in WvW

Posted by: satkis.7021


Greetings from Finland! Hi everyone, this is my first forum post ever and all writing incoming is from my opinion only. This topic is made in good spirit to cheer you all up. I’ve read some worries and complains about servers internationalizing and this “capping” happening. This all IS happening so read this below.

I think you should not worry at all. At all.
Let’s start with the two French servers:

Vizunah Square
You guys have been at the top since the beginning. You have a massive amount of players, very organized guilds, amazing tactics and the night/morning time presence needed. You have it all to be on top and that is the reason why you are there. You have nothing to worry about for the future, just keep it up and keep it still improving.

Same as above. It is amazing how one country can have two this good servers with those attributes listed above. You have already won VS. If you really want it and can still keep on improving yourselves you can do it again and again. We are dealing with two perfectly equal French servers here.

Elona Reach
You won last weeks tier 1 match. Unbelievable. Then you dropped straight to t2. It was amazing that last weeks winner, the best of the best, could drop to second tier matchup. That proves two things. 1) You absolutely have what it takes to be on the top. 2) The top 4 servers atm is amazingly equal powered.
You must absolutely not give up at this point, and I’m certain you haven’t, because you may very well be the t1 winner again in few weeks.

Far Shiverpeaks
Everyone knows how strong you are. Your so called “primetime” forces are incredible. I’m not wondering why you have been in t1 for so long. Now, don’t break it. Don’t leave the ship. The ship of yours is nowhere near sinking. With a little “offpeak” hour improvements or getting a little aid from US, for example, you guys are in t1 again. No doubt about it.

You guys have been climbing up the ladder like nobody else. Guaranteed t2 place at the moment and strongest candidate to t1 after Elona. In my opinion of course. You have massive primetime forces and very strong and skilled guilds. Only a little to do to gain the strength to be competitive in tier 1. To you aswell, keep up the good work and I’ll see you hopefully in t1 after few weeks.

I for myself am playing in Desolation. Played since prelaunch. Me with my little guild from Finland am cooperating with Iron Teamspeak alliance and helping our server to be the best at uphills and the downhills. I was playing in tier 1 with FS and VS when we had 1 day matches. I played when Desolation was at it’s bottom in midtier 3. I never planned to change servers and can’t imagine the situation where I would leave this server. Now we have American aid and with EU players improving themselves we are in t1 again. And if you ask me we have earned the place to be there. I don’t mind Desolation dropping to tier 2. Only if the reasons are you guys improving yourselves SO much. The situation where all top 6 servers are equal is my wet daydream.

I appreciate you all. All of you playing there and making it this fun. And yes, I said I appreciate the players playing. Not the whiners whining here on forums. But hey even the whiners are nice people sometimes. When they’re asleep that is.

To all still reading this: Keep up the GOOD WORK! Don’t be fairweather players and leave your servers when the situation is at it’s worst.

Sincerely yours,
Satkis [KLMA],
Norn (ranged) Guardian, The immobilizing monster!

satkis [TLA] – Guardian – Desolation

Only a WvW player


in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


To be honest, there are only four top servers in the EU brackets.

Arborstone, Vizunah Square, Desolation and Elona Reach all have 1900+ ratings.

The closest followups, Far Shiverpeaks and Blacktide both have 1750ish ratings.

Though we are slowly climbing up the ladder.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn


in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


I agree Project Blacktide is still a work in progress. We have some new blood moving over but we still need a US guild or two and possibly an EU.

On the Brightside the attitude in WvW is good and the cordination strong.

If we can continue we may battle upwards by sheer hard work.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7


in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I ahve no problem whatsoever with being considered “dishonorable” for this reason :p


in WvW

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


woooow ! satkis.7021, good Job. In my opinion you have found the right words.

Atm all servers from the top 6 EU are amazing and deserve their place!
(Even Desolation with the transferred guild “RUIN”).

We (Elona Reach) have in my opinion very good chances to get into the 1st bracket but it is hard to stay there, because the night team from Vizunah, Desolation, Arborstone is just overwhelming. No matter why.

And as a german I am also excited how far Miller’s Sound will get.
We need more german server in the top top 6! :P

But all in all the WvW-System is quite good and slowly give us equal enemies

Have fun and good luck!

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]


in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201


there are only 5 servers in top 6 – sad but true


in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Is there ? What about Blacktide, FSP ? Even DS, displeasing the trolls as it may.
3 national servs, 3 internationnals.

All there is to see is how the awesome result of DS will impact the rest of the ranking, from other NA team joining I mean


in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


- Not Russian
- On Blacktide



in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Credit where it is due, in my opinion Blacktide have been our hardest oppenents. That is no disrespect to any of the other servers, but with Blacktide I could play 12 hours a day, and taking every keep or supply camp was a hard fought battle. They never give up, so Blacktide I salute you.


in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Blacktide is the official Irish server.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7


in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


Nice post satkis, a pleasure to read


in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


It’s hard to say EU top 6 when one of them is an US server :/.


in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


I salute you for being able to say kind words about other servers, too many PVP players fall into the same pattern of boosting their own ego by belittling and insulting their opponents.

I’d love to be able to say a few words about my experiences with Vizhuna & Arborstone, unfortunately they haven’t yet fought Blacktide since my guild (CIR) transferred over.

The other servers you have in your list, suffice to say WvW is never boring or one-sided when fighting against them. Quality stuff, best fights for sure.

Good luck to all the top 6 EU servers!



in WvW

Posted by: satkis.7021


It’s hard to say EU top 6 when one of them is an US server :/.

I’m good at ignoring things I don’t like. But this time I’ll make an exception and answer to this post. I may be naive but I’m hoping this answer makes things a bit more clear to you all.

In one of the previous topics there was nice answer from a certain Ruin player. He said that their numbers in a good night is ~80 players. As our brother Boromir said “One does not simply walk over other servers with that amount of players.” Or something like that. Desolation is not dominating tier 1 as many of you predicted. Hell, we aren’t even leading the scores! This matchup has been very classy and so much fun to play.

At this point you should have realized that your post is unreasonable. Ruin is not having 2000 players outplaying you at EU night times as many of you have stated it. You say it out loud here on forums knowing yourselves that it isn’t true.

It would be very interesting though if Anet would publish the queues for each server from each week. And maybe the total player amounts playing.

Arenanet has clearly stated that WvW is a 24/7 fight. In a perfect server there would be EU, US and Asian guilds. I bet Anet have laughed their kitten off reading all whiningposts about this “issue”. It’s not an issue it’s a feature meant to be like this!

Ofcourse the internationalizing of servers could become more or less an issue for national servers but so far so good. It being this way at the moment you national servers in first and second tier have done excellent job about it.

If we would have only international servers without any kind of flags germans, for example, would find themselves most likely from the same server. There would not be unbreachable barrier for them to work together with english speaking players and guilds even if you don’t speak the same language. There is always somebody who can speak even a little english and communicate with each other if there is something to communicate. Or somebody to speak a little german. We can’t avoid the situation that english is the most universal language there is.

With this one I agree with some of you. My opinion is that there should only be one big pool of servers without timezones. Ofcourse geographically local US servers for US players etc but we all should be able to face each other. I have been wondering which server was the best few weeks ago, EU top Vizunah Square or US top Henge of Denravi. In my opinion the lag is a pitiful excuse for this not to be done. It would not affect playing that much. You could barely even feel the difference. There are some players outside from both US and EU playing the game without major lag issues.

Oh and weren’t servers transfers supposed to cost something? That doesn’t sound so bad. I don’t know why PvE players should be able to jump servers. Once in a month sounds good!

satkis [TLA] – Guardian – Desolation

Only a WvW player

(edited by satkis.7021)


in WvW

Posted by: blurps.2340


Elona Reach
You won last weeks tier 1 match. Unbelievable. Then you dropped straight to t2. It was amazing that last weeks winner, the best of the best, could drop to second tier matchup.

While the recent success has attracted some international players, Elona’s population is still predominantly German plus some Austrians and Swiss and with the other servers stocking up on people located in other time zones that makes it so much harder to field a competitive force around the clock. The night and early morning shift are actually playing at night and early morning their local time – Those people just need the occasional break and they took one last week.


in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


Come on Blacktide you can do it !

Please give Arborstone soon !

We need the big Jambon !


in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


with 2 "top servers " againts deso, and they still keeping the score event. now i know why they hate deso so much and make them like an evil server

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation


in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


There isn’t really an average lvl of the players from a server, an alone random casual player will always be one, it doesn’t matter where he come from.

For the gameplay of a server, you have to look at the organisation of this one and of their commanders. A good commander need a good guild to have a decent amount of good and trusted players to follow him.

Vizunah Square : A strong alliance, very few skilled guilds and a single strong guild, but good organisation, mostly for managing the timing of their alarm clock. Got many FR player wanting to be in the top server since the start, so they always had a bigger amount of player than their opponent, in order to win in the end.

Arborstone : A strong alliance, on one of the newest server, that has been added few days after the release, when all the other FR server were full. It did climb the ladder from the bottom of it.
A lot of skilled and strong guilds that really help when they are playing.

FR random player keep switching to the winning french speaking server, that’s why Arborstone is actually not as strong as last week, or at the start of this week.
If you keep winning, you get stronger by the number, as a french server, but as soon as you start to loose … xD (even at 8pm, you can get in EB without waiting atm)

Elona : The best server for organisation, strategy (too repetitive and not creative, so a good server can’t lose 2 times against that server) and big battle, but the expetion to the rule, they are really very very bad in 1vs1, 5vs5 to 10vs10, because they aren’t used to it. But you wont be able to find a lot of them willing to fight, instead of running when they aren’t in a lot bigger group.

FS and Blacktide, it’s not a taunt, we may have not have the chance to meet the good guilds, but they had nothing special.

Desolation : Same lvl as Augury rock and it was the first time we fought against full bunker/defensive server, who were too shy to attak a fort with a greater number (AR had sometimes a big zerg of 40-50 players patroling between 3 camp, without seriously attaking any fort for almost a whole day, even when we had less than 20 people on the map, they were only defending) and when we got one, they were awefully ugly with no strategy/gameplay/teamplay. But we may not have seen the good guilds.
For the second week against desolation, zerg is a good definition, only constant number, not always overwhelming, but absolutly no strategy exept the constant attak. I hope to at least see “Iron” guild play once and expect they can do something else as defending or sending their lemmings like the rest of this server.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

(edited by Truebanana.5936)


in WvW

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


My post banned in cause of bigotry?! Oh man, some people … facepalm
Respect to all 5 EU-Servers, they have earned the place to be there. :-p

Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.


in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


@ nightshade

Omg AS and VS trying to take an orb this is so amazing.
Btw supply camp to the NE was attacked by VS and 5 or 10 mn later askalion was attacked by them too but you don’t show it.

for the original post

Elona reach is certainly the most organized server and also the one with the best defence.

Vizunah square has grown stronger this week as most people who wanted desolation to lose move from AS to VS cause VS was leading in the first two days.

Arborstone will go to T2 next week as i can’t see how we can win with all the people who leave our server this week.

for Far Shiverpeaks and Blacktide doesn’t have made my mind yet cause didn’t play a lot against them.


in WvW

Posted by: Xanti.8672


You guys have been climbing up the ladder like nobody else.

Reading this as a player from Miller’s Sound hurts a bit:D

We started as 26th into the 1 week matches and are currently 8th and leading with 8k points in our new match up against Baruch and FS (I know we havent had a primetime yet, but still..^^)

26th → 24th → 23th → 21th → 19th → 17th → 13th →8th

Hope to meet you guys from Top6 soon.


Xanti [ECL]
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]


in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


I see the night capping is still a hot topic among some people. Funny when they went agains’t the most powerful primetime server in the past (Far Shiverpeaks) and capped the empty map by night themselves it was ok. And for some reason now it’s not?

Think the WvWvW is getting better and better every week now, been some awesome close matches going on lately.

All is vain.


in WvW

Posted by: prodigy.1023


@ nightshade
Arborstone will go to T2 next week as i can’t see how we can win with all the people who leave our server this week.

AS certainly won’t go to T2 next week. You’re still double teaming with VS against Deso so they will let you win at our expense.

For Balthazar’s sake at least quit denying you’re double teaming.

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.


in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


ANet said wvw was a 24/7 battle, not that you had to bring worldwide people to get this coverage. Otherwise, what was the point of an EU ladder in the first place ?

If Deso wanted a worldwide 24/7 coverage, they should have gone to the USA ladder.

By bringing NA guilds in EU ladder, they are denying competitive interest in the ladder for all the localized server (FR/ES/DE) which represents 50% of EU ladder.

About double teaming : have you seen the income graphs ? It’s pretty obvious there isn’t any alliances going on like last week end…

Vizunah Square [FR]


in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Dont even waste your time Gwal… Imaginary alliances, perfect excuse for DS whiners since 1864…


in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


You guys have been climbing up the ladder like nobody else.

Reading this as a player from Miller’s Sound hurts a bit:D

We started as 26th into the 1 week matches and are currently 8th and leading with 8k points in our new match up against Baruch and FS (I know we havent had a primetime yet, but still..^^)

26th -> 24th -> 23th -> 21th -> 19th -> 17th -> 13th ->8th

Hope to meet you guys from Top6 soon.


I think we might’v been more obvious about it due to our active forum presence and sudden appearance in the top6 :p
While I have to admit i’m rooting for FSP, our old enemies, because i liked them and they were good, i do wish you good luck and possibly see you soon!


in WvW

Posted by: iliy.7041


FSP lost main forces already as big aly ( GF, Nugos,ZDs and some more) did transfer to Blacktide already.


in WvW

Posted by: Arsil.6305


FSP is done as most big guilds have abandon it to its fate. This game will not be the same no more without FSP in the front lines.


in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Sorry, just to check.

What servers have been in the EU Number one spot? The tope slot in the top tier?

Vizunah Square


Elona Reach

Am I correct?

Woudl Desoaltion be only the 4th server to do so?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7


in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


nope they will be the third as far as i know,

Vizunah square


then desolation

Elona reach beat Arborstone in t2 and vizunah in t1 but only achieve to the second place.

as i didn’t play since the release of the game don’t know if any server was first before vizunah.


in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Thanks for that.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7


in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


Thanx for the encouraging words, satkis, just let me add a small correction:
Fakt is, we do have three ladders at the moment.
NA, EU and International/worldwide, which still has to be announced officially by ANet.
I do not mind this at all, I truly wish all the best to all servers, just wanted to mention it

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach


in WvW

Posted by: Cottage Pie.6215

Cottage Pie.6215

Indeed, the position for EU top spot (total points) since weeklies began has been constantly VS, with AS getting it last week and this week…?


And the French servers complain about balance. Good lord…

Taua Roqa – Desolation since day minus 3

~~~My Elite PvP Video:


in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Thanx for the encouraging words, satkis, just let me add a small correction:
Fakt is, we do have three ladders at the moment.
NA, EU and International/worldwide, which still has to be announced officially by ANet.
I do not mind this at all, I truly wish all the best to all servers, just wanted to mention it

mm, there is only 2 ladder at the moment :
and worldwide
NA and EU tags doesn’t seems to have any meaning unfortunately.

Maybe ANet will merge the ladders…
but that’s the end of the competition for localized servers !

Indeed, the position for EU top spot (total points) since weeklies began has been constantly VS, with AS getting it last week and this week…?


And the French servers complain about balance. Good lord…

It’s not going to last, that was the last week with 2 FR server in T1.
FR servers have given up : it’s almost impossible to fight an oversea daycap with a local nightpop.
Blacktide will soon be T1 though, and is currently seeking International presence.
We are seing EU International servers rising, and they are engaged in a battle to gain 24/7 geographic coverage.

In theses conditions, I think it’s normal for the French to complain (French love to complain btw, some do it even when everything is fine)
FR servers have no chance to win against those EU International rising power-servers
because to participate in a 24/7 geographic battle, you need to be an English speaking server and they have nothing they can do to counter it.

That’s sad, because they have proven to be very competitive, even managing to beat Deso on their first week in T1, against all odds. But EU ladder is now turning worldwide, like the NA one : it won’t be a matter of good fights and dedication, but a battle to recruit more coverage pop !

I would like ANet to do something, like a ladder only for people who wants to fight in GMT/GMT+1 , but that’s probably never going to happen…

Vizunah Square [FR]


in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


Indeed, the position for EU top spot (total points) since weeklies began has been constantly VS, with AS getting it last week and this week…?


Vizunah were back into their top spot after last week. So it should be

And the French servers complain about balance. Good lord…

At one point, for example when they were playing against FS and Riverside, they were winning their match-ups by about 150,000 points. To be honest I was really surprised how bitter some players on FS about night capping when we played them, they already had to put up with it for months.


in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


My awesome french skills spotted this in a thread recently linked somewehre else:
“plusieurs guildes Québecoises sont déjà présentes sur VS”
Several Quebec guilds are already on VS
Source: Last paragraph.

It kinda got glossed over in the other thread, with some people going “Oh, well, I don’t know who those guilds are” and others not even reacting to it, but unless one of your alliance leaders is now lying to try and get people, there is a NA presence on VS

Blacktide is looking forward to joining t1, who- or whatever is in there
In the meantime, we’re having fun in T2 and personally I’m curious about how far Miller’s Sound will go, they have been climbing massively and i’m curious to how they will hold up against us and the other top servers.

I also believe there should be enough competition that servers aren’t “tier1 server” and get stuck there. there should be a healthy competition with servers going up and down, spread over several tiers. Depending on the skill of the server, the tier they’re in now, and 1 tier up (or down).
Servers should be “t1-2” “t2-3” etc.


in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

I play on Blacktide and I have to salute our server adversaries because the WvWvW is awesome.

Last weekend I spent many hours fighting Riverside and Elona Reach and they have been tireless giving us an hard time..:)

The resilience and focus showed by our “enemies” was impressive and they never gave up even if they were defeated like 12-15 times on a keep, they always came back and try to take it once more, most of the times succeeding..:)

Definitely WvWvW is the best part of GW2, in my oppinion we only need better Badge of Honor dropping rate and better loot as reward.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”


in WvW

Posted by: freed.4690


Desolation is not a Eu server. Actually it’s Internationnal server because ArenanNet didn’t fix a limit for people from different time zone.

Soon Eu ladder will be meaningless.

It’s not a problem of nightcapping, it s a problem of time zone.

People who come from US have a different prime time and by joining Eu server they re just killing this ladder.
If ArenaNet don’t react, there won’t be a EU ladder anymore.
Maybe they should merge all ladder to do a world wide ladder as they don’t seems to react to time zone.

(edited by freed.4690)


in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


To be honest, there are only four top servers in the EU brackets.
Arborstone, Vizunah Square, Desolation and Elona Reach all have 1900+ ratings.
The closest followups, Far Shiverpeaks and Blacktide both have 1750ish ratings.
Though we are slowly climbing up the ladder.

The current system does not allow to determine the best servers/players
So we can only talk about the best not_primetime_warriors

P.S. 1900+ rating of Elona was a bubble


in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


That depends on how you define a vague term like ‘best servers/players’.

ArenaNet did so. They created a set of rules, and the current top servers are the top servers because they adapted to and managed to excell within that set of rules.

And that’s not just because of ‘nightcapping’ and what not. Server allying is also a reason why some servers have an easier time to rise up the tiers. It’s why there are so many national servers in the top tiers. Two national servers can and often will ally against the third server, giving them an advantage.

Again, it’s all allowed within the rules. Saying it’s not fair or cheating is like saying a football match is rigged because the enemy scored the winning goal with a header, and you find that cheating because it’s called ‘football’ and not ‘headball’.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn


in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Merging will come fast
Everyone playing MMo since a decade and feeling whats is going on actually on Gw2 are used to this
it will start with a tag merging….one fr and one De server instead of 6 and 7 for EU
Then US and EU will be merge since they will need at last 30 servers to do a ladder
Nothing sad here..its how it always goes . Bad decision just help to make it faster but even a perfect management will never prevent this


in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Merging of servers won’t happen within the first 6 months of a game launch. Atleast I doubt it will. The server transfers are still free, they don’t force anything yet. They haven’t even made an official statement about the current state WvW is in due to the free transfers.

They will merge servers like a year down the line, when people have settled in and they realize this is as good as it gets as it comes to us players trying to create balance.


in WvW

Posted by: Mjk.5146


Desolation is full of baddies.


in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Sorry to interrupt the self-adulation of the top 6 EU Server, but mostly they are there cause of more players in the night and morning of EU Primetime.

There are server in the lower tiers which also have good player and good organisation, for example SFR is one very good EU Server (playerskill). I have fought against Desolation, Elona and FS and must say SFR was better in fights at EU Primetime.

Haralin Engineer


in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Merging of servers won’t happen within the first 6 months of a game launch. Atleast I doubt it will. The server transfers are still free, they don’t force anything yet. They haven’t even made an official statement about the current state WvW is in due to the free transfers.

They will merge servers like a year down the line, when people have settled in and they realize this is as good as it gets as it comes to us players trying to create balance.

Not really. big elitist guilds in DE and FR are starting to leave in EU and they are followed on their community forums by others in every game they go. Its quite special for these 2 countries cause they have lot of gamers and really closed community forums(max 2 each) where they do the weather and tell where you have to be. its different for english speaking people where there isn’t such a concentration and snowball afteraffect
So i don’t see how they will keep 13 servers with their tag more than 2 monthes. It ll be soon divide by at least 2
Why do you think they have free alpha key for most of games sometimes a year before launch..or are invite for demos and conventions?
The only chance of Gw2 is that they are a non stuff / non fee games so you can do a 3 month stop with no impact if you decide to comeback. But that also means it easier to leave and see how it is elsewhere for a guy with no real connection and who just want to follow the wave and fight where there is competition

(edited by Exewre.2837)


in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Sorry to interrupt the self-adulation of the top 6 EU Server, but mostly they are there cause of more players in the night and morning of EU Primetime.

There are server in the lower tiers which also have good player and good organisation, for example SFR is one very good EU Server (playerskill). I have fought against Desolation, Elona and FS and must say SFR was better in fights at EU Primetime.

Thre is no such thing as Primetime.

Therefore to talk about who is best in primetime is meaningless.

There are a a few things that are meaningful.

Recognizing the nature of the game.

Adapting to it.

Getting organinized.

Avoiding excuses

and finally the score.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7


in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Adapting to it.

That’s the thing : we can’t !
either ANet must get rid of the localized server tags so we can recruit or they have to put those servers on a separate ladder (which was the case until US guilds migrate to EU ladder)

Getting organinized.

VS is much more organized than Deso from what I have seen and read on these forums.

Avoiding excuses

Personally, I’m only trying to find solutions…
Everybody knows that the geographic coverage battle came from a flawed game design.
Now as a French player I think it has reach it’s worst, because localized server can’t fight this coverage battle. (QC players all prefer NA ladder)

Vizunah Square [FR]


in WvW

Posted by: Toubzsky.6087


Sorry to interrupt the self-adulation of the top 6 EU Server, but mostly they are there cause of more players in the night and morning of EU Primetime.

There are server in the lower tiers which also have good player and good organisation, for example SFR is one very good EU Server (playerskill). I have fought against Desolation, Elona and FS and must say SFR was better in fights at EU Primetime.

Thre is no such thing as Primetime.

Therefore to talk about who is best in primetime is meaningless.

There are a a few things that are meaningful.

Recognizing the nature of the game.

Adapting to it.

Getting organinized.

Avoiding excuses

and finally the score.

It’is funny to see this from a guild of cowards who left their server because it was to hard to organize something.

“Hey a morning crew on Blacktide ! Yeah, no need to organize something, go on the server.”

It’s like VS or AS alliance leaving their server for going on Baruch Bay because they have a big nightcrew. In the end they wouldn’t have organized something, they’d have just jumped on the server for an easy win.


in WvW

Posted by: Oton.1948


Such a sad site that mighty french servers got reduced to forum warriors….

Oton The Point Man [ThUN]

Nothing is free


in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Sorry to interrupt the self-adulation of the top 6 EU Server, but mostly they are there cause of more players in the night and morning of EU Primetime.

There are server in the lower tiers which also have good player and good organisation, for example SFR is one very good EU Server (playerskill). I have fought against Desolation, Elona and FS and must say SFR was better in fights at EU Primetime.

Thre is no such thing as Primetime.

Therefore to talk about who is best in primetime is meaningless.

There are a a few things that are meaningful.

Recognizing the nature of the game.

Adapting to it.

Getting organinized.

Avoiding excuses

and finally the score.

Oh sorry, then i will name it Player vs Doors (PvE) the easy way maybe if you like it more.

Haralin Engineer