Desolation WvW and Server Organization

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


This morning was right out of the Desolation handbook. On the Eternal side, we had all the North (Gunners Hold server area i think).
Mendons got attacked about, there was about 10 of us trying to defend, but no good against the the 40 strong Gunners Hold on a Zerg.
So we called for help, but nobody came as they thought zerging Durios was a better idea.
So we lost Mendons then by 10 am the whole of the North side (all reinforced as well) was gone.
Then there was alot of “kittening” in chat about who’s fault it was. This seems to be a habit with our server. We have some good players, but definitely lack organisation.

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


just think of going to a low pop server, organizing it and bringing it up in rank would be fun

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Haha :P Jiiub the idea sounds appealing but not a one man/two man job. Hey Dyno sorry about that experience . Btw guys what are the big WvWvW guilds on Deso?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


Remember, the issues with queuing WILL get better as the game gets older. We are at the time of the most people playing this game, with it being launched not long ago.
The queues aren’t THAT bad.. At this moment (mid afternoon on Sunday) I can get into any borderlands within 5-10 minutes.
Desolation has a problem with most people wanting to just go to EB all the time. You can see this clearly on WvW resets where we do poorly (mostly) in the Borderland maps and usually get the advantage in EB.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


well QTRKOBRA, we dont get more people by people saying that :P if more people join the better and then its hoping the guild can rally the players on the server to join and fight as one.

and sure it will get better, or worse as people get to 80 and spend more time in WvWvW.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Jiiub You seem to be the most active member on this thread maybe even more than me :P, wana join my guild on Deso?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


could join in for now, but i rather move to another server so will do that if thats what comes up

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Don’t play in EB if you want organised WvW, it isn’t going to happen as all the players that never listen always queue for EB.

The whole of yesterday and early this morning (4-6 AM) our borderlands have seen improvements in organisation. Take a look at Desolation borderlands where myself and a few others actually – yes, believe it or not – managed to organise ourselves to the point where we eventually got 100% of the map. People responded fast when we needed to defend somewhere, people generally listened well in offensive sieges (we had some mindless ones ofcourse but most of the blob actually did as told).

The results were obvious, we outplayed both enemy servers and pushed them out of the map during primetime. I hope people took note, that listening and staying organised gets beter results than just zerging around aimlessly.

The best part was that Desolation borderlands didn’t have a single commander or large WvW guilds present, it was one giant ‘pug’ that did what was needed to be done, when it was needed. Also, there was almost no kittening at eachother, which was another critical factor. (Edit: Really, that filter cuts out perfectly normal words aswell? Sigh…)

Once most left the map to help in other borderlands, a WvW guild from Gunnars Hold tried to ninja all the keeps in Desolation borderlands. They managed to blitz-cap SH but we were able to call in help from other maps and stop them at DB. After we had retaken SH, no serious offensive was made by enemy servers.

So there is hope for Desolation yet, just don’t join EB.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey Raap I played during that time whats your character’s name? I’m Sythus if you can remember. Btw are you interested in joining my guild?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


I was playing on my Thief alt ‘Thorny Scrub’, tired of playing a ‘support’ elementalist.

Playing in a one man guild for bank space benefits! Also doing the rare WvW upgrade when influence cost allows me, which isn’t often as you might realise.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Then I see no reason why you shouldn’t join! You seem dedicated to both Desolation and WvWvW.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


A thank you to the (few) people from Desolation who were playing today in the morning (10-12:30 am) in the Gunnar’s Hold borderland and started to follow the lead to claw “our” territory back.

For those who weren’t there, we had a pretty rough time as we were being essentially double-teamed (either by design or by random chance, I strongly suspect the latter) by the two enemy servers and I also believe we would have been outnumbered anyway by any one of them (entered without any queue, during the fight crashed twice and always managed to re-enter instantly so we didn’t have full numbers for sure).

Half an hour of heavy fighting against the enemy zerg just to manage to hold onto the Greenvale supply camp and only thanks to abundant use of siege weapons at that :P, but it was beautiful how we finally used the strongpoint to stage a comeback.

Ofc, I logged out and relogged in after 30 minutes only to see us having lost everything again because someone decided to attack DB despite the dire warnings to not try it until we had a secure base, but hey, that’s how things roll at the start :P

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Don’t play in EB if you want organised WvW, it isn’t going to happen as all the players that never listen always queue for EB.

Sorry but this is rubbish.

We are holding stonemist for over 30 hours now. Me and others have been leading past 2 days and have seen awesome players, listening to objectives, helping with upgrades, working together and we pretty much won EB yesterday.

We also took first place while the borderlands are barely holding what they have….

Sorry but can’t agree with you saying EB is not the place for organised WvW….thats just complete kittens.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Sorry but this is rubbish.

We are holding stonemist for over 30 hours now. Me and others have been leading past 2 days and have seen awesome players, listening to objectives, helping with upgrades, working together and we pretty much won EB yesterday.

We also took first place while the borderlands are barely holding what they have….

Sorry but can’t agree with you saying EB is not the place for organised WvW….thats just complete kittens.

My experience and that of many others is that EB, in general, is where most zerg-minded players queue up. The type of players that just want to circle cap towers and not do anything else, such as defending when needed. This has been the case in EB very often, you can’t deny facts.

However, that doesn’t mean organised EB play is entirely impossible. Clearly you have been doing well in EB so far during this week’s matchup. But because EB always has an endless queue, organised guilds rarely get in as a force, and in general, you end up with the bulk of zerg-minded players who just don’t listen.

Borderlands on the other hand, rarely have a queue outside of primetime, so managing the amount of players in those maps becomes easier, and results can be achieved without gaining a headache in the process.

But again, this is “in general”, and based on experience of myself and others, and even the queue statistics back this up. I am by no means saying “playing organised in EB is impossible”, because it is, but you need a bit of luck in terms of who ends up taking player slots. Too high a percentage of “slackers” and you get nowhere, and with long queue’s, this can be difficult to overcome.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


i dont understand this at all, everytime i got into borderlands i find it to be the most zerg and most kitteny of them all while EB has mostly it but atleast with its narrow map it becomes somewhat aimed atleast

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


i will take that invite, only been a short while but until things gets organized i do want to run in a WvW guild

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Ramanthes.5916


In the end it boils down to this; Desolation has a huge population and randoms will always “steal” spots away from organized guilds. Unless the server is populated by a lot of WvWvW players, like VS is, we’ll always have trouble amassing a decent force of organized people in the 4 maps (and by decent I mean something like 20-25, enough to force the mindless zerg to follow and facetank/facesmash doors). It’s almost impossible to shift the population focus to WvWvW and WvWvW players can’t get in the server en masse.

This is why the low pop server transfer is imho a more viable solution. Hell we could propably get some of the VS to follow us, they’re propably sick of queues as well. Transfering in a low-pop server with low ranking also gives the advantage of getting a WvWvW organized in relatively safe training conditions (in other words, smashing lowranks without organization) and not attract as much attention from serverhoppers hoping to get in the “winning side” until the server is up the ranking. That would allow for a few weeks for the theoretical guild to recruit Wubbies and rise up in the rankings quite fast.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


I am from gunnars hold and I was in wvw most of this weekend. I can say that your zerg with/without organization works good enough. I even saw AR & Deso combined attack on GH, I actually fought against Deso people backed by AR and vice versa. I am not raged about that(this is 3 sided open warfare, anythin can happen)
but this thing alone shows a good organization. good enough to combine forces with other server.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Seeing as though my guild thread is dying I’ll post it here.

DBG, Server: Desolation, Guild Name = Desolation Border Guardians.

We are a newly created guild, dedicated to helping to organize WvW in Deso, we aim to be a full purpose guild thats focused mainly on WvW as our numbers grow we’ll made new events.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Anybody wana join?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


I am from gunnars hold and I was in wvw most of this weekend. I can say that your zerg with/without organization works good enough. I even saw AR & Deso combined attack on GH, I actually fought against Deso people backed by AR and vice versa. I am not raged about that(this is 3 sided open warfare, anythin can happen)
but this thing alone shows a good organization. good enough to combine forces with other server.

its not about winning tho its about having fun playing, and the zerg really ruins the whole upgrading part of the gameplay since they just rush out into the deaths but still enough to push the enemy outside siege range, and if you try to lay siege to a big castle then they will rush and die and leave the siege undefended.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


and havent logged in yet but i wanna join.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Alright! I think you’re the first warrior profession to join :P

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


playing as a engineer alot now aswell, still only 26 tho but i have found it alot more fun in WvWvW

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


whats your character name

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


What kind of waiting times are you guys talking about? I never had more then an hour when I tried to get to one of the borderlands – but I didn’t play over that last weekend.

I’m really interested in your guild idea, kobra, but I would like to bring at least two friends from my actual guild and we are still working our ways to level.
warrior (60), ranger (58), necro (80)

How do I find you ingame?
Could take me a while to contact you because of 12-14h work per day this week.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


I’m actually playing right now in Gunnar’s hold, and thank you for considering my guild. Btw I’m not that high level myself :P. Bring whoever you want it’d be nice to have a fellow necro with us! My character’s name is Sythus Arkane

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Laurs.7526


I might be interested in joining. I would probably only represent the guild for WvW purposes though whilst continuing to represent my main guild for PvE and sPvP if thats ok. I think having a few organised WvW guilds will help improve Deso WvW a lot

Srual – Thief – Desolation

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


No problem! Infact the guild might grow on you and might become your main after a while. Whats your character so I can add you?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Laurs.7526


Srual (yet another thief!)

Srual – Thief – Desolation

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


I agree on that we need to have some structured guilds running hits on keeps etc, even a minor group of 7-12 ppl in a guild can get enought following players to have cordinated attacks or defenses. Another thing hitting me in the WvWvW of our server is that we dont have enought smaller hit squads capping points and dissorganice the enemy. A 5 man team capping a camp hitting some caravans and then move on give points to the server, even if its a short time they hold it in the end its ponts. a 30-30 man zerg fighting in borderlands ower the other invading forces tower for 3-4 hours without cap anything accualy give nothing in terms of points.

Also I sure there is alot of extremly good and strategic players on our server, if they could share ideas etc in a polite way and the unexperienced players could accualy lissten we would come a long way. This morning we had the wall down on the fortification and could land siege on DB, we even had numbers do do so. But ppl keept hitting the door when it was a big hole in the wall just 100 yards to the east, and even after the ppl gone thru the hole they…. started attack the door from the inside. Lilke they wanted to brake out of the enemy fort. If we in this siutation had a guild running defenses and ppl folowed their lead the outcome of this battle would been totaly different.

I see i made wall of text now, and as I know myself I sure spelling is horrible from time to time. Sorry for this. In short what we need to get is

- Guilds organicing attacks / defenses so ppl can folow.
- Stop fight endless battles who not give any score
– start have a few more roaming 5-7 man teams hitting camps etc, not to hold but to make a mess and get soem extra score


PS, a smal well geared grp can do kinda alot vs a zerg… :

(edited by Osicat.4139)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey Osicat, you’re exactly right in fact I too witnessed something like this 2 weeks ago. I’m currently creating a structured guild Desolation Border Guardians. Interested in joining?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Hi Qtrkobra, happy you getting a structured pvp guild but im member in Judge a 6-7 year old guild acctive in several games. We do teambased PvP in GW 2 WvWvW in smal groups already even if we might have a bit differen approach.

Focus is cap camps and points, hit caravans and do guerilla warfare plus have fun. Make the enemy hate us is the longtime goal.

Last night after raided thru 3 camps with a 5 man team capped and moved on using mesmer speed buff and some other class synergy we ended up on the top north roof with a vista. Defended this roof with 5 man using portals and knockdown vs 20-25 FR untll the french started to build siege Just an example on fun you can have as a guild. We made some enemys in Gunnars Hold last night I think after claimed a floating island in the jumping puzzle for Desolation a longer time. Using puchbacks and knockdown to kick ppl down in the water.

Our homapge:

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


Kobra, my name is under my post :P and name here is main name for GW2 acc.

Rorgash Bonecrusher or Flame Fist

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey guys, theres a forum here about augury and gunnars seeking an alliance against us, upgrade the keeps that hold our orbs of power (we have 2) and upgrade like hell.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Rabidmax.4106


Just FYI. You can add friends using forum names as they are the account names or whatever they care called. You can also /w <account name> to send messages, and invite to guild using account names, even if the player is not online.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Didn’t know that with the forum names. Thanks.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


The Guild’s got approximately 10 members now!

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Desolation borderlands did alright again this evening. It was a train wreck when I arrived but thankfully most players were interested in playing properly and with some directions, we were able to quickly take 100% of the map.

We can work wonders as long as everyone is willing to listen to a person trying to lead (and give them a chance to lead), and as long as we have atleast one person trying to lead…

On a side note, since we don’t have server forums yet (hint ArenaNet!), I hereby promote this to the… err… Desolation General WvW Section… or something.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Haha :P As the creator of this forum I’m honored btw raap interested in joining? DBG?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Rabidmax.4106


Just checked WvW map this morning. Augury Rock have taken over almost everything, currently riding 420 points with three orbs, compared to Desolation 155 and Gunnar’s Hold 120. They’re skyrocketing on points, Desolation in the lead with 115k, AR next with 99k, and GH (who were in second last night) at 84k.

We’ll be in second place soon without some leadership/organisation ASAP.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Laurs.7526


Hey Kobra, I joined up last night but some bug was preventing me from being able to “represent” the guild. Hopefully it will be ok when I log in again tonight.

Srual – Thief – Desolation

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


we could just make a super easy private forum for us to use until then even if security might be something to deal with, but if everyone who wants to do organized joined DBG not necessarily representing it but joined it, it could help organizing the server.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


So guys in DBG what do you suppose we do? I’ve tried advertising on the guild forums but no one even replies to it :P. We have approx 10 members so far.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


promote it in WvWvW aswell as around the world, but since you are the only person who can invite and the rest of us are just members that job is yours

[IRON] Gaming

(edited by Jiiub.7135)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: lefteye.7890



I’ve been waiting for WvW Desolation organization to start for a while now, and sure something is happening on the field, but I strongly believe that victory is going to be achieved on the meta-level (meaning out of the game) first.

In order to become better at WvW we, as a server, need to start figuring out things that are very clear to some of the best guilds out there but definitely not clear to lots of other players, and not just the casuals. There’s plenty of PvP lovers that queeu for WvW daily and could be much more efficient for our server if they know what’s going on without being forced to join one of the big guilds.

Problem is, where could all that meta stuff happen? I’ve been hoping Arenanet was going to give us server-specific forums, but apparently this is not the case, so while we wait for something like it, I think we should start working on some communication tool that can be used to organize and link all the Desolation WvW Guilds & Groups.

It would be easy to propose an external forum, but those things take time and they never work because someone said so. Should one website or forum become the unofficial Desolation WvW site that would be great, but until that happens “naturally”, I’d refrain from just naming places. Larger guilds tend to look at forums they don’t own suspiciously, so before you have a tight-knit neutral place, you often have a squabbling bunch of forum warriors boycotting each other in-game.

For the time being, as silly as it sound, we might just use this thread. Over and over, it would at least represent the first step into what is certainly going to be a bigger scheme and it’s going to require more space. But for now, I propose that we:

  • Suggestion 1)
    Loosely present our Guilds, or Alliances, or non-definable Playing Groups. A few “Officers” names would help people in starting to know who to pay attention to in /team chat and who to disregard as random caps-locker. Please, refrain from posting individual names. The purpose of organizing is to present multi-player groups where individual will eventually find a home, not a list of single players eager to fight. Of course you are eager to fight or you wouldn’t be here

Needless to say, official or not, we’ll need a “server forum” at some point. But please, if one already exists please let me know. If it doesn’t, let’s not try to impose one, but feel free to propose solutions that can eventually lead us there.

  • Suggestion 2)
    The bigger groups, and especially those with Commander status, could name a Borderland (Eternal, Blue, Red, Green) that they plan on making their home. For example, and considering the stupid queues, if I know that [IRON] is always going to be on the Blue Borderland, it’s easier for me to organize with them, follow them, familiarize with them and learn to know them and how they play. Some for other guilds, on other borders. This is not to create territorial control within our server, more like a way to know that “this and this” are known to take care and protect that border, while “this and this” are known to have a presence on that other. By consolidating some players and [tags] in certain areas it’s easier for lesser groups of players to find their way and be useful knowing who to listen to (if they want to).
  • Suggestion 3)
    I think it would be great if everyone who posts here could modify his/her forum signature in order to show their main WvW in-game character name. Not mandatory, duh, but I am sure it would help to know if the person speaking above or below me is the Commander I successfully defended Stonemist with for 6 hours yesterday, or that other guy who kept insulting everyone and I had to /block in order not to listen to his obnoxious typing.

I understand this is a long post and in no way I want to tell anyone how they should play the game. I just thought it was a good idea to try and start somewhere, as I am sure things can only get better for us if we start playing “as a server”.

Please feel free to insult me or ignore me, and I really hope you will all have better ideas than mine and we’ll start putting them in practice as soon as possible.


Lefteye Falconeer

Lefteye Falconeer of Desolation
[Ajeje Clan]

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Sounds like a plan to me. And yes, we are going to Augury Rock exclusively this week. [SHC] as well, and I know for a fact Cattelbruiser is also on these forums. However I’m not sure if this forum is the right place for strategy discussions…

Oh and by the way, some of the confusion we keep having within our guild comms is related to names of places changing each week. We are working on a way to deal with that problem though, stay tuned!

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Woah what the hell happened to Rock for them to take the lead like this?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


It’s called a nightzerg…

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


and how fun is that? i dont care for points, i dont care for kills, i care for a fun time of warring :/

[IRON] Gaming