Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows
Sea of Sorrow’s the perfect host for your tears.
I’m that guy currently in Maguuma borderlands /laughing at all the SoS corpses who cant pvp with a 3 orb buff.
ruining the game for 2 entire servers
We don’t find dominating with 600+ constantly to be fun either. We’re bored. This week of WvW is a necessary evil until the ELO rankings can kick in.
The guilds that transferred want competition. If we win, we want to earn it by fighting servers just as good as us or better, not winning simply because we have more people throughout the day.
Try transferring a few guilds to DB or Maguuma then if you want to have fun. You’re the ones with numbers; the ball is in your court.
Whatever, this week is a waste of time. Not going to bother going in. I want to try and cap things but there is no way we can win when we are outnumbered 20 to 1, they have fortified walls EVERYWHERE, defensive siege weapons at every 3 feet and being camped at the spawn. Oh and I forgot to add about those kittening stupid orbs. The winners totally needed more buffs to win.
I, for one, am preparing for the Alamo 2.0.
Can you Maguuma players please stop changing our Dragon timers on the site SoS uses? We SoS players actually had a lot of respect for you, as your pvpers are crazy determined, very organised in small groups, and never afraid to attack superior numbers. This is why we always hit you HARD at the start, to demoralise you, so we can focus on the other guy. So please do not squander our good will, especially if you are trying to build a 24/7 competitive WvWvW server.
If you’re on Maguuma, you should definitely still play, it’s great fun. It took them several hours to capture southeast tower on their borderlands and in the meantime we stole upgraded west keep from them with a small party. It took them awhile to get it back afterwards, and awhile longer to finally capture the southeast tower. Some of us moved to Eternal to have fun at Pangloss again and we held it for awhile. This is what it took to run us out. We managed to kill a golem, too, it was great fun and they wasted so much money trying to get in.
If you’re on Dragonbrand, we welcome people who like to have fun
Remember Pangloss
Um… It’s possible that I am inadvertantly responsible for that.
I don’t actually know what site you’re talking about, but I was in Sparkfly Fen when Teq last spawned on DB and someone made a comment asking whether the timer was right. Someone else made another comment which prompted me to say something along the lines of “wouldn’t it be hilarious if someone made a website that displayed all the wrong timers?” Someone else replied that that would be awesome and Teq spawned less than a minute later.
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele
Pangloss. Nevar forget.
<Maguuma claimed this location for buff>heh i spent an hour lobbing cows and explosive rocks into redlake tower. maguuma were really dug in.
As someone who values server loyalty in a game where we are pitted against one another each week like college sports team matchups, I am regrettably saddened by how this game is unfortunately structured to favor bad players and sore winners who join the winning side en masse. It is not completely the fault of the playerbase – I don’t think Anet completely knows what to do to make the wvw game fun and less volatile in its matchups yet.
That said, those who are joining the winning servers just to win are not the kind of people we would want to have here on maguuma. We want people interested in fun and who will join us for the long haul – not fairweather zergs that poplock our zones and bring terrible commanders with them who refuse to cooperate with our native commanders. We want to get to know the guilds on our server and become good friends with them.
Eventually anet will get the server transfer issues sorted out. For the time being, those who are engaged in server transfer round-robin are going to do nothing but increasingly earn a reputation as unmoored hypocrites. When the servers do finally lock down, you’re not going to be viewed in favorable light. You’re also going to have nowhere to run to (presumably without shelling out real world money) this time when things don’t go your way; instead of learning to adapt and rely on the community of your server, you will be unable to transfer and be forced to deal with people who by that time will likely hate your guts.
The damage has been done for this week. But to the fairweather guilds who transfer-to-win; we are watching you, and we don’t forget. Have a nice day.
Why maguuma why?? Why attack DB when SoS has 90% of the map?
How rude…
We have sympathy for dragonbrand’s current state of affairs but this will not stop us from attacking you if we deem it strategically viable to do so.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. RUN already left SoS?
Shoutout for the defense of Redlake at SoS BL by Maguuma and the ….. Something …. at Pangloss by Maguuma.
people are raging because some db guilds moved down a tier to sos? who is carrying who here?
and yes, props to that redlake defense…that was getting absurd.
SoS beat you easily last week as well, Maguuma, and you can hardly say people transferring to us are joining the winning team or ‘fairweather zerging’ seeing as we have not moved from 10th for ages, and our only significant movement until now was to drop places. We have been advertising for US and Canadian assistence for a long time, and we were one of the first victims of the free transfer WvWvW flaw, when a major WvWvW guild transferred IN THE MIDDLE OF BATTLE, to the very world we were currently fighting.
As for ‘sore winners’ it is more likely you are projecting your own sore loser attitude onto us. I mean, really, sabotaging Dragon timer sites? Planning sit-ins on the SoS server? Transferring to SoS to clog our queues and afk? These reek of a sore loser.
I don’t get it with the rage over Dragon timers.
You guys are judging an entire server over the actions of a single person.
I, too, can overgeneralize a server made up of thousands of people based off a single individual.
I don’t get it with the rage over Dragon timers.
You guys are judging an entire server over the actions of a single person.
I, too, can overgeneralize a server made up of thousands of people based off a single individual.
Not a single person, and the people doing it are posting about getting revenge for WvWvW.
But yes, your point is still valid and I will stop bringing it up. It is just that Maguuma were trying to attract some Oceanic players to be more competitive, while at the same time undermining themselves with actions like this.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. RUN already left SoS?
Just in general, I’m really tired of the over generalizations of entire servers. Oh, server xxx can’t win without glitching the orb. Right, because the actions of a single person defines the entire server, like we actually have control of individuals.
Why can’t well all be friends :’(
I don’t know why you guys consider moving to SOS is like moving to the winning server. Its not the same as moving to server like HOD or Jade. SOS was ranked 11th and came 2nd against Tarnish Coast and then 2nd against FA
Because they are winning this week. The week after those same people will transfer to whoever is beating SoS… It’s not complicated.
Seriously, is anyone having fun with the current match-up?
I don’t know why you guys consider moving to SOS is like moving to the winning server. Its not the same as moving to server like HOD or Jade. SOS was ranked 11th and came 2nd against Tarnish Coast and then 2nd against FA
Literally, SoS hasnt won a wvwvw since the 1 week rotation lol. ET → IoJ → TC → FA, moving to SoS is the opposite of moving to a winning server… I think even before that SoS isnt doing that great
lol, so much crying from all sides. they need to stop free server transfers, and to those that say well they need to balance the servers. well you know what the servers will never be balanced at this rate.
SoS beat you easily last week as well, Maguuma, and you can hardly say people transferring to us are joining the winning team or ‘fairweather zerging’ seeing as we have not moved from 10th for ages, and our only significant movement until now was to drop places.
You mean the player versus door stuff? Yes, we’re well aware that you had better numbers than us during off hours last week. We’re glad you were able to give some decent fights during day too, but you really should have at that time been bumped into a tier that was more oceanic-focused.
There’s a lengthy post on this page of the nightcapping thread from the other server we were matched with that week which brings up the same grievances we had with that matchup: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Night-Capping-and-YOU/page/20
I suggest you read it because it wasn’t just us that was annoyed with being two mostly-NA servers matched up with people that would clean up the entire map overnight.
We have been advertising for US and Canadian assistence for a long time, and we were one of the first victims of the free transfer WvWvW flaw, when a major WvWvW guild transferred IN THE MIDDLE OF BATTLE, to the very world we were currently fighting.
As for ‘sore winners’ it is more likely you are projecting your own sore loser attitude onto us. I mean, really, sabotaging Dragon timer sites? Planning sit-ins on the SoS server? Transferring to SoS to clog our queues and afk? These reek of a sore loser.
We don’t want your good will; we want Anet to fix their game so we can have decent fights.
(edited by Spacedad.2841)
lol, so much crying from all sides. they need to stop free server transfers, and to those that say well they need to balance the servers. well you know what the servers will never be balanced at this rate.
The consensus is that free server transfers are a problem on all sides. Players who transfer-to-win are symptoms of the problem. Right now it is difficult to build and maintain any sense of community or loyalty between servers due to the temptation of transfer-to-win. About all we can do is mock and ridicule the people who transfer for being the disloyal cowards they are, but we really can’t do anything to stop them beyond that.
I actually feel sorry for sea of sorrows because a lot of the people on your server will likely disperse when things go sour. If they do not and you wind up with an actual community on your server that takes you into the highest tiers, good on you – but the root problems with free server transfers still exists.
I see angry people….
2 am Est Sunday
SoS 85,065 +635
DB 15,607 +35
Maguuma 14,449 +25
“jesus this server sucks at wvw”
To claim that anyone is transferring to SoS in order to find a “winning” server is a load of rubbish. We’re been getting slaughtered (+600 often to FA last week) during the american peak times because of having a majority oceanic population. The last 2 or 3 match ups we have not won and have actually gone down the matchups. So in reality, any guild looking to “win” would have looked elsewhere. Maybe the reality that there was recruitment of american/european players that was successful is more obvious. That is what ALL servers need to do. See your times where you start losing and recruit accordingly.
They are transferring to SoS because it has an established nonNA population. With a solid NA population transfering over it’s only a matter of time before SoS finds itself in Teir 2 and possibly even Teir 1.
24/7 coverage trumps any amount of what might be called “skill” in WvWvW.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
I don’t think it’s about previous wins as much as winning potential. Of which Sea of Sorrows definitely had a lot, for strong night time coverage. Seems like a pretty obvious choice to American guilds for me, if they have a sizable number.
Also, I might add that it’s a hell of a lot easier to move to a server that has a solid nonNA population than it is to get a nonNA populaton to move to your server.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
The logic is that since SoS has the best Oceanic coverage of all servers, the only reason they’ve been losing was the lack of a NA presence. Once it was clear they the Aussies wouldn’t leave to other servers, guilds from NA went over there instead.
It’s not so much that SoS is the best, more that it can be the best. And now that their only weakness has been overcome with all the people moving over, we’re going to see a lot more coming from SoS in the future.
…until there’s a new cool server to stack on.
e;fb by three people
…until there’s a new cool server to stack on.
The entire root of the current problems with wvw play summarized in a single sentence.
24/7 coverage trumps any amount of what might be called “skill” in WvWvW.
That’s for sure. I don’t think we’ve ever killed that many alpha siege golems due to enemy incompetence before.
Sorry Maguuma, we actually like you guys but we need this win to move up. Epic fight @ Pangloss a few hours ago, that was fun.
This week is going to hurt everyone involved. SoS players will be bored, DB and Maguuma will be outnumbered and beaten. From an SoS perspective, we need to start thinking about next week.
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA currently predicts a SoS vs IoJ vs TC matchup. IoJ and TC both had great coverage during our previous matchups against them and we came 2nd to each of them. So there is no doubt next week will be a killer match.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
Someone from Maguuma is talking to us about nightcapping…because the predominantly Oceanic server has not lost to nightcapping every single week since the game was released, so we have no idea what it is.
Here is news for you, buddy. Due to how timezones and WvWvW work, EVERY SINGLE MATCH was, until this week, a hellish nightmare that was majorly stacked against us. Because we effectively go to bed 8 hours after the US, so when they get it, it means that we always have to start the crossover peak time at a massive disadvantage. They will own everything, and have all the orbs, which means we have to fight uphill to take anything. After they go to bed, we now have only the 8 hours they sleep, before we have to sleep. The whole thing was extremely painful for us, so DO NOT talk to us about losing to nightcapping.
Oh, one other thing: if both the US servers we were facing were good, we could actually be at an advantage, as they would split the map for 12 hours or so. However, every darn time, one of the US servers would fail us. For example, last week Maguuma failed us.
Oh, one other thing: if both the US servers we were facing were good, we could actually be at an advantage, as they would split the map for 12 hours or so. However, every darn time, one of the US servers would fail us. For example, last week Maguuma failed us.
When it was 1v1 (FA vs Mag) during NA hours like last week, numbers are absolutely everything. You don’t have that 3rd faction to split the forces so a zerg swarm is a much more viable strategy than if there’s an entirely different army that can use it’s numbers alongside your own, while not being part of your poplock.
This is why NA servers do not like SoS (previous to this current match up, as this is a different kettle of fish atm). You made matches not fun and you aren’t even aware of it. It seems like you guys like Mag (and who wouldn’t? we do hilarious stuff), but we sure as hell don’t like SoS.
Oh, one other thing: if both the US servers we were facing were good, we could actually be at an advantage, as they would split the map for 12 hours or so. However, every darn time, one of the US servers would fail us. For example, last week Maguuma failed us.
When it was 1v1 (FA vs Mag) during NA hours like last week, numbers are absolutely everything. You don’t have that 3rd faction to split the forces so a zerg swarm is a much more viable strategy than if there’s an entirely different army that can use it’s numbers alongside your own, while not being part of your poplock.
This is why NA servers do not like SoS (previous to this current match up, as this is a different kettle of fish atm). You made matches not fun and you aren’t even aware of it. It seems like you guys like Mag (and who wouldn’t? we do hilarious stuff), but we sure as hell don’t like SoS.
Did you ever consider you made our matches un-fun? That we were able to accept that we would lose stuff in our sleep (which gets expensive doing so every match), while almost every NA server acted like they should be exempt when put in the same situation?
We put that aside and were able to give you respect and compliments for your play, while we were very aware that we weren’t the most fun opponents. Why? Because what we do to you, happens to us every matchup. We know more than any other server what night capping feels like. Every single morning since launch (bar 2-3 one day matchups) we have woken up to a map where we own nothing. Do you see us crying about how imbalanced it is? No, we man up and get to work.
Is it to much to ask that you can at least be a good-sports man and shake hands and say well played even if you have nothing else good to say?
No need to go around proclaiming your dislike of someone, especially if they have been nothing but courteous and polite to you.
Except you don’t have to fight anybody when you wake up. You just had to roll into the undefended keeps and gain the points.
The opposing NA teams had to beat each other over with clubs for what they wanted, but never got to get any retribution against the server who was night capping them. The difference between the two situations is worlds apart.
Me, I’m not even a big score guy. I could really care less. I just like good fights. I can sit in a supply camp for hours on end (and have) while murdering some fools instead of pounding my face against a keep door. The issue is, all of last week I don’t think I even saw an SoS player. How am I supposed to have fun killing an opposing server when I did not see any players from the server. It sucks. I’ve fought tons of other servers and enjoyed the matches. SoS is not an enjoyable server to play against, even in the least. The only way to not shoot yourself in the head is to do some extremely wacky adventures like Ramelot and such.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
My point exactly.
You get at least fun fights (even if its just a 1v1), how fun do you think fighting nobody is. Tbh i don’t even log into WvW when theres no opponents (other than to chat and jump puzzle), and if possible i would spend 24/7 in there as i love it with even fights.
Now you complain that you aren’t enjoying having 1 player missing. We have 2 missing, all the time. Put yourselves in our shoes, having fun yet? I don’t think so. You have to deal with 1 unenjoyable server to fight. We have to deal with ~10. The difference between us and you is that we are good sports about it. We say our congrats and well played’s, not that you are all un-fun to fight.
With these new transfer we will be boosted up high enough to be able to play other servers with oceanic coverage, in close matches. Fun for everyone. It’s unfortunate that, that means this match is a walk over. However in my eyes its 1000% preferable than continuing to fight nobody, and causing blatant unenjoyment in matchups.
If fighting other oceanic players was actually important to you, you’d have joined an oceanic server from the get go. You’re playing in the NA bracket what the kitten did you expect? You are the anomaly, not the NA players. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an issue with oceanic players playing on NA servers. I do however have an issue with an entire oceanic server inside the NA bracket telling the NA players it’s their fault they have nobody to fight. That’s straight up kitten
The only problem in this matchup, is that SoS changed in 1 day, SoS should not fight in Tier 4.
The right spot for SoS is Tier 3. in Tier 2? Im not sure, our oceanic players need more skills and better communication for tier 2, even we have enough numbers. for last few weeks, we did nightcap all the time, players and commanders kinda got used to it, all they do is normally just zerg around, and took everything easily.
been to HoD(before it crashed completely), I can feel the difference, i think SoS will rise to Tier 3, then stay 2nd place for a while.
by the week, i queued all weekend, hate it
Saddest part of all is that SoS NA crew is actually stronger than the Oceanic now. After holding the whole map all day long, SoS just lost 2/3 of EB. On top of that, they have resorted to unsportsman conduct. Having people taking the other servers golems and bringing them back to you just because you cant fight against them with your zergs is not how you show respect for having a decent fight for once.
All these posts from SoS complaining that they never get a good fight at night, and now when they do and get rolled, they have to resort to this kind of behavior, grats.
All the bickering we’re engaged in is part of the inherent problems with wvw in general – the entire model of play is based around the dark age of camelot style of open world pvp, and features a great deal of anachronistic problems (such as nightcapping and server population) from that rather old style of play. I enjoy the pitched battles and the strategy when the teams are poplocked and it’s a challenging struggle. But I can’t help but feel like the structure of the game mode is not something made for this kind of game – even the game engine can hardly handle it. (invisible players, etc.)
In my view an ideal scenario would be something like a hybrid of guild versus guild with wvw. Large scale pre-arranged battles where organized guilds are queued up into games in pre-set numbers of people. These might play out over the course of and hour or two. This way it comes down to player skill and strategy rather than who poplocks a zone and who has better coverage. This would also mean a lot more maps presumably with a smaller number of people – but still have enough people to convey the feel of an epic war.
Nobody from the SoS oceanic crew have ever resorted to using players on other servers. Not once in all our matchups, i can’t see a single reason why they would resort to it in this matchup.
If anybody was doing such a thing, it wasn’t anyone who has been on this server since launch. Either you are mistaken or it was a) someone from the new transfers (who do not represent SoS old / current views, at least not yet.) or b) someone in the similar vein to the hackers who have been popping up on many servers as of late.
We have always been looking for good fights, ask any one of the servers who could field an oceanic presence out of our previous matchups.
Saddest part of all is that SoS NA crew is actually stronger than the Oceanic now. After holding the whole map all day long, SoS just lost 2/3 of EB. On top of that, they have resorted to unsportsman conduct. Having people taking the other servers golems and bringing them back to you just because you cant fight against them with your zergs is not how you show respect for having a decent fight for once.
All these posts from SoS complaining that they never get a good fight at night, and now when they do and get rolled, they have to resort to this kind of behavior, grats.
we never got a chance to have a good fight, so, how can we fight?