EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: kharza.3974


Monday continued

Sometime around this point I took a break, but had comms still running and was sitting idle in QL in case HoD forces began another siege. However, this did not happen. Instead, HoD forces turned their sights on Stonemist Castle. I’m not quite sure on the time scale, but HoD was inside Stonemist Castle in not much time and working on the inner gate. SBI forces took this opportunity to begin their own siege on Stonemist Castle, getting the southern wall knocked down while HoD was already working on the inner gate.

HoD quickly got inside the lord room and began the fight. SBI forces followed shortly after for a 3-way lag fest. There were several moments where SBI or HoD had the circle 50%+ capped but the castle lord got revived. During this time, it was noticed that stonemist supply was going back up. A yak killing force was quickly dispatched to resolve the issue.

Within 20 minutes of yak killing forces being dispatched; SBI noticed an odd occurence: our waypoint was disabled, in addition to ETs waypoint being disabled. Once we saw this we knew immediately what was going on: small HoD forces had been dispatched to contest the waypoint to buy themselves more time. SBI forces quickly reacted and dispatched their own waypoint contesters.

From here, it was a battle who can contest the waypoint using the fewest forces. I believe SBI forces won this fight, as it is extremely easy to disable Lowlands waypoint compared to the other two keeps’ waypoints. This continued for about 30-45 minutes, causing forces from all three servers to run back to Stonemist from the original waypoint.

It would appear that HoD was the first to get fed up with losing their keep waypoint as they seemed to be the first to pull out of stonemist. They also seemed to be pretty ticked off at Stonemist for efficiently disabling their waypoint.

Shortly after retreating from Stonemist, reports came in early of a massive HoD force moving through Hylek camp and SBI forces quickly rallied the troops inside. The wall reached ~70% before HoD forces were forced to retreat.

However, it was not over yet. Within 20 minute HoD forces returned and set up several offensive ballista with one goal in mind: to take out SBI defensive siege gear in QL. HoD ballista were successfully in taking down 2 SBI catapults, but SBI were quick to drop 3 new catapults and smash the invading forces siege gear. The siege was repelled.

It was at this point, I decided to call it a night. I lingered for the next 30 minutes to see what was going on, however no definitive action from any side was taking place. Just a small back and forth of supply camps. This concludes my recollection of the events that took place Monday.

I apologize for the length of this one. But this was quite a fun day of supply disruption despite our forces not taking full advantage what we had laid out in front of us.

Defending SM during this 3-way lag fest was some of the most fun I’ve had in WvW yet. I have no idea how we kept SM during that.. my repair bill was insane running back and forth and the idea to start blocking the waypoints was a brillant play. Good fighting of the invisible forces of SM!

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


Do the top servers actually communicate in WvW?

I’m beginning to get tired of my own servers lack of direction, which usually just amounts to “now zerg this”, “come and defend this” and “what the hell are you doing, we need supply camps guys”.

Yes, tons of communication; but no clear leader. As you can tell from [at least] the first day “The Opening Move”, we do have a plan.

I can’t speak for any map other than EB. But on EB, we have several people who formulate strategies. We generally take input from everyone on the server, but more often than not a couple people stand out with the best plans of attack. I personally formulated our opening move (split forces 50/50, DG treb, supply disruption right off the bat), ran it by a couple people who gave some suggestions (70/30 split, get a hold on OU before OC), and we went forward with it. I’m not affiliated with any big WvW guild or anything.

Our amazing commanders took the idea, split themselves into taking care of different portions, and executed it [near] flawlessly.

As far as reactionary communication goes… we generally spread out people on comms so there is someone on comms everywhere. This way if a large force is spotted, we have immediate information on size of invader force, size of defending force, location, whether or not siege gear is present, and other relevant information. This is then forwarded to team chat by one or more people.

(edited by emoleas.4309)

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Do the top servers actually communicate in WvW?

I’m beginning to get tired of my own servers lack of direction, which usually just amounts to “now zerg this”, “come and defend this” and “what the hell are you doing, we need supply camps guys”.

Yes, tons of communication; but no clear leader. As you can tell from [at least] the first day “The Opening Move”, we do have a plan.

I can’t speak for any map other than EB. But on EB, we have several people who formulate strategies. We generally take input from everyone on the server, but more often than not a couple people stand out with the best plans of attack. I personally formulated our opening move (split forces 50/50, DG treb, supply disruption right off the bat), ran it by a couple people who gave some suggestions (70/30 split, get a hold on OU before OC), and we went forward with it. I’m not affiliated with any big WvW guild or anything.

Our amazing commanders took the idea, split themselves into taking care of different portions, and executed it [near] flawlessly.

I was one of the ones who suggested more of a 70/30 split. ;-)

We sort of make decisions through discussion and consensus, and then go get kitten done.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


Do the top servers actually communicate in WvW?

I’m beginning to get tired of my own servers lack of direction, which usually just amounts to “now zerg this”, “come and defend this” and “what the hell are you doing, we need supply camps guys”.

On HoD, I think we have pretty good communication. But if you don’t like information relating to where the zerg is organizing, what needs to be defended, and what supply camps need to get capped/recapped, you might be disappointed even at HoD’s communication.

Other than what to attack/defend/abandon, we’ll sometimes get a request for a few extra players to join a certain strike squad and where to meet up. We also get “20+ SBI Anz” or “5 ET Rogue” or “SM SE wall 20%” or “100 supply @ rogue” or other combat updates. You almost never see “coming to help”, but you do get very quick reinforcements well over 80% of the time unless someone said to abandon the location, so you can usually just use delay tactics and survive until reinforcements arrive while also preventing the cap. Some guilds on some maps give updates on where to focus supply runs and repairs, but other maps don’t involve pugs in that stuff. We also get reminders like “don’t take supplies from tower/garrison/SM” or “you can use the east/west exit from base” or whatever other stuff newer players might not know yet.

I can’t speak for other servers too much, but I can speak to their response times. SBI has really fast reinforcements just like HoD. ET seems to lag just a little on response time like they’re either not calling inc as soon or they’re not keeping 100% swiftness uptime on the reinforcement squad, but I suspect that will change before the week is done.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


With regards to double teaming, I would agree if the intention is to stop the dominant server from winning. But to help another server achieve a leading position with total disregard of their own position of achieving number 1. That to me is a blatant violation of the competitive spirit of WvWvW. Every server should play to win, but playing to be second and promoting another to be first is really despicable.

Even more so if a guild have sub guilds in other servers just so that they could coordinate attacks on one guild. I really hope that SB guilds doesnt plant subguilds into ET or other matchup servers for the sole purpose of achieving number 1.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

With regards to double teaming, I would agree if the intention is to stop the dominant server from winning. But to help another server achieve a leading position with total disregard of their own position of achieving number 1. That to me is a blatant violation of the competitive spirit of WvWvW. Every server should play to win, but playing to be second and promoting another to be first is really despicable.

Even more so if a guild have sub guilds in other servers just so that they could coordinate attacks on one guild. I really hope that SB guilds doesnt plant subguilds into ET or other matchup servers for the sole purpose of achieving number 1.

Lol, the conspiracy theories you HoD folks throw around are hilarious. I wish we had formed an alliance with SBI, we should have and then kept you at your spawn all weekend. Maybe we will next time. But last weekend was just your standard wvw match. Everyone fought everyone and HoD lost. Sure some people have it in for HoD, but that didn’t stop any of us from attacking SBI. But reality doesn’t filter through that tin foil hat of yours does it?

You do have a great off hour zerg killing uncontested objectives to cover for your low skill prime time play. So good for you. You need something to brag about during your 5 hour queues.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


With regards to double teaming, I would agree if the intention is to stop the dominant server from winning. But to help another server achieve a leading position with total disregard of their own position of achieving number 1. That to me is a blatant violation of the competitive spirit of WvWvW. Every server should play to win, but playing to be second and promoting another to be first is really despicable.

Even more so if a guild have sub guilds in other servers just so that they could coordinate attacks on one guild. I really hope that SB guilds doesnt plant subguilds into ET or other matchup servers for the sole purpose of achieving number 1.

Lol, the conspiracy theories you HoD folks throw around are hilarious. I wish we had formed an alliance with SBI, we should have and then kept you at your spawn all weekend. Maybe we will next time. But last weekend was just your standard wvw match. Everyone fought everyone and HoD lost. Sure some people have it in for HoD, but that didn’t stop any of us from attacking SBI. But reality doesn’t filter through that tin foil hat of yours does it?

You do have a great off hour zerg killing uncontested objectives to cover for your low skill prime time play. So good for you. You need something to brag about during your 5 hour queues.

do you not have any map presence at all?

ruin already has openly admitted dedicating their huge player base on keeping HoD
locked down. SBI too has admitted that they jumped on the opportunity as well.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

With regards to double teaming, I would agree if the intention is to stop the dominant server from winning. But to help another server achieve a leading position with total disregard of their own position of achieving number 1. That to me is a blatant violation of the competitive spirit of WvWvW. Every server should play to win, but playing to be second and promoting another to be first is really despicable.

Even more so if a guild have sub guilds in other servers just so that they could coordinate attacks on one guild. I really hope that SB guilds doesnt plant subguilds into ET or other matchup servers for the sole purpose of achieving number 1.

Lol, the conspiracy theories you HoD folks throw around are hilarious. I wish we had formed an alliance with SBI, we should have and then kept you at your spawn all weekend. Maybe we will next time. But last weekend was just your standard wvw match. Everyone fought everyone and HoD lost. Sure some people have it in for HoD, but that didn’t stop any of us from attacking SBI. But reality doesn’t filter through that tin foil hat of yours does it?

You do have a great off hour zerg killing uncontested objectives to cover for your low skill prime time play. So good for you. You need something to brag about during your 5 hour queues.

do you not have any map presence at all?

ruin already has openly admitted dedicating their huge player base on keeping HoD
locked down. SBI too has admitted that they jumped on the opportunity as well.

And yet RUIN and SBI fought each other every chance they got. I was there with them trying to survive and win. (Also, RUIN is just a small part of ET. They do not rule or represent the server).

Of course HoD is the gorilla with a target, but that didn’t stop any SBI from attacking ET or visa versa.

I know you don’t want to admit it but you just aren’t that good. HoD isn’t bad, not by a long shot. But you lost during the weekend, and not because of some made up alliance that never existed, but because you got out played. Your only claim to fame is your off hour zerg that takes undefended objectives. Without them you are just a medium tier server. Those are the facts jack.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


let me put it into my perspective for you.
on the first day of the matchup, after waiting 7hrs in queue.

have you ever had your keep bombarded on both sides by 3-4 trebs each, to the point your keep slightly resembles stonehenge?
have you ever tried swimming out the deadlock only to be camped by 60 players on either side?
have you have ever been chased by a group of 50 players only to run into another 40 from another faction where they wipe you and proceeded back to where they came from?

im not saying you arent fighting each other, but when both factions direct a majority of their forces onto a 3rd, its not gonna be easy.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Tri-way battles always mean the strong will be picked upon by the two weaker servers. Perfectly valid and encouraged strategy, especially to recover the orbs.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


Tri-way battles always mean the strong will be picked upon by the two weaker servers. Perfectly valid and encouraged strategy, especially to recover the orbs.

i know. im not complaining about it. im just reiterating that it happened.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

let me put it into my perspective for you.
on the first day of the matchup, after waiting 7hrs in queue.

have you ever had your keep bombarded on both sides by 3-4 trebs each, to the point your keep slightly resembles stonehenge?
have you ever tried swimming out the deadlock only to be camped by 60 players on either side?
have you have ever been chased by a group of 50 players only to run into another 40 from another faction where they wipe you and proceeded back to where they came from?

im not saying you arent fighting each other, but when both factions direct a majority of their forces onto a 3rd, its not gonna be easy.

Ick, a 7 hour queue. Is it worth it? Never have had queue longer that an hour and usually it’s 10 minutes or less.

We were defending a supply camp from the HoD zerg the other night a huge SBI force ran right by and ignored us. I swear SBI must have an alliance with HoD, why else would they not attack? hmmmm?.

Those situations happen all the time in WvW. Who knows what SBI’s objective was or the players in your situation? Only they do, but obviously they had another goal in mind.

There have been many times my group has ignored HoD and SBI just because we were in a hurry to take an objective or get somewhere else. It happens. Your conspiracy theories are bunk.

But eventually there will be a truce / alliance of some sort. Probably not between SBI and ET, but when it happens the team on the recieving end is going to be PvE’ing a lot while the rest stare helplessly out from their spawn.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


did you read the first post mate?

edit: also this only went on for the first 2 days of the matchup. after we managed to break out of the deadlock and regained all our main towers, SBI went back to doing their thing and ruin kept doing theirs, which is constantly sending their mob of 60ish players at us every waking moment they have.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Tri-way battles always mean the strong will be picked upon by the two weaker servers. Perfectly valid and encouraged strategy, especially to recover the orbs.

i know. im not complaining about it. im just reiterating that it happened.

Again, it didn’t happen. You want to believe it but it isn’t so. And if it did I would admit it. I have no problem teaming up against HoD or any other server for that matter.

It just didn’t happen this time. So get over it.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


2nd post actually.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


as quoted by a RUIN member
R u sure?? I was in eb the pass few days , we were told not to attk sbi n onli hod.. We sent wave after wave to dredge just to wipe hod

source: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/66611-hod-vs-sbi-vs-et-tier-of-tears/page__st__900#entry1965422

as quoted by emoleas
Instead, it appeared that both SBI and ET were working together to push HoD off the map. On TS and in team chat, I asked why were not pushing into ET territory. Simple answer: we need to focus HoD.

source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/EB-Battle-Report-SBI-v-HoD-v-ET/first#post230481

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


^ Truth. But that was only Eternal Battleground for less than half a day (I’d estimate 8 hours)

The rest of the weekend SBI kept control in Eternal Battleground with large forces hitting us from all sides.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Natural.7013


I have an idea: Hire the replacement refs from the NFL to oversee our matches. That should stop all the QQ?

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Grim West – for your benefit(read the 2nd post by emoleas.4309.


He is from SBI and is honorable enough to voice his displeasure at this despicable act.
We not saying all of SBI is doing this, but a few rotten apples are! I am sure u are not one of these individuals, but do u need to defend them?

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


^ Truth. But that was only Eternal Battleground for less than half a day (I’d estimate 8 hours)

The rest of the weekend SBI kept control in Eternal Battleground with large forces hitting us from all sides.

6hours before i logged in and started the counter with ONE treb :P
2hours later we finally broke out.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Grim West – for your benefit(read the 2nd post by emoleas.4309.


He is from SBI and is honorable enough to voice his displeasure at this despicable act.
We not saying all of SBI is doing this, but a few rotten apples are! I am sure u are not one of these individuals, but do u need to defend them?

A couple people in certain guilds doing things that you don’t agree with? Lol, colour me suprised.

They are a minority and don’t represent the actions of the vast majority of players on all sides.

And also there is nothing despicable about teaming up. It is part of the game and I for one would love to participate in that. It just didn’t happen this time (except in small meaningless situations that had no overall effect on the outcome of this weekend).

An alliance is going to happen though. The devs designed the game for it. And when it does then whichever server is on the recieving end is going to know the real effect of what that means… complete lockdown in their spawn with no way out.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: MikeB.3857


You do have a great off hour zerg killing uncontested objectives to cover for your low skill prime time play. So good for you. You need something to brag about during your 5 hour queues.

Must be us low skill players that never lost the top points earned last night… Even with ET having SM.


Revered – [REVD]
Maizen Blue – Thief

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625



im not belittling the efforts of SBI (which incidentally is my fave and most respected server besides my own) but if it wasnt for that double focus we wont have been behind by 30k right at the get go. losing maybe, but not by an astonishing 30k. our unbeaten record speaks for itself.

you must have either just started wvw this week or just freshly transferred from a lower tier if you think HoD is a pushover.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194


im not belittling the efforts of SBI (which incidentally is my fave and most respected server besides my own) but if it wasnt for that double focus we wont have been behind by 30k right at the get go. losing maybe, but not by an astonishing 30k. our unbeaten record speaks for itself.

you must have either just started wvw this week if you think HoD is a pushover.

Your unbeaten record is only because of your off time crew. No server can compete with that because there aren’t enough Oceanics to go around. When ANet fixes that issue then you will lose on a very regular basis, just like you did last weekend.

You aren’t that good. You’re not bad at all, but SBI, ET and JQ are just as good or better. They just don’t have the night time crew to compete, nobody does.

So until the day ANet fixes the obvious off hour zerg issue, we’ll just go by the numbers that matter. Primetime when HoD sucks carpet.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


Your unbeaten record is only because of your off time crew. No server can compete with that because there aren’t enough Oceanics to go around. When ANet fixes that issue then you will lose on a very regular basis, just like you did last weekend.

You aren’t that good. You’re not bad at all, but SBI, ET and JQ are just as good or better. They just don’t have the night time crew to compete, nobody does.

So until the day ANet fixes the obvious off hour zerg issue, we’ll just go by the numbers that matter. Primetime when HoD sucks carpet.

That’s just plain false. I’m from SBI and I legitimately think HoD is THE scariest opponent to face, even during prime time.

HoD zergs are focused and put up siege gear faster than any other server. When they siege, it is frightening.

How I’d rate servers in performance:
1) HoD
2) SBI
3) ET
4) JQ

1) SBI
2) HoD
3) ET
4) JQ

Strategy (game plan)
1) SBI
2) HoD
3) lagging far behind: JQ & ET

Tactics (ie: the ability to keep organized portal/invisibility/bubble)
1) HoD
2) … no other server comes close to matching HoDs ability

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

… no other server comes close to matching HoDs ability

I was very impressed by SBI’s tactics this last week. I learned a lot observing you all in action. HoD showed us nothing but zerg.

Perhaps it’s because of their extremly long queue diluting the talent base, and I’m sure their primetime crew was good in the beginning. But nothing about HoD last weekend was all that impressive. They aren’t bad, don’t get me wrong. But SBI has shown a lot more tactical brilliance than HoD this last week.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

Except no one, no where is saying you cant come fight at night.

If in the NFL they were allowed to play at night but the other team didn’t have enough players/ didn’t want to play at night but the other team could still play. That would be the rules, the other team wouldn’t cry like babies saying they dont have enough guys. They would get enough guys and then fight like no tomorrow instead of just complaining that the game isnt fair.

Take off your extra tight, short, shorts. Put on some man pants.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

Except no one, no where is saying you cant come fight at night.

If in the NFL they were allowed to play at night but the other team didn’t have enough players/ didn’t want to play at night but the other team could still play. That would be the rules, the other team would cry like babies saying they dont have enough guys. They would get enough guys and then fight like no tomorrow instead of just complaining that the game isnt fair.

Take off your extra tight, short, shorts. Put on some man pants.

Oh grow up and get a job. You know that isn’t possible. Even you have to get sleep sometime. But you have a night capping population zerg on your side so you don’t care if the game suffers because of it.

Face it. HoD will always be considered a scrub zerg server untill this is fixed. That might not be fair but that is what people think of you.

Of course, you could transfer and be a part of the solution, but you would never do that, would you.. You prefer your 7 hour queues so you can stroke your kitten.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

Except no one, no where is saying you cant come fight at night.

If in the NFL they were allowed to play at night but the other team didn’t have enough players/ didn’t want to play at night but the other team could still play. That would be the rules, the other team would cry like babies saying they dont have enough guys. They would get enough guys and then fight like no tomorrow instead of just complaining that the game isnt fair.

Take off your extra tight, short, shorts. Put on some man pants.

Oh grow up and get a job. You know that isn’t possible. Even you have to get sleep sometime. But you have a night capping population zerg on your side so you don’t care if the game suffers because of it.

Face it. HoD will always be considers a scrub zerg server untill this is fixed. That might not be fair but that is what people think of you.

Haha Im at work right now enjoying all these tears that spill from the forums. Sorry you can’t hold your own in a 24/7 persistant war. Guess you lost then, pack your bags and go home to PVE.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Oh, I get it, you are one of the scrubs who joined HoD just to stroke his kitten. You never PvP at all do you? Lol, a troll and a carebear scrub to boot.. makes sense. That is what HoD attracts. You would rather sit in a 7 hour queue than actually have to face competition… sad.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


Oh, I get it, you are one of the scrubs who joined HoD just to stroke his kitten. You never PvP at all do you? Lol, a troll and a scrub to boot.. makes sense. That is what HoD atracts.

LOL! If you took 1/2 that rage and applied it to the battlefield, you would be first in no time. Calling people mean names on the forums wont get you anywhere in WvW.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Oh, I get it, you are one of the scrubs who joined HoD just to stroke his kitten. You never PvP at all do you? Lol, a troll and a scrub to boot.. makes sense. That is what HoD atracts.

LOL! If you took 1/2 that rage and applied it to the battlefield, you would be first in no time. Calling people mean names on the forums wont get you anywhere in WvW.

I’m on the battlefield all the time. My queues are short. Whereas you sit in a 7 hour queue and ride the coattails of your nite cap crew…

I think it is obvious what you really are and how that represents HoD. When you want to really PvP and not just talk about it then transfer to a real server.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


Its not like we are sitting there with our thumbs up our puppies waiting in que. Log on, que up, go PVE or dungeon farm or WHATEVER you want to do.

Eventually it will be your turn, not that big of a deal for us lol.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: haderach.2410


No sense feeding the delusions of the immature. Just put him on ignore and move on. I did, and I’m sure I won’t regret it.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Its not like we are sitting there with our thumbs up our puppies waiting in que. Log on, que up, go PVE or dungeon farm or WHATEVER you want to do.

Eventually it will be your turn, not that big of a deal for us lol.

You prefer the carebear content. Ok, I get it. Nothing wrong with that. Have fun with that.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


Your running out of stuff to say buddy best to stop now. Second time you have used carebear in the past 5 minutes.

Perhaps you should stop playing with your carebears and play some WvW???

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Your running out of stuff to say buddy best to stop now. Second time you have used carebear in the past 5 minutes.

Perhaps you should stop playing with your carebears and play some WvW???

Well that’s the basic truth of the matter isn’t it? I mean why else would you sit in those humongously long queues? Especially since if you really wanted to pvp you could transfer easily to a server that has no queue.

What else is there to say? Your self imposed situation speaks for itself.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Uruu.3468


where are u getting these queque times from?

i am an NA player that purposely take a nap and go to wvw off peak hours, and i get instant quequed almost everyday on hod

nor have i ever went in to a wvw map off peak hours with no one to fight, quite the contrary actually

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Nucleotides.6928


Yeah i feel bad for the second tier. There is basically 4 top tier teams and whoever is second tier just gets destroyed by the odd man out. :/

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: melchiz.7182


Cade, on 21 September 2012 – 11:03 PM, said:
It always amuses me when I read these forums and see people saying that ET has no oceanic presence. Last i checked most of the guilds in AA are oceanic guilds. In this last week, ET has managed to not only hold its own, but convincingly win during oceanic prime time against SOS and IoJ, two supposedly oceanic servers. Results speak for themselves.
source: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/64709-et-vs-sos-vs-ij-1week-format/page__st__210#entry1955504

How many threads have you copy+pasted this into so far? I count at least 4. Obvious spammer.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

So if its just a game why you so mad over it?

Heres for your NFL example. 1 NFL team is unbeaten, so the 2 other NFL teams decide they are gonna field both their teams at the same time and focus on NFL team 1 to make sure they cant score a touch down to get points.

So then NFL team one that just got hammered by 2 and 3 say thats fine we will get you when your tired.

There really is no reason for complaining either way. If ET had it out for SBI and HoD had it out for SBI guess what SBI would have been 3rd this weekend. 2 strong servers fighting 1 strong server….. its not a easy fight for the 1 server….. nor does it mean the 2 servers focusing them are better either like some seem to think lol.

I’m not mad, but I am very concerned about the game’s mechanics killing it. You should be too. There aren’t enough 3 faction PvP games to go around. If GW2 fails then where are we going to go?

This is obviously a problem that is hurting the game overall. It doesn’t matter if you understand that but it does matter that ANet sees the issue and fixes it.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


Cade, on 21 September 2012 – 11:03 PM, said:
It always amuses me when I read these forums and see people saying that ET has no oceanic presence. Last i checked most of the guilds in AA are oceanic guilds. In this last week, ET has managed to not only hold its own, but convincingly win during oceanic prime time against SOS and IoJ, two supposedly oceanic servers. Results speak for themselves.
source: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/64709-et-vs-sos-vs-ij-1week-format/page__st__210#entry1955504

How many threads have you copy+pasted this into so far? I count at least 4. Obvious spammer.

as long as i get my point across.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

Football was a terrible analogy. Baseball on the other hand.

We have relief pitchers. You dont. We don’t expect our pitchers to pitch 9 innings.
thats coaching and managing. Building a team is half the game.

And even in your football analogy. You CAN field players in the second half, you choose not to. Was there a rule that said only HoD can field players 1am-5pm eastern? I didnt see that rule.

(edited by Casia.4281)

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165



“After I [singlehandedly] crushed the ceasefire (as explained in a previous post), "

Are you on HoD’s Payroll? just checking. Got to wonder “What if”… perhaps SBI could be leading right now. Interesting times!

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


@ firefly

Playing under those circumstances was neither satisfying nor fun. I’ve had several people support what I did, but many more disagree with it. Regardless, I believe everyone respected what I did whether or not they supported it.

SBI could very well be leading right now if we kept a cease. I’ve no doubt if we had truly 2v1d HoD over the weekend they would have had < 30k points coming out of the weekend with SBI >150k and ET >120k

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


I won’t stop saying this. If you #1, you gonna get gunned. There is nothing exploitive about the underdogs focusing mostly on the top seed. This should be happening in every tiered match. Long term cease fire between the underdogs is not good gaming spirit, but it is going to happen to some extent – explicity or implicitly. I liked the heavy pressure. Some people cracked, so I trolled them. It was all fun. Thanks for the good show SI and ET.

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Was someone from HoD complaining about getting 2v1’d? I can’t imagine why.

This past week has probably been the most fun I’ve had in WvW since the 24hr rotations. This was a total blast, and there’s still 1 more NA prime time fight left. Look forward to the fights tonight.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

EB Battle Report: SBI v HoD v ET

in WvW

Posted by: I AM.2186

I AM.2186

When Military special forces go in behind enemy lines at night to do secret missions. Do you think the enemy wakes up the next day with all their stuff gone and say, " Hey we were all asleep that’s not fair!" “Your only allowed to fight when we are awake too!” Puppies NO! they don’t say that! and if they did the attacking force would laugh in their face like HOD is doing now.

Its called Spechul Takticz!

It’s not war, it’s a game. If your favorite NFL team was only allowed to field players for the first half and the second half the other team could score unopposed, would you think that was good tactics? Or just a lame game?

If HoD was winning because of superior tacticts that would be one thing. But their wins are mainly because of a population imbalance. That is lame and you know it.

Except no one, no where is saying you cant come fight at night.

If in the NFL they were allowed to play at night but the other team didn’t have enough players/ didn’t want to play at night but the other team could still play. That would be the rules, the other team wouldn’t cry like babies saying they dont have enough guys. They would get enough guys and then fight like no tomorrow instead of just complaining that the game isnt fair.

Take off your extra tight, short, shorts. Put on some man pants.

OH! NFL references… AWESOME!

So then we can assume from your arguments prior, only part of the WvW matches really matter (the weekend). Just like in the NFL when in preseason the starters for one team come out, put their team in the lead… only to have the 2nd team give it up after the first half and lose. The NFL recognizes this and awards the win based on results from the starters… Right? Oh they don’t?

Or when the giants are 20pts down at the end of the 3rd qtr against the Buc’s… So what if the Giants rattled off 21 straight to win the game! The Buc’s OWNED them for 3 out of the 4 qtrs… THAT’S what matters most… BUC’S WIN! Oh, it doesn’t work that way either? Geez! Life sure isn’t what I want it to be…

Salvo – Ranger – SoS
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS