Hello everyone, im a WvW enthusiast from Ruins of Surmia, i cant and i wont define myself a WvW expert but i do know a thing or two, and wanna see what you devs think about the recent big WvW changes that 30th April patch just brought in. Keep in mind that im talking about a T7 prospective, so things can be different (worse or better, i honestly dont know) in higher WvW tiers.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: this ISNT a QQ post about you nerf this, nerf that, that is too OP, the other is too Cheap etc etc, crying about something isnt my style, just wanna bring few things to Your attention.)
1st: 30 second delay on contesting (mainly works for lower tier keeps or any tier tower)
This, have some potential. Adding more realism to the game by forcing server to leave scouts inside towers/no WP keeps to check their state can be a brilliant idea to add more strategy. The counter is, a zerg consisting of lots of ppl can turn a gate/wall to ashes in no time, and ppl dont tend to guard a tower too much since it can turn into a lot of waiting for no reward at all. So, a huge YES for having some delay on contestings, but a huge NO for making it last 30 seconds before warn (a wooden gate can be blowed away in half the time easilly by a zerg, and an eventual scout(s) wont have the chance to call in for reinforcements in time to succesfully defend or have a possibility to do it)
2nd: AC 80% (105% with mastery) Damage buff
No. No. NoNoNo. NO! This is not just OP, or i wouldnt be so angry and will try to adapt to it. This is GAMEBREAKING. Giving a few defenders the chance to wipe easilly triple or more their numbers with a couple of spammed ac skills isnt the way to go. First of all, this makes rams totally useless, encouraging the exclusive use of long range sieges like trebs (catas can be easilly countertrebbed/taken down on high tier keeps/towers with fortified walls). How can u just think to Man a ram under such a annihilating rain of damages? not even a full bunker can resist it enough to deal a couple of hits. Second, it gives defenders an EVEN GREATER advantage on assaulters. For who thinks assaulting is easier than defending, heres a couple of defenders advantages i wanna list and u might wanna consider:
- Can walk in / out walls as they like, striking and going back to refill (in case youre an ele, u can do it even during downed state and comfortable ress inside the walls)
- Can use exclusive siege weapons (cannons, mortars, oil) for both long and short range purposes (They tend to be destroyed by assaulters, but that takes precious time)
- Can organize into portal bombs/rushes while having more chance to be unnoticed while preparing em (thanks to the walls)
- Can have a safe and immediate supply point
- In case of keeps/SM fully upgraded, can waypoint back if they get killed and be immediatly in the middle of fight every 3 minutes (Wipe? 2nd chance. Might have even 3rd.)
- Can call in reinforcements from other Borders / EB and let em be immediatly in the core of action throught the Keep/SM waypoint instead of walking all the way
- Can better organize in case of 3-way-fights (X assaults, Y defends, Z comes in aswell, X and Z are in open field zone while Y can gain time for any purpose)
- Build unreachable sieges inside the walls to counter assaulters ones / putting pressure on the assaulting group
And i might have forgot something else. Assaulters only have surprise factor (if theres no one spotting em, which is rare) and the choice of what side they wanna break in, thats it. Considering all of this, adding the fact defenders now can be even greatly outnumbered and still hold the conquer points, is kinda gamebreaking imho and will make matchups to be win or loss during the first hour of resets and nothing more. Plus, this encourages small group to avoid fight each other to instead build fast an AC in the middle of nowhere and, yeah, first who build it wins the fight, if u get what i mean. If this was a try to destroy zerg mentality, it just will destroy smaller groups and encourages even greater blobbings just to take a t3 tower or a keep.
What i can notice after this patch is a bit of lack of knowledge about WvW game mechanics from the Dev team, and sounds me like “lets buff this outrageously and see what it happens” thingy.
Once again, i remark that im not a WvW expert and i can be wrong on this, but what i suggest, is that before doing such a big changes is better for you Devs to talk and confront with WvW expert guilds, we have many on surmia (wont make names cause i dont wanna risk to forget any of them) they will surely give u precious feedbacks and avoid committing mistakes like this one im sure u’ll fix as soon as possible.
Best regards,
[DC] Classicalz – A WvW Lover. Like it was before.