Arborstone[FR], GMT+7
Desolation Battle Report
Arborstone[FR], GMT+7
An alliance between VS and AS … holy kitten you really know nothing of who you’re facing na ? the most influent guild/team of each server are facing each other for around 10yrs … yes 10, mean before you all came in the MMORPG world with wow.
Anyway where are you skilled players ? aw sorry I remind that you were kitten on NA ladder it’s why you came to zerg our doors by night surely feel strong now
Desolation, you should hire skilled people from EU, I know that you proclamed yourself best EU server during the Beta but hiring a non-skilled zerg of makeinu isn’t overreacting after your defeat ? :/
Let’s meet on the field (Ruins I know where to find you, always with your 100 friends, under this number it’s too risky to left your stronghold, na?)
kiss from Japan ;o
Necromancer – The Night Lords
Hey there Khristal
There was an alliance between AS and VZ at some point last week actually. Both guild have admitted to this. Unfortunately it didn’t last very long (24 hours? or was it 42?)
Also, I can’t recall anyone who proclaimed anything about Desolation being the best EU server. It certainly wasn’t me as I just like to have a good time and always enjoy a good battle.
But I’d love to meet you out in the field for a good fight. So let me know and we’ll set something up.
Cheers from the Netherlands!!
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
An alliance between VS and AS … holy kitten you really know nothing of who you’re facing na ? the most influent guild/team of each server are facing each other for around 10yrs … yes 10, mean before you all came in the MMORPG world with wow.
Anyway where are you skilled players ? aw sorry I remind that you were kitten on NA ladder it’s why you came to zerg our doors by night
surely feel strong now
Desolation, you should hire skilled people from EU, I know that you proclamed yourself best EU server during the Beta but hiring a non-skilled zerg of makeinu isn’t overreacting after your defeat ? :/
Let’s meet on the field (Ruins I know where to find you, always with your 100 friends, under this number it’s too risky to left your stronghold, na?)
kiss from Japan ;o
You don’t really know anything about ruin or the NA ladder do you or follow any of the history of what brought ruin here. You don’t mention them helping to dethrone Henge before they left the NA bracket because they literally found it the equivalent of watching paint dry it was so simple and boring to watch and play.
ET fell through the floor when ruin did leave so kinda says something about how crappy you think Ruin are lol. That 80-100 active players carried an entire server through the NA ladder to T1 almost in one straight shot.
At least get your empirical evidence correct before you spout off about a whole lot of nothing.
Go read mos you guys are outpaced during the day also.
Khristal, Ruin came from a T1- T2 server, don’t know where you got your information. We know what its like to be night capped. Anet said night capping was part of the game. We had two options, recruit a night time force(we tried) or become a night time force, so we have adapted and luckily we found a great server that needed coverage during our play times. Ruin is just part of a Desolation team of great guilds small and large.
P.S. I have many many badges from you guys,
Kiss Desolation
Oh the drama…
Im from deso and in last 2 weeks ive seen us get unmanned buff numerous times even at 3am. Around 6-7am we get outnumbered buff almost always. Ive only seen AS get that buff yesterday (6am iirc) for the first time.
Also remember why deso was kicked out of t1? Due to INSANE nightcapping. Now that we have the manpower to counter that… nothing but tears. Irony overload.
Also fyi RUIN treats eu servers with loads of respect from what i could hear on thier TS. They got burned few times and learned from it to become better. Its rare to see any form of disrespect for VS/AS on ruin or iron TS.
One thing i did notice is that VS/AS degenerated into mindless zergs that would avoid fighting this week. Kinda too bad since we all love good fights.
@ bond seems logical as you left almost no people when oyu got an entire map it’s only you’re zergling bus is on another map
is good fight mean 10vs1 fight ??? lol.
anyway the zombies are on Deso now, and they only win thx of the night-capping and zerg, not the skill. too bad :/
Necromancer – The Night Lords
never used the jumping bug to have the water fort, never used the thief bug to block supplies indefinitely , and we never see a massive amount of people bashing doors at night.
Let’s stop this already, can we? Yesterday I saw our rams built by the OUTER doors INSIDE our garrison and supply camp inside Garrison was flash-mobbed by OUR arrow carts.
There’a hughe number of players from both sides and there always will be somebody who wants a victory at all costs even if tactics he uses may be questionable to others. It happens on both sides and does not translate to “we” as a servver for either side.
I could have posted TONS of vids showing 10 PA wiping 20-50 Deso to show you my point, but i don’t even need to do that, you know already what i m talking about
I could tell you countless stories about VZ and AS zergs fails at Hills’ and towers’ Lords and inside perimeters against 10-15ppl worth of GH team. Please realize that your experience is just a fraction of what is going on on WvW at any given moment. As my is.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
is good fight mean 10vs1 fight ??? lol.
anyway the zombies are on Deso now, and they only win thx of the night-capping and zerg, not the skill. too bad :/
2 v 1 not working for you eh?
heres a nice video for you btw..Looks like desolation does pretty well in small teams against ..well I wont even repeat what you said
maybe there was a mesmer hiding in your garnison when you took it one hour ago and that was the case, we were holding you and vizunah at the same timethat’s why we use it a long time after.
For cheating i think all server have some and server can’t stop people who want to cheat and that they are not responsible for it and btw when you took it back we had two mesmer hide inside even if we didn’t use them as we were not enough to make an attack anymore.
I’m not talking about hidden mesmers, don’t have any problem with this tactic, being mesmer myself
I was talking about basically two things – zerg fails at the finish line and burning supplies by scouts.
Oh, and to be more clear that was our rams at the OUTER doors from inside. Which tactic requires that? And how many hidden mesmers it would take to build several rams inside enemy Garrison? Garrison was ours for so long that this is not the case.
If you have mesmer inside Garrison on a home map you colud just regroup your whole zerg at badge merchants inside citadel and port it right inside northern end of Garrison.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
is good fight mean 10vs1 fight ??? lol.
anyway the zombies are on Deso now, and they only win thx of the night-capping and zerg, not the skill. too bad :/
It’s no different then the 10 vs 1 that I’ve gone through numerous time in the past two weeks. One time it was a group from each server attacking me. I chalk it up to being part of the game maybe you should too.
oups sorry for my bad english then.
Just stop pulling out Mos char if you can’t use your brain to understand it.
Us prime time come just after the EU one. This mean that anything EU do in their prime time is wipeout of the map only few hours later by Ruin.
The point here is simple : EU have to wait 12+ hours to start attacking seriously again, during this time, Desolation is free to cap and full upgrade absolutely everything.
Desolation is not winning this because they’re better, they’re just winning because the timezone work nicely for Ruin.
In fact, it’s pretty fair to say that As and Vs are better since they manage to come back from hell every prime time and take back a decent amount of full upgraded objectives , most of time starting with nothing.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
Jomg i would like to let u know that there are lot of ppl in RUIN who are actually not from NA but circumstances forced them to play at night, especialy those who work at night. And even without RUIN there is massive amount of randoms who love to be part of night capping enviroment. The solution for FR servers could be Canadian guilds. I know that talk is cheap but with decent amount of effort im sure u can get some of them to help your server so the map not gonna look like this at 6:20 am CET:
Canadian guilds are no solution.
1) french-speaking canadians are 100x times less numerous than english speaking americans.
2) they don’t want to play on EU servers. AS had one ([Arma]) for two weeks. They left for numerous reasons.
[ruin] is stuck with PvD. At least they seem to like it.
I played mostly at night last week and this past week-end. Fights are getting less and less interesting.
Tonight, on the AS map, twelve VS players held Green lake for more than an hour against 40+ [ruin]s. In the end, we were 6 or 7 left, and got steamrolled by 4 golems. They took Bay immediately after it.
Boring gameplay.
Who would like to read “Desolation battle reports”, I wonder.. :o
Seriously, just look at the numbers. It’s getting ridiculous. More and more people are getting tired of W3 altogether because of it.
And no, we are not complaining because we are losing. Just because the only thing being ruined is the fun of W3.
To be honest, the one losing the most are probably the [IRON] guys and every good players on Desolation.
They may well deserve tier 1 and first place because of their skill, but they’ll never get it because of it. It will be behind the shadow of the oh so epic PvDing of [Ruin].
(edited by Charmide.4891)
Canadians guild are not interested in playing on FR servers. They prefer to stay on US ladder.
ANet should have forbidden to migrate from ladder to another in the first place, that’s all.
Many games are like that, including one with pandas
(edited by Gwal.2813)
Hum Cabd, like this one :
Desolation fighting doors during EU sleeping time :
2012-11-05 08:05:19 91743 +625
2012-11-05 07:45:24 90875 +635
2012-11-05 07:24:14 89341 +675
2012-11-05 06:36:59 86857 +630
2012-11-05 06:18:59 85980 +620
2012-11-05 05:10:28 82698 +435
2012-11-05 03:44:04 79425 +470
2012-11-05 02:45:30 77097 +410
Desolation fighting people, while they did upgrade all the forts with all the wood they gathered :
2012-11-04 23:44:42 72879 +180
2012-11-04 23:16:03 72310 +215
2012-11-04 21:59:17 70576 +215
2012-11-04 19:19:49 66914 +225
2012-11-04 17:43:34 65239 +240
2012-11-04 16:58:56 64362 +200
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
Sadly, everyone hates french, and besides that simple fact, every english speaking people want to be on an english serv.
I think the only way left for As and VS alliance is to migrate to a server who already got a night coverage. Maybe on a Us serv.
and fenchies capping now when ppl are WORKING, boohoo thats not fair!!! we should limit that account can play 3h per day wvw because of all the whining this is causing. then it should even itself out.
The PvD nonsense would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. You guys are just so mad that you have to actually work for a victory you’ll make up anything to insult NA players.
I don’t get why guys are having so much trouble understanding the objective in WvW. The objective in WvW is to control keeps, supply areas and other structures most of which have doors that must be knocked down before entering and and controlling. When you control those areas on the map you get points and at the end of the week the server with the most points wins. It’s really not that hard so complaining that RUIN is PvD is pretty immature and very unsportsmanlike because we are just playing the game as it was intended to be played.
@Truebanana.5936 What are you talking about? You’ve just wrote down times and scores which doesn’t counter point anything on Cabd’s post. If you’d like to see more however I have pictures from last night of you guys continually trying to PvD a keep while we defending from above and using two burning oil placements to kill you all. This lasted for about 15 minutes you kept coming and coming and dying and dying.
In the future you guys on the French guilds might want to let up on the insulting when you do the same thing.
Among all the trolls and complains about metagame in 3W, i really hope Anet will react quickly because this cannot hold any longer.
In gw1 i thought ANet wasn’t a company like Blizzard or NCsoft or another random mmo developper, but in GW2 i see they finally are rookies in mmo:
- allowing transfer between EU and US ladder. Seriously? Even blizzard didn’t allow that and wow released many years ago.
- Aoe and turtle strategy. Condescendent smile from many players when i say aoe only hit 5 peoples in a massive pvp game. “Ok so what happens when all the players regroup and form a turtle, they say?”. You get it. I don’t think testers from ANet know their game very much. I’m ok with developing strategies and finally turtle can be easily destroyed. But this sounds like ANet didn’t even think of the possibility of forming a turtle in 3w. Amateurism.
- Removing orbs. Copy bioware in swtor and their method to resolve bugs is not really smart. Amateurism again and its obvious that orbs were a frackin good feature.
- Clipping, and when the clipping is over its because the game is lagging.
- Differences between the rapidity of Anet to fix the cash shop when its broken and the lack of action/communication about bugs en problems in 3W.
@Cabd 8:32 server time. No kitten.
“…well, the original Arborstone players that is, not those imported…etc”
This, written by a Desolation member, made my day – thanx.
Asura Thief
Elona Reach
@ bond seems logical as you left almost no people when oyu got an entire map it’s only you’re zergling bus is on another map
I distincly remember at least 2 bl beeing outmanned last week with our total capped numbers of objectives looking like yours today at 3am. And that was pretty much constant at morning when our nightshift went to bed. The only thing we were zerging was our beds.
And fyi our (iron) nightshift is 99% eu.
Also explain to me how did deso get kicked out of t1 in the first place? And kicked so hard it dropped to the bottom. And why is the problem if we copy YOUR tactics to crawl up back to t1?
You dropped to the bottom because you sux, night capping have nothing to do with it.
this week, i saw borderlands totally blue being half recaptured seeing only 2 or 3 thief for scouting and suddenly a zerg of 50/60 people coming in the map and conquering back everything.
We could build 2 ram destroy the first door going to a supply camp come back and destroy the second gate with two more ram without any resistance.
it was not an insult as someone said it was only a fact.
As tonight or this morning when we were fighting on desolation borderland suddendly all desolation people vanish except 2 or 3 people until a large bus arrive and take all the map.
(edited by Liriel.1473)
It’s weird how Desolation topic are flooded by Desolation player only during US prime time :o
Hehe.. PvD even when trolling
I am not sure where to post this so i wll do so here.
Ina number of threads( some now closed) I have seen a lot of anti Americanism, mostly directed at the Ruin guild.
I just wanted to say that that this vocal minority does not reflect the European attitude as a whole. Americans are welcome to play on our servers, they bring much to the game.
PS Dont forget to vote.
Project Blacktide 24/7
Thanks we appreciate the sentiment and actually I have had a few nice pms from a few FR server players stating that this is not the majority view.
I think the people here from FR coming into a deso thread and passing judgement on where they steered a thread is ridiculous. Take it out onto the field we will see who tops out at the end of the week and if deso looses its just gives them more incentive to keep trying.
Thanks we appreciate the sentiment and actually I have had a few nice pms from a few FR server players stating that this is not the majority view.
I think the people here from FR coming into a deso thread and passing judgement on where they steered a thread is ridiculous. Take it out onto the field we will see who tops out at the end of the week and if deso looses its just gives them more incentive to keep trying.
The two great curses of this game are jealousy and graceless losers. I have come across both. I consider it a balm to look at the various score boards. With out fail, the graceless and jealous populate servers in freefall.
It is rather simple, those who organise prosper, that organisation takes a lot of work. When others are not willing to put it in they hang their arguments on an excuse. “There are too many americans, all the good guilds left, its all zergs, we were night capped, primetime, primetime….etc”
I see guilds such as Ruin as taking the brave decision, they saw that a strategic change was needed to compete at highest level.
Dont get me wrong, some dont want to compete at that level they want to potter about in the middle tier and that perfectly fine. They dont aspire to winning and this game is big enough for these different outlooks. In fact as a game it offers so many options.
However this is the wvwvw forum and many here are competitors.
So best of luck to you guys on desolation EU and NA.
Lets hope we can get up to that tier to kick your butts.
Best wishes
Snort – Blacktide
Project Blacktide 24/7
Thanks we appreciate the sentiment and actually I have had a few nice pms from a few FR server players stating that this is not the majority view.
I think the people here from FR coming into a deso thread and passing judgement on where they steered a thread is ridiculous. Take it out onto the field we will see who tops out at the end of the week and if deso looses its just gives them more incentive to keep trying.
The two great curses of this game are jealousy and graceless losers. I have come across both. I consider it a balm to look at the various score boards. With out fail, the graceless and jealous populate servers in freefall.
It is rather simple, those who organise prosper, that organisation takes a lot of work. When others are not willing to put it in they hang their arguments on an excuse. “There are too many americans, all the good guilds left, its all zergs, we were night capped, primetime, primetime….etc”
I see guilds such as Ruin as taking the brave decision, they saw that a strategic change was needed to compete at highest level.
Dont get me wrong, some dont want to compete at that level they want to potter about in the middle tier and that perfectly fine. They dont aspire to winning and this game is big enough for these different outlooks. In fact as a game it offers so many options.
However this is the wvwvw forum and many here are competitors.
So best of luck to you guys on desolation EU and NA.
Lets hope we can get up to that tier to kick your butts.
Best wishes
Snort – Blacktide
i cant wait to fight epic battle against u guys too
IRON – Desolation
Pressing them more, guys xD
27 score diff. We can meet next week.
We are working hard for this.
Pressing them more, guys xD
27 score diff. We can meet next week.
We are working hard for this.
Take our place, we need some rest.. and fight our Elona friend again, with FS i hope. It can be a good match up.
( I hope ScarX and RedGuard will not ragequit like in warhammer this time xD )
About alliance, well, for all people thinking french serv is always in alliance, i advise you to read this ( )…
The Bloody Flag alliance, lasted two day in the first match up and it’s all. Some french guild on VS and AS hate them more that they hate Ruins… xD
All the rest since the end of the first weekend, is only “coincidence” or tactical , I can make number of example of VS leave Deso alone and focus only AS and inversely. It’s not for this i come and cry about VS/Deso alliance…
But i understand when you have fight against 2 serv of the same country, all action, looks suspicious even if it’s not… I think it’s the same for us when we will fight 2 german serv..
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
Pressing them more, guys xD
27 score diff. We can meet next week.
We are working hard for this.Take our place, we need some rest.. and fight our Elona friend again
, with FS i hope. It can be a good match up.
Well, i hope ScarX and RedGuard will not ragequit like in warhammer this time xD
I think you should pat your Vizunah buddies on the back, they’re about to self-implode with rage I don’t think their ego can survive if they will lose two weeks in a row
Pressing them more, guys xD
27 score diff. We can meet next week.
We are working hard for this.Take our place, we need some rest.. and fight our Elona friend again
, with FS i hope. It can be a good match up.
Well, i hope ScarX and RedGuard will not ragequit like in warhammer this time xD
to be honest i prefer arborstone to stay in T1. this server is better in term of skill and coordination than the other FR -random deso player opinion
IRON – Desolation
And I dont see this as a 2 v 1, its clearly a 1 v 1. Deso vs. AS/VS.
And this is clearly bullkitten. Maybe it’s more in a self-congratulation trip to thinking you win a 1vs2, but it’s not the case. I don’t know, open you map maybe…
If AS/VS really make a alliance vs you, Deso never have more that 100 income in prime time, and this is not the case.
Ive been playing MMO’s for a long time, and I dont remember any group of players crying so very much when they began losing like
I see no cry when Elona beat AS and after beat VS.. maybe the fact to lose is not why we “cry”…
Jade Quarry
blablabla 2v1 blablabla suck it up french blablabla
This kind of income graphs = no 2v1, to quote you : "deny it all you want, but denial does not change truth. "
It’s also the simple logic of tri-faction : the leading faction tend to be attacked by the other two…
(edited by Gwal.2813)
Hey everyone
Please keep these forums clean and post in a respectful tone.
Thank you.
Nahtow you speak with a wall there….
The 2vs1 thing make them so good they won’t abandon the idea :
if they loose you’ll see : " we’re performing well despite their alliance"
if they win (witch is the case) you’ll get : “we’re so strong that we crushed their ally”
I really wish VS and AS could ally just one day to show you what is a real focus ; VS took a nice 2vs1 from Elona and AS and had 60 income on primetime (EU primetime i mean).
People, please… I’m a player from VS, and my english skills may be very low compared to a native english speaker, but as far as I can see, the title of the topic is “Desolation Battle Report”.
I really wish to understand your vision of the events so far, so please, is it possible to forget all the trolling/hate/… and refocus on the topic ?
I mean… If you want to flame/ troll/discuss about the weather, there are other topics. So far I only saw 3-4 battle report. Is it too much to ask to see another constructive post ?
You may talk about alliances, about unskilled players all you want, but only if you stay in the focus telling us when and where it was, what were the circumstances of the fight. That is to say, stop arguing and write battle reports on this topic and nothing more, nothing less.
Thank you very much !
I’d just like to point something out. If the French servers are fighting 5vs20 during the night, then before RUIN came that number was 5vs0. Maybe you don’t remember but Desolation was briefly also T1 before RUIN, but VS nightcapping made the ultimate difference, just ask FS. Now you people are complaining about the same problem we were complaining about.
I’d just like to point something out. If the French servers are fighting 5vs20 during the night, then before RUIN came that number was 5vs0. Maybe you don’t remember but Desolation was briefly also T1 before RUIN, but VS nightcapping made the ultimate difference, just ask FS. Now you people are complaining about the same problem we were complaining about.
I haven’t seen 0 post from FR complaining about nightcap.
we are complaining about oversea daycap.
But it’s like talking to a wall, all night long I have tried to explain (in a constructive way) why we were complaining, in the various threads closed one after one, but no one seems to understand our issue : I’ve only seen mocking, trolling, or out of topic answers…
Of course, there is truth there. But really, I wasn’t playing W3 when VS was the one doing nightcapping, but I would have complained about it then.
Even if it’s that case, it’s even worse because one guild decide to ruin our common fun by playing on the wrong server, ignoring the EU/US barrier.
(EDIT: Gwal summed up that point)
Boring fights, boring gameplay, biased scores…
I still find it weird that people stop complaining when it benefits them.
Anet needs to do something about it. Doesn’t help when you do that !
“…well, the original Arborstone players that is, not those imported…etc”
This, written by a Desolation member, made my day – thanx.
Please use the whole quote or don’t bother quoting me at all if you only want to use a portion of it in order to twist my words into something I never said. Thank you
I said:
I for one would welcome it, as I personally think you guys from Arborstone fight a lot better than Vizunah and deserve to be in T1. Well, the original Arborstone players that is, not those imported Vizunah players that have been recently added to your collective according to rumors.
With that I meant those Vizunah guilds that transferred over to Arborstone after last week’s match.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
yeah the guilds that exist as much as our strong canadian guild or our incredible alliance( that existed, but lasted one day only)
you should stop these rumours on deso, what’s the next ? we have an organised guild that tries to take all the golds selling items at high price , to win in WVW ? we are recruiting chinese hackers ?
come on guys
it’s not because there is a linguistic barrier that in front you have people who eat babies.
I haven’t seen 0 post from FR complaining about nightcap.
we are complaining about oversea daycap.But it’s like talking to a wall, all night long I have tried to explain (in a constructive way) why we were complaining, in the various threads closed one after one, but no one seems to understand our issue : I’ve only seen mocking, trolling, or out of topic answers…
Very well, in the interest of a constructive conversation and in order to understand your issue, allow me to ask this, what exactly is the difference between nightcappers and overseas players?
From my prospective there really isn’t one, the effect is the same. It doesn’t matter if it is someone who finishes work at 2am and hops on for a couple of hours or someone who finishes at 6 pm, us time. Vizunah were dominating Far Shiverpeaks by 150000 points at one point, so I doubt you had many people who were sacrificing their schedules to get up and maintain that, why bother when you are wining by such a margin? The only explanation is that either Vizunah has a large number of overseas players (hence the Canada rumor) or a large number of night workers. People deny the whole Canada thing, which is understandable as a factual statement, but I never really understood why it made a difference.
There is a difference in quantity alright, it is far easier for English speaking servers to recruit US members than it is for French servers. But that reasoning cuts both ways, if it is unfair because we have more nightcappers now, then it was equally unfair when the server with the largest nightcapping population was Vizunah. And most of the solutions to this new problem seem less about fixing the unfairness of nightcapping and more about restoring Vizunahs dominance, such as region locking the ladders or moving Desolation to an international ladder.
Hypothetically if every player on Ruin were to hop on a plane and come to the UK for jobs which allowed them to work hours such that their gaming time remains the same. From the French servers prospective the effect is the same, would that then be fair and if so why?
I’m asking this honestly because I haven’t seen it explained. In fact the only answer to this type of question I’ve seen runs along the lines of “if you don’t understand it, then I’m not explaining it to you” (from a different poster obviously). If you are truly interested in getting people to understand the issue from your prospective, then I’m certain the answers to these question will go a long way, at least for me, because they are the main thing which keeps me from taking your complaints all that seriously.
(edited by Knasher.5607)