Desolation Battle Report

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


This thread has been provided for members of the Desolation server to discuss WvW fighting.

Great battles and memorable moments in World versus World.

Current Matchup:

Desolation continues the war against Vizunah Square and Arborstone.

The current fighting against the French servers has shown that the Alliance between French guilds has deteriorated but not completely failed. Coordinated groups of guilds from Arborstone and Vizunah continue to cooperate and communicate regularly.

As a result players on Desolation are becoming stronger, better experienced and morale remains extremely high. We have been able to keep fresh players rotating in and avoided burn out.

RUIN has deliberately kept our reserves out of the fighting to avoid burn out during week long matches. We have also focused on additional recruitment to cope with the strong Vizunah night presence, which remains the strongest in Europe.

Desolation remains strong, a constant influx of new players and recruits has helped to build our WvW guilds. We welcome our new allies from Russia and Eastern Europe.

The major guilds WvW guilds from Desolation all report that our rank 1 fighting against two French servers has helped them with their recruitment efforts and enjoyment of Guild Wars 2.

Please share your screenshots and battle reports here!

Thank you, and good fighting!

(edited by Archaos.4953)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Joriel.1530


7pm GMT and we are holding good, but it seems our biggest threat this week will be Arborstone since VS seems to be a bit burned out


i7 4770k @ 4.5ghz | GTX 780 | 8GB GSKILL RAM @ 1866mhz

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


Communication and teamwork on Deso is just awesome atm with as result we are making big plays and are holding 300+ pp at 8 pm CET
The fact that whole our WvW community is pumped up and looking for revenge after last week helps out to.


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


7pm GMT and we are holding good, but it seems our biggest threat this week will be Arborstone since VS seems to be a bit burned out

AS have always good week end and bad week
VS have always bad week end and good week

VS transfered there guilds to arbor to avoid the server being kicked out of t1 there ot burned out.

What guild ? I’m realy interested to know what VS guild transfered to Arbor, Can you give name plz ( even in mp ? ) or it’s just a rumour like CaSu once again ?
Because on VS you have GC alliance and on AS you have ES alliance, and i can assure you no one of this guild have switch, and no one of WvW focus guild of VS or AS have switch…

. It currently does seem Arbor and VS are win-trading to keep both French servers in T1,

It’s seems all the serv in D1 want to stay in D1…, no matter if 2 of them are french, german or whatever… their are no wintrading btw AS or VS for keep one of us in D1. If we down in D2 VS taunt us, if VS down we taunt them it’s all.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Vizunah and Arborstone are clearly engaged in win trading to stay in tier 1.

They know that as soon as one of them drops to tier 2 that the party is over.

As a result they have been burning all of their energy/money and resources to fight a desperate battle to avoid being entirely knocked out. This level of resistance will not be sustainable for them. There is no way to keep your players running 14 hour days for two weeks and altering sleep schedules to compensate. There will be enormous burn-out.

Vizunah and Arborstone guilds will be destroyed as their members fall to exhaustion, their alliances will collapse, French Hegemony in Europe will end.

The French servers face the REALITY of a defeat in which they will be cast down to fight the Russians on Blacktide, who will inevitably crush them. Those who remain after the long hard retreat from Moscow will face their Waterloo fighting European Coalition servers and the Germans.

Only through abusing every single loophole in the WvW system have the French remained in tier 1. The level of desperation that they show in this regard has been a constant source of entertainment for Ruin.

French guilds building dozens of flame rams inside Stonemist and our keeps to burn supply prior to siege, moving guilds back and forth from one French server to another to reinforce during off times.

Now Arborstone apparently has a night crew “magically” after a full week of having zero presence, while Vizunah has virtually no coverage.

Though the average French player does not engage in an “alliance” between the servers (we have seen infighting and feuding between the French servers). There are clearly guilds on AS/VS engaged in questionable practices to cling on to these matches.

Ultimately it is better for strong independent servers to make up tier 1. Rather than trying the French method of spreading their guilds across two servers to provide them with a numerical advantage.

Many players will realize this on AS and VS and I predict that as soon as it becomes impossible to maintain two French servers in tier 1 they will abandon one to reinforce their remaining server (likely Vizunah). I am confident that when Arborstone is knocked out it will be left to die by the “crossrealming” guild alliances and will plummet through the server rankings.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


They know that as soon as one of them drops to tier 2 that the party is over.

VS is N°1 since 2 mouth without any other french in D1…. it’s clear their can make anythink without AS……
But now yes, with US guild come in EU it’s not the same..french / german serv can’t make nothing vs serv with EU and US prime time. We can’t follow the pace. US prime time when 90% of our pll go to sleep… well very hard to keep or map…

As a result they have been burning all of their energy/money and resources to fight a desperate battle to avoid being entirely knocked out. This level of resistance will not be sustainable for them. There is no way to keep your players running 14 hour days for two weeks and altering sleep schedules to compensate. There will be enormous burn-out.

I agree. We can’t keep this pace for a long time.
But we don’t make this for a win trading, we don’t care if Elona or BT inc N°1, we are glad if one of them keep the first place.. we just don’t want to see a N°1 EU serv with a so great part of victory make by US.. We know all the great stuff made by Iron and many other guild, but it’s no way for Ruins.

Vizunah and Arborstone guilds will be destroyed as their members fall to exhaustion, their alliances will collapse, French Hegemony in Europe will end.

French Hegemony will end and US hegemony in EU will rise…. once again xD
Exhaustion is not a problem, we make breather and down in tier and we back. 1/2/3 week it’s not a problem.

Only through abusing every single loophole in the WvW system have the French remained in tier 1. The level of desperation that they show in this regard has been a constant source of entertainment for Ruin.

Why Loophole in WvW system.. plz tell some example.

The French servers face the REALITY of a defeat in which they will be cast down to fight the Russians on Blacktide, who will inevitably crush them. Those who remain after the long hard retreat from Moscow will face their Waterloo fighting European Coalition servers and the Germans.

What Reality of defeat ? Elona beat VS and AS, sorry but you’’r no’t the first to down us.
Yeah Europe need to make coalition to down one country.. how pathetic..

Now Arborstone apparently has a night crew “magically” after a full week of having zero presence, while Vizunah has virtually no coverage.

Sorry for you but we have the same guild that last week in open, no more, but VS have low pop this night yes.

Though the average French player does not engage in an “alliance” between the servers (we have seen infighting and feuding between the French servers). There are clearly guilds on AS/VS engaged in questionable practices to cling on to these matches.

What, “questionable practices” ? , US alliance inc to EU ladder with their prime time when 90% or more of EU player sleep isn’t “questionable” mabye ?. Why you come in EU ? you full wipe in US ladder and now vs door and 2/3 player you can think you are skilled ?.

Ultimately it is better for strong independent servers to make up tier 1. Rather than trying the French method of spreading their guilds across two servers to provide them with a numerical advantage.

I don’t understand this. You think it’s better to make VS and AS ppl in one big french serv, rather than split our force in few serv ?.. ok but what about waiting time to inc in open by example ?. We split our force to make 2 good serv, but not one overpowered ( Elona beat each of us. ) it’s the best way i think.

Many players will realize this on AS and VS and I predict that as soon as it becomes impossible to maintain two French servers in tier 1 they will abandon one to reinforce their remaining server (likely Vizunah). I am confident that when Arborstone is knocked out it will be left to die by the “crossrealming” guild alliances and will plummet through the server rankings.

Once against what ’crossrealiming" guild alliance ? mane plz ? can you tell me only one WvW guild passing form VS to AS ? tell a name.

AS down in D2 next week, this is a not a secret ( even this week we would already be in D2. ), we have nobody on the night in week.
But we don’t go to VS. We don"t care to VS and VS don’t care about us. GC and ES play together only when 4 of the 5 french serv are close.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


I’d recommend moving to Arborstone or Vizunah. We are doing 5v20 (at least) every night against [ruin] and they still claim “no PvD” and “significant challenges”.
Think of what we could do if we were at least 10..

I just got this off a threat on this forum and it was from a VZ player.
I dont really get this…. Why do you also promote arborstone when its your enemy??? This threat was about getting na guilds to eu…… Anyway i have respect for you guys keep up the great fights!

Cya on the battle field!

Drunkstar [IRON]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


I’d recommend moving to Arborstone or Vizunah. We are doing 5v20 (at least) every night against [ruin] and they still claim “no PvD” and “significant challenges”.
Think of what we could do if we were at least 10..

I just got this off a threat on this forum and it was from a VZ player.
I dont really get this…. Why do you also promote arborstone when its your enemy??? This threat was about getting na guilds to eu…… Anyway i have respect for you guys keep up the great fights!

Cya on the battle field!

Drunkstar [IRON]

because this answer is not about really recruiting an american guild … we don’t want it, and even if we wanted they will not come on an FR server.

it’s juste a troll on the funny RUIN /archaos message about their hard victories

Like the posts above, i hope he’s not really believing what he’s writing and just a big troll, it’s a little too much delusion for just one person

(edited by jaxom.7469)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


i didn’t say the message didn’t exist, i just said it was a ( too subtle it seems) troll on RUIN hard battles

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tyco.2964


Its not their hard victorys its desolations hard victorys thats a diff ruin is not desolation.
We have lots of good helpfull guilds on deso ruin is one off them. And we where second last week so it was hard;) srry for my bad english iam drunk and dutch;)

Cya on the battele field where we belong and not on the forums fighting the war there!

Gz Drunkstar [IRON]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


LOL, 5 V 20 Ruin, highly doubtful. We have held Sm all day against both servers hitting us, if you were that skilled and we were that bad, its impossible we coudl stand up aga9inst your uberness.


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: cybersolex.7642


If you destroy the french servers we ,the french guilds, would move to désolation!
You immagine? Play whis us, day after day , after day……. And so we allways stay in T1!

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


I have got an awesome idea from the previous posts. All of Europe should move to Desolation (or BT ?) ! Everyone will perpetually win. This is what have already been started, just a bit more untill everyone gets there and can share the #1 rank together. Fun US guilds are welcome too !

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


Come on guys, Archaos is just an obvious troll, don’t play with him.

Trolls that you see on EVERY kitten thread of this forum, how french are just cowards anyway (not even match battle, plain unrelated ones too ??). Only ganging up and stuff and that’s why they’re T1 (it’s been 2 weeks only that AS has been on T1, just as a reminder, but since RUINs are all a bunch of new guys they couldn’t know that), and whatever else. They’re actually succeeding in making people believing them (because VS and AS are french, so it’s a valid enough argument to point that it’s true), and that’s the scary part.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


As somebody with a slight dramatic streak, i do like reading his posts.

And no, BT is pretty much fine on transfers, except for a few hours wehre we could use some Americans. Thanks for the offer though, we’ll keep you in mind if we decide to loosen up our recruitment effort again!

Good luck, Deso, looking forward to meeting you again on the battlefield eventually

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Reese.7521


In Arbotrstone BL now, we trying to get our Keep back Vs Arbor and their entire 50+ zerg while VZ attacks us form SW flank. All day everyday this is how you gutless servers play and your awful

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


by the way reese, you should be a little less obvious, seems like nobody wants to play with you. Archaos is a lot better on that.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


Alright, I have a new suggestion which would solve this legitimate problem.
Let’s create a system to change this in a game of chess. We could, on this thread have a random turn order (DS -> VS -> AS) repreated for infinity. Before attacking, any faction would say “sending zerg on AS BL, fort ….” or “sending golems + mesmers on…”. They’d do their action, and then it’d become the turn of the next faction, and the process would repeat itself on and on.
We could also put a time limit between turns, hmm let’s say 30 mins max ? If said action didn’t take place it becomes the turn of the next faction.

Is this alright with everyone ? Come and play.

PS : you seemed lonely Reese, I’ll help you out.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


edit: nahh , it’s useless….

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Last i checked this was titled Desolation Battle report, not Vizunastone or Arbor Square thread, kthxbye <3

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


Desolation is ok with the VS/Arborstone tactics to remain in Tier 1. We aren’t going anywhere /shrug. The people who those two servers owe apologies to for alternating weekly points to remain in Tier 1 are Blacktide, Elona Reach and Riverside.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Zander.7346


Desolation : GG for the bug exploit on Dreaming Bay at 02H05…..

You deteriorate the WvW

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


Yep or you could straight rename the OP as “troll gone wild”.
Could have done better, try new pulls for next thread.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


I have got an awesome idea from the previous posts. All of Europe should move to Desolation (or BT ?) ! Everyone will perpetually win. This is what have already been started, just a bit more untill everyone gets there and can share the #1 rank together. Fun US guilds are welcome too !


It’s exactly what people are thinking and doing atm, but not only from europe, because we can see that a lot of people keep transfering on those server.
In a few weeks, half of the gw2 population will be on desolation or blacktide (until they can manage to get a room on desolation), the other half on the other servers ^^

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

(edited by Truebanana.5936)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Desolation : GG for the bug exploit on Dreaming Bay at 02H05…..

You deteriorate the WvW

Please provide proof or keep quiet. No one wants to read unsubstantiated claims of cheating by sore losers.

The only thing that deteriorates WvW is the sore losers and poor sports like yourself that keep lying about and insulting the gamers on Desolation and the guilds in it.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Can you be more specific? What was the exploit?

I have suspicion that it is the old story about “Mesmer-flying-dolphins” since you are talking about Bay.
If it is, stop it already and realize that ANYONE can just JUMP inside Bay. Ask Anet to fix this architecture flaw of Bay’s eastern water gate and stop blaming players for exploits.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


stop it already and realize that ANYONE can just JUMP inside Bay. Ask Anet to fix this architecture flaw of Bay’s eastern water gate and stop blaming players for exploits.

you know that it IS the definition of exploit bug, do you? exploiting … a bug.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


What’s your definiton of a bug then?

If walls were 1 feet tall, would it be an exploit to jump over them? There’s no bug at the Bay water gates. There’s an upstand on the outer side and upstand on the inner side. You just jump from one to another.

There’s no texture bug like it was with tier 3 doors at Garrison or at the southern slope of Bay (that one IS a bug that some mesmers tend to exploit to hide inside the texture).

And by “water gates” I don’t mean underwater entrance itself. I mean opening in the eastern wall.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

(edited by Yaro.3251)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


After jumping around walls was done to us, somebody reported it.
They got the answer that while it was certainly not intended and would be looked into, getting around walls through legit jumping was not considered an exploit.
(This particular wall was outer watergate of Garrison)

I still feel it’s dodgy and won’t do it, or take part of it, though.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Fairness, kosherity and other characteristics of particular www tactic is up for discussion. I find Bay and Garrison “jumping puzzles” quite unfortunate consequence of flaw in map design and would love Anet getting rid of them. Other examples of things that may rise questions are for example the fact that Phantasmal Berserker does not need a line of sight to be spawned on target. Or burning supplies by scouts.

One thing is clear however – this Bay/Garrison infiltration is not a bug exploit.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Battle reports – 6:20 am CET


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Jomg.9061


So, what does PvWood feel like guys ?

Pervx [DEX]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Kind of pathetic that the US server is making a post here only to have a topic where they can all hold hands and flame bait the other 2 servers. Hope the 2 French servers pull through this week.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Todza.9856


On a side note for Desolation discussions please have a look at the following thread

Aspenox // Desolation

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


We won’t. We can’t fight like we did last week. People need to sleep after a week

The French Flair [FF]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853



ps: modo it’s a joke keep cool…

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


So, what does PvWood feel like guys ?

What do French tears taste like? Im guessing very bitter indeed.

Great show of solidarity from Deso working as a 24/7 powerhouse, still got a long way to go regarding communication but every week that goes by we seem to grow in strength as people learn how to work together.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Legendary Heart.1639

Legendary Heart.1639

Archaos.4953 before post, you’d better go on the forums servers involved. There has never been an alliance between French servers and I see that everything you tell just out of your imagination. you’re not on our server, you do not and you’re informed statements from scratch. You got a child behavior.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


Archaos.4953 before post, you’d better go on the forums servers involved. There has never been an alliance between French servers and I see that everything you tell just out of your imagination. you’re not on our server, you do not and you’re informed statements from scratch. You got a child behavior.

Do you realize you just trolled yourself? Your own players, in this thread even, admitted that Troma created an alliance between Arborstone and Vizunah for the purpose of defeating Desolation. Granted, they now say the alliance broke down after only a day or two but nevertheless it existed. Your post is either from ignorance or simply an outright lie. I dont know you well enough to pick which…

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


Funny screenshots


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


Another fight. This one was madness on two flanks


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


Another screenshot. Attack on all flanks. 2 big zerg groups of AR and Viz. several small conflict points in SM for distraction. Never ending battle. SM was like cheese. This is previous round, but i think it’s still fun.

I have even more screenshots, but im lazy to post em all. Teaming is part of the game and is really fun. OohRah!


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Legendary Heart.1639

Legendary Heart.1639

An alliance was proposed but has anyone on both servers, not accepted and everyone decided to play honestly. the French are naturally competitive and alliance is not thinkable. Only a minority can be decided to ally but in any case the two servers are not coordinated. The screenshot above was taken the morning after the night shift are gone. PA server arrived shortly before this screenshot and it was made last Friday it seems to me.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Some more funny of french camaraderie at Desolation Garrison

“Non, c’est toute une coïncidence. Nous n’avons aucune alliance.”
(No, it is all a coincidence. We have no alliance)


Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


Another one… We got hit in the back. I was really surprised


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Stop making movies, please. Like, now. there is obviously situation like this in TRI-FACTION WvW :x

alliance failed, it worked 2 days. I told you many times. Vizunah won last week because of sleep sacrifices, and primetime iron will. But now we are all tired, and all our good commanders need to have a break. Why don’t you read what i tell you? i CREATED the alliance, i know what i speak about.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Nothing wrong with making an alliance Troma; all is fair in love and war and all that.

We are just sharing these pictures because you guys kept claiming to have no alliance. And that makes it very funny when I was just killed by AS and VZ players after both groups sieged our garrison from the east and west for over 2 hours and afterwards were peacefully reviving their dead side-by-side

Stop being so serious and lighten up a little. It’s only a game...

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


I am not making movies ?! Just posting some nice screenshots. Like this one :P


Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Osefmarcher.1072


They are no alliance between VS and AS, and your SS doesn’t show anything but 2 separate groups of VS and AS (which is impossible to tell if they are playing together) same SS could be made with deso + 1 fr server.