A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


Hello WvW community,

Many of you know me as the guy that guy that has been promoting Kaineng (currently the last ranked server in NA) as the place to be for the few weeks.

I made these posts because Kaineng was truly a fun server to play on, and over the months I’ve heard from dozens of guilds and individuals that have transfered to try out Kaineng due to my posts. Some have stayed, many have moved on, but I appreciate them all giving us a try.

The truth is, life has changed on Kaineng over the last couple of weeks. We’ve lost a lot of guilds who were tired of losing by 500K points every where week and realized that having the outnumbered buff in all 4 zones at any given time was just never going to amount to a balanced fight.

But something unexpected has also happened during all of this. Kaineng has started to grow. Our 2 man WvW efforts grew to 5 men, then 10, then 20, and now I often see what appears to be about 40+ people running around in WvW.

However, with this growth, and with the high turnover, we’ve experienced more than our share of growing pains as lots of unfamiliar faces show up all at once and try to adjust to the situation.

Allow me to take off my PR hat and be candid for a moment.

Kaineng, for me personally, has gone from being an extremely fun band of rebels working together to pull off some really cool battles against what is effectively a titan in our tier, to being a collection of strangers fighting each other more than the enemy. We’re going backwards. Our tactics have gotten sloppy, and we’re trying to play like a large server when we’re not one. We’re being crushed in almost all of our efforts because of it.

I really hope we can turn this around as I’ve talked to multiple veteran guilds in the last couple of days that are ready to transfer.

Today I’m promoting a change in the way we as a server communicate. It’s time to put aside egos and stop pointing fingers, and start trying to come up with solutions that work.

Let me be clear, with our numbers we’re NEVER going to win our server pairing. We simply don’t have the numbers to be in more than one zone at a time effectively.

However, we can, with very little effort, get back on track to working together as a team and putting up the kind of fights that the larger servers used to respect us for.

Guild leaders and WvW reps, please read the following, reply to the post and add your contacts to in a reply. I’ll follow up with everyone shortly with the next step.


Please help spread the word.

Returns PR hat to its original position

See you on the battlefield!

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Never have you failed to make an impression. I hope ANET sees this, and the other things you and others have done to promote the Low Pop/ New Servers to get the ball rolling on a community that grows and works together. Your initiative and ambition are an inspiriation. I wish the best to you, yours, and Kaineng. Keep going the way you’re going, the upper Tiers have no idea what’s coming.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


haha you make us sound so bad … I mean maybe good for recruiting but we have a lot of fun in wvw and we manage to take a lot on any given day the trick is to play smarter not harder and as time goes on more people will emerge

kaineg players have a unique opportunity to build from the ground up and get practice against 2:1 to 3:1 odds

I don’t know about you but KWBH wants those odds and wants that kind of challenge. You can only get better playing against the odds. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


The activity in Kaineng is largely due to that Taiwanese guild SoS and their other guild shield of sos. When I was on kaineng we karma trained with like 40 people for 6-7 hours lol


A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239

Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer

Good luck Fubuki! All of us who work on WvW are pulling for you.

Kaineng consistently has the best queue situation of any NA server so it seems like an obvious win for any guilds looking to play together. I hope that your PR efforts continue to pay off!

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Good luck Fubuki! All of us who work on WvW are pulling for you.

Kaineng consistently has the best queue situation of any NA server so it seems like an obvious win for any guilds looking to play together. I hope that your PR efforts continue to pay off!

Not if they want to keep their guild upgrades (Not all guilds are WvW only)

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I was going to say the opposite, every pvp instance we did SoS has run out or refused to help. I’ve seen 30 of them wipe on melandru because they get turned into animals and dps him. The feeling around most of kaineg is we wish they would just leave along with some of the other guilds and let us truly start fresh with committed guilds.

Ya, SoS has a lot of members but a lot of them are only on Kaineng so they can do karma train. I like Kaineng as a server but when I transfered to it I found it was hard to really participate because people had their own cliques already and no guilds seemed interested in letting me join lol


A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Good luck Fubuki! All of us who work on WvW are pulling for you.

Kaineng consistently has the best queue situation of any NA server so it seems like an obvious win for any guilds looking to play together. I hope that your PR efforts continue to pay off!

Not if they want to keep their guild upgrades (Not all guilds are WvW only)

Upgrades are very easy to get. When you have active players Influence comes in like hot cakes to fat kids. That’s not an issue, nor should it be if you’re driven. All that is, is a cop-out and an excuse. In my opinion, of course.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


You can’t help but respect this guy

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Piccolo.7296


In before a major guild like Titan Alliance transfers to this server.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


The Titan Alliance isn’t a Major Guild, it’s an Alliance of Guilds. For the record.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


It might take weeks, but we don’t need guilds to transfer here and have us ride their backs to a win. We can do this ourselves, and I want to prove it.

That’s all I’m going to add to this conversation.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Good luck Fubuki! All of us who work on WvW are pulling for you.

Kaineng consistently has the best queue situation of any NA server so it seems like an obvious win for any guilds looking to play together. I hope that your PR efforts continue to pay off!

Not if they want to keep their guild upgrades (Not all guilds are WvW only)

Upgrades are very easy to get. When you have active players Influence comes in like hot cakes to fat kids. That’s not an issue, nor should it be if you’re driven. All that is, is a cop-out and an excuse. In my opinion, of course.

Well for my casual guild of about 60 people it was enough that we wouldn’t even consider it. Without guesting there is no way to build up influence before transferring and while still playing with our PvE players who would be most effected by the move.

Not every guild out there is extremely hardcore with a 100% PvP focus and hundreds of members with 8+ hours to play a day. My guild did consider transferring to one of the underdog servers a while back but this is what it came down to.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Unlimited has 60 people, with a guild requirment of 25+ hours a week minimum. Your claims against ‘hardcore players’ are baseless. We have, after 30 something days the game has been out, max upgrade rank of everything based on that play. Even if what you say is true, those upgrades are not gamebreakers, as they weren’t intended to be. You don’t NEED them.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I have a lot of respect for Kaineng, my server (Ferguson’s Crossing) is battling you guys right now, and even though you are severely outnumbered…you really put up a fight!

I remember I chased a Kaineng guy into a cave the other day and he led me into like 4 ballistas lol. It seems like you use actual strategy more than a lot of the other servers.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Unlimited has 60 people, with a guild requirment of 25+ hours a week minimum. Your claims against ‘hardcore players’ are baseless. We have, after 30 something days the game has been out, max upgrade rank of everything based on that play. Even if what you say is true, those upgrades are not gamebreakers, as they weren’t intended to be. You don’t NEED them.

Its not the other upgrades, its the guild bank.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Unlimited has 60 people, with a guild requirment of 25+ hours a week minimum. Your claims against ‘hardcore players’ are baseless. We have, after 30 something days the game has been out, max upgrade rank of everything based on that play. Even if what you say is true, those upgrades are not gamebreakers, as they weren’t intended to be. You don’t NEED them.

Its not the other upgrades, its the guild bank.

I don’t even know what to respond with… I truly do not.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Do a partial move, have a member or two stay behind and handle transactions from the guild bank for a day or two before you can research the guild bank on the server your xfering to.

If its that important.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Back to the topic at hand, GO KAINENG!

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


The real topic at hand:


(we have cookies)

Apathy Inc [Ai]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Kaineng has my support but, alas, not my character.

I’m on Tarnished Coast since it’s the unOfficial RP server and we’re RPers.

If ArenaNet were to change the scoring system so that it was in relation to population ratios I think the smaller servers would find themselves in a much better situation.

What I mean is this: If all sides are at full capacity then the scoring points are as they are now. Or, give that a value of 100%.

If one side has more population than the other sides in a battleground then the points from that battleground are reduced by a % for the high population side and are increased by a % for the smaller population side to reflect the difficulty of fighting against the odds.

This would give incentive to log into WvW even when totally outnumbered. This would also stop the whole “night capping” thing since a team with a full presence against 0 presence would get minimal points (I wouldn’t say 0 since some servers might try to abuse that by somehow coordinating a boycott of WvW once they were in the lead – maybe a minimum of 100 per 15 minute interval).

If a smaller population took a single keep against say, 5 to 1 odds, then they should get something like 5x the points for that one keep in my view. After all, they have to defend it to keep it and that defense should be rewarded.

Anyway, back on topic: GO KAINENG! You gots this!

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


A good chunk of the people on HoD are there because they don’t like true competition. They like to win, regardless of difficulty. That’s fine, as everyone is allowed to play the game the way they want to – but I think you’ll have a hard time getting many HoD players to transfer. Most of the PvPers who could care less about an easy victory are on other servers such as Kaineng, fighting against the odds.

I just like PvP. I could care less about winning or losing, as long as there is competition. I would also prefer for there to be no orb bonuses – from the perspective of a DAoC vet it seems like a bad clone of a good concept that worked in a totally different (persistant, mind you) environment.

Anyway, I’m detratcting from the purpose of the thread. Good luck to Kaineng, I hope things improve for you and you end up in a bracket with some solid competition on (somewhat) even footing.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Proven.2854


I’m rooting for you Fubuki. If I could get my small band of guild friends to ever start loving WvW, I’d consider moving.

Call me Smith.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: THORz.2098


Unlimited has 60 people, with a guild requirment of 25+ hours a week minimum. Your claims against ‘hardcore players’ are baseless. We have, after 30 something days the game has been out, max upgrade rank of everything based on that play. Even if what you say is true, those upgrades are not gamebreakers, as they weren’t intended to be. You don’t NEED them.

Its not the other upgrades, its the guild bank.

I don’t even know what to respond with… I truly do not.

I got a response to that.

If you’re so concerned about your shiny loot and where to store your shiny loot, and that you’ve upgrades your shiny loot storage bins etc…deal with what you have.

Either put on your big boy pants and button up or enjoy your que.

FC is a hell of an opponent and anyone on Kaineng right now is being baptized through fire. Learn to survive when outnumbered and when it comes to an even fight, remember what you have learned and CHARGE!

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Thorz, you sir, have a way with words. If you’re a WvW leader on Kaineng, then it’s headed in more of the right direction then it knows.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Proven.2854


Yeah, the more I play, the more I realize a guild bank isn’t that necessary. Especially if you have active members. Since you can mail stuff to people even when they’re offline, it’s mostly for stuff like legendaries and expensive things you’re saving for a rainy day. Especially when you’re a bigger guild.

Call me Smith.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


The feeling around most of kaineg is we wish they would just leave along with some of the other guilds and let us truly start fresh with committed guilds.

I’m sorry. I tried to let this go un-answered, but I just can’t.

You don’t speak for the entire server when you make hateful comments towards SoS. You certainly don’t speak for me or my guild, or anyone in my alliance that I’m aware of. In fact, you’re new here yourself, so why would you even make such a comment? No one had even heard of your guild in WvW before last week.

SoS is an Asian guild that normally plays in the mornings. They keep to themselves, probably mostly due to a language barrier, but they don’t exclude anyone that wants to join them.

I have personally assisted SoS in a Borderlands raid one morning. They took over most of the map and then attacked Shad. They were very organized, very efficient, and demonstrated nothing but teamwork. They took a defended keep then managed to defend it for hours while holding on to the other resources they had captured prior.


I took a minute to compliment SoS on their teamwork, and one of their English speaking members told me he was just trying to help the guild learn how to play together as a team in WvW, as they are apparently pretty casual. I often see a lot of them doing PVE.

Make no mistake, we are hanging on by a thread to second place right now (for the first time ever) in part because of SoS’s morning shift efforts and I for one am glad to have them on our side and not on DR’s.


“Think about our community.”

Your guild is new to our little Kaineng WvW community, and you’re apparently new to these forums, so let me illustrate the irony of this statement for you.

I moved here weeks ago after playing against Kaineng for a week and only seeing TWO players. I wanted to try to help make a difference.

Since then me and others have been very active in promoting the Kaineng WvW efforts and helping us grow from what used to be two people, to what it is now.

Many of the people that are doing WvW now are doing so as a result of their guild leaders reading my posts. I know this for certain because they contact me when they move to the server. I’ve gotten random messages from players on many NA servers, a few EU servers, and even Mike Ferguson thanking me for my efforts to try to promote Kaineng, and balance the queues across the servers. Here are a few links if you’re interested in our history on Kaineng.


You say "Think about our community. " but there wouldn’t be a community to think about if it wasn’t for my efforts on these forums and the efforts of others like me from guilds like Nuke, Oni, Apathy Inc, Dawn, BB, and LaZy who have been here since the beginning. I’ve been thinking about our community, long before you arrived. I helped build it.

You weren’t here in the “old days” when it was only 10 to 20 of us out fighting both servers at the same time and still gaining ground. We used to be able to do this with only 25 people:


Now we have over twice the numbers and we can’t even hold a tower most nights. How would you assess that other than to say we’re going backwards?

I made a post here today, not to complain about imbalance, and not to promote my guild, and not to even try to recruit people to the server, but to request that Kaineng’s guilds start talking to each other so we can get back to working as a team the way we used to.

You used this opportunity to promote your guild, belittle my efforts, insult SoS, and demonstrate your lack of history of Kaineng. At the same time you didn’t offer up any contact information so that your guild could coordinate with the rest of us on this server that are trying to make a difference.

I respectfully ask that maybe it is you that should think about the community. I’m not your enemy mate, I’m just trying to help us get back to where we used to be. I really hope you will think about this before making a knee-jerk reaction post and realize we’re all just here to try to help us be the best server we can be with what we have to work with. That means teamwork.

So, if you would be so kind…


(edited by Fubuki.7162)

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


This guy. Too good. Hats off.
Watch out for the Kaineng Revolution!

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


SoS does keep to themselves ,but they do help out on Kaineng. I would agree that doing PvE events with them in Orr can be infuriating because you have no way of communicating effectively with them. This leads to SoS’s entire section of the PvE zerg basically doing something different than everyone else. Overall, SoS has been very welcoming and allows people to join in. Its just tough to find somebody who you can communicate your intentions with. You really can’t argue that their early morning WvW actions aren’t making a difference.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: YPC.6349


For guilds, Kaineng is just like Wild West. Many guilds came, most gave up, few are enjoying success they will never find outside Kaineng. SoS is an example. It is a very “causal” guild. It doesn’t have tons of real money to burn or a team of super hardcore “pro-players” or a lot of internet resource like forum/website etc. Given they don’t roll in Kaineng, their number will hardly reach 70 and very few will know about them. However, for some reasons they rolled in Kaineng. In Kaineng, they absorbed a huge number of un-guilded players where there is so few resourceful guilds to compete with them. They have 4 empty wvw maps to play with everyday, anytime they want. Right now they are 700+ and growing, and becoming more experienced and organized everyday. So if you have a “small” guild and are willing to play a high risk\high reward game, Kaineng is the place.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I <3 Fubuki

The posts Fubuki makes always start off so earnest that you ‘feel a troll’ coming on but by the end your left thinking one thing: respect.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Ryner.6895


Makes me wanna transfer over, but I gonna lose all my one man guild accomplishments. I wish you the best and hope to face off against you guys one day.

Please add in pve pk. Ty xoxoxoxo
ET – Heavens Blades

(edited by Ryner.6895)

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


While this is an improvement over,“Hi guys. We at Kaineng really suck but it’s OK!” it’s still silly.

Why do people need to click on your blog in order to communicate? What’s the point of that? Are the multiple chat channels in the actual game too difficult to use?

Then the other guy with the proper attitude, SniffyCube, comes along and you attack that guy? That guy is on your server, son! I thought you wanted to “communicate” with people on your server? LOL!

Gimme a break.

I look forward to killing you soon.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I look forward to seeing Kaineng rising through the ranks. You guys are the underdogs that got a late start. I hope to see you fight Sanctum of Rall sometime in the future. You guys have a great attitude and I hope you can maintain it and rise above.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Mooncow.6847


I love what Fubuki is saying, and I absolutely love playing W3 in Kaineng. There is nothing like killing a large group of enemies when you’re outnumbered 2:1 by using superior tactics and play. I personally think the Kaineng community is great and really hope that we get second this week and first in the very distant future. Even though superior tactics is not always the answer to winning things in W3 (especially when you’re outnumbered like we are), when they are what win fights there is a feeling to it that nothing else can compare to. For that reason I will never leave Kaineng and also encourage others to join our world if you are similarly competitive.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725


I love this OP. Definitely makes me want to transfer to Kaineng. If only I could convince my friends… Gonna be a hard sell leaving such a successful WvWvW server…

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Ridcully.6514


Hi, in-game I am Wilfull Donkey. I lead the guild The Royal Knights of Kaineng. Right now we are a very small guild, but we hope to grow. I hope eventually we can make more of an impact in WvW, but right now we are just having fun riding the karma train. Thank you fubuki for promoting Kaineng as the awesome place it is, but I do hope that not TOO many people come over.
I love this community and I definitely do recognise a few people that stick with it. Maybe someday we will be able to keep garrison for a whole match!

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris Creamer.7864

Chris Creamer.7864

Stay classy Kaineng

Torturer Severian[Nuke]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


I may not be from Kaineng, but sir, I stand and applaud to thee. I particularly enjoyed the article you wrote in your tumblr. Well done.

I sincerely wish that my own server, GoM, undergoes a similar transformation. This serves as an inspiration.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


You should get a forum just like we (RoS) have.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Gibbonici.9437


Man, I love the attitude you Kaineng guys have. If it ever comes to the point of loking for a server to transfer to, yours will be first choice. How’s the teamwork there? That’s the main thing for me in these games, winning or losing doesn’t matter really, it’s that buzz you get from keeping someone covered while knowing someone is covering you that counts.

Whiteside Ridge [JG] [PiP]
Yetas – Human Ranger
Ramonn Yetas – Human Rifle Warrior

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Ruins of Surmia is the EU version of Kaineng, so certainly good luck to you! Maybe the two servers should merge sometime, but I can see argument over who goes where

There are idiots on every server, joining RoS we found the initial few days to be fantastic and large attempts at organisation. Whilst the server scores have actually gone backwards due to people’s growing frustrations (like described in your initial post) and the free transfer issue … other guilds/players are getting idea’s that they are more important and actually making the situation worse.

If you have any guilds with frequent presence I certainly recommend getting in contact with the leaders and trying to draw them together.

Lastly, it’s nice to see players who are sticking with the low ranks and fighting the underdog rather than running to the winning servers.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Heres a checklist of things you can do to make things better for Kaineng in the long term:

1) Get your server population up. Hype it up and talk about the fun times you have on GW2 related forums. If you know any arty people or you are one yourself, then draw pictures, make movies and write about it. If its fun, doing this isn’t like work – its just an extension of play. Its too much for 1 person to handle this but if everyone does a little then it adds up to alot.

2) Set up a public voip server for all Kaineng players to join freely. Everyone in voip should by hyping it up in Lion’s Arch with the IP and port. The one we use is like $0.18 per slot per month and you never need more than like 500 slots. For low pop servers you can start smaller and its a bit like paying an extra phone bill a month with the possibility of reducing or eliminating the cost via donations. People are much more likely to rally around you and your server if you start things like this. If you know someone who wants to do this, make sure you have forum visibility – a fun and interesting thread so you can hook up with other people on your server that know how to get stuff like this done.

3) Once you have voip and your server population is on the rise, alot of things will fall into place. It is much easier to organize random players with no guild affiliations as long as they are in mumble or teamspeak or whatever. So you spread the word in Lion’s Arch at peak hours that WvW orientation begins at x:00 hours, meet up at northern most WP of LA if you want to learn how to do this.

In any pve zone you can show people how to create parties and form up squads around a commander. So if you can gather 25 people you say get into our public voip WvW channel, zone to fields. You need to spell everything out (as politely as you can) because you want all your guys to be in the same zone. If someone hits an overflow and they don’t have a mic you will lose them, but this shouldn’t be too much of a problem in a low population server. As your server population grows you will encounter this however.

So you want to form them up into 5 teams and the commander refers to each team by the team leader’s name. This way people in parties don’t get lost on the map because they should be following their party leader. Commander doesn’t waste time checking everyone is where they need to be, he just worries about his 5 team leaders and the team leaders worry about the guys in their party.

So thats the basic team structure of a zerg right there. You can form up into 1x 25 man army of death. You want to show people to how to bunch up and run as 1x 25 man army dropping banners to maintain swiftness and might stack but you can also break away 5 man units to accomplish special objectives like take supply camps. You want to show people how to go from one point of the map to any other point without making crossed swords for stealth objectives. If someone leaves they need to leave the party first, then exit the game. That team leader then needs to tell his commander and you can rally at waypoints to pick up new guys and fill out your teams again.

Off peak hours are the best time to show people how to use and where to deploy siege weapons. So you want to gather your group up and give them a go on an arrow cart or a trebuchet so they get familiar with siege ranges and you can get talking about placement. Forming guilds is a good way of spreading the cost of sieging since you can deposit money in the guild bank for communal WvW stuff.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


You’re all welcomed to join the Borlis Pass alliance. PST for more info.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


4) Attitude. Training and sharing knowledge is a good thing because you can’t do this alone. When people do things wrong, you can’t shoot them down. You gotta be patient and take the time to show them the correct way otherwise they will hate you and they would rather be wrong than be forced to agree with a jerk.

The ideal situation is that you can train up lots of people into leadership roles who go on to train up other people into leadership roles. Its better to have lots of people capable of leadership than leave it on the shoulders of a few people who burn out and ego trip. This is a fast track to destroying a community. The best case scenario is that you can play for a couple of hours and pass the baton to someone else who continues to carry the torch, so everyone can have a fit in a bit of GW2 and then go back to their lives. Eventually you will want to coordinate with your Oceanic, European and NA guys so you can do a torch relay throughout the day. The effect on morale is enormous when you come home and see your server doing well because the euro guys played a couple of hours, held down some forts and passed something defensible to the NA guys who do the same for the oceanic guys.

The worst case scenario is that you try and fail but everyone learns something in the process. Even if you aren’t winning you are still improving and it all matters. What you don’t need is people joining your server just because you start winning. You want people who are interested in building a community in any way they can and sticking around to see that community flourish.

Low pop servers have alot of things going for them because you can sync join 50+ people and not hit queues in any WvW zones. These are good places to learn how to WvW together. They are good places to learn how to fight against numerically superior forces.

Respect your pubbies and get them into voip. They will play longer and fight harder when they feel like they have a sense of purpose and direction. They will spend money on upgrades and siege if its for a community that they have pride in being a part of.

These things are difficult or impossible for one person to achieve but if lots of individuals do a little at a time and hook up in voip then you are on to something. Don’t burn out. At the end of the day its just a game and it should be fun. Most people want to play games in the company of people they like, not spergelords, dr angrymen and mr ego trippers. Then they want to exit the game and go back to their lives for a bit before its WvW time again. Keep up with the progress reports on Kaineng. If theres one thing people like to see, its an underdog beating the odds.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


5) Server wide team work. I find it better to think of my server as one gigantic guild with lots of different divisions doing different jobs on different shifts. In terms of WvW its really Server Wars 2 instead of Guild Wars 2. We used to have a handful of super organized, super strong guilds attempting to carry the server but operating in relative isolation, though it was not been particularly effective. Those guys were winning every battle but still losing the war. Eventually those players have to log out and then all the ground they took gets taken back. Don’t make the same mistake.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Haiku.2690


Love your threads, Fubuki, as well as Kaineng’s attitude in general.

I wish you well in your efforts for promoting unity in your server. It isn’t easy to work with what you’ve got, but it’s how you build a lasting foundation.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: baloonaroo.9632


I am not with a guild nor am I level 80 but the server communication and support I have seen on these forums and others regarding Kaineng has convinced me to move to your server. Keep up the great work Fubuki and everyone else looking to make your server a competitive force. Looking forward to Wv3’ing with you all in the days to come.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: micron.5369


I too figured I’d jump in and say thanks to Fubuki for his hard word. I’d also like to thank LaZy, Nuke, RAWR, Oni, AI, WAR, as well as the other bigger guilds that I’m forgetting, for their leadership over the last few weeks. We’ve been getting a lot of onesy-twosy transfers as of late, and without their strong leadership, most would probably be running around like a chicken without its head!

I’d also like to say that our various forms of meatgrinders and guerilla warfare tactics have (and this is going to sound bizarre saying this) made me always want to play on a smaller, outnumbered server.

In the betas, it seemed I was always on a server that had 95% of the map and we’d always be running around trying to figure out where the other guys were going to strike next. Since they struck fast and then moved on, it was always difficult to get there in time to get any kills. The way it is now, Kaineng is pretty much deciding where, when, and for how long we want to fight. As a result, it seems as though I’m constantly in a battle (as opposed to running around and looking for one), and the karma, badges, and kills are raining from the sky. I see people complaining about getting 10 badges a night and it makes me laugh because it is not unusual for me to get that in a short 10 minute meatgrinder session.

You other servers can have your silly keeps and castles! I’d rather have my outmanned buff, no queues, the ability to dictate where the battle occurs, and the hundreds of badges and thousands of karma that constantly rain down from above!

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I woke up this morning to a ton of new posts and e-mails in my inbox. I’m about to head out the door so I can’t reply to everyone individually just yet, but I did get them and will get back to you all soon. I see a couple of new people have made their way to Kaineng since yesterday. Glad to have you guys!

I also wanted to point out that our server lost a major guild yesterday, and with it a major alliance. Not only did this cost us a lot of good players, but it also means we’ve lost the shared Kaineng voice chat server that about 7 or so guilds were using to communicate our WvW efforts.

I have been talking to the guild leaders of several guilds about reforming a new alliance for the server, and that seems to be moving in a positive direction. More information will follow in a later post, but we have a new voice chat option set up so we can continue communicating effectively.

Software: Raid Call – http://www.raidcall.com
Channel: This Is Kaineng!
Channel ID: 5124954

RaidCall is free, works well, and supports hundreds of simultaneous connections, which is why we chose it. We’ll use this to gauge interest in the new alliance before considering paid options. We may find we don’t need anything else. I know a lot of guilds on the server are already using RaidCall for their guilds.

If you would like your own guild voice chat channel, just let me know. I will be adding more guild channels from those I have already talked to as time permits.

Remember, this is an effort to bring the community together and make us stronger. It’s open to everyone. If you’re offended by team work, just don’t reply. It’s as simple as that. All you’re doing is making yourself and your guild look bad. You don’t want that, and I don’t want that for you.

Thanks everyone for your support, both Kaineng and non-Kaineng members alike. Busy day. More later.


(edited by Fubuki.7162)