(edited by Daish.6139)
Dead WvW Boaderland maps
Yes, punish the winning team for winning…(I’m on the losing team btw)
Then they will quit and the out-manned buff will go away. It’ll make balance. Genius.
Yes, punish the winning team for winning…(I’m on the losing team btw)
Then they will quit and the out-manned buff will go away. It’ll make balance. Genius.
who is being punished? when prime time comes around and players enter Boaderlands the stronger team is going to start off with almost everything fully upgraded
why do you think its a good idea to give a server points in a Boaderland map they have nobody attacking them at all? thats boring there is no challenge
How will not rewarding points make it more fun? Just makes an empty borderlands, more empty.
The dominating server will simply move to another zone, eliminating the out-manned buff, and thus, still gain points.
the Dominating Server still has to follow the map Cap they cant just put 300 players into 1 Map they cant just roll in every map 99% of the time the Dominating server is only dominating because they have more players then the other servers
all 3 servers are more likely to be drawn into the same Borderlands map with it (after Eternal Battlegrounds is filled) thats going to make it a hell of alot more enjoyable
its also going to bring the scores for that week closer togeather and encorage more compeition instead of a server going “we are to far behind its pointless lets give up”
if anyone can explain it simpler then this go for it———————
Red has 250 players
Blue has 100 players
Green has 100 players
and lets say there is a 50 player cap for each WvW map
so the home Borderland for each server has the best starting Location
so lets say 50v50v50 from each server are in Eternal Borderlands nice fun even battle
that leaves 100 red 50 blue 50 green
the 50 Blue will go to their home Borderlands and 50 Red go and fight them
the 50 Green go to their home Borderlands and 50 Red go fight them
Blue and Green will not have to worry about Red’s Borderland map
the last 50 Red would be inside their own home lands but have nobody to vs so the map would be 100% Red
the Green and Blue server would not have to worry about this because the points are not counting
when Blue and Green start getting more players they are more likely to avoid the 10% red boaderland and join in and make 1 of the other 2 Boaderland maps a 1v1v1 because points are counting from that map already
if the 100 players from Green and Blue split across all 4 maps that puts 25 in each map = very frustrating and boring battle
this would focus on the game being more enjoyable and fair when the population numbers are down Commanders would have to use their brain and work out the best maps to rally players into as well
with this System servers that are out numbered could beat servers with more players
at the moment MOST of the winning servers are only winning because they have more players
(edited by Daish.6139)
Borderlands = crucial
Besides, it’s always nice to have a change of scenery…
~ nothing is constant but change~
Currently: 3619 kills ~ all for Piken Square
Understand that the “strength” of many servers exists in being able to come online in the wee hours of the night to take back all of the stuff that they lost during the day, effectively balancing the match. Not every community has a plethora of players in the same timezone that you do.
Bottom line, it’s a 24/7 war. You have to learn to deal with that. If you have the outmanned buff on a borderlands, that means that your forces are concentrated elsewhere.. and your enemy has the outmanned buff on THAT map.
Borderlands = crucial
Besides, it’s always nice to have a change of scenery…
nothing is stoping you from playing on them
are you saying playing vs 0 players is only enjoyable if you get points from it with nobody to fight ?
Understand that the “strength” of many servers exists in being able to come online in the wee hours of the night to take back all of the stuff that they lost during the day, effectively balancing the match. Not every community has a plethora of players in the same timezone that you do.
Bottom line, it’s a 24/7 war. You have to learn to deal with that. If you have the outmanned buff on a borderlands, that means that your forces are concentrated elsewhere.. and your enemy has the outmanned buff on THAT map.
its not stoping the battle from 24/7 servers can still come online in the “wee hours” and destory all the upgrades the other sever has spent so much time and money on to balance the match
Bottom Line for you maybe getting points when you have no enemy in a map and own 100% of it is a bad thing its pushing players away from WvW and causing them to spread out across all 4 maps instead of filling 1-2-3
Bottom line for you is maybe you should learn to play instead of just out numbering the other team to win
I don’t know why I bother replying to your threads… honestly man, lol.
When your server is getting completely beat down on one map, they are always going to consolidate and move to another map where you do have some presence. That’s what we do. They don’t need the points to be “turned off” for that to happen, it happens naturally.
I don’t know why I bother replying to your threads… honestly man, lol.
When your server is getting completely beat down on one map, they are always going to consolidate and move to another map where you do have some presence. That’s what we do. They don’t need the points to be “turned off” for that to happen, it happens naturally.
your point of view is broken
when your server is getting completely beat down its because the other server is out numbering your 99% of the time the other 1% of the time its because both the other servers are focusing on your spawn
if there are 2 active servers in the Borderlands map points will be counted
but if there is only 1 Active server nobody attacking points should be turned off now that orbs no longer exist
why should a server get points from holding a map that they have none to defend against?
“we dont have anything and keep getting camped because they have 50 players and we have 20” there will be a reason for those players to leave that map instead of constantly dieing in a unwinable battle
those players if points are turned off are more likely to leave and join another boaderlands with players from their own server rather then slowly dieing off and quiting WvW for the day
Maybe points should be awarded based on the number of online opposition players. If you have twice the numbers, of course it is easier to hold your towers so you should only get half the points. If there is no opposition then no points (or very little) for holding. This way you are not getting a score for doing nothing. It could go the other way too, if a team takes a keep when they have less than half the opposition then they get twice the points and if you ninja a point when you have only 90% less than the opposition then you could get 4x the points or something like that.
Sure this would make it better for the underdogs and the server with numbers would have their work cut out for them keeping everything owned. It might make things enjoyable for some. It might actually help with server transfers too because servers could no longer over power others with sheer numbers because they wouldn’t get the points. This does how ever mean that the score won’t truly reflect how powerful a server is and this is a war game after all. People have to get used to being dominated occasionally and if you’re lucky get your own turn to return the favour.
To me, the current system works. There are good battles going on in most of the Tiers and from what I’m reading, most are really enjoying the WvWvW experience and the scores are generally close.
Tarnished Coast
its best to keep things simple Kalemar
if 2 out of 3 teams have the Outmanned buff = no points from that map
making things complicated just causes more problems
taking a fully upgraded keep full of supplys is very hard the high population servers are going to have a big advantage still when the lower population servers enter the map and turns point’s back on
Doesn’t work. If the points are turned off for a map your enemy controls, you will never go there to cap the stuff back because it’s better off not counting. So you’ll never get rid of outmanned, and the spiral continues.
Doesn’t work. If the points are turned off for a map your enemy controls, you will never go there to cap the stuff back because it’s better off not counting. So you’ll never get rid of outmanned, and the spiral continues.
people don’t want to sit in Lions Arch waiting for Eternal Battlegrounds queue to pop if they are interested they are going to join a Borderlands map
most players do not play WvW for the points its just 1 of the main factors to do with morale of the players being active
when big Guilds/Alliances are working together and set times or Rally players to hit a Enemy Borderlands they can go into a map that’s 100% controlled and give the other server a real fight
also on the weekends every WvW map has a queue on it all 4 maps are full so there wont be any outmanned buff there
its more about off-peak times
do you enjoy a 50v50 battle or do you enjoy when your server is 25vs50 with no chance of pushing out at all and spend all your time running supplys
I agree with the idea of OP.
It really would promote people that look at score too much to still join WvWvW as there wouldn’t be an insane score difference.
And servers wouldn’t give up too soon because the point gap became insane while they were sleeping.
All these people crying it’s punishing the winning server and what not.
That’s just not true.
You would still be able to play on those maps and control them completely like now, but you wouldn’t be gaining points because you had the 150 man extra on top of the other server to just take that map without resistance at all.
Hacking your orbs since 2/11
ded map ded gaem.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
no mater what you say here its not gona happen. A-net statet that allready in the “night capping and you” At the moment the system is working as intended.
The OM buff needs rework togher with new orbs and rewards for upgrading tower , placing siege, using siege to bomb enemy walls.
The Matchmaking system needs also work but what the Topic Creater said is not gona hapen anyway so no point arguing over it.
no mater what you say here its not gona happen. A-net statet that allready in the “night capping and you” At the moment the system is working as intended..
Unfortunate then, because their idea of working as intended will drive people away that feel their effort are useless, or else will keep the transfer problem going forever, which will prevent matchup stabilization which is needed for consistently fun and competitive matches.
I think part of their answer was more a cover-up for them not having the proper tools or mechanics to try and remedy the situation, at least yet. It has to be obvious to them after months of complaining about this that the majority of players feels the system is not balanced or scoring itself correctly.
ded map ded gaem.
some maps are always going to be dead though the week even if its prime time
we need a way to disable the points
we need all 4 maps on the Weekends all of the maps will be full
(edited by Daish.6139)
all 4 maps on Sea of Sorrows have queues that are hours long now
the last few days at this time we only had enough players to fill up 2-3 out of the 4 WvW maps
You are basically asking for load balancing. You want Anet to use a 1v1v1 solution…so no map can have more than the minimum that any other server has on the playing field.
That will never, never happen.
Transfer elsewhere. You don’t have to settle for dead last unless you just enjoy it.
the server Daish is on is ranked 4 not dead last
the player numbers are always changeing it would be much more enjoyable to have a real battle
Daish I kind of agree with you but with a little more thought put into it than that and a redesign.
They (anet) should have average W3 pops data by now. So for example at 7pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) W3 would average 20k players whilst in comparision US CST would have 100k (just for arguement sake)
Then all they would need to do is create a system that dropped the amount of maximum players that can play w3 at certain times however they do this could be thought about to make it streamed line.
Ques would occur during oceanic primetime due to them being on 3 servers only but the W3’ers would just xfer to a more available server and average out the numbers a littl more just like what is happenign now in NA primetime.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
you would like to ruin other ppls fun for your own fun ?
no sir , i 100% disagree , i go 100 vs 1 and i /dance on the dead body after.
I somewhat reluctantly agree with the OP.
Kinda odd though coming from someone on a server with one of the strongest oceanic presences in NA servers.
Sanctum of Rall