Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Let me tell you something you already know;

There isn’t one.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


There may not be an alliance but there are definitely elements working together. On the weekend my group came across 2 thieves from Despicable and Only One Silver (YB) working together with a DB guild (Hells …………….) to fight us in multiple locations, got the screenshots to prove it as well.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Can’t say that i know any WvW guild from DB that starts with Hells.


(edited by Loki.4139)

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Do we really need two threads this ridiculous in one day?


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


well we don’t have an alliance with anyone.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Just because you don’t know about the alliance, does not mean there isn’t one. Perhaps if you joined the voice server or other forums, you would be more apprised of such.

I do, I know all the big commanders, i talk to them all time on TeamSpeak, On Mumble. and in game. We don’t have an alliance, specially with Yaks. Your server is just getting an kitten kicking because you a dying server


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Just because you don’t know about the alliance, does not mean there isn’t one. Perhaps if you joined the voice server or other forums, you would be more apprised of such.

I do, I know all the big commanders, i talk to them all time on TeamSpeak, On Mumble. and in game. We don’t have an alliance, specially with Yaks. Your server is just getting an kitten kicking because you a dying server

EDIT: Mostly a reply to Limulus, quoted Loki for emphasis.

Mmm, I tend to try to keep myself in communication with as many other Commanders as I can. I’m there for all the commander/server strategy meetings, talk to many of them in game, read every single post in both the public and private areas of the dragonbrand community forums, /join other guilds on their raids and am present when they attack places/, etc.etc.

I think it’s reasonable for me to claim that any alliance that was big enough to be affecting the outcome of the match, I would have known about it.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I say propaganda is being spread.

Propaganda in the form of multiple threads being posted by sore losers to make YB/DB out to be poor opponents?

I’d say you’re spot on.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


Bringing out the conspiracy when SoS is losing, huh? /wink /wink

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I just saw SoS and YB working side-by-side in EB trying to oust DB from one of our towers. I have the screenshots to prove it.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I think it’s reasonable for me to claim that any alliance that was big enough to be affecting the outcome of the match, I would have known about it.

Not if it was the illuminati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


EnRohbi – Clearly you have to resort to ad hominem because you cannot prove otherwise. When you can deal with the facts, come back to this thread. Yak/DB have an alliance. Clearly, not ALL of Yak/DB are aware of such. Significant numbers are aware to keep up with the actions on the field that they are doing and the others follow. SoS is still keeping up nicely, even with the “not so secret” alliance of Yak/DB.

Sure, I resort to ad hominem,
This thread is too ridiculous to actually take seriously.

You guys can’t win a match, even in tier 3,
So the only thing left to you is to try to discredit your opponents and their victory.

It’s entertaining, if anything.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


EnRohbi – Clearly you have to resort to ad hominem because you cannot prove otherwise.

Appeal to ignorance.

By the way, I just saw YB and SoS working together.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Not only are we supposedly making cross-world alliances, which would be perfectly within the rules if that’s what we were doing, but we’re also cheating, which is against the terms of service? This is someone’s idea of a funny prank.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Eviator, your interpretation of the intent is lacking.

Your interpretation of the entire situation is severely more than lacking.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Eviator, your interpretation of the intent is lacking.

Illuminate me. From my end it looks like you were trying to see how many replies you can get for an original post that totalled 10 words or less.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I suppose there’s nothing here. That is to say, someone has created some unfounded preconceptions and is unable to move past them. That is a sad way to live, IMHO. It disturbs me the number of irrational people I come across while gaming. The future (or perhaps current) voters and decision makers in society. “Others can provide evidence”, yet they do not. How interesting.

BTW, your OP suggests a world-wide alliance between DB and YB. Not “some”. You can’t change your story now.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Why is that cheating?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


I just saw an SoS zerg and a DB zerg working together to take Mendons. I have screen shots to prove it.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


Come on SoS, please don’t complain about 2v1, we are better than that

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


SausageStorm, time and date and upload it or it didnt happen.

What about you people saying Yaks and DB have an alliance? Time and date and upload it or it didn’t happen ;D

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


EnRohbi, please keep your comments on topic. Address the situation, rather than resorting to attacking the individual. Thanks, cupcake.

My post was, almost literally, the exact same words you had used in your most recent post.
If mine wasn’t on-topic, yours was clearly no better.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I just saw YB, DB, and SoS all working together to take or retain SM. This alliance is a bit much. The Quaggans are not happy.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


I just saw YB, DB, and SoS all working together to take or retain SM. This alliance is a bit much. The Quaggans are not happy.

Time and date and upload it or it didn’t happen

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I just saw YB, DB, and SoS all working together to take or retain SM. This alliance is a bit much. The Quaggans are not happy.

Time and date and upload it or it didn’t happen

I, a quaggan, can’t even spawn to take a screenshot! We’re getting owned, so I’m here to complain about this completely unfair alliance, which is cheating, by the way. ooooo ooooooo

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Except for the fact that you can watch it LIVE. @ Kazhiel, LOL

Orly? Because just a few minutes ago we mowed over a DB group on SoS BL, I guess that means SoS and YB have an alliance now!

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


Look at it Live, DB won’t dare touch Yak land. Then again, maybe they are just scared.

Wait 10 hours, it’ll be all blue.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


I saw a moose and a skelk working together. Let me know if you want a pic.

PS: YB has never had an alliance with any server. Ever. Ask Emhry Bay how it worked out when they asked YB is we would team up with them. (answer: We didn’t).

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Look at it Live, DB won’t dare touch Yak land. Then again, maybe they are just scared.

I’m gonna take you seriously for exactly one post here. Then you’re going to completely disregard everything I have to say here, no matter how valid it is, and I’m going to go back to openly mocking you.

Servers down in tier 3 don’t have enough people to populate all maps at all times. And this is one of DB’s weakest times of day.
We also really like beating up on SoS, but some of us have been waiting for the opportunity for some time.
So it should be perfectly expected that when given the choice we’re more likely to go attack SoS BL.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: loneknight.8425


Thought it is common for every server being double-teamed on every tier.

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I’m thinking maybe this guy is drunk or high or something o_O

I’m usually at least one of those things,
But I hope I’m never that bad.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Outatime.5183


Man SoS seem to be sucking this week

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Looks like Yak’s got tired of being played by DB. Their taking back what is theirs. Uh Oh!

Looks like the game is proving you wrong before your eyes.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


“SoS is still losing despite an alliance”

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Can we all please go back to the topic at hand. That “some” of DB/Yak have an undisclosed alliance. An alliance that “some” here clearly say is false. And yet, others can provide evidence, videos, pics, testimony to the contrary. Clearly some of the posters cannot stay on topic.

I want to see the pics and videos, lets see them come on braj.

Don’t say you don’t have any, lets see this kitten


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


Cross server alliances are no new thing, and With SoS coming to T3 DB and YB have the beat up new server rights. In any case the 2 v 1 allegations occur in EB or on the BL that the 2 don’t own.

I don’t think that this is a big issue… SoS + JQ + SBI did this in T1 for at least 2-3 sets against each other on the different BL and sometimes on EB (mostly it was just “ignore so’n’so world”).

Another note – SoS should stay in T3 – any win in the next 3 sets will make SoS go to T2 which SoS does not yet belong in (until coverage and participation is increased).

I know a few people from YB warned a few people in the guild I am in to not go into SoS borderlands 2 nights ago due to YB and DB not hitting each other. They confirmed that both server were told to hit only SoS targets.

Two points to bring up which may stop some people from getting mad on all three different servers:
1: Its not against the rules – strategic use of NAPs occur in all RvR games in which serve a definant purpose for the NAP users.
2: Having the other two servers heavy for you helps train / get the new server used to the existing tier’s tactics.

And to answer the question – yes YB and DB should eventually stop the casual “Truce” but SoS cannot force them to stop.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


Vox brings logic and facts into this discussion.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Vox brings logic and facts into this discussion.

Still waiting for you to post some pictures or videos son. Lets see the logic and facts.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


I always try to – but alas none of the servers in T3 are going to agree with my POV. I just like making 4 paragraph posts here in the WvW section and in the dungeon section because I like to see my text.

No – I make huge posts because I want a better game experience for everyone regardless of class, play-style, and server. We need to constructively decide how we solve issues which come up – for the better good of the world wide gamer community.

We are not SoS, YB, or DB. We are all Tier 3 severs who want to have fun. No more throat slashing, name bashing, or dishonorable conduct please.

EDIT: the 3 things above I don’t want to see only belong in T1 where WuvWuv is no LuvLuv. And “Pics or it didnt happen” is not a valid argument, but neither is “OMIGOSH we are 2v1ed all the time”.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

(edited by VoxShatterfall.5470)

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


Loki, you wouldn’t believe it anyway. LOL – Stop trollin, you’re makin your momma mad. You don’t even believe it when it’s happening LIVE!

oh okay. well you have no proof. and we have no proof. it’s a mystery.

But now that you are saying it, I will just get everyone together and make an alliance with YB. for next weeks matchup. Kick SoS to the ground.


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


Limulus, SoS is 2nd at the moment. That’s being crushed. ^^

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: taek.9386


Over the week in EB during the late asian timezone a lot of us have noticed that DB only focus on us and clearly ignore YB, allowing them to fully recap their side and upgrade til fortification.

Every night DB (NNK/TFV great sportsmanship you guys have) will spawn camp SOS instead of attacking YB, even though they have the capacity to wipe them off the map in EB

It’s all a conspiracy…

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139


ROFL Loki, what you fail to grasp is that you were aligned, although unknowingly. AND you still could not crush SoS. ROFL"cough""choke"copter"choke"sauce"funnyfaintLOL.

Don’t you like it when we choke you every morning in EBG at your spawn?


Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


No idea if it’s true. Don’t really care.

2v1’s are part of all 1v1v1 setups. Every server gets 2v1’d at some point in the week…doesn’t make it a conspiracy, it’s just the nature of the game. Complaining about it is like complaining that the pitcher threw you a curveball.

These threads are dopey. Always have been, always will be.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: patricide.1062


So, SoS is the new Ehmry Bay, huh? That’s cute.

“All of these other servers are always picking on us!”

It’s nice to know about this alliance, because I was fighting DB all night in YBBL. Maybe they didn’t get the memo?

Support Guardian – D/D Ele
[Rawr] – HoD

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

No idea if it’s true. Don’t really care.

2v1’s are part of all 1v1v1 setups. Every server gets 2v1’d at some point in the week…doesn’t make it a conspiracy, it’s just the nature of the game. Complaining about it is like complaining that the pitcher threw you a curveball.

These threads are dopey. Always have been, always will be.

I had a nice reply all thought out, and lo, someone else already wrote it for me.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


“Limulus, SoS is 2nd at the moment. That’s being crushed.”

Elano, apparently you fail to grasp what last place means. Even with help. /mourn

I’m on the 1st place server actually. ^^

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: taek.9386


I’m on the 1st place server actually. ^^

What you’re on JQ?? Why are you sticking your nose in here?

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


I’m on the 1st place server actually. ^^

What you’re on JQ?? Why are you sticking your nose in here?

Obviously I meant 1st place in this tier, lol.

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: eithinan.9841


LOL, Blood Pact broke Yaks spirit a few days ago and they haven’t recovered from us camping their north supply camp after taking their whole zone. I believe it was Sunday.

I am loving how you are trying to discredit Lokii when you have no idea how involved he is in DB’s WvW. Maybe if you show some pictures of a few of the major guilds from the 2 servers working together you might have some credibility Trollulus.