Black Lion chest Boost buffs

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


These boosters you get from chests clearly state removed in competitive PvP, well WvW is most certainly competitive I see world rankings~entire servers fighting to be better. Yet these buffs are allowed?
I’ve seen a couple people consistently, all day everyday, running all booster buffs in WvW now and it’s going to start a pay to win game.
these buffs include:
-5%dmg taken
Passive regen
That’s like an extra 4 Trait Slots, is it not?

This is different than food, because food is reasonably available to everyone, where as keys cost Gems which is either a pretty penny of in game gold or IRL money…


(edited by DoomMagick.5963)

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


What i wonder is if it affects siege weapons o.O

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


It does affect it I believe. I remember a few weeks ago I had a surplus of those. I had the armor one, damage one, speed, regen, exp, magic find, a bunch of guild banners, nourishment and a ultility consumable.

For the heck of it I even put on all my passive signets and when I used “consume plasma” I swear any enemy who clicked my name would not want to dare attack someone with that many boons/boosters.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Exactly, who wants to charge at someone with such an obvious advantage over you…
Shouldn’t WvW be considered “Competitive PvP”? Thus disabling these while in a WvW map.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


They last an hour and they’re gone before you even know.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


I’ve seen a couple people consistently, all day everyday, running all booster buffs in WvW now and it’s going to start a pay to win game.

You missed this part, clearly.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Kindeller.3072


They don’t work in WvW as stated on the buff, but the icon remains and the buff is turned off when in a PvP area.

Since its technically paid for removing it on entering a PvP area would make them potentially be wasted… I guess they kept it. Also consider you can technically PvE in a WvW map as well if you choose.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Hmm, the guy I confronted about paying to win with these buffs was saying they do work and that I’m a fool for not doing so if I have the money to do it.

Have you tested your theory Kindeller or are you just assuming? :/

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


You know this game has no monthly fee right? I don’t personally use these boosters but at some point you have to thank the people for paying to sustain the game you play with no subscription. If anything, Anet needs to add more things that people would want to pay for. Not pay to win but for instance, let me pay a monthly fee to unlock WvW ranking/progression and showing names. Others that want to opt in to this system can pay too, else you just play WvW as is with no stats/rankings.

I would happily pay $15/month to participate in a good WvW ranking system. Anet needs more ways to make money to avoid doing things like “catering to the whales” and putting in content that the big spenders use the gem shop to get fast and the rest of us see as a grind or power creep.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’m pretty sure they do work in WvW. Only sPvP/tPvP will remove them.

But since you can also get them for free from a Black Lion Chest and because WvW isn’t competitive on an individual basis, I have no problem with them.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Dee Jay, you must purchase keys to open said “free” chests; which are only available through the Gem Store.

or through an extremely ridiculously low drop rate.

(edited by DoomMagick.5963)

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Dee Jay, you must purchase keys to open said “free” chests; which are only available through the Gem Store.

Map completes, some quests and very rare drops as well.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


The 5% damage boost works in wvw, but it’s against “monsters” only.

PS. WvW is not competitive. It’s an unfair mode mostly about player numbers.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Okay, let’s say that both the damage +/- boosters only apply to monsters, these people using these still get passive +15% move speed which is equal to a trait slot or utility slot (actually better than some depending on class, since MS uses greatest amount and not combined) and the passive regen is equal to an extra trait slot. (Remember these don’t count as food or modifier buffs so these users can and do use those too.)
Still seems to be a unfair advantage, does it not?

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


Food costs gold, so do oils and stones, are all the people using these paying to win?

Houdii Hoo

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Food is considerably cheaper and much more affordable to the general player not to mention guild mates if lucky craft and give out these. You can buy 250+(way more) food/modifiers and stay under 1g; where as 1g currently gives you 102 gems a SINGLE key is 125gems or 5 for 450gems.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


What food can you get stacks for less than 1g? :-/

The food I use costs between 8-12g per stack..

But I suppose since I pay more I’m paying to win right?

You’re honestly kidding yourself if you think these buffs are pay2win or lose a fight because someone has them, just another bad who needs an excuse for losing.

Houdii Hoo

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


The food i use currently is 3c per and it gives +80power +60 prec and pay 7s 50c for 250. Shop for your food wisely. Ty for being the first complainer with the “I’m bad” mentality though!

EDIT:Actually the person I confronted doing this is in fact from the very same guild as you!..hmm coincidence? If I may ask are you currently one who does use these buffs?

(edited by DoomMagick.5963)

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


If you use basic buff easy to make food of course it’s cheaper. Some of us can afford and will pay for higher quality food, does that somehow make it unwise?

No coincidence, I know who you are and we have a laugh each day on vent when you whinge and whine to my guildy.

I use the buffs occasionally, nowhere near all the time and I can speak from experience, they can be nice but pay2win? No chance. I’ve never beat someone because of it and I’ve never lost thinking it would of been different if I had the buffs on. If you think differently, that a 5% damage reduction, or 40hps is the reason you’re losing, then yeah I’ll call you bad because it’s laughable if you’re thinking that.

Houdii Hoo

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


Glad I could bring some amusement to you all.
Food is mainly irrelevant because the issue is balance, and you can use those buffs with the chest buffs, which is what I am seeking to point out.

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


And everyone can use them and get those buffs via in game currency. Just because players choose not to use them, it doesn’t make them unbalanced.

Houdii Hoo

Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: Clever.7918


Buffs are only an hour and dont think i’ve ever seen anyone use them in WvW.


Black Lion chest Boost buffs

in WvW

Posted by: DoomMagick.5963


They last an hour and they’re gone before you even know.

I’ve seen a couple people consistently, all day everyday, running all booster buffs in WvW now. . .

You missed this part, clearly.