sound, but it was just because it was TCMM. The comment was made that logic goes out the window when we see them.

Score update for those who like them:
GoM: 144,263, +245
DR: 139,796, +245
NSP: 133,587, +205

that logic isnt helping you win looks like its actaully making you lose. so keep using that logic and GOM will keep beating you ( actaully keep using it and youll end up in t8 and we can have HOD back)

Spliting it wit my biddys, 50-50 down the line


in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


I just need to get this out there:

I have no idea what went on with TCMM before they transferred back to GoM. And honestly, I don’t care. TCMM, since coming home to GoM, has been a solid addition to our server. They are always there to support efforts in taking and/or keeping objectives, are fast to respond to requests for back up and are generally very pleasant in both map and team chat.

I understand that there’s some bad blood under the bridge where TCMM is concerned. However, they’re proving themselves to be dedicated, energetic and worthy server mates on GoM. I honestly believe we, as a server, benefited from their return home.

So…while we appreciate how some people may have bad feelings…they’re our brothers and sisters now, and we’ll defend them on the battlefield and on the boards.


in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

GoM has something that irritates the crap out of many NPS guilds. Its call TCMM. We resent they way they treated our server just before they left. Many will actively try to hunt them down. And most of the organized guilds consider them KOS.

Just the rambling thoughts of a Mad Char who drinks to much beer. Not an official statement from NSP or Anyone else.

This is about as official as you can get without being offical. We were in DR’s BL either last night or the night before (memory is foggy), outmanned, and just working on both DR and GoM. Then we saw TCMM in passing, Golem rushing (no surprise). Call went out in passing in map chat about the comedy of the situation and everyone stopped what they were doing and went to wipe them. It wasn’t because it was strategically sound, but it was just because it was TCMM. The comment was made that logic goes out the window when we see them.

Score update for those who like them:
GoM: 144,263, +245
DR: 139,796, +245
NSP: 133,587, +205

that logic isnt helping you win looks like its actaully making you lose. so keep using that logic and GOM will keep beating you ( actaully keep using it and youll end up in t8 and we can have HOD back)

I don’t think any strategy that a server employs for 5min dictates how well they are doing. GoM is not winning because of something NSP is doing, they are winning because they have superior coverage. This is true for almost every match up.

And no, this does not mean that GoM have bad players for those who I am sure will interpret this as an insult.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in WvW

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


There is way too much drama in this thread. Anyways, fun fights last night with SPCA, XOXO, and SPLT in the ruins. I finally got to witness Kevin getting spiked. Too bad we lost pretty much every other fight. Was fun anyway! I like the comment Kevin made about fight cubs turning red name tags into people. That’s deep man. Cheers all!

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll


in WvW

Posted by: Flerch.4817


There is way too much drama in this thread. Anyways, fun fights last night with SPCA, XOXO, and SPLT in the ruins. I finally got to witness Kevin getting spiked. Too bad we lost pretty much every other fight. Was fun anyway! I like the comment Kevin made about fight cubs turning red name tags into people. That’s deep man. Cheers all!

Sorry for the kittenty quality

Timada Thief|Poof Poof Bang Mesmer
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior


in WvW

Posted by: gladiator.5367


that logic isnt helping you win looks like its actaully making you lose. so keep using that logic and GOM will keep beating you ( actaully keep using it and youll end up in t8 and we can have HOD back)

Preventing GoM from getting more points seems like a solid strategy. The better strategy in that case though would have been to try to let them open whatever keep they were going for (looked like garrison at the time) and wiped them there. But, hindsight is 20/20.

That said, it’s all in good fun. If it really will hurt us, we won’t do it. That’s not our style.

I just need to get this out there:

I have no idea what went on with TCMM before they transferred back to GoM. And honestly, I don’t care. TCMM, since coming home to GoM, has been a solid addition to our server. They are always there to support efforts in taking and/or keeping objectives, are fast to respond to requests for back up and are generally very pleasant in both map and team chat.

I understand that there’s some bad blood under the bridge where TCMM is concerned. However, they’re proving themselves to be dedicated, energetic and worthy server mates on GoM. I honestly believe we, as a server, benefited from their return home.

So…while we appreciate how some people may have bad feelings…they’re our brothers and sisters now, and we’ll defend them on the battlefield and on the boards.

Good for you guys and good for TCMM! I’m glad they found a home there and are doing great. They just didn’t seem to fit on NSP, and basically tried to take over the server, at least that’s from my perspective. Glad they are doing well there, and hope nothing but the best. Still is fun killing them though when we can. Same with PAXA, and any other guild that leaves our server but we get to face them again.


in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


To any GoM players who are still complaining about winning, please stop. This is a great match-up, it is loads of fun, and in case you didn’t notice we are still winning.

To everyone else, please don’t let listen to the vocal minority from our server. We are not offended by you guys focusing us. The number 2 and 3 servers are supposed to focus the number 1 server, that is the point of a three way battle. Of course, it is frustrating for GoM, but it must also be frustrating for you guys. I actually respect NSP and DR more because you are not playing for second.

Now of course, Os would focus on GoM no matter who is winning, but that is only because they have a HUGE crush on us. We love you too Os.

Edit: I don’t know what guild Entropy is from, but I’m sure Os would sign this letter too.

Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

(edited by titanlectro.5029)


in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

GoM has something that irritates the crap out of many NPS guilds. Its call TCMM. We resent they way they treated our server just before they left. Many will actively try to hunt them down. And most of the organized guilds consider them KOS.

Just the rambling thoughts of a Mad Char who drinks to much beer. Not an official statement from NSP or Anyone else.

This is about as official as you can get without being offical. We were in DR’s BL either last night or the night before (memory is foggy), outmanned, and just working on both DR and GoM. Then we saw TCMM in passing, Golem rushing (no surprise). Call went out in passing in map chat about the comedy of the situation and everyone stopped what they were doing and went to wipe them. It wasn’t because it was strategically sound, but it was just because it was TCMM. The comment was made that logic goes out the window when we see them.

Score update for those who like them:
GoM: 144,263, +245
DR: 139,796, +245
NSP: 133,587, +205

that logic isnt helping you win looks like its actaully making you lose. so keep using that logic and GOM will keep beating you ( actaully keep using it and youll end up in t8 and we can have HOD back)

the man clearly said logic goes out the window when they see TCMM, please learn to read.
Glad TCMM found their place again. Their vocal rep was quite the number back on NSP,
Also please check the server ranking, all 3 servers are INCREDIBLY close in server ranks, none of us will be going to t8 anytime soon.

Halfway through my exam week… i shall return soon my friends.

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks


in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

The only real question is, what does Os stand for?

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Now of course, Os would focus on GoM no matter who is winning, but that is only because they have a HUGE crush on us. We love you too Os.

A large group of Os (maybe 30-40) got killed at ruins last night in DR BL by an equally large force of DR, I’d guess. I suppose that they took a wrong turn on the way to GOM BL.

You see, the problem with saying things like “Os will focus on GoM no matter who is winning” is that you are not at all places at all times. My group has fought Os and NSP far more than it has fought GoM. Of course, you would not know that because you were not there. However, you just assume that because you don’t see something it must not be happening.

That is what is called a failure of logic.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Now of course, Os would focus on GoM no matter who is winning, but that is only because they have a HUGE crush on us. We love you too Os.

A large group of Os (maybe 30-40) got killed at ruins last night in DR BL by an equally large force of DR, I’d guess. I suppose that they took a wrong turn on the way to GOM BL.

You see, the problem with saying things like “Os will focus on GoM no matter who is winning” is that you are not at all places at all times. My group has fought Os and NSP far more than it has fought GoM. Of course, you would not know that because you were not there. However, you just assume that because you don’t see something it must not be happening.

That is what is called a failure of logic.

I think you took my joke a little too seriously. I’m sorry that I wasn’t clear.

Of course Os does other stuff, but if you want to know where Os will be on reset, look to GoM Hills. I’m just teasing Os about it, not making any grand logical argument.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story


in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


There is way too much drama in this thread. Anyways, fun fights last night with SPCA, XOXO, and SPLT in the ruins. I finally got to witness Kevin getting spiked. Too bad we lost pretty much every other fight. Was fun anyway! I like the comment Kevin made about fight cubs turning red name tags into people. That’s deep man. Cheers all!

Yep, good times.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut


in WvW

Posted by: RiverRat.1045


NSP are fun fights
DR well ….

Spliting it wit my biddys, 50-50 down the line


in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


And now, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve decided to polish someone’s otherwise unseemly post.


To my loathed opponent Lord Oozo, I wish to heartily exclaim my sarcastic surprise, and I feign to suggest that your word have wounded me.
Have you the capacity with with to verbally duel with me without resorting to underhanded measures which clearly display your obvious lack of upbringing? What rot!
To think that just recently I was under the impression that you should be labelled a sufficient member of a knightly order who would duel within certain areas set aside for social activities!
Insults are usually employed by those who do not have anything substantial to add to the argument, you snivelling, twitchy nosed, grub eating, prancing dandy of a weasel wearing poopy pants!
Is your only strategy that of "Diutissime Tempus Contendunt Animo? Vos titillent femore meo, Lord Oozo! I should bid you good day, yet the day is young, and I am certain to continue.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


And now, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve decided to polish someone’s otherwise unseemly post.


To my loathed opponent Lord Oozo, I wish to heartily exclaim my sarcastic surprise, and I feign to suggest that your word have wounded me.
Have you the capacity with with to verbally duel with me without resorting to underhanded measures which clearly display your obvious lack of upbringing? What rot!
To think that just recently I was under the impression that you should be labelled a sufficient member of a knightly order who would duel within certain areas set aside for social activities!
Insults are usually employed by those who do not have anything substantial to add to the argument, you snivelling, twitchy nosed, grub eating, prancing dandy of a weasel wearing poopy pants!
Is your only strategy that of "Diutissime Tempus Contendunt Animo? Vos titillent femore meo, Lord Oozo! I should bid you good day, yet the day is young, and I am certain to continue.

Your attempts to diffuse this situation with humor will fail and the outcome will almost certainly involve fisticuffs.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)


in WvW

Posted by: jagreygoose.3961


Thanks for the buffs HH <3




in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


Yesterday was weird. I was in DRBL. Most of my guild was out in sPVP for that guild event last night. We would treb down SE tower from Hills, and GOM would start Siegerazer and do it again. Hardly anyone was defending, so all I could do was bunker up in a tower with an arrowcart while GOM and NSP took turns throttling supply via S and SE camps. The camps would flip, but it would go back and forth between the two of them.

So I was reclining in the Lords room of the SE tower when along comes GOM’s Siegerazer. I start spamming AC, and am slowing the inevitable, when suddenly a golem shows up to help out Siegerazer. I guess they wanted that tower really bad.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle


in WvW

Posted by: Tots.3056


Still liking the matchup, seems all servers lost numbers over night, so us DR have been trying to close the gap in the off hours. Been doing well in GoM, they seem to dedicate all forces to SM first, borderlands second. Hehe i guess we’re not the only ones.

Anyway, came back from AFK to find a guildie dueling an SPCA thief. Got some laughs off the chat, QQing never fails to entertain.

Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.


Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guild Leader

(edited by Tots.3056)


in WvW

Posted by: kevinmrstowe.4098


Still liking the matchup, seems all servers lost numbers over night, so us DR have been trying to close the gap in the off hours. Been doing well in GoM, they seem to dedicate all forces to SM first, borderlands second. Hehe i guess we’re not the only ones.

Anyway, came back from AFK to find a guildie dueling an SPCA thief. Got some laughs off the chat, QQing never fails to entertain.

Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.
Devona’s Rest Footman sits.

I guess when u cant win any of ur 1v1’s as a mesmer, and u die instantly every team fight all there is left to do is troll forum.



in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Too much drama all up in here. Forum warriors don’t drop bags.

@airstu: I don’t see [Lost] folks post in the match-up threads too often, but I had a most enjoyable 10-minute fight with one of your camp capping groups late last night at Arah’s. Much respect, from that RH pistol thief doing all the Jackie Chan flips.


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


When we kill you with even numbers we are zerging. When we kill you with a few more people we are zerging. When you kill us when we are outnumbered it’s an even fight.

We have some people in AD that do immature things I don’t approve of, such as teabagging and emoting but you have some people who send hate tells whenever they lose a fight.

I’ve done nothing but compliment you on your gameplay. You’ve done nothing but complain about getting zerged when you lose and bragging about the times when you’ve won.

There is DB behavior for sure going on, but it’s not from me.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


When we kill you with even numbers we are zerging. When we kill you with a few more people we are zerging. When you kill us when we are outnumbered it’s an even fight.

We have some people in AD that do immature things I don’t approve of, such as teabagging and emoting but you have some people who send hate tells whenever they lose a fight.

I’ve done nothing but compliment you on your gameplay. You’ve done nothing but complain about getting zerged when you lose and bragging about the times when you’ve won.

There is DB behavior for sure going on, but it’s not from me.

Except you have never killed us with even numbers.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer


in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


score update ….


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


When we kill you with even numbers we are zerging. When we kill you with a few more people we are zerging. When you kill us when we are outnumbered it’s an even fight.

We have some people in AD that do immature things I don’t approve of, such as teabagging and emoting but you have some people who send hate tells whenever they lose a fight.

I’ve done nothing but compliment you on your gameplay. You’ve done nothing but complain about getting zerged when you lose and bragging about the times when you’ve won.

There is DB behavior for sure going on, but it’s not from me.

Except you have never killed us with even numbers.

Stop lying.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Too much drama all up in here. Forum warriors don’t drop bags.

@airstu: I don’t see [Lost] folks post in the match-up threads too often, but I had a most enjoyable 10-minute fight with one of your camp capping groups late last night at Arah’s. Much respect, from that RH pistol thief doing all the Jackie Chan flips.

Yea, that was me on an alt with a buddy, both testing some new builds (I’m not counting the one who dropped immediately, he was there working on his gift of battle). That was an enjoyable fight, dealing with you and all of the camp vets really gave the set-up an nice break in and caused a few choice words to be uttered on vent. Will have to try it again. Thats the kind of fight that makes this tier really fun.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]


in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Oozo, Rat, it’s gettin to be personal attacks. We haven’t had a thread close yet. Please don’t close this one.

They won’t close this thread. They will just give me an infraction and remove my post. Besides, this guy deserves to be called out for his stupidity.

Hey bOozo , I heard they are releasing clown shoes and a funny red nose at the gem store. Perfect fit for a clown. Get em while they’re hot!

Have a magical day!

I heard they are adding emo hair cuts and razor blade scars as well there mr. ‘oppression obsession depression’

Hey look! Its bOozo’s mouthpiece, crusty the clown! Don’t you have a show to do?

If you notice the theme, after reading this thread it is clear. ad = clowns.

Why are you even getting involved in this? I don’t recall insulting you.

Let me explain why everyone is getting involved in this. You are a DB and most people are anti-DB you don’t realize this because your guild and the guilds you run with are all so similar to you in this fact.

Its ok varc….AD is just trashy guild full of zergers. They just mass invis hit me 4x with 8 guys while we were fighting gom lol. They’re very easy to get to, especially when they all lose 1v1 and in small team fights. Its ok though all of nsp knows they’re just zergers. Probably more of a joke than KING guild from DR. I never try to make contact with these garbage can players, they just msg me to duel and call me names. Then they lose in ez fashion and bring their zerg. That’s why u never see them in small groups, just groups of 8-10 or even 15, because they lack any sort of individual player skill. That pink sylvari mesmer gets ez’d by me and teivo every day and that thief from SKIL or w/e is like the eziest slay in the world. The only good players from DR are from bsty and EDGE, all others are just a joke.

That time that we ‘mass invis’ on you was actually a bit different. Our server was trying to take the tower outside your spawn and you were hitting them in the back, ohh and there were quite a few others around you. So sry to say brah, the mass invis was for your server not you and your ego.

He’s angry about something else here Dynnen. An hour or so ago we would constantly mass invis and train him with our entire group. Man he dropped fast lol. This is what incited this whole forum rage going on tonight.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Well that escalated quickly.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut


in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Personally, I thought you would all be great for each other. All interested in the same style of fighting. Surprised it didn’t work out.



in WvW

Posted by: Jaaded.1870


Disgusted by the actions of these NSP guilds.

Yak’s Bend


in WvW

Posted by: Tots.3056


Hmm, cant tell if Dynnen… or FPS russia. :O


Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guild Leader


in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I thought you might need a dose of reality, especially since you’ve taken the trolling beyond to far. Saying you’re going to beat someone irl, talking slander about someones wife, and then other people defending that should get you banned. Its a PR win/win for Anet. They’ve already gotten your money since theres no subscription, and they get to rid the gaming community of people like you.

PS. Kevin did get in touch with Gab and is distancing himself from teviospy and the rest of the people on the forums going after my family. Thank you for that Kevin.


in WvW

Posted by: modDW.4187


amg, everyone needs to chill out and watch this video which pretty much sums up the level of pvp in this game.


in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


500 gold reward to whoever find Charrcat.

Reward to be given to Charrcat when Charrcat come back.


Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


500 gold reward to whoever find Charrcat.

Reward to be given to Charrcat when Charrcat come back.

Miss you. <3

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

it doesn’t count as a legitimate record if you had 14 people in your team



in WvW

Posted by: GenerationX.9178


I had some sweet duals with my tM and SPCA buddies, i cant wait to see you guys on the battle field. Love you tM for everything you’ve been teaching me you know who you are! Oh and thanks for badges for few you in DR (gom tM thief)

Generation [ RH ] [ EC ]

(edited by GenerationX.9178)


in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I had some sweet duals with my tM and SPCA buddies, i cant wait to see you guys on the battle field. Love you tM for everything you’ve been teaching me you know who you are! Oh and thanks for badges for few you in DR (gom tM thief)

You’re back with us? Man, I cannot keep up. =)

Gate of Madness


in WvW

Posted by: Shu.6981


I had some sweet duals with my tM and SPCA buddies, i cant wait to see you guys on the battle field. Love you tM for everything you’ve been teaching me you know who you are! Oh and thanks for badges for few you in DR (gom tM thief)

have fun back in gom you noobie

Mugi [-tM-][Holy]


in WvW

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I didn’t think someone actually comes up with a way to teabag

You really have to give credit where it’s due. These HALO hardcores really, really likes to teabag, they’d go to great lengths to find the perfect position and orientation to start teabagging in a game that doesn’t support crouching.


in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Good forum fights all around guys. Haven’t been able to play much, and NSP is zerging the forums like always, hard to fight that. Just want to give a shout out to the SPCA guys, super tough forum group you guys have. Among the best I’ve gone up against. You guys are super good at targeting and assisting. Pretty tanky too, hard to get you down. Lots to learn from you.
XOXO, not bad either. You guys kinda ride the coat-tails of SPCA though. SPCA will be fighting and you’ll just jump in, opportunistic as always. Nothing against it, some people just like to play the forums like that. See a weak target and jump on it, but run away when it’s an even screaming battle. Ur lungs hurt, bro? Get out of the heat!
AD, eh… not too impressed. I know it’s rare to come up against the forum warriors of NSP, but I really expected more of a fight from you guys. You guys try to fight with maturity, which is almost like trying to go up against a door-nob after dunking your hands in vaseline. Just doesn’t work well. You gotta learn how to combat NSP’s tactics with immaturity, just throw that poo they flung at you right back in their faces. You’ll learn as you fight more though, you guys seem like quick learners and solid players.

Anyway just wanted to give those shout outs. Hope to see more of you on Text Wars 2 tomorrow!

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


AD, eh… not too impressed. I know it’s rare to come up against the forum warriors of NSP, but I really expected more of a fight from you guys. You guys try to fight with maturity, which is almost like trying to go up against a door-nob after dunking your hands in vaseline. Just doesn’t work well. You gotta learn how to combat NSP’s tactics with immaturity, just throw that poo they flung at you right back in their faces. You’ll learn as you fight more though, you guys seem like quick learners and solid players.

What just blows me away is that many of the fights they’ve lost to our “zerg” are fights where they engaged us and lost. They engaged us, lost, and then say that they got zerged. Its just kittening blows my mind.

They (SPCA/XOXO/Splt/tM) come at us with 15 and lose and then say they aren’t on voice. I mean, we had seen them working so much together that I just assumed they were on voice together. But, what difference does it make? They formed up together and they engaged us. Let me repeat that. They came after us.

Are we supposed to go, _"hey, those guys aren’t on voice… we should just let them kill us." No, that’s idiotic. Instead we kill them and they proceed to come to forums to complain about our “zerg.” Of course, if we had let them kill us they would have come to forums to say we “suck.” It’s truly a win/win situation for them, isn’t it?

Then I am getting tells from Teivo saying that we never run under 10. Yeah, actually we do and we quite often find ourselves dealing with 10+ SPCA/XOXO/Splt/tM. He says, yeah…. but it’s not the 5man SPCA. What the kitten difference does that make? Isn’t that convenient. He wants us to put ourselves at a disadvantage when SPCA/XOXO/Splt/tM group up together so the 5man SPCA isn’t at a disadvantage when they run across us.

The amount of their self-centered hypocrisy is just astounding to me. Did they do this kitten to you too? Of course, I guess that the main difference would be is that we have the numbers to kill them when they all group up together and you didn’t.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)


in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


AD, eh… not too impressed. I know it’s rare to come up against the forum warriors of NSP, but I really expected more of a fight from you guys. You guys try to fight with maturity, which is almost like trying to go up against a door-nob after dunking your hands in vaseline. Just doesn’t work well. You gotta learn how to combat NSP’s tactics with immaturity, just throw that poo they flung at you right back in their faces. You’ll learn as you fight more though, you guys seem like quick learners and solid players.

The amount of their self-centered hypocrisy is just astounding to me. Did they do this kitten to you too? Of course, I guess that the main difference would be is that we have the numbers to kill them when they all group up together and you didn’t.

No, it’s not you. It’s them (though you guys do kinda like to go around tellin people they’re terrible too? I can’t tell anymore, the drama is blurring together).

Please don’t seek sympathy from PAXA. They are the masters of accusing people of zerging (and not playing exactly the way they think you should play).

XOXO is supposed to mean hugs and kisses. Instead it means this nonsense. Your guild emblem has a heart!

Gate of Madness


in WvW

Posted by: Blue Marine.6782

Blue Marine.6782

Just wanted to poke my head in and say that my group of NSP (the guild) had fun joining up with Splt to fight DR and GoM in GoM BL tonight. We kept that SW camp no matter how many your poured into it though. I only wish we could have gotten back to Hills sooner to stop you from flipping it.

RNG Officer.


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


AD, eh… not too impressed. I know it’s rare to come up against the forum warriors of NSP, but I really expected more of a fight from you guys. You guys try to fight with maturity, which is almost like trying to go up against a door-nob after dunking your hands in vaseline. Just doesn’t work well. You gotta learn how to combat NSP’s tactics with immaturity, just throw that poo they flung at you right back in their faces. You’ll learn as you fight more though, you guys seem like quick learners and solid players.

The amount of their self-centered hypocrisy is just astounding to me. Did they do this kitten to you too? Of course, I guess that the main difference would be is that we have the numbers to kill them when they all group up together and you didn’t.

No, it’s not you. It’s them (though you guys do kinda like to go around tellin people they’re terrible too? I can’t tell anymore, the drama is blurring together).

Please don’t seek sympathy from PAXA. They are the masters of accusing people of zerging (and not playing exactly the way they think you should play).

XOXO is supposed to mean hugs and kisses. Instead it means this nonsense. Your guild emblem has a heart!

Yeah, guilty as charged, but I typically don’t do that unless I’m provoked. And I always give credit to good players when I see them. Even though they have kitten me off with their hypocritical BS, I still think that SPCA/XOXO/Splt/tM have a bunch of good players. And, I will say so on the forums in the open. That is what seperates me from them.

BTW, I’ve already said that overall both GoM and NSP offer far more challenge than the other servers we have fought recently. Also, we fought PAXA a few times before we hooked up with BSty. Joining forces with NoQQ did not happen until much much later. And even though we split fights with them we were respectful to each other on the forums. They just don’t like the direction that we went and I understand that.

IMO, the SPCA 5 man that only wants to do 5 man or smaller should move to T8. Honestly, if that is what you are looking for that is where you need to be.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)


in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Being good in this game means different things to different people. Threads like this wore me out. I think the tipping point was hearing PAXA tell guilds to challenge them in strictly 5v5 scenarios that could not be arranged ahead of time. You just had to find them in WvW. They wouldn’t even tell people what map they’re on. How many hoops you gotta jump through to impress someone?

On the other hand, most of my guild cares about 1v1 skill. Just about everyone we meet people in TS want to know how good the guild is at 1v1. shrug On the other hand, I’m mostly interested in the strategy part. Like it was somethin that you guys held off that many people coverin for an attackin on SM but I think it’s more impressive you guys were there. Not enough guilds on Gates of Madness organized to do so somethin like that.

Gate of Madness


in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Being good in this game means different things to different people. Threads like this wore me out. I think the tipping point was hearing PAXA tell guilds to challenge them in strictly 5v5 scenarios that could not be arranged ahead of time. You just had to find them in WvW. They wouldn’t even tell people what map they’re on. How many hoops you gotta jump through to impress someone?

On the other hand, most of my guild cares about 1v1 skill. Just about everyone we meet people in TS want to know how good the guild is at 1v1. shrug On the other hand, I’m mostly interested in the strategy part. Like it was somethin that you guys held off that many people coverin for an attackin on SM but I think it’s more impressive you guys were there. Not enough guilds on Gates of Madness organized to do so somethin like that.

1v1 in this game is almost totally busted due to the numerous cheese builds that are available. And you will notice that quite often the biggest talkers are the ones that run those builds.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies


in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Aww, you don’t have to be so nice, GoM. We know you love us. <3

…you love us a little too much, actually. We wish you would love us a little less, it’s sort of painful.


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

(edited by pixieish.9627)