Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


A pve patch 2 hours into WvW reset? That was your worst move to date. And there are quite a few.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Vanity.2506


They always do it during Friday’s reset. You’d think that they’d have quit doing it by now … but no.

Vanity Lionheart
That which yields is not always weak.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


We had a whole morning where they could have implemented the patch, but nope.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Masasume.5910


Na it was more the 15second notice we got prior to the kitten hitting the fan.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Blackhammer.9150


Thanks Anet not like I didn’t work my hind quarters off trying to get my Omega Golem and now Its gone for the patch you could have done all day thanks again

Siege Master and Siege Jacker of GOAT
Borlis Pass

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Look on the bright side, after this patch they will give a a notice beforehand.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Blackhammer.9150


Makes want to go find another game

Siege Master and Siege Jacker of GOAT
Borlis Pass

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Zatria.5783


Wow. This is the worst planning to date. Who comes up with these ideas?


Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


it would be one thing if the patch was going to yield something other than a lagging or disconnection event that displeases 99% of the players, but we appear to be in store for more brilliance by anet (i.e. the improved culling, that actually made culling worse)

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


seriously? on a Friday night, 2 hours into WvWvW, you know the main selling point of your game, you do a huge patch?

Put down the Crack pipe!!!

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


hey, i don’t know anything about programming, think i could get a job at anet?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Honestly guys what is with this whining.

Information that there would be a major content patch on the 15th of Dec has been out for a month.

If you knew about it, ignored it, and went ahead and dropped 50 golems still, then it’s nobodies fault but your own.

Take reponsibility for your own actions, be informed.

Yaks Bend Alliance

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: firvain.6528


and i closed Eve client for this?… Seriously Anet…

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


the download isnt even working right, does anet know anything about how to run a mmo?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Ploter.8391


A massive download for a silly PVE holiday event during primetime Friday night after server reset……..priceless.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.4561


Download currently broken, patch deployed after WvW reset when people are trying to upgrade/make ground, go go arena net!

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Blackhammer.9150


I knew the patch was supposed to come my problem is the time they put out compared to the time they actually pushed it out

Siege Master and Siege Jacker of GOAT
Borlis Pass

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Honestly guys what is with this whining.

Information that there would be a major content patch on the 15th of Dec has been out for a month.

If you knew about it, ignored it, and went ahead and dropped 50 golems still, then it’s nobodies fault but your own.

Take reponsibility for your own actions, be informed.

So much this. It’s actually impossible for anyone on this forum to claim they legitimately did not know this update was coming. It’s been well publicized that the update would be coming today, and chat in basically every zone has been inundated with talk about the impending patch since early this morning.

Everyone here knew the patch had not yet hit, but that it would be hitting in the next 6 hours. It should have come as a surprise to absolutely no one when it happened.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


broken download? are the anet programmers all the people who blizzard and bioware fired?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: firvain.6528


Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Bearded.6485


Awesome take your largest most dedicated segment of your population and make them spend and hour or 2 to download a patch they dont care about during their most important and busiest part of the week.


Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: BAZQQKA.4196


download is like 5k/s, its gonna take over 1h to complete. Very fryking funny ArenaNet. It isn’t 1 of april dudes.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


How many golems had to die for this to happen

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Zatria.5783


download is like 5k/s, its gonna take over 1h to complete. Very fryking funny ArenaNet. It isn’t 1 of april dudes.

Especially since it’s broke and not even connecting now for most of us on TS. Someone needs to be fired for this kitten poor timing.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: wish.3102


I find it odd they would choose NA prime time on a weekend to take the servers down and add a big update. That just seems stupid. Does anyone at ANet have any common sense?

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


massive fail… not even learning from mistakes… anet you really are trying to kill WvW

Please use common sense approach in future… oh wait european and wvwers dont matter as customers to you.

GG Anet

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


cant wait to see new stuff WvW was geting boring a bit lol

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

(edited by Khrums.3765)

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I have to agree, at some point the Patching Program over there at Anet needs to start sympathizing with the WvW community you are attempting to court. This is a bad move on almost 5 fronts, but aside from it being NA primtime and forcing absolutely everyone online to dl the same patch from your one site, you completely interupt the most important..and fun part of World V World..the first night. Its really hard to get people to give a crap the rest of the week when they were stopped dead in their tracks by a 2 hr pve patch.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Awesome take your largest most dedicated segment of your population and make them spend and hour or 2 to download a patch they dont care about during their most important and busiest part of the week.


Yes. Clearly they didnt release anything for wvw-and-are-ignoring-us. Clearly.
“Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here’s a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:

Advance notification of new builds
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we’re adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won’t be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.

Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.

No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won’t be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.

Breakout events
We’ve added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They’re designed both to help players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here’s what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:

Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team’s start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander’s presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.

These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we’re hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We’re not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we’ll start to reveal more of our secrets.

Happy Wintersday and we’ll see you on the battlefield!"

No excuses for the slow/non-existent download though.

Yaks Bend Alliance

(edited by Jan.4830)

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Farout.8207


At least we weren’t finishing up an epic battle with tons of loot bags on the ground just waiting to be collected… Oh wait we were! Nice job Anet!

~ Cleetus

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Cankathan.5182


I find it odd they would choose NA prime time on a weekend to take the servers down and add a big update. That just seems stupid. Does anyone at ANet have any common sense?

This, there is no logical explanation for what they are doing. Unless they are sabotaging their own company.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I vote WvW Server independence from PVE servers!! NOWZ!


Jade Quarry

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: PaulV.3245


connection error… opening night…. huge patch…. is not fun…. as you very well know…. your servers struggle

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


Honestly guys what is with this whining.

Information that there would be a major content patch on the 15th of Dec has been out for a month.

If you knew about it, ignored it, and went ahead and dropped 50 golems still, then it’s nobodies fault but your own.

Take reponsibility for your own actions, be informed.

So much this. It’s actually impossible for anyone on this forum to claim they legitimately did not know this update was coming. It’s been well publicized that the update would be coming today, and chat in basically every zone has been inundated with talk about the impending patch since early this morning.

Everyone here knew the patch had not yet hit, but that it would be hitting in the next 6 hours. It should have come as a surprise to absolutely no one when it happened.

You are both correct:0
But it’s the 14TH guys…>>>> READ your calander as you say BE informed…not being mean just say-n

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/Yaksbend.com
“Winter is Coming”

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: THuGaNoMiX.5036


You guys can’t be serious. Go take a jog or something and relax. The game isn’t going anywhere, it just went down for a bit.

It is almost sickening watching people get so upset over a video game.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


I vote WvW Server independence from PVE servers!! NOWZ!


why in gods name would anyone pve in this game? there’s no end game content, no raids, the dungeons are repetitive…for the world explorer title? for more jumping puzzles?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


You guys can’t be serious. Go take a jog or something and relax. The game isn’t going anywhere, it just went down for a bit.

It is almost sickening watching people get so upset over a video game.

then go read something else.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


why now just on middle fights after reset???? you just pi## off whole wvw community in eu

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


Awesome take your largest most dedicated segment of your population and make them spend and hour or 2 to download a patch they dont care about during their most important and busiest part of the week.


Yes. Clearly they didnt release anything for wvw-and-are-ignoring-us. Clearly.
“Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here’s a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:

Advance notification of new builds
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we’re adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won’t be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.

Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.

No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won’t be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.

Breakout events
We’ve added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They’re designed both to help players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here’s what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:

Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team’s start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander’s presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.

These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we’re hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We’re not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we’ll start to reveal more of our secrets.

Happy Wintersday and we’ll see you on the battlefield!"

No excuses for the slow/non-existent download though.

lmao….how difficult is it to put in a notification? errr, then again they’ve seemed to have failed on culling not once, but twice.

and a npc commander…who will basically take back a tower or keep for you. so this is like….the opposite of the orbs?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Hartman.4267


My problem here is…. There was no warning WHATSOEVER… well i guess 30 seconds, but more like 30 minutes would have been nice, first, these are just personal issues… but i’m sure people on about EVERY server had this problem too. Its reset night, ANET knew tons of people would be on, the least they could do was give out a warning. A few others and myself lost a few omega golems, not only 5 gold but the skill points too.

Raptor Hartman
Warrior of Maguuma – June 29, 2013
Proud member of Seraphim Martyrs [BURN]

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Look on the bright side, after this patch they will give a a notice beforehand.

Sorry to burst your bubble…..butttt

“Update 12/14: This feature is still coming but due to some unforeseen technical difficulties it won’t be ready in time for the Wintersday build. We’re working to resolve the remaining issues and will turn on the new build advance notification system as soon as it’s ready.”


Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

y do they always do these right after an reset? i have slow internet and now have to wait over an hr to download so i can play. STOP DOING THE RESETS ON FRIDAY NIGHT

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


More than half our raid went to bed… Probably 2/3rds…
We were about 30 people.

AND the points kept ticking, so the patch update made us lag behind without us being able to do anything about it

That rage on TS… >_<

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


In the option settings of the game, you can select to show server time. It might help those who get confused between time zones and server time. This updating was all done on the morning of Dec. 15th Server time.

You can also go to the wiki in any web browser and check the server time on the top right of any page.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


PS…. Imagine if there was only a thousand points difference between 1st and 2nd and they decided to update an hour before the reset? It could have been timed much worse than at the very beginning of the week.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.