We don't want PVE in WvW.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


Please no dragons in WvW. Please no world bosses in WvW. Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady. “Escort mob X to position Y” type of thing is always a failure, because it will just turn into a PVE farmfest. It’s always easier to just SvE (Server vs Environment) than to actually fight the opposing faction, and remember, people choose the fastest possible route to their gear. If that route excludes killing players, then they won’t attack each other.

I have 50K kills and over 10K badges. Nobody I’ve ever met wants more PVE in WvW.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


I think they mean PvE in that it would help the WvW effort like mercenary camps

At least they friggin better be.

The grub is the perfect amount of PvE. I love that PvE guild dedicated to farming the grub. They lead the PUG zergs… to the grub. Gotta love that. Besides champions on the WvW field means that if a fight breaks out around them, they add to the chaos like the oakheart outside Stonemist.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072



Dunno, i like the jp’s. And i think dragons would be dope. Trolling potential has reached 10,000!!!

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady.

I’m somebody and spend the majority of my time in WvW, but I like big PvE bosses in my WvW so you’re not speaking for everybody, just avoid using that terminology and just provide your own opinion because that’s what it is nothing more nothing less.

Doesn’t mean they need to be there semi permanently but what’s wrong with seasonal / other one-off event bosses in WvW if the majority of players would else go to PvE to participate in the event content there and ignore WvW for at least some hours altogether?
(this is esp. notable on non-hardcore WvW servers like the one I’m on, during halloween and lost shores events WvW was deserted when we normally have queues).

I have fond memories of another game where during a beta event the GMs released raid end-bosses into the PvP zone and both factions fought eachother as well as the raid boss. That was a lot of mayhem and fun, an epic long battle as well.

(edited by holska.4127)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yes, cause we need more people fighting that Champion Tree Spirit or Harpy instead of doing useful things in WvW ;o)

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


Please no dragons in WvW. Please no world bosses in WvW. Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady. “Escort mob X to position Y” type of thing is always a failure, because it will just turn into a PVE farmfest. It’s always easier to just SvE (Server vs Environment) than to actually fight the opposing faction, and remember, people choose the fastest possible route to their gear. If that route excludes killing players, then they won’t attack each other.

I have 50K kills and over 10K badges. Nobody I’ve ever met wants more PVE in WvW.

Whoa whoa. Dragons in WvW….. That actually sounds amazing. Can you imagine doing this huge battle then all of a sudden you see a huge shadow on the ground and a dragon lands right in front of you like the shatterer?!

Fending off player attacks and dragons sounds epic to me hah.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


Please no dragons in WvW. Please no world bosses in WvW. Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady. “Escort mob X to position Y” type of thing is always a failure, because it will just turn into a PVE farmfest. It’s always easier to just SvE (Server vs Environment) than to actually fight the opposing faction, and remember, people choose the fastest possible route to their gear. If that route excludes killing players, then they won’t attack each other.

I have 50K kills and over 10K badges. Nobody I’ve ever met wants more PVE in WvW.

Whoa whoa. Dragons in WvW….. That actually sounds amazing. Can you imagine doing this huge battle then all of a sudden you see a huge shadow on the ground and a dragon lands right in front of you like the shatterer?!

Fending off player attacks and dragons sounds epic to me hah.

Yea be like smaug attacking in the Hobbit. Would be epic.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


I agree with OP, but unfortunately I have little hope. From what I’ve seen and heard so far, Anet atm seems to be more inclined to focus on the positive feedback from the yay-sayers.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


In rift we had great battles around dragons on the pvp servers. But honestly, if your going to make a post about what we want, take the time to get to know us each personally and find out the things that make us truly happy, otherwise we are going to have to vote you out of office and hire a new representative.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Fight the dragon – win – use it as a new siege weapon.


We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Who’s this “We”? Some do, some don’t. I wouldn’t mind something creative to shake things up on occasion… really give people an “Oh Kitten!” type of moment as the unexpected burst of chaos descends upon and shatters the best laid plans. If done right, it could add a lot.


We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Kalizaar.4729



Some of us think if you want pure PvP that you should play the part of the game that was designed specifically for PvP only (matches). WvW was designed specifically to have both PvP AND PvE elements.

The problem is that they didn’t add enough PvE elements to make some people realize it was put there on purpose.

Many games in the past have had 3 styles of game-play.
1. Safe PvE. All PvE.
2. Dangerous PvE. Areas that were much more exciting to play in because you had to watch your back or be jumped from behind turning things into PvP.
3. PvP focus.

It’s obvious the matches was ArenaNet’s idea of PvP focus. It’s obvious that the various zones are meant to be safe PvE. It also seems fairly obvious GW2’s WvW was meant to be a mix of dangerous PvE and PvP along the lines of Dark Age of Camelot’s Frontiers, or Warhammer Online’s RvR Lakes.

Unfortunately the low population caps in the zones turned turned PvE in WvW into a stigmata which I totally understand. With limited slots for players, if you aren’t slaughtering other players you aren’t aiding your realm.

ArenaNet should make PvE in WvW somehow benefit the war’s effort. Have mobs drop supplies that PvEers can turn in to towers maybe. Award points to your realm with PvE kills maybe.

Suddenly you have another dynamic to the war. Make use of all those empty areas. Make it important to have roaming squads to hunt down the supply collecting PvEers. All supply camps taken? Send out small groups to try and collect supplies from the land and sneak them through enemy forces.

There’s plenty that ArenaNet could do to make PvE a productive, and fun, activity in the WvW zones rather than a despised one.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


I have no problem with some PvE stuff in WvW, as long as it’s out of the way or offers strategic advantages. People have mentioned dragons; what if you could complete a number of events that spawned a dragon to fight for you? Perhaps one to defend SM?

These events could become a clever mechanism of splitting up the zerg (numerous events spread around the map that need to be completed at the same time? No one zerg can manage it). It may encourage smaller guilds to communicate, or provide lots of smaller scale fighting. Anything that stimulates interesting encounters must be good.

The point is, done well, PvE elements in WvW could be amazing. The ‘PvP purists’ and their monolithic zergy guilds need to realise that they don’t speak for everyone, and that the Environment has an impact on the quality of PvP in WvW too.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Kalizaar.4729


I have no problem with some PvE stuff in WvW, as long as it’s out of the way or offers strategic advantages. People have mentioned dragons; what if you could complete a number of events that spawned a dragon to fight for you? Perhaps one to defend SM?

These events could become a clever mechanism of splitting up the zerg (numerous events spread around the map that need to be completed at the same time? No one zerg can manage it). It may encourage smaller guilds to communicate, or provide lots of smaller scale fighting. Anything that stimulates interesting encounters must be good.

The point is, done well, PvE elements in WvW could be amazing. The ‘PvP purists’ and their monolithic zergy guilds need to realise that they don’t speak for everyone, and that the Environment has an impact on the quality of PvP in WvW too.

Very well put!

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Dear Hunter.8365

Dear Hunter.8365

I believe adding more PvE raid bosses would not help the situation. It may get more people into WvWvW but they would not be participating towards taking a base and instead killing the raid boss which takes a fairly large chunk of players for a significant amount of time. We have lost SM due to a group of 30 killing the grub just because we happened to have been blue which is the side the grub spawns on. I believe adding raid bosses would not be a problem if there was no cap on player limit but unfortunately since these are battlegrounds and not a World PvP map we need the people in the map focusing on taking strategic points to gain victory because every player counts when there is a limit.

Dear Hunter The Colorful Charr Guardian
USA (United Sanctum Alliance)
Sanctum of Rall

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I don’t think that’s strictly true. I think a lot people are happy with PvE elements in WvW, just as long as they are meaningful and interesting. Although currently I don’t think they really are.

Personally, I’d like to see more interesting PvE encounters to shake up WvW. I love the idea of all servers being at constant risk from larger bosses in EB at least. It would be awesome if during an open-field battle a great big dragon comes crashing through the zergs with everyone running away screaming, confused as to whether they should be attacking the dragon, or the other server. The successful server in this situation would of course be the server who knows best how to handle a three-way battle and the server that can strategise best on the fly.

Dragon attacks would of course be quite rare or maybe triggered by joint server activity. I love the idea of getting a notification on screen saying “You woke the dragon. Now you’re ALL screwed!”


We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475

I dunno. As it sits right now, with WvW in it’s current form/state, agreed with the OP.

If on the other hand culling is about to be sorted and the pop caps can be lifted up, some fat juicy PVE events to slaughter poor poor care bears again and again in doesn’t exactly sound like a too terrible idea to me.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: jagans curse.4892

jagans curse.4892

such arrogance to say ‘we’ like you represent the entire gw2 gaming community. Every single complaint in every negative post has the same solution, learn to live with it or go play a different game. My only complaint in this game is all the whiners crying about the stuff they don’t like or can’t understand. Heres my advice: grow up and realize you can’t change everything to suit your own rediculous immature desires.

Jagannath Vishnu Level 81 warrior [PiNK] -
Tarnished Coast.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Haaz.1479


Stop ruining the game what we like. If i want more pve i’ll go wow.
Ppl asking for more pvp like a 20v20 battlegrounds but you giving us new events instead.
Better remove ALL mobs from WvW maps, it might helps a bit with lags and culling. Don’t add new ones

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Rufus Shinra.2351

Rufus Shinra.2351

I too would like more PvE events in WvW.
I’m certainly not a fan of pure PvP, but in WvW where there’s things to do other than just killing some other player (JP, Patrols, Events, Champions) it feels more natural than only one type (PvE or PvP).

I would actually love to get more PvE contents (like the dragon discussed).

As in a real battle, when a greater evil than your actual opponents shows up, you gotta turn for it or you’ll all die. It would be very nice to see a castle being assaulted and during the assault, an horde of undead comes in to wipe everybody :-)

PS : Sorry to the hardcore if I don’t like my game close-minded

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


agree 100% on no PvE crap in WvW maps.

They can start with the Giant grubs and jumping puzzles, please just remove them entirely from WvW maps.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ethose.5694


The problem comes when the PvE doesn’t help the Realm score. If the new PvE elements help the realm overall on the scoreboard then I’d welcome it with open arms. Events can liven up a game that has grinded to a halt. They could add new strategies to attacking and defending and they would give PvE centric players a way to help their realm and be part of the team.

Ethose (EA)
Born and Raised on Dragonbrand

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Dear Hunter.8365

Dear Hunter.8365

I too would like more PvE events in WvW.
I’m certainly not a fan of pure PvP, but in WvW where there’s things to do other than just killing some other player (JP, Patrols, Events, Champions) it feels more natural than only one type (PvE or PvP).

I would actually love to get more PvE contents (like the dragon discussed).

As in a real battle, when a greater evil than your actual opponents shows up, you gotta turn for it or you’ll all die. It would be very nice to see a castle being assaulted and during the assault, an horde of undead comes in to wipe everybody :-)

PS : Sorry to the hardcore if I don’t like my game close-minded

It’s not about being close minded. Most people want only pvp because no matter how advanced your coding is a PvE enemy will be scripted. There will only be so many things it can do before we have completely figured everything out about the enemy then it becomes incredibly easy. When fighting other players in pvp there is constant change of strategy. You may come across the same situation multiple times but have to use a different method to solve it. Fighting players adds complexity and difficulty. With the player limits on the map if people are focusing on the raid bosses then we don’t have enough players to defend our keep or tower and end up losing it. This is frustrating to the pvp crowd because we had enough people to defend but they were all killing a raid boss that only drops 5 badges but keeps thirty players preoccupied for 20 minutes.

Dear Hunter The Colorful Charr Guardian
USA (United Sanctum Alliance)
Sanctum of Rall

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ethose.5694


I too would like more PvE events in WvW.
I’m certainly not a fan of pure PvP, but in WvW where there’s things to do other than just killing some other player (JP, Patrols, Events, Champions) it feels more natural than only one type (PvE or PvP).

I would actually love to get more PvE contents (like the dragon discussed).

As in a real battle, when a greater evil than your actual opponents shows up, you gotta turn for it or you’ll all die. It would be very nice to see a castle being assaulted and during the assault, an horde of undead comes in to wipe everybody :-)

PS : Sorry to the hardcore if I don’t like my game close-minded

It’s not about being close minded. Most people want only pvp because no matter how advanced your coding is a PvE enemy will be scripted. There will only be so many things it can do before we have completely figured everything out about the enemy then it becomes incredibly easy. When fighting other players in pvp there is constant change of strategy. You may come across the same situation multiple times but have to use a different method to solve it. Fighting players adds complexity and difficulty. With the player limits on the map if people are focusing on the raid bosses then we don’t have enough players to defend our keep or tower and end up losing it. This is frustrating to the pvp crowd because we had enough people to defend but they were all killing a raid boss that only drops 5 badges but keeps thirty players preoccupied for 20 minutes.

The challenge comes when you combine the 2. Yes the boss may be scripted and incredibly easy but what if the other team tries to steal the kill at the end by wiping you when the boss is low?

What if killing a boss spawned something that helped the PvP players like an attacking dragon on SM or gave them all a buff for 10 minutes. There are options that could make PvE players help the overall realm score and keep things interesting for all parties involved.

It’s been said many times but if you want just straight up PvP you already have an option for that. WvW can be so many things if we combine the 2 together. I hope they do it to the point where the 2 sides actually enjoy working with each other and appreciate what each side enjoy. (Sides I’m talking about are PvP and PvE)

Ethose (EA)
Born and Raised on Dragonbrand

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


The sad fact is, most wvwers are lost little pve’ers who would like nothing more than to be able to kill their mindless ai and still get points for wvw.

I just hope that if anet decides to destroy competitive wvw, they at least get their spvp fixed first.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Haaz.1479


add 2 maps for wvw 1 only for pvp without any mobs there and second with dragons, fairies, ponies etc.
problem solved.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Calae.1738


A dragon in WvW would be cool. It should just fly around and toss fireballs causing structual damage and blowing people up. It would occasionally torch the ground and roast players into charcoal.

It should only be targetable and brought down by balistas.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


“Hey guys, why is that tower neutral?”
“Jormag owns it.”

I hope they don’t do this. We don’t need more PvE reasons to have to be forced into WvW. The JPs are enough. I do like WvW though, but don’t want to have to feel the need to work on PvE crap while in WvW.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


A dragon in WvW would be cool. It should just fly around and toss fireballs causing structual damage and blowing people up. It would occasionally torch the ground and roast players into charcoal.

It should only be targetable and brought down by balistas.

Yea, why not? I mean we only spent about 900 supplies on the oil,cannon and mortar just so a npc monster that takes at least 20 people 20 minutes to kill to blow everything up while our outer towers are getting taken….

Overgrown grub is already a big hinder for unexperienced players, its nothing but a fools trap, has a unholy amount of hp and only drops about 7 badges in a time interval where you could’ve flipped multiple enemy camps or take down a tower.

Another AI boss monster would only serve to further the problem bringing in PvE players the illusion that they are contributing while they are only serving to take up spot for dedicated wvw players.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


PvEvP > PvP

The problem is when they introduce PvE content which stands completely separate from the PvP. The giant grub is an example of bad content. Killing it has no bearing on the WvW environment. If you see the enemy attacking it, there is no reason to interrupt them (in fact, there is good reason not to!)

Conversely, the ogres, frogs, etc, are good content. The impact the WvW game and you have good reason to interfere with the enemy there, creating a “PvEvP” environment.

It’s not a question of “PvE vs PvP”. It’s a question of well-designed, good content versus poorly thought-out, lazy content.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


The problem comes when the PvE doesn’t help the Realm score.

This … totally this.

I’m generally against any kind of PvE in WvW, but if done right it doesn’t have to ruin the game. For example, the dredge/frog/ogre camps are pure PvE when viewed as a standalone activity, but PvP fights do break out there when they are contested and having the dredge/frog/ogres on your side is a tactical advantage that supports the overall WvW objectives. If any additional similar content added to WvW was handled properly, in theory it could simply add extra layers to the strategies/tactics of the match.

Such “PvE” activities absolutely need to directly contribute in some manner to the overall server score, though. They cannot grant individual awards other than the usual XP, karma, etc that comes with any completed event, they need to directly contribute to the overall match effort, and they can’t overpower other aspects of the game. I’ve suffered under situations where PvE was mindlessly added to PvP, most notably in the large scale three-faction Conquest map in Rift. Players on the same team were constantly at each others’ throats there because of the competing motivations Trion built into that abortion.

As I said, I’m in the camp that would like to see such diversions kept to a minimum, but the real key is to keep EVERYTHING in the game focused on the same net result.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


Too everyone asking for pve in wvwvw. Understand that wvwvw is for us pvpers, I agree that people sittin around killing a grub doesn’t really belong. I don’t mind the oak hearts since you can sort of use them, but you have a giant world to fight bosses in. If you don’t want to Pvp, just kill bosses elsewhere

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


There’s already PVE in WvW. What imagine we could see is some events that work similar to the Breakout event which in essence is still like a PVE Dynamic Event.

You could trigger NPC raids on towers to harass for instance. Or more mercenary groups like the Ogres or Dredge. Stuff that will still provide a tactical advantage rather than a distraction could very well be viable.

It could also provide a way for supply in keeps to be used after max upgrades. Use you supply pool to fund a NPC attack on the next objective (trigger a Char tank to attack Bay from Garrison as an example, because I saw someone asking for the Char tank in another thread, and I think this would be the best implementation of it.)

It could turn WvW into a more MOBA style of game and potentially bring more PVE players into the fold.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Jee E free.5891

Jee E free.5891

I don’t mind the PvE content like Quaggans, Hylek and Dredge as it actually does give benefits to the overal objective. However PvE content like event bosses, grub and jumping puzzles leads people away from the actual competing aspect where the whole WvW is based upon.

If they are willing to make WvW a PvE grindfest then I am pretty sure that while they ensure more PvE’ers come to WvW that they will entirely kill the PvP population willing to play that aspect of the game. And in order to have fun match-ups you basicly need a hardcore WvW community.

Personally I probably will not bother with WvW and Guild-wars 2 anymore if they add stuff like this to WvW and make in a complete mess filled with PvE people who come there not to help the server out but to mainly get personal rewards themselves.
Think if they want to do this they need to add a Guild vs Guild option instead so those actually playing for the fights still have the opportunity to actually do so.

Jee E free
[VoTF]Vengeance of the Fallen
Seafarers Rest

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

I don’t mind the PvE content like Quaggans, Hylek and Dredge as it actually does give benefits to the overal objective. However PvE content like event bosses, grub and jumping puzzles leads people away from the actual competing aspect where the whole WvW is based upon.

If they are willing to make WvW a PvE grindfest then I am pretty sure that while they ensure more PvE’ers come to WvW that they will entirely kill the PvP population willing to play that aspect of the game. And in order to have fun match-ups you basicly need a hardcore WvW community.

Personally I probably will not bother with WvW and Guild-wars 2 anymore if they add stuff like this to WvW and make in a complete mess filled with PvE people who come there not to help the server out but to mainly get personal rewards themselves.
Think if they want to do this they need to add a Guild vs Guild option instead so those actually playing for the fights still have the opportunity to actually do so.

But just why should a player x give a flying kitten about who wins at the end of the week? Maybe they don’t care to join the common pursuit of “abstract numbers that reset every week”. Maybe they just want to hunt treasures in a dangerous area, with more than ai to fight against.

Seriously, if you are just looking for competitive fights and ego stuff, you should go spvp.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Grae Knight.5921

Grae Knight.5921

That actually sounds pretty awesome. I love the mixture of PvE and PvP elements. Pure PvP gets boring and old.

Member of [GASM]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


In rift we had great battles around dragons on the pvp servers. But honestly, if your going to make a post about what we want, take the time to get to know us each personally and find out the things that make us truly happy, otherwise we are going to have to vote you out of office and hire a new representative.

There was also a lot of crying on the forums about griefing ppl that were trying to do raid rifts. Some guilds were going as far as reporting people for griefing the raid rifts on a PvP server. I think it is just a bad idea to add PvE to WvW. The JP is bad enough, when productive player spots are being taken up by players in the JP that are RP’ing and doing nothing to help the cause for your server.

I forsee this causing more problems than fun.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


I don’t mind the PvE content like Quaggans, Hylek and Dredge as it actually does give benefits to the overal objective. However PvE content like event bosses, grub and jumping puzzles leads people away from the actual competing aspect where the whole WvW is based upon.

If they are willing to make WvW a PvE grindfest then I am pretty sure that while they ensure more PvE’ers come to WvW that they will entirely kill the PvP population willing to play that aspect of the game. And in order to have fun match-ups you basicly need a hardcore WvW community.

Personally I probably will not bother with WvW and Guild-wars 2 anymore if they add stuff like this to WvW and make in a complete mess filled with PvE people who come there not to help the server out but to mainly get personal rewards themselves.
Think if they want to do this they need to add a Guild vs Guild option instead so those actually playing for the fights still have the opportunity to actually do so.

But just why should a player x give a flying kitten about who wins at the end of the week? Maybe they don’t care to join the common pursuit of “abstract numbers that reset every week”. Maybe they just want to hunt treasures in a dangerous area, with more than ai to fight against.

Seriously, if you are just looking for competitive fights and ego stuff, you should go spvp.

If you don’t care about who wins at the end of the week, you should not come to wvw.

The map should be reserved for people who do care.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Can we have faster mob respawn rate in WvW? When defending our BL there is no way to make decent money.

Bring some more PvE into WvW so PvE rewards are just as good in WvW. That way there would be a point in being around forts and keeps that arent being attacked at thst time. So when the attack comes, someone can sound the alarm and prepare the defences.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Can we have faster mob respawn rate in WvW? When defending our BL there is no way to make decent money.

Bring some more PvE into WvW so PvE rewards are just as good in WvW. That way there would be a point in being around forts and keeps that arent being attacked at thst time. So when the attack comes, someone can sound the alarm and prepare the defences.

That is what scouts are for.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sansarah.3076


Please no dragons in WvW. Please no world bosses in WvW. Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady. “Escort mob X to position Y” type of thing is always a failure, because it will just turn into a PVE farmfest. It’s always easier to just SvE (Server vs Environment) than to actually fight the opposing faction, and remember, people choose the fastest possible route to their gear. If that route excludes killing players, then they won’t attack each other.

I have 50K kills and over 10K badges. Nobody I’ve ever met wants more PVE in WvW.

Signed. Most of us don’t want more pve in wvw. Regardless of what the kittens say here. It’s named Player versus Player for a reason, it’s to much pve in the wvw content as it is. Setup groups don’t goto wvw to do pve. End of story. Most of us don’t even do pve at all.

For all of you who want more dragons and kittens in wvw, go to the pve side of the game, and please, stay there. Keep pve out of our wvw.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


The only PvE content update in WvW that I would support is changing the guard upgrades to being more effective and that’s it.

More bosses and etc would only serve to slowly kill out WvW tactics.
(Break out event being one example)

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Can we have faster mob respawn rate in WvW? When defending our BL there is no way to make decent money.

Bring some more PvE into WvW so PvE rewards are just as good in WvW. That way there would be a point in being around forts and keeps that arent being attacked at thst time. So when the attack comes, someone can sound the alarm and prepare the defences.

That is what scouts are for.

You’ve obviously never been on a bottom tier server. 1 person is 5% of your army. 3 scouts and your army is down by 15%.

Better for us to have people on an empty map as a scout but at least allow them to farm to make money for upgrades and sieges.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Can we have faster mob respawn rate in WvW? When defending our BL there is no way to make decent money.

Bring some more PvE into WvW so PvE rewards are just as good in WvW. That way there would be a point in being around forts and keeps that arent being attacked at thst time. So when the attack comes, someone can sound the alarm and prepare the defences.

That is what scouts are for.

You’ve obviously never been on a bottom tier server. 1 person is 5% of your army. 3 scouts and your army is down by 15%.

Better for us to have people on an empty map as a scout but at least allow them to farm to make money for upgrades and sieges.

Server transfers are free.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


Pve content tied into WvW/pvp content
Quaggan/ogre/hylek camps are a good examples, but even the grub.
I dont mind the JP either, but would wish for more objectives in them to be tied to the actual WvW battles and rewards more targeted at WvW.

Harpyie is badly implemented pve, cuz its too easy to kill and too “well hidden/safe”.
Same goes with all those annoying random mobs (kraits, icebears, wolves,wolves, wolves…^^) littering the WvW everywhere…
They hinder WvW and would be better off stuffed away at centaur camp…at least it would be attracting more players to that area.

About wrong incentives from PvE rewards
More siege BPs, more badges (less in chests!), more money-worthy items.
Player kills and WvW events should give away lots more of craft mats & more drops < exotics/rare level.

On the other hand rare stuff like Exotics/Precursor …
…should be possible to drop (even from player kills), BUT with a WAY, WAY,WAY lesser droprate compared to pve!

May sound paradox?!
The high RnG factor on rare loot gets dimished by the higher kill count and “long term dedication” (..to kill player/take objectives) of a typical WvW player. The surplus on money-worthy drops will be (already is…^^) “countered” by the WvW money sinks.
While the lesser drop rates on rares wont scare away pvper from killing players, but wont be any real
incentive for money/rares-farming pve dedicated players.

After all killing players for some hours feels less grindy for the pvper compared to PvE while possibly be more challengeing and expensive at times, which often dont get rewarded.

Thats why overall money income should be higher, because costs on the long run are higher if dedicated to WvW.
While rares can be rarer, because bad drop rates get compensated by longterm dedication to WvW.

(edited by Edragor.9164)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: MikeT.9428



Who ever thought the giant grub was a good idea should read this thread.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: snizzle.6143


Please no dragons in WvW. Please no world bosses in WvW. Nobody in the WvW community wants that. That line story event sounds kind of shady. “Escort mob X to position Y” type of thing is always a failure, because it will just turn into a PVE farmfest. It’s always easier to just SvE (Server vs Environment) than to actually fight the opposing faction, and remember, people choose the fastest possible route to their gear. If that route excludes killing players, then they won’t attack each other.

I have 50K kills and over 10K badges. Nobody I’ve ever met wants more PVE in WvW.

signed +1
Dont like PVE, dont like rally, dont like downstate

Hixi Pixi – The Elementalist -Asura – Riverside (ger) – (Zornig)

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Czar Peter.7961

Czar Peter.7961

PvE is fine as long as it fits into the larger PvP picture. For instance LoL and Dota 2 are PvP games but the lane and jungle creeps add a layer of strategic depth to the game. I agree that things like the giant grub and the centaur/skritt areas should be removed since they don’t add to the PvP. But things like quaggans, dredge and ogres are fine (in fact adding more of them as well as more NPC upgrades for towers and keeps could be the answer to inaction during off-peak times and night capping).

Engineer – Thief – Warrior

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


PvE is fine as long as it fits into the larger PvP picture. For instance LoL and Dota 2 are PvP games but the lane and jungle creeps add a layer of strategic depth to the game. I agree that things like the giant grub and the centaur/skritt areas should be removed since they don’t add to the PvP. But things like quaggans, dredge and ogres are fine (in fact adding more of them as well as more NPC upgrades for towers and keeps could be the answer to inaction during off-peak times and night capping).

I don’t think they should be removed, but I do think they need to be revamped so they are similar to Quaggan or Ogre/Dredge/Hylek camps.

The nature of Skritt and Centaurs are as thieves and raiders, so “capturing” Centaurs/Skritt could make them raid the supply of the nearby towers, camps and Garrison. How annoying would it be to have Skritt thieves sneaking into Garrison to steal supply (Like the event in Queensdale)?

Grubb and Ancient Spirit are currently useless as well but could be changed into an event that leads them to attack the nearest enemy structure (Wall or Door).

A dragon could also be an interesting mechanic if done right. For example there could be an event to “Wake” a sleeping dragon inside the EB jumping puzzle, but instead of being just PvE content, it would attack enemy keeps and Poach dolyaks for a meal on the way.

Any PvE Content must have some relevance to the WvW match, otherwise it is just a waste of developer resources that could be spent fixing the current issues in WvW.

I just hope they bring the Orbs back one day. Those battles were amazing, but they definitely need to be tweaked.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


PvE is fine as long as it fits into the larger PvP picture. For instance LoL and Dota 2 are PvP games but the lane and jungle creeps add a layer of strategic depth to the game. I agree that things like the giant grub and the centaur/skritt areas should be removed since they don’t add to the PvP. But things like quaggans, dredge and ogres are fine (in fact adding more of them as well as more NPC upgrades for towers and keeps could be the answer to inaction during off-peak times and night capping).

I agree that PvE is fine when it actually benefits the big picture, but the quaggans, dredge, and ogres are worthless. I can solo their “help”, same for the look outs along the roads! They need more NPC’s be along the lines of vanilla WoW Alterac Valley 1.0. Ivus was a battle changer if you could get him up and fed. The same for reavers and wolf riders. Using them at the right time meant taking the next spawn point, but using them at the wrong time was just letting that work go to waste.

I’ll farm mobs for drops to spawn some ultra powerful NPC’s to aid in the fight. I’d also like to fight those same NPC’s.

Harpies could assault towers/garrisons by flying over the walls.

Skritt should steal supply from towers/garrisons

Sentry NPC’s should actually ping the map and show enemy dots.

quaggans could actually bring a lot more than 3 NPC’s and a veteran to assualt a garrison/tower.

Ogres could use their siege equipment to siege a tower/garrison.

Again assuming that all of the above are powerful enough to actually impact the enemies instead of be minor nuisances.

Other improvements- a wall on borderlands that prevents enemies from just storming up the map like it’s their territory. As it stands the servers borderlands are at a disadvantage when it should be their major advantage. Actually the only way enemies should get into your borderland is through a portal in EB after they take your garrison, but that’s a whole other post :P.