Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square Vs Riverside
Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
Sometimes you just have to ask yourself the question… “How many Baruch Bay does it take to bring down a solo Mesmer?”
I believe the answer is around 10 :p
Managed to take a screencap at just the right time lol
Sometimes you just have to ask yourself the question… “How many Baruch Bay does it take to bring down a solo Mesmer?”
I believe the answer is around 10 :p
Managed to take a screencap at just the right time lol
Justice. Only good mes, is a dead mes!
Cheers to some riverside solo players,especially to a charr ele d/d [WvW] in EB.Besides the terrible lag was surprised for the awesome sportmanship of riverside players.GG thanx for the nice duels.Always fun to take my asura warrior for a solo roaming spin.
Shame on those Pikens that shoot my downed corpse from up on sm wall.Such unsportmanship.
2 pikens were cool though,they only watched and cheared for the duels.Hope they will make example for the rest.Cheers to them
Look out for me .I’m a small asura warrior usually using bow.
(edited by graverr.6473)
Only 2 days passed and I see No resistance from BB or RS whole day today. 400+ contant Income. No fights or anything. Saw RS and BB with outmanned buff on there home borders. Really disapointing.
Weekend is the weaker time for Baruch, at some hours the maps are empty, our population can not maintain whole timetable.
Those that want duels contact our Fencing Master Tikiitaka, those that want extreme squirmishes in small scale look for Shadows at the worst frontier for Baruch.Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
4 days ago my guardian meet a d/d ele and a tief from your guild close north camp of Piken Square . Very interesting battle:)
I used www build and lowest graphic option, but it’s not inmportant. I went away after 4-5 min cos 1v4 is a little to hard mode for me and I still don;t know the class
P.S. Very booring day at BB BL ;/
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
(edited by genowefapigwa.5769)
we open to GvG if you want
Whisper Batareika in game, he is our leader. We also opened to GvG like DsD
Ok them, ty mate.
My old friends
was so much fun fighting you both Mishi(DsD) and Sapato with (Bull)
……. FG always go as a guild only but i command a whole border so ye sometimes some friendlies follow me…..but to bring the whole server on FG…lol too much skill lag mates ….. when we see you check for me i jump to say i am rdy to give eachother time to do the macarena together…but was fun when you both flank us hahaha ….. so mean BB :P
Sorry my dear Dalure. We have random training day today en BB. You know we move alone allways but today we have this event in Baruch, sorry and cya this week in the battlefield. Ty for the figths.
Ehhhh… Macarena!!
Hi guys,
Question to players from BB, if Spain time zone is GMT+1, same like most of PS players time zone so why your guilds raids show up so late ? Most interesting and intensive fights start around 23 GMT+1 and ant that time ours guild raids are about to end. We don’t care about day/night capping, points etc just is so boring where is no enemies to fight.
Hi guys,
Question to players from BB, if Spain time zone is GMT+1, same like most of PS players time zone so why your guilds raids show up so late ? Most interesting and intensive fights start around 23 GMT+1 and ant that time ours guild raids are about to end. We don’t care about day/night capping, points etc just is so boring where is no enemies to fight.
Our timezone now is GMT+2 (daylight savings time!) In the winter it’s +1
In the winter, UK = GMT+0 and CET (spain, holland, france, etc) are GMT+1
In the summer, UK = GMT+1 and CEST (spain, holland, france, etc) are GMT+2
Just because it originates from the UK, doesn’t mean the UK is always GMT+0
And to avoid all this confusion UTC is used, which indicates the original GMT+0 time, no matter if it’s summer or winter. If I’m confused about a time, I always check the UTC time, then compare it to my local time (which currently is 2 hours ahead of UTC, thus GMT+2)
But back on topic lol. I don’t know, it seems like they just live more during the nights. Probably just a culture difference?
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
I agree with Centrix about culture difference. Spain is hooter than our countries and they enjoy sunny time instead of playing.
Thats why some Russians raid starts their events at 19:00 in Moscow. I didn’t see that Spanish guild start their raids at the same time.
Yeah I can imagine that at 19:00 in spain, you aren’t really in the mood to sit inside to play games, especially if the weather is still nice.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
I think it’s mainly due to the seista lifestyle, most spaniards I’ve met have been night life party animals.
Piken Square
Yep, we do siesta everyday, but not before running in front of a few bulls and attending to at least a couple of processions, right as the French people eat baguettes and drink champagne while they play, German are high in beer and swedish just play top less xDDD You made my day, mate.
It´s partly related to dinner times. We have lunch around 14-15.00 and dinner around 21-22.00. And also related to working times. We use to have longer lunch breaks than the rest of European, so we arrive home around 19.30-20.00
Also, weather is warmer than in most of the rest of EU, so we usually spend some more time out before getting back home, hence we start a bit later.
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. We lunch at 12-01pm and dinner at 6-7pm, most jobs end at 5 here.
And you forgot, the Dutch play stoned ;D
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Maybe siN is the only guild from BB thats play in prime time, all other guild start the raid at 22:00
you forgot the tomato throwing, gotta fit that in there somewhere :P
we all know the french got knocked down last week because they all rolled mimes
Piken Square
(edited by Hexyn.8462)
Yeah I can imagine that at 19:00 in spain, you aren’t really in the mood to sit inside to play games, especially if the weather is still nice.
As previously stated, the most common hour for dinner is 22 pm, that makes us to start the raids late in the evening.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
Yeah I can imagine that at 19:00 in spain, you aren’t really in the mood to sit inside to play games, especially if the weather is still nice.
As previously stated, the most common hour for dinner is 22 pm, that makes us to start the raids late in the evening.
Best regards,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Yeah I know, I made another post later in the thread
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Awesome evening yesterday, died a lot, killed a lot. Shoutout to VII, GoW, HoB for being true sportsmen.
swedish just play top less
Ok so thats how you see us.. hehe
Servant of Dhuum
The little asura thief and the human one roaming RS-border nice job^;-)
I was the Norn Warri from DTK bow at you.
Hope to see you again when we are not that size, till then.
Greets Myrmi
btw………to the OSC Commander you really wanted that tower, but the arrow carts did their job well, leg specialist is just op sorry for that;-)
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. We lunch at 12-01pm and dinner at 6-7pm, most jobs end at 5 here.
And you forgot, the Dutch play stoned ;D
Haha we dont all play stoned…well only weekends
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. We lunch at 12-01pm and dinner at 6-7pm, most jobs end at 5 here.
And you forgot, the Dutch play stoned ;D
Haha we dont all play stoned…well only weekends
I was just adding on to the stereotypes :P but yeah, theres some truth to it
That must mean… that the swedish DO play topless!!! YEAAAH
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
I love my german BEEER drinking all night long
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. We lunch at 12-01pm and dinner at 6-7pm, most jobs end at 5 here.
And you forgot, the Dutch play stoned ;D
Haha we dont all play stoned…well only weekends
I was just adding on to the stereotypes :P but yeah, theres some truth to it
That must mean… that the swedish DO play topless!!! YEAAAH
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
I love my german BEEER
drinking all night long
They say drinking will filter your system….so keep it up mate hahaha…. it could be water what they mentioned…but that is just a small detail….keep the beer
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Cool. Let´s arrange a GvG.
Preferably when you are stoned, if possible, Dalure xD
Just send a PM to Mishi.
Something like “wwe arrr agght Peeken BL reaaadyghh to Gi B Gi” will work xDD
And not a bad performance at all from GG if you indeed are high on beer xD… maybe I should try it, but I prefer to stick to my “reset whisky”…
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here
Seriously! Does Riverside know how to do anything other than run round the map in one massive ball :/
It just makes the game no fun and such a lagfest.
FG dont do GvG yet…..i play on a kitten laptop(crazy graphics + lagturning haha)…when i have a PC desktop then i will definitely be up for that……hopefully in a month.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
No problem, we will wait then. We already had some pretty nice fights with you anyway.
Regarding River, apart from the massive numbers and bunkers, there´s not too much left. Only lag, Colly.
Sad to say but the week is almost over on Monday… a pity considering that many countries have the Wednesday off, but we will find some ways to keep the fun.
Looking forward to next week, with AR back and the three way combats ongoing again.
How about the fist epic cross server rumiant race? For the good old Deso days xD
First round of tonics is on me xDD
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here
Haha Noosfer… yes we do indeed and this one is for the old days drink it up for Deso
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
For Piken, Jin (SFRJ) did some excellent commanding on EB this evening, to the point of us wondering if we scared away both RS and BB because it became so quiet for a while, lol.
We lost SM earlier and after multiple attempts to retake it, we finally managed to ninja SM without engaging any sizable force on the way (like… one or two) while BB and RS was busy fighting, hahaha.
Lots of bags, lots of gold, lots of lag :/
Its always funny to read that we have massive numbers and all of you just skill, pls enlighten us all with your wisdom…………….so we can learn of you.
We are so unworthy to play with you i have to apologize………….same kitten as always.
Greets Myrmi
(edited by Myrmidone.4362)
Are you saying RS and BB dont have massive numbers? I guess we could file a support ticket to Anet to double the population limits for two of the sides in WvW, if that is a problem.
Pls hunny just read my post again and then tell me your pont again.
All 3 Servers have massive numbers, but as always only RS is mentioned so think about it.
Otherwise look at the points on PT, dont think that BB is better than us despite their Nightcapping, which is legit to me, no problem at all.
As is told about houndreds of time you have many organized Guild who run the maps with 20-30 people thats making you so strong, RS cant do that cause we are full of small guilds and pugs from Hell.
So dont tell us the same kitten again and again, as i do all the time feeling bad right now;-)
Greets Myrmi
I didnt mention only RS. In fact it was BB that gave us most troubles this evening, at least before I quit a couple of hours ago.
The only sizable guild I saw on EB was SCND I believe. Otherwise we had 1-2 commanders (mostly just 1) and random groups. But maybe I missed all those 20-30 man Piken elite guilds crawling about.
@RS why run with 60+ i dont understand that…FG was there with some friendlies…. and another guild of piken and we run seperatly…so much lag..lol
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Where is all the riverside population, in piken borderland at 22.00 gmt+1? It was piken vs baruch all the time only :S
Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
Nug had a great time jumping into RS and BB zergs today on BB bl! We were often outnumbered, but the fights were intense. We like that. Especially at garri, where some massively great fights occured. Wow.
And ofc greets to DTK guild. Always fun to fight against and chat with you.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Where is all the riverside population, in piken borderland at 22.00 gmt+1? It was piken vs baruch all the time only :S
Used golems against our doors
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
So I report to the guild [BULL] that there is a hacker in their guild, witnessed by players using a teleport hack to get into briar when downed, send them SCREENSHOTS of the incident, they infract my post and call me a liar…trying to cover something up are we??
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
So I report to the guild [BULL] that there is a hacker in their guild, witnessed by players using a teleport hack to get into briar when downed, send them SCREENSHOTS of the incident, they infract my post and call me a liar…trying to cover something up are we??
You’ve sent this screenshot and we’ve checked it. I can’t see any type of hacking involved tbh. We’ve asked this guy and he says he’s clean. Maybe lag?
I can assure that we’re a sportmanship guild-based and we’re against any cheating behaviour. I expect you’re not trying to damage our reputation.
Where is all the riverside population, in piken borderland at 22.00 gmt+1? It was piken vs baruch all the time only :S
Used golems against our doors
What? I don’t understand. You mean they attacked you with golems, failed and left?
Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80
So I report to the guild [BULL] that there is a hacker in their guild, witnessed by players using a teleport hack to get into briar when downed, send them SCREENSHOTS of the incident, they infract my post and call me a liar…trying to cover something up are we??
You’ve sent this screenshot and we’ve checked it. I can’t see any type of hacking involved tbh. We’ve asked this guy and he says he’s clean. Maybe lag?
I can assure that we’re a sportmanship guild-based and we’re against any cheating behaviour. I expect you’re not trying to damage our reputation.
I sent 3 screenshots, I explained the situation, what happened, how and when it occurred, I sent screenshots backing up what I said, there were other people who witnessed the incident. I have no reason to damage your reputation, I was merely in good faith talking to members of your guild and in return, I have had posts infracted and been called a liar.
Having played this game since early beta, I have seen similar hacks like this in use before, this was not in way shape or form lag.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
(edited by Loco.4561)
yes, they left or be killed. We traveled many times between eg bay and other keeps. But there was small parties 5-20.
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
So I report to the guild [BULL] that there is a hacker in their guild, witnessed by players using a teleport hack to get into briar when downed, send them SCREENSHOTS of the incident, they infract my post and call me a liar…trying to cover something up are we??
You’ve sent this screenshot and we’ve checked it. I can’t see any type of hacking involved tbh. We’ve asked this guy and he says he’s clean. Maybe lag?
I can assure that we’re a sportmanship guild-based and we’re against any cheating behaviour. I expect you’re not trying to damage our reputation.
I sent 3 screenshots, I explained the situation, what happened, how and when it occurred, I sent screenshots backing up what I said, there were other people who witnessed the incident. I have no reason to damage your reputation, I was merely in good faith talking to members of your guild and in return, I have had posts infracted and been called a liar.
Having played this game since early beta, I have seen similar hacks like this in use before, this was not in way shape or form lag.
Loco.4561 Hello, I’m the ranger of the screen and you accuse of using hacks. I guess you’re the thief who was in ruins sentry with whom I met. First of all I have never used hacks, you might see me laggued, because I was with emule. I got downed 2 times and got rallied by my pet, and tried to reach the tower before die. I’ve always been a fair player and I have never used hacks in all the games where I played because there are not that fun to use hacks. Was lagged.
Pd: Sorry for my English.
(edited by Morris.7039)
Well that is good of you Morris to step up like this and tell your story.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
@RS why run with 60+ i dont understand that..
Please read what Myrmi wrote if you want to understand. We do not have the same situation on RS like you guys on piken have. We do not have that number of organized large guild groups. Maybe 3 to 4 guilds can bring larger numbers. The rest are either very small guilds or people without guilds at all. So when a commander is coming to a BL or EB, guess what happens.
Also this complaining about blobbing is really getting old. Every server blobs at certain times and it´s a total valid play style, WvW in GW2 is meant to be played like that. Arenanet encourages that a lot. WvW is about organizing map population, like it or not. Does that mean that this is fun, no not at all. My guild for example likes it more to run around alone and looking for battles on the open field, that´s fun. But is it effective in terms of points and server rank ? Well most of the times not because we do not care too much about the keeps and stuff.
Sec… Checking wich server i am on.
Yeah ,Baruch Bay does not blob so stop saying we do too.
Thx for good fight last night at PS border lots of action gg Nuke and siN
see you
Hi guys. First of all, sorry for what happenned yesterday evening/night at River BL. We just passed by, saw the doors opened and well… we are humans and weak… so we had to ninja cap the towers :P
It was nice on Hills, but after we did the same in Bay we seemed to open Pandora´s box xDD You Piken turned into the Angry Birds… how many of you were there?
When I left, you had set your feet hard in Hills
Cheers to GH, WiC, Spartans, there were a few XT too and many others… if only FG happened to join the party we just would have given the DsD octopus away xD
It was a really stressful but fun night, filled with nice clashes.
If points are not relevant this week anymore, we still have the fights :-)
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here