Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Just wondering.

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Errrr…. Really? No one knows?

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


kinda hard to figure out. You would have to basically have one person or siege on the door, have it only auto attack, then time it. Ya, pretty sure thats not going to happen. Maybe on a very dead server where you wont get interrupted for a min or so.

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Last night i noticed the ram I was using was hitting a tower door for roughly 6k every 5 seconds iirc. Pretty sure the tower door was not upgraded since the tower ownership was back and forth. That comes to roughly 72k per minute. With two rams and about 20 players the wall was breached in approximately 4 minutes.

Obviously, with so many unknowns it is difficult to get a solid estimate but based on that info I’d estimate a basic Tower door has:

72k x 2rams x 4minutes x 1.3 (roughly the ram/player dmg adjustment) = 750k hitpoints

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: DaysOfNIght.5928


Rams give as consistant damage as auto-attack, but you wouldn’t have to be there as long, also you could have multiple rams as long as they are set up at similar times. Count 1 rams damage, multiply it by the number of rams.

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


It’s really an estimate due to not have percentage shown. 400k to 500k on a normal door? Reinforced then would be maybe 1.5million? Seems to be about 3x as strong.

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Last night i noticed the ram I was using was hitting a tower door for roughly 6k every 5 seconds iirc. Pretty sure the tower door was not upgraded since the tower ownership was back and forth. That comes to roughly 72k per minute. With two rams and about 20 players the wall was breached in approximately 4 minutes.

Obviously, with so many unknowns it is difficult to get a solid estimate but based on that info I’d estimate a basic Tower door has:

72k x 2rams x 4minutes x 1.3 (roughly the ram/player dmg adjustment) = 750k hitpoints

Woah. I was hitting for 8 K! Does that mean high powered characters does more?

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


I’ve always seen 8k from a ram myself. I’ve been wondering for a while how much stronger superior versions of siege are.

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