5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204



Guess we’re all too busy fighting each other to make a thread.

Answer = Latest score update


5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701


Daily score update!


5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


Score update:



5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tumbero.3945


Still on SBI we dont have that big numbers in wvw but we still make a good game as alway, i fell happy we making good again these months, u can see the zerg vs us always , as always i say i only fell because we dont have that big numbers compared with the others servers , but well we keep going up.

SBI Firstborn.
(LX) Legion

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689

Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689

SBI… please play nicely and keep your [PREP] bot team off the field. I enjoy a challenging fight not a bag farm :p

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


SBI… please play nicely and keep your [PREP] bot team off the field. I enjoy a challenging fight not a bag farm :p

Everyone needs to submit a support ticket to report these bots. They will never be banned just for reporting them as botting since the guy is actually multi boxing them from the looks of it. They all use the names “warldwide, welrdwide, wyrldwide” etc. Add them to your block list and right click report for botting and then also submit a support ticket.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Going to be a tough week. Siege changes have pushed a lot of people out of WvW, have had a couple of trolls from SoS transfer over running with commander tag causing grief, and have been plagued by some 12 bot kitten taking up space. Also, outmanned buff has been pretty evident all night and day. Matchup stagnation or burn out, tough to say.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


SBI… please play nicely and keep your [PREP] bot team off the field. I enjoy a challenging fight not a bag farm :p

We were just chatting about them/him/borg/it on the SBI forums. No one really runs with them, per se, they just sort of show up somewhere they have determined (?) needs their bags and provide zombie-like meat shields for the rest of us who happen to be in the same place. No one I have spoken to so far has had any communication with it/borg/them/him, so we aren’t really sure what strategy they deploy…if shambling over to an area and unleashing the pets and arrows is a strategy.

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


Haven’t been on yet this morning, but reset night had some good fights on CD BL and SBI BL in the evening. May the 4th be with you all today, folks!

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689

Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689

Everyone needs to submit a support ticket to report these bots.

Yes as well as other players with different guild tags running with them. We have seen a player from [KOR], [Sc] and [Csf]. Hopefully these players are just tagging along behind what they think is a zerg and not supporting this type of play style. SBI has some wonderful guilds and I truly enjoy our battles. Sorry you guys have to deal with this.

(edited by Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Erawen.8217


Had some fun this morning protecting the homeland Running my kitten everywhere due to cd & sbi camp teams. This 30 seconds before swords pop bizness has me map watching like crazy…. and probably looking like a chicken with my head cut off being all – sentry down by fog, wait swords at faith – kitten, get to Titan! Ahhhhhh >.< My sylvari should really be running the Vancouver marathon tomorrow.

Looking forward to some fun fights tonight! Oh and the bots…. those were a pain this morning /report away is all we can do

Sea of Swag ~ gw2-seaofsorrows.guildlaunch.com

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Going to be a tough week. Siege changes have pushed a lot of people out of WvW, have had a couple of trolls from SoS transfer over running with commander tag causing grief, and have been plagued by some 12 bot kitten taking up space. Also, outmanned buff has been pretty evident all night and day. Matchup stagnation or burn out, tough to say.

If it’s the commander I’m thinking of that transferred over, he was a troll on SoS as well. I was partied with him in a CoF run while he was farming to leave the server and he got upset that he was on my ignore list. I only have like four people on that list and he was on an alt so I was very surprised I ended up with one in my party.

The bots are hilarious. Free loot bags, although they can cause some trouble when reinforced with actual players (kind of like Hylek helping you solo a camp on EB). I got a rare and tonnes of badges off of them when building arrow carts so I don’t mind them being around. They also create a bit of action on maps or at times when the opposition is less active.

I’ve seen them create opportunities like breaking down a paper gate at SM when no-one was scouting, so I won’t claim they aren’t dangerous, still, I have enjoyed having them around. Maybe I just like shooting ducks in a barrel.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Please by all means report bots but IMHO, please do not report players tagging along. My reason follows;

GW2 needs all the wvw players it can get, one innocent banned by careless reporting becomes 10 less players after the rumours spread that you get banned for just being in WvW.

Some good fights out there, some novel keep takes and defences due to arrow carts and some players actually adapting and getting on with it.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


Are people seriously transferring servers just to troll around with Commander tags? That’s pretty low.


Crystal Desert

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


Going to be a tough week. Siege changes have pushed a lot of people out of WvW, have had a couple of trolls from SoS transfer over running with commander tag causing grief, and have been plagued by some 12 bot kitten taking up space. Also, outmanned buff has been pretty evident all night and day. Matchup stagnation or burn out, tough to say.

That troll was actually from SoS but we all wanted him GONE because well, he trolled us too. He would tag up and afk or be dead somewhere and just overall be unhelpful. It’s unfortunate he picked SBI to troll next but we’ve all tried to report him with little to no success. I’d wager 50% of our server has blocked him hence the move.

It also sucks you guys have PREP guys in there screwing EB taking out your outmanned buff or stacking up your queue.

From siege cappers to troll commanders and multi-boxers it’s just… sigh.

Hopefully SBI doesn’t get too kitten and just leave, we really enjoy having SBI put up a fight and even steamrolling us at times. Keeps the fights interesting.


5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


I was going to ask who you were talking about and I suddenly remembered. He’s been challenging SoS commanders to 1vs1’s and all sorts of stupid crap.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Very fun fight there at Durios Gulch! Sorry SBI had to clean the floor of the lord’s platform with you all

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


You guys have a queue? We’d forgotten what that’s like. I wonder what it’s like to be on a populated server.

I’m so sick and tired of this match up and the “it’s so fun beating you guys – you really put up a good fight” garbage SoS keeps spewing. It’s extremely condescending and we wish you were good enough to move up in tiers already.

Crystal Desert

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

You guys have a queue? We’d forgotten what that’s like. I wonder what it’s like to be on a populated server.

I’m so sick and tired of this match up and the “it’s so fun beating you guys – you really put up a good fight” garbage SoS keeps spewing. It’s extremely condescending and we wish you were good enough to move up in tiers already.

Please name who you were quoting that stated that.

Otherwise, its just pointless whining.
When I say you guys fight well I kitten mean it, that’s not condescending its a compliment. Granted we have a couple of forum trolls, but they dont speak for the server, and realistically, they’re nothing compared to the trolls of the past.

Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

You guys have a queue? We’d forgotten what that’s like. I wonder what it’s like to be on a populated server.

I’m so sick and tired of this match up and the “it’s so fun beating you guys – you really put up a good fight” garbage SoS keeps spewing. It’s extremely condescending and we wish you were good enough to move up in tiers already.

I think somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chobits.2430


I can’t believe this isn’t bannable or that we have to put up with this in WvW.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


Please name who you were quoting that stated that.


Otherwise, its just pointless whining.

That’s your opinion. I think that it’s important for people to know that they’re making the game less fun for other people.

When I say you guys fight well I kitten mean it, that’s not condescending its a compliment. Granted we have a couple of forum trolls, but they dont speak for the server, and realistically, they’re nothing compared to the trolls of the past.

Don’t care. Intent vs impact here. It seems like a compliment to you, but I’d rather that the server just move on and quit being the big fish in the little pond.

Crystal Desert

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


AC needs a nerf but isn’t getting one atleast against players. I suggest invest points in ac mastery & siege bunker. Buffed ACs are here to stay and will be used more and more. Spent couple hours on EB SBI KEEP today with lots of ac. Had lots of fun trying to keep you guys bottled up. See you in game.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Sinaya, we are pretty well matched up, SBI and CD. You guys have a healthy lead on us and should pull ahead of us this week. We have barely scraped by these past couple of matches. Nothing can be done to SoS, and even less will be done after reset night with siege changes. You cant change that, you cant prevent them from night capping. No matter who falls to tier 4, we will always be red or blue.

That multi box bot is just free kills. I have no idea why he continues to take up space, but he seems to not care. While I don’t want to see the guy banned, I would like him to take that stuff out of EB. Things hard enough there as it is.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chobits.2430


I can’t believe this isn’t bannable or that we have to put up with this in WvW.

He posted a Youtube video of himself using a 3rd party program in the game. Why isn’t he banned yet, ANET?

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reaver.5126


It would be nice to have a more populated server, i love our zerg v zerg match ups against you SoS and CD guys but our balance in this Tier as far as timing is off. It just seems like one server always has the outmanned buff.

Me and my guidlies have a joke that there are too many people waiting for jormag and not being productive.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

Please name who you were quoting that stated that.


Otherwise, its just pointless whining.

That’s your opinion. I think that it’s important for people to know that they’re making the game less fun for other people.

When I say you guys fight well I kitten mean it, that’s not condescending its a compliment. Granted we have a couple of forum trolls, but they dont speak for the server, and realistically, they’re nothing compared to the trolls of the past.

Don’t care. Intent vs impact here. It seems like a compliment to you, but I’d rather that the server just move on and quit being the big fish in the little pond.

Such utterly pointless negativity. If people on the forums are ruining your fun when you actually play the game then.. you kinda deserve it.

Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Werat.7063


No nit-picking.
Just interfering here quickly. Neither server is at fault overall for the glicko system anet employs for match-up determiation. There have been countless suggestions/comlains that anet should change the system on how match-ups are determined and nothing has been done. Even at that one point where anet wanted to clean the slate they back-pedaled just the last minute.

Atm, sos can only go up with the “help” of higher servers having a black-out. On the same side cd will find it not quite so easy to go down even if they would try.

eu league
“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seren.6850


Sadly we lost one guild to many to stay in t3, we’d like to be in tier 3 though

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: declan.3968


Don’t care. Intent vs impact here. It seems like a compliment to you, but I’d rather that the server just move on and quit being the big fish in the little pond.

This is Kaineng’s fault for dropping 1 tier and hemorrhaging their points to push T3 bar up. I don’t think any of our servers can do anything but wait a month or two.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


I’m so sick and tired of this match up and the “it’s so fun beating you guys – you really put up a good fight” garbage SoS keeps spewing. It’s extremely condescending and we wish you were good enough to move up in tiers already.

Lemme break this one down for you.

Sea of Sorrows has faced a large chunk of the other 23 NA worlds in the months since release. Some were good, some were bad, some were indifferent and some were crushingly amazing in particular time slots. The worst? Well, even on our way down from T1, we faced a world whose standard operating procedure seemed to be zerg with everyone you have ’til you get wiped, then immediately map out for an “easier” map. Their average skill level was decent, their tactics were perfectly fine, but time and time again, one wipe – no matter how close it was – and the next one of them you saw had the Outmanned buff.

We give credit where credit is due. Both CD and SBI are still bringing their game and don’t give up after one little setback. You both have some strong, organised guild groups running around that wouldn’t be amiss in higher tiers. This isn’t a complete blanket approval, mind – the average skill level of your militia could be much better and some of the tactics employed are extremely basic, if not outright lazy. We don’t mind getting to be a little more relaxed about our own tactics (even if we know we’re going to have hell to pay for softening up even slightly if/when we do go back to T3) though, so it’s not the end of the world in my eyes that even portal bombs are few and far between. By and large though, you are better opponents than some of the worlds currently in higher tiers.

I have a lot of sympathy for your Oceanics as I know what it’s like to face numbers that are simply verging on impossible to deal with – I’ve seen worlds able to burn through a gate in a matter of minutes without even using a single bit of supply, at a time where we struggled to get a dozen people on the map to defend. If you’re not Oceanic though… you do need to remember that if you took them out of the equation – if, for whatever reason, the world only had 16 or 18 hours in the day and all of those players mysteriously disappeared into thin air, SoS would probably be losing. Not by a huge amount, but we’d be losing. This match is actually still more balanced in terms of population spread than it was when we were last in T4 when we had the likes of MERC, AFS, etc. full-capping the map every day before we’d go down to double figures in ppt for a lot of the rest of the day. At some point, you have to draw a line and start ignoring the score and just focus on actually fighting for your own enjoyment. When change in the tier is reliant on you guys getting Oceanics transferring in to balance it out or us getting NA transferring in and going up a tier, it’s just not worth worrying about anything other than those red names on your screen.

Sea of Sorrows

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


Weren’t MERC and FANG originally on CD? I think the real salt in the wound is seeing folks you used to play with /laugh at your corpse after wiping you 5:1.

It just feels like limbo. It’s amazing how SoS continues to applaud our tenacity and sympathize with our plight having been through similar issues dealing with higher tiers, but doesn’t seem particularly interested in changing their current winning streak at all. Funny how that works.

I feel like there’s potential to learn things by getting beaten all the time, but that there’s also a potential to simply quit when the game stops being fun. I think that the latter is far more likely with the current set up, and hope that players recognize that something needs to change in order for us to see improvement.

The only ideas I have:

1) Anet incorporates some sort of ladder / seasons to prevent this kind of stagnation.
2) Crystal Desert and / or Stormbluff isle gain some Oceanic coverage
3) Sea of Sorrows loses some Oceanic Coverage
4) The losing servers stop trying, forcing Sea of Sorrows to move up. (Even if Yak’s Bend drops down a tier, at least it we would be losing to some new faces)

The 4th option is the only one I feel any personal control over. While one person not playing is unlikely to have any sort of impact, entire guilds leaving the battlefield could potentially make some change, right?

How did SoS drop from Tier 1 to Tier 4, anyway? Lost guilds? Got tired? I’d love to hear that bedtime story.

Crystal Desert

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


To the SoS mesmer commander in [AxE] who refuses to fight me 1v1 without either (1) using moa or (2) running and waiting for it to be off cooldown when you see my name, and then laughing when he uses it in our duels:

you may be laughing in-game, but I smile every time you use it because I know that’s the only way you can beat me. =) You look foolish, just fyi.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] was started off on SoS and migrated to BG. They’ve not been on any other world, afaik, but there are other guilds with that tag, yes.

Although, change our winning streak? We’d like to go up to T3, where we know we’re probably going to lose a lot – possibly by more than you guys do in a week – but because of the rating points, we’re only really going to manage to do that after receiving NA transfers in. To answer this and your query of how we dropped from T1 to T4 – we don’t really have any more WvW-only guilds to lose. Except for the odd rather small guild here and there, the only guilds left on the world are PvX or PvE – none of which want to uproot their members from a very good world and community. All of those major WvW guilds moved off for various different reasons after JQ became incredibly stacked at the end of the free transfers.

Funnily, it’s also what makes me raise an eyebrow when I hear that EBay in T5 has three NA WvW guilds in their hundreds – we manage what we do off of basically a strong militia and good community participation between the PvX/small WvW guilds.

Sea of Sorrows

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: declan.3968


4) The losing servers stop trying, forcing Sea of Sorrows to move up. (Even if Yak’s Bend drops down a tier, at least it we would be losing to some new faces)

The 4th option is the only one I feel any personal control over. While one person not playing is unlikely to have any sort of impact, entire guilds leaving the battlefield could potentially make some change, right?

We all saw what happened to Tier 8. The short answer is that like it or not, us moving up a tier is beyond our control right now, and CD giving up is not going to make us move up any faster. Besides, completely giving up is rather weak.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


We all saw what happened to Tier 8. The short answer is that like it or not, us moving up a tier is beyond our control right now, and CD giving up is not going to make us move up any faster. Besides, completely giving up is rather weak.

Actually, we didn’t all see whatever it is you’re talking about. What happened to Tier 8?

It’s easy to call it weak when you’re not the one getting hammered all the time. I prefer to call it non-participation. :P

Crystal Desert

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


The MERC Sinaya mentioned is Merciless who never transferred off. I heard they became defunct a long time ago when the guild leader left the game because of real life issues.

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


SoS in EB, stop hiding behind these broken AC’s and come out in the field and fight. You looking kitten these last few hours. Just lol :p

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Soldier.1625


SoS in EB, stop hiding behind these broken AC’s and come out in the field and fight. You looking kitten these last few hours. Just lol :p

Not as kitten as you looked last night trying to take sm :p


X Jackal X – 80 Warrior| FaTe – Hand Of Fate http://www.hand-of-fate.net
SoS Commander (SoS since BW1)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


SoS in EB, stop hiding behind these broken AC’s and come out in the field and fight. You looking kitten these last few hours. Just lol :p

Um ya. so you outnumber us by atleast 15-20. As far as fighting you open field we barely have 10 people on TS3 and most people from the same guild are like 5 vs your superior numbers, ty but we will pass this time. TY for all the badges at Langor and SM though. It’s not in our interest to fight you when you want but when we want; especially when you outnumber us.

Rest of thread:
So much whining going on about SoS’s oceanics resetting everything. We could whine the same about CD/SBI’s NA & SEA coverage resetting our T3 stuff and us being outmanned 12-16 hrs of 24 hr matchup but instead we do the best we can with numbers we have. If you want to fight in coverage transfer to DB or any T1 server and don’t have to worry about it, other then those 4 servers any other tier will have same issues. Game has been out for 8-9 months stop bringing back coverage issues which have been discussed to death.

Back to the game.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Yeah, that kind of sealed the deal on it. The amount of siege inside of SM was ludicrous, but you benefit by having it untouched, and hardly being on the defensive. We probably have a limited time slot now when SoS is not maxxed on players in Eb, that’s when well have to try and ninja. Its honestly pointless to try and take SM with the pug army and the current AC situation.

This weekend has been nothing but CD and SoS running away open field, either to arrow carts placed in camps or to towers. This is a valid tactic, just not what we looking for. We’ll just avoid this crap like the plague. Winning open field fights is what we do. Trying to win this match up is irrelevant and with this in mind going to do my best to drive zerg away from any kind of tower assault.

The prior match up is much like the previous one with Maguuma, only they seemed to favor pressuring CD over SBI. Sadly anyone who drops down is just going to manhandle the two of us over. CD or SBI wont get a break until one of us drops a tier, not sure how long that’s going to take though.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


You guys are outmanned 12-16 hours a day? Are you serious? Did you know I invented the question mark? I also have my own jumbo jet.

Stop being ridiculous. You have far superior numbers and coverage. Not taking anything away from coordination, but it is what it is. You think we’d be losing every matchup by Saturday morning when I wake up at 9am if you were outmanned over half the day? Good lord.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


This thread is starting to go the way of the old T1 threads…

Also, uh, maxed on EB? It’s been a little while since I’ve played in Oceanic times, so I can’t entirely speak for them (they did sometimes run a queue in EB), but throughout SEA, EU, all the way ‘til the end of NA, I’ve played at least a lil’ in the past couple of weeks and haven’t seen a queue on EB once.

We are, typically-speaking, outnumbered (although not Outmanned) from late SEA all the way through to mid-late NA.

Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Ghedoriah.4290)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Soldier.1625


Yeah, that kind of sealed the deal on it. The amount of siege inside of SM was ludicrous, but you benefit by having it untouched, and hardly being on the defensive. We probably have a limited time slot now when SoS is not maxxed on players in Eb, that’s when well have to try and ninja. Its honestly pointless to try and take SM with the pug army and the current AC situation.

This weekend has been nothing but CD and SoS running away open field, either to arrow carts placed in camps or to towers. This is a valid tactic, just not what we looking for. We’ll just avoid this crap like the plague. Winning open field fights is what we do. Trying to win this match up is irrelevant and with this in mind going to do my best to drive zerg away from any kind of tower assault.

The prior match up is much like the previous one with Maguuma, only they seemed to favor pressuring CD over SBI. Sadly anyone who drops down is just going to manhandle the two of us over. CD or SBI wont get a break until one of us drops a tier, not sure how long that’s going to take though.

Hate to break it to you but points are obtained by towers not open field battle. That SM battle could of easily been in your favor if you would of split your zerg three ways and went into each choke at the same time. It’s all about tactics not who’s zerg is bigger when taking towers now.

SOS could say the same about SBI running away from open field during oceanic it’s a numbers game when it’s open field. Unless they get rid of the 5 AOE cap odds are always in the larger zergs favor.

Anet needs to provide a map for only GvG this would better align those who want to play tactically in wvw and those who would rather open field brawl.

I am all for the new AC change because it adds a different play style. Treb from locations you normally wouldn’t ect… The 80 man run up to tower and beast gate down won’t work anymore.

X Jackal X – 80 Warrior| FaTe – Hand Of Fate http://www.hand-of-fate.net
SoS Commander (SoS since BW1)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


That’s fine. You would rather siege, we would rather fight. Different strokes for different folks.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


You guys are outmanned 12-16 hours a day? Are you serious? Did you know I invented the question mark? I also have my own jumbo jet.

Stop being ridiculous. You have far superior numbers and coverage. Not taking anything away from coordination, but it is what it is. You think we’d be losing every matchup by Saturday morning when I wake up at 9am if you were outmanned over half the day? Good lord.

This is why I try not to post in forums. You went from me telling you we outnumbered to flying jumbo jets. Have fun.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


That’s fine. You would rather siege, we would rather fight. Different strokes for different folks.

Your server boasts your ‘Bannok train’ but when you encounter any resistance from us where we siege up and defend you want ‘open field’ instead. All you guys want is PvDoor on EB just like our militia most of the time. Adapt or continue to win against militia only.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
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5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



as a fly on the wall from tier 1. imo, there is a good amount of positive going on for this tier that should be appreciated, and appreciated/respected with each other. Cd has some excellent dispersion with its razing and sbi with its movement and choice of coverage. sos (as I play here now most the time), has incredible synergy amongst its leaders and of course.. numbers to lead and those numbers try to learn and help.

tier 1? lol. everyone is a commander.. to many chiefs. and its epic in the “elite” persona. gets rather old and stale. sure, its not always like that.. but definitely a different culture.

this arrow cart card that gets played.. yeah.. played out. its part of the game, every server uses them and uses them at the most opportune time. either rally and adapt by changing tactics, or keep pointing fingers in anger. seriously.. I highly doubt the circumstance juxtaposed would be any different with any server/player. you do what you can to keep what you have taken. done.

the ol sayin, “you don’t know what you got, till its gone”. yup. I am breathing life into my game by playing here. could have been cd or sbi, wouldn’t matter. this is good times people. enjoy the moment.


5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wen Jie.8920

Wen Jie.8920

I killed your spy commander for you



(edited by Wen Jie.8920)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Regardless of whether you want to hear it or not, there actually have been some good fights this week.

There are a number of posters to this thread who appear to be needing a break from the game. I hope they stay more positive in their own server map chats.

IMHO, This is WvW ( PvP ), we get to choose how we play, not how the opponent plays. Adapt, do your best and enjoy the game while you are playing it.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now