As many players feel or have felt, WvW is getting a bit stale. The power of zerging and limited environmental interaction has left many players burnout as there lacks the depth needed for long term enjoyment. With upcoming MMOs like Elder Scrolls Online and Camelot Unchained, Guild Wars 2 will be faced with some stiff competition in the near future and on.
Of the many issues WvW has, I feel the main one that needs addressing at the moment is improving the role of small groups. This directly relates to zergs as empowering smaller parties will help diminish the massive zergs thus improving combat. One way to help smaller groups is by making the environment provide a benefit other than visual graphics. By allowing smaller groups to utilize the environment, we can ensure guerilla tactics becoming viable. While some of ideas here may not be very feasible or even clunky, the key idea is simply let guerilla warfare work in WvW in some way or form.
Examples of environmental effects:(1)
Difficult Terrain [swamps/mud]:
- Lowers mobility, debuff intensifies when in a big group. The stacks increases when in 600 range proximity to another player/enemies. These are non-condition based effects, overrides similar effects from conditions.
- When a player reaches a certain amount of stacks of the debuff, getting knocked down will cause a chain effect to nearby players/enemies (50% chance and 8 sec cooldown)
- Smaller groups generally pass through with little mobility lost.
- Some areas with Difficult Terrain can cause poison or confusion.
- Group revive effectiveness halved
- No deployment of siege weapons within this area.
Unstable Terrain [rocky grounds/cliffs/snowy mountainous areas]:
- May cause disruptive effects and falling boulders and debris.
- Effects intensify as more players move or fight in the area (Rockslides and avalanches)
- Stunned/knockdown players take extra damage from falling objects/slides
- May cause a slight mobility debuff.
- Group revive effectiveness halved
- No deployment of siege weapons within this area.
Underground Terrain [caves/ tunnels]:
- Randomly occurring cave-in (low aoe damage; no special effects)
- Larger groups/battles will trigger larger cave-in (strong and wide aoe damage; wide range of disruptive effects)
- Higher intensity cave-in does extra damage to downed players
- Group revive effectiveness halved
- Massive cave-ins if a zerg was to fight underground
- No deployment of siege weapons within this area.
Tall Grass: (2)
- Cloaks players/npc from far away observers, but reveals within moderate -close distances. -Slight mobility debuff, movement causes swaying in the plants, larger number players causes heavy swaying and wildlife to move out of area.
- Causes REVEALED while in area.
- No deployment of siege weapons within this area.
Heavy Fog:
- Limits visibility at range, visibility improves at medium ranges.
- Naturally occurring, benefit from allied NPC, or even from a new siege utility.
Breakdown of the ideal map
- Map will be 15%-25% larger, if not possible underground area will be increased instead
- 25%-40% of the surface map will be affected by enviro-effects
- 70% of underground will be affected by enviro-effects
- Number of towers and keeps untouched
- Number of supply camps increased, camps will be surrounded by enviro-effects of varying proximity and saturation.
- One of the camps would be a high priority camp with double dolyaks. The winding route will be the longest and most saturated with enviro-effects.
- Shortcuts would be through enviro-effects, Zergs will have to stick with the main roads
- Any siege deployable spot completely surrounded by enviro-effects would be dangerous map design as it would hard to attack a zerg entrenched there, so this will need to be avoided.