Exciting news, everyone! Exciting news everywhere!
Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone
Exciting news, everyone! Exciting news everywhere!
Well i play on elona since release, and in the last 2 weeks we got 1 guild by 15 ppl to our server, thats it. What changed is the fact that, we solved our intern problems nothing more.
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach
Well i play on elona since release, and in the last 2 weeks we got 1 guild by 15 ppl to our server, thats it. What changed is the fact that, we solved our intern problems nothing more.
Asura – Desolation
ye we recruited alot
some oversea help from our german colony Malorca and Rügen
This was a joke in case someone didn’t notice.
Elona never actively recruited and because of our language it’s not possible for us to recruit different timezones anyway. Few players from other german servers might have transfered but it’s definitly a minority that’s not causing the difference.
Many people start to regain fun and startet playing all night long after seeing our improvements and current state in the matchup. It’s probably temporary because I got the feeling deso and arbor are suffering more from the xmas holidays. Compared to older days our ques are short, even in primetime. However, I’m happy with the development, hopefully most of the players will keep playing even if things get worse someday!
About Elonaplayers QQing if you guys try to recurit oversea guilds: Don’t take it personally. Since we don’t have the possibility to recruit players for our nights it always feels like a punch in the face if you get steamroled by nightzergs from oversea. If anything is to blame it’s the system, not you. Though, you should atleast understand that people get angry about it and don’t get too mad at us for complaining
You come back into to tier 2 and complain even though your winning. So what if Desolation are recruiting guilds, whats it got to do with you lot?
If your complaining now wait until you meet all the nationalities of Blacktide and Seafarer’s Rest.
Asura – Desolation
The main issue here is Single Language servers.
Read on before the keyboard warriors rally to defend their homelands.
In my opinion
Its not the fault of SP/GER/FR etc players, its a fault with “gaming companies” ( not just Anet ) as a whole making these dedicated [insert language here] only servers. This is now 2012/13 the Internet has been around a long time now ( in todays terms ) and I personally couldn’t care less who speaks what language on the server I play on.
WvW is 24hr, Anet have said this. If I was a German, Spannish or French player on Arbo/Elona/BB etc I’d be annoyed that my server wasn’t classed as international. Since Anet has already put your servers at a disadvantage because of the language you speak.
I know that there still is people out there in single language servers that will and do say
“I dont want to have to speak in another language to play the game i want”
Well, imo they are narrow-minded, and guess what! if they don’t want to the don’t have too this is called the power of choice!
Magic right?
This is getting long now…
Remove single language servers, international servers only… its only a game
I dont know where u got the idea that we recruited guilds in elona. The german servers dont have a rly good relationship with each other and we got just one guild with 15 people, as Koralun said, and they are there since some weaks already, nothing else. We had rly big intern problems, like the bigest guild split apart and we just couldnt put such a nightcrew anymore like we did the first week in t1 just because its not possible to keep something like that up with one timezone, so people got pretty demotivated after we lost in t1. We tried to fix our Orga since i dont know anymore how many weeks and atm its looking rly good.
Epic fight at deso borderlands Hill. we nearly got ya but than ur zerg got 1 mesmer in o.O.
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach
Epic fight at deso borderlands Hill. we nearly got ya but than ur zerg got 1 mesmer in o.O.
Yup, a cheating one.
Not really surprised by how this thread has turned, same as usual.
I asked a simple question of Elona of how/why you had such superior numbers from 3 weeks ago. Apparently its due to resolving internal issues and no one has transfered to you, ok i’ll accept that.
When have we ever tried to recruit an overseas guild? We did not invite ruin to join us. They just came. Since they left (months ago) we have had no American night team on our server, or do you know something i don’t?
As for Deso yes as always we are looking for more wvw guilds. I know you guys enjoy walking all over us when we have the outmanned buff alot of the time, and prefer we stayed this way. But sadly it is not much fun for us being unable to get a queue going in any border including EB at any time.
Deso has one guild which can field more than 15 people on a daily basis in wvw. How’s that compare to you poor guys who can only recruit players from your own country? Oh wait Austrian’s speak German, hmm what about Swiss, Belgium’s, Luxembourg? Or are they just part of greater Germany?
Epic fight at deso borderlands Hill. we nearly got ya but than ur zerg got 1 mesmer in o.O.
Yup, a cheating one.
I personaly doubt that
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach
Epic fight at deso borderlands Hill. we nearly got ya but than ur zerg got 1 mesmer in o.O.
Yup, a cheating one.
I personaly doubt that
Glad to hear it.
Speaking as one of the huge pile of corpses you made on the floor, I suspect they did the usual distortion evasion with a hint of invis. Thought it was a darn impressive last stand you nearly pulled off.
Are we back to throwing mud at eachother and making wild accusations, or is it really too hard for some people to at least try and show one another a little bit more respect and keep this thread civilized without moderator intervention?
Thank you and Merry Christmas; peace in the world and all that.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
When have we ever tried to recruit an overseas guild? We did not invite ruin to join us. They just came. Since they left (months ago) we have had no American night team on our server, or do you know something i don’t?
This thread is just 23 hours old:
and it reads like Deso wants to recruit some different timezone players.
And yes, someone from Elona postet the idea of a “German-united”-Server into the German-speaking forum, but if you (can) read the replies, you see that this only increased the flame-wars between German-servers. I would say this post made player transfers to Elona less likely, and not more likely
As for Deso yes as always we are looking for more wvw guilds. I know you guys enjoy walking all over us when we have the outmanned buff alot of the time, and prefer we stayed this way. But sadly it is not much fun for us being unable to get a queue going in any border including EB at any time.
If you recruit to make fighting-time more balanced. Fine.
If you recruit oversea to win with PvD, I don’t like it.
(Last week I said in the german forum: “I hope Deso stays in T2 and not Baruch, as I prefer fighting the enemies in daylight and not like to be burned down while sleeping.” )
Merry X-Mas[/quote]
I think we have been premature saying Kaz are joining Deso, not sure if this is 100% the case. But obviously as a wvw guild like ourselves they would be welcome. Anyway last time I checked Spain was part of the EU and they have the same timezone as yourselves. I have no idea how many south American players they have.
As for Pvd you telling me you have not done this the last 3 nights? If you want to compete against the likes of Viz/SF/Bt, or indeed in the top tiers you need coverage at pretty much all times. There are US/East Russian guilds on these servers and Viz has always had a large nightforce (however much they deny this).
At the end of the day we are still trying to get Deso back to what it was or close to it, it is a tough task as I am sure you have seen with our numbers this week.
Kaz Legacy is joining Deso, and no amount of faux mass reports and 62 hour bans with no explanation will stop me from getting there.
T2 night shift, expect us.
Kaz Legacy is joining Deso, and no amount of faux mass reports and 62 hour bans with no explanation will stop me from getting there.
T2 night shift, expect us.
Haha you mad because you lost too much with Baru?
Theres nothing stopping germans from going to international servers so stop complaining , we have a few germans in our guild.
You must be silly talking about Deso wanting to nightcap because thats what elona is doing at the moment, WvW is 24 hour coverage, the sooner people realise that the better.
Also try derail our recruitment as much as u want, mods are awesome =D
And no icy Kaz decide to join Deso because we weclome them and we want to make the server a better wvw server rather than pve, something elona will never do if they keep trash talking servers.
Sanctum Of Rall
(edited by Zaowi.7098)
It’s more like because you’re begging other guild to join your server.
even tho I’m from Arbor.
It’s more like because you’re begging other guild to join your server.
even tho I’m from Arbor.
There is a big difference between begging and recruiting my friend.Yes we are recruiting and we don’t deny that.We are not begging guilds to join us we never did.We are just recruiting as it is our right to do and every other servers right too!
Also KAZ asked to us if they can be welcomed in Deso , we didn’t ask them to come.We just happily give them our welcomes and thanks for recognizing us as a good server and a new home for them.
It is not a restriction for French or German people to stuck on FR/DE servers.We all know a bit good a bit bad english to communicate with each other.If you don’t like the things turning out in your server , you are more than welcome to join any EU server.
In my opinion it was Anet’s little mistake to split servers with country tags from start.
(edited by Quentin Fields.1295)
Why all the hate on desolation? we are in 3rd place, miles behind you both but still ur threatened by us. we are recruiting cos we don’t have enough people anymore, if you don’t believe me , how many deso have u seen on elona BL this whole week?
we have the same people juggling between Deso BL and Arbor BL and few dedicated guilds in EB, we don’t have people to even start the commander event at Elona, and yet we fight in T2, if you want all this mud slinging, please go to T1, they just love such fights on forums, we are here to fight hard and be respected for it, and the we show the same respect to your opponents.
“Why all the hate on desolation? we are in 3rd place, miles behind you both but still ur threatened by us. we are recruiting cos we don’t have enough people anymore, if you don’t believe me , how many deso have u seen on elona BL this whole week?”
it’s Xmas….. that’s it. you are enough but just are losing because people are celebrating without computer. lol.. Recruit from where ever you want from but just accept guilds from EU servers -.- It makes us mad how you wold also accept NA guilds…there is no point…. ask russians or what ever who is from europe
How about opening a thread where we tell NA guilds to stay away from Eu servers??
another thing…
Our big advantage is: We are a Vacation Server (?)
I think we have many pupil on our server and atm there is 2 week vacation.
Don’t underestimate this. Last time we had vacation we were in Tier 1 and were the first server who ever beat Vizunah. I think that’s all. Please continue this discussion in 2 weeks :P
Merry XMAS!!
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
What surprised me on sunday was queuing for EB for about 5-10 minutes, and when I get on there I have the outmanned buff – now I have no problem with being outnumbered when my server just doesn’t field the players, but I felt that this situation was different as the map was full. Now I know that there is a cap for the total number of players for a map, but perhaps there should also be a cap by server?
there ain’t no raidleads like drunken raidleads
probs to koralun for this awesome nightraid! =)
Some great fights over the last few days. Especially that multi-hour epic at Hills (phew!)
Thanks for to Arborstone and Elona Reach for bringing it and looking forward to more.
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
The thing is now, that we from Elona know that we have the ability to be good (and at the moment we even lead!) but, as said earlier, we have vacation here in Germany, which means more people playing at night. At the same time we know that this won’t last for long. And then we have a problem: having enough people online at night. It is frustrating to loose against an enemy that you cannot fight, because you need to sleep. Even more frustrating when you know you could beat that enemy if both of you were in the same timezone.
It is then no secret that our vacation time will end and our performance at night will suffer. It is no secret that Desolation encourages guilds from NA-Servers to help their WvW-team. And when both these things come together, and Desolation fights with Elona again it could turn out rather different than the current meeting.
European servers recruiting American guilds to help them at night seems unfair to us, because we cannot really do something in game against it. We are pretty much helpless against it.
And for all you bright people telling us to try and do the same: well who in the world would want to join a server, where everyone speaks German but you?
In the end Elona needs to accept this part of the game. To play at the top means to have strong night presence. A strong night presence is easy to get, if you have players from all over the world on your server. Having players from all over the world on your server is completely fine, because ArenaNet dos not stop it. Thus it is playing by the rules.
But try understand the situation for Elona and then you will understand why some need to flame a bit on the forums to let out their frustration (even if it is indeed not the right place for it). And do not mistake those who do flame as representatives for the whole Elonian community. We welcome everyone who joins our server and you will know it, if you can understand German!
Greetings and merry Christmas!
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them
). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
The thing is now, that we from Elona know that we have the ability to be good (and at the moment we even lead!) but, as said earlier, we have vacation here in Germany, which means more people playing at night. At the same time we know that this won’t last for long. And then we have a problem: having enough people online at night. It is frustrating to loose against an enemy that you cannot fight, because you need to sleep. Even more frustrating when you know you could beat that enemy if both of you were in the same timezone.
It is then no secret that our vacation time will end and our performance at night will suffer. It is no secret that Desolation encourages guilds from NA-Servers to help their WvW-team. And when both these things come together, and Desolation fights with Elona again it could turn out rather different than the current meeting.
European servers recruiting American guilds to help them at night seems unfair to us, because we cannot really do something in game against it. We are pretty much helpless against it.
And for all you bright people telling us to try and do the same: well who in the world would want to join a server, where everyone speaks German but you?In the end Elona needs to accept this part of the game. To play at the top means to have strong night presence. A strong night presence is easy to get, if you have players from all over the world on your server. Having players from all over the world on your server is completely fine, because ArenaNet dos not stop it. Thus it is playing by the rules.
But try understand the situation for Elona and then you will understand why some need to flame a bit on the forums to let out their frustration (even if it is indeed not the right place for it). And do not mistake those who do flame as representatives for the whole Elonian community. We welcome everyone who joins our server and you will know it, if you can understand German!Greetings and merry Christmas!
OK, so we hiring night team(which isn’t there btw) is unfair to you and u steamrolling us on your vacation time like right now is completely fair then??
Right now, Deso has 10 people on our own borderland and Elona is running with 30+ on our borderland and your server is ticking 450+ for the past 9 hours is also fair as well.
And then you flame us still. maybe for a change why dont u look from our side instead of playing the german card every time and how the universe is against your server and how you are the big victims of language servers.
(edited by salluks.6017)
People gonna hate Desolation no matter what, they’ll never discount our server history, it’s always gonna be “Bad Bad Desolation Burn In A Fire”. What about SFR? They mass recruited including NA guilds but it’s fine for them to be in T1 while Desolation has made massive efforts with the players we have to fight to stay in T2.
We don’t make excuses, we don’t complain (too much), all we do is try to fight our best with what we have. The bottom line is our WvW population is low and pulling ridiculous hours. Most maps have us outmanned or jumping BL’s to reinforce key objectives. We would love to go back to the golden days of 3 hour queues and luxury of numbers but it isn’t going to happen.
Here’s another secret for non Deso players, we are jealous and envious of the numbers practically every server we’ve fought in the last month can field, but we don’t let that stop us.
Quite frankly I don’t care what you think about us any longer, we fight and we fight hard and if that example is good enough to entice guilds from other servers to join us then we’ve done our jobs successfully.
Time and time again we’ve been beaten down, bad mouthed and discounted, yet time and time again we’ve fought our way back to make our opponents regret fighting us. Rest assured whoever we face after this holiday season will be seeing Desolation rested, bloodthirsty and stronger than ever.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them
). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
retty much helpless against it.Greetings and merry Christmas!
Nice post mate.
I’ll get back on track of the idea of the thread. You guys have been superb in tactics and numbers this week, in fact I think you would give any tier 1 server a good fight this week.
There have been alot of fun fights, especially Hills on your border last night. Awesome defence, I don’t think I have ever seen so much seige in one keep before, thankfully for once we outnumbered you, otherwise we would never of taken it.
Hope we all enjoy the rest of the match up.
Fg from desolation was there from the reset at elona half most people left after wards cause of crashes every time more than 40 people were on screen…. Did the other servers suffer the same ? Eventally most of the guilds backed out….. Couldn’t portal bomb anything 3 of us tried it at numerioous zergs just crashed everytime they loaded into the screen… If you are the group of guardians running together …. I laged through out the fight .. how did you go down against a mesmer and a thief there were 5 of u…
Wow guys, really sad what this has turned into, i’m suprised that in T2 where we usually have respectful and fun matchups this kind of flaming has begun.
It’s holiday time so numbers everywhere are going to be iffy, but for those who think Deso has some amazing WvW crew – no, we really don’t. It’s funny to read how you think we have millions of players and queues everywhere when in reality at primetime we have one queued borderland, the one where IRON is due to our larger numbers, and that’s it, maybe EB but usually not.
And really, who cares that Elona is night capping this week? it’s christmas. Obviously they feel the need to prove something – lets see them do it when the holiday is over.
Again, it’s sad that T2 is becoming as flame wars as T1 (insert server HACKED THIS insert tower/keep) when in reality you didn’t do a mesmer sweep, I do hope that even though we seem to be keeping the same matchup next week that people have more respect for each other and what people are achieving, Elona’s achievement this week has been great, and it too has been tarnished by all the negativity in this thread.
So, we lost so hard against BB? There was only a difference from 4K at thursday, then elona broke in..
two boring weeks in T3, now back to T2 and were leading. great!
ofc its because we have holidays, like everyone in the world i think.
The Fights against AB and Deso are great, its not easy to play against your servers..
I hope we stay together in T2 and arbor gets awake from their xmas sleep.
Wrex, dont forget that you´re an international server, with players all around the world, different time zones etc..
We only have our german speaking countries and those are not all on Elona. Look at the matchups there are 7! german servers..
You´re asking yourselves why so much people hate Deso, SFR, BT?
Its because of the Guilds who are transfered to your servers.
We shouldnt hate the servers, we should hate the guilds. I think every Server got a lot of Guilds who are there since the game has started, especially the language servers. But then some NA/RU Guilds came, pushed you in T1 and let you fall like a piece of crap and transfered to another server..
And against all the guys who said we were recruiting.. no we weren´t. We got two little Guilds from Kodash and Riverside, but they came cause they wanted to.
At least, i hope we have another good figths the Week its really fun, dont give up, i´ll see you on ER-BL
Have fun and happy xmas
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them
). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
The thing is now, that we from Elona know that we have the ability to be good (and at the moment we even lead!) but, as said earlier, we have vacation here in Germany, which means more people playing at night. At the same time we know that this won’t last for long. And then we have a problem: having enough people online at night. It is frustrating to loose against an enemy that you cannot fight, because you need to sleep. Even more frustrating when you know you could beat that enemy if both of you were in the same timezone.
It is then no secret that our vacation time will end and our performance at night will suffer. It is no secret that Desolation encourages guilds from NA-Servers to help their WvW-team. And when both these things come together, and Desolation fights with Elona again it could turn out rather different than the current meeting.
European servers recruiting American guilds to help them at night seems unfair to us, because we cannot really do something in game against it. We are pretty much helpless against it.
And for all you bright people telling us to try and do the same: well who in the world would want to join a server, where everyone speaks German but you?In the end Elona needs to accept this part of the game. To play at the top means to have strong night presence. A strong night presence is easy to get, if you have players from all over the world on your server. Having players from all over the world on your server is completely fine, because ArenaNet dos not stop it. Thus it is playing by the rules.
But try understand the situation for Elona and then you will understand why some need to flame a bit on the forums to let out their frustration (even if it is indeed not the right place for it). And do not mistake those who do flame as representatives for the whole Elonian community. We welcome everyone who joins our server and you will know it, if you can understand German!Greetings and merry Christmas!
OK, so we hiring night team(which isn’t there btw) is unfair to you and u steamrolling us on your vacation time like right now is completely fair then??
Right now, Deso has 10 people on our own borderland and Elona is running with 30+ on our borderland and your server is ticking 450+ for the past 9 hours is also fair as well.
And then you flame us still. maybe for a change why dont u look from our side instead of playing the german card every time and how the universe is against your server and how you are the big victims of language servers.
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.
Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)
btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
I agree and just want to add one point. I remember a discussion with a desolation player after RUIN joined desolation and you reached t1. He was proud and wrote about the effort and hard work desolation did to get there. I asked him, what exactly he meant with this. What was the effort. He answered, that “Desolation welcomed RUIN”. That was it, that was the “hard work”, he talked about.
The other servers, who won t1 (except SR, who also got american help), really had to work hard to reach this. Organizing a night- and morningcrew. (Xaoc, who didn’t play during their primetime- it was morning/evening for most of their russian players or the nightcrews from arborstone, vizunah and elona).
You also have the possibility to do this with your european players, but again, even after RUIN, you take the easy way and try to recruit overseas guilds again, knowing that a big american guild would destroy the european balance again. I haven’t seen a server with so many recruting threads here and on gw2guru like desolation. That’s why many people from french and german servers are kitten Because you are abusing the mistakes made by arenanet- free server transfers, no region lock, de/fr/es tagged servers, seperated eu and us servers.
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
How enthusiastic people can get about WvW! Shows only how much they like it I guess…
Now a brief introduction of myself: I play on Elona and I think it is easy to misunderstand why players from Elona react like they do (or I like to believe you guys misunderstand them and not that I misunderstand them
). I think that I am allowed to say that Elona at German primetime is a nasty enemy, capable of delivering some good fights. And that is how it should be! Going into a fight knowing that it will be a hard piece of work, not just steamrolling over the enemies all the time. Victory is sweeter that way and defeat not so bitter.
The thing is now, that we from Elona know that we have the ability to be good (and at the moment we even lead!) but, as said earlier, we have vacation here in Germany, which means more people playing at night. At the same time we know that this won’t last for long. And then we have a problem: having enough people online at night. It is frustrating to loose against an enemy that you cannot fight, because you need to sleep. Even more frustrating when you know you could beat that enemy if both of you were in the same timezone.
It is then no secret that our vacation time will end and our performance at night will suffer. It is no secret that Desolation encourages guilds from NA-Servers to help their WvW-team. And when both these things come together, and Desolation fights with Elona again it could turn out rather different than the current meeting.
European servers recruiting American guilds to help them at night seems unfair to us, because we cannot really do something in game against it. We are pretty much helpless against it.
And for all you bright people telling us to try and do the same: well who in the world would want to join a server, where everyone speaks German but you?In the end Elona needs to accept this part of the game. To play at the top means to have strong night presence. A strong night presence is easy to get, if you have players from all over the world on your server. Having players from all over the world on your server is completely fine, because ArenaNet dos not stop it. Thus it is playing by the rules.
But try understand the situation for Elona and then you will understand why some need to flame a bit on the forums to let out their frustration (even if it is indeed not the right place for it). And do not mistake those who do flame as representatives for the whole Elonian community. We welcome everyone who joins our server and you will know it, if you can understand German!Greetings and merry Christmas!
OK, so we hiring night team(which isn’t there btw) is unfair to you and u steamrolling us on your vacation time like right now is completely fair then??
Right now, Deso has 10 people on our own borderland and Elona is running with 30+ on our borderland and your server is ticking 450+ for the past 9 hours is also fair as well.
And then you flame us still. maybe for a change why dont u look from our side instead of playing the german card every time and how the universe is against your server and how you are the big victims of language servers.
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
Really? You are ticking +515 atm? Dude,it’s christmas and people actually spend it away from computers so this does NOT prove anything…
Hmm…around 10 people spread over all borderlands??…ofc….
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
I agree and just want to add one point. I remember a discussion with a desolation player after RUIN joined desolation and you reached t1. He was proud and wrote about the effort and hard work desolation did to get there. I asked him, what exactly he meant with this. What was the effort. He answered, that “Desolation welcomed RUIN”. That was it, that was the “hard work”, he talked about.
The other servers, who won t1 (except SR, who also got american help), really had to work hard to reach this. Organizing a night- and morningcrew. (Xaoc, who didn’t play during their primetime- it was morning/evening for most of their russian players or the nightcrews from arborstone, vizunah and elona).
You also have the possibility to do this with your european players, but again, even after RUIN, you take the easy way and try to recruit overseas guilds again, knowing that a big american guild would destroy the european balance again. I haven’t seen a server with so many recruting threads here and on gw2guru like desolation. That’s why many people from french and german servers are kitten Because you are abusing the mistakes made by arenanet- free server transfers, no region lock, de/fr/es tagged servers, seperated eu and us servers.
Destroy europe balance?…KAZ legacy was on europe servers for a while now (probably from start) and they didn’t destroy europe balance
Unbelievable. Some people still don’t understand or are just too lazy to read posts here. Of course we on Elona have much more people right now, but this will probably change again! In a normal week we have merely 10 people and this is the reason why we can’t stay in t2 usally.
And yes I have to agree to the balance issue. Every time a big guild of at least 50-100+ people go to an other server, it destroys the whole balance of many tiers. No wonder why people are frustrated when they are in t3 or t4 and have to fight against t1, t2 zergs!! When these guilds don’t come from Europe it is even worse, because the little efford on day is lost on night.
Maybe we beat you now and you are annoyed because of our manpower, but in two or three weeks it will be completely different. Let us the fun
Really? You are ticking +515 atm? Dude,it’s christmas and people actually spend it away from computers so this does NOT prove anything…
Hmm…around 10 people spread over all borderlands??…ofc….
so, ur serv is the only1 who has christmas?^^
and yeah thats our normal night-wvw-participation
i dont count holidays as “normal”
(edited by Skyllar.3562)
Really? You are ticking +515 atm? Dude,it’s christmas and people actually spend it away from computers so this does NOT prove anything…
Hmm…around 10 people spread over all borderlands??…ofc….so, ur serv is the only1 who has christmas?^^
and yeah thats our normal night-wvw-participation
i dont count holidays as “normal”
You should read what i wrote before posting… I didn’t say that we are the only server that is not playing but that it doesn’t prove how “good” you are atm
it is and i will tell you why:
nightcapping is completly fine if you do it with a eu-only crew ’cause you have to pay a certain amount of effort to play at night
NA dont have to pay that effort due to timezones.
thats why ppl are against it, because it makes all the effort somewhat pointless.
I dont mind getting nightcapped by a server due to higher night-participation, cause they worked hard to get there so they deserve to win, atleast thats my opinion.Last night was somewhat surprising, we had a 90+ raid with ~100% TS-participation, no clue where all these people came from all of the sudden, especially cuz it was like 1am^^
and no we didnt really wanted to PvD, but everytime we wanted to fight our enemys decided to port away, and yes, you still HAD people there at 1am
also, we’re still ticking +515 atm, so its not just our nightraids (4pm here)btw, totally agree with wrex here, except for the part about elonian nightcappers, normally our night-participation is ~10 ppl spread over all borderlands (numbers taken of our global WvW Ts³ Server), not including yesterday which is definetly NOT normal^^
I agree and just want to add one point. I remember a discussion with a desolation player after RUIN joined desolation and you reached t1. He was proud and wrote about the effort and hard work desolation did to get there. I asked him, what exactly he meant with this. What was the effort. He answered, that “Desolation welcomed RUIN”. That was it, that was the “hard work”, he talked about.
The other servers, who won t1 (except SR, who also got american help), really had to work hard to reach this. Organizing a night- and morningcrew. (Xaoc, who didn’t play during their primetime- it was morning/evening for most of their russian players or the nightcrews from arborstone, vizunah and elona).
You also have the possibility to do this with your european players, but again, even after RUIN, you take the easy way and try to recruit overseas guilds again, knowing that a big american guild would destroy the european balance again. I haven’t seen a server with so many recruting threads here and on gw2guru like desolation. That’s why many people from french and german servers are kitten Because you are abusing the mistakes made by arenanet- free server transfers, no region lock, de/fr/es tagged servers, seperated eu and us servers.Destroy europe balance?…KAZ legacy was on europe servers for a while now (probably from start) and they didn’t destroy europe balance
I didn’t talk about KAZ legacy. I don’t even know if they are spanish or south american. I’m absolutely fine with every european guild, which joins you. I’m talking about north american guilds like RUIN, who joined the european bracket for some easy pvdoor win. This is just pathetic in my opinion, because they have 24 own servers and if they are big enough(like RUIN was at the beginning) guilds like them destroy the european bracket balance.
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
I didn’t talk about KAZ legacy. I don’t even know if they are spanish or south american. I’m absolutely fine with every european guild, which joins you. I’m talking about north american guilds like RUIN, who joined the european bracket for some easy pvdoor win. This is just pathetic in my opinion, because they have 24 own servers and if they are big enough(like RUIN was at the beginning) guilds like them destroy the european bracket balance.
RUIN is long gone,should we really have a discussion about them? Desolation is still trying to recover from them. It was pathetic,but it’s in the past now.
Tho,you did say “even after RUIN you are trying to recruit overseas guild that will destroy europe balance”…which guild is that?
(edited by Argadem.6135)
What some people don’t understand about elona is that when there is german holiday,
elona is more likely a t1 server but with no vacation elona is a t2 server with less people especially during night.
I agree and just want to add one point. I remember a discussion with a desolation player after RUIN joined desolation and you reached t1. He was proud and wrote about the effort and hard work desolation did to get there. I asked him, what exactly he meant with this. What was the effort. He answered, that “Desolation welcomed RUIN”. That was it, that was the “hard work”, he talked about.
The other servers, who won t1 (except SR, who also got american help), really had to work hard to reach this. Organizing a night- and morningcrew. (Xaoc, who didn’t play during their primetime- it was morning/evening for most of their russian players or the nightcrews from arborstone, vizunah and elona).
You also have the possibility to do this with your european players, but again, even after RUIN, you take the easy way and try to recruit overseas guilds again, knowing that a big american guild would destroy the european balance again. I haven’t seen a server with so many recruting threads here and on gw2guru like desolation. That’s why many people from french and german servers are kitten Because you are abusing the mistakes made by arenanet- free server transfers, no region lock, de/fr/es tagged servers, seperated eu and us servers.
Still moaning about Deso and ruin? What were we supposed to do? Be angry they came? God Elona you are as bad as Viz for your moaning. The rest of us also put in alot of effort when they were with us, should we not be proud of our effort? You guys are winning this week and all you can do is flame on this thread.
Xoac I have faced many times, they always morning capped. So it’s ok if Viz, Arb or anyone else for that matter has a huge night crew as long as they are not from north america? What a load of rubbish. And for your info SF would of got to tier 1 with or without prx. They recruited well, got organised and deserved to go up.
ruin left ages ago, they took half our wvw players with them (who they had recruited). They also told everyone Iron was dispanding so a number of guilds also followed them to Blacktide. We have no north American guilds. Shall I say it again? Yes we HAVE NO NA guilds.
So stop the kitten moaning. If we get another north American guild you are welcome to start moaning again. Ofcourse there are alot of German servers, a number of countries in Europe speak german and/or have minorities who do. I can guarantee that there are far more people in Europe who’s first language is German compared to English. Should we start moaning about that?
Dont forget to have fun this Week – like our Raidleads today/yesterday..
Lead, Guitar , Sing and Singing answers at the same time ^^
Btw , nice fight at Garrison for 10mins, Iron ^^
First reaction when you noticed that you can’t handle us this week: recruiting big guilds! No wonder why people feel provocated and angry of Desolation. If you had it done after this match, noone would have said a single word.
First reaction when you noticed that you can’t handle us this week: recruiting big guilds! No wonder why people feel provocated and angry of Desolation. If you had it done after this match, noone would have said a single word.
We are trying to recruit for weeks already mate.We didn’t start to do it this week.KAZ happened to join us this week.It was their call not ours.I already told that.We didn’t call them , they asked us if we would welcome them here on Deso.We just gave them our welcomes.
You shouldn’t talk your words before knowing something for sure.
(edited by Quentin Fields.1295)
First reaction when you noticed that you can’t handle us this week: recruiting big guilds! No wonder why people feel provocated and angry of Desolation. If you had it done after this match, noone would have said a single word.
Haha! If you only took couple of minutes to check the forum,you would’ve seen that we are recruiting for weeks now…don’t flatter yourselves,lets see how we won’t be able to “handle you” when the holidays are over. If you are going to talk against a server, get your information right!
I know it, it’s not the first time we play against each other Your timing is just very bad. Recruit when the week is over or while you are winning a game otherwise it seems like a defiant, childish reaction for people.
It was just a serious hint for you guys. Actually I like to play against you (no matter if it’s holiday or not). But unfortunatelly your reputation is still getting worse and it’s sad to see it.
(edited by IKaikiasI.1932)
I know it, it’s not the first time we play against each other
Your timing is just very bad. Recruit when the week is over or while you are winning a game otherwise it seems like a defiant, childish reaction for people.
Childish reactions look like childish reactions to me.
Are you saying that we should stop recruiting when we are losing?..we recruit all the time and guilds that want to join us will transfer when they want
I know it, it’s not the first time we play against each other
Your timing is just very bad. Recruit when the week is over or while you are winning a game otherwise it seems like a defiant, childish reaction for people.
It was just a serious hint for you guys. Actually I like to play against you (no matter if it’s holiday or not). But unfortunatelly your reputation is still getting worse and it’s sad to see it.
We are recruiting coz we are losing.Why would i bother recruit when i’m winning?I need to recruit so that i won’t keep losing right?Our timing is perfect since we are losing and we need more guilds to win.
As your logic , if a server is losing they shouldn’t recruit.So if that server is on a losing streak and they are going down tier to tier , they should wait to drop down to tier9 and if they can manage to win here , they can finally recruit.
How does it sound when i tell it that way?Wrong right?It is your logic’s definition.
Your logic is simply wrong.Only “childish” reaction here is yours with your wrong logic.
(edited by Quentin Fields.1295)