Any close/competitive matches?
I’m hoping to find a more balanced matchup as well. I’m introducing a friend to wvw tonight, and I don’t think getting stomped by ET will make a very good first impression. Anything good out there?
I feel as if Sea of Sorrows and Tarnished Coast were a close match, if only we could stay awake long enough to fight each other.
No such thing until Anet fixes their game.
Players don’t want to invest in WvW when it’ll just be negated by free transfers.
Winning, at this point, is meaningless. What’s the point when there’s absolutely no server stability? What are we fighting for if not for server pride? In it’s current form, it doesn’t exist.
Ald, you are wrong about there not being any close match ups.
The last match between Sanctum of Rall, Darkhaven, and SF was extremely close. This most recent match was different, Sanctum of Rall dominated quite clearly, however they will likely be moving out of our bracket. The last match Sorrow’s Furnace beat Darkhaven by like 1,000 points for the win, so if we get matched up again, it could be a very good fight.
If you want a good fight, with not bad queues, go Darkhaven! The next match should be really close.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
(edited by Arius.7031)
Tier 4, Tarnished Coast, Sea of Sorrows, and Gate of Madness was balanced at the start of the matchup between SoS and TC. SoS nightcaps TC, then TC nightcaps SoS. So if you’re on at one server’s primetime, its mostly just Player vs Door. GoM just randomly rocks up when they feel like it and takes stuff all over the map.
Even TC’s defense attempts in EB becomes becomes Player vs Door due to taking out SoS siege, but not having the numbers to get rid of them, and having the 40 SoS zerg autoattacking down the door.
In the end though, TC’s small lead every day added up, and it’s now at ~120k, but will go down again as we’re coming into SoS primetime.
Last week’s match (TC v Mag v Ebay) was even at first I heard until TC started gaining their small night crew and threw the balance off. We went from midnight zergs to getting zerged at midnight.
TLDR; Tier 4 wasn’t balanced, but due to heavy NA vs heavy oceanic vs small NA.
(edited by Zynthetic.2954)
Arena net need to change the scoring to something, that builds more regular close run competitions. whilst a week overall winner is great it would be nice to win a time period and get points based on that rather than a constant tick. that way you can take some pride in winning during the interval you play without having to worry about the downtime.
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Havent seen a close matchup since BWE3. Since then its all been one server steamrolling the other two, almost always due to nightcapping.
And shortly after that, usually when the other servers are about 100k points behind (so, day 3 or 4) they simply say “kitten it” and stop playing till the next matchup.
Going two week match-ups now would kill WvW. No one is going to actually try for two weeks when after just 1 night its clear that theyll just get pulverized.
Atm, Desolation a high/full pop server, has no queues for WvW and outmanned on all maps.
Augery Rock is atleast trying to put up a fight, but for me this match up is dead and i can do nothing but wait for the next round. And if those rounds are to far between, i dont see myself caring at all anymore. Play a few days, then wait 1.5 week to play again for a few days. No thanks.
Id much rather see 1 day rotations. Atleast then people try, theyll still lose to the nightcappers, but its not as demoralizing as staring at a 150k point disadvantage + 3 orbs + completely capped maps + reinforced walls everywhere.
Sure no one would bother to upgrade anything anymore, but they dont bother now either because at night it gets capped and the upgrades are lost anyway.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
In the Miller’s Sound – Whiteside Ridge – Dzagonur match up things were quite close until Tuesday even though Miller’s clearly had a night kap krewe. On Tuesday night Miller’s pushed it hard because both they and Dzagonur are German servers and Wednesday was a national holiday in Germany.
Miller’s won that fight and didn’t look back, while the other two servers have faced a never ending zerg since Wednesday. In short, it was fun until Tuesday.
Havent seen a close matchup since BWE3. Since then its all been one server steamrolling the other two, almost always due to nightcapping.
And shortly after that, usually when the other servers are about 100k points behind (so, day 3 or 4) they simply say “kitten it” and stop playing till the next matchup.
Going two week match-ups now would kill WvW. No one is going to actually try for two weeks when after just 1 night its clear that theyll just get pulverized.
Atm, Desolation a high/full pop server, has no queues for WvW and outmanned on all maps.
Augery Rock is atleast trying to put up a fight, but for me this match up is dead and i can do nothing but wait for the next round. And if those rounds are to far between, i dont see myself caring at all anymore. Play a few days, then wait 1.5 week to play again for a few days. No thanks.Id much rather see 1 day rotations. Atleast then people try, theyll still lose to the nightcappers, but its not as demoralizing as staring at a 150k point disadvantage + 3 orbs + completely capped maps + reinforced walls everywhere.
Sure no one would bother to upgrade anything anymore, but they dont bother now either because at night it gets capped and the upgrades are lost anyway.
This, I agree with almost everything you said. I’ve noticed that queues are more and more unusual as time passes with all of this going on… (and shorter)
I think the BG/DB/FA fight has been a very good matchup. Right now the score is:
BG – Total: 256,371 Potential: 85 Orbs: 0
DB – Total: 192,974 Potential: 365 Orbs: 2
FA – Total: 146,192 Potential: 245 Orbs: 1
Ald, you are wrong about there not being any close match ups.
The last match between Sanctum of Rall, Darkhaven, and SF was extremely close. This most recent match was different, Sanctum of Rall dominated quite clearly, however they will likely be moving out of our bracket. The last match Sorrow’s Furnace beat Darkhaven by like 1,000 points for the win, so if we get matched up again, it could be a very good fight.
If you want a good fight, with not bad queues, go Darkhaven! The next match should be really close.
And to counter this, Sorrow’s Furnace is always looking for good players. Our queue times this past week have been negligible during peak times. However, with the caveat that most guilds were taking a break since this week was a rematch of last week. But even during our close match the previous week, queue times were not bad at all (5 minutes?) during peak times.
Don’t go to Darkhaven, they embrace death too much.
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok
The SoR, Darkhaven, SF match-up that was extremely close last week is a blow out this week, largely due to transfers. I agree with Ald, there is little point in having server pride when you have no idea if you are winning because of transfers or losing because of transfers. For all I know SF won last week because we had more transfers then our opponents. Who knows, system is kittened while folks can flip flop around however they please.
I personally think 3.5 day sessions work better then 7, typically by the 3rd day things are pointing in a certain direction and then if you get a blow-out you do not have as long to wait for a new match-up.
(edited by Niim.9260)
Still able to enjoy WvW this week despite our low representation, but it feels like many players have become existentialists. In response to trying to get people organized, all I get from some people is the “Why bother? We’re just going to lose.” attitude, as they lean in the corner and puff their cigarettes. Some people are too fixated on the score and a lot of them don’t even realize that we could still at least fight for 2nd place if ranking really concerns them.
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]
When on the bottom there is only one way to go ..up! If you have a pioneering spirit and want to be part of a constant epic struggle to hold what we take, please consider Kaineng. No queue times, great down-to-earth people and good leadership.
Proud member of CNB
Ald, you are wrong about there not being any close match ups.
The last match between Sanctum of Rall, Darkhaven, and SF was extremely close. This most recent match was different, Sanctum of Rall dominated quite clearly, however they will likely be moving out of our bracket. The last match Sorrow’s Furnace beat Darkhaven by like 1,000 points for the win, so if we get matched up again, it could be a very good fight.
If you want a good fight, with not bad queues, go Darkhaven! The next match should be really close.
And to counter this, Sorrow’s Furnace is always looking for good players.
Our queue times this past week have been negligible during peak times. However, with the caveat that most guilds were taking a break since this week was a rematch of last week. But even during our close match the previous week, queue times were not bad at all (5 minutes?) during peak times.
Don’t go to Darkhaven, they embrace death too much.
What our misguided friend here, EnochDagor, has failed to point out, is the undeniable fact that everyone on Sorrow’s Furnace has really funny mustaches (including the ladies)! In light of that fact, I think you should make the more rational choice, and go Darkhaven.
Both are great servers and I’m optimistic that should we get rematched, it will be really intense. SF beat Dh by 1k points last round, and we’re very eager to get a chance to correct that wrong. So I think our fight will be very competitive (I really hope so), and I think that anyone looking for a good fight should join one of these two servers.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Yes, but can you honestly say that a handle-bar moustache female asuran isn’t handsome?!?
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok
Can we get Sauce ?
Funny thing is. Over half our points were gained during the first 17-18 hours where we managed to keep our corner of EB AND our BL, even FoW managed to keep some. We thought we had found our match… Until other german guilds transfered in to Drakkar to make our life hell again.
And that is the result you see.
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)