Disable the Orbs

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calae.1738


Just disable them. At least until your servers can properly identify clients bending and breaking the rules.

Either that or make the orb a control point instead. Make it so that the orb cannot move.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: split.3659


Unless I’m mistaken, the orb cannot be moved from an alter unless the alter is broken.

Cortugas Thane of [FEAR] Dominatore dei Morti
Necromancer Class Lead

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

i honestly agree with this… if you guys cant figure or straighten out the orb hacking/exploits, what not just TAKE it AWAY already!!! No point if there are ppl able to bypass everything while others just try to abide by the rules, it’s ridiculous…

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Orb buffs need to stop giving buffs to combat stats. Its absurdly bad design to give the winning team even more strength.

Maid Of The Coast

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


If you work hard and that equals winning you should get a pat on the back. Sure it gives an advantage but that means you just need to work harder as a server to get it back. Why do so many ppl want easy mode? O i know ty WoW for giving us lazy gamers who get stuff handed to them.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calae.1738



What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calae.1738


Orb buffs need to stop giving buffs to combat stats. Its absurdly bad design to give the winning team even more strength.

That’s small potatoes at this point. The flying and wall hacking are much bigger issues.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

ANET please… idk your reasons for still having orb active with all these exploits around and the fact that 3 orbs + full coverage is just so much to deal with from the beginning if you’re on the receiving side with an OUTMANNED buff that even enemies can see… it’s like saying “oh they have outmanned buff, and we got 3 orbs… what are we waiting for, FEEDING time!!!”

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Same.4687


Has ANet even said something about the existence of fly/wall hacks?

There have been a lot of screenshots/videos of supposed hackers/exploiters but never any real confirmation from ANet as far as I know.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaqen.9120


Please just disable them until you figure out how they are exploiting the orbs, it’s seriously ruining the game. You will lose players fast if you don’t resolve this issue.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sins Vorkag.5218

Sins Vorkag.5218


The buffs destroy any resemblance of balanced combat. Especially when only 2 out of 3 servers are actively participating in a match up. Quickly allowing for another server to completely and utterly dominate and you can’t dig yourselves out of that hole with the unmanned buffs. It’s not much fun for the “winners” or the “losers” because there’s no reason to go fight at that point. Dominate servers get bored easily because there’s nothing to take. Underdog servers stop trying because they just get destroyed even attempting to do something. It’s a lose lose situation and the game loses it’s overall population. That’s not even taking in consideration of hacking issues. That and it’s probably time to end these server transfers because it’s throwing off the matches too.

But tha jes be me opinion.. I be only a pirate o’ da seas of Tyria.


Dread Pirate Sins
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: joejean.6842


Never mind the hacking, just removing the orbs would make the game more balanced…

So if they can’t code a solution then I say cut from the coding and take the orbs out…

At any rate, won’t matter much soon, players are abandoning WvW in droves, it’s basically become a Friday night race for the queue, by Sunday no one is logging in since
one server own 3 orbs and their solo players can take out 3 ennemies on his own, if he’s lucky enough to run into such a huge ennemy group anyhow…

Seriously it’s a ghost town in WvW, very halloween appropriate tho, I guess less players makes their game look better so that’s what they are aiming for, for sure videos on youtube of 100 ennemy players being all invisible and killing HONEST PAYING CUSTOMER in waves while ABUSING the game mechanics is NOT GOOD for business? LOL who knew…

Hopefully they have a great special release for christmas, I cant have a game without a christmas tree in it and tons of man hours should go towards getting ready for the holidays… THAT matters…

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: pot.6805


Orb hacking has been going for months now. They need to deal with this crap.

Beast mode

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sofaking.2019


I agree with disabling the orbs. In addition, there needs to be a point for each individual player to participate in WvW; there shoud be few if any passive server buffs for points. A dynamic system akin to DAoC where Realm points, based upon personal participation, were an incentive to PvP.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Orb buffs need to stop giving buffs to combat stats. Its absurdly bad design to give the winning team even more strength.

That’s small potatoes at this point. The flying and wall hacking are much bigger issues.

Hacking may be worse, but its hardly small potatoes. It is terrible for WvW balance.

Maid Of The Coast

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sofaking.2019


The simplest solution for the players of GW2 to force Anet to address WvW issues, and there are many, is to just refuse to WvW. It is happening on many servers atm.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shishi.6729


As has been suggested elsewhere, I’m a big fan of swapping the Outmanned buff effect for the Orb of Power buff effect.

Falafelhu the Fabulous
80 Purple Norn Mesmer (Portal-on-a-Stick)
Peon of Caedas [CDS] — Sanctum of Rall

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: aaron.7850


I agree, its taking them too long to act on this

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: kanikani.2430


If we all feel this way, me included, then lets prove it by protest.

Do not take the orbs from where they spawn. When they are on the top of the map simply do not go for them. I know it is hard to get a real server to participate in this but if they are going for it just say I dont like how the orb bonus works, its unfair and I will not help because it will ruin this weeks match. This is what I have started doing.

Maybe this will catch on and each server can have their one orb while we have some more even matches. ANet has shown they will not be fixing this anytime soon so it would be up to us if we really feel this way.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daish.6139


alter needs to be immune to damage just like the keep lords are unless doors are broken down


orbs are very important for WvW they exist because its 1v1v1 and not a 1v1

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


Orb buffs need to stop giving buffs to combat stats. Its absurdly bad design to give the winning team even more strength.

Agreed, majority of the time the winning server has the orbs and with 15% to stats is just hilarious. I don’t understand how someone would think that was viable imo opinion. Like it has been said a million times. The orb and the outmanned buff should be switched.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: springelf.9236


Its tiring that after the weekend wvw is done for the week. One server gets the orbs and its near impossible to catch up. So people just discouraged and don’t bother. Or, its boring as heck to be the winning server because there is little to do.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


my social casual pvx guild doesn’t have any issues fighting opponents who outnumber us with all 3 orbs when we have outmanned buff.

group skills and tactics >>>>>>>> orbs by far.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

so dirtyklingon… what will happen if both parties have same grp skills/tactics IF NOT superior to your socia/casual pvx guild… ofc only thing is that 1 will have 3 orbs and the rest outmanned buff, then what? … ;-)

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kordos.3629


Agree; remove them from play until the hacks are addressed.

If and when they can ever prevent the hacks, we can consider rebalancing. Until then, just remove them altogether.

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


so dirtyklingon… what will happen if both parties have same grp skills/tactics IF NOT superior to your socia/casual pvx guild… ofc only thing is that 1 will have 3 orbs and the rest outmanned buff, then what? … ;-)

srsly? rly? wut

if both parties are equal than the best man wins that day. if they have superior tactics and skill, then the best man still wins.

why would that be different with or without orbs?

this isn’t hello kitty island warhammer pvp lakes tol borad adventure.

wvw is meant to be unfair. that’s one of the best parts about it.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: kanikani.2430


wvw is meant to be unfair. that’s one of the best parts about it.

No actually that’s the worst part about it.

And there is a difference between slight advantage and absurd advantage. 20 v 10 is unfair, 20 v 1 is really unfair, 20 v 1 with the 20 buffed 15% is really really unfair. You see where this is going?

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sins Vorkag.5218

Sins Vorkag.5218

Thanks moderator for moving this to the suggestion forums!

Dread Pirate Sins
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.7643



Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

ty moderators… and dirtyklingon, cant really explain it to you of what we experience on higher tier matches obviously it’s not as bad as it seems to where you guys are right now… this would not been brought up in the first place if it was not an issue. ‘+150 pts’ on all stats is a big difference and that’s just a start… try transferring to other servers that affects this then justify for yourself… but right now ppl here know for sure you do not understand what is being brought up

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-