Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
We are not doing anything wrong here.It’s the people’s mind that is harsh.We are playing with the rules given by ArenaNET.
We are a T2-T3 server right now but why would we accept that as “enough”?We want to be better.We want to see our server in a better position.
We have our rights to recruit as every other server.Don’t start with FR DE servers can’t recruti stuff pls.They both have 6-7 of their own servers.They can just unite them under 2-3 servers and be on a better place.
We didn’t recruit RUIN you got a wrong idea here.RUIN hopped Deso pushed it to a tier it wasn’t ready for then left by stealing half of our WvW players.Do you think we are happy what RUIN did to us?They put us in to a worse momentum than we had before.
Now we are trying to recover from RUINwounds and recruit some decent not winhopper but WvW lover guilds to achiev that.
Desolation’s core guilds never left.Even if it were in it’s the worst moment.They were here from start.
This is a war between servers as Anet mentioned.Making allies , recruiting forces , trying to be better..Those things are part of it.
We are not the ones who needs to get over with this things.
But do you gain more than a second RUINous disaster with recruiting?
Do you think server-hopper join a loosing team, or stay if you continue loosing with them?
Your server, not mine, so you have to answer these questions for yourself and not to me in the forum.Recruiting pushed you in a region your server back on its own is loosing.
You could learn from that experience and train and motivate your PvE
people instead. Or you can accept to find your place in the ladder and have
balanced fights there. Or if you think winning is everything you can turn into NA-hoppers yourself.
What the hell are you talking about?
Server transfering is a normal thing,most of the guilds on all different servers have done it! You don’t have a problem with server transfering,you have a problem with Desolation….
i’m freaking tired of people like you…recruiting is normal,you do it because you want to help your server get better.
Motivate PvE players? You can’t motivate them…they don’t like WvW,they won’t play it…that’s why they are called PvE players….
(edited by Argadem.6135)
But do you gain more than a second RUINous disaster with recruiting?
Do you think server-hopper join a loosing team, or stay if you continue loosing with them?
Your server, not mine, so you have to answer these questions for yourself and not to me in the forum.Recruiting pushed you in a region your server back on its own is loosing.
You could learn from that experience and train and motivate your PvE
people instead. Or you can accept to find your place in the ladder and have
balanced fights there. Or if you think winning is everything you can turn into NA-hoppers yourself.What the hell are you talking about?
Server transfering is a normal thing,most of the guilds on all different servers have done it! You don’t have a problem with server transfering,you have a problem with Desolation….
i’m freaking tired of people like you…recruiting is normal,you do it because you want to help your server get better.
Motivate PvE players? You can’t motivate them…they don’t like WvW,they won’t play it…that’s why they are called PvE players….
You can motivate PvE Players, the most are afraid cause they dont know what to do and how to act in specific situations!
What do you think are we doing all the time?
And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.
And even if we unite them, dont forget about the Timezone..
Morning – 20-30
Primetime 2000
Evening/Night 20-30 .
This is how it would look when the Servers unite..
Our Hope is that offtime-players from other, smaller german Servers switch to us to push our Night/Morning-Crew.
I understand what you mean Syrae.
But you still have an option to transfer for an EU server if DE servers are not able to power up for 24 hours schedules and that’s causing you some problems.
I think yesterday i told that but i will go for it again.It was Anet’s little mistake to split up servers with country tags on them on EU bracket.They didn’t split them on NA bracket like Canada – NA West – NA East and such so they shouldn’t have done it on EU too…
And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.
Yeah, yeah, OK, I get it. German and French servers have old rivalries and can’t unite.
But you are wrong to think that on EU servers it’s all roses. Have you ever tried to be on a teamspeak where everyone has his own idea of “English” from Scottish English to Italian English to Russian English? Being all German or all French has some significant advantages too, but you don’t see us constatly kittening about them. Deso has been a top server from the very beginning, the core guilds never left only got stronger, and we play honorably, which sadly cannot be said for Arborstone.
Reads like you did not got the point in German, French and Spanish Servers!
People choose them because of the language spoken in TS and written in chat.
They want to use their own language and not English.
And you think all other 40 nations in Europe don’t? No Russian servers (really, ANet?). No Italian servers. No Polish servers. No dozens of other servers. You guys have your own servers, fail to organize because of “hate”, and then come here raging against Desolation because we build bridges instead of burning them.
Reads like you did not got the point in German, French and Spanish Servers!
People choose them because of the language spoken in TS and written in chat.
They want to use their own language and not English.Concerning ANet as far as i know their plan was to charge diamonds for server transfers.
A failure is that this isn’t in place so far, as all these transfers do mostly two things they destabilize single servers as well as the WvW-ranking. Which wasn’t build to determine the top-server, but to setup balanced matches.
Actually by telling this which is you have a server that you can use only your own language while we have 40+ plus nation which are have to use English even it is not their own language , you are showing us that you are in a better position than us.
Sorry but it’s your own fault if you can manage to be in a conflict with your own nation’s players from any other your nation’s server.
Nobody forces you to play in your nation’s server either.Get yourself together and transfer to an EU server.Use English like every other “not English speaking nation” if you don’t wanna be bothered with the problems you are mentioning coz of playing in a DE/FR server.
OK, so we hiring night team(which isn’t there btw) is unfair to you and u steamrolling us on your vacation time like right now is completely fair then??
Right now, Deso has 10 people on our own borderland and Elona is running with 30+ on our borderland and your server is ticking 450+ for the past 9 hours is also fair as well.
And then you flame us still. maybe for a change why dont u look from our side instead of playing the german card every time and how the universe is against your server and how you are the big victims of language servers.
Jesus you misunderstood my post completly. Let me clear it up: I think you have EVERY RIGHT to recruit anyone from anywhere, I don’t care, do what’s best for your server as long as it is allowed by ArenaNet.
The universe seems to be in our favor at this time and I really enjoy it after some weeks of lows. And I hope it will be in our favor for a bit more, so that we can hold ourselves in T2.
Now my statement was more a general one, not really applying to the situation right now. I was playing up to 2:30 am local time right now and our attempt of making everything blue is looking good. Conclusion right now, for whatever reason, we have a massive coordinated zerg day and night. And you don’t. That of course makes it a bit odd, for every Elonian player to complain about Deso trying to beef up their nightly raids/teams whatever. And don’t tell me this guild from baruch, (was it?) did not transfer allready, I got to shoot some of them about 20 minutes ago. But as said earlier it is perfectly fine for them to join you.
Now the point of my previous post was, that german servers are not that appealing to non german speakers. The international Servers can be much more appealing to people from all over the world. Now if your server is more or less stuck in one timezone (and the other german servers too, so all you fancy-dancy-just-join-all-the-germans together people should keep a bit more quiet, you would just make the ques longer at prime time for us) and is playing against a server that is a european server which wins via american guilds at night, that can be frustrating. Not saying that this is the situation right now with Desolation, and that a situation like that is in terms of the game unfair. And I do not want to say that with an international server all problems would go and that success would come without hard work.
I hope I made myself clear. No hate from my side for Desolation. Up until now you guys rock as an enemy, because you are a challenge! (As is Arborstone)
Guess it’s Elona’s way of saying Merry Christmas!
Oh well… You win some, you lose some. At least I managed to take down one of your gazillion golems.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
OMG finnaly we made it! 100% of the map!!
Finally our try to recruit guilds from Mallorca, Rügen and our colony in Namibia has been paid off!
Merry Xmas
Tomorrow everything should end and I think there is no more point to say "we are losing because all are celebrating and it’s Xmas "
I’m sure you will kick our kitten next matchup out of the Tier2. ^^
Just let us have our fun and don’t take the forum too serious XP
We have kinda deserved a win. It was hard to get up again as a national server!
please stop the hate. MOAR LUUUUV WE NEED
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Well, it’s getting close to 4am in the UK, and I’ve been on EB for too many hours and our num bers are so low we cannot even start the npc commander quest any more:(
But at one point when I was laying in Mendons an hour or two ago after having a huge zerg roll in to take it from us again I started looking at the guild names of the ER players stood around waiting in the lords room. Three as you would expect were written in German, one was written in French and at least another 7 were clearly written in English. Now I’m sure one of the previous posts siad than they didn’t have any non-german players on the server – so why are german players on a german language server be writing guild names in english? It just puzzled me, but then I’m really tired, so easily puzzled at this time in the morning.
there are many english words in our language or at least they sound very simliar and sometimes the german language doesn’t sound that good like in english ^^
I could ask you the same… why are there words like kindergarden in your language? it’s a german word. English is partially just a very cool language for young people. That’s it.
Why do people give them selves latina words? it’s a dead language. same thing :P
Don’t worry…we are 99.8% german and the rest is from austria and switzerland.
Btw who is the guild with a french name? Just curious Oo
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.
Yeah, yeah, OK, I get it. German and French servers have old rivalries and can’t unite.
But you are wrong to think that on EU servers it’s all roses. Have you ever tried to be on a teamspeak where everyone has his own idea of “English” from Scottish English to Italian English to Russian English? Being all German or all French has some significant advantages too, but you don’t see us constatly kittening about them. Deso has been a top server from the very beginning, the core guilds never left only got stronger, and we play honorably, which sadly cannot be said for Arborstone.
I think it must be funny – just like the austrian or swiss german , dont forget about “bayrish, sächsisch,schwäbisch”
Deso, Arbor, get up ! We want fights! And we dont want to play against Viz and Sfr.
And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.
Yeah, yeah, OK, I get it. German and French servers have old rivalries and can’t unite.
But you are wrong to think that on EU servers it’s all roses. Have you ever tried to be on a teamspeak where everyone has his own idea of “English” from Scottish English to Italian English to Russian English? Being all German or all French has some significant advantages too, but you don’t see us constatly kittening about them. Deso has been a top server from the very beginning, the core guilds never left only got stronger, and we play honorably, which sadly cannot be said for Arborstone.
In fact server transfer as just lower the strenght of arborstone, lot of bandwagoner left for vizunah each time we drop to D2.
lol @ you play honorably unlike arborstone, you have cheater on your side too. since last week we saw many speedhacker on your server and people jumping into close tower, we just don’t post all of them on the forum we only report them but stop think only people on arborstone are cheating, they are on every server.
Arborstone is low now cos most people left to vs last week to defend against sfr , this is why vs is comfortably leading tier 1, expect them to come back to
arborstone tomorow/friday and wipe deso off the 2nd place.
OH LORD shoot arrow in my knee, Deso is recruiting and not playing hide and seek with blind kids!! Recruiting of all the things! What a sin! Because everyone knows recruiting is truly EVIL! Blasphemy!!1!
No but to be serious we are recruiting, want it or not. What are you guys going to do about it? Send more forum warriors with silly flames that eventually will just get this topic locked? Do you truly think that will stop us? Servers must do what they can to survive: you managed to encourage the pvers to join and it worked awesomely for you. Well done! Seriously, good job because it’s really hard to get people out of their comfortzone. But the thing is, we failed there, we can’t get our pvers to join and since e-bay doesn’t have an option for ordering zergs, we need to get our bloodthirsty people from elsewhere. If we recruit another Ruin-like guild that ends up destroying us and makes us fall even deeper in the tiers, it’s our problem and not yours. Just enjoy your victory while you can and stop making such a fool out of yourself here.
Was looking at the screenie and sadfaced when I saw the score, then I noticed you got killed by our very own superawesometastic killing machine Shion. You got judged, good sir! :>
Gosh ER have been busy. My friend from Cologne always joked that German’s don’t bother with Christmas. I’m starting to see that maybe she was telling the truth XD
Anyway, hope everyone’s having a nice Christmas!
noooo, you screen’d my chattroll =)
btw, just to clarify, since the transfer-topic got so big in this thread now, NO ppl don’t complain about recruiting big guilds, thats completly fine, they just don’t want to see another big NA guild joining EU-Ladder again.
And maybe even ppl on Deso dont want them, just think about it, why would NA’s transfer away from all the good fights they could have on their servers to PvD on EU servers? These guys will only stay as long as you’re winning. You already had this, dont do the same mistake again. But well, you guys have to know whats best for your server, i dont really care as long as i can get some good fights =)
And no, theres no hate for Deso as a server, actually we like to play against you, even when holidays are over, because you’re a challenging opponent, but atleast we dont get completly stomped ^.^
Already had so much fun this week, got an epic singing raidlead yesterday, and its good to see elona getting back to old strength lately, altough i guess its not for long.
So far, greetings from Âegis, your friendly nightzerg from Elona Reach =)
(edited by Skyllar.3562)
Arborstone is low now cos most people left to vs last week to defend against sfr , this is why vs is comfortably leading tier 1, expect them to come back to
arborstone tomorow/friday and wipe deso off the 2nd place.
AS guilds moving to VS !!!! OMG !!! i must post this on our french forums ….
u really really really need to know what u’r talking about, between VS and AS …. they (AS) even bet 10 g that we will be in D2 before 2013 !
~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]
(edited by MoonSpell.4512)
Omg,do people stil not understand? KAZ legacy has been on EU ladders for a long time! They did not destroy some balance,i’m pretty sure they don’t have the number of RUIN so what is the problem?
They didn’t transfer from NA ladders to EU…they simply transfered from EU server to another EU server….and this is their first transfer
And you all act like we are begging NA servers to come to Desolation,but we are simply recruiting…any guilds…who ever said that we are trying to get massive NA force? Then we would just be pushed to T1 and we all know what happened next…no Desolation player wants that so stop this whining on forums
(edited by Argadem.6135)
Guess it’s Elona’s way of saying Merry Christmas!
Oh well… You win some, you lose some. At least I managed to take down one of your gazillion golems.
Was that in the central keep on, uhm… deso BL i guess? (switched too much, not sure anymore^^) If yes, screw you, you just murdered my poor golem!
Yep, this night our golemtrolls striked again, you tell them to place 2, you get 17, np. =)
Some ppl have too much money i guess^^
(edited by Skyllar.3562)
Arborstone is low now cos most people left to vs last week to defend against sfr , this is why vs is comfortably leading tier 1…
Yeah, sure.
Frohe Weihnachten Elona and Merry Christmas Deso.
All you people taking the match-up over Christmas this seriously -_-.
Although the forums have been fun to read while munching on mince pies. Keep it up
Snappless / Osii
So all in all, what you’re saying is that it’s ok for people to transfer servers as long as they transfer FROM desolation to other servers. But that it’s wrong, bad and eeeeebul if they transfer TO desolation? Seriously, get real.
We lost half our wvw players thanks to stuff over the last several weeks. Are we not allowed to rebuild our server to be able to compete once more?
You should be HAPPY for us. And happy for you since this means you’ll get a fight again and not just pvdoor until you have 100% map domination and you sit there all night spawn camping what 5 random players.
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
So all in all, what you’re saying is that it’s ok for people to transfer servers as long as they transfer FROM desolation to other servers. But that it’s wrong, bad and eeeeebul if they transfer TO desolation? Seriously, get real.
Don’t be so Deso-zentric. I and most other posters don’t like the sentence:
We’re a popular English-speaking server and looking for WvW guilds from all time zones and servers to transfer to join us.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Desolation-Recruitment-A-Tier-2-Server/1072255Change the “from all time zones and servers” to “EU-Servers” and we can stop discussion in the forum.
First off, there’s 4 time zones in EU. Secondly, we have no american guilds so stop whining about that. Thirdly, people outside of EU has the same right as anyone else to play on the EU servers. To say otherwise is xenophobic. When I played Everquest 2, I played on an american server because I played at night and wanted to raid. If I wouldn’t have been allowed onto an american server I wouldn’t have gotten to raid at all and just gotten to play boring solo pve.
No what it all comes down to, and you can deny this all you want, we still know it’s true, you whine because you don’t want us to do anything that will threaten your night capping. You want to have it easy, without competition. And now when you see something that might threaten that you yell, cry and moan about it. THAT is the reason for your whining. THAT is the reason you’re all crying over a part of a sentence in a recruitment post. THAT is the reason. Nothing else.
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
Wolbryne u know what the diference is if u get a US guild or a Eu guild. The one actually needs to sacrifice something to play at night, for the other one it doesnt rly matter because its daytime for them. Its not fair for any Server who doesnt have such US guilds. And it will probably just happen the same thing as it did till now when u recruit a US guild, it causes an imbalance in the tier because a guild from an other ranking came and after some weakes the guild leaves because they lost in t1. WE(atleast the most of us) dont care if u recruit EU guilds from any timezones because its a Eu ranking with an EU server. No problem but if u want to recruit US guilds, then deal with it that u are hated because u negate all the hard work an EU server/ german server/whatever server does without US guilds.
Now have fun and I hope we will have some good fights till the end of the week.
Here I was enjoying the harmony and company of my family at christmas, but wait what is that delicious taste? cookies? cake? but wait NO! The taste of superb golden tears, flowing from your cheeks like the streams to the oceans of this world. Even though I really do hate the phrase “It’s only a game”, you have taken this way to far once again in the forums. Every single one of you has to deal with reality at the end of the day, this is also applying to the game. I know it’s wrong to try and remind you that writing all this crap here doesn’t change reality but for kittens sake guys really? I mean really? “nternet here I troll” is a phrase for emotionally crippled kids, and the whole lot of ya sure ain’t that kind of people. So Just stop and play the game, please.
Sadly as an English speaking server and with less first language English speakers than the French and Germans in Europe we have had to broaden our horizons on recruitment. Today I have directed our recruitment guru’s to look further abroad and directly approach guilds from English speaking countries such as Australia, US, Canada, India and whereever else we can find English speakers.
In fact we are offering cash rewards to these guilds to join our understrength server, as we have been taken over by a Russian Oligarch and he is determined to get us back to tier 1 and knock Elona down a peg. Because in his words..
“These Elona are worse than Viz for perfetic moaning about anything and everything. Amazing as I never thought I’d see the day where Germans moaned more than the French”
I would like to chat further but we got some recruitment to do.
This is a war between servers as Anet mentioned.Making allies , recruiting forces , trying to be better..Those things are part of it.
No but to be serious we are recruiting, want it or not. What are you guys going to do about it?
I think both quotes are from Deso, aren’t they? So nothing is wrong for you with the following alliance proposal I guess:
I would propose that the other 2 server in your tier ally against you on the battlefield (as soon as you succeeded to recruit NA-night-support) till the fresh recruits notice that they made a mistake in their attempt to WTJ you and look for a better place to win.French and German may not understand each other very well, but now we have a tradition of 50years friendship and we share the same problem (and advantage) we are bound to 99% GMT-1 players.
And this is not a meant as proposal to crush Deso, it is meant as a defensive proposal to keep EU-WvW free from masses of other timezone PvDlers.
if the things keep going that way, you will be able to do that against PRX our new American friends on SFR.
merry christmas Elona from VS . and see you soon in T1
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
there are many english words in our language or at least they sound very simliar and sometimes the german language doesn’t sound that good like in english ^^
I could ask you the same… why are there words like kindergarden in your language? it’s a german word. English is partially just a very cool language for young people. That’s it.
Why do people give them selves latina words? it’s a dead language. same thing :PDon’t worry…we are 99.8% german and the rest is from austria and switzerland.
Btw who is the guild with a french name? Just curious Oo
My memory is a little hazy, but I think the french sounding name was “Le Petit” something, i’m sure there was another word after that, but can’t remember it.
Also as far as “kindergarden” is concerned I belive that you are confusing English (as spoken in England) with the version of English used in the USA, which you will find has a large number of differences. As I am from the UK, I use English rather than American English (American English has numerous spelling differences from English and a lot of words “borrowed” from other langauges).
The reason I said that they were English guild names is that they contained words such as “The”, “of”, “and”.
There are lot of bandwagoners who left AS for VS, but there are also some people from vizunah who came on AS (individually, no guild) and that’s the best of them. That’s those who like to roam and are bored to only fight against those who only fight in a big zerg of the whole players of the map. I know that Elona play like VS, if not better than them as a group and also have close to no one who roam, so they have to deal with it for this week, but next week it will be different.
Thx to the 4 Nucleus immortal (or something like that) for the duel, it was fun and also all the other from both elona and deso like them.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
Wolbryne u know what the diference is if u get a US guild or a Eu guild. The one actually needs to sacrifice something to play at night, for the other one it doesnt rly matter because its daytime for them. Its not fair for any Server who doesnt have such US guilds. And it will probably just happen the same thing as it did till now when u recruit a US guild, it causes an imbalance in the tier because a guild from an other ranking came and after some weakes the guild leaves because they lost in t1. WE(atleast the most of us) dont care if u recruit EU guilds from any timezones because its a Eu ranking with an EU server. No problem but if u want to recruit US guilds, then deal with it that u are hated because u negate all the hard work an EU server/ german server/whatever server does without US guilds.
Now have fun and I hope we will have some good fights till the end of the week.
you DO realize that our current night force is the same people who play during prime time right? We work, attend university etc and then come home, juggle our family and gw2. we play during prime time and after that we continue playing long into the night, sleep 2.5-3 hours a night then up to work/school again.
Do you have ANY idea AT ALL about the toll that takes on our social lives/families/job/school etc? We CAN’T muster a pure night force without looking for it elsewhere.
Just because you have the luxury of having an enormous wvw player base doesn’t mean we do. Different servers have different options available to them.
You guys all run huge night time zergs. aren’t we entitled to doing the same, or is that just something that’s reserved for you? Us getting a night time guild wouldn’t mess up any kind of balance, it would simply make us able to compete with you during those hours. And don’t gimme that kitten about you not having many players at night. day in and day out we encounter your 30-50+ people nightly zergs in any borderland or EB. We can hop BL and there’s another huge zerg facing us there. We’ve seen them. We’ve fought them. You can’t deny their existence.
So I ask you why should you be the only ones allowed to have 24/7 coverage? It’s not fair unless YOU have the upper hand? It’s not fair if it’s an even fight?
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
Blacktide ticking at 35 right now oO. gogo Elona !
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
Wolbryne u think we dont have the same problems. U remember the last weeks we were in t2? Did we in any way dominate the night in the last week? No and we probably wont do it after the holidays. Believe me we have the same problems u have(work,…) and the only reason we are more atm is that we have holidays.
And can u pls first read what i wrote before u answer? I have no problem if its an EU guild that does the night crew(Kaz for example) because they need to put effort in it to hold something like that up. I never said u are not allowed to recruit a night time guild or whatever and i dont even care if u do but accept it that u destroy the effort other players put on for their nightcrew without US help and accept that u will not be liked by others because of it.
Can we now pls change the theme? Its about our matchup and not ur recruiting.
Good fights during the days and during the night we overrun u. We have a pretty big motivation atm and we will see how long we can keep going on like that hope it lasts some weeks after the holidays.
Looks like Elona joins T1 next week…
3. Elona Reach – 1 914.102
4. Blacktide – 1 914.063
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!
i hope Elona goes to Tier 1 and gets stomped badly by SFR, atleast then you will appreciate Desolation and stop your Whining!
Your server is the only one who’s whining, so stop this useless posts.
Also we got used to lose against SFR. But we had great fights with them.
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!
Your server is the only one who’s whining, so stop this useless posts.
Pardon me?Hahaha , are we the only one whining?I recommend you to read every single post that you guys whined about Deso and Deso’s recruits.Just read every single post under this topic and you will see who is the whiner and flamer.
@ Icy ; thank you for showing your true personality.
Just spent a very enjoyable week with family, and have come back and read this whole thread! Get some Christmas cheer in here. Some very tempered and stressed posts, stop the hating. Goodwill for all mankind init.
As i said before stop thinking you don’t have exploiters on Desolation you have some too like AA guild caught multiple time flyhacking tower.
I loved the encounter just moments ago on Deso borderlands where we fought Elona in Arah’s Hope and just as we started to retreat because they outnumber us Arbor came in and we fought Elona on our hill on one side and Arbor on the opposite hillside, essentially sandwiching Elona on the pathway beneath us raining AOE down on them. Love these kind of three-way fights that I’ve seen a lot of this week (Even when we are the unfortunate side)!
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Shout out to NEM from Elona and I’m not sure about the Arbor group’s name anymore, Hit and Run? Crash and run? RnD? Anywho, you guys are brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Had lots of fun battling over Ogre camp in EB and I truly enjoyed every minute. Thanks guys ’n gals.
There we were, a group of us from different servers just hanging around, chilling out and dancing in the Jump Puzzle enjoying a mutual “silent” truce, when a group from Arborstone saw us having fun and decided they didn’t like that, I invited them to join in using emotes and they still didn’t like it and decided to attack – now seriously you could see we weren’t there to stop you doing the JP or to fight you so why do it? If you don’t want to join in, there is no reason to spoil it for everyone else.
Because it’s a pvp area?
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
omg…sunny hill in arborstone is so buggy -.- hope you guys from Arborstone understand that is just an accident and i don’t get banned for it =S
BTW great fight on Arborstone BL with MM and…sry I can’t remember – it’s late :P
and what the hack?! there have been great fights and after we captured your keep on arborstone you dissapeared… we were not much more than you so i was pretty upset you guys switched the bl =/
something happened on eternals? because on the other bl you ahve nothing…
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
(edited by suprNovae.5410)
It’s easy, it’s called holidays.
If your server rely mostly on guilds to do the numbers, like Bt or As, you lose because most of these guys are taking a family/party break.
Not mentioning the fact that the more you lose, the less casual players come in WvW.
And you can see the contrary on servers like Vs or Elona where holidays usually means less guild fighters too but more players overall.
Or do you think As players transferred to Elona too ?
I’ve another speculation
In fact not only AS is weaker this week, all french servers beside VS seem to play weaker this week than last week.Assume there are 100-200 very enthusiastic WvW fans in France, that have 2 GW2-accounts. If you have 2 accounts where would you home them? Both on the same server? Very unlikely. You would place most likely 1 account on the top-server, i.e. VS and 1 on any of the other servers.
But as said in the beginning this is, just a speculation.
In fact beside these 100-200 players, no one knows about it. And even they only know about themselves and not about the others..
A secret organisation hidden in the shadows secretly working to keep Vs at the top ?
The truth is out there.
(edited by Vroum.2906)
Wow, u really expect people to believe that??
There we were, a group of us from different servers just hanging around, chilling out and dancing in the Jump Puzzle enjoying a mutual “silent” truce, when a group from Arborstone saw us having fun and decided they didn’t like that, I invited them to join in using emotes and they still didn’t like it and decided to attack – now seriously you could see we weren’t there to stop you doing the JP or to fight you so why do it? If you don’t want to join in, there is no reason to spoil it for everyone else.
Haha, for once I find myself liking Arborstone.
And everyone knows Arb/Viz players jump between the two servers on a regular basis. Obviously the christmas miracle of numbers Elona have brought to the table this week, is just that, a miracle. Oh and god forbid if they got competition for their late night pvd antics, be interesting to see who’s night team, Viz or Elona’s comes out top next week.
Funny how the two servers who benefit most from nightcapping are the most vociferous against NA guilds.
(edited by Offski.4897)
Like i already said : Once against there is no move btw AS and VS..
Our 2 serv are.. well, not in a truly friendship relation.. ( after the epic fail of our alliance, all the treachery stuff and daoc rivalry… )
AS is now in “idle” mode if you want, this situation don’t change until the 4/5 January.
Most of our guild like LNM, MoS, Opt, Fureur etc… are at rest etc.
So i hope next week Elona make a good stuff in D1
For all the “recruiting drama”.. well.. all serv make it, some don’t post this in public.., but AS recruiting some guild on Augury Rock, VS some on Fort Ranik, etc it’s the same for all serv, so i don’t understand the drama with Deso :/
For the NA guild… well it’s a EU ladder, not NA ladder, it’s all
Jade Quarry