Desolation Battle Report

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


I think the thinking is something along the lines of:

Having the organisational skills and abilities to form a nightforce of your own time zone players is a skill to be respected.

However, having the organisational skills and forethought to fill a hole that you realise you couldn’t do by yourself with some overseas help is cheating and not fair.

I think often times we forget how much the French sacrifice to stay up that late, but at the same time they point blank refuse to acknowledge the work put in and the organisation required to keep our server ticking with the increasing community.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


With that I meant those Vizunah guilds that transferred over to Arborstone after last week’s match.

…. Ok can you tell me only one name of a VS/AS rvr guild moved to VS/AS plz ?… it’s few time i see this kind of think.. but every time a ask for only one name of a guild transfered to VS at AS.. nobody can answer me … And like i see no VS guild on AS maybe you can help me to find this guy…

Atm why this configuration of pop migration, and if we want to stay a only “french” or “german” serv, it will be almost impossible for us to come back in D1 sustainable. It’s not a problem, i’m don’t care about D1/D2 the fight quality is the same. just a fact.

@Burnners, it’s something like this yes.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Vizunah spy caught :-p – name is Pramac from the GN guild.


Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


lol read the conversations if you can see it on the pics above

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Antiriad.7160



Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


i have a good idea, you so much want H24 battles and a H24 presence, saying that H24 WVW would be better for everyone, H24 here, H24 there.

Why don’t you ask deso to move to the H24 ladder then ? everybody will be happy !

technically it doesn’t change anything, WvW servers are in texas anyway, and it would be more glorious for you to win worldwide …

if you are not doing that just for easy wins of course, but for a true challenge.

@Aveneo, you know that tags can be the same on different servers i hope ? that i saw my tag guild on AS AND on deso ?

(edited by jaxom.7469)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


With that I meant those Vizunah guilds that transferred over to Arborstone after last week’s match.

…. Ok can you tell me only one name of a VS/AS rvr guild moved to VS/AS plz ?… it’s few time i see this kind of think.. but every time a ask for only one name of a guild transfered to VS at AS.. nobody can answer me … And like i see no VS guild on AS maybe you can help me to find this guy…

Atm why this configuration of pop migration, and if we want to stay a only “french” or “german” serv, it will be almost impossible for us to come back in D1 sustainable. It’s not a problem, i’m don’t care about D1/D2 the fight quality is the same. just a fact.

@Burnners, it’s something like this yes.

Sorry, I was unable to hack into the database of all server transfers. I’ll try again tomorrow with my Cray XK7 Titan

But seriously, you would be able to see it for yourself by looking at the guild tags of the people that are fighting at night (at least I hope you do keep track of the guilds that are fighting with you?). Some people apparently noticed that those guildtags were originally in Vizunah and now suddenly show up on Arborstone players.

Again, it is a rumor. But look around and see if you notice something odd; like people from a VZ guild you fought against last week that now suddenly run along with you as AS.

@Aveneo, you know that tags can be the same on different servers i hope ? that i saw my tag guild on AS AND on deso ?

I am fully aware of that. You wouldn’t believe how many use [HOPE] as their tags. I am merely mentioning this as a possibility.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

(edited by Aveneo.2068)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


That’s the thing, there are none.

VS players don’t play to lose. Switching server would only weaken Vizunah, which is already in a pretty bad state at the moment. If Vizunah was leading from afar, I would still have trouble believing it, but now ? Sheer day dreaming…

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


i have a good idea, you so much want H24 battles and a H24 presence, saying that H24 WVW would be better for everyone, H24 here, H24 there.

Why don’t you ask deso to move to the H24 ladder then ? everybody will be happy !

technically it doesn’t change anything, WvW servers are in texas anyway, and it would be more glorious for you to win worldwide …

if you are not doing that just for easy wins of course, but for a true challenge.

@Aveneo, you know that tags can be the same on different servers i hope ? that i saw my tag guild on AS AND on deso ?

Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Again, it is a rumor. But look around and see if you notice something odd; like people from a VZ guild you fought against last week that now suddenly run along with you as AS.

Well it’s what i do since the start of this rumour, but i see noting in this way … I fight mostly against GC alliance and i never saw one of their guild on AS.

For the tag.. it’s not unique like the guild name so it’s very complicated to say :/
You can find [SR] tag on VS and Deso by example ..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


So is Ruin going to come back to the NA servers? Curious if they want a real fight.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Very well, in the interest of a constructive conversation and in order to understand your issue, allow me to ask this […]


I’ll try to answer Note that I’m not speaking on behalf of the FR community or a server or anything, those are just my personal thoughts about how FR is appreciating the subject :

Well, to us, the main difference is : what we can do to counter this effect.

Nightcap from same timezone is just a matter of dedication, getting less sleep and more playtime.
There isn’t that many players on VS playing at night on a regular basis. (maybe 40)
Elona, FS, AS have already beaten us.
But, we are organized, we have commanders to lead PUG, a common Teamspeak for all the server to regroup at anytime, and an amazing alliance of the big wvw guilds involved in the server, that can react quickly to form late light or early morning operations before going to work. It costs us (a lot of sleeping time mostly :P), but it’s manageable

Now came Deso and Ruin.
First thing, (before you reached T1). We tried to recruit French Canadians guilds, several messages have been left on various QC guilds forum, but they all prefer to play on NA ladder. AS server did the same thing, one QC guild (Armata) tried out the FR ladder, but they got back to US after 1 week.
And that where we still are about recruiting…
And about English speaking guilds. We would love to, but no one would come to a server with [FR] tag, not because they don’t like french (I hope everybody does x)), but because of the language barrier… No matter what, even if we have in our ranks several people speaking english, it’s almost impossible to get them to settle on a [FR] server :/

That’s the reason why we can’t counter the “oversea” nightcap.
Last week we’ve barely won the matchup, It was was fun, lots of tense fights, I enjoyed it, but we have to sleep at one moment, so it was a last ditch stand : There was a French bank holiday to our advantage, and lots of our players had to take the week-end off to change their mind of the game and rest. (and it shows on the income graphs, VS got destroyed this week end).

We just want a chance to compete with the same starting chances.
I know many wvw players on VS would like the [FR] tag of the server to disappear, that way, maybe we could recruit English speaking guilds.
Maybe another solution would be the creation of a ladder for EU servers who want to play on GMT/GMT+4 timezones

We don’t care to lose. we’ve already lost to Elona or Arborstone.
(And I think that Blacktide would crush VS now)
But this would have been with equal chances to start with

Now, feelings about the EU ladder :

I think that EU ladder it was meant for EU people in the first place. So that EU servers could compete between them, without having to face NA servers.

NA ladder was meant to be worldwide in the first place, with Oceanic and Asian players. In various MMO, those players have always been to NA servers.
Same thing goes with our Russian friends, they traditionally play MMOs on EU servers.

Of course anyone can create a character on any region, there is no restriction.
Doing it on a personal level, (a guy who wants to play with friends or his guild for example) it not a problem, but doing it at a guild level, and this start to mess things up Because it’s impacting many players that just want to compete between them.

And the non-english speaking tagged servers will have tremendous difficulties to recruit.
We are also aware that it isn’t everybody opinion in EU.
But There is already a ladder with 24/7 action : why not migrate to NA it if that’s the kind of game you’re looking for ?
-> In the end the result would be exactly like merging ladders : the 24/7 competition would take place on NA (already worldwide) ladder
-> but people who want to stay on “around GMT” clock would be able to compete between them on the EU ladder

Pff, I don’t know, I’m just letting ideas out…

Honestly, I don’t know if there is a solution that would satisfy everyone… but I sure would like we find one.
And I don’t know why so many people just won’t try to understand our issue and keep taunting/flaming..

Hope this was constructive ;P

Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by Moderator)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.

No, You Surely wont move.
You came to win vs doors and it’s what you found.
Thus, no reason to leave.

Oh and btw, I actually don’t care about night capping it’s a part of the game, we all deal with it. As you said, there always be unbalanced population at night, it’s impossible to avoid. And that’s why score and ladder mean nothing else than better 24h coverage.

Actually, what made us laugh is people like Ruin NA players that come to the EU ladder claiming to seek challenge and beat the french. So funny, they will beat the french without fighting them. Actually, UK may have beaten the french, they are strong opponents, but nobody will ever know because of the invaders.

Atm GW2 is a perfect illustration of the words : “How can we win when fools can be kings ?”. Not sure Anet will afford the losses.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Well it’s what i do since the start of this rumour, but i see noting in this way … I fight mostly against GC alliance and i never saw one of their guild on AS.

For the tag.. it’s not unique like the guild name so it’s very complicated to say :/
You can find [SR] tag on VS and Deso by example ..

Excellent, then it may have all been a misunderstanding and it is a good thing that Vizunah members are not ‘jumping ship’ then.

You see, it can work both ways because such members can help or hinder. Help by providing more troops and coverage for you guys; or hinder by clogging up the maps whilst standing at the spawnpoint so people that actually want to fight can’t get in.

So it was more my concern about the possibility of this happening. Unfortunately some people used it simply to drag my name and guild through the dirt and start insulting me personally.

I just want a good fight and honorable battles, that is all.

EDIT: Ah, I see the individual that was insulting me has been dealt with; thank you ANet moderators.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

(edited by Aveneo.2068)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


Atm why this configuration of pop migration, and if we want to stay a only “french” or “german” serv, it will be almost impossible for us to come back in D1 sustainable. It’s not a problem, i’m don’t care about D1/D2 the fight quality is the same. just a fact.

To be honest, it was a little weird having three single time zone servers in the top tier to begin with. Even before the Americans came on the scene, you would have expected that servers whose populations span Europe to be able to keep a higher population in WvW for longer than any other. While there was a tendency for communities to organize around a single server, that was only ever going to be a piece of the total server community, the rest being people or guilds who chose independently. I suspect the main reason why the localized servers dominated was because ANet underestimated the relative interest in those servers, so prior to adding new localized servers, like Arborstone (and probably even after), the localized servers grew much larger than any of the rest. Excluding people outside Europe, the localized servers would have been at a distinct disadvantage anyway, I suspect, if not for the huge advantage they gained from population in-balance.

(edited by Knasher.5607)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.

No, You Surely wont move.
You came to win vs doors and it’s what you found.
Thus, no reason to leave.

Oh and btw, I actually don’t care about night capping it’s a part of the game, we all deal with it. As you said, there always be unbalanced population at night, it’s impossible to avoid. And that’s why score and ladder mean nothing else than better 24h coverage.

Actually, what made us laugh is people like Ruin NA players that come to the EU ladder claiming to seek challenge and beat the french. So funny, they will beat the french without fighting them. Actually, UK may have beaten the french, they are strong opponents, but nobody will ever know because of the invaders.

Atm GW2 is a perfect illustration of the words : “How can we win when fools can be kings ?”. Not sure Anet will afford the losses.

Are you a ruin memeber? No your not so really leave your speculation out of things you have no real idea why Ruin came. over unless you were in the guild and seem extremely unlikely to want to understand at all.

Look at all your insults across the board. On the whole its disgusting and I am not surprised anyone with a rational thought process doesnt take much of what you have to say seriously on the matter.

What you want is far from fair and if theres any justice you will be knocked out of the T1 top slot like you deserve duck your heads and come back with a much less pessamistic view of the world generally.

Even here you guys come in droves attempting to tank a deso thread because you go 4 + threds oft your own canned. learn some manners. You couldn’t even manage to be civil in your own threads.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


Ruin and desolation arent going anywhere especially to appease you the only people that would be happy are a handful of you and over ridiculous things you have an answer for and counter for. Things you felt were quite fine for months and are too lazy basically to go and deal with.

No, You Surely wont move.
You came to win vs doors and it’s what you found.
Thus, no reason to leave.

Oh and btw, I actually don’t care about night capping it’s a part of the game, we all deal with it. As you said, there always be unbalanced population at night, it’s impossible to avoid. And that’s why score and ladder mean nothing else than better 24h coverage.

Actually, what made us laugh is people like Ruin NA players that come to the EU ladder claiming to seek challenge and beat the french. So funny, they will beat the french without fighting them. Actually, UK may have beaten the french, they are strong opponents, but nobody will ever know because of the invaders.

Atm GW2 is a perfect illustration of the words : “How can we win when fools can be kings ?”. Not sure Anet will afford the losses.


Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


Ruin said:
European Servers have proven to be:

More challenging.
Better organized.
Do not quit fighting regardless of point score.
Have far more top tier viable servers.

So we say:
…come on and fight against us in OUR prime time.

Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

(edited by Feindsender.1043)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


European Servers have proven to be:

More challenging.
Better organized.
Do not quit fighting regardless of point score.
Have far more top tier viable servers.

…come on and fight against us in OUR prime time.

Actually, it would be a good idea cause you have a better coverage and we will not unbalanced (the better one will be to remove any language tag and the separate ladders).

However there’s still a problem. We cannot fight against you in YOUR prime time no more than you can do it on OUR.
What we can have is balanced servers with a good worldwide coverage and let the DE/FR/… for people who cant speak English.

Anyway, you seem to have a far good opinion about EU server. I’m not sure it’s that perfect. People are all subject to psychological factors while playing and motivation is an important one. Hard to keep a high motivation within the population while you can’t make any significant move.

(edited by Lizerunn.9072)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


One simple solution. Talk English and join an English speaking server.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Kuzog.6528


Here we have so many bashing RUIN and wishing them and their ilk ill will. Constantly demeaning RUIN as opponents does not make them unworthy of the accolades bestowed upon them or the trophies gathered on the field.

I expect that in nearly every avenue of life there are those that despise winners and look to everyone other than themselves for their own failures. I also recognize that the true measure of greatness is often be directly proportional to the lamentation of the women and children whose husbands’ and fathers’ have been sacrificed to the greater good.

RUIN came here for various reasons, and the main reason was to participate in meaningful 24/7 pvp. Here we found that much the chagrin of our opponents. The US servers are unbalanced because of timezone issues and that there are not enough Oceanic players to go around to make things fair. The overall quality of fighting in the EU servers is better too and more competitive. We rose to the top in the US bracket and didn’t cry and lament the unfairness of not having enough aussies or whatever. We adjusted and moved to improve our quality of play. We moved and it worked.

I gather that the language restricted servers cause you discomfort in that you feel you can’t compete and get your own US contingent to fill the void. Well, how about you did what we did and MOVE. Do not stay in your FR server, but MOVE to a server without that alleged handicap. Seriously, just MOVE! We moved, we lost some people along the way I am sure. But we moved and life is so much better and more competitive for us despite all the whining.

You can continue to laud the EU based guilds and vent your frustrations by belittling RUIN and its contributions to the war effort. It fuels us. It makes us feel good that you despise us so. If you didn’t hate us like you do, we probably wouldn’t be winning! I am sure that were we losing and no threat, you would not spend the slightest bit of time mentioning RUIN this and RUIN that every other sentence.

I have a lot of respect for the fighting that happens on the field. VZ and Ar are tough opponents. Sure there was and probably is some alliance thing going on part of the time at least with the FRs against Deso. That it was admitted that it existed and lasted for any length of time is enough for people to believe it happens more often than you now admit. The oft times nearly coordinated efforts and lack of attacks against one another when it would seem to make sense, make it seem more probable as well. As well as VZ and AR just not attacking each other at times when they are next to one another is interesting and compelling too. So, you can say all you want there is no alliance, I believe it is an on and off again thing between certain commanders who likely coordinate by voice communication to coordinate when they can.

In any event, the fighting has been fierce. All the Deso guilds have a part in what happens on Deso. All are worthy of accolades including RUIN.

That RUIN makes you sad, I am not sorry. Your refusal to adapt is your own downfall. Is it Pride? What is it. MOVE and prosper to 24/7 coverage if that is what it takes. Others are doing it now, many guilds have moved to Blacktide to compete 24/7. You can do it too. But no matter what you do, stop whining…

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


for doing what VZ has been doing all the time in the past.

It’s a little difference when you nightcapping yourself ( and plz don’t tell me about the famous and imaginary canadian zerg of VS… CaSu… ) and when you nightcapping with oversea ppl, ppl having their prime time when 90%+ of EU player sleep…

If deso inc N°1 i’m glad for you, but i’m always think, it’s damage that the N°1 in EU ladder have more US that EU player in many hours of the day…

I don’t know, if all the french/german player move to US ladder and become N°1.. what sence the US ladder have then ?

If anet make international ladder, it’s ok, but atm in EU ladder you have some tagged serv [FR] [DE] [SP] who are a little butkitten in this story…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


See Kuzog there is something weird there.

You say you moved to not suffer the unfairness of the NA ladder… which was intended to be the global one. Yet by moving you join the EU ladder, that was supposed to (although not restricted to I agree) be a European ladder, and thus destroy the balance there.

If there was not enough players to balance the NA ladder, you really think there will be enough to balance the EU one ?

And here we go again with the fabled alliance… one can not rely on the length of a post to know if it’s a serious one anymore

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


It’s a little difference when you nightcapping yourself ( and plz don’t tell me about the famous and imaginary canadian zerg of VS… CaSu… ) and when you nightcapping with oversea ppl, ppl having their prime time when 90%+ of EU player sleep…

No it’s not. Nightcapping is nightcapping. You started it so don’t try to take the moral high ground now. If you wanted to be “fair” (whatever that means), you’d have used NO nightcapping, not “nightcapping with only french people”.

You told us to adapt to your nightcapping, we did it, end of story. The sooner you accept this the better will be.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


As a new arrival to Desolation I have noticed that the french servers do seem to initiate large scale attacks simultaneously on separate points on opposite sides of the map very often. They also frequently avoid attacking each other when contact is made and focus on desolation. And interestngly at a keep attack yesterday the other french server attacked desolation to prevent them from capping whilst they avoided trying to cap themselves.

But as the french say theres no cooperation – these things are just chance despite the freuency with which they occur. Even now the creeping up of points across the two servers and keeping them level to avoid relegation is purely accidental.

Call me a cynic.

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Sadly we have to moderate this thread heavily, due to severals offenses of our Code of Conduct, therefore this conversation is now locked.

Please remember to post in a respectful tone.

Thank your for your understanding.