Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Wow break out the cheese for this thread. There have been orb altar problems. There has been rendering problems. There have been huge zerg V zerg fights at most Lord’s rooms.

LOL at the guy who says he leads us Yaks!!! The way we stumble around I sure wouldn’t claim to be a leader! I didn’t catch his name and titles…

Oh and F Da Goons! heh fun times out there with you Mags

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: gloombot.3519


Getting hit by trebs at certain locations that aren’t able to be countered has happened against us in every single matchup by every single server and isn’t something I’d call an exploit.

I highly doubt the keep was bugged intentionally or the same people would do it to every single keep on the map, cuz why not? (I disagree with exploiting but lets be honest, cheaters don’t.) So more than likely this was Anet’s fault and nothing intentional by Mag against Ebay.

Yak’s Bend did have at least 1 hacker on early Saturday morning. The orb was just 1 hacking maneuver that was conducted against Ebay and Mag. Mag had some things done to it to (not orb, ours was bugged “thankfully”) but locations were taken.

Lastly, I won’t go on to keep the alliance rumors from last week alive, but any people who are claiming TC and Mag didn’t fight in Eternal last week are completely ignorant. We’ve posted a dozen screenshots of scores, being spawn camped in Eternal by TC, and other things. I have many of these screenshots, so unless you have counter evidence (how could you) please stop spreading lies. It’s really giving Ebay a worse name.

As for Maguuma, good job guys! Love that we’re finally uniting and having some good communication and working better as a team. Special thanks to Goon and SFD which have really stepped it up and provided a good venue for us all to unite on. Really has changed my perception on you guys.

Doom Bot – One Man Riot [iRez] – Maguuma – Guardian

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Lego.7085


“Maguuma needs to cheat to win!”

When was the last time Maguuma won anything? What when they were up against Anvil Rock during release? If Maguuma was cheating, don’t you think they would have won at least one match in the past 5 matchups? What the hell are you people talking about?

Way to blame your failings on a server just because Goons rolled there. Yes Goons control EvE online. That is the ONLY game they dominate everyone.

That is it.

And besides, why in the hell would Maguuma make “alliances” just to end up in second place ALL the time? And for what? Gold? Badges? Maguuma has dropped in rank ever since the game went live. Maguuma has a hard enough time communicating with it’s self let alone other servers.

Maguuma posts up trebs in places they saw other servers place trebs. They got annihilated the past 3 matchups. So placing a treb is a no-no, but capping all the supply just before the tick just for the points is business as usual? That isn’t unsportsman-like in any way?

What the hell are you people on about?

(edited by Lego.7085)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: BlueOrange.5740


There’s widespread disappointment within Yak’s Bend that someone from our server did indeed use hacking to grab an orb. Requests for people to send relevant records to ANet went out for some time afterwards.

There is no such thing as a ‘hacking server’ or a ‘not hacking server’, but we do make an effort to keep our house clean.

If you refuse to compete because a player on the other team committed a foul, that’s your decision, but the reality is that it happens, and either you get over it or you don’t.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Excorsism.1362


Just looking at the scores, I feel like my server just gave up somewhere along the lines. It’s kinda sad. Oh well.

We tend to do okay during the day but once night passes over, we fall even more behind because of the lack of a night force, etc. I’m not giving up per say but this is where the problems of WvWvW rears its ugly head. It just doesn’t work.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Blue Orange, it’s great that Yak’s Bend is so disappointed. Unfortunately, Yak’s Bend is also still benefiting from it. Maguuma is also benefiting from a bugged keep. It’s very difficult to maintain contrition when you’re openly benefiting from a hack and telling EB to “get over it.”

EB has had a second week of our server being ganged up on, hacked, and exploited. If you can’t see why people would react with disappointment and not engaging in WvW, maybe you should end your victory lap and look around a second. It certainly has caused some of my friends to just not bother with WvW if hackers and exploits are going to be the name of the game.

Yeah. You’re demonstrably false. I’ll start showing you the map records.

This is true. Maguuma and TC did attack each other. It was when TC pretty much decided that they no longer had a use for Maguuma in the last few days of the match. They then ran right over Maguuma in very short order. However, there is no doubt that Maguuma and TC had an alliance in many EB areas. In fact, I saw many assaults where Maguuma was flanking one direction was TC flanked the other. They would ignore each other completely and assault anything EB.

There was coordination regardless of if it was formal or not. TC and Maguuma were clearly working together for a majority of last week.

(edited by cainejw.7142)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

As someone who has lead quite a few fights against MAG from Tarnished Coast, I hope Mag wins here… just so I can slaughter more of them. For some reason, I just love going after Mag players and guilds. No real reason for the “hate,” just love the battles we have.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Thurbleton.5841


I’m one of the [Bomb] leaders for WvW and I just want to see a fair fight. I’ve heard reports of someone on my server hacking an orb and for that I (and other big wvw leaders) apologize on behalf of our server. I’ve heard Mag has broken their orb to be perm for them as well.

Whenever [Bomb] is running in force we will only be going for the higher score team, so until ehmry catches up in overall points we will be focusing at magumma.

Goon Squad and Starfleet Dental, COME AT US BRO

WTB Keg Brawl in Custom PVP → Key Brawl Tourneys!

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Getting hit by trebs at certain locations that aren’t able to be countered has happened against us in every single matchup by every single server and isn’t something I’d call an exploit.

I highly doubt the keep was bugged intentionally or the same people would do it to every single keep on the map, cuz why not? (I disagree with exploiting but lets be honest, cheaters don’t.) So more than likely this was Anet’s fault and nothing intentional by Mag against Ebay.

Trebbing from the top of a keep that is bugged and cannot be taken is pretty low though.

Really, despite how bad having someone steal your orb through a glitch/hack is. Having your garrison in your own borderlands taken then glitched so you can’t take it back is 1000x worse. At least you can recover from having an orb stolen through illegitimate means by taking it back later. The keep on the other hand, to be honest, pretty much guarantees our loss.

To give an example for people who aren’t familiar with the borderlands and are more specialized in EB. It would be like if the enemy took your keep then glitched it so that the keep cannot be taken back by you. If that happens you have virtually no chance of doing anything significant in EB. Yes, sometimes it does glitch where the original team can’t lose the keep, but that’s not super threatening. That’s just an eyesore to anyone trying to push you out of the zone. Permanently losing the keep on the other hand is just something that’s impossible to come back from, and pretty much seals us out from competing for 1/4th of the total points. So post saying “Hurr hurr hurr why Emmy doing so bad? Cry Moar” Especially when it’s coming from a server with a permanent garrison in enemy borderlands and a permanent orb just makes your server look like trash.

Now I wish I could say with 100% certainty that it was an accident, but when looking at what would have had to happen for things to be set up like this I can’t. I can understand how the home team sometimes manages to glitch their own keep. It’s only natural that the home team would fortify up garrison and place the orb there over anywhere else. Mag on the other hand would have to take our keep and decide to place an orb and defend it there. I’m not sure about you, but this sounds like a very stupid idea. Generally you would want the orb in the keep nearest to your initial spawn as that’s the easiest place to defend for you. Sure, it could of been an accident and happened by dumb luck, but compounded with the fact that this is the second week in a row that they somehow happen to have a bugged orb in their own keep I’m starting to suspect otherwise.

(edited by Supersun.4603)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


There was coordination regardless of if it was formal or not.

And, with a single sentence, everything you just said sounds silly. To say nothing of why strategies aligned that way. You take what you can in a battle. Not what you want. EB was weak. Both the other servers knew it. After a meager lead early on, it was obvious they’d get attacked. And they failed to account for it properly.

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Lego.7085


I’m one of the [Bomb] leaders for WvW and I just want to see a fair fight. I’ve heard reports of someone on my server hacking an orb and for that I (and other big wvw leaders) apologize on behalf of our server. I’ve heard Mag has broken their orb to be perm for them as well.

Whenever [Bomb] is running in force we will only be going for the higher score team, so until ehmry catches up in overall points we will be focusing at magumma.

Goon Squad and Starfleet Dental, COME AT US BRO


Get out spy.

:3 uguu~ Also I love ReiSama.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


Jamaz I’ma smack you next time I see your icon lol look what you did. This was a joke thread started for FUN.Now everyones taking it out of proportion. You want the low down on whats going on? Last week EB got matched against Maguuma and TC. As we all know, while there wasn’t some conspiracy alliance between butthurt TC and Mag, there was still some weird stuff going on.

There were “spies” sent into the different servers to look at what each servers group was doing. BTW, that’s complete BS. Ppl just had friends in the other servers that would talk on vent, mumble, etc. While I don’t doubt that maybe it might have been done on purpose, I’m 100% sure there were no secret agents, although our guild [GH] did notice that a player joined our guild, and got on vent. After that, for the next 2 hours, every single strat we were using was being countered amazingly fast. I think it was just a coincidence, but looking at the rage from these posts, I wouldn’t put it past some of these ppl.

As for the orb, it was just a coincidence. It was the basic mesmer/thief trick. You get into a fort or keep, and u hide a mesmer and/or a thief somewhere in there. Then, once the enemies off guard, the mesmer portals an entire zerg into the base. Well, a thief did that. There was a wall glitch that was exploited where he could jump over and around a wall ledge and get inside. Because the altar holding the orb wasn’t in a contested keep, when his dumb butt broke the altar, instead of being able to steal the orb (like a THIEF should do) the orb glitched. This much I know for certain. Now, as to the specific orb glitch, idk whether it had reset where it originally was, or what, but I know the thief used a glitch because I saw one of our idiotic drones (Sorry, EB’s “zerg” hasn’t upgraded itself to the level of zergling yet, they’re still kitten drones imo) blabbed on team chat about trying it.

I’m sorry this is a long post, but I’m long winded and I’m kind of frustrated with what’s going on in WvW. We still have idiots talking about spies and TC/Mag and Yak/Mag team ups, when really it was EB’s fault we got targeted last week. We stole the orb as soon as the match reset… kinda paints a target on your head taking a huge lead like that. So enough of that. Another frustrating thing is EB’s drones SUCK. I’m not saying they never do stuff right, and I’m not saying it’s all the none GH, LGN, AoE, or AO guildies. I’m saying it’s the 15 drones I saw attacking Bluebriar tonight. 3 Mags show up, and the drones move from the half built flame ram on a 50% gate to go chase these 3 Mags down. Meanwhile they get flanked and lose the momentum, letting Mag not only secure Bluebriar, but take Redlake also. I swear, me and my guildies sometimes hate reading map chap. We try to attack a key position we’ve been working on weakening for a bit, and then map chat explodes with “omg help us drones please we’re so weak and unworthy, someone save this 1 tower!”. Exaggerated but still.

Also, EB has 0 night presence, low population server, and only 3-4 major wvw guilds that seem to be sensible. Meanwhile Mag has GOON (my god I LOVE fights with them) and a seriously big coordinated zergling offense. Yes, Mag gets zerglings, why? Becuase when they want to attack stuff, the zerglings with all these different guild tags, come together, and form some mighty zergling rush that overrun our dornes with ease. Add to the fact that Mag has great overnights.. yeah. And Yaks are just annoying. TBH, the fights with them are pretty much we’ll roll over Yaks and then they back off for a bit. IDK, it’s 4 AM.

TL;DR: there are no spies, yes theres glitching exploits, but I’ve only seen one legit, there are no alliances that I know of, EB’s zerg is kitten low pop server with no overnight, and yet, we still hold on because we’re the fuggin greatest.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


There was a glitching exploit. If you check the other post, Yak’s Bend had actually apologized for it since it was the act of a single person. You assume that Ehmry Bay is just making excuses when the person exploiting has a name “Boss Kantot” Kennethzxc.2194 and has already been reported by both servers.

The orb altar broke and traveled in a straight line to their garrison without any deviation from terrain due to manipulation of the character’s z-axis. This is a common exploit now since it’s popular. Do not assume our server is ignorant; it is an insult to the twenty Ehmry Bay players who spent 8 hours that night fighting Yak’s Bend with the most coordinated effort we’ve ever have.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

(edited by Jamaz.9837)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: datbabykilla.4307


Ebay takes their exploits to supply camp exploiting invulnerable area.

They really seem bent on winning WvW at any cost, including their server’s reputation.


Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Ebay takes their exploits to supply camp exploiting invulnerable area.

They really seem bent on winning WvW at any cost, including their server’s reputation.

Mag is spawn camping Ebay after glitching their garrison.

They must really be desperate to farm those Badges.


(edited by Supersun.4603)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Manjo.1230


The forums make me cringe to be an Ehmry right now. Team up, kill dudes, and move out. Stop crying, stop blaming goons and play hours, and for the love of the quaggans stop dying like lemmings trying to res someone who just died to a cannon.

Oh, and join a group. It’s a huge advantage when you know you can count on someone past zerg mentality.

Manjo – Ehmry Bay – Pink-Booted Mesmer

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


There was coordination regardless of if it was formal or not.

And, with a single sentence, everything you just said sounds silly. To say nothing of why strategies aligned that way. You take what you can in a battle. Not what you want. EB was weak. Both the other servers knew it. After a meager lead early on, it was obvious they’d get attacked. And they failed to account for it properly.

All you’ve basically said is that it’s OK for Maguuma and TC to have an alliance because it’s “a battle.” I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Guild Wars 2 is a video game. It is not “a battle.”

Interesting that you call EB weak. I was involved in a battle where EB held off the Maguuma and TC alliance for an hour as both sides attempted to take one location. We were pretty weak to hold off two servers for such a large amount of time.

I realize that you have a distorted view of how this game works. That’s OK. You think that this is actually “a battle” and “war” to be “won” at any cost. I happen to think it’s a collaborative video game where many people come together to have fun without having to break the rules or play bullies.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


All you’ve basically said is that it’s OK for Maguuma and TC to have an alliance because it’s “a battle.” I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Guild Wars 2 is a video game. It is not “a battle.”

Interesting that you call EB weak. I was involved in a battle where EB held off the Maguuma and TC alliance for an hour as both sides attempted to take one location. We were pretty weak to hold off two servers for such a large amount of time.

I realize that you have a distorted view of how this game works. That’s OK. You think that this is actually “a battle” and “war” to be “won” at any cost. I happen to think it’s a collaborative video game where many people come together to have fun without having to break the rules or play bullies.

So it’s a game when talking other people talk about it, but it’s a battle when you talk about it? Ok.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: PoiSonPeZ.4286


If Ehmry Bay wants to man-up, there’s an Orb in a keep right by their spawn camp.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


So it’s a game when talking other people talk about it, but it’s a battle when you talk about it? Ok.

Pardon? I have no clue what you just said.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Sigh, it pains me that I have schoolwork to do when Ehmry Bay needs me.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.

If he is taking damage from the player that is invulnerable, then that IS exploiting. If the target is in the invulnerable spawn area, the target should not be able to deal damage to players outside of it.

What was that about a troll?

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.

If he is taking damage from the player that is invulnerable, then that IS exploiting. If the target is in the invulnerable spawn area, the target should not be able to deal damage to players outside of it.

What was that about a troll?

Or maybe if your target is in their spawn area and is invulnerable you shouldn’t run up so close that they can hit you? That’s not exploitation. That’s just common sense. There’s a reason they put legendary archers near every other entrance to a spawn area :/

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: BlueOrange.5740


If we had a way to give the orb back after it was hacked, we would use it. If the GMs had a way to give the orb back after it gets hacked, I assume they would use it. Changes and improvements to the code are in the works.

In the meantime, you can throw your hands in the air, or you can keep fighting. We got hacked against last week towards the beginning of the match, and a lot of people threw their hands in the air. I’m disappointed by the reaction to the hacking as much as I’m disappointed by the hacking when it happens.

Please don’t give up – I had much more fun last week with a 2:1:1 score ratio (we came third) than the week before, where it was 10:1:1 and we were the 10.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Notensack.9268


Yaks is full of terrible pvpers. Maguuma is full of terrible pvpers. The only reason Yak won’t win with the larger population is that they have less dedication to exploiting.

This is how we do it
Run Like Hell recruitment

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Killbottom.9016


This thread is legitimately hilarious. There are no alliances between any of the servers. Someone glitching the orb sucks, but whatever, you can’t freak out about one bad apple that kitten happens. As for EB’s garrison being screwed with the invulnerable bug, yeah that sucks but it happens sometimes. It happened to Maguuma last week. It’s not something that some server-wide cheating conspiracy caused.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

This kills me, people are still believing TC ever allied with Mag? Lol, we’re practically Browns and Steelers as far as I’m concerned.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


If your garrison is bugged with an invulnerable keep lord there is a fix in the works, acknowledged by a dev on this forum on the 26th September. Until that fix rolls out, the best thing you can do is siege the garrison constantly so the waypoint is permanently contested.

I know this happened in Ehmry Bay’s Borderlands over the weekend because I was in that borderland when it happened. We are not sure how it happened. Since it cannot be taken, there is no need to defend it.

As far as I am aware we do not have anyone on our server doing things like no clipping/orb hacks/whatever, but everyone in server wide voice comms essentially agrees that if anyone discovers someone doing it in our shop, we are giving that person up. We’ve had our orb hacked three times over the weekend and its getting tiresome. We even caught the second guy on screenshot no clipping through West Keep floor.

Link =

I appreciate the organized presence on every server will not be able to control every individual on their server which is cool, but we can agree to give up people who do this because it makes the game terrible to play.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


Lots of people cry about hacking when they lose, but the fact is that it’s a minority on each server that are guilty of hacking and it doesn’t affect the overall state of the match.

Maguuma may be bad at WvW, but you’re only losing to us because you’re worse. Buck up and give us a challenge, we don’t want to dominate the match any more than you want to be owned. We want big battles and keeps to take. Less QQ, more pew pew and all that.

Maguuma players have stacks of screenshots of the other two servers hacking our alters and stealing our orbs. Hopefully anet will ban these people, but you can clearly see that it doesn’t actually affect the game. Except for the garrison thing – which is funny, because it was Emry bay attempting to exploit by placing the orb through the floor while we were capping the keep which resulted in it being glitched in our favour. Good job guys!

Anyway, maybe consider crying less and playing more while we wait for Anet to fix the exploits and ban the hackers.

(edited by Chalky.8540)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: ArthurCrackpot.6815


EBayers, has it occurred to you that maybe you’re losing because you’re poorly organized and easily demoralized? I mean, you’re pretty much proving you’re easily demoralized since you’re too busy whining and making up conspiracies about why you’re losing to actually play and turn this around. So the Garrison is bugged? Big deal, exact same bug happened in your favor when we nearly captured it last week. Organize your players and take some territory to mitigate that loss.

On the flip side, props to all the Yaks for being more mature about this. So far, you guys have been the only real threat to our early lead, and you still have till Friday to edge us out.

Ara Ni Pylok : Necromancer : Maguuma : [PYRO]

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


While I’m not saying that hacking doesn’t ever occur I think you are probably blaming more incidences on losing your orb to hacking then just plain negligence.

As far as I know I don’t know of any Ebay players that are hacking your orb. I just know you guys are blind as a bat and couldn’t find an enemy player hiding in your keep to save your life. (Some people might have been portal glitching a small army through a gate, but that’s hard to tell as it could have just been a hidden mesmer as well)

I mean when I go from manning an arrow cart in the keep against a 20 man zerg to successfully running away and hiding around the keep area in DB (the place with virtually no hiding spots :/) for 15ish minutes before I go kill your altar, that’s just your own kitten fault.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Zuggy.4501


Having played most of my Sunday I will say that Yak’s and Ebay need to learn some basic tactics. If you see 5 people down trying to get one person up who died to mortar fire, don’t run in there too. I’m sitting on the dread wall on a mortar and take one guy out and ended getting 8 kills before Yak’s decided, “Maybe it’s a good idea to not try and rez them with a mortar bombing that location.”

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


I’ve seen Mag do the same except it was against 3 ballistas instead.

Bads will be bads.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


I just know you guys are blind as a bat and couldn’t find an enemy player hiding in your keep to save your life.

Personally, I’m glad that ArenaNet have made the game so accessible that a server made up entirely of people with no eyesight can still completely dominate the other servers they’re up against.

I’m glad that you appreciate the trouble we have simply finding our computers before we are able to log into the game and take all your stuff, and that this makes you feel better about the score. We’re all winners in the end, so chin up.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: StSickness.4527


Not going to pretend I know all about your situation. But server/server alliances make me sick in any case. You should feel bad

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


Not going to pretend I know all about your situation. But server/server alliances make me sick in any case. You should feel bad

Sick Brah, no conspiracy theory?

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Was waiting to see someone start this thread after last week’s whine-fest.

Keep the laughs comming. EB, guess that without TC there to play the part of our “sworn enemy” (they were upset about taking 3rd two weeks ago), EB just can’t handle it.

And before you start off about “bugged garrison etc.” Lets remember that last week, the same thing happened in YOUR favor, and you still complained about being picked on.

Also, you would be getting stomped worse if it weren’t for your orb hacking.

This is all for now, commence with the crying.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.

Goonswarm propaganda is normally a lot better. You’ll have to forgive them. I think they have a lot of new people for GW2, or likely just none of the real leadership came to GW2. I imagine they’ll get it sorted out in time. We’ll just have to put up with “0/10” trolling for a while.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


Yeah… nowhere in that picture is exploiting invul. thats being spawn camped. I do not see any siege equipment bombarding the supply camp below. fail troll is fail.

Goonswarm propaganda is normally a lot better. You’ll have to forgive them. I think they have a lot of new people for GW2, or likely just none of the real leadership came to GW2. I imagine they’ll get it sorted out in time. We’ll just have to put up with “0/10” trolling for a while.

All goons in every game are the same goons. You can tell by the way they use the word “goon”.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


All goons in every game are the same goons. You can tell by the way they use the word “goon”.

Every goon from EVE came to GW2? Amazing! 100% transfer rate from game to game is pretty good. Usually some people don’t like both games.

So what happened to your level of trolling? You have to admit, it’s not been very good. Too obvious and not remotely clever. It’s been a terrible disappointment. I assumed you were impostors.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


All goons in every game are the same goons. You can tell by the way they use the word “goon”.

Every goon from EVE came to GW2? Amazing! 100% transfer rate from game to game is pretty good. Usually some people don’t like both games.

So what happened to your level of trolling? You have to admit, it’s not been very good. Too obvious and not remotely clever. It’s been a terrible disappointment. I assumed you were impostors.

I hear that reddit also has a guild on gw2. I wonder who is running their EVE corp in their absence…?

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


While I’m not saying that hacking doesn’t ever occur I think you are probably blaming more incidences on losing your orb to hacking then just plain negligence.

As far as I know I don’t know of any Ebay players that are hacking your orb. I just know you guys are blind as a bat and couldn’t find an enemy player hiding in your keep to save your life. (Some people might have been portal glitching a small army through a gate, but that’s hard to tell as it could have just been a hidden mesmer as well)

I mean when I go from manning an arrow cart in the keep against a 20 man zerg to successfully running away and hiding around the keep area in DB (the place with virtually no hiding spots :/) for 15ish minutes before I go kill your altar, that’s just your own kitten fault.

The two times I saw it happen yesterday in west keep we got screenshots of Yak’s Bend Invaders attacking our orb and inner gate from underground. Garrison, who knows (if you do “know” then show us pics). East keep, we owned from the start and nobody ever got into inner. I don’t think we are wrongly blaming any ninjas as orb hacks, but perhaps blaming the wrong people. Ehmry Bay is doing it too though, so oh well!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


While I’m not saying that hacking doesn’t ever occur I think you are probably blaming more incidences on losing your orb to hacking then just plain negligence.

As far as I know I don’t know of any Ebay players that are hacking your orb. I just know you guys are blind as a bat and couldn’t find an enemy player hiding in your keep to save your life.

No, check the screenshots in the link I posted. We caught a Yak’s Bend Invader no clipping through the floor of our keep.

We routinely check every inch of fortifications when we take them for Mesmers. If you gank us like that then gg to you. But the guy beneath the floor was just silly…

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Kyrul.7681


I’m from Maguuma:

I’ve been on WvW for hours a day this weekend, and I haven’t seen any foul play from our server.

Goons — I don’t know why there’s so much hate for Goons. I’m not a part of them but other than being absurdly large they haven’t done anything worth frowning upon.

The glitched garrision — no one I’ve talked to knows why it’s like that. I’m sorry, but we can’t do anything about it either.

Orb hacking — Ehmry Bay nabbed an orb from our west keep (forgot which borderland) from underground. The inner keep had not been breached in any way. As far as I know no one on our server has done anything like this, or at least not to the awareness of the general population.

“Unkillable” trebuchets on garrison — I’ve seen at least Yak’s Bend do this too. And they actually took out our trebs there at some point, so it’s not untouchable.

Other that the mentioned points, I haven’t seen anything wrong with the fight. We appear to have a stronger night crew, which is kind of funny considering TC’s night crew was the reason we were getting rolled so hard the last matchup. It may be because we’ve made a considerable effort to become more organized every since the new matchup started.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: norman.7026


Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that the telltale sign that the orb has been glitched out from under us is that the keep altar gets in a perma-broken state. We had to actually give up the keep and then take it back to be able to put the orb back—and then, not long after, Yak’s glitched it again.

I can’t be in WvW 24/7, so maybe one or two times losing the orb was due to a stealth mesmer portal or something, but you can’t tell me that this is a valid tactic.

There’s a lot of paranoid mud-slinging and rumor-mongering going on about just about every server here (for the record, nobody on Maguuma to my knowledge has made any sort of alliance with any other server—at least not the couple of different goon guilds), so I’m not going to say that Yak’s Bend intends to play dirty. But I’d hope at the very least that the responsible players from this Kaon guild (and any other players exploiting this trick) get a ban.

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


I’m from Maguuma:

I’ve been on WvW for hours a day this weekend, and I haven’t seen any foul play from our server.

Goons — I don’t know why there’s so much hate for Goons. I’m not a part of them but other than being absurdly large they haven’t done anything worth frowning upon.

The glitched garrision — no one I’ve talked to knows why it’s like that. I’m sorry, but we can’t do anything about it either.

Orb hacking — Ehmry Bay nabbed an orb from our west keep (forgot which borderland) from underground. The inner keep had not been breached in any way. As far as I know no one on our server has done anything like this, or at least not to the awareness of the general population.

“Unkillable” trebuchets on garrison — I’ve seen at least Yak’s Bend do this too. And they actually took out our trebs there at some point, so it’s not untouchable.

Other that the mentioned points, I haven’t seen anything wrong with the fight. We appear to have a stronger night crew, which is kind of funny considering TC’s night crew was the reason we were getting rolled so hard the last matchup. It may be because we’ve made a considerable effort to become more organized every since the new matchup started.

i haven’t seen a server yet, even in the beta.. that didn’t do the garrison trebuchet thing. I’m on Yaks and i can guarantee you we do it constantly in every fight. just as we have it done to us all the time.

and ya, we don’t have as much of a night crew as we seemed to have a couple of weeks ago. but unless i’m crazy maguuma has a lot of euros.. it was actually US 9am ish that you guys capped out 100% of EB the past two days.

we held out the night.. its that US morning timezone that gets us in this matchup.

-Desirz Matheon

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


All you’ve basically said is that it’s OK for Maguuma and TC to have an alliance because it’s “a battle.”

No, what I said was that it’s perfectly fine and, in fact, intelligent to have your force attack another that’s already engaged on one front. And that it’s fine for two realms, largely independent of each other (and make no mistake, this is true) to attack the force with the advantage.

EB took an early lead. But they rushed it. And in doing so, they made themselves the natural target of their opponents because that early into the week, you cut off potential leads faster before they can snowball into something that can’t be stopped. The servers Ehmry faced knew this, having come off their match with Dragonbrand. So they acted on a lesson they learned in the previous match: don’t let one enemy gain the lead and run away with it.

It’s not a hard concept to understand, actually. And I feel bad having to explain it here because this thread (and the one it was based on) is a joke thread. So, be jovial. Seething over something that isn’t true and (to steal from you a bit) is only a video game…well, it’s not going to do wonders for your blood pressure, that’s for sure.

PS. You got mad at me for using the term battle and then used it yourself. I believe that’s what saiyr was talking about before.

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: gloombot.3519


For what it’s worth, the treb’s placed on garrison that shoot down on WEST KEEP that are ‘untouchable’ are actually able to be killed by placing ballistas and using their second ability near the sentry location.

Yak’s did this to us on Mag borderlands. Then we used the same tactic against them on their own borderlands. So they’re not untouchable.

Even with that counter, it’s still a great location to siege from, and I think most servers will continue to do it.

Doom Bot – One Man Riot [iRez] – Maguuma – Guardian

(edited by gloombot.3519)

Ehmry Bay, Yak's Bend, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


We need alot more European guilds and players to get in touch with us. Weekends are not characteristic of how the rest of the week will pan out because alot of us have jobs or college. On weekends though we have the most amazing assortment of poopsockers that will go 16 hours for the cause. I’m very happy on this server and what we are beginning to do in terms of community outreach and wouldn’t want to play anywhere else.

I’m disappointed to hear that Emry players are giving up. I can respect Yaks even after that Kaon guy jacked us because Yaks have been making as work all weekend. At Emry’s borderland yesterday they turned the screws for hours until they broke us. They made us work in our own Borderland and in their own Borderland. So respect goes out for that. You guys use a stupid amount of siege though. Its like theres some kind of unwritten rule that if you can’t break it, build more siege until it falls…