Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
And more guilds transferring to PS today… Wonderful…
Do the people transferring realise that there are servers that want more people and that want to go up in the ratings? Blacktide, Desolation, Far Shiverpeaks… all three and probably some other are advertising and looking for more people, why don’t you transfer there rather than the ‘RP’ server?
Honestly, it’s a bit selfish, but the server had found its spot in the lower-mid tiers, was winning some, losing some, had precious little queues, was not looking like shooting up, and I liked it. I couldn’t care less about getting a ‘big boost’ no one asked for. First of all, the Vabbi transfer made a formality of what was a great matchup. Now the bandwagon is getting worse by the day.
May i ask all the guilds transferring: why? What’s the point? If it’s all about bandwagonning and ‘winning’, don’t you think there’s bigger servers higher up in the tiers to do that?
I don’t want to sound disrespectful to all the people who are transferring to piken, I can also appreciate the issues wtih being stuck wtih little to no competition in a lower tier but I do agree with this in some sense.
Anyone can transfer to another server, its the easy road! frankly being number 1 in all of this means nothing zip!! winning in WvW is having a kitten good fight, its also improving, making yourselves play better as a guild or server that is winning, transferring to the new up and coming server is not winning.
I can completely understand the Russian guilds on Vabbi with little to no presence wanting to transfer upwards a bit, but for members of mid bracket servers with organisation already wanting to jump ship is something else altogether.
You could always move to Gunnar’s (Joke )
I hope you guys on PS can ride this out & I’m sure when you meet a server that ends up winning against you those Guilds will jump again to the new (it server) & you guys can get back on track & come down to fight us @Gunnar’s again.
And more guilds transferring to PS today… Wonderful…
Do the people transferring realise that there are servers that want more people and that want to go up in the ratings? Blacktide, Desolation, Far Shiverpeaks… all three and probably some other are advertising and looking for more people, why don’t you transfer there rather than the ‘RP’ server?
I don’t want to sound disrespectful to all the people who are transferring to piken, I can also appreciate the issues wtih being stuck wtih little to no competition in a lower tier but I do agree with this in some sense.
I can completely understand the Russian guilds on Vabbi with little to no presence wanting to transfer upwards a bit, but for members of mid bracket servers with organisation already wanting to jump ship is something else altogether.
As a Gunnars player, sadly this will be happening more this week. Our numbers have have decreased enormously this week, due to ‘fair weathers’ or other reasons, like moving to higher populated server, at least in WvW.
Our fights this week are outnumbered, no queues and uniquely focused on one borderland – yet the sense of pride and fun is unmatchable.
(edited by Xenn.3809)
You could always move to Gunnar’s (Joke
I hope you guys on PS can ride this out & I’m sure when you meet a server that ends up winning against you those Guilds will jump again to the new (it server) & you guys can get back on track & come down to fight us @Gunnar’s again.
from a personal perspective I’d always only want to transfer down the bracket should Pikens population become ridiculous with the farcical non pay transfers that are in place. hopefully this won’t happen as the current balance and atmosphere on Piken is brilliant there is a lot of server pride right now. so here’s to locking down transfers with a fee sooner rather than later!
. so here’s to locking down transfers with a fee sooner rather than later!
Hopefully, but not that quick we cannot bolster our numbers a tiny bit with guilds looking for fun fights.
Maybe transfers should be priced according to ranking, in a open market way – lower, free; highest with a high cost.
. so here’s to locking down transfers with a fee sooner rather than later!
Hopefully, but not that quick we cannot bolster our numbers a tiny bit with guilds looking for fun fights.
Maybe transfers should be priced according to ranking, in a open market way – lower, free; highest with a high cost.
This was there initial plan (well on population) that lower pops would cost less to transfer too. I’d like to think that announcing a date say 1 month off that transfers would end would lead to mass migration from heavy pop servers. knowing you can move whenever is a bit of a free pass to ride on the back of other peoples success.
still lets just enjoy the rest of the week and hopefully we can have some good prime time fights
And more guilds transferring to PS today… Wonderful…
Do the people transferring realise that there are servers that want more people and that want to go up in the ratings? Blacktide, Desolation, Far Shiverpeaks… all three and probably some other are advertising and looking for more people, why don’t you transfer there rather than the ‘RP’ server?
Honestly, it’s a bit selfish, but the server had found its spot in the lower-mid tiers, was winning some, losing some, had precious little queues, was not looking like shooting up, and I liked it. I couldn’t care less about getting a ‘big boost’ no one asked for. First of all, the Vabbi transfer made a formality of what was a great matchup. Now the bandwagon is getting worse by the day.
May i ask all the guilds transferring: why? What’s the point? If it’s all about bandwagonning and ‘winning’, don’t you think there’s bigger servers higher up in the tiers to do that?
Is it more G.H. folks jumping ship?
Blacktide is NOT looking for more people, contrary to popular belief.
Came to check this thread out after somebody i know mentioned KISS left and it was mentioned here, sparked my curiousity and i went researchin’ (which was as simple as looking at their forums and clicking the post named “KISS migration to a new server”)
For those who care: They moved to the US servers, Emhry Bay, and are apparently taking 3 other guilds along.
Also, lol.
(edited by Genev.2450)
Blacktide is NOT looking for more people, contrary to popular belief.
Came to check this thread out after somebody i know mentioned KISS left and it was mentioned here, sparked my curiousity and i went researchin’For those who care: They moved to the US servers, Emhry Bay, and are apparently taking 3 other guilds along.
Also, lol.
B.T. have taken enough from G.H also.
Guess they really didn’t like us beating them the first time, so got night capped and poached the second time
Hey, it’s not like you were sorry to see us go
Hey, it’s not like you were sorry to see us go
Oh that’s just not true…. many of us were
(although I logically understand the move, it still annoys me when seeing the state of WvW now)
Also, lol.
Why? I still don’t see the funny side.
@Gunners Hold and any other server.
Guys please stop moving to Piken we DO NOT need any more prime time guilds. We already have queues. We are not interested in having 2 hours q and be in the 1 or 2 tiers. We just want fun fights and Q is not fun. So if you want to be on the winning side go somewhere else. Thank you
Likey due to Piken’s Strong Prime time to compliment it and make a nice small strong server, which it did. BOON and AFTL were also on Vabbi back in the day and moved down the rankings then to join Piken then so might have influeneced a little too as they know some guilds here.
But the Russians were only half the story, the Piken night time players started a small informal nightshift that came together and got a bit more organised for this match up and has remained.
The AM guys weren’t joking when they said they would just wait for 11pm and do the “piken guild raids have logged lets take back all the stuff until they come back in 18 hours raid” We fought Piken for a week hold the map at 7pm and it was a matter how much you could limit thier 4 hour onslought knowing that by 10-11pm you could eventually take back all the map for over night when they logged thier WvW raids and we figured that out in 2-3 days, servers like AM have had 3-4 match up with Piken.
The russians coming and this was good news as it keeps us fighting high pop servers so plenty of people to fight too far down then the wvw interest is so ow you take thier stuff in a hour and by the end they have either swapped map on you or left WvW entirely leaving you to stand doing nothing.
shame to see everyone jumping ship and leaving Gunnars. The guild i was in decided to do the same and I’m kinda disappointed in them. the only reason they did was because of a bad evening and a few failed raids… we all have those but it doesn’t mean you have to throw a hissy fit and join the winning team… sigh…
Even when you are wiped off a map theres still work to be done. you start by raiding camps and hitting yaks… try and build up some momentum and hit a tower if you can. if that fails you fall back and try somewhere else. no need to throw bodies at a wall time after time trying to knock it down when you can slip a few rams at a tower that’s deep into enemy territory and not expected to be hit…
so yeah, Gunnars may be a bit short of quantity at the moment, but there’s still a few of us here willing to keep fighting
Btw, why did you guys from Vabbi picked Piken over other servers?
I might add, your timing was perfect.
We were invited by RG (in our voice chat + pm me) and GH’s guilds ( http://www.vabbi.org/forum/alliance-area/hello-from-gunnar-s-hold/#p121 ), but dont thought about transfer.
we were able to get out of our Tier, but then faced with filled servers and lost our battle. then we decided to go for the medium populated server and choose between PS and SR. I seen how played Tainted (amazing skilled players), RG, iB, BOON and chose PS (I known that RG left PS).
We dont came to Blacktide cuz all of us hate russian zerg-oriented Chaos [Xaoc] guild. btw russians left Far Shieverpeaks (lol, they came to BT for zerg-win).
Part of Vabbi guilds came to PS with me, part of Vabbi guilds chose Seafarer’s Rest (cuz they have FUBAR alliance with russians guilds).
Most of WvW-oriented guilds from Vabbi went with me (who have everyday WvW-event and who play almost 100% of online time on WvW) – WvW and Hardcode WvW-oriented guilds like INS
SR got other ru guilds, who play less than 100% of their online on WvW (event-guilds) – WvW- and PvX-oriented guilds
(edited by insanesu.3965)
@Gunners Hold and any other server.
Guys please stop moving to Piken we DO NOT need any more prime time guilds. We already have queues. We are not interested in having 2 hours q and be in the 1 or 2 tiers. We just want fun fights and Q is not fun. So if you want to be on the winning side go somewhere else. Thank you
Transfer Wars 2.
Some can’t play for queues, others can’t play for being outzerged.
From our (AM) point of view the “jumping-ship-issue” also limits our fun in this fight. Piken get stronger and stronger (although they were strong enough in the beginning to beat us) and so it gets harder and harder to stand atleast some ground.
On the other hand Gunnar gets weaker and weaker (condolence for that. You would have been our top-opponent because in the first fights we were really same in numbers and strengh)
Now this bracket is a farce. We got Piken who will move up some tiers.. we got Gunnar who will move down and we got AM who tries to somehow enjoy this.
Piken will keep AM small and GH will try to get atleast some points out of AM.
I think this week isn’t much fun for any of us… it’s a pity.
What a load of crock. Prime time was perfect before these dirty rats joined. Now if anything its going to make us weaker. Guilds not being able to get their compliment into lands… Filled by these scrubs instead. Already witnessed a huge increase in queue time.
I simply dont get the abandon ship attitude, especially a middle bracket server, AND to a server that simply doesnt need or want you, there are servers much much higher looking for and asking for guilds to cover xyz times.
We do NOT want you!
You may not of noticed but we’ve never lost in primetime, due to the work and commitment of our many small-med sized guilds operating in that time. Moronic to switch to a server where by you make queues…
Hurry up and get your 7day xfer over with and leave you dirty rats! We dont want your prime time disrupting kitten here.
You’re doing a great job of holding your ground with your numbers Starfall, and I’m not being sarcastic there. Overlook in Eternal is one of the best defended keeps i think i’ve ever seen. I’ve lost count the number of failed attempts we’ve had at taking that place. I also lost 2 golems and an omega last night, and some from the guild also lost golems. And to GH, I hate to see whats happening to your server you were great opponents during the first week, I hope you recover and get back to your usual strength soon.
But to any WvW guilds looking for a new server, DO NOT join Piken Square. Too many commanders have come over recently, and too many of them do not know what they’re doing. And the longer queues are killing the enjoyment for a lot of WvW focused guilds. Like people have said, if you want to win, transfer to a higher bracket, but you honestly will not be welcome on Piken. We don’t appreciate fairweather guilds. Our WvW guilds have worked incredibly hard to get us where we are, and we don’t want people just riding our recent success.
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
If the bandwagon jumpers stay on Piken and carry on dragging the WvWvW experience down for you feel free to come across to Gunnar’s all our bandwagoners just left.
GH big problem last week was a matter of coverage and coordination. There were times of day ((late night / early morning)) where we’d take control of much of the map for 1-2 hours. But the commanders and players at those hours do not upgrade or guard. So when piken / AM came back online they just breeze through the non upgraded / defended keeps and towers, and by the time that GH starts getting numbers together we’re stuck facing fully upgrade keeps / towers defended by organized groups. Pug groups can’t take organized groups that are portal bombing / culling exploiting, the only way to face them is to use other organized groups, and while we do have a number of organized guilds, they are not active everyday and sometimes there are simply not enough to spread around to make advances into borderlands.
To top this off even in prime-time we did not have the numbers last week to do more than EB + 1-2 borderlands.
With KISS and a few others off to go Easy mode, our numbers have fallen again. Now we have about enough in prime time for EB / a Borderland. But the first hour or so is typically spent trying to break into upgraded / defended towers guarded by the likes of Boon / tainted / Hob / Tud / DT among others. All while being out-manned.
It breaks the will of the pug players, and the minute any of our commanders / organized guilds leave the map we get pushed back.
So population is a big issue for GH right now. Every time the server starts getting organized, and we get into some good match ups, we lose a great number of people to Easy-moding.
It’s a real shame. But all we can do is keep rebuilding.
On a side note though if you PS / and AM want a fight from GH there are still those that will fight you, but if you toss the full zerg on us we simply do not have the numbers or means to fight back. We try, and we do kill lots of you! But it’s an inevitable defeat.
So if you want to sit with the map green / red and camp the warcamp while twiddling your thumbs that’s fine, do as you will.
But if you want to get some fights, split up a bit and give us a chance to push out and form up.
Even though I am quite flattered by the fact people choose PS as the server to join, I have to say that I am getting quite annoyed with the newcomers. PS had their stuff sorted out, built it up from scratch and I loved seeing how we grew over the weeks. From being stomped by AM a few weeks ago, we had a rather balanced start (altho, unlike most other servers, PS weekend is weaker than weekdays) and won, and we would have won with or without from russians or vabbians. This week, although maybe having more people, was way more stressful than the week before, with me not being able to get my guild in EB, with queues going up to 40 mins. I love every second of WvW, but this week has been less fun for me than ever before.
We, seeing how PS grew and looking at the time and effort we as a guild and many other original PS guilds have put into making PS what it had become last week, will never leave PS. We will not leave PS to people who will jump ship at the earliest signs of failures and i hope the other REAL PS guilds are thinking likewise. Just my two cents there.
The Obsydian (Obsy)
Well what a shame, a week of good fights, one night I come on, speed hacking theif from gunners, will only fight 4vs1 including cannons. Then, theif and guardian cheaters, will only fight 3vs1, constant block block block, invul invul invul. Must be terrible players to cheat that bad
Try to give us a name and we’ll talk to them…
Well if tonight was any sign of the impact of all these transfers, we certainly felt it.
Primetime in EB was stressful as hell. We had little organisation, chaos everywhere. Everybody in Piken normally knows what to do but it just felt as though we had a lot of clueless ones here this night.
SM was being attacked both north and south and people would not listen, draining supplies needlessly. My guild did what it could but we were struggling to get our people in with the kitten queues. We eventually turned offensive into the best defence.
We managed to hold out, and as queues dropped by later evening and we got more people in, GG at least had great fun taking Quentin and holding it for hours. Even as GG members drained off to bed, other Pikens rallied with those of us remaining and held Quentin in an epic effort even after both a wall and gate were down. This was the real Piken we know, and it made me proud. Beautiful regular faces
I gotta say that sometimes it just feels like Piken holds out longer than the other guys. Our morale is strong and we don’t give up. Some real nice tries tonight AM and Gunnars
do not worry. excitement soon subsides and maps will be balanced. no queues
Yesterday I asked for help to demolish many trebuchets on the redkeep, but it seems like everything just ignored it.
As a result, they have taken down the wall of the castle. When my guild members could come to EB and build trebuchets on the mountain and on the wall of the castle – we quickly demolished their trebuchets and PS repulsed the attack on the castle.
Yesterday there were a problems with the queuing mechanism. Some error, resulting in many not allowed, even though map was relatively free. Then many people solved a problem by re-joining to the queue.
Well what a shame, a week of good fights, one night I come on, speed hacking theif from gunners, will only fight 4vs1 including cannons. Then, theif and guardian cheaters, will only fight 3vs1, constant block block block, invul invul invul. Must be terrible players to cheat that bad
Did you report them? (You should always report cheaters/hackers)
If you did Report them can you please /pm me the names so we GH can find them out & contact their Guild leaders to have them removed from sed Guilds & Named & shamed on our GH community forum.
GH do not tolerate Cheaters/Hackers & we will always do everything within our power to seek those out that do & driver them out of our community.
Well what a shame, a week of good fights, one night I come on, speed hacking theif from gunners, will only fight 4vs1 including cannons. Then, theif and guardian cheaters, will only fight 3vs1, constant block block block, invul invul invul. Must be terrible players to cheat that bad
I also saw gunnar’s guy who stood at the SM’s gate. He did not move. I had shot with arrow cart, but he received no damage (unv). I thought it was a visual bug
Well if tonight was any sign of the impact of all these transfers, we certainly felt it.
Primetime in EB was stressful as hell. We had little organisation, chaos everywhere. Everybody in Piken normally knows what to do but it just felt as though we had a lot of clueless ones here this night.
Was the same for AM borderlands last night BOON jumped on extra early but even then 10+ spent +1 hour quing and Tainted at one point even gave up trying.
Left BOON, a decent sized group of Nerc and mix of others trying to take down three upgraded Keeps and AM were not gonna give up lightly.
Our golems helped take Bay and Hills but we had to teb our way into garrions as golems too damaged for both gates, we were under so much harrassment form AM we could not leave and must admit I was raging while BOON treb garrison we lost both south towers, Hill and Bay to GH dispites Nerc’s and a few others best effort, I was WTF are then 100 other people doing? Other than blocking out half my raid and Tainted from WvW.
Rushed it inside garrison and got owned being stupid and had to start again from scratch at 8.30pm and took it all back again but by this time Tainted had managed to get into the map in decent numbers as did the rest of the BOON and fresh assult of AM garriosn ensued with a massive fight that lasted a good 45mins or so inside.
This was the second night in a row AM Garriosn has had the most awesome and hard fought fight inside it so big Kudos to AM defender they really dug in and threw everything at us including the kitchen sink!
But yeah here’s hoping thing settle back down to normal for Piken and people move on, really hope we lose bad next week and go back down!
PS – As for the hackers target them and right click and report them nothing much the other server can do about them and you can’t judge a server based on the actions of a few idiots as every server has a few idiots.
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
Same issues in GH BL, VII could not get our full force in. Communication was also a shambles. 15 x VII, 15 x DT, 10 x GoW and 10 x AFTL working as before. The rest of the Piken players? I have no idea where they were or what they contributed. There was one new commander present that did not type once. Seriously?
It’s the first time in a long time we have failed to flip a full BL during Primetime.
(edited by zagaraad.2780)
Sorry to hear about that Vanz :-/ I admit, the fights against some of your organized guilds have been the most enjoyable so far experienced in wvw, but then again, we were prepared for it. Having tried to organize guild groups at FS when they were ranked 2nd, I know the only way really to get as many in as soon as possible, is to start queueing at weird times, or, stay at the portal spamming it. Still some days left and im gonna try to get as much out of it as possible before we go down the ladder and you guys move up. There is, actually one solution, which it amazes me Anet havent made yet; Only allow transfers to low/mid populated servers, or down the server ladders. Would easily solve so many problems.
If you find G.H. players cheating, please report them – not only to ANet, but also to some of the G.H. commanders/guild leaders you know.
It’ll help us weed them out of the server if we can identify them.
Too many randoms and newcomers started to join zones after we started winning. I was on PS BL before AM BL and oh my god… I wanted to bash my head in the wall. People running around without a clue, no organization, no one following simple instrcutions, no one upgrading things, everybody giving misleading information it was horrible. I tried to be polite… without success. The most frustrating part was that some people typed:
“We don`t want newcomers go to your previous server”
Note that I have not seen any of these people or their guilds in WvW before.
Well what a shame, a week of good fights, one night I come on, speed hacking theif from gunners, will only fight 4vs1 including cannons. Then, theif and guardian cheaters, will only fight 3vs1, constant block block block, invul invul invul. Must be terrible players to cheat that bad
Did you report them? (You should always report cheaters/hackers)
If you did Report them can you please /pm me the names so we GH can find them out & contact their Guild leaders to have them removed from sed Guilds & Named & shamed on our GH community forum.
GH do not tolerate Cheaters/Hackers & we will always do everything within our power to seek those out that do & driver them out of our community.
Don’t worry he reported the ones he could see they ran off last night when he told them they was getting reported. Shouldn’t be hard for anet to find them there was like only 10 GH’s on at that time. on another note we finally got OL from AM last night good battle.
Sorry Vanz , i was leading Gow last night and comunication was not that good from us , We were having issues getting our guys in and when we did we had disconects and back in the que again,
I have to say we were going to start in AM but there were so many new guild tags acting like muppets we came to Gh bl for the night so it did not start that well ,
We aslo got a bit pissed at people calling inc on keeps asking for help when there was no need and we ran half the zone to help out,
big thanks to Afterlife at west bay though you got there just in time ,
but Will do better in future on the comms in zone or log to server vent ,
I hope the server transfers will start to gell abit better or leave tbh
Hi all,
About last night/evening: The Sm defence was a complete mess indeed. Some draining supplies, a few mortars on walls unmanned, not so well communication and a few too many commanders.. Later that night I and others from the guild had a queueueu(again I might add..) so we went to a green Pikenmap to pass time, hmpf. Not so happy with influx of new guilds. Hope it will change, looking forward to next match, I was looking forward to the current one but sorely disappointed. (I know we are winning) ^^
Karn Aanug [KA]
Well if tonight was any sign of the impact of all these transfers, we certainly felt it.
Primetime in EB was stressful as hell. We had little organisation, chaos everywhere. Everybody in Piken normally knows what to do but it just felt as though we had a lot of clueless ones here this night.
Was the same for AM borderlands last night BOON jumped on extra early but even then 10+ spent +1 hour quing and Tainted at one point even gave up trying.
Left BOON, a decent sized group of Nerc and mix of others trying to take down three upgraded Keeps and AM were not gonna give up lightly.
Our golems helped take Bay and Hills but we had to teb our way into garrions as golems too damaged for both gates, we were under so much harrassment form AM we could not leave and must admit I was raging while BOON treb garrison we lost both south towers, Hill and Bay to GH dispites Nerc’s and a few others best effort, I was WTF are then 100 other people doing? Other than blocking out half my raid and Tainted from WvW.
Rushed it inside garrison and got owned being stupid and had to start again from scratch at 8.30pm and took it all back again but by this time Tainted had managed to get into the map in decent numbers as did the rest of the BOON and fresh assult of AM garriosn ensued with a massive fight that lasted a good 45mins or so inside.
This was the second night in a row AM Garriosn has had the most awesome and hard fought fight inside it so big Kudos to AM defender they really dug in and threw everything at us including the kitchen sink!
But yeah here’s hoping thing settle back down to normal for Piken and people move on, really hope we lose bad next week and go back down!
PS – As for the hackers target them and right click and report them nothing much the other server can do about them and you can’t judge a server based on the actions of a few idiots as every server has a few idiots.
problem is the commanders need to direct the zerg or randoms to do other tasks, while the guilds do their own thing, and switch on commander only when they need it.
I find it a real issue when people start popping their tags and draw half of the force somewhere when it is not needed.
I don’t know whats happened to Piken this week but my god you are not the same server as last week, sending 40+ players to chase a 3 player GH strike team all over AM bl & louse a tower in the process, then when GH gets some numbers 20ish & we attack lake you send your whole force to lake & louse 2 more towers, Garrison & as I right this now you are also lousing Bay!!
Sorry to say this coz you have some really good guilds on Piken but if you play in the higher tiers like you are playing this week & you will get hammered.
I know you are having a high tic right now but that is really due to the lack of fight in WvW this week, GH we just don’t have the numbers to hold anything for long & I know that makes us an easy target but you wont learn anything fighting the weaker of the two server’s.
I will still fight this week no matter the odds & I’m not asking you to hold back on us I just don’t want Piken to go the way we did after having a loss & having guys jump ship, as we on GH are going through a bad time right now & its hitting us hard. I would not wish on anyone what we are going through right now.
I don’t know whats happened to Piken this week but my god you are not the same server as last week, sending 40+ players to chase a 3 player GH strike team all over AM bl & louse a tower in the process, then when GH gets some numbers 20ish & we attack lake you send your whole force to lake & louse 2 more towers, Garrison & as I right this now you are also lousing Bay!!
Sorry to say this coz you have some really good guilds on Piken but if you play in the higher tiers like you are playing this week & you will get hammered.
I know you are having a high tic right now but that is really due to the lack of fight in WvW this week, GH we just don’t have the numbers to hold anything for long & I know that makes us an easy target but you wont learn anything fighting the weaker of the two server’s.
I will still fight this week no matter the odds & I’m not asking you to hold back on us I just don’t want Piken to go the way we did after having a loss & having guys jump ship, as we on GH are going through a bad time right now & its hitting us hard. I would not wish on anyone what we are going through right now.
I don’t think alot of us would mind if we did lose so some of the fairweather pvp guilds/people, with no backbone, that have joined us recently leave us again. Plus, you said it yourself, it may well have been that they weren’t on our server last week.
What a difference tonight. On GH BL no Q’s when the guild raids began and working with familiar guilds/commanders. Huge improvement on last night by PS in that zone.
We fought on the AM’s BL yesterday. Pretty quickly took Bay and HILLS. I note a excellent game by guild [Necr]. We could not take Garrison for a long time, so we have built four golems and quickly took it.
[INS] + [DF] + [TNTD] with 4 golems vs AM’s Garrison:
Sorry to say this coz you have some really good guilds on Piken but if you play in the higher tiers like you are playing this week & you will get hammered.
One can only hope. Then the flock will transfer away.
Glad to hear that the queues cleared up yesterday. There is quite a bit of irony in Vanz outnumbering me btw :-)
Not sure, but lately there is an increase in “bots” / cheathas…like invulnerablity for 30 seconds or more, the alt+f4, anyhOo at least i was able to “gank”/annoy some AM Bots today, made me feel happy!
Hope, we are prepared for the Tier 5 Encounter this friday and that we ALL can play and have phun together (friggin! LAG!)
Ques have started to become longer and longer at Piken, Come on guys.
Piken is fine, support the other servers so matches are more interesting and harder.
Great night in EB earlier tonight, good effort from all involved. Piken has rather scary response times when you run around stealing things.
Pffft, why would people fight on a losing server when they can queue out on Piken and then run 40 people chasing 5 around all day. Especially when those 40 were there before the 5 even arrived just sitting waiting. lol
I and a few more players on AM’s community-TS were having a hilarious night. Mostly defending our BL and attacking GH, because most of our people left a few hours ago.
PK’s attemt to take bay with 3 golems (and 2 more a few minutes later) let us have a great time. First nobody thought we would keep the bay because we were facing higher numbers of enemies and alltogether 5 golems (+katas) but thanks to the 300 supplies we could keep the un-upgrated bay. After that you left and Gunnar made a small appearence.. than we were able to chase some Gunnar on their BL and keep PK at there spawn. Was really a fun time when you ignore the cheating commander we faced and reported.
Greetings, Starfall
What time were you camping PK in AM Borderlands?
Just asking to get a better idea of where I can fit the BOON raid in tonight, we don’t raid Wed’s and so far this week we have pretty much failed to get into any competative BL at the start of Prime Time.
The 40 man spawn zerging Corran talks of might have been us on Tuesday, we went into that map early because it was under pressure to a 30-40 man AM Turtle group tyring to force their way into the map, by time they gave up and the BOON raid had formed everywhere was qued and 30+ BOONs were stuck on Piken Square BL for the night, called the raid very early due to boredom.
I have no problem holding my hald up and say we diliberatly try and spanw camp server and build siege etc to make them gtfo the map due to us being a med server with no off peak, and knowing the second we leave everything would be taken back in 30 mins, these days, the off peak has improved alot so that level of deterence is not really needed and tbh PS needs to start losing again, lol yeah lose!
We did discuss for a while porting back to the Citadel and waiting 20 mins for them to take some stuff and get more ppl flowing into the map and then counter attack and maybe get a good fight going, but meh we had done that in Aion and it didn’t work there :/ Maybe next time.
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